Locker Room Exchange

Story by OnyxClaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Smut

Some new filth to kick off the new year. Wrote this about a week ago and posted it to my FA under it's working title of Two Bunnies, One T. rex.

Based in my Shadow Stalkers' universe, which is currently undergoing it's fourth (fifth? Sixth? I lost count) re-working. I'll be posting that later, a bit at a time.

Shadow Stalkers (c) OnyxClaw

Kiriana and Tanya wandered into the gym, looking about the organized chaos of weight machines, treadmills and bars. It was late afternoon and the place was slowly clearing out.

'I think they're over there.' Tanya said.

She was the same species as Kiriana; Sangaardian. They had the appearance of rabbits, with digitigrade legs, a puff of a tail and long ears that hung down to their mid backs. Their ears, however, were not ears in the typical sense. They were more tuned in to the aetherial planes rather than the reality they dwelt in. A small set of softly glowing antennae curved over their brows; another set of sensory organs that served to bolster their sight into the aetherial planes. Another thing that set the two apart from other rabbit species was their body types: curvacious, with wide hips, long, powerful legs and small waists overshadowed by heavy breasts. They were muscular, with the poise of dancers, yet soft bodied at the same time. Their form and the way they carried themselves tended to garner them all kinds of attention, most of it unwanted.

Except for today. Today, the two women, fresh from the Cold Room, feeling that curious mixture of energetic and exhausted after having spent the afternoon singing their magic, were looking for attention. Kiriana adjusted her heavy velvet robe, the thick ruff of white fur tickling her chocolate brown cheeks. She looked to Tanya, taking in the Sangaarian rabbit's expression; excitement, need, lust, exhaustion. It all warred across her cobalt blue and silver speckled face. She had her crimson robe open down to her waist, where it was cinched loosely with a thickly braided cord of golden silk. Kiriana's honey gaze slid from Tanya's expression, taking in the sharp countours of her chin and jawline, slipping down her slender neck and the tight, silver collar she wore, down to linger on the canyon of her cleavage that was being held firmly in check by a crimson and silver corset.

Kiriana bit her lip, taking a small step towards her friend, suddenly wanting to cast off her own robe, corset and leggings, and take the other sorceress.

'Kiri... When we find him.' Tanya murmered softly, a small smile playing her lips.

Kiriana found herself inches from Tanya, her breath coming faster.

'And if he doesn't want to play today?' She murmered hoarsely, gazing into the glowing swirl of silver mist that started clouding over Tanya's eyes. Her ears and antennae perked immediately to the undercurrent of magic that was slowly rising to the surface in a gentle trickle.

She ached to be bathed in it and she wanted to bath Tanya in her own magic in return.

'Then I guess I get you all to myself.' Tanya purred softly. She gently, slowly, licked Kiriana's nose and swept past her, leaving the gold and brown rabbit staring at the gym's main door.

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, but not being able to shake the ache that had settled between her thighs. Her nipples were hard, painfully erect and pressing against the stiff fabric of her corset, being rubbed with each breath she took. She groaned softly and turned to follow Tanya, ignoring the stares she was getting from some of those using the treadmills. She chased Tanya into the next room, a giant chamber which was sectioned into various Sparring Chambers by tall, green tinted transparasteel walls. Tiered benches were set around each chamber and of the eight Sparring Chambers, two were occupied. Chamber 4 was occupied by a bright yellow Engarren female, her crown of horns cracked and blunted by years of combat, taking on a bulky female black rat with one ear and a chipped tooth. Both were ducking and weaving, diving in and out of each other's defenses with sharp, crackling swords in each hand.

Beyond them, at the far side of room, in Chamber 8, was a pair of male T. rexes, stripped to their waists and wrestling, snarling at each other as they grappled, threw, charged and rolled one another. That was the Sparring Chamber the two sorceresses made their way to, their eyes never leaving the two sparring Saurians. Kiriana recognised the shorter T. rex to be Lieutenant Tristan Krasin, her C.O and leader of the Jinx's Tyrant Squad. The other, slightly taller than Tristan by a few inches, was Major Karl Leniak. Kiriana and Tanya settled down onto a bench next to each other, so close they could feel each other's warmth through their robes. They watched the two Saurians in fascinated silence for the next twenty minutes as they warred with each other, one trying to throw the other off the mat to claim victory. But neither was making it easy for the other; they broke off their current grapple and started circling each other, snarling, sizing each other up and scheming.

