PMD: Relief Squad

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Two meowths work their tails off to bring relief to other teams but one of them is a bit nervous about that job and well, a bit nervous about everything. It takes a bit of relief from their partner to be able to function and just let themselves be what they really are, a cute slut.

Nestled against a mountain was a cottage built inside of the roots of a gnarled tree. A meowth with eyes as blue as the ocean and ruffled beige fur checked a small mailbox just outside of the home, flicking it open before peeking inside. When he saw that there was nothing in there, Ali sighed and rubbed at the back of his head before looking out into the distant forest. He had been hoping that some sort of rescue mission or exploration job would have shown up today but here he was standing next to an empty mailbox. That hope had mostly been because his partner had gone to town to get them a mission and he absolutely knew that it wouldn't be something that he signed up for. Originally, he had signed up to do exploration and maybe the occasional rescue. Ali wasn't really a fighter and would choose to run away from most encounters but he could make maps and chart out areas around mystery dungeons. Of course, his partner had other ideas when it came to the type of work that they should be doing. He shuddered when he thought about that but it was small motion through his body, a tiny thing that was accompanied by a spot of warmth along his back. Sure, part of him enjoyed this jobs but another part really thought that he wasn't suited for it Still, what they did do gave good money and it wasn't exactly unpleasant. Perhaps being a relief squad wasn't so terrible, regardless, he was nervous about what sort of job Shay would come back with. Speaking of that, Ali spotted his partner coming through the trees waving with a big smile that teetered on mischief. Hopefully, he wouldn't mess up if it was the type of job he was thinking of.

The lavender-furred Alolan meowth approached with a big grin on his face. Ali brought a paw up to wave in a small manner hoping that it would be enough for a greeting but once Shay arrived near arm's length, the meowth was brought into a tight embrace around the gut, body squeezed tight enough to knock the wind out of him as he was spun around and set back down. Ali felt the world spinning and attempted to file a complaint before soft lips pecked his own keeping him quiet and still not truly satisfied.

Ali sighed and looked at the smiling amber eyes of his partner who was now resting a chin on his chest. Shay continued to stare and stare until finally Ali was forced to give in and ask, "So...How did the job searching go?"

Shay sighed happily and grabbed Ali's cheeks to draw him into a firm kiss. The meowth whined a bit from the surprise but his ears fell and his body sunk to the affection until the Alolan variant pulled away with a gentle smack of the lips to giggle, "The job searching went well! We'll have someone coming over soon enough looking for a bit of relief

The meowth frowned despite the color beneath his cheeks and he sighed, "Another one, really? I know that its the type of thing you prefer to do but I thought it might be nice to do some exploring or a rescue. Don't you think

There was a pause between them, a bit of silence as Shay pressed their foreheads together gingerly before purring quietly, "I know sweetie and we can do those types of missions too but you also know that we're a really good team for this type of thing. More than that, you love this sort of thing when you get into it. Be real with me honey, you would have complained about having to go to a dungeon wouldn't you

Ali's ears pulled back and he puffed a cheek out before huffing, "Okay...I would have complained just a little bit b-but I don't think it is right to say that I love the kind of work that you bring home so often. I'm not that good at it either and I don't know where you get these ideas from."

Shay purred and pecked his nose which served to slowly ease his heart while that soft voice muttered, "When you're nervous like this, you can't really think well can you? You're selling yourself short and you don't even realize it. Come on, let's get ready and I'll calm you down while we're at it

The meowth frowned but three or so soft kisses on the lips made it too difficult to even try to fight it. Besides, he knew Shay wasn't wrong. Ali followed along as his arm was taken gingerly while the Alolan meowth began to head around the house. A spring of steaming water fell from the mountain and landed in a pool surrounded by stones. Shay led them to the edge of the water and stepped in slowly with a little purr. Ali watched for a few seconds before getting in himself. The water's warmth surrounded them almost immediately and crawled up his stiff body. It was true that he was nervous but he couldn't just shake the feeling that he wasn't right for this job. He wasn't pretty like Shay, wasn't skilled like Shay and his personality was most certainly lacking. Even it felt good to sell his body, even if it felt right while he was being plowed; he just felt like he was taking advantage of others. Especially Shay. The Alolan meowth had dealt with all of his tiny little ticks and anxieties without even batting an eye. He was so nice and Ali could never understand why. With a sigh he dipped deeper into the water and wrapped his arms around himself while closing his eyes, attempting to shut out the world for a moment and shut those nasty little thoughts out as well. He knew how wrong his thoughts were, how strange and terrible they could be but at the same time, it was way too hard to push them out. Even among the warmth of the water, he still felt so very cold.

