The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #11 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#11 of Stories - Streak

After a long night of vigorous training with the help of Falcon and the police to improve his crimefighting skills and mental defences, an old enemy is out for revenge against our leotard-clad hero.

This story contains forced orgasms in spandex leotards, collar mind control, and elements partially inspired by this image (NSFW) by Foxxfire for Gravis.Story and characters (C) Sansenite



30 November 2015

Eighteen days since Serenade's capture

It was the night. The hollowed-out building was only dimly lit by the occasional naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling. But my enhanced vision illuminated the darker areas well enough that I could see my way through the old hallways, slowly and quietly to remain hidden. I wanted to get the drop on my targets, staying out of the light whenever I could. The blue shine of my high-cut blue leotard against my white fur was sufficiently hidden in the shadows.

"Falcon," I said in my mind, "I need some Omni-sight."

"Understood," responded the disembodied voice of my companion.

Crouched with my back against the wall, hopefully out of sight, I closed my eyes and felt my vision leave my head. With my will, I explored the building, flying my new invisible eyes through the walls with Falcon's power. I started from the far end of the building, moving through room by room. It didn't take long before I found what I was looking for: a room on the third floor containing two hostages, on their knees with their paws behind their heads and duct tape over their mouths. They had four captors, each with a pistol and burglar mask. Two were covering the windows on the far end of the room, one was keeping watch over the hostages, and the last was watching the main entrance doorway.

"You can do this," said Falcon as I disabled my Omni-sight, restoring my regular vision. "You have trained. Use the element of surprise."

The door was just down the hall, but since it was being covered, I'd be out in the open if I went through there. I needed a better entryway. Fortunately, I spied a vent in the ceiling, predicting that it would lean above the room. With a small leap, I climbed through the hole in the ceiling, nice and quiet. I had moved through plenty of ventilation shafts during my time as a superhero, so I was pretty skilled at staying quiet, but that didn't make any less unpleasant. I resisted the urge to cough up dust.

Then I arrived above the grate above the room. I saw the two hostages with my own eyes and quickly ascertained where each thug was. I formed a plan of attack, went over it a few times in my head, and then went to work.

I hit the grate hard, knocking it free. I fell with the grate, landing neatly amid my opponents. Right in front of me was the first thug, clad in thick body armour. I ripped his pistol from his paw and kicked him hard in the chest, sending him flying back. That armour would keep him safe, but now he was disarmed. Weighed down with all that armour, it would take some time for him to get up again.

"He's here! Take him!" yelled the thug by the door.

He aimed his pistol at me, but I was already on top of him, jumping in the air to kick the weapon from his grip before using the same leg to kick again at his chest. His back hit the door, rattling the walls before I grabbed him and hurtled the thug at the two criminals who were approaching from their guard position at the windows. His body hit them both, knocking down the last of my opponents.

Quickly wrapping up the situation, I ran to the pile of downed foes and snatched the last two pistols. I breathed a sigh of relief, pleased with my efforts in saving the hostages. Speaking of which, they began to moan in their duct tape gags, asking me to release them.

Then I heard a loud wooden bang. I turned to see the door get kicked wide open by another thug, already aiming his pistol at me. As he came into the room, he was immediately followed by another. In a split second, I realised I didn't look hard enough when scoping the building earlier. I stopped scouting as soon as I found the room with the hostages, and now my complacency had come back to bite me.

"Quickly, take them out!" urged Falcon.

I dived, trying to avoid the thug's aim before I slapped the pistol from his grip, but I wasn't fast enough. The other thug had already manoeuvred himself into a good position, his pistol trained on me. He fired, and I was done.

"NNNNN!" I screamed, teeth clenched together tightly as my muscles contracted and locked up. I couldn't move, straightening my body out before I fell to the floor in convulsions. The little electrode projectiles hit my right shoulder, and I felt the thousands of volts fill me with intense agony.

"Come on, Streak," I heard one of the bad guys say as the pain subsided and they stopped filling me with volts. "You can do better than that!"

Panting after the painful ordeal, I felt two thugs hold me down. I was too pained to resist anyway, paralysed with agony. The thug speaking removed his mask, revealing Sergeant Ryan Blake, the blue jay police sergeant who had been overseeing my mandatory training. He was previously my "handler" in the BCPD, keeping me on a short leash after getting myself enslaved by villains twice, so it made sense for him to whip me into shape.

"You didn't check the next room, did you?" he asked, smug but disappointed. "Now you've been captured and a bunch of criminals can do whatever they want with you. Don't expect them to treat you well."

The other 'thugs' removed their masks and began leaving the room as Blake helped me stand. I was still panting and I felt numb all over after being tased.

"I... I can do more..." I said, struggling to stay standing as I leaned against a wall. "I'm... I'm not tired. Just give me a minute."

"No way," responded Blake, looking at his watch. "It's 11:50 PM. None of us is paid to stick around much longer, and we don't have time for another test."

I sighed. "Fine."

Blake put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, we all just wanna go home to our families. You should do the same." Then he left the room, leaving me alone.

Of course, his words didn't make me feel any better. Not many people knew that I was homeless and didn't have any family to go back to.

