New School, New Love? Chapter: 7

Story by KitsunesWolf on SoFurry

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#7 of New School, New Love?

Grant continues to struggle with Aimi's heat, his wolf fighting him with every breathe as he confides in her revealing more about himself, as he finds himself trusting her more with every step of their journey.

Grant stood up moving to place the plates together by habit before moving to where Aimi was, him still feeling challenged by her teasing while they ate. "That wasn't nice..." he spoke simply as he walked up behind her wanting to nearly tackle her for some reason.

"What do you mean?" Aimi asked as she gave a half smile over her shoulder. She gave small bowls of food to each Pokemon. Different colors to different types.

"You teased me while we ate..." he spoke simply hesitating on touching her a part of him worried he would get overheated.

"Did you not like the way I tried to calm you?" She asked as she moved to give two bowls to Leafeon and Oddish.

"It didn't exactly calm me..." he confessed as he moved to inhale her scent his instinct clearly fighting for control of his form.

Aimi smiled slightly as she heard him take a sniff at her scent. "But did you not like what I did?" She asked softly, a little bit of uncertainty was creeping in her voice. Did she do wrong in teasing him to change his focus? Was she screwing up like her mother said she would? Grant shook his head slightly at her question. "No but I don't think my mother would be okay with what you were doing considering she wants us apart..." he spoke softly clearly sounding drunk with her scent.

"You are probably right," she said softly petting the Leafeon a bit before standing back up. Her scent got caught in the wind a bit as she moved back towards the house.

"I suppose I will be stuck to suffer throughout your heat..." he spoke honestly as he followed her clearly fighting himself.

"I doubt you will be alone in that hon," she said softly as she passed him. Her tails moving instinctively to touch him both in teasing and non-teasing way.

"I just don't understand why they wish to separate us yet put us together at the same time...." he finally spoke as he walked. "If you are indeed in your heat the worst consequence has already been achieved." he spoke remembering earlier.

"Not necessarily. Sometimes it takes a couple of sessions or tries to succeed in bearing a child. My mother often had heat cycles and even though my father did his part it just didn't take." She said honestly.

Grant seemed to feel disheartened by instinct his wolf worried it was unsuccessful in mating his partner as he moved slower seeming to trail off behind her. Aimi turned noticing he slowed in his pace. "What is wrong? Is it something I said? Or did?" She asked as a small part of her worried she was failing him like she did her ex.

Grant shook his head embarrassed of his wolf side becoming more prominent. "I am having trouble controlling my instincts..." he confessed as he looked down. "I don't know how I will handle this if we are to be separated." he added plainly clearly seeming ashamed.

Aimi moved to him and moved her hands through his fur on his chest. "You will be fine. And were only separated during school and sleep while I am in my cycle. She didn't say were separated at all times after my cycle is through" She said trying to reassure him. She nuzzled her face to his chest after she finished. Taking in his scent, enjoying his musky scent.

Grant let out a sigh as he tried to shake his internal conflict. "You didn't seem to worry previously..." he spoke out wondering why she allowed him to complete the mating.

"I don't worry but I do the reasoning of your mother as well. If this took I will be out of school before the birth." She admitted softly. "I plan to just finish this semester and then leave the school to be a Pokemon breeder and healer." Looking back up at Grant wondering how he felt about it. "I was planning this without really telling my parents. Was going to leave home too." She continued to explain.

"Then you shouldn't let me stop you..." Grant responded softly his self esteem coming forward showing the years of isolation affecting him.

"You could join me," she said softly looking down. "Or I can wait..." A part of her heard his tone change as she reverted somewhat to what her ex trained her to believe was right of her. Her tails all drooped slowly as she continued to revert.

"I don't wish to be the reason you hold your goals back." he spoke remembering his father when he was younger encouraging him to do well. "We should go inside.." he spoke afterwards seeming somewhat down on himself.

"You wouldn't make me hold my goals back Grant. It is still going to happen." She said softly as she followed him in. He could hear her tails dragging lightly on the wooden floor. Her head was down even though what she said was in a confident voice.

"Then I guess everything will be fine then." he spoke unaware of her look as he himself was being affected.

Aimi nodded. She moved to the living room, without realizing it she sat on the floor, as a pet should.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Grant asked seeing it odd her sitting on the floor as he moved to sit on the sofa.

She sort of shrugged as she really didn't know why for sure. "I do occasionally," She said looking downward. Aimi felt Shimmer bump against her muzzle, making her look up. "What is it Shimmer?" She asked softly as Shimmer kept bumping Aimi to be closer to Grant. Trying to keep Aimi from acting like she did with her ex.

"Shimmer stop," Aimi said with a soft smile. Falling to the floor which Shimmer took advantage of being playful. Catching Grant with a tail and pushing him to 'fall' on Aimi and join in the fun.

Grant let out a huff as his chest was pushed forcing an exhale as he unexpectedly tumbled over them landing on his back next to Aimi. Aimi smiled as she laughed. "I guess she wants us to be happy." As she covered her face as Vulpix and Eevee joined in on the fun.

Grant tried to regain his breath as the smaller ones bound onto him laying over him nipping at him and encouraging her to come after them using Grant as a way to stay out of reach. Aimi smiled as she played but went after them when they bound over Grant trying to not knock over the coffee table as she did so.

Grant moved to sit up but finding Aimi's body suddenly over him causing him to fall back again her weight over him as the two Pokemon moved to bound on top of them both.

Aimi laughed as she wrapped her arms around one of them gently, but holding it firm. Opening her eyes to see she caught Eevee. Eevee retaliated by licking Aimi's face, making her laugh even harder. She tried to move to not squish Grant any more.