A soft touch curled around his sides, digits resting at his chest to slide beneath his arms so that he wasn't hugging himself. Ali opened an eye, tail curling around the waist of his partner as he turned his head to see Shay's chin on his shoulder. With a sigh, he leaned back to the touch and the tension slowly began to pour out of his body. The meowth focused on the touch and allowed it to remind him that he was right here and with someone who not only cared for him but someone who genuinely believed in him. Maybe someday he could believe in himself but for now, he simply had to have faith that Shay wasn't lying to him. When he started to step forward to slip away, Shay allowed him to without a sound. Ali drew in a breath and turned around before look at his partner with a small frown. The Alolan meowth simply watched and opened his arms as if to offer up comfort. It was an offer that he took readily by placing his cheek against the other's chest and shutting his eyes while he felt those arms wrap around him tight. He allowed himself to purr, allowed himself to be vulnerable as soft digits began to feel over his body.

A paw slid down his side, ending at hips to squeeze while the other took a ginger hold of his rear. Gentle lips pecked his ear and a whisper just as sweet as the kiss came, "Look at these curves...These plump hips. You've got a bit of a belly I can feel on my own but that's lovely, that's something to hold and love. We've got the same shape so I don't wanna hear nothing about it looking bad."

Ali huffed but simply pushed his face against Shay's chest while muttering, "Fine..."

Those gentle digits moved to meet between his rear cheeks, squeezing and spreading, a spot of warmth blossoming on his face he brought his own paws down to cup and grope his partner's rear as well. Love radiated in every touch and more importantly, confidence. When he brought his face away from his partner's chest, he looked up and dipped into a kiss immediately. It was soft but it was full of need. Expressing that need pushed a spike of cold through his body as he attempted to wrestle with his lack of confidence. That spike melted beneath the heat of the water and of the kiss that was shared between them as Shay simply pressed to his mouth as if to say that everything was okay.

The feline pokemon shuddered as he shut his eyes and continue the kiss by parting his lips to push his tongue inside the other's mouth. Their tongues darted together and their spit mixed while both began to purr and feel one another. Soft digits poked and prodded at his puckered ring between his rear cheeks but he did nothing to stop it as the first slid inside. Without anything helping it, all that gentle digit could do was brush against the surface and he was fine with that. All of his concentration was planted on the kiss happening before him. Their lips kept on pushing together, melding and parting while their tongue kept on twining together as if dancing. When Ali pulled his mouth away, it was only for just a few seconds, just a few precious seconds to catch his breath before he planted his mouth on the other's to continue the kiss. Deeper and deeper the kiss went, spittle and tongues mixing together as Shay simply allowed it all to happen.

When they finally parted, it was because Ali had overheated himself. He was panting, face buried against the other's chest as Shay giggled, "Had a bit too much fun hun

Ali huffed and nodded, "I uh...I forgot its not the best idea to get too excited in here

Gentle digits ran through the top of his head through the fur and Shay purred, "Uhuh, now...How are you feeling

Ali looked down. He saw that his cock was poking out of the water and pushed up against Shay's barbed member. There was still a part of him that felt like he wasn't made for this type of thing but the words that Shay had said along with the feeling of indulging were still fresh inside of his mind, fresh enough to make him feel better than he felt bad. When he finally answered he did it by looking up and planting a soft peck on the other's lips

Parting, he smiled and nodded, "I'm feeling fine Shay. Thanks...

The other didn't tease him for it, didn't bother him about needing a bit of pre-game mental preparation, instead, Shay embraced him and did so tightly. He winced as the near crushing hug but returned it nearly just as tight. The rest of their time in the spring was spent bathing properly. When they got out, they slipped into their home to dry and prepare for the customer that was coming over. Shay didn't say much except that the customer wanted to use the bedroom and that the customer was a larger pokemon. All of that was just fine. The bedroom was large enough to fit both of them and a few pokemon with bigger dimensions on the bed or otherwise. Also, the fact that the pokemon that was going to be using their services was larger was exciting rather than scary even if he wouldn't admit it openly. Once both of them were fully dry, Ali sat on the bed with Shay nearby, allowing the other to brush his fur until it was a bit curled along with the usual ruffled nature. He lifted his chin once Shay finished allowing the Alolan meowth to wrap a ribbon with their team badge around his neck. Ali turned to do the same for the other and had to smile. The matching pink ribbons were a sign of their bond and he took pride in that.

