The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #13 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#13 of Stories - Streak

After a near-death encounter with the FIN gang, Streak encounters and a terrifying new enemy from his mentor Falcon's past. This could be the end of our hero in blue spandex.

This story contains forced orgasms in spandex leotards, drowning, possession, and superhero sadism.Story and characters (C) Sansenite



18 February 2016

One month and six days since the death of Joel and Sarah

It was not a good day.

I was lying on my back inside a van, head resting against the thigh of Bloodfin, the orca leader of the F.I.N. gang, Beacon City's oldest and most powerful crime organisation. He wore a long black trench coat over a sleeveless, low-cut, black singlet swimwear with cyan accents. He had black gloves and black goggles with glowing red eyes that he wore on his forehead for now. He was softly stroking my head.

I landed here after trying to break up a drug operation. I broke into a factory under F.I.N. control, but they were prepared for superhero interventions. One of the drugs they created was specifically designed to pacify some superheroes by acting as a kind of sedative, numbing their strength and putting them in a drowsy stupor. That drug was now circling through my veins. It wasn't my first encounter with this stuff, as I had been the victim of the blue substance during my first night as a superhero. At least now I knew who was manufacturing it.

After my capture, the F.I.N.s took the liberty of having their way with me before Bloodfin showed up to oversee my "permanent nap". So after about five hours of constant abuse, costume painted in the gooey seed of my captors, and my own, Bloodfin was having us transported to my final resting place. To say it was humiliating would have been an understatement. I lost track of how many times I was penetrated, and how many times they made me cum in my own costume.

Finally, the van stopped. A few seconds later the doors opened, and Bloodfin gently lifted me to my wobbly legs, leading me out the back of the vehicle. Then I got to see our time and place: it was night, and we were parked on a pier overlooking Beacon Bay. I may have been drowsy, but I had enough clarity to realise Bloodfin planned on sending me to a watery grave.

"Stop... No..." I stammered weakly, too numb to resist.

Bloodfin suddenly put a finger in my mouth, silencing me while making sure I remembered the taste. "Shhhh. No talking now," he said with his smooth baritone voice and Spanish accent.

Then he moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my torso to gently brush over my chest and belly through the stained blue fabric. Then he slid his webbed hands down my stomach, suddenly sliding them both into the leg holes of my costume, inciting a soft, but long whimper from me. As his flesh passed over mine, I felt him slide a ring-shaped object onto my member, and the next thing I noticed was its buzzing vibrating. Tingles of pleasure shot through me as he put the small device in place, and he removed his hands as I rapidly hardened, quickly tenting my spandex leotard in a lewd display of arousal, making the thugs watching us chuckle.

"Heh! What a slut!" joked one thug. Or was it a taunt?

"Think maybe he'll cum before we send him under?" asked another.

"Mmmmm! I'd drench that costume in my love juice so hard!"

"Heheh! Little superhero gonna cum again?"

"Look at him! He's beggin' to get owned by a bunch o' strong guys like us!"

"He's probably fantasisin' about bein' spit-roasted by us again! I bet the little slut loved it!"

Indeed, they were enjoying this. A lot. I supposed that, for a bunch of criminals, seeing a superhero humiliated like this is a rare delicacy of a moment.

Bloodfin moved to my side, taking me by the arms and almost lovingly walking me to my doom near the tip of the pier. My legs wobbly as ripples of pleasure travelled up my spine, softly humping the air.

"Uhh... Uhhh..." I moaned, the thugs chuckling at my aroused state once again, some licking their lips at the tent in my costume, all while I felt the vibrating ring do its sinister work.

"There we go..." said Bloodfin. You'd think he wasn't taking me to my death so much as his bed. "There we go..."

From me came another soft moan, a whimper of pleasure, a soft hump of my hips, and another round of laughter from the gang. Bloodfin continued looking me in the eyes as he led me to the edge of the pier, smiling warmly at me. I wanted to punch him, but I could barely move my legs without help. I even tried to push him off, but he kept me still. Despite my best attempts, I couldn't shake off my drowsiness.

Then another round of laughter, louder than before, as milky fox cream dripped from the stained crotch of my costume. Indeed, an intentional effect of the drug was it increased seminal production dramatically. Even Bloodfin gave a little laugh of his own before grabbing me there, reaching his hand into a leg hole to begin softly pumping my sensitive flesh. Physically, I was in heaven, but that didn't change just how humiliating and dire my situation truly was.

Then we came to the end of the pier. Bloodfin snapped his fingers on his free hand and the thugs got to work. Nearby was a large block of concrete with a chain embedded within. They extended the chain over to me, tying it around my ankles before bringing it up to tie it around my wrists too. My heart was already beating rapidly from the stimulation, but now it was racing with fear.

"Shhhhh. Are you ready to die, Streak?" asked Bloodfin, whispering in my ear while stroking my jaw. Down below, he was continuing to massage my meat through the crotch of my high-cut blue leotard. "Don't worry. Dying is just like a more painful way of falling asleep." Then he turned my head by the snout, looking me in the eyes. "And I really like watchin' superheroes sleep." Then he pulled his hand from my costume, turned to his thugs, and nodded. "Sweet dreams, superhero," he said to me before backing off.

