David's New Life, Part 1

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NOTE: This is my first story of this type.....please give me any tips you may feel I could benefit from! And please comment! All input is welcome! Hope you enjoy! And just in case it's not apparent, there is more coming!

Chapter One

David sat heavily on his couch and put his head back, sighing deeply. It had been a very long day. After a moment, he heard footsteps and then a cold object touched the side of his face. He flinched away, to see his 11 year-old daughter holding a can of soda out to him, her bushy red tail swinging merrily from side to side.

"Hi daddy," she said simply, smiling. He smiled back at her, taking the soda. After thanking her, he pulled her into his lap, hugging her to him. The young fox happily cooperated.

"Daddy had a hard day at work," he said. "I hope your day was better? Did you get your homework done?" She nodded.

"Yep!" she exclaimed. "I had a lot of math, but it's all done!"

"Good girl," David said. After a moment, he got up, handed her the TV remote, and went into the kitchen to make dinner. "Lillie, honey, have you eaten yet?" he called to his daughter. She replied with a no. He proceeded to make spaghetti for two, one of his specialties and Lillie's favorite dish this month. After it was done, he brought her a plate in the living room, loaded with cheese just like she liked it. As he set it in front of her, she smiled a huge grin and dug in ravenously. David ate his slower, not as hungry as his daughter apparently was.

After 2 plates, Lillie finally stopped eating and helped David clean the kitchen up; David was grateful and didn't say anything about it beyond thanks, but was confused. Lillie usually did everything she could to avoid cleaning the kitchen. A half hour later, David pulled her into the living room.

"Ok, what's going on?" he asked. "You want something, don't you?" He said this with a grin to show he was being light-hearted about it. She looked at him, thinking.

"I was thinking..." she began. David urged her to go on. "Mommy died four years ago..." David nodded. His wife, a red fox like himself, had been mugged and shot one day about four years ago. Since then he had been raising Lillie by himself; it was a big job, a hard one, but one he enjoyed.

Lillie sighed as if to steel herself. "Jessica mentioned today before school that guys always need sex often." David's eyes narrowed. Lillie knew about sex, David having taught her about it last year; unfortunately, her friend Jessica liked to put bad ideas in her head.

"Go on," he said simply.

"So I wondered," she said at his prompt. "Have you had sex very often since what happened with Mommy? I never see girls over...that must be hard for you." David sighed and shook his head. It was true, he had not. He wasn't ready to marry again, even after four years.

"Not that it's really your business," he said, "but no I haven't. I haven't been ready for another marriage and I've been preoccupied with raising you." He said this in a kind voice but even so, her ears drooped and her saphire eyes fell. He put a hand under her chin and pulled her head up to look at him. "Don't misunderstand honey, I love you and raising you is something that I love doing. So don't worry, ok?" She looked at him with an unfathomable expression. After a moment, she wrapped her arms around his neck in a brief hug.

"What if...." she began, but stopped. He urged her to continue, afraid of what she was thinking but wanting to know. She looked down at her lap for several moments and David waited patiently. Then, all at once, she wrapped her arms around him once more, but this time pressed her lips against his. Before he could react, she was attempting to kiss him in a very unfamily-like way.

Finally getting his wits back, David pulled her off of him in shock. She gazed at him, looking determined.

"I...I could help you..." she stuttered. "I could make you...feel better...?" David sat in stunned silence as her tail slowly made a trail from her left side to her right and back.