A tempting Lure, Part 2

Story by Famis on SoFurry

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After many good Replies to my first Story, i decided to continue with a second Story ^^ I hope you'll enjoy this Story at least as much as the first one ;>

If you find Grammar Faults, you can keep them ;>

A Tempting Lure: Part 1 http://www.sofurry.com/page/139731/user

A Tempting Lure: Part 3 http://www.sofurry.com/page/141576/user

A Tempting Lure: Part 4 http://www.sofurry.com/page/154344/user

A tempting Lure

Part 2

It was now Four Days ago, that Maelek went off to hunt Food for his Village. It was normal, that some Hunters stayed for longer then one or two days out in the wilderness, but four days were too long. Leiri was really worried about him. She loved him, and she knew his Honor was giving him Power, but the longest Trip he did was two days. What if he needs help? If he's hurt and can't walk anymore? Thousands of Thoughts what might happened to her beloved one were popping up in her Mind, and it was unbearable.

In the Night, when the most People in her Village were asleep, she took Maeleks Second Hunting Armor, his Sword and his Dagger. Things he usually only uses if his Spear was broken. Then she sneaked out of her small House and away into the Forest.

She didn't need any Torches, it was Full Moon, and the Top of the Trees were not that Thick that no Moonlight was coming through.

She sneaked as quiet as she could, hearing for any Sound she could hear. And then, she finally found something. It was a fallen Tree, not broken by the Thunderstorm some Days ago.

"What's that..."

She mumbled then and stroked over some Claw Signs on the Tree. She was not that good in tracking, but she definately know, this was no small Animal. Maybe a Bear, or a Tiger. But then, only some Moments later, she was standing right where Maelek was standing 4 Days ago. She saw Foot imprints, definately Human, and that other huge Paw in the Dirt. Maeleks Track was leading right into the Cave.

"What did he seek in there?"

She mumbled again, and inhaled deeply once, to gather all her Braveness, then she went towards the Cave, her Grip increasing around the Shaft of the Sword and the Dagger, prepared for a sudden Attack. Even if she was more silent then other Humans, her quiet Footsteps were still echoing through the Dark Hole like she was stomping. She didn't see anything, it seemed like even the Moonlight didn't dare to shine into here.

A deep Laughter was now reaching her Ears, and before she could react, a Giant Foot was stepping on her, and pressing her against the Cold Stone of the Cave.

"Finally a Second one"

The Voice growled, and then showed where it came from. Famis was lowering his Head downwards, right above the small Human.

"It really took you Four Days to find this Cave?"

Famis laughed again and picked the Human up, which lost both Weapons under the strong Pressure of his Foot.

"I was giving you two Days to find me"

He grinned then and sniffed on her.

"Second one?!?" Leiri asked then "Was there another Human here? Was Maelek here?"

Famis laughed again and made his Way back into the Cave.

"Yes, he's here. But i doubt you will know him even if you see him" He grinned.

"What have you done to him! I promise, if he's hurt i will..."

"Calm down, calm down, silly Human. I promised him i won't hurt him. He should only obey to my... Needs" He didnt look at her, but she knew there was an evil Grin on his Muzzle.

"What have you done to him!!!" She screamed then, wriggling in his Paws to get Free.

"So aggressive, is that normal if one you love is in danger?" He grinned then when they arrived. "I will show you where he is, but once you know it you won't care anymore. From now on, you too will be my little Pet"

"I will be what? Never!" She tried to run away, but the massive Tail of Famis came down immediately in front of her.

"That was no question." He grinned and looked immediately in her Eye. "You will obey me. Repeat."

"I... I" She was trieing to not look into his huge Eye, but his Paw forced her to. "I will... obey you" She said then, like hypnotized.

"Good" He lifted his Head up now again. "But like this you are by far too small to have my Fun with you." He plucked off one of his Scales, and gave it to her. "Put that on"

"Yes, Master." She said again and picked up the huge Scale, wanting to place it on her Arm.

"Wait. First you need to take off your Clothes, you won't need them anymore now. And tell me your Name." He smiled and watched her, with his Giant Tail waving around slowly.

"Yes, Master. My Name is Leiri." She only said and started taking off her Clothes. Part after Part she put them down on the Ground, until she was standing completely naked in Front of Famis.

"I have to say, Human Females doesn't look that bad i've imagined, Leiri." Famis chuckles as he watched her unclothing herself.

Once she put the Scale on her Arm, it started melting with his Arm. It produced more Scales, slowly overtaking the whole Arm, covering in smooth Blue Scales. The sounds were horrible, it sounded like it would crack her bones and reform them, but she didn't even twitch with her Eye. Her Five Fingers were cracking when one vanished, only leaving her now Monster-like Paw with only Four Claws. It was only when the cracking stopped, looking like her scaled Arm would grow! Increasing the Length and thickness, just when the scales started overtaking her Chest and her other arm. Now the Cracking was starting again, reforming the Arm of the Human. The smooth Scales now overtaking her soft Breasts, not reforming them, but obviously increasing the Size. The Whole Process was now speeding up, with two loud Cracks suddently Two Wings came out of her Back, and the last Cracks were breaking her Legs, forming them to Dragon Legs. After about Ten Minutes of Painful Cracks and Growing and reforming, she totally lost her Human Form, now being a true Dragon, right in Front of Famis.