"I am here," said Falcon. "You are not alone."

"Yeah. Sure," I responded, wrapping my arms around myself. Even though the cool night air didn't affect me, the idea of a warm and comfy home to go back to had become so much more appealing.


The skyline of Beacon City was up ahead. It was a beautiful sight, twinkling with light against the starry backdrop of the sky. I sat crouched on the roof of a train heading in, delivering me from the police academy back to the urban centre. I kept one paw on the metal below for support.

"Matthew?" asked Falcon.

"What is it?" I responded, slightly snappy.

"Do you want to talk?"

I sighed. "What about?"

"Well, whatever you wish?"

"I don't wanna talk about anything," I said flatly.

"I know you are feeling lonely, my friend."

"I said I don't wanna talk about anything."

A pause. I focused on the stunning skyline before me, trying to put my mind off my problems and focus on the beauty of my city. I enjoyed the breeze rushing past my bare arms and legs.

"I understand," Falcon finally said. "But if you ever wish to converse, I am here. However, if you wish to continue training, there is one area you especially need to improve on."


I reached the building's roof after a short climb, giving me a great view of the city around me. I stood on the edge, a superhero, clad in his iconic blue leotard. Sadly, I wasn't there to pose heroically. There were more important matters at hand, and Falcon was determined to see it through.

"I don't like this," I said, anxious about what we were about to do.

"We both know you have no better ideas, boy," responded Falcon. "Especially considering I know your thoughts."

"Don't remind me," I responded, a hint of frustration in my voice. "It's just... I've been controlled more than enough so far, so I'd rather not go through it again if I can avoid it, you know? It's not something I'm really fond of."

"After recent events, we both agree that you need to build up a resistance to any and all attempts to control your mind. You cannot hope to defeat Manasa otherwise," continued Falcon, reminding me of how Raptor had nearly succeeded in brainwashing me into being the leader of his personal army of Streak clones. Before that I was entranced by the giant octopus Kanaloa deep beneath the waters of Beacon Bay, seeking to feast on my strength. Were it not for the timely interference of fortune, I'd likely still be in the embrace of Kanaloa's tentacles. Before that, the serpent sorceress Manasa hypnotised me into being her slave for months.

We were going to build up my "resistance" to mind control. To do this, Falcon was going to attempt to take control of my mind, suppress my will, and put himself in full control of my faculties. My goal was to try and resist.

"Alright," I said, sighing. "Let's do this!"

"Remember what I told you. Gather your willpower. Shut me out. Imagine yourself in a sealed room with me pushing through the door. Keep it closed."

I took a deep breath and then we began. Instantly I felt my will fading away, experiencing difficulty formulating my own thoughts. I closed my eyes tightly and made my paws into fists, bringing them up to either side of my head. My shaking legs were spread as I responded instinctively to the invasion, maybe even with a little panic. I did as Falcon told me and focused on blocking out the intrusion on my free will, picturing myself in a room with a banging on the door. I tried to visualise it staying closed.

We only lasted about two seconds before I saw the door tear open. I tried to imagine it closing again, but I couldn't picture the door any more, or even the room. My ability to control my own mind fell away into nothing. All my emotion, personality, and even memories simply vanished, replaced by the thought patterns of Falcon. My face went blank and expressionless and my arms dropped to hang by my sides. As my inter-dimensional mentor took control, swirling patterns of blue light began to form across my body while my eyes burned with blue energy.

"Unimpressive," were the words that came from my mouth, cold and unemotional. "I see we have much work ahead of us."

I would have let out a sigh of frustration, but my thoughts were no longer my own. Falcon was in complete control.

Then, in another instant, all my free will was returned to me; all my memories, emotions and thoughts, as well as the memories of what Falcon did while I was under his control.

"Yeah, I guess we do..." I said, finally able to sigh as I shuddered, relieved to be in control once again. I stumbled a little as I stretched out my arms and legs, making sure I was in control. That was weird.

"We shall begin again."

"Do we have to? I mean, I'd rather we not--"

I was cut off as Falcon assumed complete control of me once again, taking me completely by surprise. Without even visualising the door, Falcon met no resistance as he took control once again.

"As I said, boy, we shall begin again. You cannot allow yourself to be surprised," said Falcon, using my own mouth and voice to speak as before. He was sterner this time.

Then he released his control of me. I blinked and wobbled again, testing my arms and legs to get a feel for my own body. I then immediately prepared myself for Falcon's third assault on my mind. The attack came quickly and fiercely, but this time I was able to hold him back for longer, keeping that imaginary door closed for just over three seconds before Falcon took control once more.

Then Falcon released his hold over me and we tried again. This went on for almost an hour, him taking control of me while I struggled to stay in control slightly longer each time. As the night wore on, my leotard was soaked in the sweat covering my fur.

"Can we take a break now...?" I asked, having lasted for nearly twenty seconds on our last try. Losing my free will was hard to get used to.

"You are not tired. Defending your mind hardly expends much energy. We shall continue," responded Falcon, just as cold as always.

"I'd just like to... you know... be myself a little while, okay?" I said, almost pleadingly.

"Manasa will not give you the time to 'be yourself.'"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for another long hour of not being myself.