As he moved away, three brutish thugs dropped the massive concrete block off the edge of the pier. As it fell, it pulled on the chains around my ankles and I fell over backwards. The back of my head hit the ground hard, nearly knocking me out. Then I got dragged off the edge.

After hitting the waters of Beacon Bay and quickly submerging, it must have taken about fifteen seconds before I reached the bottom. With the weight of the block, I certainly didn't sink slowly. Since my powers were numbed, my resistance to the cold wasn't as strong, and my flesh beneath my fur screamed against the freezing winter waters. It was pitch black down there as my senses were too weak to see in the dark as they once could, but I still felt the sand get churned up around me by the hard landing. The whole time I softly humped into the dark waters as the vibrating ring stimulated me in my costume.

"Focus, Streak," said Falcon, a comforting voice, for all the good he could do. "We can find a way out of this."

I tried crouching down over the block to grab blindly at where the chains were tied to it, desperately looking for some kind of weakness that would allow me to break my bonds.

"Don't panic. Concentrate."

Easier said than done. That slam to my head dazed me enough that I didn't have the opportunity to take much of a breath, and my lungs were already burning. As I struggled with my paws tied behind me, I was way beyond the point of panic.

I changed tactics and tried lifting the block, thinking maybe I could climb to the surface with the block in tow. A small release of pre-cum from the tenting crotch of my leotard shook my grip as the ring brought me closer to climax, damaging my chances.

No good. I was simply too weak, and with my wrists tied behind my back, I couldn't get a good grip on the block. All I could grab was the chain firmly embedded in the solid mass, and it wasn't enough.

"Don't give up, Streak! Keep trying!" urged Falcon, and I sensed his fear. He was every bit as terrified as me.

Still no luck. I desperately tried to think of something, but nothing came to mind, and my lungs were begging for air. Not to mention, every second that passed made me want to open my mouth in a gasp of pleasure. My hips shook in anticipation as the ring brought me closer to an edge I struggled to get away from. It was a losing battle.

"Falcon, I don't know what to do!" I thought. "I don't wanna drown!"

"Hope, Streak," said my disembodied ally. "Hope. You have come this far on luck. You can go further."

Fortune cookie wisdom, I thought.

As I teetered on the edge of orgasm, acceptance began to eat away at me. With the psychological desire to submit to the pleasure and cum on the spot amid the cool waters, so too was there a growing desire to submit to the clear liquid that wanted to claim me, and to make Streak into a permanent fixture beneath a Beacon City pier. A white fox in a blue leotard, sleeping peacefully beneath the waves forever. Part of it seemed appealing. An eternal rest, if I just embraced the pleasure of my defeat. I wanted to give up so much, but at the same time, my instincts told me not to. I had to suck in air. I had to. But I didn't want to. I was torn between the painfully intense desire to open my lungs to the water and the fear of drowning that no sound mind could resist.

"Just a little longer, Matthew! Please!"

The panic started to subside, and a sense of calm fell upon me as I came to the final realisation. I wasn't getting out of this, and I was doing little more than delaying an inevitable, painful death. I couldn't be saved. I briefly imagined years passing as boats came and left this pier, never realising that Streak was sleeping beneath, claimed and dominated by the waters. I couldn't hold my lungs any longer. To save myself prolonged suffering, I knew what I had to do.

By a powerful inspiration, I opened my mouth and sucked in the freezing water with all the energy I could. The liquid rushed down my throat in barely a second, and my lungs were filled in moments, chilling my body from the inside. I gagged on the water as I was overcome with the urge to close my mouth, but I fought back, knowing it would only make it worse. My lungs burned and ached more than I could have imagined.

At the same time, I was mercifully relieved between my legs, the caldera of pleasure in my core erupting in a burst of intense ecstasy that mingled with the pain. The water had dominated me. I belonged to it. The unseen white cloud in the darkness billowing out from my lewdly tenting costume was my submission to it. I shook and convulsed as the water claimed my life and body, furiously humping into the dark as I rode out the ordeal. If my larynx wasn't flooded, I would have been yelling out loud in ecstasy. Then it ended.

"I'm here, Matthew. I'm here," said Falcon, comforting my tortured but aroused mind as I mentally screamed from the agony and ecstasy. He had accepted it too, and he couldn't hide his sadness. "It's okay. I'm here." I got the impression that Falcon was adding to my pleasure in an attempt to make the death of Streak as bearable as possible.

An unexpected relief came upon me. As my throbbing length softened in the water, the burning pain in my lungs vanished, and my entire body grew numb. As I slowly fell back to rest on the sandy bed, looking up at the slight shimmer of moonlight from the surface, my thoughts grew hazy and my vision was filled with bright, vivid colours, dancing before me, along with a ringing in my ears. A slight smile spread across my features as I became semi-delirious. A soft and pleasurable tingling spread through me, giving me some final sense of where my extremities were. I stopped caring and thinking, devoid of pain or the agony of asphyxiation.

I was almost saddened by my approaching unconsciousness as darkness consumed me.

"I'm here, Matthew. I'm always here."

