This Little House

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#5 of Thymion Stories

With Angel now pregnant, the group decides to settle down and start a life. But they aren't giving up just yet on the stone fragment. They are still working on finding it. However, unknown to them all, Lola is working on something of her own. Something dark, dangerous, and might cost them all their lives.

Angel lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling as she idly stroked the soft fur of her stomach. It had been a week since the last incident, with no sign of that equine since then. He was not stupid, and knew to lay low. Angel also knew she could not get into a fight with him again. She was pregnant, and whatever baby she carried was going to be born this time. Healthy, alive, and with a bright future; that was her goal now.

Bojo had secured them a place to call home, purchasing an empty lot and then when it was very late at night he used Alchemy to build them a house. It was a bit shocking for the neighbors to wake up and suddenly see it there one morning. But Billy convinced them it was a prefab house that could be assembled easily, and that they had just not noticed it being built. As the group settled in, Angel had taken time to settle down. Billy took more time to care for her needs while she was out of commission.

Asteria was working the computers, keeping tabs on all the articles and reports coming across the net. She was also searching the deep web and the Marianas Web, looking for material on the stallion and how he got this stone fragment. What she found was more disturbing than she bargained for. Seth was known on the deep web for his crimes and there were a few bounties out on him. However, there was nothing about him having the powers until recently. There were, however, indications of a wolfess that had similar powers being seen repeatedly across the last few centuries.

She was watching the pictures and drawings scroll slowly across her screen. Lola had seen enough to shake her up a bit, and wandered away to the back yard. She was reading on demons from the few books they always carried. But she was not looking for answers like everyone thought. She was looking into a summoning. She wanted to summon a demonic entity to give her power. The vixen was certain that they would need power like Angel's, and the deities were never in the mood to help when they were needed. So she was looking to the only source of obtaining power she knew was willing to help often.

As she flipped the pages of the book, she heard Bojo coming up behind her. Closing it, she turned to look at him. He smiled as he held a bottle of water out to her. She took it and sipped, smiling back at him. "Looking for answers in the knowledge of the old?" he asked.

"Yes. I was hoping to find a sealing or summoning rite that would allow us to pull this wolfess into a position where we could contain her. Then we could speak to her about how she performed these abilities, and if she knows about the horse with the stone fragment," Lola responded softly. Bojo nodded as he sat on the grass beside her. Looking at the sky, he ran a finger over his own stone. The massive weight of it was little to him. He had carried it so long he barely noticed it.

After a bit he stood again, telling her he was going to get some food. She nodded but said she was going to continue reading. She opened her book as he walked away, looking at the ritual on the page. It was to summon a lesser demon, something she thought she could handle. She just needed the time alone to summon it. The others would not understand what she was doing. She needed more power, she needed to fight like Angel could. What she needed was the strength and power to protect her beloved family.

As she closed the book, she stood slowly. Taking her bottle of water and book inside, she headed into the house and to her room. As she sat on the bed, she slid the book under her pillow. She would begin tonight. She had everything they needed, and Could get Billy to get her a live animal for sacrifice. He would assume it was for Asteria or Sierra, or that Lola wanted fresher meat.

There was no need to rush, and Lola knew it. She had the perfect spot picked out too. Her room was large, and had enough room to summon a small demon. As well all of the walls were sound proofed because Bojo figured that sometimes a few of them would like to cut loose and get very loud. Lola thanked him for that now that she was planning to summon a monster. As she sat on her bed and lay back, she looked at the ceiling. She had candles, offering bowls, rituals and spells, and most importantly she had the books. She knew what symbols to draw and in what order.

All she needed was the right sacrifice. As she closed her eyes for a nap, she heard the sounds of Angel talking to Billy. He was asking about her and how she was feeling. The wolfess seemed calm, but Lola could tell she was tense. She was worried about losing the baby

Lola let the world fade as she drifted to sleep. Her mind was drifting in a world of dreams, most of them not pleasant. She awoke in the middle of the night with a start. Her eyes blurry with sleep, her mind still full of fevered dreams. She had seen the death of her family and she was unable to protect them. Grabbing the book from under her bed, she turned on her lamp. In her haste, she pulled out all her supplies and failed to notice she opened the book to the wrong page. She also neglected the fact she did not have a proper sacrifice. She turned to her bare floor, taking out the chalk and beginning to draw the pattern on the floor. She set up the candles, lit them one by one and then began to set out the various things. She knew that she could use her own blood, and cutting her paw was more than enough. As she set up the final parts of the summoning, she took a moment to check what she needed in the ritual. Setting the stone bowl in the center of the circle, she began placing the required items into it.

