David's New Life, Part 2

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Preview: Lillie tries to take what she wants and reveals some new information about her past in chapter two! Enjoy!

Chapter Two

David sat in shocked silence as his 11 year-old daughter Lillie stared at him expecantly, wanting a response. Despite his horror at what she was suggesting, he felt himself getting an erection. She noticed.

"You want it, don't you?" she said to him bluntly. He shook his head.

"You're not really suggesting that we...?" She nodded energetically as he said this. "You're my daughter..." He said weakly. She rolled her eyes.

"You know that doesn't really matter," she replied as she crawled on all fours toward him, tail swinging behind her. "The laws regarding Anthro incest are really lax, you know that." In a moment, David was pressed against the arm of the couch as his daughter crawled into his lap and straddled him. Only for the first time did he really absorb what she was wearing: A flimsy tank top and a skirt. David struggled for another excuse.

"I don't even have a condom," he began to protest. Lillie cut him off.

"Even if I had hit puberty yet, you know that doesn't matter either," she said grinning slyly. "I know I'm sterile..." David's heart sank. It was true. When she was only a year old, she had, due to David's inattention, gotten ahold of a bottle of canine spaying medication, designed to sterilize female dogs. They had a domesticated feral german sheppard at the time and didn't want puppies from the neighbors. The doctors, after stablizing her, told David and his wife that their daughter would never have kits.

"How....how did you..." David stammered, looking appalled. His daughter's grin faded slightly at his distress.

"I snooped in your office one day," she said. "I found the records. That makes this easier though, because we don't have to worry about pregnancy." She reached down and began undoing his pants. At this point, David just couldn't resist any longer. He only stared in numb shock at Lillie, who managed to undo his pants and began dragging them down and off. Standing clearly in his underwear, David's member was erect despite his disbelief at what was happening.

Lillie smiled and undbuttoned and removed her dad's shirt. She smiled wider seeing his strong chest and the small pudge of his belly. She ran her paws through the fur on his chest and shoulders, wrapping her tail around his waist. She was soon frustrated, however, by his remaining clothing, the pair of underwear, bright blue boxers. Playfully, she growled at them as she pulled them quickly off. Seeing her father's dick for the first time, she marveled at it's size. She had her first doubts just then. Would David's thick, 7 inch dick even fit inside her? She knew from exploring herself that she was small even for her age.

David took her hesitation as an opportunity and grabbed her hands in one of his own and slid her off of him. Then he stood and picked her up and, with a cry of joy from her, carried her up the stairs to her room.

"I knew you'd give in!" she exclaimed. "I knew it!" She huffed as he plopped her down on her queen-sized bed and...groaned in defeat as he walked out and closed her door. She was up and at the door in a moment, but was shocked to realize that he had put a shelf in front of her door, which was a problem because it opened into the hallway. "Daddy!" she yelled. "Come back please...."

Meanwhile, David had gone to the living room and re-dressed. Then, he sat back on the couch and carefully considered what had just happened. 'I was nearly taken advantage of by my own daughter,' he said to himself. _'And what's worse, I wanted her to win.' _ He had never thought of himself as a pedophile, never having been interested in children, but in that moment he was completely and utterly taken by an 11 year-old. As he thought about his beloved daughter, his lovely Lillie, her supple curves and lithe young body, his will shattered.

After several minutes of pouting on her bed, Lillie heard the shelf move and her dad stepped in.

"If we plan to get...involved...." he began nervously, "we need to lay down some rules...." The last part of his statement was almost drowned out by the scream of joy Lillie let loose as she leaped from her bed into his arms.