Grant couldn't help but catch a stronger scent from Aimi as she played on top of him her tails moving only filling Grant's nose more with her scent as he felt embarrassed for how easily the scent was affecting him as he felt his member push forward as he tried to hide the fact he was becoming aroused the more they played.

Aimi let Eevee go after she started to squirm moving away from Grant not aware of his arousal yet, and now moving to sit on the couch next to where Grant was sitting. Grant shifted slightly as his Vulpix neared him sensing his discomfort as she nuzzled against him looking to Aimi with worried eyes showing her natural connection to his emotions.

Aimi looked to the Vulpix, "is something wrong Grant?" She asked as concern was in her voice, noticing the Vulpix had the same connection to Grant as Shimmer does to herself.

He nodded slightly. "Realizing this is going to be harder than I could of imagined." he spoke looking to her but not at her. "I don't know i I will be able to lay alone through this...." he admitted trying to get his instinctive thoughts from his mind.

"Hey..." she said, "hey look at me Grant." Her voice was calmer, caring voice.

Grant looked to her showing some sign of care for her, but seeming worried to say more.

"We will figure this out. Okay Love?" Aimi said in the same caring voice as before. "I know that this is going to be hard on you."

Grant nodded knowing it had been sometime since he had suffered being around a female in heat, his mother usually helping him cope with his instinctive urges. "I suppose I don't have a choice in this matter." he added simply as he glanced towards the Vulpix now snuggled against him as the Eevee wondered the living room.

Aimi moved behind him and wrapped her arms about him. "I am sorry if I am causing problems for you." She said as she laid her head on his furred back. Wondering if her being here during her heat cycle was a bad idea or not. Grant sighed slightly as he continued to fight his returning arousal, his hand moving to try and conceal himself.

Aimi now being so close could smell his arousal and musk more clearly, making her give a soft purr knowing that he was still so responsive of her. "I want us to......" he spoke without thinking, her purr only making his arousal worse.

"To what?" Aimi asked softly. Slowly letting him go so he could move easier.

"Mate...." he spoke softly as he turned looking to her lust clearly in his eyes.

Aimi gave a soft smile at what he said. She was liking this side of him quite a lot. "Like we did before or something more? I am not as experienced as some in this." She admitted.

"What we did before and maybe more." he responded knowing the many ways his mother had him play.

"Oh?" She asked, slightly curious at what he meant by that.

"Nothing...." he spoke with a soft smile as he looked to her before moving to sit against her resting his head on her knee.

"Oh I think it is more than nothing Grant," she said softly as she moved her hand through his hair smiling as she did so.

"It does not matter, I can not act on it." he spoke honestly feeling partly that she was resistant to him.

Aimi leaned forward to where her head was near his. "Are you sure? You are teasing my curiosity." she whispered to him as she licked the tip of his ear. Grant let out a sigh of pleasure feeling her touch. "That is not nice of you, knowing we cannot share my bed...." he spoke out hearing noise in the other room as he perked slightly.

Aimi didn't pay attention to the noise, as she was sure it was his mother washing the dishes still. "About as much as you teasing me with thoughts. I may have to meet you after school tomorrow. Since we can't do anything here." She said, admitting she wasn't liking the new rule as much as him. Her arousal and heat scent floated in the air about them.

"You will be here tomorrow while I am at school and I don't think my mother will let you out of her sight while you are in heat." he spoke sensing his mother's worry about Aimi's heat cycle.

"Is that a challenge?" Aimi said with a smile and licked his other ear.

Grant let out a soft growl of pleasure at her touch as his clawed hand grabbed onto her thigh as he tried to control himself. "If you do not stop I will not be able to stop myself from taking you now...." he confessed as his animal side seemed to be pushing more forward showing how much he had suppressed his anthro side in reality.

Aimi purred at his grip on her thigh although backing away from his head a bit. Surprise was on her face, "why do you suppress yourself so much?" Her tone held worry in it.

"Because I was almost taken away from my mother when I was younger, after I let my animal side come forward." he admitted sounding pained in admitting it. "After my father died kids picking on me got to me and eventually I lost control of myself." he added as he looked down.

Aimi gave a soft smile, half sympathy and half reassuring. "I am sorry to hear about that. Though you should have let him, you, free. How will you be whole or control your instincts better if you don't let go a bit?" She asked as she remembered her uncle talking to her about animal side. That constricting your animal can kill one's soul.

Grant shrugged slightly at her comments. "I suppose I just never put much thought into it." he admitted leaning back against her slightly as his eyes closed showing some exhaustion from the day knowing he had not slept like she did.

"Come on up you get. You are tired. We can talk tomorrow." Aimi said gently as she petted his hair a bit. Watching him nod his head a bit and softly get up to head to his room. She did not follow knowing if she did he would not sleep and they would break the rule that his mother put in place.

Giving a soft sigh she moved to the kitchen to help finish cleaning. Staying silent as she did so. Once done moving to sleep outside so the Pokemon could help cover her scent while she slept as Leafeon had done this the last few heat cycles that she had in the past.

To be continued.......?

This was the last of my first stored chapter from this story, as I mentioned before I am going to start digging through files to see if I have the second chapter done, and if not will start working on some ideas to take the story further. I am open to suggestions and comments if anyone would like to add their input. Lastly please bare with my formatting and some grammar/spelling errors that may be present. My older word processing software for some reason doesn't work right anymore, so I've had to switch to a new one which works in a way I am not familiar with making me have to do alot of manual editing which means sometimes I miss some stuff the editor would catch. Anyways hope yall enjoyed what I have so far and if you wanna see more let me know. :)