Jahaliya: The Depths One Needs to Know

Story by Varzen on SoFurry

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#16 of Jahaliya

Sawchuck, Master Architect can't catch a break!

It's time to repair the grand stadium, which the nefarious Poacher Queen semi-successfully sabotaged. Our readers will remember it was but for Sawchuck, Jessica, and Spymaster Sumber's quick wit that prevented the grand Play Games from turning into a great disaster!

However, Sawchuck may find out that there's more damage than meets the eye.

Accompanying this campaign of interest is a new character, the combat engineer Captain Juno, who is strictly formal and utilitarian, whereas Sawchuck loves beautful flair. She is also a female beaver in the lusty and joyous land of Jahaliya.

The Depths One Needs to Know

The office of Master Sawchuck, great builder of Jahaliya, was in a flurry of motion by said occupant. Meanwhile, the Lady Corsi of Prince Ryoga's harem leaned back to watch the mad spectacle with an amused smile.

"I had a brother back in the old world who did the same thing in his dorm room when Mother came to call; she was never fooled." quipped the she-otter. "Except it was porn and not prototype architecture projects. Erections are so hard."

"Then I'm glad it's not her, but that Sergeant of Military Construction Prince Ryoga is sending over," groused the Master Architect. "By the way, are you going to help, or just run color commentary?"

"Hey, far be it from me to disrupt your privacy and/or filing system in your own office. And I think she's a Captain, but I don't think those military types are too technical on their ranks," Corsi said with a roll of her eyes. "So says Laundry-Maid John."

"He's a Majord--oh, I see what you're doing," Sawchuck said, glaring warily at the otter. "Cute, but can I trade a little pride for a paw?"

"Deal." Corsi responded merrily as she stepped forward to pitch in.

As they worked, neglected questions came to Sawchuck's mind. "I haven't heard an explanation of this construction unit yet; can you tell me anything?"

"Of course, Prince Ryoga delegated me for that," chirped Corsi with pride. "This new military unit is based on a special fighting force that the navy of a major nation created. They build as their primary duty, but fight when necessary in the field, and are called the Construction Brigade, or the 'Seabees' for short. I'll let her explain the details."

Sawchuck stopped in his tracks, "Her?"

"Yes, and let's leave it at that for now, since you're the one who wants to make the good impression."

Soon enough, the door to the now reasonably ordered office opened. A stocky female beaver appeared with her beret neatly folded into her duty harness, decorated with pouches and holding loops. With her head up high, neatly framed by a simple short cape decorated only by her rank insignia, she smartly marched into the office with a salute.

"Captain Juno of the Construction Brigade reporting; Master Sawchuck, I presume?" spoke the martial beaver with disciplined enthusiasm.

Corsi smiled at Sawchuck's awkwardness as he struggled for a verbal version, "Yes, you do, I mean oh!" he gasped, genuflecting to an inferior officer. "I mean I am. I'm glad to have you here."

"Yes Sir! I've been hoping to meet you. You have developed quite a reputation for your creations." replied the martial beaver as she stood at attention.

"Yes," answered Sawchuck as he fought a noticeable blush through his fur. "I've had a few projects that turned out well enough."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Please, call me Sawchuck. I don't outrank you. I mean, maybe I do. What's the exchange rate between civilian and military ranks?"

"It's a title far better than mine, Sawchuck, Master Architect," answered the martial beaver as she tried to adjust to such informality.

Time to step in, thought Corsi at this awkwardness. "As it happens, I believe I do outrank you, Captain." the comely otter lass interjected, "So, At Ease!"

At that command, Captain Juno reflexively assumed the position with her feet spread and her paws clasped behind her.

"Oh, I mean relax. Like, chill: much more formality and Prince Ryoga will march a parade through here," quipped Corsi as Juno enthusiastically took a more casual stance. "If we have finished introductions, Captain, Master Sawchuck was wondering about your new command."

"Yes My Lady," Juno said, then turned eagerly to Sawchuck, "The Construction Brigade is an elite engineering unit. Our Prince Ryoga has organized the CB's to do special construction projects in the field to augment our army. Siege machines, fortifications, bridges: any erection that would please you. We can and will create anything needed in the heat of battle to stop the enemy right in their tracks, sword in one hand and hammer in the other."

"Yes, I can see how building in those conditions would be a challenge." shuddered the master architect with the thought of being literally targeted while on the job.

"If it's not a challenge, then let the civvies take it, and afterwards have a picnic on the rolling hills and meadows we bleed to protect!"

Sawchuck found himself saluting, then an eraser hit his head. Corsi had her arms crossed under her tits and was glaring at him.

"Continue," she said to Juno.

"Of course. We have a few ideas with those saltpeter chemicals the Myscindrians have offered us. The Prince's Harem has mentioned those teams from their old world figuratively moved mountains to get the job done, and we aim to move real ones!"

"Glad you mentioned it," answered Corsi, "We thought it could be of some interest to you."

"And we thank you for it! For generations, my species has wanted to make a contribution to our land's defense, but we were dismissed for so long as a bunch of overgrown rodents. Now, we have a way to punch above our level as warriors who win our way!"

