Roommate Training

Story by FilthFox on SoFurry

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Jacob smiled to himself as he sat on his new bed, paws resting on the sheets at his sides. He was a rather average fox - bright orange fur with a skinny figure, a little on the tall side. He had bright blue eyes and usually had a relaxed, happy expression. He wore a pair of jeans that were a little too tight and a plain black t-shirt. Hanging off the side of the bed, his footpaws were bare, finding the shoes that some other furs wore uncomfortable and not worth the style.

As he looked around the room, he smiled. His parents had left a couple hours ago after helping him bring boxes of his possessions inside. The vulpine had just finished unpacking, storing his clothes on his half of the room and making his bed with navy blue sheets, fluffing up the pillows in anticipation of his first night here later on. His desk was set up with his laptop, attached to the charger and next to his outrageously expensive textbooks. A few notebooks were neatly stacked in the corner along with a nice assortment of pens and highlighters. While he could always take his computer, there was something more satisfying to him about handwriting most of his notes, especially in math classes where typing out complex formulas proved cumbersome.

Jacob pulled out his phone and checked the time, seeing the glowing numbers '3:20' staring back at him. He still had about forty minutes before he was due to meet up with some other students he'd met down the hall earlier that day. This was the first time any of them were on campus, so they needed to figure out where their classes were. It seemed like as good as an opportunity as any to make some new friends and grab something to eat afterward.

The fox stood up and moved over to his desk, settling down in the chair and setting his phone to his left side, making sure the time was always facing him so he wouldn't be late. Before he could get up to much, however, the door to his room opened. His neck whipped around in surprise, staring at what could only be his roommate.

A large, solid black dragon was standing in the doorway, the jingling of keys signaling that he did in fact live in the room as well. Everything about the other male could be considered large. The dragon towered over the fox, standing nearly eight feet in comparison to the fox's six and a half. His muscles were clearly on display, shown down the arms past his t-shirt and along his calves beneath his shorts. His hand looked like it could crush the doorknob in one quick clench, and the feet down below were equally massive. The fox didn't even question why the dragon wasn't wearing shoes either - it must have been impossible to find some in that size. Not that he was looking, but the fox also caught a quick glance of the dragon's crotch, and the same rule seemed to hold true there as well.

Wanting to get off on the right start, Jacob quickly hopped up and took a couple steps across the room, extending his paw. "Hi, I'm Jacob!" he said sweetly.

The dragon smiled down at the fox, returning the shake. It wasn't a completely innocent smile - Jacob could see something hidden behind it, but he wasn't sure what. Nevertheless, the two shook, with the fox's paw completely dwarfed in the encounter. "Hey, I'm Dominic. Just Dom works though," the dragon said as he let go, returning his own paw to his side.

Dom remained quiet after the shake, looking a bit pensive. After thinking for a moment, he decided to try the willing path first. "I know this is probably a lot to ask, given we just met, but I've got some stuff out in my car that needs brought in. Don't suppose you'd mind giving me a hand?"

Jacob frowned, turning back toward his phone and seeing that it was just past 3:30. The fox knew that if he said yes, he'd be jeopardizing his meeting time with his potential friends. On top of that, he also just really didn't want to. It was painful enough moving himself in; he certainly didn't want to have to move in twice.

"I'm sorry, I can't - I've got plans to meet some people really soon. By the time we got to your car I'd already be late," he said empathetically. "Don't worry, I just finished moving in and it wasn't too bad. I'm sure you'll be okay."

It was now Dom's turn to frown. Okay, this was going to take some work to make his roommate as friendly as he should be. It was going to happen sooner or later, but the fox just happened to push the dragon's hand now. Dom stared down at the fox, maintaining eye contact as he focused his energy.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me," Dom started rather sternly, "but I said I needed some help moving in. You're here, and we're going to be living together. Now don't you think it would be a good gesture to help out?"

The fox continued looking back at the dragon as he spoke, finding it harder and harder to resist. Vague mumbling noises spewed from his muzzle as he tried to respond, but he was well beyond being able to form a coherent thought anymore. It didn't take long before he had completely lost all control over his mind. Thoughts of his later meeting had gone, replaced only with the thought of moving the dragon's stuff in.

Dom's frown slowly returned to a sinister smile as he realized he was taking control of the smaller male's mind. He reached into his pocket and held the keys out to the fox, knowing he wasn't going to run off with them. "Now, my car's the blue van parked in the lot out back. Here's the keys. Bring in everything in the back of it, and be careful! If anything gets damaged, you'll regret it. After it gets in here, put it away however you see fit. I'll get you to show me where things are later. Once the boxes are disposed of, you can come back and get me. I'll be taking a nap. Now, hop to it!"

As soon as the dragon finished speaking, the fox snatched the keys out of his paw and shoved his way past the larger male, unable to focus on anything but getting the dragon's wishes taken care of as soon as possible. Once the fox was out of view, the dragon moved to Jacob's bed and laid down upon it. The new pet surely wouldn't mind if Dom took a nap here. It would be rude of the fox to assume anything in the room was still his.

After seeing the vulpine bring the first set of boxes dutifully into the room, set them down, then immediately turn tail and go back out for more, the dragon smiled and shut his eyes. His new pet was off to a wonderful start. The next thing Dom knew, the fox was pressing on his shoulder, trying to wake him up. "Dom? I'm done," he robotically announced as the dragon gave his first sign of movement. As Dom sat up and stretched, he glanced over. No boxes were to be seen, his bed was made, desk was set up with his computer, and he could only assume his clothes were in the dresser where they belonged. "Good job, but we have to work on your language. From now on, you are only to address me as 'sir' or 'master'. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Jacob replied, still standing obediently and free-minded at the side of the bed.

"Good. Now, tell me the time," Dom demanded.

Jacob swiftly moved over to his desk, checked his phone, and turned back around. "It's 5 o'clock, sir."

"That means we've got a bit of time before dinner. As I'm sure you can imagine from moving in twice today, your footpaws get a bit sore from walking in and out of here, especially when carrying boxes like that. Now, I had to walk all the way in here from my car earlier today, so mine could use a bit of a massage. I think you're the perfect one to provide it."

The vulpine practically fell to the ground, his knees letting out a huge thud as he positioned himself before the dragon who rested on the edge of the bed. "I completely agree, master. Happy to provide."

The dragon smiled and fished his own phone out of his pocket, busying himself while the fox got to work, not bothering to look down at his pet for the moment.

Jacob reached out and lifted the dragon's left leg, placing the foot against his chest. He started near the top, squeezing the dragon's toes one by one, finding his own fingers miniscule in comparison. He could wrap his whole hand around each and barely have his fingers connect. As the vulpine worked, he found he had to squeeze them rather roughly to make any impact. It was supposed to be a massage, after all, not just rubbing his fingers over the scales.

After he progressed down the row of toes and gave each the same loving attention, his eyes turned to the top of the dragon's foot. His fingertips traced rough paths up and down, really working the muscles inside. He kept his ears perked as he worked, listening for grunts or moans of satisfaction from his new master. Every time he heard a noise the action was repeated for maximum pleasure.

Progressing admirably, Jacob wrapped his paws around the sides and held the foot out in front of his torso. His thumbs started near the ball of the foot, pressing firmly into the flesh. As Jacob looked over what he was doing, he could tell the dragon was walking outside earlier. There was a fair amount of dirt on the sole, taking away from the pure black appearance of it. His thumbs knocked a bit of the filth away as they worked, but much remained in their wake.

As Dom could feel the gradual procession of the fox from his heel back up to the toes, he looked up from his phone, still grinning that evil grin. When Jacob tried switching feet, however, Dom spoke up. "What do you think you're doing? It's still dirty, and the shower's all the way down the hall. Lick it clean, and don't forget to suck on the toes. And go slow - really enjoy it." The dragon said, his voice trailing off as he reached the end of the sentence, emphasizing to the fox that this was meant to be a drawn-out procedure.

Returning back to where he left off, the fox lifted the dragon's ebony foot to be right back in front of his face. His eyes were level with the dragon's heel, licking his lips as an uncharacteristic hunger overtook him. He reached out and placed his tongue firmly against the bottom of the heel, feeling each and every one of the scales pressing against it. Agonizingly slowly, he started dragging it up the left side, taking almost a full thirty seconds to go from bottom to top. Every step of the way he could taste the dirt, feeling the larger flecks as texture on his tongue before swallowing them all down.

True to the dragon's command, he did find himself enjoying it, perhaps a little too much. By this point, both males had rather large tents in their pants, though the dragon's was considerably larger. It took some effort, but Dom resisted the urge to push his commands too far this time and kept his cock to himself for now. The dragon busied himself with turning on the video of his phone and recording the fox at work, wanting to remember their first encounter.

Jacob, on the other hand, hadn't even noticed he was hard or that anything was out of the ordinary here. He only knew that this was his place and that he had much more work in front of him. His tongue quickly returned to the bottom of the foot before him after sliding off the toes. The next trip upward was performed slightly more quickly, and the next even faster. Every taste egged him on, his nose flooded with the scent of the dragon's musk the entire time. Once he'd completely returned the sole to its shiny black glory, he moved up and sucked on one of the dragon's four toes. He dropped his jaw, finding himself having to open up a considerable amount to wrap his lips around it. Not knowing quite why, he found himself bobbing up and down on the toe as he cleaned it. His tongue pressed itself against the clawed tip, slurping the dirt off of it as thoroughly as he could. With one final push, he placed his paws against the heel and forced it against his muzzle as tightly as possible, taking the toe almost into his throat as he gave it a suck hard enough to pull a golf ball through a garden hose. Now happy with his work, the fox moved to the next one.

This pattern continued down the line, with Dom recording every second of the way, watching the fox move up and down along the toes. He didn't even know if the fox was gay to start with, but there was no question that he would be after his treatment was over. The horny fox continued his duties, slurping the dragon's foot clean until not a spec of grime remained. Both males throbbed after the fox eventually did swap feet, knowing he was only halfway done with his treatment. The second foot was taken care of much more quickly, with the fox now arguably more into this than Dom.

"Good boy. It seems you rather enjoyed that," Dom noted, reaching down and forcing his newly-cleaned foot against the very wet front of the fox's pants. "I think we'll have to make that a regular part of our encounters. From now on, whenever you greet me, you are to do exactly what you did there. You will massage my feet and lick them clean. I don't care if I leave the room five seconds after you've done it, then immediately return. You will greet me every single time like this. Understood?"

Jacob nodded enthusiastically, finding himself instinctively pushing his hips toward the dragon's foot. "You got it, master!" The fox cried, smacking his lips a bit. He could still taste a bit of sweat along his tongue, and could feel a few tiny pebble-like bits of dirt stuck around his teeth. As he sat awaiting a new order he continued sucking on his own tongue, desperate to gulp down every last bit of grime from the dragon's feet that he could get.

"I think this was a successful first go at it. You're going to be an amazing pet by the end of the year. I daresay after that point, you'll never want to live with anyone else again. Now, I'm going to sit down at my computer, and you're going to lie in bed. I'll release you from my control, and you'll regain your mind, though hopefully a few of these suggestions will stick...if not, well, there's always next time."

Dom stood up as he finished talking, not caring to wait for a response from his pet. He strode over to his computer, sat in his chair, and looked into the mirror the fox had hung up. He watched for the vulpine lying in bed, and once Jacob was in place, the dragon released his control.

Jacob sat up groggily, bringing a paw to his temple, shaking his head a bit. "What happened?" he muttered more to himself than anything. He glanced over toward the window, seeing considerably less sunlight coming in compared to when he last had his own thoughts. "Fuck! I'm late!" he screamed, jumping up and running over to his phone, checking the time. It was now past 7, over three hours after he was due to meet up with his friends. "Sorry, we'll catch up later sir!" he yelled as he ran out of the room, still with a slightly weird aftertaste in his mouth.