"Alright, fine..." I said, gathering my energy. I took another deep breath as I closed my eyes, ready for action.

"This time we shall do things differently. Time and time again you have proven that pleasure is your greatest weakness. The power I have bestowed upon your mind and body have dramatically increased your affinity for sexual arousal due to your heightened senses. Many villains have taken advantage of this."

"Yeah, you've told me this before. What are you saying?"

"I am saying that I shall increase the difficulty of your training. I will use pleasure to reduce your focus and willpower."

"That doesn't sound--"

I was cut off as an intense pleasure surged up from between my legs. I was fully hard in my costume almost instantly, my throbbing arousal tenting the smooth fabric of my leotard. Falcon then got straight back to work breaking down my feeble mental defences, but I didn't even try to fight back. Moaning loudly, I was too busy moving my right paw to rub myself fiercely through the straining fabric, driven with wild instinct.

With no resistance from me, Falcon assumed control of my mind once again, though the pleasure did not go anywhere. My paw stopped struggling to satisfy the intense ecstasy as my personality vanished.

"You can clearly see why we need to continue practising, my friend," said Falcon, once again using my body to speak, completely uninterested by the pleasurable sensations. "Indeed, it is all too easy to manipulate your nervous system, and in turn, it is all too easy to manipulate you. This is an issue."

Then he returned my free will once again, only for me to immediately fall to my paws and knees, moaning and whimpering as I moved my paw to massage myself between my legs again, caressing my aching length inside the smooth fabric.

"Th-Th-That's... Ohhhh... a bit... much, Falcon... Mmmmm..." I stammered, overloaded with pleasure.

"Perhaps I am over-stimulating your nerves," responded Falcon, "but that is good. This will make your task far more difficult."

"B-But... why would I... Ahhhhh... want it to be... more difficult?" I asked, still quivering from the stimulation. I was on the very edge of climax, but I couldn't seem to cross over.

"When you were initially enslaved by Manasa, I was not nearly strong enough to repel her. When you face her again, you will likely encounter much more difficulty than this."

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth in annoyance. "J-Just... let me cum..." I pleaded, still rubbing. A spot of moisture was beginning to stain the fabric.

"No. We train until you can resist me for a full ten seconds at least. Then I shall reward you by allowing your release."

My heart sank with despair as I slowly climbed back onto my legs, standing up straight and fighting the urge to satisfy the pleasure Falcon was filling me with.

"Now, begin," said Falcon, and immediately my pleasurable training continued.

The night went on. Another hour passed, but this time I managed to resist for a full ten seconds. It was a long journey. By then it was about 2:20 AM.

"Well done," said Falcon, speaking with my mouth yet again as my body glowed blue. Then Falcon aimed my head down, observing the straining wet fabric over my crotch. He moved my paw to gently rub. "I suppose I can see why you desire to release. It is a... gratifying sensation."

Then Falcon gave my mind back and I fell to my knees, moaning loudly in desperate desire.

"So... c-can I...?" I asked, pleading to finally be allowed release as soon as he returned control to me.

"Very well, my friend. While I believe you could have done better, I shall allow your much-needed fulfilment."

I almost screamed as a massive orgasm hit me. I spread my knees and thrust my chest out, arching my spine as I leaned backwards. I blew my load in my leotard, completely soaking the fabric while my paw worked hard to improve upon the intense climax, furiously stroking myself as I came. I felt the wetness of my cum spread out from between my legs as I humped the air, creating a large dark blue patch on my costume, spreading all the way to my lower abdomen. As my juices dripped from the fabric, I fell back and lay against the concrete roof as my climax dragged on, continuing to pant and moan loudly.

"Good boy," said Falcon, as if trying to say he wasn't totally disappointed. "Perhaps I should reward you this way more often while training you, as a treat for positive reinforcement. Your predecessor seemed to appreciate that, but you have been more averse to it."

By the time my climax ended, I simply continued to lie on the rooftop, my arms and legs spread out as my chest heaved, a heavenly afterglow consuming my mind and body. I teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, my intense orgasm demanding that I rest. I concluded that, since I hadn't slept in weeks, this would be as good a time as any. I had started to miss the peace and silence that came with sleep, desiring the sweet dreams that gave me temporary freedom from reality, even though I didn't need to sleep.

"I have pushed you a great deal tonight. Perhaps you deserve to dream for a few hours. Sleep, my young superhero. You have earned it. My aura shall clean your body while you rest."

I felt Falcon wrap a warm curtain around my mind as my breathing slowed, suppressing my consciousness and sending me off into a deep slumber, which I was only too happy to welcome. The waking world left me far behind as I retreated to that blissful state, all the while my body lay on the rooftop in my cum-soaked costume. I felt a lot better.


The first thing I noticed was the strong breeze. Slowly opening my tired eyes, I became aware of Falcon's voice in my mind, urging me to awaken rapidly. As my vision cleared up, the first thing I saw was Beacon City... from high above. It was day, and I felt the warm sun beating down on me.

"Wakey, wakey, bitch!" snapped a painfully familiar voice. "I've been looking for this blue ass of yours for weeks!" said Raptor, the robo-tailed winged gryphon, clad in his usual high-cut purple leotard. He was patting my backside through the V-cut butt of my costume. "We've got a score to settle, you and I..."