Once the ribbons were on, it was on to the underwear. It was embarrassing enough that Ali needed to present himself to others in such a manner but he really didn't think he had the figure for panties. Regardless, he slipped a pair that was peach colored on while Shay did the same. When they were both ready to be presented and sure that they had lube on the dresser ready for their larger customer, they heard a knocking at the front door that sent a shiver down their spine. No matter how many times he prepared for this, he could never shake the jitters when the customer arrived. Shay made sure to pick good ones so he knew to at least hold onto that thought, cling to that trust while taking a seat on the bed. He watched as his partner left to answer the door and closed his eyes while it happened. The meowth brought his legs up on the bed, paw resting at his chest while he kept asserting to himself that it would all be fine.

When he heard the door, he opened his eyes to see his partner leading a rather large reptilian pokemon into the room. The fellow was a laughing charizard with a rounded stomach and big fiery eyes. He wore a fat grin and his orange scales were bright against the lamplight. Shay moved to sit on the bed, paws on his shoulders as the Alolan meowth purred, "So, here is my partner. I know your notice said that you would pay extra for a shy one and my partner here is a sensitive one, you see? That's why I asked if you were the type to take things slow at first."

The charizard eyed him up and down, tail flicking against the ground as he rubbed his chin with a single claw and rumbled, "Hmm...So, I get to play with both of you and this partner of yours is the shy type? Tell me, are his buttons easy to press?"

Rather than say a word, Shay moved a paw down the meowth's body from the front, shoulder down all the way to just above the underwear while gingerly biting down on Ali's ear to tug back. The result was a squeak and a shiver from the meowth both from the touch and from the surprise nip. Even with just those two little actions, he felt himself growing firm, a bulge forming on his panties as he tried his hardest to resist the arousal pressed onto him.

When Shay was done with the little demonstration, he pulled his mouth away and set his chin on Ali's shoulder while beaming, "I'd say so but you can also try for yourself. Just remember to use plenty of lube when you get to it."

The charizard set his bag down by the dresser and stretched his arms before approaching, "Hah! Don't you worry. I know how to treat smaller pokemon like yerselves. Money's all in the bag and if I forget the bag in this little paradise just remember to turn my badge into the main office over in town."

Ali trembled as he watched the charizard stop just before the edge of the bed to reach down and take hold of something firm that was growing larger and larger. He gasped as he finally took notice of that fat pointed cock in the charizard's hands. Immediately, his mouth moved without his permission, "Uh...Sir, if you'd like, please take a seat on the bed."

Shay giggled and Ali's cheeks grew flush with warmth and embarrassment as he looked away. The charizard raised a brow but chuckled before taking a seat on the bed while both feline pokemon slipped off of it, "I think taking a seat after a hard day is nice but a bit of service is nicer. I'm in the mood to take things nice and slow so go ahead and gawk all you want little meowth."

The last comment aimed at Ali brought such a furious blush to his cheeks that it could be seen clearly through his fur. A chuckle came from the client while his partner giggled near him but he lowered himself enough to be facing the tip of that massive cock. Ali focused on that rather than the embarrassment rolling through him and shuddered while his partner took hold of the shaft to lift it up and reveal those heavy orbs. The charizard let out a rumble of approval as he leaned back and spread his legs just a bit more for the two to get good access. One of his paws moved to feel over that swollen tip, squeezing gingerly while his mouth gravitated to the balls. He pressed his lips against a single orb and closed his eyes to let the warmth sink against his mouth and roll through his body. A little purr began as he nuzzled and kiss those warm orbs over and over again, his tongue occasionally flicking out while he began to service the large reptile.

It was true, his eyes had lusted after the reptiles sizable cock but these balls were just as lovely and each pass of his tongue against the smooth surface of each brought a jolt of arousal through his body that he could not and did not want to shake off. He kept on licking and kissing until he felt a gentle peck at his ears.

That peck came with a gentle whisper, "Open your eyes, sweetie...Let me show you where to put your mouth next while I handle the shaft."

Without a second spared, Ali obeyed and opened his eyes, pulling his mouth away as he saw the other lifting those spit-shined orbs up to reveal the taint and just a bit lower, the tailhole. With a free paw, Shay took hold of the shaft to begin stroking it tenderly while he planted loving kisses on the tip. Ali himself took the message and brought his mouth down to the taint to let his tongue out to drag from that spot all the way down to the large reptilian pokemon's puckered ring. This was not only part of the job but something he enjoyed as well. Worshiping another with his mouth let him blank out and simply go through the motions and occasionally focus on the burning in his body rewarding him for doing such a good job. Adding to that fire was the noise coming from above him, the groaning and growls of a powerful pokemon being pleasured by the two felines.