"And now you look even better then i've expected" Famis aspirated then and gently stroked over her Back and the soft Mounds on her Chest. "Who is your Master my little Pet?" He asked then again, and indeed she was obviously smaller then Famis.

"You, Master" She said then, with her new Draconic Muzzle.

"I allow you to react normal, but don't attack me or try to flee, whatever will happen..." He said then and closed his Muzzle on hers, kissing her-

Only Moments later she removed her muzzle and stepped backwards and was looking down her new Body, obviously confused.

"What have you done to me? I am a Monster!"

"A Monster? No... You're beautiful... Leiri..." He aspirated again, making some steps towards her. "You're the most beautiful Dragon i have seen for hundreds of Years..."

"Are you kidding me? Look at me! I am a Dragon!"

"Oh yes you are..." He came towards her now, gently holding her down on her Back, whilst he was positioning himself above her.

"Wait! What are you doing! No! Let me go!"

"I am your Master, and i am giving the Commands" He said then. She was struggling, but definately not strong enough yet to resist the Mighty Dragon above her. "You wanted to know where your Friend is?" He grinned then, his Member slowly approaching, sliding over the soft Scales of the Female. "If you are a good Pet i will tell you"

"No! Please! Don't do that!" She was fighting against him with all she could, but she just was too weak.

Famis huge, throbbing member was now at its full size, hanging proudly under him, and gently stroking over her female abdomen. While now one of Famis Giant Paws was holding her down on the Bottom, the other one was parting her female Sex. Famis smiled towards her and licked his Lips, before he placed the Tip of his Giant Shaft right onto her Folds, but not pushing him in yet.

"I hope you are ready for me... Here i come" He aspirated then and slowly pushed his Thick Cock into her Folds.

She stopped struggling and cried out, when the huge Member was widening her Folds for her First time in her Dragon Life. She just cramped and went like numb under her Master, when he was just entering her more and more, slowly pushing himself all the way inside her, spreading her Sex wide.

Famis also started groaning when his Cock was almost fully hilted inside her.

His paw took hold of her shoulder, while his other Paw was gently stroking over her round Mounds on her Chest.

"I'm really proud on my Work on you"

He smiled then and stroked lovingly over her blushing Cheeks.

"Please..." She whimpered. "Let me go"

"No, i can't. You are my Pet, Leiri, for now and forever my dear, and you will learn loving me..."

She couldn't. She just couldn't understand how she would ever love him. She learned hating him for turning her in this Ugly, Giant, Monstrous... Dragoness. But the more she was thinking about it, the more she enjoyed how she was now. She started enjoying him laying on top of her, the Warmth of his Body against hers, his Thick Member slamming hard inside her again and again, entering her deeper then everything before. And soon enough, the expression in her Eyes changed from Hate to Love.

"I... i love you"

She aspirated then. What did she just say? She didn't love him! He was confusing her, but how? She had no time to think about it, every thrust into her innards made her Groan out in Pleasure.

"Yes, Master... please... More..." She whimpered, greed soon building up for her Masters Needs.

"Oh, my little Pet starts enjoying it?" He groaned then and slowly increased his Speed and slammed just that little bit harder and deeper into her, trying to pleasure her as much as she pleasures him.

"Yes! Please! Master! Finish me! Fill me up!" She cried then, lost in her World of Pleasure.

Famis didn't answer and just kept on going, his pulsating Member already losing Pre inside her, announcing his Climax. And then with a loud Growl of Famis he pressed himself as deep as he could inside her and then just cummed, hugging her tightly, pressing his hot Body against hers he shoot his Hot Load, which once was her Lover deep into her Womb. He just kept himself being burried deep inside her, his Cock still spilling some last drips of his Valuable Seed into her.

"Mrrrh... i will definately keep you... my little Pet" He moaned then, kissing her again.

"And i will stay with you, master... as long as you need a Pet" She murred then, feeling the huge amount of his Cum slosh around inside her.

"But do you know where your Lover is now?" He aspirated, lovingly stroking over her bulged abdomen, looking at it.

"You mean...?" She was also looking to the huge Bulge his Seed made in her Abdomen. "You turned him into..."

"Yes, i did..." Famis just kept stroking over her Abdomen. "Now he can also be one of our kind, and you're one with him in the closest way possible" He grinned then and kissed her again. "Now, you are a true Dragon, Leiri." He said then, and just layed down onto her, his Member still burried inside, but slowly retreating.

"A true dragon..." She repeated quietly and smiled, not hating it that much she did in the first Minutes. Then she just gave her Abdomen a gentle Stroke again, before she too, just felt asleep, with her Master ontop of her.