Sawchuck smiled at the thought. Then, Juno's downward wandering eyes on him became impossible to ignore, falling just past his toolbelt. While he tried to stay focused on the task at paw, the subtle compliment had an involuntary response with other intentions.

Facing a most honest reaction to her gaze, Captain Juno started and forced herself back into eye contact. "Well ... goodness that's pretty. Ahem! I am told we're going to accompany on your stadium inspection."

"Yes," answered Sawchuck, keeping his pleasure at her gaze to himself even as Corsi suppressed a giggle, "the Prince insisted on an escort, especially for the diving portion. I mean to see if I can repair it."

"I would hope so," replied the Captain, "but that could be problematic. The structural damage from such combustions can be severe and a bear to repair."

"Hence our inspection. I'm going to find out the whole picture."

"Yes Master Sawchuck, but at worst, at least the material can put to practical use."

Corsi froze in alarm, realizing where the subject matter was going, but before she could speak up...

"What 'practical use?'" queried Sawchuck with suspicion as he stiffened. His cock was soon parallel to his upturned chin.

Momentarily blinkered in her element, Juno stumbled on with a martial passion, "Well, we're likely going to war against the Poacher Queen and, uh, we can repurpose the rubble and metal for our field projects."

A fire roared to life in Sawchuck's upper head.

"You want to finish that Bitch's destruction of my work for your ends?" growled the Master Builder, his professional pride piqued at the thoughtless implication.

Juno flinched at the confrontational tone and saluted. "Forgive me, Sir Architect! I mean... I just trying to look at the bright side with military necessities..." she said as she scrambled for a placating answer.

"You are calling my work, my calling, frivolous?!" roared Sawchuck.

"Hey, whoa, at ease!" Corsi said. She leaped in before the emotional momentum became unstoppable. "Sawchuck, it's a moot point right now since we haven't inspected the stadium yet." she said as she fought to keep her tone calm, "Can we table options until then?"

Sawchuck shook with outrage at the Captain's impertinence, but mastered his temper as he stilled himself.

"Fine, I'll get my stuff together and we'll be off shortly."

With that, Sawchuck marched off to an adjacent room with a determined pace.

Captain Juno slumped as her mistake weighed on her. "By the Goddess, I blew it with him."

Corsi placed a sympathetic paw on the Beaver's shoulder and said, "Sawchuck takes a lot of pride and hope in his work. He wants to change the world, and seeing his ideals undone hurts."

The beaver officer winced with overdue recognition. She said, "I can see that. I made a hell of a first impression."

"Don't worry for now. Growing pains, y'know? I'm going to have a chat with him and I promise he will be at least professional, Captain!"

"Aye my Lady!" answered the Beaver as she snapped to attention with a correct salute and marched off with a heartened pace.

Were it to be defined as a light conversation, the 'chat' Corsi had referred to lasted about three minutes.

Were it to be defined, instead, as the casual time Corsi had spent with Sawchuck, the 'chat' lasted roughly forty-five minutes, and was mostly non-verbal with paws, mouths, and very sensitive areas.

After its climax, the beaver retrieved his hard hat from Corsi, who was straddled atop him with a very intimate connection in between them. He pulled out of her with a loud, leaky slurp, and also thanked three novices of the Harem that Corsi had summoned: interns of Tina, Eleanor, and Robin, who had offered him food and drink to sup upon when they were not offering their breasts to his paws or their tongues to his shaft and sac.

Now in a much better mood, Sawchuck toweled off what the Sluts did not lick clean, then exited his office and took a carriage with Corsi to the docks on the lake. The stadium loomed in distant view.

Juno was situated at the end of the docks with her clipboard, assuredly checking over facts and figures she had gotten right the first time, and Sawchuck squeaked unhappily to himself.

"She's going to do everything I would have done, with half the humor and twice the speed, then blame us civilians for wasting time on smiling," he muttered to himself.

Corsi heard him, and however sated and saliva-covered her face had been beforehand when lesbians were kissing her while Sawchuck had fucked her, now her face was coated in pensive concern.

Sawchuck huffed. "There's danger in my world too, missie. Great ideas exploding over simple tiffs."

"Sawchuck, this is for the Kingdom."

"Everything is," he groused, then walked ahead of her.

Beyond the docks and Juno, a boat rocked in the bay. On it, everything past the top railing was stacked with crew and cargo, as well as all sorts of tools both loose and attached to the boat in frames. The workers perfect for the job were all at hand, bolstered with the aid of the Goddess' grace and Ryoga's resolve.

"Even if screwed on too tight, at least she's got her head on straight," Sawchuck grumbled.

"Master Architect!" belted Juno, and the military beaver made double-time down the docks to him, chin stiffly inclined.

She saluted when she arrived and he returned it, even though he ignored eye contact.

"Sir, apologies at our misunderstanding earlier," she said, "the mating of two entirely different machines is going to grind some gears."

Sawchuck's ears folded and Corsi caught it. He looked sideways at her and saw the twinkle in her eye, the perceptive Slut.

Still, no use getting hard in a professional setting.