Finally she picked up a dagger. Holding out her paw she began to chant softly. She was reading from the book slowly, making certain she said the words correctly. As she chanted, she drew the knife across her bare flesh, cutting deep and drawing blood in a gush. As it spilt into the bowl, the circle began to glow an the candles flickered. Lola continued to chant, trying to work her way through the pain in her paw. Finally the candles went out, leaving her in only the glow of the summoning pattern.

After a moment, she saw a shadow form take shape, standing over her. As it solidified, the candles relit and showed the black fur of a horned demon. He was canine in shape, but she detected some feline aspects. And the horns on his head were that of a large goat. His eyes, however, were not like any creature she had ever seen. His eyes were mostly reptile like, and yet not at the same time. He was not a towering monster, merely as big as she was, but much more toned and muscled. It smiled softly, arching an eyebrow at her.

"You? It was you that summoned me? Why? Why have you called me from my world?" he asked. He was wondering what she wanted, and why such a weak witch would call upon him. Now that he was here, he looked down at her and began to figure it was likely her first summoning. His species was known to be a relatively safe summoning to attempt. That did not mean that they did not have their risks.

Lola stood, still cupping her paw. She looked him in the eyes, knowing that he was bound to her as long as she kept her cool. "I want power. The power and strength to protect my family. I want to control magic and might. I want to be able to defend what is mine form all that would harm them. You will give it to me," she said softly.

"Of course my mistress..." he said softly. "However, you are aware that these matters require a trade. A...transaction, as your people say. You must understand that nothing can be gained for free." All he needed was for her to take the bait. Once she did, nothing was going to stop him. He would be free.

"Yes. I understand. Name your price," she said. As she stepped up to him, he smiled softly, disarmingly. She kept her eyes locked on his. He figured she was cautious, and the eye contact would keep him in check until he had what he needed. He needed her permission. That was all he needed.

"I need an avatar in this world. A living body to inhabit. You can give me that. Bare my child, give me an avatar, and I shall give you all the power you want. Do we have an accord?" He held out his paw her. She did not immediately answer, searching his face for lies or give away that he would betray her. He saw she was going to say no, and smiled softly. "Your paw must hurt. At least let me heal your wound."

His paw slowly reached forward, gently hovering over hers as he healed the wound. Seeing his soft face, and the gentle charm in which he tended to her wound she began to relax. Lola took a moment and then sighed. "Fine. I will bare your avatar. gentle alright?"

The demon could barely contain his glee. She was so stupid for falling for it. Still, he figured he could at least do as she asked and be gentle. As he took her paw and led her to the bed, his eyes closed and he felt the binding break slowly away. She was too naïve to notice, or too inexperienced to understand. Once, he had her on the bed, he slowly slid her pants and panties from her. She was a plump girl, and looked delicious. He could hardly wait to slide inside her sinful walls.

As he pushed her clothing away, he saw the hesitance in her eyes. She was doubting it now, but it was far too late. After all, a deal was made and no one could back out of a deal with a demon. He lifted and spread her legs, leaning down and slowly licking over that plump mound. Her slit was so soft and warm. And his tongue made her shiver as she whimpered. Leaning back over her, he smiled at her, but not with the same kindness as before. His shaft was peeking from his sheath, the barbed tip throbbing as he thought more of burying his rod inside her. He wanted to fuck her raw, and seed her fertile womb. She was going to birth him a body to inhabit. And yet, he would also inhabit her body. Just to keep her from backing out. She would have the strength of a demon, but she would not be the one in control.

As he leaned over her, he guided his tip to her entrance. He gently pet her thighs as she pushed forward. His thick barbed tip pushing in just a few inches, tickling her walls as she writhed under him. He kept it slow, for now. He wanted her to think she was still in control. As he mated her, he could feel the heavy grip of her walls, squeezing his cock as she rolled her hips. Oh she was used to this, and he wondered just how much she could take.

Lola bit her lip, trying not to make too much noise. She did not want anyone to interrupt them, and it did feel nice. His cock was textured, long and thick with barbs at the tip and she could already feel the thick bulb near the base. She began to pant softly, gripping the sheets as she opened her eyes. Then her eyes locked onto his, and she knew she had been betrayed. He had a malicious look and made no effort to hide it. He rammed his shaft into her as he gripped her throat to keep her quiet.

