~The Swamp, The Dragoness, and The Prey~

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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Hey there guys~

I've always been the biggest fan of vore, and I've been meaning to write a vore story for a while now to show that. This has some mild digestion at the end, but other than that it's pretty much soft vore. No scat or anything.

I really enjoyed making this, so I hope ya'll enjoy! Leave a comment or like to let me know what you thought, and I can't wait to hear the feedback!

P.S. I didn't put any line in the story talking about when the sexual stuff happens. I think all the context matters for the story to work, so I hope you enjoy it~

The melodic thrum of crickets brushed against the black dragon's ear, awakening him with a blink of his tired eyes. The dragon opened his maw wide, and with a big yawn, blinked his eyes a few more times, and relaxed his ears to the tranquil sound of the entrancing swamp.

It took him a moment to fully regain consciousness, and when he did, he looked up and around at his surroundings, still lying down, surprised at the swamp he was in. Many crickets were trilling in the soft nighttime air, and the sound of a distant stream reached his ears, calming his nerves for a moment. He could even hear the nearby croaks of a frog, perhaps near the lake at the edge of his vision.

As he began to awake again fully though, he started to wonder to himself, 'Wait... Where... Where am I?' He paused for a moment, trying to think of how he ended up here. It wasn't only a few moments after that he realized that he had absolutely no idea how he had gotten here. The last thing he remembered was falling to sleep next to his mate in their cave, and now... Here he was, in the middle of nowhere.

He felt his head begin to pound, cringing at the headache and lifted a paw to cup his head.

But his paw didn't move.

His eyes immediately shot down to his paw, curious as to why it wasn't responding and was met with a sight that he had never imagined seeing.

Both his front and back paws were tied together each with their own long strand of thick rope, leaving him immovable and vulnerable on his side. With a shout and a wild look in his eyes he growled, pulled and turned his paws between the confines, but this only resulted in a painful rope burn on the ankles of his forepaws, making him grit his teeth and whimper in pain.

After trying this for a moment more, he let out a defeated sigh, rolling his eyes in more annoyance than anything at being stuck like this out in the open. He then shouted out, assuming his mate was playing a trick on him or something, "This is veeeeeerrry funny Scafen, but you can come out now. And also, you made the constraints like way too tight!" He gritted his teeth for a moment, wriggling against the ropes.

"Maybe that's how I wanted them to be.~"

His eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice, and with a shift of his head, he realized it was a dark green dragoness who had spoken. She was standing in front of him, about the same size as him, with her forest green eyes staring back down at him under the dim moonlight. His eyes shifted to the brown markings along her body covering her sides, shoulders, and neck like vines layering over one another in an entrancing pattern. Her wings were torn at parts, and it was then that he noticed a scar along her right shoulder, a long claw mark stretching across it. Her tail swayed confidently behind her, and it was only then that he heard her speak again. "Seems like you're admiring my body, are you little one?"

"What? Oh, um..." He instantly felt his cheeks warm at her teasing, and he chuckled a bit, looking himself over again at the state he was in. "I'm sorry, I just... Hadn't expected to see a beautiful dragoness like yourself in this swamp. Not to mention the um... Predicament I'm in."

"What is your name?" She asked, blinking at him flirtatiously, to which he let out a huff, not sure how to feel.

"Um, the names Derek."He then paused for a moment, thinking about her words once more before responding, realizing she was tilting her head with a smile as if she knew Derek would guess it eventually. "Wait, did you say that you tied me down? Why would yo-"

"Let's just say I was wandering around and found an attractive looking dragon all alone in his cave. I was bored after all. I'd been hunting for a piece of juicy prey the whole entire night, and I almost gave up. But then I found you..." She slowly walked up in front of him and leaned down, her eyes locked onto Derek's in a deep glare as she licked her lips once with a sway of her feminine tail. "And I think you'll taste wonderful.~"

He then froze, staring into her eyes as she licked her lips, making him shiver. Then with a gulp, he asked her, trying to calm his shocked breaths. "You... You what? You're joking."

"Hehe... No, I do think you'll taste quite delicious. I always loved the taste that only males could provide me... The way they struggle as they vainly try to fight back..." Without waiting for another word, Derek instantly struggled and fought against the ropes, pushing and pulling each way to try and break free, realizing that she was serious about this. He had always had fantasies about being eaten, but he never imagined that someone could actually do that to him, for heavens a dragon like himself eating another dragon!