The dragon just smiled as he attached a cable between his phone and his computer, moving the video he'd taken over and putting it up on the larger laptop screen. The thumbnail was beautiful as he opened it up - the fox's muzzle was wide open, giving a perfect view of his tongue forced against the sole of Dom's foot. As he hit play, he reached down and shimmied out of his shorts. His monstrous shaft sprung out, nearly two feet in length and somehow a darker black than his scales. His mind alternated between focusing on the video in front of him and the thought that this would likely be one of the last times he'd ever not have a fox handy to take care of these needs for him in his life. Living at home made it harder to bring his dirtier side out, but here at college, he was free to be himself. It didn't take long before he was able to bring himself to orgasm, letting out a tremendous roar as he erupted. One of the jets of cum even found its way up to the ceiling. The aftermath left the dragon's paw, crotch, and the chair beneath his ass absolutely drenched in seed.

Part of Dom's dirty side involved not wanting to clean up these messes at all, but he worried that his hypnosis wouldn't stick as well if he made too big of a change at once for the fox. The dragon stood up and grabbed one of the few towels he'd brought and wiped up the mess on his chair and his paw. He left his crotch and the ceiling alone for now, however. A small stalactite had already started forming, dripping back down onto Dom's crotch. He refrained from putting his pants back on for the moment as well. It took a while and made his crotch rather cold as it dried, but Dom allowed the cum to remain in place, only putting his shorts back on once his cock was back in its sheath and the jizz had mostly dried clear around him. The only cleaning he was going to get from now on would come from Jacob - and that didn't only apply to his feet.

The rest of the night was rather uneventful. Jacob had stayed out rather late and Dom was in bed by the time the fox had returned. A quick sniff made it obvious that the dragon had jerked off in the room since he'd left, but that was to be expected. The vulpine knew there would be days where he'd be masturbating when the dragon wasn't around, but made a note to light a candle when he did with how overpowering the stench was.

The next morning, classes started. Dom had somehow managed to get his classes all lined up in the afternoon, allowing him to sleep in. Not that he really cared with how well he did in them, or worried about attending all that often - grades always seemed to have a way of working themselves out for him. Jacob, on the other hand, tried rather hard in school. He truly saw college as a way forward in life. He not only spent the first day, but the first week pretty much out of the room. Jacob was in class before Dom woke up, and came back quite a bit after Dom had gone to bed after staying out with his friends. Dom had attempted to socialize a bit himself but found it harder to get along with the other students. As a result, he spent most of his time in shared bedroom, preferring solitude.

On Friday night, fate was back on Dom's side as the two roommates' paths crossed once more. Dom was tired of jerking off all week and made sure tonight he was going to do something about it. He stayed up late, watching the hours tick by until the fox ended up back in the room at almost two in the morning. Dom sat in his computer chair, turning toward Jacob as he entered the room, his legs crossed out in front of him. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, been a little bit, hey Dom. I've had the most amazing week - isn't college great?" he said with clear pep in his voice, looking over at the dragon in anticipation of a shared sentiment.

Dom only frowned in response, however, looking at the fox and focusing once more. A familiar feeling swept over both of them, control for the dragon and a lack of it for the fox. "Clearly, going a week without serving me is too long to make these commands stick. You were told, in no uncertain terms, to always address me as 'sir' or 'master', and to greet me by licking my feet clean. You've done neither." Dom said sternly, wheeling his chair over in front of the fox. Abruptly, he seized Jacob around the chest and brought the vulpine to a standing position over his leg, where he slammed his knee upward and into Jacob's groin. He then tossed the fox to the side, Jacob ending up on the ground and on his back. Dom shifted himself slightly to be over the fox's prone body, pressing one of his feet firmly down onto the fox's crotch and the other onto his muzzle. "Now, be glad that I'm generous and still allowing you to carry out your duties. I could let you sit there under my spell, knowing that your entire purpose in life was to serve me but preventing you from doing so. If you forget again, you will forfeit your own life. I will find someone else for sexual needs, and you will spend your life chained in the corner trying but unable to serve me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master." The fox mumbled from underneath the dragon's foot, tears in his eyes from pain, but still not even allowing his muzzle to close before he resumed his licking duties. It took even longer to clean this time than it did during the first session, as the dragon had gone the entire week without showering or washing his feet. The fox dutifully slurped over every last inch he could reach, with Dom graciously moving his foot along to let the fox reach every possible part of it. He thrust his toes down into the fox's muzzle in turn, knowing his claws were likely scratching up the vulpine's tongue but deciding that he didn't care. Jacob's lips sealed themselves firmly to each one, scraping the filth off and onto his tongue before slurping it down.

Dom quickly swapped his feet once the first was done, but put more focus on his clean foot this time. He ground it roughly down into the fox's crotch, pressing his heel into the freshly smashed balls. The ball of his foot slid painfully up and down the knotted length. The fox's cock was just over a foot in total - impressive for him, but still nowhere near the dragon's nearly twice as large piece of meat. As Jacob cleaned, he also grew closer and closer to orgasm. Once Dom had started shoving toes back into the vulpine's muzzle, that was it. He completely blew, starting to fire his load all over the bottom of the dragon's foot and his own chest. Dom quickly put a stop to this, however, only letting a few spurts out before stomping down hard and fully blocking the fox's urethra from letting any more escape.

After Jacob had stopped convulsing in pleasure and pain, the dragon lifted his foot, smirking as drops of cum fell from the bottom of it. He moved it to the fox's stomach, practically stomping down as he wiped it off, sending Jacob into another wave of pain.

"Don't worry about cleaning it off this time slut. You'll get it next time. Though speaking of cum, I do have one of your new duties to present to you," Dom said authoritatively, standing up on top of the fox and dropping his shorts, exposing his own erection before returning to the chair. He took his feet off of Jacob and scooted his chair back a few inches. "Now, kneel, and look at my crotch."

Jacob struggled a bit - despite being under the dragon's trance, having his stomach crushed and his balls beaten left him moving a bit gingerly. Once he managed to assume the position, however, he saw a crotch that had clearly not been cleaned in a while. There were a few layers of spooge across the dragon's inner thighs and his balls. It even went all the way up to his stomach, with the dragon's crotch just absolutely coated in it. His shaft was somehow even worse. The dried cum had attracted dirt and lint and had been allowed to fester inside the dragon's sheath all week. Dom didn't exactly have small loads, and simply jerking off once a day didn't do it for him. As a result, the entire two-foot length was now coated in a healthy layer of the fox's next cheesy meal.

"Your first task is to clean me up a bit. This mess is a bit extreme, but after you get used to it, you won't be able to go more than a few hours without my cock inside you. You'll go crazy without a taste of it. You won't ever allow it to get this messy again. You will lick until everything between my knees and my chest is completely spotless. After that, you will blow me until you get a chance to see what my fresh loads taste like, and you will swallow every last drop of it."

"Yes sir!" the fox replied happily, barely able to get the last word out before his tongue came into contact with the dragon's thigh. Week old cum turned wet again under the fox's saliva, slowly removed each and every time he slid it over the heavily-stained scales. Jacob coughed and gagged a bit as a particularly big chunk broke off at once, but still found the inner strength to swallow it down. The fox was aching hard in the face of his disgust, despite having just cum all over himself.

Lick after lick peeled back load after load of dried dragon cum until eventually the fox had lathered every part of the dragon's midsection a hundred times over. The only thing left before him was the towering piece of meat - almost as long as the vulpine's entire torso. Not capable of his own free thought, it didn't occur to him how difficult his next endeavor would be. He simply moved to the base, placed his tongue against it, and started moving upwards. As soon as the first clumps were knocked into his muzzle, however, his stomach heavily protested. The fox heaved, feeling his appetizer working its way back up. With just a bit of the moist, thick, chunky, rancid stuff on his tongue, he had to stop moving.

Dom looked down at the fox, shaking his head a bit. "You will continue, and you will swallow every last bit of it without hesitation," he said sharply.

With those words, it was as if the dragon controlled Jacob's body as well as his mind. The fox immediately started moving upwards once more, the cheesy layer scraping off and into the back of his throat, where it quickly joined the fetid cum. Had the fox not been swallowing as rapidly as his body allowed, at least a full mouthful would have accumulated by the time he'd reached the tip, and that was with just a small, vertical streak slurped out of it. To even get that high, the fox had to practically stand, his knees just barely bent to put his head level with the dragon's tip while Dom was sitting.

"Hang on, look up at me for a second." Dom said, interrupting the fox's trip back down to the base. The dragon grabbed his phone off the desk, snapping a quick picture of the fox's smegma-coated lips. "One now, and one more after you're done. I want at least one good picture before your fur is forever coated in dragon spunk."

The fox smiled big for the picture before returning to work, going back down to the base and making the trip upwards once more. It became awkward when he'd cleaned the underside of the shaft off, having to wrap his tongue around it to try to get to the top side near the dragon's stomach. Dom certainly wasn't complaining, however, only throbbing a bit harder at getting to watch the fox struggle for his meal. Under Dom's control Jacob never considered stopping once, no matter how difficult it was.

Without having to be reminded, as soon as the final lick of smegma was taken care of, Jacob immediately transitioned into the blowjob. His tongue didn't even leave the head of the shaft between the last bit being licked up and his lips encircling the tip. He immediately started bobbing, jaw stretched to the maximum, taking the head almost into his throat. That was where the first barrier was hit. The fox wasn't used to having anything in there, let alone something as big as his arm. Sensing the struggles, Dom grinned and moved the duo over toward one of the walls.

"Don't worry; I'll help you out for your first time. I'll expect you to take it all next time though," the dragon huffed. Dom got out of the chair, positioning the back of the fox's head against the wall. He kept his shaft pointing straight down the smaller male's gullet, and with a firm grip of the sides of the fox's head, he immediately started thrusting forward. Jacob's body convulsed, gagging and retching like crazy, but Dom completely blocked off the passage of anything trying to get out. It only served to tighten the hole that the dragon was shoving himself into.

With each thrust inward, Dom sent Jacob's head slamming against the wall behind the fox and forcing his shaft further down his pet's throat. It only took a few attempts before he was hilting himself completely, pulling almost a foot of dragon meat out each time before hammering it back home.

Jacob grew dizzy quickly, both from lack of oxygen and the repeated battering of his skull. Dom didn't even notice the fox's lack of participation, only focused on his release. Fortunately for the fox, given the lengthy foreplay and cleanup, the dragon didn't last long. Dom roared as he released his first load into Jacob's esophagus, quickly bloating out the fox's stomach.

After the first few ropes of cum shot out, Dom started pulling out. Each successive jet hit the fox's throat higher and higher until the tip was finally back inside the fox's muzzle. Remembering his master's order to swallow every drop, he sealed his lips as tightly around the shaft as he could. Each shot of cum filled the fox's mouth to the brim, putting his swallowing to the test. By the end of the orgasm, the fox's swallowing had passed and Dom was left panting. The vulpine reached down and felt his slightly-swollen stomach, evidence of a job well done. He still didn't stop sucking on the tip of the shaft, however, never knowing when another drop would come out. Once he started tonguing it again Dom pulled back, finding himself too sensitive to keep going. Before anything else, he quickly grabbed his phone and took a picture of the fox's open muzzle, cum still completely staining everything inside.