19 April 2013

One year, nine months, and one day before becoming Streak

The sun was going down, and I barely had enough for a small sandwich. The cup sitting on the pavement in front of me was practically empty, and every time I moved to find someplace with more people, they just seemed to vanish a few minutes later. I believed it was their schedules that I wasn't familiar with, so I never caught the crowds at a good time.

I wasn't just sitting there by the side of the street expecting cash though. I had a flute, something I found two years ago. I fixed it up, gave it a polish, and learned to use it. Since then, I was hoping to earn some cash by providing a little entertainment with some music. It actually worked fairly well most of the time.

Not that it did much good on a deserted street. Now I just sat there, playing my sad music to the company of silence. I was almost glad there wasn't anyone there to watch my pitiful display. I eventually just gave up, packed up the flute and little rug I sat on and took the cup before finally getting up off the hard pavement.

"Wait!" I heard someone call out. It was a soft voice, weak and gentle.

I turned to see who called out to me. An elderly female jaguar, moving as fast as her frail legs could carry her.

"That was beautiful!" she was saying. "I was listening from my friend's window, but I heard you stop. Are you leaving?" She seemed so sincere, a look of concern on her gentle face.

"Yeah," I responded. "Heading home."

"Where's that?"

"Well... under an overpass."

That seemed to break her heart. The look of concern turned to sadness.

"Oh, dear," she said. "You played that so well, it reminded me of myself when I was younger. I loved playing a little flute in my spare time."

A smiled at that, but only to be polite. I didn't have the time or the patience to deal with another person telling their life story to someone she probably assumed had nothing better to do than listen.

"That's why I want to return the favour," she concluded.

That raised an eyebrow, and my smile turned to an expression of hopefulness.

"Look at your face. You look starved. Come."

She was gesturing for me to walk with her. I instantly knew I couldn't refuse.

We travelled about two blocks as the sunset turned the sky purple as the stars made their presence known. The moment we arrived at a small cafe was the moment my jaw dropped. It was cosy too, warmly lit with a few patrons eating inside, enjoying a pleasant dinner. They and the employees both looked so happy. The sign over the door and front window read "Tam's Simple Tastes".

"Th-Thank you!" I said out loud before we entered, heart racing with joy.

"Don't thank me yet," responded the kindly woman with a small chuckle. "Thank me when your belly's full."

As we walked through the doors, ringing the bell above, I felt my heart melt. It was so warm, and a barrage of heavenly smells overwhelmed my cold nose. Some kind of country music was playing at a jukebox, and the bartender turned to give us her biggest smile. I felt like I was about to cry.

"Hello, there!" said the bartender, a younger mouse, putting down the glass she was drying and giving us a wave as we approached the bar.

"Evening, Tam!" said the old Jaguar. She put a surprising amount of energy into those two words for someone who looked so frail.

"Got another one, huh, Cathy?" asked Tam, giving me a wink. I blushed at the attention. "Bless your heart, dear. What's your name, my good sir?"

I was almost taken aback by the question. I didn't remember the last time anyone wanted to know. "M-Matt," I stammered, still so overwhelmed. "Matt Walker."

"Pleased to meet you!" she responded, almost giddy with excitement. If she was faking her positivity and kindness, she was a master at it. "I'm Tam, and looks like you're Cathy's latest patient!" Then she turned back to Cathy. "Go get yourselves a seat. I'll be right there!"

While Tam went to do something, Cathy led me over to a table for two. We sat down, and I almost shuddered at how comfy the chair was. I started feeling faint.

"Whoa, easy there!" said Cathy, sitting opposite me as she put a paw on my shoulder, clearly noticing I was having trouble taking this all in. "Poor thing."

As I regained my composure, telling my mind to accept that this wasn't a beautiful dream, I looked her in the eyes, asking one question. "Why though?"

"I should, shouldn't I?" she said with a shrug as if it to say it was obvious. "Any time I see a poor soul out there on the street, I tell myself I'm not going to waste my retirement money on watching golf. I bring them here and make their day."

I was in awe. She wanted to help me just because it was right. My mind just froze up, but I was broken out of my shock with a tap on the shoulder.

"One hot chocolate for the handsome fox!" said Tam, placing a warm paper cup on the table before me. "Perfect drinking temperature!"

My ears instantly perked up at the mention of "hot chocolate".

"Thanks!" I said, almost yelling it. "Thank you so much!" I said again, turning to face her this time.

"Don't mention it!" said the mouse before turning to Cathy. "This one's on the house."

Cathy gave Tam a thankful nod. She turned back to me as Tam headed back to the counter. "So, what'll it be? Anything you want. It's on me."




Ten minutes later, I had just finished a ham and cheese toasted sandwich when Tam brought me a bowl of soup. I felt so barbaric, stuffing my face like this as fast I could, but I couldn't contain myself. I hadn't eaten so well in nearly a year! But Cathy didn't complain. She just sat there and watched, contenting herself to a cup of coffee. She was so happy to see this starved fox having the time of his life.

Then she put her cup down hard, like she was about to throw up, and began coughing, hard, like she was choking.

I put down the spoon I was sipping the soup from. "Are you okay?" I asked, seriously concerned, but she raised a paw.