Kissing that sweaty hole was enough to get the job done and he knew that Shay would pick up on any slack but he didn't care about any of that right now. His focus was to please, to serve and give himself over to those base feelings deep inside of him. With a purr, the feline pokemon allowed his tongue to slip out of his mouth to dip against and inside of that puckered hole. The reaction was almost immediately, little groans and rumbles from the larger pokemon turning into loud moans that echoed against the walls of the room. Big claws clutched the side of the bed while Ali spread that hole apart gingerly with his digits to bring his tongue in deeper and deeper until he was letting warm spittle filter in from his tongue. The claws at the side of the bed dug in enough that there should have been concerns about whether or not there would be holes but instead, the meowth simply kept on lapping at the charizard's puckered hole. Meanwhile, Shay had his mouth over the tip of the large pokemon's cock, suckling while his soft paws dragged along the length back and forth again and again. There were little moments where the charizard's toes curled and his digits flexed further, his moans growing in intensity as the heat of his body began to grow.

Finally, he grunted, "I'm about to pop. Better brace yourself kitties."

Shay pulled his mouth off of the cock with a wet pop to giggle while Ali kept on kissing and working the charizard's tailhole, "Sir, if you're really about to pop then you should have a choice of where you put all of that cum."

The charizard rumbled happily, "I think I'll let it all out on the shy kitty's face. I'd like him to remember me, not that'll be done with this but still...He's not opposed to it is he?"

For once, Ali answered for himself with a tiny voice as he pulled his mouth away from the large pokemon's tailhole, "I...I like being marked. It makes me feel special sir and I'd be honored if you did it."

The meowth got up and took a step back as the charizard got up from the bed to lean down and grab the feline by the chin. Ali shuddered as his face was turned one way to the other by the strong grip before the charizard chuckled, "Such a pretty face....I'm gonna enjoy having your partner milk my cock to mark you."

There was something chilling in that voice that sent shivers down his spine, or maybe, just the promise of a painted face was enough to have his slut heart shaking. When the chubby charizard backed away, he gripped his cock and tugged it up once before Shay moved to obey. Ali got onto his knees with his mouth open, tongue hanging out as his partner began to stroke the beastly pokemon's cock. Slow and gentle movements were used to pump the reptile's cock while hot pre dripped from the tip and onto the floor. He shuddered as he saw the larger pokemon moving his hips to thrust against the gentle paws squeezing his member. Ali shut his eyes as soon as he heard the huffing and grunting begin. Without sight, he could still hear the sound of that cock sliding between the digits of his partner and suddenly, the heat struck his face. Hot ropes of cum stained his cheeks and tongue. He made note that the client seemed to favor his open mouth especially with a hefty load of that salty bitter gift. When every last drop had been emptied on his face and tongue, Ali closed his mouth and swallowed what was in his mouth. He opened one eye to see that the charizard's cock was still looming over his head and still so very hard.

Shay got on his knees as well to help lick some of the cum off of Ali's face making it easier to open both of his eyes. When that was was done, the Alolan meowth purred, "Will that be all today sir?"

The charizard grinned, "I can go one more time and I think you know what I want. Get yer asses ready, both of them."

Ali and Shay got up from the floor, digits moving to strip one another of their underwear before they retrieved the lube. Shay gave the charizard the bottle before slipping onto the bed. Ali joined him soon enough, the two felines lounging together stomach to stomach with one leg raised and Shay giggling, "No need to get ready too much sir, just make sure you're nice and slick and take your pick, although, I'll assume it'll be your favorite shy boy." While the charizard lubed that fat cock up, Shay sighed, "I gotta say, I'm jealous! Ali has been getting so much attention that it's hard to believe he's the shy one and I'm supposed to be the mischievous slut. Why maybe we should switch roles?"

Ali remained quiet as the charizard approached. He grabbed Shay's tail and tugged causing the Alolan meowth to squeaks as the tip of the cock pushed between those plump rear cheeks to start sliding in that tight hole. The charizard grunted and growled as he shoved, pushing and pushing until the tip finally popped inside. Shay was gasping and moaning, ears pinned back, arms coming around Ali to squeeze him tight while the feline was caught off guard. Ali watched with big eyes as that fat cock kept on sliding in deeper and deeper by the second with the charizard moving those large hips with visible power. When he was nearly hilted he leaned down and thrust one last time, balls slapping against the Alolan meowth's thighs. Shay mewled out in response, toes splayed out against the charizard's stomach as he tried to get a hold of himself. He rarely got to see Shay so thoroughly brought off guard and his cock responded by bouncing against his partner's.

