It Always Gets Cold

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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Okay, so while writing Another Cliche Jock Story I ended up coming up with this little idea. Again, trying to branch out and get a few more animals under my belt since I seem to focus most of the time on lions and wolves and what not. Anyway, hope you enjoy and please comment ;)

As always, if you do not like M/M sex then please do not read the following. If you are not of legal age then I cannot be held responsible for what you are about to read, you are accountable for that and I do not take the blame. So on and so forth...


It Always Gets Cold

by teh Nobod3

It was another chilling morning in the apartment building, the cold air sweeping through the window and across the room. Every now and again a gust would strike the room, swirling the air about as the skin bumps and the hairs stand on end. At least, this is what the house cat thought about when he stood over the stove trying to make a nice, big omelet. And although some would say that this was the perfect morning to climb back into bed and snuggle up with the blankets for a few more hours, the feline was fine standing with just an apron around his neck and tied behind the small of his back. He always laughed a little on the inside when he thought of why he would rather walk around his house naked instead of taking the time to put clothes on. At least he always wore the apron to keep his cooking skills from ending up all over his nice orange fur, tangled in a mess of pain and tugging for later in the shower. It was not the pain and the tugging he disliked, just only when it was to pull out the food from his fur.

So he stood there, shrilling up onto the tips of his toes every time a gust came through and made him stand on end, making breakfast. Personally the kitten felt that he was a little too pudgy for such a large meal and that he would rather just have some sparkling water and a nice cool run through the winter air. But then again this omelet was not for the cat, he just liked to cook for his roommate. They had been through a lot together, friends since high school and all the way through college. The tabby had graduated, his roommate failed out sophomore year. Ironically it was his roommate that now had the executive job while the feline stayed at home, trying to find work. He could not say he minded the extra time though, it meant he could do more personal things.

The scent of the food was beginning to get thicker in the air, the cold breeze coming from a closely opened window stirring it around the air. Any minute now his roommate would smell his breakfast and come through that door. The tabby just sat their thinking how he would probably come into the small living area and look over the counter that separates that part of the room from the kitchen. His friend would then sneak around the wooden stools and counter tops so that he was just right behind the cat. A shadow would loom over the feline for a few seconds, followed by the words he said every morning.

"What did you make for me today," the much deeper, handsome voice came as two arms wrapped around the cat's body. "It smells delicious!"

The feline opened his eyes, turning his head just enough so that their lips could meet for a brief kiss while he started purring. His tail flicked about a few times before finally coming to wrap around that stallions leg, really hugging it tight as he continued to just enjoy the warm embrace that had come after the cold winds. When they broke, their eyes met and they just stayed like that for a few seconds, then the cat spoke up. "Its an omelet, with all of your favorite veggies in it babe," he grinned. His head swiveled back to the work he was making on the food, just taking the breakfast off of the stove and putting it on a nice, round plate. The feline just stared at his work as it sat there, a golden-yellow hue with vegetables sticking out every now and then. It looked nice with the decorative blue rings at the edge of the plate, but his attention was drawn more into the distant as two paws slowly wrapped around and moved up his sides, the soft paws moving through the fur on the cat as it rubbed the cool skin below.

Finally the feline snapped from his gaze and shifted out of those two arms hugging him. He grabbed the plate and pulled it over to the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. "You better eat your breakfast babe or its gonna get cold," the feline said as he grabbed a fork from one of the drawers and turned around to look at the horse.

What happened next was a series of complicated emotions colliding, the horse swooping in for a more passionate kiss as his frame moved yet again right up against the cat. The big stud's tongue pushed into the surprised animals mouth, tasting the saliva of the kitten as it slowly began to wrestle with the other's tongue. He had his eyes closed while his paws moved to wrap around the felines neck and his body pressed the cat right up against the counter.

A little surprised, the cat took the tongue quickly into his mouth and, just as fast, closed the lids to his own green pair of eyes. He tried to turn his body to get a better angle for the kiss, but the equine had pushed him up against the counter. His own two paws pushed back against the top, slipping across the smooth and clean surface as he tried as best as possible to get a better position. But soon two hips kept him held down firmly as he left his own paws on the counter just to help him from falling over into the food now that he had lost the battle. In his own mouth he was also wrestling with the horse, trying to get that tongue to go away so he could sink into the stallion's own maw and start exploring. The equine's muscle was just too much stronger as the broad tongue pushed his down time and time again. The feline did not complain though, purring as he tried to keep up with the moment.

The stallion knew he had one once the feline's body started to wobble, his two paws moving down from the tabby's neck and roaming over his skinny chest. He started to pull back from their passionate kiss, slowly opening his eyes to watch as his tongue withdrew and a string of saliva left the two connected. But he was far from done with the feline yet. Slowly grinding his hips against the cat's backside, he let his roommate know exactly what he had in mind. "You know, I love that you don't wear anything but that apron in the morning?"

