Kinktober Day Twenty-Four: LapDance

Story by KarlyCommissions on SoFurry

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#19 of Kinktober 2018

A continuation of the punishment of one Vicky the Dragoness, a sweet little Macro who may have teased her sergal lover a bit too much.


Kinktober commission for Tyrantlord

"Of course you knew better. Now, why don't you sit back and enjoy the show?"

Vicky's entire body was burning in anticipation of the movements that her lover was sure to give her -- she'd seen the sergal dance before, and the dragoness knew that it always ended in her being very, very aroused... and usually, some kind of kinky fuckary before the night was through. The fact that Sal had made her intentions to 'punish' Vicky for her bad behavior clear only did to make the dragoness want her more, to make her sex clench and her entire body vibrate with need and desire that rocked through her for every second that she stared at the large woman as she swayed back and forth seductively in the maid costume.

She really, really needed to write to whoever had produced it and send them a damn fruit arrangement or something, because it was pure bliss to see the black and white sheer fabric clinging to Sal's body like a second skin. Vicky scooted a little closer to the foot of the bed, her claws digging into the comforter and her head turning up to show Sal that she was completely and utterly enraptured with her 'punishment', and was ready to take whatever the shark saw fit to dish out in recompense.

Whatever it was, she was sure that she didn't deserve it -- she never really felt like she deserved the attention that her lover often lavished on her... and this, with the outfit and the low thrum of music that started to play as Sal turned on the stereo and adjusted the volume... well... it was speaking volumes to how much she didn't deserve her. She'd been a downright tease all day, after all...

But somehow...

Somehow, her heaven was still right in front of her; as Vicky watched with wide, burning eyes, that heaven began to dance.

It was subtle at first -- a gyration of her hips, Sal's tail swaying back and forth slowly, but thumping beat of the music was like a low heartbeat that pulsed through the air and made everything feel thicker, heavier -- Sal caught that thump easily with the sway of her body, and her hands trailed along her hips, up across her torso; she cupped her breasts for a moment, offering the two mounds up like ripe, delicious fruit, and then let her fingers trail further until she raised them above her head in tandem with the music picking up, and that beating sway overtaking the calmer pulse that had filled the room only a few seconds prior.

It was perfect, the way that her hips moved, the way that her body bucked with the beat as though she was making love to the composition of the music itself -- her mouth lolled open long enough for Sal to lick her lips, long enough for her eyes to fixate on the smaller woman on the bed; Vicky knew that she looked every bit the hot, needy mess that Sal's gaze reflected.

She couldn't help it though -- it wasn't just that her mate was gorgeous... that was obviously a given; it was the simple fact that she was so very enraptured and in love with her. It made this situation, which was already hot and heavy against her senses, all the more enticing, knowing that the sergal's heart belonged to her, and that she was going to be with her long after this moment was over... that there would be a thousand other moments just like this, if she wanted.

And oh, how she wanted.

She might have dwelled on that thought for a bit longer, were it not for the fact that Sal's swaying brought her to the foot of the bed. She was so close now that Vicky could smell the warmth of her body, the heat and scent that was uniquely her mate -- more than that, the dragoness' nostrils flared and her pupils dilated because she could smell the heat and wetness between the shark's legs. She wasn't the only one who was turned on by this whole dance, but the scent of Sal's arousal was nearly enough to completely undo Vicky, nearly enough to make her body burst into flame... or, at least, to rip away what self-control was keeping her firmly planted on the mattress so that she could dive right between Sal's shapely thighs to get a taste of that arousal first hand.

It was one of her favorite flavors, after all.

As though her lover could read the thoughts that were flashing through her head, she leaned in close, her hands carefully pinning Vicky to the bed, and her head shaking back and forth in a soft, sweet tease.