She slowly began to circle him, her eyes locking onto Derek's body and using one of her forepaws to lift his tail as she reached his rear. He then instantly froze as he felt her hot tongue push under the base of his tail and lick between his balls, slowly trailing up to kiss and lick across Derek's tight ass once before pulling away. "How their musky cocks drip as they slooooowly slide up onto my tongue, spilling their seed in my maw and down my throat, only making it easier for them to fall down my throat into my stomach, where I will digest them like the prey they are."

He widened his eyes as he let out a soft moan, feeling her slick tongue up against his nether regions, and then shut his mouth tightly, refusing to give her any sense of enjoyment. She noticed this though, and slowly moved up to his face, "Oh! Are you enjoying this? The thought of being devoured by an attractive female dragon?"

"No! I-"

"You don't have to lie to me, darling. The last thing I want is for you to try and fight your fate. Every male before you eventually gives in, begging for me to swallow them whole, and trusssssst me..." She then leaned down and without any warning latched a tight leather strap around Derek's muzzle, tying it shut. "once you give in, you'll enjoy it a whole lot more... Maybe you'll even cum in arousal.~"

He growled back at her, and then whimpered a moment after, watching as she lowered her maw down to his eyes, chuckling to herself. Derek tried to open his mouth but it did no good. His teeth felt like they were grinding way too tightly against one another from the tight strap she put around him, but that worry went away instantly from the next thing she did. "My name, by the way, is Flora. Now, I'm hungry and I'm not waiting for my meal to submit to me. All dragons succumb eventually."

Derek then gasped as the markings along her body began to emit a faint green glow, and within moments long tendrils of vines grew from her sides, growing longer and longer reaching for his body. He tried one last time to wiggle and perhaps roll away to evade her for as long as he could, but the vines quickly wrapped around his body. They looped around his chest and legs, tightly twining him in their grasps leaving him completely defenseless and helpless to this dragoness's will.

He whimpered once more, fear lighting his eyes as the realization set in that there was nothing he could do. Despite the struggles he was still here, stuck in her grasps as she licked her lips and brought his tied muzzle inches away from her, feeling her hot draconic breath waft over his face as she slowly opened it. She let out a small moan, and he struggled as he heard her belly growl hungrily.

"Mmm... Looks like my stomach is just begging to be filled so it can digest another living meal. You're going to keep me full for days..." As he continued to vainly struggle, not accepting defeat, she laughed at him, using her claw to play with his chin, moving her muzzle to his ear as she whispered, "If you choose to struggle, it will do you no good. Accept it. You are going to become a dragoness's dinner, swallowed alive where you'll slide down my throat and be digested. If you cooperate I might even give that sexy little dripping shaft of yours some attention."

Derek then blushed as he realized his own rod was dripping despite his struggles, fully hard and extended out into the night air, the curls of vines around his body leaving his cock and balls free to hang in the air. He could even feel the enjoyment and excitement in the back of his mind, threatening to take over his thoughts, always dreaming of this moment. But the sensible side still fought harder, trying to ignore her words.

Flora then growled at him, watching as he glared back at her. "Fine then. Have it your way. I always enjoyed forcing my prey down my throat anyway, feeling them struggle.~" She then finally opened her maw wide, long strands of saliva connecting her maw together as she opened it, exposing her red tongue and gums, her sharp teeth mere inches from his body. Her maw looked wet and hot, and her breath was vile and smelled of meat. He felt his cock between his legs let out a glob of pre onto the ground, and he couldn't help but moan, whimpering in fear.

"Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on biting into you. I prefer keeping you alive and whole as I swallow you. Enjoy this.~" She then used her vines to angle him forwards, and with a huge gape of her maw, she pushed Derek's muzzle inside hers, feeling Flora's saliva instantly coat his face as his vision was soon overtaken by her maw. He could feel her teeth graze along his chin as she forced him inside her, and her tongue slowly slathered his cheeks, getting a good long taste of him. He then widened his eyes as he heard her voice echo inside his head. 'Mmm... you taste even better than the male I had earlier this week. He was thin and didn't have much meat on his bones, but you... You're a full warm meal for my hungry stomach to devour."

One of her vines then trailed back to Derek's hindside and pressed firmly up against his ass. It didn't even give him a moment to breathe as it forcefully shoved its way deep inside his tail hole, making him let out a muffled yelp from within her maw. She chuckled and used that vine as a leverage to push him further into her maw, bringing him closer and closer to be swallowed with each rhythmic fuck into his ass. His cock continued to dribble below him, and he would let out moans as her vine would rub up against his prostate.