"Fine..." she responded before coughing further, a guttural sound from deep in her throat. She patted her chest as the fit eventually came to an end. "I'm fine. Don't you worry the fur on your pretty little head."

"Okay," I said, feeling like I had narrowly avoided a heart attack, before getting back to sipping my soup. I took her word for it and just assumed it was an old person thing.

"Eat up. I'll be at the same place next Friday, and I don't want to see you all fur and bones when I get there, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I said happily. I felt a wave of relief from a bother I hadn't even thought of. She'd be there next week!

Later that evening, when I was full, Cathy told me it was her time to go, but she shoved a few notes in my coat pocket, telling me to be responsible with it. I was overjoyed and grateful beyond belief, but I shuddered as I heard her start coughing after she went out those doors. Tam said she would keep the cafe open while I let my food digest, not wanting me to get indigestion. Tam also left a little parting gift: a brand new blanket, soft and warm.

Indeed, Cathy met me at the same spot next week and the week after that. But each time, I noticed her coughing got worse, harder for her to control, and the fits lasted longer.

By the fourth Friday, I waited for half an hour longer than normal before Tam showed up instead. She had some bad news.

18 February 2016

The first thing I noticed was my throat churning up water. Instinctively, I found myself on all floors, vomiting up the clear liquid my lungs were filled with moments before. Not pleasant. But with the pain came the relief of knowing I was still alive, but also a twinge of disappointment. A painful death had turned into a relaxing descent into the softest of beds and the sweetest of slumbers, but now the whole ordeal was kinda for nothing.

"Relax, Streak," I heard Falcon say. "I managed to get your heart beating long enough to get the water out of your lungs."

Sensing the throbbing between my legs, I quickly reached down, slipped a paw into my leotard, and removed the vibrating ring from around my abused organ before I could cum again.

Next, I noticed it was raining, and instead of the concrete of the pier, the floor was made from old stones and bricks. My costume was completely drenched in water, but at least the stains of my prior humiliation had been washed out.

"Thanks... Falcon. But how... How did you get us out of the bay?" I asked out loud as I tried to stand, wiping the dripping salt water from my mouth. I saw that I was on the roof of the Beacon City Cathedral, surrounded by gothic architecture separating me from the bright glistening lights of the rainy city skyline.

"I am not responsible," said my disembodied mentor. "You were retrieved and carried here by another."

"Master!" I heard someone yell. An instant was all it took for me to realise it was Bloodfin's voice. "Master, their minds are both intact!"

Despite the powerful ache in my chest that suddenly came upon me, I went into immediate urgency mode, launched to my footpaws, and got into a fighting stance. I was still weak due to what remained of the drug in my system, but I was strong enough to stand. What I saw was completely beyond my comprehension.

Before me were two individuals, both of which I recognised all too well. On the left was Bloodfin, but he looked different. The cyan crotch of his wetsuit was fully tenting, and besides his newly glowing purple eyes, his face held an expression that just didn't seem to fit him. He looked cowardly, weak, and submissive. Furthermore, familiar swirling lines adorned his body, also glowing purple.

But beside him was far more unexpected. It was one of my clones, the abominations created by Raptor using my DNA. His black fur, the usual difference, was all too familiar, but what made him different from the other clones were the glowing green eyes and swirling emerald markings across his exposed body, much like Bloodfin. He wore absolutely nothing except for a scant white loincloth that hung from between his legs. He seemed content to soak in the rain on his bare form.

"Well done, slave. That is the kind of obedience I expect," said the clone, but something about his voice was different. He spoke with glee, an emotion the clones never displayed. "You may enjoy a titbit of the pleasures of this world in reward."

Then he snapped his fingers and Bloodfin fell to his knees, moaning loudly into the sky as he creamed his tenting costume, body convulsing in a climactic orgasm. As the ordeal neared its end, he keeled over backwards, panting after the intense reward.

"Greetings, young fox," said the being, ignoring the convulsing supervillain to his side. "Allow me to introduce myself. In the dimension from whence I come, where my will is reality, I am Xenrai. I am sure 'Falcon' recognises me, don't you, my love?"

"Impossible!" I heard Falcon exclaim, and I felt a burst of fear from him unlike any other. But then the unthinkable happened.

"W-Wait, Falcon! What are you doing?!" I yelled as I felt Falcon exerting his control over my mind. It became hard to think as I felt his power seep over me. I tried to imagine a closed door, just as he taught me, but I couldn't. The attack was too fast and unexpected, and I couldn't bring up my mental defences fast enough. In a few moments, all thought was wiped from my mind.

Then Falcon had complete control, my eyes burning blue as my mind became a blank slate, a puppet for Falcon's will. Then, using my body, Falcon took a knee into the rain-soaked stone.

"Oh, lord Xenrai, please forgive my foolish crime!" pleaded Falcon with my mouth, voice filled with fear. "I beg of you, my lord..."