"You'll be getting a lot more of that in the future. Whenever that throat of yours feels empty, just come start sucking. I'll be more than happy to oblige you. That is, if I don't decide to start raping your throat first." Dom uttered between breaths, sitting back down on his bed. "I think we'll have to include that in the greeting rotation. Whenever you see me, your default actions should be, in order, to greet me as sir or master, lick my feet clean, and then start sucking me off. If I tell you to stop or do something else at that time, you do that instead, but until you're given a new order you go to your default. Now, get down there and give my feet a kiss goodbye. You'll be seeing them again soon, I'm sure."

Jacob expectedly obeyed, getting down onto his paws and knees and giving the top of the dragon's feet a kiss. What was unexpected, however, was that the fox took one of the dragon's toes into his muzzle and sucked on it for a moment, really getting into it with his tongue before pulling away. As Dom looked down at him, he noted that the fox looked almost heartbroken that he had to stop. It only gave him a sense of immense pride, knowing that the fox was hooked.

"One more thing." Dom said, standing up and striding over to Jacob's belongings, picking up his toothbrush. He brought it back to the smaller male and handed it to him. "Swallow it." He said simply.

The dragon stood over Jacob as the fox did his best to obey, tilting his head back and putting the tip of the toothbrush in his throat, using a couple fingers to force it down. Next to the dragon's cock it was relatively simple, but still caused him to cough a little bit. Dom stroked himself a few times, merely watching in pleasure as the fox completed the task. It wasn't long before he'd completed it, giving a final swallow with a sharp exhale. "Good. You won't be needing that anymore - from now on, you're not allowed to brush your teeth or clean your mouth out in any way aside from swallowing." Dom got lost in the thought, staring down at the fox's muzzle and continuing to stroke himself a little bit more. He shook his head, however, deciding not to push it for tonight.

"Now go sit on your bed until you're freed." Dom finally said, getting to his feet and finding his discarded shorts. While his crotch no longer was heavily stained with cum, the same could not be said for the shorts he wore around the room. They wrinkled in extremely odd places that never seemed to move, and likely would have scratched someone fiercely if they didn't have rough scales for protection. The dragon slipped his shorts back on before sitting on his own bed, facing the fox and freeing Jacob from his control. "Jacob?" He asked, trying to get the fox's attention.

"Sorry, master, what? I must have just dozed off there for a second, it's late. What did you want?" The fox asked, shaking his head a bit. The last thing he remembered was walking in and greeting the dragon. He'd have to be more careful when he went out in the future - the only reasonable explanation he had was that someone had spiked his drink, and it was now starting to wear off.

"Hello, Earth to Jacob?" The dragon said, laughing. "We've been talking for a couple hours now. Everything okay?"

The fox looked down, putting a paw against his head. "Yeah...yeah...sorry, sir, what were we talking about?" The vulpine inquired, seemingly unaware of now injecting the words 'sir' and 'master' into his phrases.

"We were talking about high school relationships. I told you about a couple of my boyfriends in the past, and I asked you first whether you were gay or straight."

The fox looked back up, nodding like he remembered the conversation even though he had absolutely no recollection whatsoever. "Right, right." He said, before belching up a little bit of the dragon's cum. His muzzle opened, practically showing off to Dom that the fox now had cum on his tongue again, only for Jacob to swallow it back down. "I'm straight, first of all." The fox carried on, seemingly either not knowing what that taste he just had in his muzzle was or just not paying attention to it. "I had a couple girlfriends in high school. No girls I know already are at this college though, and my senior year girlfriend didn't want to do the long distance thing. I've got a couple promising leads here though, if you know what I mean." The fox said, winking before belching up a little more cum. "What about you? You met anyone here yet?"

"Few other guys, yeah. None that pique my interest all that much, but I will say there's one lead that I'm...rather heavily pursuing. I have a feeling he'll be all mine before too much longer." Dom said with his trademark grin.

Jacob nodded, genuinely getting into the conversation now. "Yeah? What's he like? Is he a dragon too?"

"Nope. He's actually a fox like you. Haven't met many other dragons yet here, and none that I know of are gay. This fox though, I think he'll be a keeper. We've actually already done it."

Jacob grinned, laying back on his bed. "You're rather naughty, master. Are you, then? Sorry if that's not the right word - haven't had a lot of gay friends before."

Dom nodded, reaching down and letting his paw rest against his crotch as he talked about this with his pet, the fox completely unaware. "Yep. He sucked me dry, every last drop. Got into some other stuff too, but maybe I'll tell you about that later. Once we know each other better."

The vulpine's interest grew as the dragon spoke, shifting to lay on his side as he looked over at Dom. "Well then, I hope that day comes soon. You can't tease that kind of thing and not give me more!" he complained.

Dom frowned a bit. Part of him wanted to put the fox back under and reprimand him for telling the dragon what he could or couldn't do, but he refrained for now. Those kinds of statements wouldn't last too much longer. "Soon enough, I'm sure." He replied simply.

Seemingly satisfied with that, the fox carried on. "I bet I'll find a vixen around here like a vacuum cleaner soon enough. Everyone always finds their slutty side after they go off to college."

"They sure do." Dom replied simply, now laughing internally as he looked at the fox. "Was actually this guy's first time, with me. He couldn't wait to get in my pants. We were in the room together not a minute before we were going at it." He continued, remembering how Jacob had been slammed to the ground and placed under his feet for disobeying almost instantly.

"Damn. You must have a way with guys. Don't you go getting any ideas about me now," Jacob said, believing he was teasing.

"Oh don't worry. I wouldn't ask you to do anything unless you wanted to," Dom said, technically truthfully, knowing he'd never ask the fox at all.

"Oh?" Jacob said, continuing his ribbing a bit. "Unless I wanted to? Let's say hypothetically I did - would you do me?"

Dom nodded a bit. "Oh yeah. You've got a nice ass, and a good pair of dick-sucking lips."

Jacob wasn't sure how to feel about that. It was a bit more...vulgar of an answer than he was expecting. He frowned a bit, sitting back up and resting his paw on his stomach. "Sorry, sir...I think I need to go to the bathroom. Something I ate must not be agreeing with me."

"Hope it's nothing too bad. Better get there quick," the dragon said before lying back on his bed, closing his eyes.

Dom frowned as he lay there, finding it rather hard to sleep with his cock now hard again. Talking with the fox only kept the memories fresh. He ignored the pressing need for now, knowing the fox would be around to take care of them tomorrow. What the dragon hadn't expected, however, was what woke him up a couple hours later. Jacob had been in the bathroom for a while, his stomach hating him but not releasing anything, and the filth hadn't had nearly enough time to work its way out the other end. The fox eventually gave up and made his way back to the room. In the dark, he asked quietly, "Hey, master, you still awake?" and that was all it took. It registered in the fox's mind as a greeting, and now that the dragon had had another chance to force the commands into the pet's mind, away he went.

By the time Dom had woken up, his feet were completely wet, and the fox was halfway down his cock and working his way further. The dragon sighed in his half-awake state, idly putting a paw on the back of the fox's head and guiding him up and down. The slut had quickly adapted to giving proper attention to the right parts of the dragon's shaft, teasing the head nicely with his tongue and twisting his muzzle full of saliva as he worked his way back down. The vulpine eventually engulfed the entire length, making the incredibly long journey over and over from base to tip and back, eagerly trying for another load from his master.

The dragon lasted quite a bit longer than earlier this time, both from not being in control of the session and having came just a few hours prior. Jacob's jaw ached by the time the dragon started throbbing violently inside his muzzle, relying on energy he didn't know he had to finish the job. It eventually paid off as Dom painted his stomach white for the second time that night. Jacob pulled off, sucking the last drops of cum out of the tip of the dragon's cock and pulling the larger male's shorts back up. With no orders other than his default greeting commands, the fox returned to his own bed looking a few months pregnant.

By the time Jacob had snapped out of his auto-pilot, he was under his covers and lying facing the wall. The first thing he noticed in his now-sober state was the stench of fresh cum. Knowing he hadn't gotten off, he knew Dom had to have jerked it. He rolled over and faced the dragon, who had decided to feign sleep in case the fox grew suspicious after finishing his second helping. "Come on master, at least don't do that when I'm in the room..." Jacob complained.

Dom could only lay there smiling as he drifted off to sleep once more, knowing the fox was now remembering his training even when not hypnotized.

The two continued like this for a few months. Dom would start getting up when the fox's alarm went off, only so the fox would greet him and inadvertently trigger the greeting protocol. He'd get his feet cleaned, get his morning wood taken care of, and the fox would make his way to class belching up cum. It backfired a bit, however, in that the fox found himself late so often that he started setting his alarm earlier, but Dom learned to live with it. The tradeoff was worth it. He was getting blown a bare minimum of twice a day and the setup had prevented the fox from maintaining many other friendships. When he would come back to the room with a girl or with a friend, they'd always instantly leave the second the fox got down on all fours and started worshipping Dom's feet. Jacob never figured out where they went either. He'd finish his blowjob and then wonder where his companion had gotten off to. He'd shrug it off, leave the room to go find them again, never believing them when they told him why they left. He'd just head back to the room and give Dom the same treatment. As a result, the days when Jacob went to class and stayed out afterward became fewer and fewer, meaning he'd come back to the room and blow the dragon after class almost every day now.

Dom obviously loved the current setup, but also wanted more. He started doing little things to change up their sessions each and every time. One day while the fox was in class the dragon went running for a while, giving Jacob an extra sweaty and dirty licking job to take care of once he'd gotten back. One week, he put the fox back under his spell during each blowjob. He forced the fox to let the cum spill over his crotch again. Then, when the weekend hit, the fox had another layer of fermented dick cheese to vacuum up. One particularly sadistic day, the dragon purposely went outside and stepped in the thickest puddle of mud he could find. He could still picture the fox's disgusted, tortured face as he forced himself through every last bit of it until the dragon's feet were as black as night. When he was in a particularly giving mood, he'd even go back to giving the fox a footjob while he was getting sucked off.

What looked to be the most promising, however, was the dragon's push toward anal. It wasn't going to be an easy step, as if he just ordered the fox to let him go balls deep, the vulpine would be dealing with pain and bleeding for days to come and know that he'd been essentially drugged and raped. He'd go to the cops, and the dragon would have to cover his tracks or keep the fox under his spell until the healing had finished. Too much hassle.

What he had done, however, was to start pushing his fingers inside the fox's ass any time the smaller male was hypnotized. When getting his feet licked or his cock swallowed, the dragon would work a few fingers inside and stretch the vulpine out. Or, when he was feeling particularly lazy, the dragon would lean back, put his hands behind his head, and lightly fuck Jacob with his tail. Getting him ready took nearly a full month. Dom was only sure the work was finished when the fox had successfully fisted himself under the dragon's spell without howling in pain.

One night, while Jacob was studying for his finals, Dom looked up from the game he was playing and glanced in the fox's direction. "Hey, Jacob?"

"Yes, master?" the fox asked, turning around and looking at the dragon. Almost immediately, he was under.

"What do you think about going all the way tonight?"

"You mean it?" Jacob asked, hopeful but cautious.

Dom could only grin, standing up from his chair. He immediately dropped his shorts and whipped off his t-shirt. He then strode over to the fox and lifted the smaller male up by the scruff of his neck. With one swift movement, he'd ripped away the fox's shirt and shredded his pants. Slamming the fox down against his bed, the dragon quickly positioned himself over the vulpine, pressing his massive chest down against Jacob's back. With one paw, he reached back and painfully yanked up Jacob's tail, pressing his already-erect shaft against the new entrance.

"Oh, I mean it," Dom finally replied, placing his paws on the fox's shoulders and forcing himself inward. Both males screamed at the dry entrance, Dom leaning his head downward and Jacob tilting his head back. Grunting in a mix of pain and pleasure, Dom continued onward, forcing more and more of his length inside until his balls roughly slapped against the vulpine's ass. He rested there for a moment, panting a bit. "Doing okay down there pet?"