With his other hand, he was holding me upside down from my ankle with one hand. We were at least a mile above the ground, held aloft by his powerful wings. His strong grip around my ankle hurt, and I could tell he was filled with a determination I had never before seen from him. He was here for payback.

"Raptor!" I yelled as the reality of my situation dawned on me.

The villain's free hand began to roam upwards (technically downwards?), softly passing over the blue fabric containing my balls, cupping them in his palm.

"Hng..." I whimpered as a tinge of pleasure ran up (or down?) my spine. I didn't dare resist, afraid that he'd drop me. From this height, any fall would easily kill me. "W-What do you want?"

"Did I say you could talk?!" he snapped loudly, squeezing the mound in my costume and causing me to wince. "You'll speak when I tell you to speak!"

That whimper of pleasure became a wince of pain as Raptor's grip tortured me. Still, I refused to fight. My life depended on it.

"Now, listen closely," said the villain, rage in his voice. "If you don't do exactly as I say, I'm gonna drop you and you're gonna die. Understand, you little punk?"

"Falcon, what do I do?!" I thought.

"Patience," responded my mentor. "Believe that an opportunity will come. If he wished you dead, he would have dropped you by now."

"What if he just wants to taunt and humiliate me first?" I thought back.

"That is... a very serious possibility."

Raptor relaxed his grip on my nether regions and his hand roamed, tickling here and there to elicit pleasurable tingles. The position I was being held in and my state of helplessness only served to skyrocket my instinct-driven aroused response, and I was quickly tenting my shiny costume. My arms hanging limply in the air, I could do nothing as the minutes passed, Raptor continuing to molest me like some kind of sensual lover in bed, entitled to explore my body.

"Ahhh, Streak, how you frustrate me so," began the supervillain. "Thanks to you telling the police about my lab after you escaped, Manasa found out about the army of clone slaves I was producing without her permission. She wasn't happy. I've managed to avoid her clutches so far, but now I've lost everything! My clones are scattered around the city, and some have been captured and enslaved by her. The police have my lab and I have no allies! If Manasa finds me, either she's gonna have my head, or I'm gonna be one of her sleazy slaves like your ass was!"

"My condolences," I said with the most sarcasm I could muster.

"Shut up!" the villain yelled. "It's all your fault!"

His grip on my balls tightened, and I winced louder. I struggled to avoid yelling at him to stop. I could tell he only would've punished me harder.

Then he sighed. "But it's not over yet! I'm gonna have my revenge against Manasa, and you're gonna help me regain my power and my army!"

From the V-shaped black belt around his waist, he unhooked a familiar metallic collar. I knew what Raptor's plan for me was, and my heart began to race ever faster with anticipation and fear of my approaching defeat at his hands.

"When I saw you lying on this rooftop, I knew my time had come! I had hoped to make your enslavement more permanent, but it seems I'll have to stick with my control collars instead. Catch!"

He dropped the collar. Running on instinct, I caught it neatly.

"Put it on! Now! Give yourself to me!"

"Falcon, I need a solution now!" I yelled in my head, almost out loud, as I clenched my teeth with uncertainty.

"I... I do not know, my friend. I am sorry," he replied.

I felt tears welling up. "What happens if I put it on? What'll you do with me?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Well, for starters, I'm gonna take you to a lovely evening dinner where we can talk about our interests. What do you think, moron?! I'm gonna screw your brains out and make you cum in your costume. You're gonna be my permanent sex slave while we find the clones, take control of the New Revolutionaries, and regain my power in the dark corporate world. You'll be my agent and public figure, doing my bidding happily and without complaint. And when I have the resources, I'll make you mine permanently! You won't need that collar forever."

I was about ready to cry. I didn't want to become Raptor's stooge. At least Manasa actually had something resembling care for me. If I gave myself to Raptor, I'd just be a toy and a minion, abused regularly for his hedonistic satisfaction. So I was given the worst choice. Either I'd submit and lose my free will, maybe forever, or...

"No!" I yelled, uncaring for the consequences. At least, I thought I didn't care. "Not anymore! You killed Bernie! You killed my best friend! I'm gonna make you suffer for that!"

There was a pause. Raptor looked down at me first with frustration. But then he smiled and released his grip on my ankle.

I had never fallen from that height before. Not without knowing there was something to catch me below. So I panicked, and I panicked hard. I flailed and yelled, overwhelmed with the excruciating feeling of freefall without any safety. It was like drowning, intoxicated with a sense of helpless reality, yet still unable to accept it as instinct screamed at me to do something.

A good half mile later, Raptor finally caught me by the ankle, dragging me back up once again. Remnants of panic still forced me to yell and flail wildly before I realised I was technically safe, if you could call it that.

"Last chance," Raptor said. "Do as I say and become my slave for the rest of your life or you're of no use to me. I've got nothing to lose if you won't submit. Become mine or die. Your choice, kid."

He had me, and we both knew it. There was only one way I was going to survive this, and I wasn't going to like it. After the fall, I realised I couldn't go through that again. This time I was afraid of the consequences.