"Tsk-tsk-tsk. It will take more than that for me to forgive you, my love," said Xenrai as he approached us. Then he took Falcon by my muzzle and lifted our head to face him. "You were so foolish to think you could escape me. Stand." Falcon obeyed, and Xenrai began to circle us. "Did you really think I would not learn where you went? That I could not navigate the tunnel you built to reach this world? I am disappointed. But do not worry. I will forgive you in time. But first, you and your host will watch helplessly as this weak world becomes one with my kingdom. Then we will be together forever; a beautiful fate you so foolishly ran from."


The next thing I knew I was surrounded by blackness. I could move freely again, but there was nothing to see, and I was confused beyond belief until I saw a pair of glowing blue wings.

"Falcon!" I yelled, anger in my voice as I walked towards him. "What's going on?! Why did you take my body?!"

"Matthew, please forgive me," he responded, a disembodied voice originating from the wings. "I've preserved your free will in this pocket of your subconscious. I don't do this lightly. I was afraid you would say something we would both regret. I won't risk your life for nothing."

"What's that supposed to mean? Tell me what's going on!"

"Xenrai is the ruler of the world I originate from. He is an omnipotent being there, where all of us are in his power. The very laws of our reality are bent to his will. He rewards obedience with everlasting bliss, and disobedience with forced alteration of our very minds, or death. He clearly tracked me here, took one of your clones as a host, and sensed my power to find us."

"But he's not that powerful here, right?" I asked, less angry now that I was beginning to understand the gravity of the situation.

"No, he is much weaker here. In my world, he is omnipotent, but he is still unfathomably more powerful than us. I can sense his strength. He would obliterate you in an instant if he wished."

"How's that an excuse?!" I yelled, back to being angry. "You're just gonna roll over for him? Is that it? Throw away our world because you're afraid of him?! Huh?!"

"Streak, please understand. If he's found us, we cannot escape his grasp. The only way to gain his mercy is if we become humble and submissive before him. If not, he will surely kill us both, or drag us back to my world where your mind shall be made to embrace him as your master forever."

I began to pace, filled with anger drawn from helplessness as my temper flared up. "I'm not giving up, Falcon! We've gone through too much to bow down now. Give me control back, and we're gonna beat him or die trying!"

"No!" he responded, loudly and sternly. "Xenrai is our master now. His victory is inevitable. You will not get your body back until you behave yourself."

"I thought you didn't want to control me! You were so resistant when Joel and Sarah died! Are you just gonna lock me away in here until I submit like you? You coward!"

Now he spoke regretfully. "No, Matthew! I just want to protect you!"

"Protect me? Or yourself?"

That made him silent, but I knew he was afraid. Xenrai terrified him more than anything else. In fact, I'd never felt him so afraid before.

"I cannot keep you here forever, but--"

"But I'm never gonna give up! You'll have to torture me before I surrender without a fight!"

Then his fear turned to guilt. Guilt and sadness. A pause followed before he spoke again. "I'd never do that to you, Matt! But... you will die..."

"Maybe, but I'd rather die fighting than live forever as a slave. That's no life at all. I haven't come this far to give up now."

"Xenrai treats his slaves well, giving them unending and unimaginable pleasure in exchange for their obedience. And we'll be together, serving him side by side."

"I don't care, Falcon! I have to fight for my world!"

"You don't deserve to die, Streak." Then there was another long pause. "But you are right that I would never restrain you like this forever. You don't deserve that either."


"Yes, Falcon," said Xenrai, running a finger down the spandex covering my torso before resting his black-furred paw on our chest. "Let my young slave out. I would love to see him submit willingly when I beat his... enticing body into submission."

"Please, Xenrai," pleaded Falcon, possibly holding back tears? "Don't punish him for my foolishness."

"Silence," he said as he stood back. "Bring my new slave forth."

Falcon sighed. Then he did the deed and thought returned to my mind once again as Falcon retracted his power over me. As the whites of my eyes returned, I moved my arms and legs to check that I was in control again, shaking off the strange sensation of Falcon having previously controlled my mind. I still couldn't get used to it. Then I stood up off my knees, literally standing up to Xenrai. Then I got to business.

"I don't care how powerful you think you are," I said, narrowing my brow in a sneer as I got into a fighting stance. "I'm gonna take you on. You can't have my world, and you can't have me."

The villain smiled. "Heh. Then I look forward to seeing your face when I prove you wrong, my young slave. But don't worry. The first second of the bliss I give you will make you wonder how you could ever have refused me."

"Shut up! Let's do this!"

"Your powers are back at full strength, my friend," assured Falcon. "Your system has finished burning through the last of the drug. You have never been stronger than you are now."

I decided to make the first move, and maybe even catch Xenrai off guard. I dashed forward before suddenly leaping to the left, throwing two lightning-fast punches to the side of his head.

He dodged. No, he wasn't even there.

"So pathetic..." he taunted. He was standing right behind me.

I ducked and swung my legs around, trying to trip him over.

He leapt into the air then, and I rolled back to get some distance, expecting a strike from above, but he simply landed nimbly and stood there, arms crossed.

I dashed forward again, this time leaping upwards to bring a kick down to his head as fast as I could.

He dodged again. In fact, he caught my leg, gently stood me back on the ground, put a paw to my chest, and pushed.