"Y-Y-Yes, master..." the fox responded, not giving another answer no matter how much pain he was in.

"Good. Because here we go..." the dragon said with a sigh, pulling his shaft halfway back out of the fox's ass and ramming it back in. He repeated the gesture a few more times, finding it easier and easier with each thrust as he was leaking a veritable river of pre inside the mammal. He picked up steam and started pulling his cock almost all the way out before slamming it home, now glistening with pre along the entire length.

Jacob grunted and gripped the sheets, closing his eyes tight as he did his best to bear the pain for his master. He knew the dragon's pleasure usually equated to his own, and he was sure it would come eventually. After all, he had complete faith in his master. He just hoped it would come soon.

As Dom got more into a rhythm, he started talking down to the fox. "You like that, huh? Straight my ass. You've been waiting to get my cock in you from day one. You're just a faggot who likes bigger, stronger males raping this pathetic excuse of a body."

As he continued his rant, Dom brought one of his paws around the fox's body, grasping the vulpine's cock as he did. "Look at that, hard as a rock. You really are a faggot. Can't believe you ever had a girlfriend. You just never had a real man to put you in your place. And this is where you belong, impaled on this giant dragon dick. Now say it - tell me you're my faggot and how much you love this."

The fox opened his eyes as the dragon took hold of his shaft, bucking into it involuntarily, only causing his ass to slide up and down the dragon's cock even quicker. He felt himself throb with each sentence Dom spoke, each phrase molding his psyche. "I'm your faggot, and I can't get enough of you inside me. I love the taste of your feet, the feeling of your cum pooling in my gut, and having my ass completely filled by your massive dick. I never want you to pull out, and I never want you to stop fucking me," Jacob moaned.

As the fox spoke, the dragon's thrusts sped up until he was pounding into the fox full force. The bed was roughly slamming against the wall with the weight of two bodies repeatedly crashing into it, and the fox's insides were faring no better treatment.

"Cum with meeeeeee!" Dom roared in his deep voice, squeezing down roughly on the fox's knot as he hilted himself one last time. The fox was almost lifted off the bed each time the dragon's shaft throbbed upward and sent another jet of white-hot cum deep into his bowels.

Jacob's body reacted as if on command, quickly spraying his own load across the blankets in front of him, forming a rather wet, sticky puddle. It was almost as if a pond of cum had spontaneously formed in the middle of the bed and the fox just so happened to be right in the middle of it.

As the dragon gathered his breath once more, he let his weight collapse completely on top of Jacob. The vulpine could barely breathe, let alone move underneath such a colossal figure.

"You have a great ass," the dragon breathed, still feeling his cock jumping occasionally inside.

"Only great because of the dick inside it," the fox retorted, his voice rather muffled from being forced into the covers.

"Alright...time to get up and get cleaned up," Dom muttered, pushing himself back into a standing position. He chuckled a bit as his cock remained firmly lodged inside the fox's ass, the erection firm enough to lift the fox up with it. With a swift motion, the dragon slid Jacob off and tossed him on the bed, moving to go sit back on his own with his legs spread before him. Jacob's world almost instantly became solely the dragon with a cum-covered cock. Everything else didn't matter. The vulpine quickly righted himself and followed the dragon over to his bed, where he instantly began slurping the leftovers of their lovemaking clean.

As he half-stood half-knelt before the dragon, the fox unleashed a giant puddle across the floor. Cum cascaded out of his ass, spreading out and forming a puddle almost as large as the bed itself. After Dom had gotten himself cleaned, he ordered the fox to lap up what was on the floor as well - but not before stomping his feet in it a bit to give the vulpine a treat next time they were cleaned. Once the fox had done all he could - it_was_ carpet, after all - he stood and faced the dragon, awaiting his next order.

"One last thing before bed, I think. I want you to push the beds together. That way next time I can fall asleep inside you," Dom said with a grin.

Jacob nodded quickly, pushing the nightstands between the beds out of the way and immediately starting to tug on his own bed. It was a slow process, being low on energy after having his ass brutalized so badly and having to pull such a heavy object, but he got it done. Both males smiled as the fox climbed into the joined beds next to the dragon. Dom pulled the fox into his embrace, squeezing him tightly to his chest as he lay on his side. The dragon lifted one of his legs and draped it over the fox's own, pressing his feet in a sandwich around Jacob's.

"You know what, why wait?" He said, with the consequences of those words almost immediately clear. Being closer to his slut had made it rather difficult for the dragon's erection to go away, so he slid it back inside the fox as they drifted off to sleep together. After Dom was sure the fox had drifted off, his own last conscious thought was to break the hold he had over Jacob's mind. Both of them could feel the pool of recent lovemaking against their sides as they slept, ensuring they'd wake up smelling like sex.

Some hours later, the vulpine came to. He tried to raise his arms to stretch them, only to find them completely pinned down underneath one of Dom's. While the fox couldn't remember how he'd gotten here, he could still feel his master deep inside, the larger male having remained hard the entire night. He smiled in the warm embrace, happy to be filled well beyond capacity.

As he started fidgeting, however, the dragon did as well. Dom rolled over onto his back, taking the vulpine with him. The dragon's arms fell down to his sides as he did, freeing the fox from his stranglehold. It didn't empty his ass, however. The fox sat up on top of the dragon, taking the shaft buried deep inside with him. Smiling as he thought of a new way to wake up the dragon, he spun himself around, put his paws on the dragon's stomach, and started lifting himself up. Once he'd removed a few inches from his ass, he dropped himself back down again.

The vulpine settled in, panting heavily as he rode the big dragon, pushing himself up higher and higher each time. The leftover jizz from the previous night made excellent lube, squelching out each time the fox slid along the length.

Dom stirred in his sleep as the fox started dropping himself down from greater heights, groggily opening his eyes to the sight of a very enthusiastic Jacob forcing himself up and down the oversized ebony shaft. Once he realized what he was looking at, however, his eyes darted open.

"Morning master!" the fox said gleefully. As soon as he did, however, he immediately started pulling himself off the shaft, already turning to look at the dragon's feet.

Dom reacted quickly, grabbing the fox around the stomach and forcing him back down the cock. "Oh no, you don't. Today you greet me by fucking yourself on me. You can worship my feet later. Did, uh...did I forget to free you last night?" Dom asked.

"Free me?" the fox asked quizzically. "What do you mean?"

Dom shook his head, not sure how to even begin explaining something like that, and really not wanting the fox to know about it. "Let's try this - punch yourself in the face."

The fox only tilted his head, looking down at the dragon. "Why?" he panted, still bouncing on the dragon's cock.

" reason." Okay, so the fox wasn't hypnotized. Dom desperately tried to replay the events of the previous night in his mind, but it was rather difficult when the blood was rushing somewhere else. "Why are you riding me?"

"Why else?" the fox asked with a mix between a moan and a laugh. "I'm master's little faggot!"

The dragon was stunned. When he was plowing the fox last night, he must have been so turned on that his dirty talk had the effect of one of his commands on the fox. They weren't just words to turn him on - the fox truly believed he was now the dragon's plaything and likely had a new fetish for much larger guys. Not to mention the rape comment he'd made...

"Right, right, silly me," Dom said. "You're a good faggot. Now keep up the good work, and you'll get your reward soon."

The fox nodded, now aggressively forcing himself up and down the length of the shaft. He wasn't sure it was even physically possible to get himself up and down it any quicker than he was moving now. If his gut hadn't already been obscenely bulged out with what hadn't spilled onto the floor last night, the dragon would see his cock head leaving a very massive mound in the fox's stomach.

Unable to control himself, the dragon took hold of the fox's waist, digging his claws in and forcing him down into his lap, bucking upwards as his orgasm took hold. With each jet, the dragon lifted the fox a bit and forced him down once more, feeling his cum flooding the whore's bowels anew.

"Now that's...a way to wake up..." Dom breathed, smiling up at the fox. Jacob was aching hard, but still hadn't gotten off. Neither male paid it any attention, however - both were too concerned about the dragon's pleasure.

As Dom lay in bed, he smirked to himself. He could feel the slightly dried covers of the previous night now combining with the leaking puddle of cum from their current session. Glancing back up at the fox, he decided to use his hypnosis once more. He wouldn't have to use it that often in the future - only when he wanted to make sure the fox obeyed things completely and without question - but this was one of those times.

Once the fox was fully under, the dragon spoke. "I've been doing this for a while myself, but from now on, you are not to clean anything besides me in this room unless explicitly told to. No laundry, no cleaning the floor, no cleaning the sheets, nothing. We're going to fuck in our messes as long as we can." Dom said, smiling wickedly the whole time.

"Oh, and when I do tell you to clean something - you are only permitted to use your mouth. I don't care if I tell you to tidy up the mold growing in the corner of the room - muzzle only."

Satisfied, Dom broke the trance, returning the fox to his fully aware state. The fox blinked, but he wasn't out long enough to notice that any time had passed. He merely shrugged it off as having been fucked too hard, causing a minor blackout moment.

Once the spring semester had rolled around, the dynamic in the room had completely changed. Neither male had wanted to leave for the winter break, resulting in all-day fuck fests. The fox had learned to give the dragon footjobs, the dragon had turned the fox a full-on masochist, and Jacob had gotten quite good at multitasking, using various appendages and holes to please his master while the two played games. Their room, suffice it to say, was horrendous. The bed, walls, chairs, and floor were all completely covered in cum. Their clothes were relatively safe for now, given that neither of them had bothered wearing any while they were in the room. A pile of pizza boxes grew in the corner as the two grew lazier and ordered in more often.

An unintended but not unappreciated consequence of the dragon's last command was that the fox was now no longer cleaning himself at all. His fur was matted down at all kinds of odd angles and stuck up in weird straight tufts. Not a single part of his body hadn't been drenched in Dom's cum multiple times over. Every time he'd run down the hall to the restroom he'd get some extremely puzzled looks from others, but no one cared enough to say or do much about it, though it did soon became a story told around campus.

Together, the two had grown much nastier as well. Belching became commonplace with how often Jacob would regurgitate a bit of his master's cum. Seeming to accompany that, flatulence was now a common sound, though Jacob's sounded much more loose, flappy, and wet with his now-gaping anus. Both the fox and the dragon were in bliss, always coming up with new ways to gross the other one out and laughing about it afterward. Dom had actually stopped using toilet paper just to watch the fox's nose crinkle every time his muzzle was in the vicinity.

One particularly nasty and sadistic day, the dragon had decided to go for it. He'd even thought it was too disgusting when the two had moved in together, but after seeing the natural progression that they had taken, he had to keep it going. After receiving his typical morning foot cleaning and blowjob, he kept the fox in place. Jacob looked up quizzically at his master, wondering why he was being held down on the shaft after getting his breakfast.

Dom only smiled down at the fox and stared into his eyes once more, putting the fox under an all-too-familiar hypnotic spell. "You've progressed quite well, from a straight, clean male to the dirty, disgusting faggot I have gagging on my cock," Dom said, eliciting a smile from the fox. "But I think we can be dirtier. A lot of the time, after a blowjob, I have to take a piss. It's annoying to have you clean me up, throw shorts on, and run down the hall to the bathroom. So from now on, you're going to be our toilet."

Jacob only nodded around the tip of the dragon's shaft. Almost instantly, his first test arrived. The dragon let loose his bladder and flooded the fox's mouth. Jacob learned quickly that this would require a different method than his usual cum drinking. Rather than quick spurts he could swallow one at a time, this was a constant onslaught. His swallows had to be quick, effective, and basically non-stop if he wanted to swallow it all down. Dom's hypnosis made him want nothing but, and the fox-turned-toilet was now fully functional.