Kiriana and Tanya watched in avid fascination; not just at the display of power and skill, but watching with a deep hunger at how their bodies moved, the rippling of hard muscle beneath tough, naturally camouflagued hide that puckered into smooth, hard bumps, lumps and dimples along their spines and the ridges of their noses and brows. Hard, black claws scraped and scarred the wrestling mat as powerful muscles went taught in digitigrade legs, tails swaying into a more balancing postion as they crouched before each other, searching for an opening to strike. The overhead lighting only served to accentuate the multitude of scars each T. rex had and added a harsh relief to the countours of their muscular bodies. The two women groaned softly, in unison, as the Saurians finally launched themselves at each other, Tristan feinting, rolling and springing back up to kick Karl square in the back, sending him staggering and falling, landing inches away from the edge of the mat. Karl rolled to his side as Tristan spun around and brought his foot down to land a crushing blow on the other Saurian's shoulder, only to have his left foot swept out from under him by a swift strike from Karl's sweeping tail.

Tristan lost his balance and went down hard, landing on his back, a dazed expression on his face as the breath rushed from him. Karl took advantage of Tristan's prone position, seized him in a head lock as he tried to get back to his feet and dragged him, fighting and snarling to the edge of the mat and heaved him unceremoniously onto the hard floor.

'I win.' Karl huffed with a feral grin. Tristan looked up at him, bringing his staggering breathing back under control and frowned at him, still too breathless to even utter a growl. 'I believe you owe me a drink this time.'

Up on the benches, Kiriana whimpered, 'I want one.'

Tanya, her arm looped firmly through Kiriana's arm, laughed.

'You're insatiable today. I like it.'

Inside the Sparring Chamber, Karl helped Tristan to his feet. Tristan looked over Karl's shoulder and spotted the pair of Sangaardian women, a small smile creeping into his sour expression. He said something and Karl half turned, looking up at them on their perch. A broad grin split his face and bowed deeply.

'Enjoy the show, ladies?' His voice rumbled across the open space.

'Since we missed the opening acts, is there a chance we could get a repeat performance?' Tanya asked sweetly, rising from the bench, pulling Kiriana along with her.

They made their way down to the door of the Sparring Chamber, gasping as the scent of sweat and musk hit them as Tristan exited with a knowing smile and a nod. They both watched after him as he disappeared amongst the rows of benches and empty, darkened chambers.

'You two really got it bad today, don't you?' Karl commented, looking them over, his nostrils flaring as he drank their scent in.

They were so engrossed in watching Tristan leave, neither noticed Karl padding up to them. Now he stood so close to them, all they could smell was him. His dark green and brown striped skin was slick with exertion, his breathing still ragged and his orange eyes wild with adrenaline.

'Oh, I don't have it nearly as bad as Kiri.' Tanya said with a wink.

Karl's bass-laden chuckle rolled through them and they almost wilted. He reached out, plucking a fluffy white towel off a hook just inside the door and wiped himself down, all the while watching them as their gaze fell to what his right hand was doing with the towel.

'Look any harder and your eyeballs'll pop out.' He said to them.

'Take me now...' Kiri murmered, licking her lips as he rubbed the towel across his hard abdomen.

He laughed, 'Damn, girl. How long you been working today?'

'I've been going three hours, Standard. Kiri was already locked up in her Cold Room when I arrived at the Hillock.' Tanya said, 'I think she was practising her larger combat spells.'

Karl draped his towel around his neck and stepped forward, palming the switch on the door frame. The door slid shut behind him with a gentle click and he reached out, his right arm circling Tanya's waist, his left, Kiriana's. He gently pulled them close to him. The two women pressed themselves against him, Tanya looking up at him, her tongue sliding out to slowly lick his chest. Kiriana merely rested her head against him, one hand toying with the waistband of his sweat pants, the other other gently stroking the base of his tail, sliding down to caress his buttock. He dipped his chin, leaning down enough so that his nose was between their heads. Tanya seized the opportunity to kiss his chin as her fingers stroked across his abs. He rumbled softly in their ears.