"I am sorry, my friend," said Falcon, but it was little comfort. "I wish I could do more. But you have come a long way. Believe you shall go further still."

I did as I was told, reluctantly. The collar was still in my paw, and slowly, hoping for a deus ex machina to save me, I slid the collar around my neck and clipped it together. As soon as the connection was made, a little green light lit up on the side while my arms fell limp and my mind went blank, totally devoid of all thought, emotion, memory, and personality. Falcon's voice was also long gone. My eyes glazed over, clear and blank, as my free will simply shut off. I moaned softly as I totally relaxed, hanging limply in the air.

"How do you feel, slave?" asked Raptor, looking down at me with a grin across his beak.

"Fine, Master," I responded, voice monotone and hollow.

"YES!" cheered the villain, ecstatic. "I win! Your ass is mine now, Streaky boy! I beat you, ya hear?! WOOOHOOO!"

He threw my limp body into the air, catching me as I fell down, then span me around, expressing his joy with my body in every way he could think. Then he held me close, holding me up by the biceps as he pressed my back into his front. The tip of his tail opened up to reveal small pincers, grabbing the thin blue fabric over my rump and pulling it out of the way. The pincers did the same to the crotch of his leotard, and the villain pushed himself into me.

Despite my totally mindless state, my body let out a sigh of pleasure. Then he began to thrust away, bobbing my helpless body up and down. Secured, he moved his hands down to stroke my chest, belly, and massage my member inside my spandex.

"Yeah, this is where you belong, superhero," he said, a sneer of limitless glee upon his visage. "Firmly planted on my cock, moaning for me. Now cum."

Breathing loudly, my expression still blank, my chest heaved as I climaxed furiously in the grip of the hand around my aching length, firing load after load into my costume and staining it dark blue. I didn't even need to be fully aroused. My mind and body obeyed Raptor without question. I could cum on command at any time.

"Yeah! Cum, bitch! Cum!" yelled my Master, his commands prolonging my orgasm as he penetrated me, bobbing my body around like a toy. "Yes, this is where you belong..."

"Not so faaaaaaaaast!" came an increasingly louder voice, and suddenly Raptor was hit right in the beak by a punch from below. The punch was accompanied by a slender figure clad in fiery colours, wrapping around Raptor's throat and clinging to his back.

It was Race, the super speed hare. He had clearly run up the side of a building to launch himself into the air at us. I would have been truly impressed if I had any thoughts of my own. The speedster wore tight, full-body, shiny royal blue spandex with a yellow and orange flame pattern starting at the shoulders and descending down his front, neatly passing under the crotch. It was the costume of a racer with a love of tension and speed, emphasised by the fire pattern adorning his outfit. We had met once before, but we never had the chance to properly introduce ourselves.

Now we were falling. Race had clearly hit the villain a bit hard, and his wings were no longer flapping. Raptor slid out of me and I was falling independently, but only a mere metre from the others.

"I may have made a mistake," said the speedster, clinging to Raptor's back, now trying to wake up the unconscious supervillain by slapping his face. "If I say 'sorry for punching you', will you wake up...?"

I had a job to do. I had to defend my Master. As the fabric of my leotard slid back over my exposed rear, I angled myself to fall in Race's direction, trying to snatch him and pull him away from my Master. The long-eared superhero evaded me, climbing around Master to keep his distance from my powerful paws.

"Hey, Blue Blunder!" said the handsome hare to me in a casual tone. "It's been a while since we last saw each other. Never had the chance to properly introduce ourselves when we last met. Now may be a good time. We might die and all."

As the roof of a tall building rapidly approached us from below, Master finally awoke. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed, his wings starting to beat again only a mere ten metres from the roof. "Slave! Grab onto me!"

Master reached for me, and I reached for him in compliance. He caught my paw and then threw me up over his head. I came down above Race, who was firmly attached to Master's back again.

"Kill the speedster!" commanded my Master, adjusting the fabric of his costume to put his still-hard member back inside the crotch of his high-cut leotard.

I obeyed. Before I could land on the hero, he let go of Master and fell the last few metres to the roof below. I did the same, landing near him.

"Come on, pal!" continued the cocky hare. "Let's be friends! Maybe with benefits?"

I ignored him and charged. My expression was focused as my enslaved mind devoted itself solely to the task of killing Race. But as I began slinging punches, Race effortlessly dodged, practically teleporting around me with his incredible speed, easily trumping my superior strength. If it were not for my enslaved state, I would have become frustrated and angry, but instead, I just kept trying without a word.

"Too slow, Streaky!" gloated Race, confident and smooth. "You gotta try harder than that if you wanna live up to your name, Slow Show!"

Race was a popular sight around Beacon City. Everyone loved his suave and confident demeanour. Men and women either envied him for his good looks or lusted after him. He knew how to build a crowd of fans, eager to make a show out of beating up bad guys.

Without warning, Master landed on Race's shoulders, forcing him painfully hard into the ground, face-first. Just like that, the speedster superhero was down, groaning comically in pain. Then Master knelt down and grabbed the slender hero by the throat, lifting him up slightly and arching his back at a painful angle, unable to sit up straight with Master behind him. An excruciating camel clutch.