"Now... Don't scream. I'm being gentle for you. Just lay back and take it like a good whore. You wanted the power, and you will have it. I just plan on being in control is all. Shh. Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll even leave you some power once My body is ready. I just want to have some fun first..." He licked his lips, the forked tongue flicking out afterward and down. It was over two foot long, licking over her cheek as she whimpered and gasped for air.

He began rutting her hard, painfully jamming his length into her, forcing his still growing knot to pop in and out of her stretched pussy. Lola kicked at the bed, trying to wriggle away from him. She was panicking, trying to get away, to call for help. Her paws slapped and hit his chest and face. She tried to push him away, and finally swung her paw up with her claws extended. "NO!" she screamed as her claws cut into his face and he released her throat.

He leaned back, grabbing her muzzle to stifle her noise. He felt the hot trickle of purple blood running down his face. It was boiling and burned his face. The cut was nasty, and he had no idea she could have hurt him. He drew his other paw back, and went to punch her. But he stopped himself. He needed her alive, and he needed to finish what he started. Forcing his half full knot into her as she yelped into his paw on her muzzle.

He began to rut her hard, building his orgasm up, while using his own power to hold her still so she could not struggle. He panted as she tried to writhe under him. She could still resist his power, his pull on her body. She was capable and knew that if she resisted enough he had to yield to her. Then he grinned, knowing even if she broke free now it was too late. He came, pulsing thick violet jets inside her. His glowing seed poured forth, as his tip pressed to her cervix. He was jetting right inside her womb. She could feel it too. her eyes rolled in her head in panic, looking for anything to save herself.

That was when her own eyes began to glow. The red and violet swirls filled her eyes, as her pupils dilated. She was starting to seize as the demon began to force himself into her body. He was going to take control and possess her. Then it suddenly stopped. He felt his power pulling back into himself and he realized they were not alone. He turned his head, and saw her. The glowing white wolfess with emerald eyes. And he uttered a single word in terror.

"A..Angelus..." Her paw shot up, grabbing his neck and silencing him. She pulled him away from Lola with enough force to pop his knot out of her and make her yell in pain. He struggled in her grip as she squeezed.

"You hurt my baby sister... What did you do to her?" She asked as she gave him a shake. The wolfess was livid, and wanted to kill this demon. But she needed to know what had been done.

"She summoned me. She wanted power and I wanted an avatar. She agreed..." He gagged out as she shook him again. Her paw grabbed his chest, digging her claws into the flesh as she growled. Her eyes flared violently, pulsing with green magic and flame.

"And you decided to just take her body for a joyride while you waited huh? You fucking twat. I should kill you right now. But I'm going to leave that decision to her. She decides if you live or die, so I suggest you beg..." He swung a paw out, attempting to grab Lola as Angel was talking. Lola screamed as a black tendril of power shot to her. It ran right into her open mouth and down her throat. Angel reacted, and her paw clenched hard. The neck of the demon snapped, breaking apart and blood sprayed everywhere.

She dropped the body as she watched Lola begin to seize and buck. The black tendril slithered down her throat and pulled her mouth closed. Lola began to foam at the mouth as violet energy coursed through her veins and made her fur glow and steam in streaks. Angel could only watch as her little sister was put through hell. She could see the seed of the demon leaking from Lola's snatch.

It was too late, the pact was sealed. Angel pulled the door open, screaming for everyone to come running. As all of them came running Lola bucked hard as a pulse of energy left her and sent Angel into the hall on her ass. Looking back in the room she watched Lola fall to the floor as her body lay still. She looked different now, and Angel could practically smell the magic on her. She was a demon now. She was corrupted and there was no telling how dangerous she was going to be.

Bojo rushed into the room, coming close to her and kneeling slowly. Billy came in next, pulling Angel away and holding her softly against him as Asteria and Sierra entered the room. The vixen turned on the lights, seeing that only one bulb worked. The walls were stained black by the magic, and she could smell the rank scent in the air.

"She summoned a Lust demon. Why the hell would she do that?" she asked softly. Bojo was looking her over. He was wondering just what happened to her. She looked mostly normal, but he could feel the magic coursing through her body. He dared not touch her just yet. Then he saw the book laying on the floor near her. Picking it up, he saw that the page that was open showed the summoning she had performed, but another page had a tag hanging out of it.