'We have enough time for this in the changing room whilst it's quiet. At least an hour before third shift gets their arses out of bed and awake enough to find their first mug of s'ryn. Half hour before they come to the gym...' He kissed their heads, a gentle kiss between their long, soft ears. 'Or, you could wait ten minutes and we could head out to my pla- I see Kiri's already made the decision.' He chuckled as a small hand quested into his pants. Slender fingers wrapped gently around his half-erect penis and he sighed as she started stroking, her head still resting against his chest.

He gently pushed them away from him, keeping them at arm's reach and he looked sternly at them both. Tanya looked frustrated and hungry, and Kiri looked as if she was about to pounce.

'Shower or sex first?' Tanya asked, hurrying after him as he strode towards the changing rooms.

'Don't know. Guess we're about to find out.' He replied, barging through the door and into a part of the large changing room that was thankfully empty.

He stood there for a moment, watching and listening. There were voices in conversation, the occasional laugh and the slamming of locker doors, but all of that was at the other end of the locker room. He reached behind him and pulled Kiriana and Tanya further into the room, guiding them into the maze of tall lockers and benches until they reached his. He tossed his towel onto the bench and started laughing as Kiriana started tugging at his sweat pants, dragging them down over his hips, his tail sliding free. Tanya pressed herself bodily against him, forcing him to sit down. Kiriana discarded his sweat pants and his boxers, and settled into a kneel between his spread legs, immediately going to work as Tanya swung a leg over Kiriana's head, settling astride Karl. The T. rex stared in confusion for a moment, then rumbled happily, a small smile illuminating his face as he felt a soft, wet tongue travel upwards from his balls to tip, bringing him to full attention.

Tanya placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his snout, draping her arms around his neck. She stroked the back of his head as he started returning her kisses, his hands finding her hips, roaming around to cup her backside, groping and massaging. He let out a long, slow breath between kisses as Kiriana's tongue was joined by her hands. She took him in a firm grip, stroking his length as she licked around the tip of his cock, her covered breasts pressing ever closer to his balls as she shuffled forward on her knees.

'Take your clothes off. The pair of you.' He demanded, reaching a hand down to stroke Kiriana's head as she licked and kissed, nibbled and sucked.

'What's it worth?' Tanya purred into his mouth, her tongue flicking across his teeth, stroking against his tongue only to recede again.

'The best orgasm you'll have this year.'

'Here?' Tanya said, pulling back and looking mock shocked as she looked about her. 'But we have to be quiet.'

'I thought you liked a challenge.' He groaned. Kiriana had just taken his head into her mouth and was sucking furiously between lightly pitched hums as her fingertips danced about his cock, tickling and teasing, weaving tantric magic. The very moment before he reached his peak, she stopped, pulling away, releasing his large cock and letting it spring back up into position, swatting Tanya's butt. 'Take off your clothes.' He growled through clenched teeth.

Kiriana had brought him so close to climax so quickly, he wanted to scream in frustration about being left hanging.

'Is that an order?' Tanya cooed musically, running the tips of her fingers across his jawline, leaving a trail of tingling sparks in their wake.


'We're not on your squad though. I'm Obsidian Squad, Kiri's Tyrant.' She countered, leaning back as she ran her hands down his chest.

'I really, really need you to take your clothes off. Now. Take them off.' Karl half-moaned, half-growled as Kiriana went back to work, making him squirm and moan.

Tanya grinned, reached behind her and gently gripped Kiriana's head, pulling her away from him.

'It's such a shame to hear him beg, isn't it?' She said as he swore under his breath at the sudden removal of Kiriana's tongue.

Kiriana's response was immediate and unforgiving, 'No, not really.'