Losing balance, I fell backwards on the wet stone, butt landing with a splash of rainwater, but I wasn't done yet. I flipped onto my boots and got straight back into the fight, throwing a flurry of punches and kicks at Xenrai faster than ever before. I must have looked like a blue and white blur.

No use. He dodged each of my rapid-fire attacks, dozens of strikes hitting empty air.

I tried suddenly switching to kicks, hoping that the reach of my legs would make dodging harder.

Still no use. He just got some distance, and even then, sacrificing the speed of my arms for the reach of my legs only slowed me down.

"I am hardly even trying, slave," said Xenrai, a persistent smug grin on his muzzle. His arms were still crossed.

I growled and went back to mixed attacks, occasionally jumping to perform a variety of air kicks, or rolling around as unpredictably as I could in an attempt to perform a feint. I put an incredible amount of energy into my attacks, punching harder than ever before. Swirling blue lines began to appear across my lithe body.

He still wouldn't budge, and I was starting to pant. He wasn't even taking this seriously, and I was beginning to shake with a feeling of dread. The chances of victory were quickly falling away.

"Getting tired, slave?" Xenrai taunted. "Want to submit yet?"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I yelled as I threw another flurry of attacks into him, devoting more effort than I thought I was capable of. I realised he was just toying with me, so I knew I had to put in at least some kind of hurt eventually. Otherwise, the exhaustion would beat me before he could.

Then came the inevitable counter-attack. A slap from the back of his paw struck the side of my head and sent me flying, landing hard on the soaked stone. I let out a wince as a sharp stabbing pain shot through my hip. Xenrai simply stood there and smiled at my failure. My rage built to new heights.

I got back to a standing position and charged at him again before moving quickly to the right, trying one last time to catch him off guard, but he saw my move coming a mile away and a soft wave of his arm deflected my punch. Inertia carried me forward, right into his raised knee, shoved deep into my stomach.

I instantly coughed up blood. The air evacuated my lungs like a high-powered blowgun.

"Such weakness," he said, dropping a paw down between my legs. His finger pressed into the rain-soaked crotch of my costume, rubbing against my vulnerable privates in circles through the blue fabric. I might've let out a soft sigh if I wasn't struggling to suck air back into my lungs. "I hoped for better."

Then a light punch came up from below, hitting me in a rib and instantly cracking it. If I had any air to breathe, I would've screamed in agony right there.

Then he sent me flying into a wall with a light shove of his boot into my stomach. My head hit the stone hard, nearly shattering a hole through the brick before I slumped to the floor. My body froze up briefly from the impact, and everything was numb. It eventually passed, and the pain hit me hard, causing me to yell out loud.

Xenrai was suddenly kneeling between my spread legs, moving a paw to grasp me through the seat of my leotard.

"Ready to give up, my little slave?"

"Hng... S-Stop..." I said between clenched teeth.

"Make me, slave."

As I slowly recovered from the pain, I threw another punch to his face, but he grabbed my paw with no effort.

Then he grabbed my throat with his other paw, letting go of my fist, which I pulled back to try and pry his grip off of my throat. His other free paw then went back to fondling me between my legs, and somehow, I was soon tenting the blue fabric.

"Make me!" he dared, grinning as he molested me. Holding me tightly, he then stood, lifting me against the wall by the throat.

I choked as he slowly severed the flow of air into my lungs. I tried throwing a few more punches to his face, but he didn't stop me this time. My paws hit, but he didn't even flinch. In fact, a stab of pain went through my paw with each futile strike. He was free to continue massaging my genitals while he choked me.

"Look at him, 'Falcon'," he continued. "Look at how he flails desperately. Look at how quickly he becomes aroused in my grip like the slut he is, begging for my dominance. He is a weakling. Is this really the host you deemed suitable for you?"

Then he threw me away. Not hard. He just gently turned and tossed me onto the hard, wet floor. With my throat freed, I took a deep breath of relief. Somehow, I summoned my will and managed to stand.

I tried again, throwing a weak punch, but he simply threw his open palm into my face, and I heard a crunch as blood seeped from my nose. I was dazed, wobbly, and barely able to stand.

Still persisting and refusing the urge to cradle my broken nose, I threw another punch, but this one was so slow and weak that even a child could've done better. I couldn't focus or see properly, still dizzy and now chugging down blood.

He didn't even need to dodge. I just missed. Then I fell to my knees before him.

"Okay, Matthew," said Falcon. "It is time to accept the inevitable. Please, do not torture yourself like this."

"I'm not... giving up... Falcon..." I said out loud, panting as crimson liquid dripped from my muzzle.

"Please! You cannot win!" he pleaded, filled with fear for my life. "I cannot watch you die in agony! You mean too much to me!"

I tried to stand, but my legs gave out again and I fell onto all fours. "You... chose me... for this..." I managed to say.

"Matt, listen. I have to tell you something that I unwisely chose to keep from you. I did not choose you for your potential. It was the same with the first Streak, and I am so, so sorry, but I don't want you to throw your life away."

"What... What are you talking about?" I asked, a deep fear growing inside me. "Falcon, what do you... mean?"

"Yes, 'Falcon,'" said Xenrai with a mocking sneer. "Tell the slave why you really chose him. We both know you did not come here seeking to fight for justice."