Bojo looked at the marked page and saw it was information about a knowledge demon. Bojo let out a deep groan. Putting a paw on his face, the feline leaned back against the wall. "She was trying to summon a different demon. She wanted to summon a knowledge demon. But she was not looking at her page right. She used the wrong ritual and called up a minor lust demon. What did he do to her?"

"She made a deal he said. Power for an avatar..." Angel said softly. "He said... she wanted the power of a demon, and he wanted an avatar. he was trying to trick her, and possess her body until the avatar was born. Then he would have abandoned her. I came across him after he raped her..." She looked at Lola from the door, pondering just what was going to happen now.

Lola began to stir suddenly, as she moaned and her legs shifted. Bojo backed away from her, before Asteria came close and pulled a blade. She did not want to hurt Lola, but if Lola attacked she would have to kill her. As the young vixen opened her eyes, they swirled in reds, violets, and greens. The silted pupils were enlarged and rounded in the center. A combination of mortal and demonic eyes. Lola looked at Asteria for a moment, before her mind came back to her. She gasped, looking around and babbling about a demon. Asteria watched her a bit, before lowering her weapon. "Sweetie... Stop. Just.. don't move ok? What do you remember?" The vampire vixen wanted to be certain of what Lola remembered before speaking. If she didn't remember the ritual then they might have issues holding onto her when the truth was revealed. But if she did remember, then she likely would be easier to reason with. And if she could control this power they could at least help her keep it under wraps and show her how to manage it.

Lola thought for a bit, catching her breath before saying she summoned a demon to gain power and knowledge, but that it was not the demon she was expecting. It was stronger than she thought. Asteria nodded and then spoke softly.

"He raped you, because you summoned a Lust Demon. He had sex with you, and came inside you. Then as bound by the laws of the ritual, he had to give you the power before Angel could kill him. His seed is inside you, and I don't know if we can safely remove it. You are.... you are likely going to be pregnant with his offspring," Asteria said softly. Lola sat still, looking at her paws and swallowed. She closed her eyes and then opened them and looked at Asteria.

She was calm, but obviously upset by the news. She nodded as she took a deep breath and slowly stood. She knew she messed up, and would have to pay the price for it. As she sat back on her bed, she rubbed her face with her paws. As she looked at the floor, she could feel something different about herself. Something stronger and more powerful. But looking at herself she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She was hesitant to try and call up any power at the moment.

Angel came into the room, sitting beside Lola and softly placing a paw on her cheek. Turning her little sister to look at her, the wolfess whispered softly. "Sweetie... why would you do this? Why would you try something so dangerous alone?" She was so worried for Lola she didn't care about being angry.

"I.. I'm tired of being so weak and helpless. I cant fight, I cant even stay awake at night long enough to get any work done. All of you are so powerful and I'm just... Just... IM worthless!" she yelled and jumped up, her eyes flaring bright. Asteria's knife came up and she took stance. Everyone else jumped back, except for Angel. The wolfess stood slowly and slowly reached up, cupping Lola's cheek. She looked into those angry eyes and saw the scared young woman inside.

"Sissy, you are strong. You gave me the strength to fight on. To protect our family when it was needed. You are the reason we do this. Because someone so pure and innocent as you should never have to fight these monsters..." Angel spoke softly as she pulled Lola against her. She hugged the woman gently and kissed her forehead as she stroked the thick brown mane of hair.

"It's ok sis. We can work through this, and we can show you how to control your new powers. But we can not break the deal you made. If we do... the demon's masters can claim your soul. I may have killed his body, but his spirit may already be inside your womb waiting for his new body," She cupped Lola's cheek sin her paws. Looking into the eyes of her little sister, the wolfess sighed softly. "Come on, you can sleep with me and dad tonight."

Angel led Lola back out of the room as everyone began to relax. Bojo looked around before sighing. He spotted the summoning circle on the floor and moved to it, scrubbing it off the floor he muttered about cleaning the room of demonic energy in the morning. Asteria took the book, flipping open to the ritual Lola had used. She looked at it, seeing that at least it was still a lesser demon. Lola had gotten lucky, and escaped with her life. She was a witch now, and would need to learn the laws and ways of the witch. As well as how to wield her new magic. Lust demons were tricksters, and used guile most of the time. But they could use brute force to get what they wanted when guile failed.