Swallow after swallow of acrid, horrendous, amber piss washed the most recent coating of cum from the fox's muzzle and into his stomach, the two liquids combining in what was quickly becoming Jacob's entire diet. Dom's cock was as much for the dragon's pleasure as it was for the fox's life source. It was far from a pleasant drink, as Jacob's expression conveyed a mixture between determination and an attempt to not vomit. His eyes shut as the salty onslaught continued, focused on getting used to the taste. After all, his master did say this was his role now. It didn't help that the dragon didn't drink nearly enough water, making the taste that much more concentrated.

Like all good things, this eventually had to come to an end. With a mixed feeling of both relief and disappointment as his mind shifted to accept the dragon's ways, the fox felt his gulps diminishing in size until eventually just a few droplets had trickled out onto his tongue. Always unwilling to give up even the tiniest bit, especially when fully controlled by the dragon, Jacob gave another few, rough sucks to the tip of the dragon's shaft to make sure his master was fully finished.

Dom smiled to himself as he pulled himself back slightly, removing his cock from the slut's muzzle and tapping him on the nose with it. "Good boy. I don't think I'm ever going to use a urinal again - and that goes for you as well. I expect you to drink all of your own unless told otherwise. Now, I'm going to go take a dump. I'll be back in a few minutes." As the dragon stood up and faced away from the fox, he prepared himself to break the fox's trance while he was away. Before he got the chance, Jacob's muzzle ended up forced between his ass cheeks, with his tongue instantly coming into contact with the dragon's hole.

The fox had absolutely no problems with this. Dom, however, immediately questioned what was going on. He'd only told the fox to be a urinal, right? "Fuck. Pet, wait," he said. Jacob paused, almost freezing in time as his muzzle remained lodged in the dragon's ass and his tongue pressed against the shit-covered taint.

Dom thought for a moment, but it didn't take long to realize he'd used the word 'toilet' inadvertently instead of 'urinal' when giving the fox his commands. The dragon had only intended to piss down his pet's throat whenever he wanted; shit was going too far...wasn't it? Dom glanced around the room. He saw the beds with sheets that would probably crack if you'd dropped a book onto them. He saw his desk chair covered in skid marks and cum. He saw the pile of controllers they'd gone through after having ruining so many with jizz while playing. He saw the pile of pizza boxes piled up in the corner and the flies that had started gathering around them. Maybe...maybe getting the fox to eat his waste wasn't that far beyond what they were already doing...

"Okay, continue," Dom finally said. The fox's tongue kicked back into high gear, slurping the dried shit from the dragon's crack. Dom wasn't waiting, however. Before the fox had time to finish cleaning back there, the dragon was straining and pushing out his first log. Jacob knew he couldn't miss this, snapping his neck upward and into position with his lips spread around the hole. Dom desperately had to go, the first log rocketing out and into the fox's throat. Jacob gagged as he got his first true taste of shit, pulling back from the dragon's ass. Since the log had a nice tongue to support it, it didn't break off at its usual spot. Jacob looked like he was sucking a shit noodle out of his master's ass. It wasn't endless, however, and eventually the other side of the log flopped out of Dom's behind. It fell down against the fox's chest with a rather loud 'thwap' before breaking and landing between Jacob's legs.

The dragon paused there, turning around and looking down at the fox. He'd relieved the immediate pressure, but there was a hell of a lot more to come. What greeted him made his cock jump and slap his stomach all on its own. Jacob was looking forward, cheeks bulged out and lips completely separated by a giant mass of brown. A huge line trailed down his chest where it had been stained, and the fox was kneeling around a log that already could put most people's piles of shit to shame. As he watched, his pet started his toilet duties by closing his muzzle. Shit oozed out between his lips as far too much was inside to keep in a closed mouth. It dripped down as he chewed; large clumps fell from his lips and onto the floor below.

Jacob, on the other hand, quickly found himself adjusting to the taste under Dom's control. The finest desserts and most freshly prepared meals paled in comparison with his master's cooking. As soon as his meal was soft enough, the fox took a huge gulp, very visibly traveling down his gullet and into his sewer of a stomach. It took two more swallows before his mouth was finally free again, leaving the fox panting and hornier than he could ever remember being. Shit remained stuck between every single gap in his teeth, constantly reminding him of the taste. While waiting for his master to push more out, he busied himself attacking the rather large nuggets stuck inside, flicking them off and gulping them down. His tongue and cheeks were now completely stained brown and would likely always be for the rest of his life.

Dom reached down and started stroking himself as he watched the fox, pleased with the unexpected turn of events the day was taking. His other paw wrapped around behind himself, forcing the fox's head against his ass. "If it's too much for you, just let it fall," he said reassuringly. "We'll get it later."

Jacob nodded as best he could, not wanting to move his lips from the hole, restricting himself even more than Dom was doing. It wasn't long before the hole yawned once more and the second log assaulted the fox's taste buds. The dragon must have been eating both a lot of fiber and a lot of protein. The logs were long, thick, chunky, and slimy. Jacob struggled to break them up as there was no way he'd be able to swallow them whole. He certainly tried though, as this one seemed determined to force its way down his esophagus, but it just wasn't quite able to make it. Jacob's cheeks bulged out with the waste as he frantically chewed, trying to get it down quickly to take in more.

The shit wasn't stopping whether Jacob had room or not. The log backed up around his lips, squeezing its way out around the fox's muzzle and against the dragon's crack. More and more kept piling out, oozing along the sizes of Jacob's face. Clumps repeatedly fell from all around his muzzle; the flow only seemed to ebb when the slut had enough room in his muzzle to take in the next hunk of dragon excrement.

The onslaught never seemed to end, though neither male particularly wanted it to. The pile of shit in front of the fox had grown so large that his cock now rested atop it, despite being at his full kneeling height. His stomach was almost cartoonishly full after drinking down full loads of cum and piss beforehand. The entire front of his head was now brown, and Dom's ass seemed to mirror it. The dragon had already cum across the floor in front of himself to the sounds of the fox's chewing and was working on orgasm number two.

It wasn't until a thunderous clap of flatulence smacked the fox in the face did either realize that it had finally ended. Jacob felt the shit on his fur blown backwards, even sending a little flying into his ears. His shock made him take stock of the situation, consciously gulping down his last load of shit and realizing no more was coming to follow it. Dom felt his ass emptied out and no longer sensed the fox's muzzle waiting for the next bit.

With a sigh, the dragon surveyed his handywork. If he didn't know ahead of time, he wasn't sure he'd be able to identify the fox as a fox - just a large, brown walking mass. He chuckled, taking a step back to sit down in his chair, painting the entire area brown. His paw still rested on his cock as he spoke. "Show me how much you love my shit. Spread it on your cock and jerk off to it." Not only would he get a show this way, but he'd guarantee the fox's acceptance of their newfound toilet play once he finally released the smaller male's mind.

Jacob, however, didn't make for much of a show. He embarrassingly didn't last very long after accepting the order. He barely got the shit applied to his shaft and his paw around it before he was shooting over the large pile of leftovers. Fortunately for him, he didn't know what embarrassment was in this state. He only knew that he had obeyed the dragon's orders. The vulpine smiled dopily up at his master, brown tongue hanging out of the corner of his muzzle as he panted.

Dom merely shook his head and stood up. He strode over behind the fox and yanked up his tail, lifting the fox completely by it before dropping him on all fours. Dom knelt down and positioned himself behind his pet before completely hilting himself in one thrust. "What are you waiting for? Keep eating!" Dom said, grabbing the fox by the back of the head and completely burying it in the pile.

Jacob wasted no time obeying, forcing his hips back against his master's waist and shoving his head deeper down into the pile of his master's waste. He made much quicker work of the shit than he had when it was freshly coming out, with it being squished and somewhat pre-chewed. He could open wide, scoop up a hunk of it, and swallow most of it down without much work.

The dragon slammed himself into his pet as he watched, occasionally pushing the fox's head downward just to cover it in more feces. "You're never going to have to worry about what to eat again. Cum, shit, piss - more than enough for you. You'll be eating like a king, making all the other sluts out there jealous of how nasty and plentiful your buffet is. You're not to eat anything else unless told otherwise," Dom said, driven almost mad by his lust. The only reason he was able to last even close to this long was due to the fact that he'd already cum once not long ago.

Jacob felt his stomach stretching more than it ever had, but pain and discomfort didn't register in his mind. They were contrary to the dragon's orders, so they were irrelevant. As his ass was brutalized, he finished his meal, scooping up the last remnants of Dom's turds with his bottom jaw and gulping them down in one go.

Dom picked up the pace once he'd seen the fox was finished, wanting to see what Jacob was like after he was freed. "You're not to hold in anything ever again," the dragon started, moaning out new orders as he felt himself getting close. "Piss, shit, cum, anything. You feel the need to go, you go, wherever you are. No holding in your orgasms. If you get close to cumming, you push yourself over the edge." With a final thought about the next level of their morally-depraved lives, the dragon forced his way in one last time, letting out an ear-splitting roar as he flooded the fox's overused bowels.

The dragon collapsed as he came, having no energy to keep himself kneeling. He ended up right on top of the fox, with Jacob now forced down onto the shit-stained carpet. Nodding to himself in hopes that nothing had gone wrong, he broke the trance on Jacob. The fox stirred, looking around himself and taking stock of his surroundings.

"Aww, did you feed me while I was asleep again sir?" Jacob asked, taking note of his fetid appearance, as if everything about the situation was perfectly normal.

Dom breathed a sigh of relief, knowing it had all worked out before responding. "Yeah, but like always, you tried to swallow too much at once. You've really got to learn to chew your food better. The only thing you should be choking on around here is my cock."

Jacob recoiled a bit but still smiled, almost ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry master. I can't help it though! There's always so much of it, and you know I hate not getting it all."

Dom simply shrugged, giving a rough thrust into the fox's ass to remind him who was boss. "That sounds like a toilet problem. If you can't handle it, maybe I should get someone who can."

Jacob's eyes shot open wide. "No! I can handle it, I promise! Please don't get someone else!"

The dragon smiled, pleased knowing just how devoted his pet was to him. "I'm only kidding Jacob. You know I love you. But you have to watch out for yourself. I know I hurt you sometimes when we play, but I know what I'm doing, and I only hurt you to get myself off more. When I feed you though, I'm not doing it to hurt you - I'm doing it because I need you to keep up your strength. That, and it's probably the hottest thing you do for me."

Now it was Jacob's turn to sigh with relief. "I love you too master, and I'm happy. I don't know what I'd do without you..."

Winter came to an end across the campus, but not without taking its toll on Dom. The dragon preferred much warmer weather, but he had to deal with snow for a while. It was a bit unfortunate, as the fox had to tolerate a little water slipping into his diet from the melted snow he licked off of his master's feet. He powered through, however, usually getting one of his more typical drinks as a reward.

The worst part, however, came just after winter had ended. The dragon thought he had escaped it unscathed, but woke up one morning feeling rather weak. His head ached and his sinuses felt rather clogged. "Damn it..." he cursed under his breath, sniffling a little bit. Dom attempted to sit up in bed, but immediately laid back down. His head was swimming.

"Ughhhhh..." He moaned. "Why does this always happen..."

His words, while not loud, were right next to the fox's head. Jacob stirred upon hearing them, yawning and looking behind himself. "Morning, master," he said quietly, pulling himself off the dragon's shaft from the night before and moving down to lick his feet clean. While Dom didn't put forth a lot of his usual effort in making the experience crueler, he certainly wasn't against the idea of getting his feet warmed.