Karl swore again then went silent, watching intently as Tanya and Kiriana peeled themselves away from him. They stood side-by-side, a foot apart and started singing softly, Kiriana's contralto melding seamlessly with Tanya's mezzo-soprano as they wove a soft, murmering tantric spell that made the air around them tingle and hum with energy, setting nerve endings singing and buzzing with joy. They then started stripping, singing to each other, letting their robes drop to the floor, peeling off their corsets to reveal large, heavy breasts and kicking off their soft boots. Tanya turned to Kiriana, both naked save for their black leggings and she pressed herself against her, gently kissing Kiriana's cheek, lightly nipping her neck and hooking her fingers over the top of Kiriana's leggings forcing them down over her hips as Tanya slowly sank to her knees, kissing a trail of sparks as she went. Kiriana's voice hitched a moment, hitting a bum note as Tanya grazed her lips over one black nipple, then next, before continuing downwards.

Kiriana's song dissolved into a rich moan as Tanya pressed her short muzzle against Kiriana's crotch, burying her nose in the silken, finely groomed golden tuft of fur there, breathing in her scent. Tanya's tongue slid out, grazing Kiriana's hood, sliding softly across her clitoris, and tilting her head back as she leaned forward, her heavy breasts pressing against Kiriana's legs, as she pressed her tongue between the folds of her labia. Kiriana quivered, her song forgotten, hands on Tanya's head as she came. There was a suddenly salty flavour on Tanya's tongue and she smiled as she stood up, licking her lips.

Kiriana repeated the process with Tanya as Tanya picked up the song, kissing down her cobalt blue and silver body, relishing the velvet fur and hardness of Tanya's erect nipples. Tanya cocked a leg slightly, one hand on her hip as she tilted herself towards Kiriana's questing tongue, letting out a soft whimper as Kiriana gently coaxed her to a climax. She opened her eyes and looked at Karl. He was sitting foward on the bench, elbows on his knees, hands clasped under his chin as he watched with hungry intensity. He smiled, leaned back and beckoned them over. They padded over to him and knelt between his parted knees, side-by-side.

'I hope you're not satiated yet.' He said, reaching down to run a hand through their hair. He stroked their cheeks, his index fingers curling up to scratch gently beneath their chins. 'Enjoy yourselves. I know I'm going to enjoy it.'

'You're a bit of a bastard, you know that?' Kiriana said.

'That was said without much conviction.' He replied before letting out a soft sigh as their tongues traced whorls up his length.

Kiriana moved downwards, one hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing gently as she stroked and licked, the other hand going down to cup his balls. Tanya moved further up, mimicking Kiriana's movements; one hand on his balls, squeezing and massaging, the other stroking his cock as she licked and nibbled. The two rabbits pressed closer together, raising themselves up on their knees, kissing and nibbling, licking and massaging their way to his head where they caught him between their large breasts and started sucking on his tip, occasionally sharing a kiss, growing more passionate with each passing moment. Karl moaned as they pressed their breasts firmly against him and rubbed themselves up and down his shaft, sneaking the occasional glance at him to see his reaction.

He watched them with hooded eyes, his hands grasping the edge of the bench as his breath grew more and more ragged with each lick, each stroke. He groaned again, his cock twitching between their breasts. A pearl of pre beaded at his tip and they reach up to lick it away, their tongues meeting. Kiriana and Tanya pressed themselves together, kissing one another deeply as they continued to massage him with their breasts. Then they broke apart, falling away from him, sitting on the cool floor, knees spread as they looked up him.

'Who wants what?' Karl rasped.

He looked from Tanya to Kiriana. Tanya had begun to stroke herself with one hand, holding herself upright with the other. Kiriana was still staring hungrily at Karl, as if she was scrutinizing every inch of him.

'I want you inside me.' She said, biting her lip, her gaze sliding back down to linger on his erect, twitching cock.

'You girls just want me for my body.' Karl pouted, teasingly.

'Of course.' Tanya purred, her eyes slowly closing as she circled her clit with the tip of her index finger.

'You're all charm.' He replied as she sank her finger inside, clamping her teeth down on a moan as she came, hips twitching, knees drawing together as she arched her back.