Billy followed Lola and Angel, closing the door as Angel helped Lola get her shirt off and lay down. The vixen was still leaking the thick violet colored seed. Angel gently cupped a paw over Lola's abused slit, and closed her eyes. She could read the flows of energy, as well as help heal the rough treatment. Lola relaxed and let Angel do her work. Billy watched, concerned for his daughters.

As Angel removed her fingers, she picked up a box of tissues from the bedside. Cleaning her paw, she then wiped Lola's slit softly. Helping to clean her sister's snatch seemed to calm them both. Angel slid from her pajamas and lay down, pulling Lola close in the bed. Billy spooned up behind Angel, hugging both girls softly as he whispered how much he loved them. The pair fell asleep not long after, and Billy right behind them.

It was late morning when Lola opened her eyes. But the room looked different. She thought her eyes were just blurry, but as she sat up she noticed she could see trails of energy. A pale one that was broad and flat. It was simple and calm. Then she saw the other. It was a swirled of green and black, and almost seemed to crackle with electric energy and swirls of flame. As she stood and moved to the door, her nose twitched. She was picking up scents she had never smelt before, and feelings that made her mind swirl with knowledge she never knew.

As she opened the door, she could hear heartbeats, breathing, the soft thumps of bare foot paws on the floor. Coming to the common room, she saw Bojo, but not just him. She could see red tendrils of energy coming off his chest. His stone practically radiating energy and she could almost touch it. As she ran a paw through the tendril, she felt... memories. She could feel the memories of the soul that powered that tendril of energy. She gasped softly, as knowledge was pouring into her.

"I can see them..." she whispered as she continued to touch the tendrils. Bojo looked up at her, confused and worried. She was acting so strange. Then he saw the horns growing out of her head. Long curved horns like an antelope. Her fangs extended past her upper lip as she continued to examine the tendrils. She did not even notice that the muscles in her body rippled under her fur, increasing in strength. Asteria came into the room then, seeing how the vixen was changing.

"Lola. Baby you need to stop," she said. Lola looked at her, and saw the shades of the vampire's energy. She could taste the blood in the air, and smell the pheromones around the vixen. She was in heat, though it was impossible for the undead to become pregnant. Then she saw the tendrils of energy creeping into the room from Sierra's approach. She could see he had fed recently. The tendrils were thick and full, slow moving and lax. She could see the power he had, and know that it was going to grow through the ages.

"I can see the energies... the power of each of you. I can see your emotions, and taste your scents and sounds. Its.. Is this the world you know?" The vixen asked as she looked at Asteria. The older vixen shook her head, concerned for Lola even more.

Lola then saw herself in a mirror. As she reached up and touched her horns, she felt how solid they were. Not for attack, but a mark of her status. They were a display, meant to entice. Her breasts looked fuller and her fur was so much softer. She looked at herself a bit more, before she looked down. She was still very plump and full bodied, but her shape was more pleasing to look at and her nude form seemed so new.

"I.. I feel fine. I don't even feel like I changed. Its as if I was meant to be this way. Like this is my natural form. I do not feel any darkness in my mind, and all I feel is love for my family." She looked back at Asteria, whom came close slowly. She reached out, touching the young vixen as she felt the muscle and soft fur.

"I must say, you have definitely come into your own. But do not try to use your power for now. I know it is hard to control, but try. Try to concentrate and restrain it. We do not know what powers you, and exerting magic may leave you weakened and needing to feed on something we do not have," Asteria said softly.

Lola nodded and tried to concentrate. She focused on returning to the form she already knew. Slowly her body responded, reverting to the simple mortal form. As it finished, she found her vision returned to normal. She sat down on the sofa after a moment, and took a slow breath. It had taken a bit from her and she was a little dizzy. Bojo gently stroked her ear as she tried to relax again.

"Dad and Angel will be back in a while. They went to get some food and some new books form the occult store. What we have does not cover this... situation. We need to know what to do to feed you, and your baby." The feline pat her shoulder as Lola nodded. It was just a waiting game now. It was then a thought came to her.

"I can see the energy of the stone... I can follow it. It leaves a trail. I could... in theory, learn how to sniff it out. Would that help at all?" she asked. Bojo blinked, never expecting that. If she could see energies, she could technically follow the trail to its source. Not only that but she could also tell them how powerful the stone was and likely where it came from. "Maybe. With training and help, just maybe. But for now, forget the stone. Our only concern is you and Angel," Sierra said suddenly. He sat beside Lola and hugged her softly. "Come on baby. Let's get you a shower and some fresh cloths. Then we can eat when Angel and Billy get back with the food. After that I think a nap might be good for you."