She then spoke again, pushing his muzzle up against her throat before opening it, swallowing his tied maw and pressing Derek's eyes against the opening to her throat. "There you go... Look at you, not even wiggling already! It's almost like you want this. Like you want a female to claim you as her meal, is that right?" He moaned at this, feeling his will quickly fade as the fucks into his ass began to take over any of his resistance. "That's a good boy.~"

She then swallowed his face, feeling her wet and soft walls pulse and drag his body deeper as they stroke him further into her body with each swallow. His neck had already entered her maw and with him lifted into the air she easily took in his shoulders, reminding him that she'd done this multiple times before with other males... Other dragons she saw only as a piece of meat needing to be eaten. She mumbled around his shoulders and used her vines to press his forearms against his side, taking in those as well as she tilted her head upwards, using gravity to carry me deeper into her throat.

Derek then moaned as he felt a vine curl around his cock, slowly stroking it up and down as she swallowed his neck and shoulders, making her way over his stomach as closer to his breeder. She then added, letting out a muffled moan with the food in her mouth. With him in her mouth. "Isn't it funny? That horny penis of yours is meant to breed females like us, and yet you're being forced, dominated, and eaten by one as her meal like many other males. Just another piece of prey that will be forgotten."

Her maw quickly reached his groin as she continued to fuck his ass harder with the vine, and she added her tongue to the pleasure, licking lustfully around his cock and balls, covering them in her warm and wet saliva. The vine from Derek's shaft withdrew and withing second her soft tongue trailed and rubbed against the underside of his cock, trailing up to lick the tip of her tongue at his pucker. Her tongue softly rubbed at his nether regions, and it was at this point that his head and neck slowly entered her stomach, dropping him into the vat of warm acids, not burning quite yet to his relief.

His cock was hypersensitive and he didn't hold back his loud moans as he felt almost his whole body completely inside her body, at this point completely her meal. He was already in her stomach, and now he was just another meal that she would digest. A little more weight to add to her sexy, curvy feminine body. He felt his climax rising closer and he tried to hump against her tongue, the vine on his ass retreating as well as she drew his crotch completely in her maw, leaving his hind paws and tail dangling out of her maw, completely helpless like a noodle to slurp down her throat.

"You're just so horny, aren't you my meal? Usually, they fight longer than you did, but you just gave in, and now there's nothing you can do because your only purpose now is to be swallowed and digested by my stomach." Then, she tilted her head back, and with a loud gulp, she pulled his crotch, cock, balls and all into her throat, taking in his legs as well within a few more seconds, leaving a long black tail swaying limply from her maw. At this point, any dragon from the outside may think he was just a piece of prey, not a dragon. Just a meal.

She didn't say a word. Instead, she used her tongue and slowly pulled his tail in with each swallow, each swallow rubbing and constricting on his blissful cock. Derek moaned loudly in bliss as he felt his climax rising, knowing he was about to be completely hers.

Finally, she took in a large breath from her nose, and with a loud rumbling purr around Derek's cock, she swallowed and with a loud slurp she took in his tail, letting her tongue wrap around it once to give him a final delicious taste, swallowing one last time as his tail entered her throat, disappearing inside her completely.

Derek then yelled loudly with a horny moan as he throat pulsed around his cock, and with that final swallow, he climaxed, spurting wave after wave of thick hot cum into her throat, making him close his eyes in bliss as he slid down and collapsed completely on his side inside her. His breeder continued to spurt its glorious semen all over her stomach walls, and the acid around him began to quickly heat up, making his scales slowly soften.

Despite everything he tried, he had given in. He had let her take him, and swallow him as her own dinner, and now he was about to be digested. He had never expected this to happen to him, but then again he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy it. Instead, he closed his eyes and drifted off as the acid began to swiftly churn on his body, the stomach pressing around him forcing him into a ball as he was finally digested as her prey.

Flora let out a deep belch, rubbing a paw on her stomach as she fell on her side, the vines from her body slowly returning to her as her markings stopped glowing, letting her return to her normal self. All this fun had left her horny though, and as she thought about her meal she began to use her paw to rub at her slit, prodding it and rubbing between her lips, letting out a long moan. Her other paw pressed at her belly, feeling it churn at the meal inside her, making her moan louder as she pawed herself off. "Wow... that was the tastiest male I've had in ages. I think I could wait for another week he filled me so much... Such a delicious dinner."

With that, the beautiful dragoness slowly dozed off, using her paw to rub at her clit lustfully as she drifted into a deep happy slumber, her belly full with a large meal. It would only be a few days for him to fully digest, and then he'd just be another curve on her body. Not that she minded. Her hunt was now over, and now she could rest.