"My back!" yelled Race, wincing. He wasn't so cocky now.

"Now, slave! Beat his ass!" ordered Master, a wide grin as he handled Race, pulling him to his knees.

"Hey, Streak... Hgnnn... wanna lend a hand?" stammered the hero, struggling to speak.

I continued to ignore him. The only thoughts in my head were of obedience. Master commanded me, and I obeyed. Approaching Race, I knelt before the restrained superhero and threw a punch for his stomach, and he gasped in agony, wheezing as the air flew from his lungs. With my enhanced strength, it was a powerful punch.

"N-No hard feelings, huh?" he managed to say, struggling to suck air back in. "Why not help a superhero ou--OOOPH!"

Another punch to the stomach cut him off, and this time blood dripped from his mouth. A few more punches with my super strength would certainly be enough to kill him.

"Maybe... Ugh... Maybe I could promise to buy ya a drink if you stop... stop hitting me?" he stammered, using tremendous effort to assemble the words.

Another punch to his stomach. That shut him up. His eyes closed as he coughed up blood, but he was still conscious. Barely.

"Stop!" said Master, firmly. Then he reached a hand back to retrieve another collar, just like my own. He handed it to me. "Put this on him. Today, Raptor owns two of his enemies."

I took the collar, preparing to place it around the hare's neck. However, a small glimmer of resistance, deep within my subconscious, was clinging to life. Falcon was there too, struggling to empower it and free himself from his imprisonment within my silent mind. It was the smallest, tiniest little speck of will that Falcon was trying to maintain, and for the first time since Raptor subdued me with this collar, I hesitated for just a moment.

Streak is not strong enough... (Non-Canon Ending)

As Master wills it, I obey.

"No!" yells Race as I move the collar near his neck, getting the words out with a strained and hoarse voice. "Streak, stop!"

It is no use. I do as I am commanded, and I snap the collar shut around the lithe hare's neck. The fear and energy in his eyes vanish and his expression goes blank. His soul seems to die as his mind succumbs to the power of the collar, and the will of his new Master.

"I... I live to serve Master..." he says, voice monotone and devoid of the life and fire he once spoke with.

"Well, well," responds Master as he releases Race from his firm hold, standing. "I've waited a long time for this day. Stand and face me, slave."

Expression still blank, Race obeys and stands, turning to face our Master. Then Master raises a finger at me in a "come here" gesture. I comply, approaching to stand beside the other slave.

"To think," begins Master, tickling under Race's jaw, "mere minutes ago you were mocking me, as you've done for years. Years of you showing off that smug grin when you get in my way. But you're not so smug anymore, are ya?"

"No, Master," responds Race. "I will never be smug to you again."

"That's right. Because you recognise that I'm your superior, don't you?"

"Yes, Master. You are superior to me. I deserved to be defeated and enslaved by you."

Master chuckles as he moves between us, placing his arms over our shoulders. "That's what I like to hear," he says. Then he turns to me. "You've done well, fox."

"Thank you, Master," I respond, my voice as lifeless as Race's.

Master's hands lower, sliding down our backs before landing on our backsides, squeezing the soft flesh under our tails. Neither of us can help but let out a small whimper on instinct.

"Oh, we'll have so much fun together. But most of all, you'll both make fine bodyguards. It won't take long before I've rebuilt my empire with you two little toys at my side. Don't worry though. Serve me well and I'll reward you with mind-blowing pleasure."

14 November 2016

One year later

A building burns. I carry a woman in my arms. A black cat. Her face is buried in my shoulder in terror as I sprint through the furnace. Then, at last, I burst through the open doorway, out into the moonlight. The inferno behind us illuminates the midnight street as the crowd of fire-fighters and concerned citizens watch in awe as I carry the victim to a nearby ambulance. They can see me in full now, clad in my usual blue leotard and tight matching boots, but now my costume is layered with the logos of my many corporate sponsors, even on the crotch of the tight bodysuit. My old collar is long gone, having outlived its usefulness.

The fearful feline coughs somewhat as I lay her down on a stretcher, but the paramedics get her stabilised quickly, giving her much-needed oxygen.

"Th-Thank you... Streak..." she says, filled with relief as the paramedics keep her comfortable.

"You are welcome, ma'am," I respond, using a happy tone. "Do you have home insurance?"

"Huh? N-No, I--"

"I highly recommend Bailey Home Insurance, currently offering a special discount to victims of recent accidents such as yours! Might you be interested?"

She closes her eyes. It appears she is sad, but I cannot understand why. A paramedic, listening to our conversation, sighs as well. Everyone around seems to be a little sad.

"No, thank you, Streak," she says, putting on an awkward smile. "I'm okay."

"Understood, ma'am. Have a good evening."

I leap away. There is an appointment I am required to meet at this time.


I open the mahogany doors into the conference room. The men and women sitting around the long table turn to face me, smiling with interest and raised eyebrows. Behind them, the skyline of Beacon City glimmers in the evening.

"Welcome home, Streak!" says Master, standing up from his seat at the far end of the table. Approaching me, he is wearing his formal suit, rather than the purple bodysuit he rarely wears nowadays. "Another good day of superhero work?"