Lola stood with Sierra and moved to the bathroom. Once they were inside, Asteria sat by Bojo. They shared a look, one that spoke of confusion and distrust. They did not want Lola to be hurt, and in fact they wanted to welcome the addition of her powers. However, the method of how she obtained them was dangerous and she was likely now pregnant with the baby of a demon.

In the bathroom, Sierra was in the shower with Lola. He was helping her to wash her mane while she tried to keep calm and let her body relax. Sierra could smell the scent on her, and could tell just how strange she felt. As they showered, he whispered softly to her in a gentle voice.

"Baby. You know that was wrong. You should have told us, let us help you. You made a mistake, and none of us are mad. But we are scared. You could have been possessed, or killed. And we might have... We could have hurt you seriously trying to save you. And now, the baby you might give birth to. We just worry that you might have gotten yourself into something no one can handle. Please promise me you wont do that again?"

Lola nodded softly, and looked at the shower floor. She bit her lip, knowing she did something wrong. She had hidden her intentions from them, and could not blame them if they were angry with her. She heard the front door open over the sound of the shower, and the sound of Angel calling out that they were back with Chinese food. Sierra smiled and bumped her chin softly. She looked up at him, and smiled a bit. Rinsing off quickly, they towel dried their fur and headed out to the common room.

Angel was setting out large boxes of food. Seeing Lola she smiled and motioned her over. Sierra sat beside Bojo and relaxed back as the food was set out. Bojo was drooling at the scents. Asteria giggled as she watched him mewl and purr like a kitten. As Angel picked up her chopsticks, she noticed Lola not eating just yet. She was looking over everything, trying to make her selection as she accepted a paper plate.

After a moment, she picked up a box of rice and scooped out some with a spoon. Once she had that, she began to pick out a few meats and veg. Her eyes were lit up with all the foods. As she was setting back to eat, a black tendril extended from her tail and held the plate. The others were staring at it, as Lola began to eat. She was stuffing her face when she noticed everyone was staring at her. Then she noticed the tendril holding her plate, and both her paws were free.

Angel moved close, looking at the tendril. She did not touch it, but after a moment she sat back down and picked up her plate again. "I wouldn't worry about it. That's just dark magic. It can take shape and form solid masses for small tasks like this. Likely its just reflex. Her body is responding to the need to have both hands free to eat, so it gives her the means. Like how my flames respond when I need a shield or warmth."

Lola looked at it, wondering if she should be worried, however Angel seemed to think it was nothing. Given that, she shrugged and continued to eat. The meal was fairly uneventful, and the group were allowed a few moments of peace. Angel, however, was reading as she ate. She was looking at the books they bought. She was reading particularly about lust demon power and how mortals could obtain it. A botched ritual might provide it, but that was rare. The most common was that the demon did what it was trying to do to Lola. Possession. When it was done, or got what it wanted it would leave a portion of the power it could call upon behind as payment.

As she brought that up, Billy looked at another book. He was reading on how one could train their body to use magic. He didn't see Lola subjecting herself to some of the practices in this book. Others seemed simple enough to start with. Things like meditation and concentration were usually more effective than the other methods many modern mages thought up.

"Alright so. I can form tentacles from my tail, I can grow horns and see energies. That seems pretty safe. I really don't want to be dangerous. I just wanted to help. I wanted to contact a knowledge demon. To have it teach me magic and give me the power to protect you all. Angel is pregnant, she cant fight anymore. And if we run against a monster like back in Vegas..." She let the sentence hang. They had almost lost Angel in that fight.

It was a demon on a power they had never noticed before, and thankfully the fight had taken place in the desert, but it almost killed Angel. She only survived because Billy managed to put a bullet in the demon's shoulder and distract it long enough for Angel to get her sword back in her paw and shove it through his heart. Lola was helpless in that fight, and none of the others had been able to do much more than support roles. They all understood where she was coming from.

Asteria sighed and nodded, "Yes. I understand. We all do. But you should have told us. We would have helped you. Made sure the ritual was completed properly, and that it was the right ritual. You rushed into it, and were looking at the wrong page. You summoned a Lust demon, one of the smaller and less powerful kind. However, you made a deal with a demon for magic power. That makes you a witch now. And so you have to abide by the laws of the witches. We need to find you a teacher, and if at all possible find some charms to help you contain any powers you have until you are trained in them. You may even be immortal now. You could live forever."