The charizard moved before Shay could recover and say something sassy. Powerful hips moved back and forth to rock that fat cock deep inside of the feline's rear. That power increased with every push until the bed itself was jolting. Ali continued to gawk while wondering if that grunting beast would be doing the same to him. He couldn't help it, he had to do it. Ali reached down and took hold of his own cock along with Shay's to start stroking gingerly, he pumped it faster and faster along with the speed of the charizard's thrusting and stopped when he noticed that the charizard was pulling out slowly.

Ali gasped as he was suddenly pushed onto his back away from Shay. He shivered as the charizard loomed over him, both of his ankles spread wide by a powerful grip before one of those hands moved to clutch that fat cock and push the tip against his puckered hole. The larger pokemon grunted and growled as he slowly got the head of his cock inside and when it was in, he thrust all the way until this balls were kissing the meowth's taint. Ali reacted by moaning, pleasure spiking up his body rather than pain, his toes curled and his eyes grow wide but before he could make more noise the charizard closed that big maw over his mouth, thick tongue dipping inside to dart along his tongue and push to his throat. Ali's eyes became half-lidded as he suckled on that tongue while giving off his little muffled moans. His body was pinned by the larger body above him rutting him so thoroughly, so roughly. He could feel the power in those thrusts sending tremors through his body as he was stretched wide and pounded so viciously. It was as if they were feral creatures rather than civilized pokemon and it made him feel fantastic. His mind could focus on the pleasure that he was feeling and the heat pouring through his body rather than anything else. That warmth seemed to grow with every push, that cock in his rear swelling more and more before suddenly it was yanked out. The kiss continued for just a bit before the charizard withdrew his tongue leaving the meowth to gasp and moan.

By fur of his head, the charizard tugged Shay to attention where he placed the tip of his cock at the feline's mouth. He opened his maw without complaint and the larger pokemon took advantage by shoving that fat thing deep inside of the Alolan meowth's maw. He kept on thrusting until those balls were pushed up against Shay's chin. He kept it rooted there while Shay simply accepted his place in life, body trembling while the charizard used his throat like a sex sleeve. When the charizard pulled out, he brought the two panting and groaning felines together again on their backs side to side. He began pumping that fat shaft before the two of them and both of them smiled their lust drunk smiles as they turned their heads to kiss one another, eyes shut just before the hot cum began to pour over their bodies and stain them. When all was done, the charizard groaned and stretched.

"You two have been great. I'll be sure to give this place another visit again." Said the large pokemon with a grunt. He stepped to the dresser to take his satchel up and reach inside. From the inside, he pulled out a bag of coin and set it atop the dresser before waving, "Later then you two...Have fun."

With that, their client left the two felines kissing one another. The loving pecks didn't last too long as Ali moved to lick the other, tongue moving from cum stained spot to spot, lapping it all up as Shay sighed and shuddered until he gasped as the tongue bath stopped at his cock. Ali put his mouth on the cock, eyes shut as he nursed on his partner's shaft. The other took hold of the back of his head, hips moving gently to work himself off. Sweet drops of cum soon began to touch his tongue that felt cold compared to the fiery heat of the charizard's seed still staining his body. The meowth then allowed himself to act on instinct, pulling his mouth away and turning the other on his stomach to spread those lovely legs and plant his cock inside of that used rear. He huffed as he thrust deep inside, his shaft engulfed in warmth as he rutted his partner faster and faster with every passing moment. Unable to contain himself, it didn't take long before his own cum was painting the insides of his partner's rear. All of that done, he finally collapsed on Shay's back while purring, chin at the other's shoulder.

Shay responded by chuckling, "Wanna hunt some customers with me tomorrow?"

Ali purred, mind still lost in lust, "Can I hump you instead all day?"

"Maybe...Wanna nap for now before we get clean?" Asked the Alolan meowth.

Ali nodded and rubbed his cheek against the other feline's. With his eyes closed and his body fatigued from the acts that had happened, he allowed himself to drift off to sleep without ever thinking anything negative about himself or what had just happened. With Shay nearby and everything that had happened, he could only feel love and passion pouring through him. Hopefully, he could cling onto that feeling when he woke up.