"Morning, pet," he whispered. "Master's not feeling so good today. I think I'm going to stay in bed..." he trailed off, wrapping one of his arms up and over his face, shielding himself from the lights. Jacob's expression turned to one of concern upon hearing his master's words, but since the dragon hadn't given him a new order, he wasn't able to override his default programming. His tongue stayed otherwise occupied, unable to give his sympathies.

Truth be told, the dragon was actually surprised he hadn't ended up ill before this. With their room in the state it was in, it was no surprise that he'd gotten the flu at some point. It was a cruel tease with as close as he'd gotten to completely finishing the winter without one though.

Dom lay motionless as the fox finished his job, even tolerating the morning blowjob. His head pounded like hell afterward, but he'd be damned if it wasn't worth it. As Jacob licked the leftover drops of cum from his cock head, he reached down and patted the fox behind his ears. "Good pet. You go to class and have fun, I'll be okay. I'll be here when you get back."

Jacob nodded, leaning in and giving his master's cock another kiss. "Alright sir. Get better soon! It's not nearly as painful if I have to fuck myself on you..." he trailed off, a look of disappointment crossing his face. Dom didn't respond, only smiling as the fox gathered up his things, threw some clothes on over his disgusting fur, and headed out the door.

A problem quickly presented itself after the fox had left: tissues were practically unheard of around here. The dragon instinctively looked over at the night stand, expecting to find something to blow his nose with. Nothing was there to meet his gaze. Snot had started dripping down his nose as he forced himself up and out of bed, moving to dig through the closets. Surely Jacob must have packed some extra supplies when he first moved in. The fox had no idea he'd end up like this ahead of time. The dragon rooted through the fox's possessions, carelessly tossing them aside into piles of shit as he searched.

"Damn it, he's got everything in here, but no tissues? He's even got a fucking water bottle; fat lot of use that's been for him..." he said, trailing off. He looked away from the bottle for a second, turning his attention toward another box before turning back. He had originally planned to wipe his nose like a normal person, but seeing as the fox was so willing...

Dom picked up the bottle and moved back to the bed, climbing in and under the crusty sheets. He held the water bottle up to his face, plugging one of his nostrils and sending the other firing into the bottle. He then alternated, giving both his turn. Sweet relief! The dragon could finally breathe through his nose again. It wasn't the only source of mucus though - after clearing his nostrils, he started coughing, pulling up a wad of phlegm from deep inside his throat and spitting it inside the bottle.

The day continued on like this, with the dragon shivering under his covers and filling up the bottle. He tossed and turned, eyes clenched shut with pain as he tried to fall back asleep, but the discomfort didn't allow for such niceties. Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. It had seemed like the dragon had been alone for a week before Jacob finally walked back through the door.

"Heya master, feeling any better?" Jacob asked, only speaking before he'd gotten close enough to start his usual greeting. Dom stopped him, however, kicking the fox away. "Come here..." the dragon whispered, patting the side of the bed next to himself. "I've got something new for you to try."

Jacob stood up, walking over and hopping up on the bed next to his master, twisting himself around into his usual little spoon position. "What's that?" he asked curiously, wondering what his master had in store.

"I've got something new for you to taste, my little toilet," he said happily, reaching over the fox and grabbing the practically overflowing bottle. Some hard, chunky pieces of snot adorned the outside while the inside was mostly swimming with the dragon's phlegm. A few larger chunks floated around, but it remained mostly liquid.

The fox grimaced as he looked at the bottle. His stomach lurched, almost throwing up on the edge of the bed right there. " thanks. I, uh...don't want to get sick too, sir," he said, not very convincingly.

Dom grabbed the fox by the shoulders with his free paw, flipping him around to face his master. A quick look put the fox back under, with Dom shaking his head. "One of these days I'll get you to try new nasty things without me having to do this. For now though...drink my snot."

Jacob nodded, reaching out and taking the bottle from his master. His stomach still protested, but his body didn't seem to care. The lid already having been lost to the mess of the room, he simply put the rim up to his lips and tilted the bottle up. As soon as the first taste hit his tongue, his body convulsed, trying anything to prevent him from ingesting the fluids.

The fox looked like he was enduring the worst physical torture imaginable as his throat bulged out, the first swallow of the dragon's coughed-up phlegm slithering down it. Dom watched with glee, his cock now raging hard. It was a nice, temporary distraction from the pain he was feeling. With an evil glint in his eye, the dragon reached over and flipped up the bottom of the bottle faster than the fox was prepared for. He coughed heavily, unexpectedly having his throat clogged by the mucus. It slopped out of his lips, streaming down his cheeks and soaking his chest in the dragon's snot. He knew better than to complain, however, continuing his drink while Dom let out a hearty laugh.

It took a couple minutes to finish, but Jacob finally did. He dropped the bottle when it was empty, breathing heavily and hunched over, looking like he was doing everything possible to resist throwing up. His arms crossed over his stomach, his cheeks bulged out, and his eyes clenched shut. Despite everything, nothing escaped his lips.

"Good slut!" Dom said happily, reaching over and slapping the fox on the back a few times. "I think we've found a new meal for you, and I never have to buy tissues again. You'll drink my mucus whenever I tell you to from now on, whether I'm sick or not," he proclaimed happily, smiling for a moment before thinking deeply. "Actually, you know what, I'm tired of this. You are to eat anything I wouldn't eat that's offered to you. Shit, piss, and snot are just the beginning. If I offer you garbage in the future, you eat it. If I tell you to eat dirt, you ask how much. You will swallow whatever I tell you to, and you will be happy about it. I'm done hypnotizing you for every new bit of filth I want you to choke down," he finished authoritatively. He then blinked and broke the spell he held over his pet's mind.

The fox blinked in turn, feeling control over his mind rush back. He looked around, seeing himself laying in bed next to his master, an empty bottle of what was the dragon's snot and mucus in one of his paws. He shrugged, able to taste the meal he'd just had and dipped his tongue into the bottle, slurping up the remaining clumps stuck to the side that he could reach. Once he'd gotten his fill, he set the bottle back on the nightstand, ready for the dragon to fill up while he was in class the next day.

Dom reached up and started rubbing along the fox's back, stroking through the shit-stained fur. "You've done well, pet. I'm a bit too tired to wreck your ass this evening though. Tell you what, why don't you provide me a little entertainment?" he asked suggestively.

"What would you like to see?" the fox asked, grinning lewdly and getting up off the bed.

"Oh, I don't know..." Dom trailed off, looking around the room. The orders he'd just given the vulpine were fresh in his mind as he looked over toward the far corner, seeing the pile of garbage that had piled up. "I tell you what - why don't you eat some of that," he said, gesturing toward the pile. Greasy pizza boxes smeared with shit lay open across one other. Empty soda cans and bottles were crumpled up and strewn across the floor. A few of the fox's ruined notebooks and textbooks had ended up in the corner on top of it all, along with the laptop that Dom had "accidentally" ruined by squirting diarrhea all over it.

Jacob nodded, feeling his stomach rumble, though it was questionable whether that was from the dragon's induced hunger or from his body still attempting to vomit his earlier meal. He naturally assumed it was just his body needing more food, however, as he went to sit on top of one of the opened boxes. He grabbed another, tearing a strip of cardboard off of it and stuffing it in his muzzle. As he chewed, he found it extremely awkward to break down. His teeth poked holes in it rather than shredding it, leaving it in full pieces stuck around his teeth more often than not. He had to use his tongue to push it around, doing his best to work it. It took ages, however, and it was more a result of his saliva weakening its structural integrity that allowed him to take the first gulp. He took a smaller piece the next time, dragging it through a pile of shit he'd left on the ground earlier to help moisten it up before plopping it inside. This piece was swallowed much more rapidly, and the fox got into a rhythm from it. He'd tear off a piece, move around the room scooping up shit, and shove it all into his muzzle.

When he attempted to eat a can, however, that's where things proved challenging. The first couple were okay - smoother side in first and push it down. Dom's cock was thicker than the cans, making it a somewhat simple task. The problems came with the crumpled ones, however. Aluminum stuck out at odd angles and sharp corners. When the fox first tried his same trick with these, he almost immediately started coughing and spewed it back out. He jammed his claw into a relatively flat part of the metal, giving himself a way to tear the can in two. While he flattened the edges as much as possible with the smaller piece, it was still a distinct challenge. Dom laughed as the fox looked to be in extreme pain as he worked it down, even reaching up and using a paw to help massage it down his throat. With a gasp, he finally felt it clear his airway, only to shove the next piece down in its place.

The hardest to swallow, by far, was the laptop. It started simply enough - he'd pop off some of the keys on the keyboard, suck the shit off them, and gulp them down. He searched over the case as he ate, but saw no other small parts he could easily or quickly remove. Thinking quickly, he grabbed one of the uneaten boxes and put the laptop inside it to contain it. He then stood up, hoisting the box above his head and slamming it down onto the desk beside himself. A loud crash was heard, the laptop roughly slamming into it. The fox repeated the measure a few times, doing his best to knock everything loose.

When he finally sat back down and opened the box, he smiled. While there were still some pieces too big to swallow, some others had been knocked loose. To start, he grabbed a pawful of the shattered screen glass and dumped it onto his tongue. He chomped it up, feeling his gums bleed but knowing he had to do what he was told. He swallowed his first mouthful with great difficulty, going back for seconds and thirds later. A few other metal fasteners lay strewn around the box, which the fox eagerly followed up the glass with, but that was about all he could get. The remaining parts were too large to fit down his throat.

Dom, watching the entire time, waited a few seconds to see what the fox would do. Jacob held up the case to his muzzle, twisting it around, desperate to find some way to make it fit. Sensing that the fox wouldn't stop and that he wouldn't make any more progress, Dom called over to him. "That's good, pet. You did well. You can finish more of it tomorrow."

Jacob sighed with relief, knowing he had pleased his master and didn't have to find a way to fit the remaining metal into his stomach. He stood up and walked back over toward the bed, climbing on top of it and resting next to his master. Dom had other ideas, however, lifting the fox up and putting him right next to the giant ebony cock. "Ride it," Dom said bluntly.

Jacob obeyed, climbing atop his master's cock and slamming himself down upon it for all he was worth. Despite Dom's illness, watching his pet go to town on a pile of garbage had gotten him too riled up to ignore. As the fox bounced up and down, he belched, sending a shard of bloody glass flying back out of his esophagus and onto the dragon's chest. Dom chuckled, picking it up and tossing it back across the room, knowing either the fox would eat it later or lick it off the bottom of the dragon's foot at some point.

The fox continued bouncing on his master's cock until he'd milked the first load out, one of many that came that night. Jacob constantly went for the dragon's cock since his master had nothing better to do, and Dom didn't have the energy to resist. That cycle went on for days as the dragon got over his illness, somehow getting off more often than when he was healthy enough to impose himself on Jacob. The fox was also always greeted with an overflowing bottle of mucus to guzzle down every day when he got back from class. Dom had truly turned his pet into a sex-crazed freak. The fox was just lucky he had someone like the dragon to care for him.

While Dom and Jacob had obviously spent most of their time together, they weren't complete shut-ins during their second semester. Jacob still had his desires to go to class, as Dom hadn't made the vulpine solely devoted to him and nothing else yet. The dragon still forbade him from washing, however. Plenty of people complained to the fox about his appearance, though he was never physically bullied, mostly because even bullies couldn't hold their lunch in being near the dragon's pet. Dom only got involved when someone would call the cops on the fox, and then it was just a quick glance to get them to do something else. It didn't take long before all the university police had it in their programming to ignore any calls they'd gotten about Jacob. He didn't bother convincing the teachers that Jacob's presence was okay though for two reasons. One was that part of him enjoyed seeing the misery Jacob caused just by existing. The second was morally worse, in that the dragon liked having his pet feel miserable and unwanted by the rest of society, even encouraging the fox to go to functions where he knew insults would fly toward him. When Jacob returned to Dom, he felt like he was coming back to the only person who truly cared for him, thus strengthening his natural loyalty without any further hypnosis.