"Yes, Master," I respond, nice and obediently. "I saved three people today and did not apprehend any criminals."

"Excellent!" responds Master, very much pleased as he begins to slowly circle me, licking his lips. "I must say, the underworld loves you more than the media right now. How does that make you feel?"

"Good, Master. It feels good to obey."

"I'm sure it does. I have to admit, I'm satisfied with your usefulness. Those cybernetic implants I put in your brain have basically wiped away any semblance of the person you once were, making you totally obedient to me without the use of that collar that people kept asking about. You are literally incapable of free will! At least, I assume so?"

"Yes, Master," I respond, happy to tell him of the success of his alterations to my neurology. "Your efforts to make me your perfect servant have been totally successful!"

Grinning, Master nods approvingly, leaning an arm on my shoulder. "Yes, as you tell me every night when I ask you. Such a moron, but so handy! Much like Race is in bed. Wouldn't you say, my friends?"

Master's associates, each of them wearing formal attire of their own, laugh and nod. Indeed, Race spends most of his time today being passed around among Master's associates for their pleasure.

"I must ask," says one of them, a male deer, "considering the many alterations you have made to his brain, can he still be considered alive? And is there any chance of someone undoing what's been done to him?"

"None at all, I assure you! Considering just how much of his brain matter has been replaced by machinery, there's simply no way to make him the goody-two-shoes he used to be. He's definitely still alive too. Fully conscious, but his thoughts are controlled by the technology. A perfect tool for our satisfaction!"

"Very impressive," says another suited man, a tiger. "What purpose has he served so far?"

"Besides advertising our... manipulative products," responds Master, "Streak here has been performing a few covert operations on our competitors in the guise of gang kidnappings and assassinations. No one knows it's him. All in all, pretty useful. Oh, I forgot to mention, I also took the liberty of making some other enhancements to increase... productivity."

Master squeezes my package slightly, causing me to give a slight hump into his dominant hand. The laughs and nodding of approval from our audience become sniggering and grinning. Indeed, Master's associates are satisfied with my performance, and the excellent work Master has done to make me a tool for his service.

"Now, lift your tail, slave. It's fun time, and I want to show my friends how well you cum. We're gonna enjoy you tonight."

Streak is strong enough! (Canon Ending)

At that moment, my enslaved mind decided to change targets. Just for a moment. In one brief instant, barely a second, what little remained of my willpower managed to direct that accursed collar onto Master's neck, simultaneously snapping it shut. His grip from around Race was immediately released, his mind lost to the device before he even had a chance to realise it. His blank eyes seemed to lose any and all life as his arms flopped to his side, still on his knees. The collars were programmed to enforce obedience to Raptor, and since Raptor was the one collared, he had total loyalty to himself, but no free will to give himself orders. He was frozen in place, totally at his own mindless mercy.

"Gee, thanks, kid! Ugh..." said Race, having fallen onto all fours after his release, evidently shaken up and aching after the beating he took from me. "I owe you."

However, my collar was still on, so I was not out of trouble yet, and neither Race. I was paralysed by indecision at first. On one paw, Master was in trouble, but on the other, I was ordered to defeat Race. I soon concluded that I had to follow through with my original orders first and foremost if I wanted to protect Master.

This hesitation was all that Race needed. Starting on his knees, he began to steadily rise, and in a few seconds, he was standing straight and dignified. "Fast legs, fast healing, kid!" said the smug hare, catching his breath, but my resolve was not damaged.

I ran for him again, but he quickly got out of my way. Then he was almost instantly behind me. He grabbed the sides of my collar, trying to rip it open, and was visibly grunting with effort. Raising my arms to my neck, I caught his wrists and began to pry him off. He responded by putting a boot to my back, pressing it forward and arching my spine to try and get me to release my grip.

"I'm trying to help ya, cutie!" he yelled as he found his leg could not match my strength, and my back would not bend for him.

I then pulled his arms forward over my shoulders, as fast as I could, slamming him into my back before throwing him forward into the wall surrounding the stairwell into the building. Realising I had to hurry before he could recover, I sped towards him. He was on the ground, appearing to cradle a rib, until he sprung upwards, grabbed a cable from the circuit box on the wall, tore it out, and jammed it into the control collar around my neck. Tens of thousands of volts poured into me and I shrieked in pain, as not even the collar's control could separate me from a basic pain response.

A few moments later, he retracted the cable and I fell forward onto the concrete, muscles burning and weak.

"Gotcha!" said Race, grabbing the collar and pulling with all his might. It opened, falling away to free my neck, my body, and my mind.

With free will returned to me, it took me a moment to realise that my thoughts and body were my own once again, and I found myself experimenting with my fingers to make sure everything was working, though I still felt the burning sizzle of the electric shock. Any normal person would have died from that, but Race knew I could take it. It wasn't the first time we met, after all.

"I said you would go further, my friend," said Falcon. "Welcome back."

Race extended a paw, which I gladly accepted, and he helped me up.

"Well, you're lucky I was around, huh?" he said, a smug eyebrow raised. "Thankfully, you and Rat-tailed Raptor weren't hard to miss up there."

