Warm Boyfriend

This is clamp stuff from before sakura cardcaptors. oh, dragonball! you know about those, don't you?" he said it with a nudge, but the way his eyes remained unchanged only added to that cute factor, making maurice's blush somehow even stronger.

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"How long have I been falling?" A dragon thought to himself as he looked to the ground and his eventual end. After having lost the use of his wings and pride to a rival, he began to plummet toward the earth from high in the air. In the distance, he...


Start of a New Life

Cael woke up to the sun leaking through the blinds. He sat up and stretched feeling like a new man. He got up and turned to smile, seeing Sela still sleeping. Cael pulled the blankets to cover her and smiled to head to the bathroom. When Cael walked...

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The Transformation

Cael walked into Sela's house and looked around seeing just a normal house. Sela looked at him and smiled. "Are you hungry at all, Cael?" He shook his head and looked around to immediately hear his stomach growl loudly. Sela laughed and grabbed his...

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Wanting To Be Noticed

It was just an ordinary day; well actually it was just like every other day for Cael. Cael was just like any other student you'd meet in college good grades, great work, always paid attention, basically a model citizen for college. There was only one...

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A Dragon's Darkness

A dragon constantly tries to claw away at the air, looking to bring out any shred of light upon the darkness that he has found himself in. Constantly hearing voices, but never able to see the sources, he just runs. The darkness has this constant...

Blind Love

.^_ _update: would like to further acknowledge thanks to cardcaptors who pointed several mistakes out. so hopefully it reads better now guys!

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Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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New evolution side stories: Cubs Christmas

** _acknowladgements: this has been in thanks, large to cardcaptors (aka, chris) so cheers buddy for all the help!

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