Dom occasionally left the room on his own while Jacob was in class, meeting up with the couple friends he had. He'd always get the fox to lick him completely clean before leaving and made sure to have at least one spare change of clothes that wasn't completely messed up. One day, Dom was out to lunch with his closest friend on campus. He'd managed to find another gay dragon named James, though he didn't share Dom's hypnotic powers. James was a large, red dragon - only a few inches shorter than Dom. They had talked about relationships, with James aware that Dom had a fox lover, though James was single himself. They'd lightly gotten into fetishes before, with the two knowing they shared a desire for smaller males and foot play, but that was about as far as they'd gone. They'd tease each other under the table occasionally with this knowledge, each reaching up to rub the other's crotch with their feet. As both were tops, it never seemed to progress beyond that. At least it didn't until Jacob had gotten out of class early.

As the dragons were eating, Dom received a text. Jacob had gone back to the room before he was expected back, and was looking for his master. Grinning, Dom looked up at James, quickly gulping down his food before speaking. "Hey, dude, you want to meet Jacob?"

"That's your fox, right?" James inquired, tilting his head a bit.

Dom nodded. "Yep. Fair warning though - it can be a bit of a shock."

"It's not like I can't tell what kind of stuff you guys get up to. You might not show up here dirty, but you don't exactly seem to care much about the smell. So you know what? Sure. I want to meet him," James finished with a little grin.

Dom grimaced a bit. He'd spent so long living in squalor that he'd genuinely forgotten about the stench associated with it. The fox had taken care of the obviously visible stuff, but a tongue couldn't remove everything. "Heh...sorry about that. You kind of don't notice it after a while," he replied a little sheepishly. The black dragon looked down at his phone, sending off a quick text to the fox to let him know where they were.

James simply shrugged. "It's not like it's the first time. If I minded, I wouldn't be here right now," he said dismissively before the two returned to their meals. The campus was small, so the dragons barely had time to finish before the fox had joined them. He was walking up behind James, so Dom naturally spotted him first. "Ah, here he comes now," he said with a smirk, watching a couple of the other students' horrified reactions nearby at the sight.

James turned around and immediately choked on his food at the sight of Jacob. A few quick coughs later had set him right, but it was still a shock nonetheless. "That's Jacob? Jesus, when's the last time he showered?"

Dom shrugged this time, genuinely unsure of the answer. "Hey, Jacob, over here!" he waved.

The fox practically ran once he caught sight of his master, sliding to a stop next to the side of the table where the dragons ate. "Hey sir!" the fox quickly said before ducking underneath, picking up one of Dom's feet and immediately starting to rub and lick it.

James' eyes went wide at the fox's brazen admiration out here in public. "Uh...he does know other people can see him, right?"

Dom chuckled. "Yeah, but he doesn't care. This is how he always says hello. Say Jacob, this time, why don't you show my friend here how you usually greet me?"

James looked a bit apprehensive. Not only was the fox already someone you really didn't want to be seen with in public, but he hadn't engaged in any exhibitionist activities in his life.

Sensing James' hesitation, Dom spoke up. "You've told me about how much you've wanted this for a while now. Just let him go at it, and have fun! It's not like you've got your dick out."

By the time Dom had finished speaking, Jacob already had one of James' toes inside his muzzle. The heel of the dragon's foot rested right on the fox's crotch as he worked, keeping the sole nice and close to his chest. It was shielded from the mess beneath by Jacob's clothes for now, but his tongue and lips were temporarily adding more grime to James' feet than they were taking away. The fox kept swallowing, however, and before long he was making progress.

"So, uh...let's go for the obvious question here. That's shit all over him, right?"

Dom nodded. "Yeah. Mostly mine. He's a bit of a messy eater."

James looked taken aback. "Eater? Like, you use him as your toilet?"

Dom once again bowed and raised his head. "I didn't actually expect to at first. We started out with the treatment you're getting now, and the typical blowjobs and fucking. Over time we started forgoing showers to keep the sex stink around a little bit longer, and hygiene started going with it. Getting nastier, one time after he sucked me off, I told him I had to piss. He stayed right where he was, gave a couple quick sucks, and I thought what the hell. He drank it all like a champ though - not sure where the motivation for that came from. Shit was a bigger jump for me, but he just seemed so eager to try it that I couldn't say no. I was weirded out at first, but it grew on me. Now..." Dom trailed off, lowering his head down a bit and toning his voice down to a lewd whisper. "Now you've got the shameless slutty toilet fag that you've got lapping at your feet," he trailed off, bending the truth where appropriate. It wasn't like the fox had any memories of his training sessions in any of these activities that he could use to contradict his master. Hell, there may have still been some part of the fox's mind that thought he was straight. That part, however, had been beaten into submission by the overwhelming desire to please Dom if it existed.

James sat in almost stunned silence. So many thoughts were going through his mind right now, not the least that he was having trouble maintaining his composure with the fox lapping at the soles of his feet out in broad daylight. His pants were already heavily tented from having his feet treated so well, and weird or not, Dom's adventure didn't necessarily sound like the worst thing in the world.

"Wow," James finally breathed, unsure of what else to say. "Just wow. I knew you guys got up to some kinky shit, but I didn't quite expect that. And here I thought wanting someone to worship my feet was just think I'm pretty damn vanilla, huh?"

Dom smirked. "That depends. We've never talked about your deepest, darkest desires. If I know all there is to know, then yeah, obviously. But if there's anything deeper in there..."

James gulped, trying to think of how much he should share. There wasn't much he could say that would surprise Dom at this point. Before he spoke, however, he felt a sudden shift down below with the fox's paws now pressing onto his crotch. "Uh...what's he doing now?"

Dom looked under the table and immediately realized what was happening. He pulled Jacob back by his neck, wrapping his giant paw around it and pulling him up onto the bench. The fox's head slammed against a couple metal bars under the table, but he didn't mind. It was still gentler than the nights when Dom beat him.

"Sorry about that...he always knows that gets me riled up, so he blows me afterward. Clearly it had the same effect on you, or he wouldn't have been trying to get in your pants so hard. Why don't you head back to our place and let him take care of that for you?"

James looked down at the table, resting his paws in his lap and cupping his crotch. If the fox was any indication, the invite was to the nastiest place this college had ever seen. He also barely knew Jacob, and hadn't actually even spoken a word to the fox before the submissive male had tried sucking him off. But damn it if that fox's muzzle wasn't one of the best things he'd ever felt, and that was just on his feet. With a sigh, James pushed himself up from the table. "Alright, let's go."

Dom could only smile and look down at the fox. "You hear that? You're going to get stuffed with twice as much dragon cock!"

Jacob looked ecstatic, practically jumping out of his seat. "Oh good! He felt just as big as you are, master!"

James looked embarrassed at first, but shot Dom a quizzical look upon realizing what the fox had said. "Master?"

Dom looked slightly embarrassed, but nodded. "Yeah, he's my pet. Or just faggot, as we call him sometimes. I love him, but he knows I'm superior in the relationship and treats me with the respect I deserve."

James' cock throbbed a bit in his pants, a fact that was missed by neither Dom nor Jacob.

"I tell you what, Jacob, why don't you stick close to James on the way back? He can't wait to play with you."

James remained wordless, but grabbed the fox by the arm and pulled him close. Jacob immediately put one of his paws back on the dragon's crotch, trailing along the cock and finding the head. He squeezed and rubbed along it, milking pre out to stain the dragon's shorts.

Dom smirked as he watched his pet, taking the lead and finally standing up himself, striding back toward their room. "Let's move quickly - I'm not sure how long either of you can wait."

The black dragon smiled the entire trip back, glancing over his shoulder to find the two in various positions. Sometimes, James would have the fox in front of him to grind his crotch against while they walked. Others, Jacob would have his paws back in action. By the end of the trip, however, James had picked up the fox and started walking as fast as he could to keep up with Dom.

As they got back to the room, Dom paused outside it just to watch James have to deal with the tension a little while longer. "I'm sure you already know, but this is probably the nastiest place you've ever seen. In here, you can do whatever you want. Jacob will be happy to oblige. And don't worry about having to clean up when you leave - you've already seen what his tongue can do."

James nodded quickly. "I got it. Now can you open the door already? I'm about to fucking blow out here."

Dom smirked and twisted the doorknob, pushing the door open and ushering the two inside. By the time he'd shut the door behind the three of them, Jacob already had James' pants off and the red dragon's cock hilted in his muzzle. James was in the process of using one paw to toss his shirt aside and putting the other on the back of the fox's head. By the time his shirt was off, however, James had started coughing. He wasn't exactly sensitive, but the state of the room was horrendous, even if part of him did enjoy it. Piles of fox excrement littered the cum-stained carpet - he assumed all of Dom's shit had been eaten as it came out. The beds and chairs had heavy brown stains from Dom's ass and Jacob's...everything. Despite having just been cleaned, James knew his feet already needed another session with the fox.

"Come on now, don't just stand there! You're not the only one who's horny."

Dom's statement jerked James back to the real world. He shook his head a bit, glancing over at his friend. "You really weren't kidding. This place is practically a cesspool."

The black dragon nodded, kneeling down behind the fox. "Yep. Perfect ambiance for fucking, don't you think? And get that whore down on all fours so we can share."

James still looked a bit uneasy, but it was rather hard not to get into it with a fox deep throating two feet of your meat. "If you say so," he said, pushing the fox's legs back a bit and moving down onto his knees, making sure to never remove his cock from Jacob's muzzle. As soon as the fox was in position, Dom ripped his tail upward and forced himself inside.

"Much better. Now come here," he said, lurching forward and wrapping his arms around James' back. He pulled the red dragon a little bit closer and smashed his muzzle into James', not giving the other dragon any time to resist.

James froze at first, unsure of what to do. He reached up and put his paws on Dom's shoulders, but mostly for balance. His gasp upon falling forward had then given Dom the opening to shove his tongue inside. James was rather passive at first, but he soon got over his apprehension upon seeing just how sexually open these two were. James started pressing back against Dom, the pair's tongues wrestling and alternating whose mouth they were in. His hips started working quicker, shoving himself down the fox's throat almost as quickly as Dom was thrusting into his pet's rear.

With all the new and exciting feelings, it was no surprise that James was reaching his peak quicker than Dom. The red dragon pulled back from the kiss, feeling the need to breathe more heavily. As he moved back, the strings of saliva connecting their muzzles broke one by one, dripping down onto the fox's back. James shifted his grip from Dom's shoulders to the fox's ears as he started violently forcing his cock inside, slamming his crotch against Jacob's nose each time. A few more thrusts and James threw his head back and roared louder than he ever had, echoing off the walls as he erupted down the vulpine's toilet throat. Pulse after pulse of burning seed pooled inside the fox's stomach, leaving the red dragon drained - both his balls and his energy.

Dom smirked from behind the fox, continuing his brutal thrusts into Jacob's more than welcoming hole. "Good, huh?" he asked knowingly.

James could only nod in response, still panting heavily. He left his cock embedded in the fox's muzzle for now, unwilling to move.

"I'm going to be a while back here, so feel free to make yourself at home. Unleash your filthy side." Dom moaned, the occasional word sounding louder when it came with hilting his cock inside Jacob.

James smirked as he regained his breath, slipping his cock out and moving to sit on the joined beds. He hovered above the fox, aiming his softening cock down at Jacob's face. With a sigh, the red dragon released his bladder.