Lola nodded softly, then her brow furrowed. "No. Not a witch. I'm something else. I am... I am a Lust demon now. No. Not a full demon. I'm a half demon. He tried to instill himself in me. He could not make it before Angel destroyed his body. All he managed to give me was access to the same powers. His spirit is inside me. But not with me. I will birth him, but he could not finish what he started. He wanted to possess my body until the baby was born, and then possess the baby. Now he had only one choice, to inhabit the baby because it was conceived without a soul."

"You can tell this how?" Bojo asked. He was skeptical that things were as she said. He did not think she lied, but that she was not in possession of all the facts. Lola closed her eyes and put her paws on her lap.

"I just know. It is like, I can sense other demons in the city. Many of them are just like us. They live with the mortals in peace and only take when they absolutely have too. Others are here, manipulating the world from the shadows, but not for evil purposes. And yet there is more. I can see knowledge. It is as if I can ask the other side and they tell me what I want to know. They bare no ill will for any being, and only seek energy to survive," Lola said softly. As she spoke, her eyes took on that violet and red glow again. The energy coming off her eyes was calm, gently rolling away from her.

She was looking at the energies again. She could see Angel's, and it was the largest. It was ancient, older than Angel herself and only one word came to mind. A name Lola had heard the demon utter when Angel came into the room. "Angelus...." she whispered.

Angel looked at Lola, remembering the name. She could not explain it but the name made her feel uneasy, as if it were a familiar name she hated. She had heard the demon call her that but she had no idea why. That was not her name, but it was similar. Maybe a mistaken identity, or perhaps a past life.

Lola blinked and the glow left her eyes, allowing her to see normally again. Bojo picked up a book about demon knowledge, and scanned through until he found a small section on Lust demons. He smirked and rolled his eyes at some of the pathetic information it contained. Obvious fabrications, lies, and false truths were the norm. However there were occasionally nuggets of truth.

"Well, being a lust demon of some kind you likely need sexual energy to feed on. Not sure how that works but it can. From that it seems you likely need other things, like most demons. Some need to feed on souls, which are in no short supply. I can give you those, or we can raid a gang house or something. Other than that, we have to figure it out. Trial and Error, I guess," the feline said softly.

As the group settled after their meal and discussion, Lola stretched and yawned softly. She leaned back on the sofa, and her tail began to sway softly. Bojo watched her a bit as she began to nod off. Billy stood slowly, coming to her and picked her up slowly. Her arms came around his neck and shoulders as he carried her to the bedroom. Once he laid her down and covered her up, he came back and sat down.

"She's not going to harm us. If anything she likely will fuck us all into submission. That said, she did this for the right reason. If anything, that is why she has not become a monster. If she can transform fully, I doubt it will be much more than aesthetics. Lust demons take on the things that make them attractive to others. She would appear beautiful, and her appitite for sex may become insatiable. However she will never, and I mean never cause any of us harm. I've seen turnings before. They turn vicious within moments, they become evil monsters and try to destroy all around them.

"But Lola is pure. If anything, I think we should just try to treat her as we always have. With love and kindness. We have to help her with this," Angel said. She leaned forward and cupped her paws together. The rest nodded, not wanting to argue with her given how protective she was of the younger vixen. Asteria rubbed her face a bit before speaking. "Not to countermand you. But we also have to be prepared for a delayed reaction. It may come later, or never. We have to have a plan in place to stop her. And a plan in place to kill her if we have no other choice..." The vampire said softly. Angel shot her a dirty look, but said nothing to argue the point. Billy nodded and stood. He moved to the back wall of the common room and opened a gun case. He rummaged around for a moment before coming back. He set a revolver on the coffee table and then sat back down. It was a simple .38 caliber snub nose. But Angel recoiled from it like it was made of death itself. Asteria leaned back uneasily and Sierra jumped back. Bojo shuddered looking at it. It was a gun they had all made together. It was designed to kill beings like them. If one of them ever went rogue, it would kill them very easily and quickly. Bojo would survive the initial shot, but would certainly be unable to heal himself and likely bleed to death in moments. Asteria and Sierra would just blow apart. Angel would die, and it would be a violent and horrible death.