The cat had just opened his eyes, the string of saliva popping with the horse's first words as he turned around to try and hide the deep red blush forming across his face. "You've told me every morning, Kip." The words came out of his mouth like they were embarrassing to be said, as if ten years ago the feline never would have imagined being bent over a counter with his best friend since high school rubbing his naughty parts right up against his sacred backdoor.

"That's cause I love it every time!" The stallion just kept his rhythmic rubbing up against the feline's ass, hoping his friend was enjoying the rubbing as much as he was. "Besides Jake, you know you love it too!"

Jake was almost on the table, had those two paws running through the thick pelt on his chest not of been holding him up now. He was purring and pushing back against those thrusts the stallion made with each rub, loving the feel of a thickening sheath forming between his buns. Under the apron and pressed against the cupboards located below the counter his own sheath had been filling out as he slowly became more and more excited with each passing moment, but it was not until he felt the cold, wet touch a liquid against the underside of the base of his tail that he felt that excitement explode.

The stallion just breathed slightly heavier then normal as his well toned body worked his member out through the rubbing, the long pole slowly rising out of his sheath to flop down before filling with enough blood to harden it. Within seconds he was as hard as ever, now rubbing the exquisite in size meat through those two mounds to keep him going while he bent over and started nibbling on the felines ears.

The tabby could feel Kip's broad teeth against his ears, sending shivers down his spine the same way that large tool rubbing right up against the pink muscle of his back door was sending shivers right back up. "You gonna just get me excited or are you going to do something?" He said the words so casually it was almost hard to believe that this was the same feline from before. His thrusts back became much more powerful as he suddenly lifted his upper body up and looked over his shoulder.

The equine just chuckled as he watched the reactions, going in for one more soft kiss before pulling back and moving his paws down the slim feline's frame to hold him at the hips. "Listen buddy, you'll be in a pool of ecstasy in no time. Just let me have my fun!" With that, the horse's hands went down and one cupped the cat's package through the apron, the thin cloth keeping them separated as he started to roll around the felines balls and rub the wrist of his arm up against the cock. He could feel the wet spot forming, a perfect sign that the mammal really was enjoying being toyed with like this. His other paw moved down to cup one cheek, pulling it back as he watched his fat, throbbing member run up between the mounds before going back down. He would let go of the flesh and watch as it bounced back down to collapse on his dick, the ring around the center of his stallionhood suddenly getting caught and slowly down his rubs.

The feline just kept purring and pushing, except now he was not sure which way to push. One part of him wanted to get his prick and balls more into the fondling paw while another part of him wanted to keep rubbing up against that cock. "I wish you'd start already so I wouldn't feel so torn apart!" Jake was not one of those cats that liked to be toyed with. He liked sex and he liked having it rough, hard, and fast, but maybe then again that is why he liked having sex with someone who would take their time and really make it last.

"Jeez, someone is in a mood today," Kip replied, his paw coming off of that fine pair of balls to rest on the tabby's hips. His other paw moved off of the mound, taking one last pinch to hear the feline yip a little, as he put it at the end of his rather long piece of meat. He pushed the very end between those two cheeks and let it press right up against that tight pucker, letting the cat know just what was about to come. "Hope you are ready!"

The cat winced for a quick second, his claws digging into the counters as they pulled back and their bodies came pressed together quickly. He could feel the flat end of that cock stretch his hole mercilessly open before the maleness quickly and roughly drive in. If it had not been for the stallion's member leaking pre like a fountain between those two buns as it slathered itself up with his rubbing up and down before, the cock would have been dry and painful. Yet because it was so well lubed, the pole went straight in until the feline's ass rested in the crook of the stallions hips. "Oh yea," grunted the smaller animal as they came together with a nice, loud slap that echoed through the room.

For a second the horse held still, letting the little guy adjust to having his big fucker right up that small, tight tailhole. Although he knew the cat loved hard, rough fucks the stallion was not willing to risk hurting his friend. Besides that, he himself had to get use to having his big tool fill such a small space yet again. So for a minute the two just stayed mashed together, their groins slightly gyrating. Kip took the time to go back to exploring the lithe feline frame, letting his paws explore over the smooth belly and up to those two under-formed pecks. He knew his friend was no athlete, just a nice slim build the way the more athletic stallion like it. So when his digits ran through that fur and he could feel it raking to the center of his paw, it sent shivers up the stallions spine. He leaned over and started kissing and nibbling on the purring cats neck, really showing what those dull equine teeth could do to the sensitive little nerve endings.

"Oh fuck," was all that Jake could say, his body mashing right back up against the stallions as they held there. He could clench his tailhole around that cock every now and then, it was his way of feeling the pulse of the horse's heart as the blood pumped into that member. His own member was just as hard, caught between the counter and his body as it stood at full attention and throbbing on its own too. There was just something about having a big prick stuck up his ass that kept him harder than ever, the tip rubbing against his apron and making him shake in anticipation.