Kiriana pulled herself up off the floor and padded to him, large, heavy breasts swaying gently with each movement, catching his attention and keeping him transfixed. She climbed onto his lap, pressing her breasts against him, hands on his shoulders as she lifted herself up, wriggling to position the tip of his cock against her nethers. His hands roved up her body, stroking and groping her curves, fondling her breasts as he kissed her. He felt a hand grab him, guiding him into Kiriana. She moaned and clutched at him as she started sinking down on him, slowly, taking him in inch by inch, crying out softly as she was spread wide. His species made him considerably larger than what she was used to, but whenever she wanted sex from him, he gladly let her take charge and go at her own pace. She let out a long, drawn out moan as she settled down as far as she could go, taking in seven of his twelve inches. She shuddered, moaning softly again as she started moving and the look on her face was a mixture of pure bliss and utter relief.

He caught his breath as she started up a slow, but steady pace, biting back on any sound louder than a whisper as she slowly, carefully bobbed up and down on him. She was tight, yielding to a point, hot and very wet. He moved his hands from her breasts, placing one on her hip, the other on the bench.

'Gonna lay down now, 'kay? Tanya needs attention too.' He murmered between sharp intakes of breath, fighting hard aginst a fast building orgasm.

Kiriana nodded in silence and moved with him as he shifted position beneath her, keeping his right foot planted firmly on the floor whilst he kicked his left leg over to the other side, his tail lay down the rest of the length of the bench. It was just wide enough for Kiriana to have her knees either side of him as she leaned forward, riding him, hands braced against his chest as she picked up the pace. He beckoned Tanya to him, who paused to watch Kiriana sink into a world of her own as he pressed his hips up to meet her downward stroke. She cupped one of Kiriana's swinging breasts, stroking it, squeezing the nipple. Kiriana whimpered at the flash of pain that cut through the fog of her pleasure, throwing her head back and reaching out with one hand to pull Tanya in close. The two pressed against each other, kissing deeply, passionately as Tanya swung her leg over Karl's head as he continued thrusting gently into Kiriana. She braced her knees on the bench either side of his head and he brought his hands up to her hips to guide her down.

The tip on his tongue flicked over her folds, back and forth, stopping to swirl around her clit before sliding inside, as deep as he could go to lap at her. Tanya sighed, leaning forward to continue kissing Kiriana as Karl's hands roved their bodies, thoroughly enjoying himself. Tanya reached forward, cupping one of Kiriana's breasts again, stroking and kneading, pinching the nipple before moving onto the other. Kiriana returned the touches and both women ended up moaning into each other's mouths. Karl continued to lick and nibble at Tanya, finding himself having to hold her still to stop her from wriggling so much as she neared her peak. Kiriana, meanwhile was blissfully riding him and the soft moans, barely contained groans and relieved sighs were music to his ears.

He felt Kiriana convulse around him, her muscles flexing, rippling and trying to draw him deeper as she climaxed, a long, drawn out low pitched series of moans escaping her as she bucked atop him. Tanya soon followed, her body twitching, knees pulling together. He grunted as she pressed against the sides of his head, but he continued to lick her, forcing her deeper into orgasm, curious as to how long she could stay quiet. She doubled over, her face pressing against his stomach and she whimpered, finally letting out a cry of ecstacy, writhing as he licked at her wetness. Kiriana pulled away from him with a contented sigh as Tanya found the energy to roll off of him, settling shakily on the floor, a big smile on her face. He reached down and she scooted closer to him. He fondled her breasts as Kiriana got back to work sucking him off. He groaned as she played, continuing her nibbling and licking from earlier, eventually placing him between her breasts as she suckled on his head, a hand tucked underneath her to massage his balls. She kept it up until he came, listening to his sharp gasp and the pleased rumble he released as she started lapping up the salty ropes of come that had spattered across his hard torso.

An odd sound caught her attention and she looked up, tongue tip pressed gently against the crease between his abdominal muscles. Tanya started laughing and reached for her discarded robe, pulling it across her as a pale skinned Jes'wan man took in the scene, one of the practise quarter staffs from the gym in hand. His white cheeks turned flame-red and Kiriana gave him a coy wave from her prone position.

'I thought I heard someone in distress back here...' He mumbled slowly, looking at them.

'We're all in perfectly good health, don't you worry about that.' Tanya winked at him, grinning.

Karl merely gave a thumbs up as the Jes'wan turned on his heel and hurried off, trying to surreptitiously use his free hand to hide his growing erection, his face aflame with embarrassment.