"If it comes to the worst case, where there is absolutely no other choice, then we can use this. However... If we do, then we have to understand we are not going to be able to save whatever little soul we have. The gods will damn us for killing such a pure little girl like her," Billy said softly.

Angel picked up the gun and opened the cylinder. The gun was nothing special, but the bullets were custom made to kill beings that normal bullets could not. They were made of solid silver, tipped with a fragment of the stone Bojo wore, covered in ancient scripts and empowered with blessings from over a dozen priests. They had one box of them, a total of fifty rounds. The bullets would do the job. Billy had put one in the demon in Vegas, but he had missed the center mass. he had hit it in the shoulder. The round did however weaken the demon so much that Angel could drive her sword through its heart so easily it was like cutting through butter. The demon practically melted around her blade because of that bullet. In bed, Lola was dreaming. She could see the demon and he was knelt before her. She stood over him, unafraid. He was looking at the ground and looked like he had taken a beating at the paws of Angel. The vixen looked at him, slowly looking over his body before speaking.

"You tried to trick me. Did you think there would be no consequences? My family would have never let you get away from it. Even if I died, they would have pulled you from me and torn you limb from limb. Angel would have made it so you never could come back to our world ever again. There was nothing you would have been able to do. Why not just have given me a little power and let me bring your avatar into the world? You would have been free then," she said softly.

"Your kind always tries to get out of the deal. I wanted to make sure you couldn't do that to me witch. I was going to possess you, and live your life until the thing was born. Then I would take it and leave you with just a little power. Your family never would have known...except for that wolf. She's dangerous..." He growled at her.

"You have no idea how dangerous she can be. She's holding back because she is pregnant. You got off easy. You have no idea what she can do. But she is very unimaginative in her retribution. She goes for the quick and easy methods. Brutal as they are, they are simplistic. But a worm like you deserves better. Asteria would have so much more fun. She is capable of performing things no mortal can understand or would ever dare use. And you would be alive the whole time. But if you think that is bad, Dad would have a done something far, far worse. He would have removed your ability to be a lust demon if you understand me." The vixen growled as he tail flicked hard. A thick tendril coming out of it and forming a sharp pointed blade out of the energy.

The demon looked at it, smirking. But he said nothing as she towered over him. "So what will you do now witch?" He asked her with a snide tone. He wondered if she truly understood the power she wielded.

"I'm going to harness my new powers and magic. I am going to use it how I see fit. My family will be safe from things like you. But I will uphold our deal. I know you cant just immediately take over the baby once its born. You will have to grow with it and you will lose memories during that time. So I am going to be a proper mother to you. I am going to raise you with more than just power. I'm going to be a mother and give you love." She knelt down, cupping his chin and making him look at her face. She relaxed as she looked in his eyes. "I will not abandon you when you are so vulnerable."

The demon was silent, stunned and unable to say anything. As the dream faded away, Lola fell into a more gentle slumber. She dreamt of peaceful times and lovely times with her family. She barely noticed when Angel slid into bed with her, cuddling the vixen close and holding her protectively.

Bojo sat in the living room, continuing to read over the new books as he tried to set his mind at ease. Lola was not going to turn into a monster if he could help it. If he had too, he would forcibly rip the demon out of her. Asteria sat by the gun case, sharpening her blades. She looked at Bojo and could tell he was thinking something mean and ugly. Then her eyes moved to Sierra. The German shepherd was headed to the kitchen again. He was after his preferred drink, coffee. After a bit she sheathed her knives and went to speak to him. "Hey babe," she said softly.

"Hey love. How are you holding up? Feeling ok?" he asked as he looked at her. She nodded and leaned against the counter as he set the brewer to working. He always made a full pot of coffee. There was little to do but wait on it to brew as they spoke.

"Yea, I'm ok. Just thinking about what that thing did to her." She said with a grimace. The vixen was furious about what happened. She hated that it happened to her lovely little girl. Looking toward the bedroom, she could sense the magic in there. Mingling with Angel's and seeming to calm them both. Sighing, she looked at Sierra and shook her head. "Will she ever be alright?"

The old shepherd sighed as he shrugged. "Time will tell. And for the moment she seems quite calm. I just hope that she will be alright. There could be anything we don't know about. But... I think she will be ok. I just hope that whatever baby she gives birth too doesn't kill her. I cant imagine those horns being easy to pass." He snickered. Asteria smirked but shook her head. She gave him that 'you are terrible' look before leaning over and scratching his chin softly.