DoC-Ep4-Discovering the crystal world-

While the three were on a dirt path going through the woods they discover an out of place cave, where it seems erosion has made it easy for someone of average height to walk into and explore. "what... is that thing?"

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298 Closing Ceremony

From their point of view this probably counts as some sort of transient art, something to be seen in its full glory just the once, and then left behind to suffer the erosion and effacements of an alien world.

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Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 8)

I wondered if perhaps this too was a natural result of erosion, but as we neared the water, i quickly decided otherwise.

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Waves crash against the sides of it, the erosion over the years making the island shaped like a cone, point sinking into the ocean. no life grows there, and no one sets foot there.

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The Agudner - Preview

The whistling of the sand raking across the fallow sea of land pervaded his mind, adulterated his tongue with the dry, metallic taste of its erosion, and turned the visibility into a goldenrod mist of blindness.

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The Idea Of Evil

Let me tell you a story, one long lost to the sands of time, and the erosion of memory. your muttering will not help your situation, tirion once upon a time, there was an individual, we shall call him yohn.

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Coming Out over Ice Cream

The erosion of family caused by the waves of change could not be held off forever. with the family slowly dividing and growing away from one another, james never felt more alienated from the people he loved and grew up with.


Return To The Stars

End log"_ **tesla** plasteel, strong, durable, and erosion resistant. a miracle material created in a bygone age, the golden age of humanity.

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3 : Cuckolding

"they put the concrete here to slow down erosion." "cool," she didn't sound that interested, in the concrete, that is. she just leaned back into my shoulder, paw gently gliding up and down my back.  

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August 1: My Return to Minasato

It was a wooden top, the wood darkening with age and the tip showing signs of erosion. as i looked at it, my memories of childhood with my friends resurfaced, each one passing by like i was rapidly flickering through a photo album.


The Merrin, part 3

If any matter were to enter that "pipe" and collide with the matter flowing through it...well, theories run from simple ftl erosion to "it'll be an uncontrolled series of unconfined multi-particle collisions."

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A Much Needed Visit

The name carved on them barely visible that to the erosion of rain and the tangling vines of a nearby bush that grew all over them.