"I don't think so -- I told you, lover, you have to be punished for how naughty you were being earlier. We can't just let you have whatever you want, now can we?" She kept the small dragoness carefully pinned to the bed and rolled her body forward, so that suddenly that scent that was driving Vicky wild was completely infiltrating her nostrils, driving her to lose her senses all the more -- Sal pulled her until she was right at the edge of the bed, and the gyration of her hips brought her scantily covered crotch directly in front of the dragoness' visage, until she was completely filled with the sight of it, the scent of it... until Sal's gyrating, thrusting, swirling hips were hypnotic, all that she could see, feel, think of.

If this was punishment, then she wanted to be bad forever; yes, there was something torturous about having her hands held down to her sides... and yes, she wanted to dive straight into her lover's pussy and lick and lap until Sal was squealing and squirming with pleasure... buts he also wanted to stay exactly like this, caught up in the rapture of the sergal's dance and the way that her body swayed and rocked, brushed close enough that Vicky could feel her warmth and grew all the headier off of her scent... she wanted to stay like this forever, too.

It was a strange kind of punishment -- of course, their relationship wasn't really built on anything cruel or capricious; but Sal gyrating every closer, until she brushed her sex against Vicky's front over and over again... there was a certain cruelty to it, because the dragoness strained her hands, tried to reach out to grasp her lover... and she found herself still retrained, still held tight by the sergal's hands.

"Not yet, lover." Sal's voice was deeper, throaty. It was clear that seeing Vicky struggle, seeing the way that her pupils were dilating and her body was aching was more than enough to get her motors revving as well... they were both being punished by holding back and not simply falling to the sheets... but it was a sweet punishment that was going to make that moment of release all the better. "Keep your hands to yourself, or I'll have to stop." She leaned in close, let her muzzle nuzzle against Vicky for just a moment. "Can you handle that, do you think?"

Vicky actually had to pause, hesitate, contemplate if she had that strength and willpower. It was only the flood of desire and passion in Sal's eyes that pulled the answer from her throat. "I can."

"Good." The sergal released her, but she didn't pull away. She simply turned, dropping forward so that suddenly, Vicky's vision was completely filled with her lover's plump ass, and the swell of her pussy straining against the maid costume. It was honestly almost too much for her. Her hands made to come up, actually spilled halfway into the air... and then she remembered that she was supposed to behave herself. She clasped them tightly in her lap instead, but she couldn't quell the thundering of her heart, the way that her entire body was thrumming and beating along with the pulse of the music as Sal leaned further into her, worked, rocked and gyrated her hips until Vicky could only feel the press of her, could only smell her sweet scent -- she was completely enraptured by the lap dance, and she wasn't sure how much longer she was going to be able to hold out from grabbing her lover and never letting go.

Sal was careful -- she only just brushed against her lover's smaller frame. They'd done this too many times before to count, and she knew exactly how hard she could press against the little dragoness, but there was still a desperation to her motion, a need that filled and flooded the room until it nearly drown out the music, until it was all that either of them could think of, could hear, could taste. It was the thundering of their own hearts, and the scent of arousal, strong and thick in the air...

It was the fact that this punishment wasn't going to last for nearly as long as Sal had intended because she could smell the heat between Vicky's legs as well, and she wanted that more than she'd wanted anything all day long.

The beat of the song began to slow, and there was an electric heat buzzing through the air, filling them both with the knowledge of possibilities, the knowledge of what was about to happen. There was no stemming the tide that was rushing in, and as the song faded and another started, Sal turned again. This time, she pushed forward until she had her lover pinned to the bed, until Vicky was laying back against the spread and looking up at her with all of the heat and intensity in her eyes that they could possibly hold

"Sal..." She murmured the words out, more of a moan that ached across her senses, testifying to how much the dance had burned through her, and how much she wanted more.

No, wanted wasn't a strong enough word for what was pulsing through her body... need. That was right. She needed Sal in such a fierce way, to the point that she knew she was going to go crazy if she didn't have her soon.

The sergal smiled, slow, knowingly, and her eyes reflected the heat that was pooling between Vicky's legs.

"Lay back then, lover..." She licked her lips hungrily, her eyes fixating on the sweet dampness that Vicky harbored at the junction of her thighs. "I'm going to rock your world."