Finally the stallion started to pull back. He did so slowly, letting the cat feel every single inch come out of that tight hole. As he did so, the tabby bent over the counter and put his elbows down onto the cool surface for support, all the more giving the equine a better view to watch his mighty fucker come out of that ass. He loved it, watching as the muscles were kept pulled back as he slowly withdrew. What probably caught Kip's sight the most was when that central ring on his cock pulled the pucker back the farthest before it slid over the cock to where it had been, the feline purring louder as that part popped out. And when the horse had all but his slightly bigger, broader head out of that hole, the orifice still being pulled on as he made sure to just barely keep it in, he started pushing back in.

The tabby could feel the thrust in was much faster, still taking time for the long prick to make the full journey but faster than before. It sent jolts of lightning up his spine as he started grunting and purring louder and louder. When their bodies collided again, he thought he was about to orgasm right then and there as that prick rubbed his most tender spots. Just as quickly as the whole thing had been pushed it, it started coming out of him again, keeping that joyful state of electrical tension in his mend. "Fast," he softly ordered.

The stallion complied, pulling out just a bit quicker then before before pushing right back inside. When he heard the feline's order just a bit louder to go even faster, he did so again as his cock started moving in and out of that hole at a much more normal pace. The lewd slaps of their bodies coming together could be heard echoing in the room, but neither seemed to even notice as they were so caught up in the moment. But the slaps only got louder as the cat grunted for the horse to pick up speed again. It was not a problem from Kip though, he loved the friction of his cock sliding in and out and he loved that he did not have to set the speed.

Jake was purring and moaning out, but still kept enough composure to tell the horse he wanted it faster still. He could feel those two mighty orbs slapping against his own slightly smaller pair, the long fuck stick moving in and out of his tailhole, and the bashing and rubbing against his prostate as the sex continued. Yet it still was not rough enough for the cat. Sure, he had a wet spot with a nice line dripping down of pre on the inside of his apron as he was pressed up against the counter with his tail raised and his prick hitting the hard wood. He was serious when he said he liked it rough.

Faster. The stallion had both hands on those hips now, really ramming his meat in before pushing it out of that clenching pucker. He was breathing much more heavily now, his eyes shut as he enjoyed the moment and continued to lube the way. The feline called out again for him to speed up and he complied, hammering in harder, better, faster, and stronger then any time before. And there is was, that joyous feel of the final climax building in in loins. His balls were starting to draw up now, he knew he was going to peak soon.

The cat's own climax was not far off, but he still wanted it to get just that much more intense. He yelled out again for the stud nailing him to speed up and was greeted again with the harder, quicker smacks of their bodies colliding. All the while he was purring as his hole was ravished and thrashed into. It was getting to that intense state that he wanted, his own body pushing back as he tried to help the stallion with his work.

They were both sweating, both on the edge, both ready to finish with the sex they were having, yet they stayed braced up against one another as they continued to fuck. The sounds of slapping were now more constant in the room then before, the rough speed that the cat had ordered finally making it sound like a base was being beat over and over again as they kept fucking, but this song was far from over yet. The stallion lifted the feline up from under the counter after one quick thrash and put him on top of the wooden top. At this angle he could much more easily fuck that ass, letting him comply when the feeling now yelled faster while trying to keep himself from falling over with the weight of the stallion on his back.

Jake's apron swung about freely over the opposite edge of the counter, his own body pushing back as best he could with his legs still over the edge and his body being held by his won paws. It was in this moment of passion that the horse pushed in one last time, rolling his long shaft down the cat's backside and bashing into that prostate with full force, that the feline came. He could hear the cum splatter against his apron, it had made the full flight across their counter to the other end. His tailhole clenched tight and he milked not only his own prostate for every last drop the stallion could provide, but also the stallion's large meat.

That was all the stallion needed to get himself off, sinking his meat in as deep as possible one last time before exploding in the bowels of the kitten. It was more than a rush for the equine to feel his cock head flare so far in the other animal, the excitement sending jolts up his spine as he whinnied. He kept making small thrusts, each one pushing in all the way as his cum gushed out of the tip and into the rear of the cat.

What followed was silence, the after glow of great sex. The cat was now ready to crawl back in bed and snuggle up with his blankets, the equine ready to follow. But they did not go back to their bed and hop back in, their muscles were frozen in place as both just breathed in the moment and enjoyed the feeling of being so connected. When the finally did come to, the horse slowly withdrew his member, the flare having gone down now, and listened to the loud slurps of a slick hole letting a long shaft out of it. The tabby put his feet up on the counter and waited for the whole thing to slide out before climbing down, the pearly white liquid already starting to ooze out and down his leg as he opened his eyes to the world.

A cock on the wall suddenly rang out, it was eight now and the stallion would for sure be late if he didn't get a move on. "OH SHIT," he screamed out as he quickly ran towards the bathroom for a quick shower to remove the scents of morning sex from his body. The door slammed shut and the cat was left in the kitchen once more.

A cold morning breeze came though the window again, which reminded Jake of the food he had cooked. "That darn horse. He always lets my cooking go cold in the morning!" Looking over at the omelet he had made, he chucked to himself. The half circle eggs had a new, white topping. On long shot of the liquid went across the bottom half and two drops at the top, it was an annoyed face.