Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C)

Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C)

Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C)

Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C)

Part 5~For The Love of... - Now reading

"Open, the scroll it's automatic" Yelled Jam

Rox couldn't understand why but he did so anyway, he grabbed the tab of it and pulled one end away from himself like he had once saw in the comic. He span around the scroll spinning around them, Rox then bit this thumb hard enough to make a mall cut casing him to bleed, the fur on his paw stained with blood as he applied it to the old looking scroll in front of him. The flames Flickered with a gold colour, the ends Dimmed in to a dull yellow, The scroll Made a noise that sounded like a dry pine cone on a fire and sent Dark ice blue Fire in the direction of the gold one once on contact the flames seemed to dance as they extinguished each other. Slowly dimming to dull embers of their former selves, ashes now coved the inside of the igloo enclosure, the Sakura (Cherrie blossom) tree had turned black, its leaves had turned as gold as the flames that burnt it. More thunderous noises could be heard from outside as the battle continued to rage.

"Jewel" Jaysif said with a serious look as he played a guitar which sparked as he played

"Got it" Jewel replied as he dashed around to the opposite side of their opponent.

To be precise their opponent was Skylar, A 6.7 foot, Short tempered and highly intelligent Leopard. He was equipped with high class also known as level 9 technologies; However earth at this time was only level 3. A wave pulsed from his gauntlets. Smashing Jaysif in to the light house Located behind him and go straight through the other side.

"Jaysif!"Jewel screamed casing his Ren Screech to kick in and blasted back the pulse headed for him, knocking the leopard technology offline for only a few minutes.

With the healing complete and the danger averted, Rox put all his attention towards Lazza. His eyes were still closed and he either had little or no response to anything jam tried.

"We have to do something" Rox said trying to hold back tears

"Listen, I know what you do at night, ok, so I get why your upset all he needs is some rest but" Jam's sentence was cut short.

"Jaysif!" Jewel screamed above them it pierced their ears like thunder clashing thought the air.

"Damn looks like things are getting bad out there" Jam said looking at the fight now taking place above the dome as it began to crumble once more the dirt as black as the ashes beneath them.

"Wait, you... Oh fuck, dude that's personal, but now isn't the time..." Rox looked down at the small wolf, as lazza's eyes began to flitter open, his eyes were brown instead of their usual yellow, he slowly got up holding his head, his wounds had been healed so no blood was escaping the body currently, and his white fur remained unstained... for now.

"Did someone catch the number of that Truck that ran me over?" Lazza asked as he lifted himself from what almost could have been his self made grave as Jam Disappeared, a kunai clutched in his mouth.

"Lazza" Yelled Rox in tears as he pulled the Wolf closer to him, the husky hadn't been happier in his life.

The tree finally gave way as the last of the domes foundation gave way

"we better get out of here" Lazza said his charm once again glowing lavender as he flew off feebly.

Jaysif had taken on serious damage and there was only one attack he could use in his current condition, He Jumped up and glided back to the fight.

"Jewel, it time for the last resort" yelled Jaysif as jewel grabbed the microphone in front of his face.

Jaysif then flew around to jewel as he grabbed his own mic. Once getting around he grabbed hold of jewel the two began to Fly around the leopard at G-Force speeds, a vortex quickly building around Skylar

The leopard technology was begging to back online. "Not if I can help it" A Kunai lodged it's self in Control panel located on the Skylar's wrist and sparked with a voltage of 120 watts. Once the tec had been securely rendered useless.

The vortex Got to a point where it built the charge of an atomic meltdown.

"Just" Jaysif yelled out in the vortex

"Be" Yelled Jewel straight after

"Meltdown" The both said the vortex tightening until It turned in to a glowing Yellow sphere, Jewel and Jaysif jumping out one it had been fully locked in. the eerie yellow light bathed the harbor and part of the city, it looked like a disco ball with a yellow strobe light shining on it.

"Hey, Jam would you like to do the honors?"Yelled Jewel from atop the sphere to this buddy standing on the light house, putting the Light house keeper in a trance with is Geass.

"Gladly" he yelled back forming hand signs so fast that it shouldn't have been furraly or humanly possible. "Fire style: Fire Flower Phoenix Justu" yelled jam as he held the final hand sign to his mouth blowing air out as it changed to a flame thrower of red and yellow flames, casing the sphere to implode.

"Hey where Lazza" asked Jaysif

"and Rox" asked jewel as the dome collapsed

Both hares let out gasp as they saw the one mighty dome fall as the tree turned to ash in the breeze it was as if the tree had never existed.

"Don't worry you two, I can see them from here" Jam said holding on to jewel since he couldn't fly like the others could.

The two gassed over the town from their position to not be able to find anything but a big crowed coming towards them, cheering as more people came off the boat that was going to be sunk. Usually they would latterly vanish before the crowd's very eyes but usually Lazza used one of his abilities. Finally Jewel and Jaysif saw the two, Lazza had collapsed on the roof of the clock tower and Rox was curled up beside Lazza, trying to keep him warm Both Rox and Lazza were out cold as the whole towns begin to arrive at the Docks. Jam threw a smoke bomb to the ground below. Thick gray smoke rose from the crowd jewel and Jaysif flew towards the bell tower. Jam jumping off jewels back scooped up the two sleeping beauties.

"I can take Lazza back to his place but I don't know where Rox lives" jam stated looking at them curled up in his usually strong arms.

"Don't look at us we don't know either" Jewel and Jaysif replied grabbing one of the canines each.

"Ok, then will put them both in Lazza's place" Jam replied with a smirk, his highlights bouncing as he proclaimed his word and making it in to verbal law for the hares, as the hares flew the canines to lazza's apartment, opening the balcony door as jam arrived running up the side of the building and placing them both in the queen sized bed. Jam decided that the hares had no clue what he meant and stripped them both down to nothing placing Lazza so he was holding Rox from behind.

"Well this will be a nice surprise in the Moring" Jam whispered smugly, the hares had already left and jam did so as well going the same way he came only closing the door part way to let the warm breeze in.

The next Moring the sun shone brightly, Rox woke to find a white fluffy tail tickling his noise and something poking his pucker, Lazza woke up only seconds after and hugged what he thought was a pillow lifting his legs up as he did, until he heard a Moan.

Next chapter

6 - A fun Moring and the first date

Also coming up

Chapter 4- Another side ~ Jaysif and James