Jacob did his best to follow the stream, eagerly trying to catch as much as possible in his mouth. With Dom thrusting him a few inches forward at a time and James intentionally trying not to get it all inside, his task proved difficult. He still got quite a few swallows in, but far more of the liquid waste splashed around him. His head and back were absolutely drenched, and a puddle of piss quickly formed around the fucking couple. James even pointed his shaft at his own feet as he let the last of his piss drain out, leaving them dripping and ripe. It wouldn't last long, as he knew the fox would be licking them clean before he left, but it felt strangely liberating to let out his nastier side. With the piles of shit that were impossible to miss as he walked into the room, James' feet looked amazingly appetizing to the toilet whore on the floor.

Jacob whimpered as he tried to crawl closer to his new friend. His mouth was already open and his eyes fixated on a particularly large lump of shit stuck to the heel of James' right foot, but he couldn't get to it. Dom firmly held the fox in place, laughing out loud as he continued driving himself inside.

"You're such a tease, James. Putting that out there in front of him and not letting him have it."

"Putting what out there, these?" James said with a devious grin, lifting his feet up a bit higher and flicking his toes back and forth. Droplets of piss were sent off of them, but none managed to make it to the fox's face. "It's not like he hasn't had them already, and he's gotten quite a bit to drink from me. I'm far from ignoring him."

"He's had your cum and piss, that's true. But foxes need to eat as well, not just drink. Don't you think he'd appreciate a warm meal? I know he loves mine so much he usually eats them again and again. He'd probably be eating this one now if I weren't battering it into mush," Dom said with a lewd grin, alluding to his shit-stained cock breaking up log after log of recycled waste inside Jacob's ass.

"He does look a bit hungry," James agreed, looking down and seeing the fox's already-bloated stomach. "Flip him over though - it'll make it easier."

Dom obliged, grabbing the fox's hips and flipping him over, spinning the smaller male on his cock. Jacob now lay on his back with his legs up in the air, Dom taking a firm hold on them as he rutted his pet.

James slid off the bed, his ass now already stained with shit just from sitting down in the duo's room. He shifted himself over Jacob's face, placing his knees on either side of the vulpine's torso and lowering his ass. He kept it just out of reach of the fox's tongue, preferring to let his shit drop down first. Before the first log came out, he pushed himself back forward and resumed the earlier kiss with Dom. The red dragon's arms wrapped around the black one's back and pulled him in tight, passionately swapping saliva as thanks for showing him this lifestyle.

Jacob whimpered as he tried to lift himself off the ground to get closer to James' ass. Every time he got even close, one of the dragons would roughly force him back onto the ground. The fox didn't stop, however, resulting in James putting his foot on Jacob's chest and stomping him into the floor.

James had to shift himself ever so slightly to keep his ass above the fox's muzzle. Once there, the first missile dropped. It was much softer than Dom's shit usually was. The log had no specific form, changing and stretching as gravity pulled it downward. Jacob was naturally appreciative of this - it meant less chewing, and more eating. James, however, couldn't allow it to be so easy. He grunted into Dom's muzzle, straining himself to shit as quickly as he could. The first log had barely dropped and landed inside Jacob's muzzle before the second rushed out, with a third and fourth quickly following. Dom's fucking made sure not every log landed neatly either. Shit splattered over the fox's eyes, onto his neck, and sometimes missed his head entirely. The fox had barely managed to swallow the first log completely by the time the fifth came around, and at that point no one could keep track. It was almost a constant stream of soft serve feces streaming down onto the fox's face, coiling around and inside his muzzle.

Dom found his orgasm approaching quickly as he listened to the sloppy noises of his pet feasting. His mind wandered back to the first time Jacob had eaten his shit, thanking his lucky stars he decided to go through with it that day. With the memories firmly playing out in his head, the black dragon screamed into his friend's muzzle as he buried himself one last time, spraying his second load of the day inside the vulpine.

James broke the kiss as he looked down at the fox, seeing his stomach expanding further and his ass rising up as each shot of jizz spewed from Dom's cock. Given that Dom had clearly finished his business, James hurried to finish his own. With some rather loud bursts of flatulence sending the last few logs rocketing down onto the pile now surrounding Jacob's head, his bowel movement spluttered to an end.

Jacob barely had room to breathe inside the pile. The tip of his nose barely rose above the level of the shit; he even found himself having to snort it down from time to time to maintain an air supply. After James had finished though, the level quickly diminished. Jacob feasted on the waste, twisting his head in every direction to gather up another mouthful of the world's nastiest yet sexiest treat. He'd gulp it down and go back for more, sometimes not even waiting to swallow before trying to force more inside. Feces had become his strongest addiction, finding his toilet duties to be his favorite way to serve the dragons.

The dominant males both smiled as they looked down at the fox, watching the little whore eat. Dom slid himself out with a moan, standing up and moving to sit on the bed. He tugged James' arm and brought the red dragon with him, the pair sitting together as they looked down at Jacob. Dom reached over and grasped the red dragon's cock to start stroking it, a favor which James readily repaid. Jacob, meanwhile, had realized he was no longer held down in position. He flipped himself over, attacking the pile much more quickly now that he could target the bigger lumps of it.

"So, had fun?" Dom asked, pumping James' cock at a relaxed pace.

"Hell yeah. I'm going to have to come here more often. Thanks for showing me all this, hon. I feel alive for the first time in a while." James said, leaning over and giving Dom a kiss on the cheek.

"You're always welcome. Door's actually pretty much always unlocked - no one in their right mind's going to break in here. Or, worst case, if they do, it means we're about to have a lot of fun."

James nodded, stroking Dom's cock a little bit quicker. He turned his gaze down to the floor, seeing that Jacob had finished his meal and was kneeling at attention, ready to serve. "Say Jacob, mind taking care of these before I head out?" He asked, wiggling his toes in the fox's direction.

That was all it took for the fox to oblige. He dove forward, immediately engulfing one of the red dragon's toes in his muzzle and slurping it clean. He could taste his own waste on it, with a nice hint of James' still-fresh urine. Jacob kept sucking even after consuming the more obvious filth, however, finding a delightfully sweaty nature of the scales beneath it. After getting his fill, he moved to the next toe in line, then the next, then the next. Each one looked spotless after Jacob's attention, leaving the fox to turn his attention to the sole. Starting at the heel, the fox licked his way up, gathering an ever-growing mound of feces on his tongue as he went. Shortly before reaching the peak, however, Dom shouted out, "Jacob, freeze!"

With his free paw, Dom reached over and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He snapped a quick picture of the fox's open muzzle, tongue pressed against James' foot and a pile of feces balanced upon it. Working quickly, he texted the picture to James and set his phone aside. "For when you're not here." He said simply. After the phone was put away, Jacob knew he was allowed to continue his work.

James smirked, giving Dom's cock head a squeeze as thanks. "That picture's going to get a hell of a lot of use. Though I hope this one takes care of me most of the time." He said with a flick of his head downward, using his unattended foot to kick the fox in the cheek.

Dom only sped up his stroking of James' cock in return, sensing the red dragon's next orgasm approaching quickly. "As I said, you're always welcome. Just come in and use him. Or if he's not here, leave his meal wherever you want. He'll find it."

James quickly became short of breath again, doing his best to hold his orgasm. He was fully into this world that Dom and Jacob had created now, but hadn't quite built up the stamina that Dom had from repeated use of the fox. Both Jacob and Dom realized the red dragon was trying to hold it in, resulting in Dom bringing both paws over to stroke his friend and Jacob lapping even more quickly over the dragon's feet.

"" James moaned. Upon hearing those words, Dom pointed the shaft down toward his pet, angling the head right at James' feet. The red dragon roared for the second time as his sensitive shaft erupted, painting his feet and the fox's head completely white. Jacob even removed himself very briefly from his duties to take a few swigs straight from the tap.

Completely burnt out, James collapsed backwards onto the bed, leaving his legs hanging over the side. Jacob still worked at cleaning them, but James was no longer fully vested in it. He needed a nap more than anything. "Just a heads up," Dom said, "Even if you sleep, he will not stop servicing you. I've woken up to a blowjob I don't know how many times."

His words fell on deaf ears, however. James was out like a light, both mentally and physically exhausted. Dom turned his attention to the fox, watching as he lapped up the last bit of cum from James' left foot. "Guess that just leaves you and me, pet," Dom cooed, taking his turn to kick the fox in the side of the head. There was no strong reason for it, other than he found it fun, and the fox loved both feet and pain. "Why don't you take care of this for me however you see fit," Dom continued, taking hold of his cock and giving it a few quick strokes. "And if you do a good job, and James is still sleeping afterward, I'll shit on his feet for you."

As the first year of college came to a close, the dragon's prediction was proven right. The fox had no desire to live anywhere but with Dom, and Dom had no desire to leave the fox. Using his special abilities, Dom had hypnotized his way into making sure he and the fox had the same room assignment for the next three years. They never left during the breaks, and the only cleaning that room had gotten was from the fox's mouth. By the end of the fourth year, that room had practically caused the entire building to need to be repaired, and the rooms around it were completely uninhabitable.

Dom also ensured that he had graduated with highest honors, despite having never bothered to turn in an assignment. When they had finally left the university, the dragon had erased all records of the two having stayed in that room, getting the university to retroactively change the assignments to two other students. Those unfortunate souls were not only expelled once the university didn't have a manipulative dragon protecting the room, but were also sued for damages to the dormitory. It completely ruined their lives, all to protect the dragon and his pet.

When the fox's parents showed up at the end of the first year, Dom had made sure to meet them first, convincing them that they hadn't actually ever had a son. That was just the beginning though - he'd managed go through and get any official record of the fox removed. Government, college, the works. Jacob didn't exist to the world any longer, but he didn't need to. He was Dom's, and that made both of them happy.

James had come to visit the pair more and more often, giving the fox nearly twice the amount of dragon cock and waste to stuff his holes with. He and Dom had grown closer, forming a relationship at the end of their first year. It wasn't like the one Dom had with Jacob - that was a superior providing care and love for someone beneath him. This was love between equals - two equally disgusting, sadistic, hung dragons. James had started sleeping in the same room as the two in their second year and rarely left it after that point. Dom had confided in James about his hypnosis, demonstrating it on Jacob by making sure that the fox would listen to both dragons' commands equally. He also told James how to tell if he'd been hypnotized, making sure the other dragon knew that Dom wasn't manipulating him into love. They had toyed with putting James under a few times, but had only done it on very special occasions and only with the red dragon's approval first.

The trio soon had a house of their own, with Dom and James getting remote jobs so that they could stay in the house. Jacob's only role was to please the dragons, and he lived up to it quite well. After all, it didn't exactly cost much to keep him around, given that he didn't need any extra food. They lived fairly well off, with Jacob taking care of their every need, sexual and otherwise. He took on the role of butler in addition to pet - not that he had any say in the matter, though Dom guessed that he would have taken it on willingly. The fox wasn't given that chance though.

As the dragons woke up one day, they stayed in bed and cuddled each other for a few moments. They faced each other, rubbing their paws down each other's sides. James spoke up first, looking Dom in the eyes. "What do you say we get up? Jacob's probably down there waiting on us."

Dom nodded, yawning and stretching his arms. He rolled over, turning to look at the floor where Jacob had dutifully slept. The fox was looking up at the bed, waiting for movement before he struck. Dom and James shifted themselves into a sitting position, letting their legs hang off the edge of the bed, leaving fresh skid marks as their asses dragged along the sheets. Jacob immediately sprang into action, sitting between the two males. He lifted up the two feet in the middle, one black and one red, pressing them closer together and burying his face in the gap between them. He slid his tongue through the crack formed, in the middle, gathering up a healthy load of filth to gulp down for breakfast. The dragons gave each other a knowing look, curling their toes and tapping them onto the fox's head. Life couldn't get any better than this.