"Th-Thanks..." I said, though I felt I needed to say more. He did, after all, save me from slavery to a supervillain, but I was too exhausted after the battle.

"Heh, don't mention it!" he responded, quite happily. I could tell he was really pleased with himself. Then he turned to our mutual enemy, still on his knees with a blank stare. "Hey, Raptor, buddy! Who do you serve?"

"Me," responded the mindless villain, robotically. "I live to serve Raptor."

"Heheh! Well, not much has changed then, has it?" said the lithe hare, chuckling to himself.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit too. After what Raptor took from me, I felt a lot of anger for him. Now he was on his knees and totally dumb. I'd be sure to give him a rough ride to the police station. There, Sergeant Blake could have him transported to a more sophisticated facility for supervillains. But most of all, Raptor could give us information about Manasa's whereabouts. But first, I wanted some special time alone with the avian villain to make him pay for what he took from me.

"I owe you a ton," I said to Race, turning to face him.

"You kinda saved me as well. We were both damsels in distress today, so I think I owe you too," responded the cool hero. Then he looked me over, up and down, eyes looking downward for a slightly uncomfortable amount of time. I felt the urge to turn my hips away from him, but I resisted.

"Um..." I responded as I realised he was eyeing me up, though I had to admit I was feeling flattered. Nevertheless, I wasn't particularly interested in flirting, much less the idea of a relationship. I didn't want to be rude, so I tried to worm my way out of the situation and turned to collect Raptor. "I should probably--"

"Whoa, what's your hurry, superhero?" said the speedster, grabbing me and spinning me around so my back was resting against his knee, holding me like a dance partner. "Mmmmm. I love the ones that don't wear pants..." he said, suddenly extending a finger to tickle under my chin, grinning down at me with a piercing gaze. "How about we go get a hotel room so we can repay each other? My treat."

I wriggled out of his grip only to find my back suddenly against the wall surrounding the stairwell. Cornering me, Race moved his arms to either side of my head, supporting himself by putting both paws against the wall as he looked me right in the eyes.

"I... er..." I stammered, at a loss for words. "I don't really... Umm..."

"What? I'm not your type?" He grinned even wider. "Heh, with a costume like that, you could've fooled me! Look at this stunning thing!" He put a finger on my chest. "Could use some glitter though."

As his finger outlined the muscles of my chest, slowly trailing down to my abdomen, I struggled to get the right words out. "I-It's what the first Streak wore. I wanted to honour him."

"Oh, right! Still a cute costume. Listen, since we still both owe each other, so how about I just leave you with a little parting gift? Just a little... helping paw here and there?" he asked, his finger trailing lower, down to my abdomen. I felt the tip of the little appendage rubbing against my muscles through the blue spandex leotard.

I did want to thank him. It was the least I could do. I didn't have any other way of repaying him, and he deserved it. If this is what he wanted, then that was okay.

Then I shrugged, smiling a little with acceptance. "Well, I guess it's only fair if--"

"Ya sure?" he asked with an eyebrow raised unnaturally high. His finger started to go below my belly, continuing to press slightly into the fabric, brushing against my abdominal muscles. "And that offer for the hotel room is still open. I know one with some very special suites."

"Yeah, it's okay. I think that... that would be a bit much."

"Well, I won't force you to," he said before suddenly his finger found its sensitive target, and his paw embraced the squishy mound of blue fabric between my legs. "Unless you want me to..."

Suddenly, his paw began to vibrate against my crotch, sending a massive surge of pleasure through my every nerve as he quickly drew me to full arousal. The blue spandex of my leotard was quickly straining to hold my pulsating length as it grew in Race's grip. I closed my eyes and let out a long, loud moan.

"There ya go. Just relax," said the other hero, smiling at me while he provided his services. "You like that?"

It was hard to deny that it wasn't an incredibly pleasurable experience, and I felt a pressure rising up along the length of my member, resulting in a few drops of pre-cum seeping into my costume. In my moans of bliss, I nodded.

"I knew you would."

Race's right arm had wrapped around me, placing his paw on my back as he pulled me into him. Then he kissed me. It was alarming at first, but soon I relaxed in his embrace, welcoming this strange sensation. I was used to submitting to villains, but never willingly to another hero. It wasn't my thing still, but I could definitely enjoy it. All of this culminated in a very climactic orgasm, my moans muffled in his mouth as I blew my load into my costume, yet still, he vibrated further.

Then he pulled out of my mouth, leaving me panting and exhausted. "Mmmmm... You know, kid," he said, his paw still vibrating against my soaked and dripping crotch, "if you ever want a little fun or even just some... companionship, I'll be waiting. Think of me, won't ya?"

Then, with a quick peck on my cheek, Race finally stopped, and he was gone. I looked around but didn't see him or Raptor, and I assumed Race had gone to turn the villain over to the cops. I was disappointed. I wanted some time alone with Raptor for myself. Then again, if it weren't for Race, I don't know what I would've done.

I guess I didn't mind Race watching out for me though, and the idea only made me feel... safe. As for the... experience, I wasn't sure how I really felt about it, but knowing what I heard about Race, this was nothing unusual for him. But I hoped that next time we met, he might be in less of a "friendly" mood. I didn't like having to rinse out my costume.