"I chose Chad randomly. I have no ability to sense potential. I barely understood the intricacies of morality here as it is. I then chose you because you had no family to fear for, and no double life to steal your focus. I chose you because you had no distractions."

"F-Falcon... why... why didn't you tell me this sooner?!" I asked in disbelief, still on my knees before I keeled over onto my butt.

"I wanted my avatar and me to be at peace. I wanted to live outside of my world in a body that could protect me. I chose you both for purely selfish reasons. That's the real reason I left my world. I just wanted to be free from Xenrai, not fight against evil."

As I soaked in the revelation, I grit my teeth, feeling a kind of rage I had never felt before, somehow different from when Joel and Sarah were killed by Deception. But worst of all, I felt the alien emotion of betrayal.

"Then... Then why didn't you just take control of me from the start?!" I snapped while Xenrai merely stood and continued watching with satisfaction. "Why leave me with my free will?!"

"I... I planned to with Chad, but... I..."

"He became soft," taunted Xenrai. "He could not go through with his plan because he saw your memories and got all compassionate."

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled. "And you're telling me this now, Falcon?! You... I can't..." Tears were welling up in my eyes. I felt so alone, in the presence of two aliens who saw me as only a means to their own ends.

"It's true, Matt. But listen, I saw the first Streak's history in his mind," Falcon continued. "I saw the people he cared about and the people who loved him. I saw the complexity of who he was at his core. I felt... empathy. It's the same empathy I felt for you when I bonded with you. I didn't want to hurt you as I hurt him. He became my friend, and he died because I came into his life. Please forgive me, Matthew."

That didn't help. "You've gotta be kidding me!" I yelled further, almost screaming. Anyone could hear the anger in my voice. "All this because you were just some coward! Oh, god... If it weren't for you, Bernie would still be alive! He died for nothing! I'm just a slave to you!"

"No, Matthew! Please, listen! I'm so sorry, but--"

"SHUT UP!" I shrieked, tears streaming down my face now.

Looking down at me, Xenrai scoffed. "Look at him, Falcon. Look at how pathetic he is. Look at how he cries in the rain. He is beneath us. He is beneath you. He is merely a slave. His mind is useless and his body is your tool. You must see that now."

Falcon remained quiet. There was nothing more he could say.

I wasn't special. I had no hidden potential, and for all I knew, I wasn't even a good person. I was only chosen because I was convenient. Maybe that's why part of me wanted to join with Manasa so much. I'd rather live as her contented slave and do her bidding than be a punching bag for my enemies. I felt like I was about to scream.

"All this can end now, slave," said Xenrai. "Submit to me and I shall guarantee you an eternity in paradise. I can hear your thoughts too, and I know you want it. I know the thought of submission fills you with desire. I can give you that contentment and peace that you crave, freeing you from the burden of freedom and free thought. I can give you the love that your parents no longer can. Or you can resist and die. Do you want to die? I can kill you if you want, leave you as a leotard-clad corpse on this rooftop. Or would you rather live in bliss forever? Either way, your suffering ends tonight."

Streak submits... (Non-Canon Ending)

"You win..." is all I say. I put myself on my knees, spreading them in a sign of submission. This is it. This is my final defeat, and it feels good. "I give up. Do with me as you please."

"There's a good boy," says Xenrai, approaching now.

"I'm sorry, son," says Falcon. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't want this for you."

"Like I said, you're not my Dad, Falcon," I respond in my head, a quiet thought, but laced with anger. "Don't act like you are."

Falcon doesn't say another word.

"Shhhh. Calm yourself, my subject..." says Xenrai, kneeling down in front of me. One paw goes to my head, gently stroking my cheek, while his other caresses the bare fur of my thighs before moving to softly rub against the bulge between my legs. "Today, you become mine."

I let out a soft sigh as he begins to grope me, rubbing my length softly through my costume.

"Tell me you surrender," order my new god.

"I surrender..." I respond obediently.

"More!" he demands. "Submit with everything you are!"

"I surrender!"


"I SURRENDER, MY GOD!" I scream, and a snap of his fingers brings me to a brilliant orgasm that suddenly rushes through my body, soaking my costume further. I expect it will be the first of infinite.

"Yes, I am your god, my good boy. No, we are your gods. Now, 'Falcon', take your body back for me"

"Forgive me, Matthew," says Falcon as I scream in ecstasy. This is my last moment of free will before Falcon claims my mind and body once and for all.

Ten years later

Master pets us on the head, stroking our fur as our eyes gaze up adoringly at him. That familiar little smile he gives only makes us feel happier and more aroused, our throbbing member tenting the skimpy silk loincloth hanging from our waist. I can tell that he is so satisfied to see us like this, leaning against his leg as he sits comfortably on his throne.

The last of my free will is long gone. Now it is Falcon who runs my body, and he accepted his place as Master's pet nearly a decade ago. There is no point in resisting. Master has conquered the world. His powers grew exponentially every day, and soon he could shatter cities with no effort. Falcon despaired, as did the rest of the world, but they all succumbed eventually. They all submitted to Master's beauty and power. They all embraced servitude to him as he bestowed upon the world a pleasure beyond imagining. To merely serve him fills us all with ecstasy.

He snaps his fingers with a grin, and an orgasm of torturous intensity washes over us. Our already stained loincloth is drenched once again as we furiously cum into it, moaning loudly into his throne room. Before the ordeal is over, he lifts us by the bare arms to sit us on his lap, as he does every day. Our screams of pleasure turn to whimpers as he moves his paw to grip our always hard member between our legs, coaxing further droplets of our cream. Several of Master's subjects watch us, struggling to resist the urge to paw off through their own tenting loincloths.

"Ten years ago today, you became mine," he says between licking our neck. "This requires more than a simple orgasm, my love. Your screams of ecstasy shall be heard across the world as I dominate you before my kingdom, as I shall do every year."

"Th-Thank you... Master... Uhhhhh..." stammers the being that used to be Falcon with the mouth that used to be mine.

Streak fights on! (Canon Ending)

"Please, son! Don't die for this!" begged Falcon. I felt his fear, and it was harrowing, but I was too angry to care. "I care too much for you. Don't give your life for this. I thought I lost you once today. Please don't do that to me again!"

I felt that his concern was genuine. Never before had he begged me like this, and never before had I felt such strong emotions from him. But, gritting my teeth, I ignored him and the pain, rose to my legs, and charged at Xenrai once again. The cruel villain simply smiled as a lightning-fast slap to the side of my head sent me spinning away once again before landing hard on my cracked ribs, and I let out a shriek of agony.

"I must admit, your determination is most impressive, for a slave," said Xenrai as he walked over to me, stopping to crouch down in front of me. He lifted my jaw to face him as I lay on my stomach.

"I'm never... Uuugh... I'm never gonna... stop..." I stammered, swallowing blood as I struggled to keep my ribs from cracking further, but the pain was too great, and I knew I was about to pass out.

"No, you will not. You have my sincere respect for that," he said. He fell silent for a few seconds as he simply looked me in the eyes, contemplating. Then he stood up, put his boot on my back, and stomped me hard into the stone, soaking me further in the rainwater and cracking my ribs further. "I will leave you. You have earned your world's freedom with your bravery. But first, my young hero, there is something I want from you."

Darkness consumed my vision, and sleep fell upon me.


I awoke with a burning headache. Wincing, I was thoroughly soaked with rain, which continued to pour down on my battered and broken body. I struggled to get up, my every muscle on fire, barely able to move, but I knew I had to. Then a new sensation came over me: silence.

"F-Falcon?" I asked in the chilled, moist air of the night. To my horror, there was no response. My heart sank deeper than ever before as I felt a strange emptiness in my mind. There was a space where something was missing. "FALCON?!" I screamed, hoping with every thought that I was mistaken, that Falcon was somewhere nearby, or somehow suppressed.

But I soon realised that I was half-frozen, an immense cold consuming what should have been a body immune to such things, and the monstrous reality dawned on me. With the freezing raindrops seeping into my fur, shivering profusely as my nose began to sniffle, I realised my powers were gone.

My body consumed in aching pain and my skull feeling like it was about to crack, I fell forward onto my paws, despair taking over me. My eyes welled up with tears and my throat tightened. Physical pain gave way to a different kind: grief. My weak body tensed up with this terrible feeling. I completely fell apart, eyes watering as I gave up any and all sense of emotional restraint. I simply let loose, weeping and crying my eyes out pathetically as I begged myself to wake up from this nightmare. I realised I would take back everything I said to Falcon to have him back.

But no. Falcon was gone, along with Bernie. I was homeless, without my powers to sustain and enrich me. I was devoid of purpose or direction, and I was alone. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one beside me. Falcon's comforting, fatherly voice in my head was no longer there to tell me I was strong, that I could make it through this. Everything I had was gone. No death could have defeated me more completely than this. My only company was the cold stone, the rain, and the darkness of night.

What was probably a half hour later, still weeping uncontrollably and dripping blood from my snout, I tried to climb down to street level. In the darkness, I easily lost my footing, slid from the cold rock, and fell several metres before hitting another balcony of the cathedral. I let out a scream as intense pain shot up from my ankle and hip as I collided with the water-drenched stone beneath. I simply fell to my side, wincing in agony as I tried to endure the pain in my ribs. I was pretty sure I had now broken my hip and ankle.

I wanted to fall asleep... forever. I wanted the pain coursing through my frail, mortal body to give way to oblivion. Just to end it. I couldn't endure this, and I felt sanity slipping away. My grasp on reality fell apart as I saw the people I loved and lost appearing all around me, sad and ashamed. Thankfully, as I continued to cry out, consciousness had the courtesy to leave me once again, and my whimpers fell silent.

So many troubles, pains, and trials that I endured. I felt that I had it so bad and that I was just an unlucky loser. A failure. But I never stopped to realise how lucky I was to have Falcon with me. Despite everything we went through, having Falcon and his powers made me the most fortunate fox in the world. I wish I could have told him that. He wasn't responsible for what happened to Bernie. I couldn't blame him for that anymore. I just wanted him back.

Now he was gone, and so was Streak. Defeated.