"You think you brought enough pots and desalinators?" he snarked as his sheath swelled, not quite opening, "About as much redundant equipment here as to fill a secondhand bazaar."

"All due respect, all this extra equipment has all been in use. Measure twice, cut once, isn't that right?"

"Measure once, correctly," Sawchuck said, then regretted it as he saw the gleam in the female beaver's eye.

And in Corsi's, upon seeing the two.

"So what's with all the underwater stuff? Half your team is beavers, and the other half will be out of a job as Sailfish here does the work for them."

"We're gonna work 'Sailfish' into the bedrock, Sire Chuck," answered Juno, who saluted Corsi. "As we are every member of our crew."

"Don't tell me you indulge in slavery?" asked Sawchuck.

"Nope, just efficiency. Jahaliya wasn't built in a day only because the CB's weren't in charge."

Corsi let out a low whistle, and Sawchuck frowned deeper than ever.

"Now, that type of hubris will see you in an alley in twenty years."

"Hubris only applies to people who don't fulfill their lofty promises."

"So you're saying you can complete your lofty project in half the expected time?"

"It's a guarantee."

There was a quick smack: only one clap of Corsi's paws before Sawchuck glared at her. She put her paws behind her back.

Sawchuck made a few hissing breaths through his nose, glaring at the Captain who bore his gaze like direct sunlight.

Finally, he said, "All right," and, after pacing, added, "the spirit is high, Goddess knows She could see more of that these days. To the stadium, then."

Corsi and Juno agreed without further comment, following behind a beaver who stomped out a warpath.

The stadium stood in a state of staggered, maimed nobility, of jagged wood radiating out from the blast point and odd, liquid ripples in their hard surface.

"So far, it looks serious, but repairable," Sawchuck said as he rifled through his notes and occasionally plucked at his whiskers, "but Goddess knows the number of structural repairs we'll need to make. What was it you were saying, Juno, that even the extras were used?"

"Not redundant if required!" Captain Juno summed up.

"Right," Sawchuck said, looking at the old diagrams. "And you were right, Captain; most of the damage is underwater, if this above-water damage is to be believed."

"Your stadium survived a bomb," Corsi said, attempting to help.

"It's a setback all the same," Sawchuck said. "The first sign of blood and your predators will frenzy. Let's not forget the scourge of PQ."

"Sir, you think this is blood--"

"Shut up!" Corsi interrupted.

"Yes, please have a diplomatic tiff," Sawchuck said sarcastically, buried in his notes. His ears burned; he had insulted a superior, but the Stadium was the ultimate goal.

Corsi restrained a mighty backhand meant for the back of his head.

"Anyways, we still need an assessment below," Sawchuck said. "Good call, Captain, on the buoyant materials for the heavy gear. Seems things fall faster in the water, but that's because of the unknown depths. On your command, Captain; this is a Sea-Bees operation. I'm just the brains."

Juno sneered at him with contempt, seeing a seemingly sedate opponent who had cleanly bested her.

"Aye, under your advisement," she said with a growl, and turned to her crew.

"Alright, mark the zone!" she shouted. Several sea otters entered the water and floated on their backs with their reserve equipment on their stomachs, dragging flotation frames as they raised their Diver Down flags and lowered their anchor lanes.

With that deployment, the river otter team double-checked their rescue equipment while others manned their retrieval-line winches. Juno's dive team stepped forward with their tools so tethered.

Satisfied, Juno and her primary team of beavers and muskrats then darted into the water with a perfect splash. The large line-spools of the winches squealed as they released their contents with their operators keeping clear.

Corsi caught the scent of female arousal as the beaver disappeared. She also saw that Sawchuck's sheath was swollen, the pink tip poking out.

The Harem otter smirked to herself as she and Sawchuck dove in.

Corsi followed behind Sawchuck and Juno as they plunged into the depths below the stadium, with the dive team in SeaBee regalia streaming down toward its supports.

Sawchuck pulled his clipboard out and flicked a small jewel. The clipboard glowed light blue and then he opened it, unfurling his pages and pages of notes in the sea water.

He squinted toward the many thick supports holding up the stadium, thick beam combinations and entire tree trunks thrust firmly against underwater bedrock and the bay's floor.

A series of bubbles escaped his mouth, then he snapped his clipboard closed and motioned for the girls to follow him.

The two beavers and Corsi streaked up to the surface and then popped up onto one of the large repair rigs.

On the boat itself milled several support crew operating the safety line winches of the workers and equipment down below. The operators, predominantly beavers but with one bear--begrudgingly permitted--worked this elaborately engineered pulley system which was attached to a winch rolled by pedals.

Corsi recognized the motion to be not unlike the bicycles from her old world.

"This is not good; the damage is much worse than I was hoping," said Sawchuck with a sigh, bubbles flowing from his mouth, "wreathed in your sardonic humor, Captain, you were right."

"But you can fix it, right?" asked Corsi.

Sawchuck shrugged, half-smirking as he rolled his eyes. "I don't know. This could turn into serious reconstruction. We might need Lydra down there to cast some penetrative spells, map out every single stress fracture. I could spend another year rebuilding the whole thing."

Corsi bit her lip. "Jahaliya is a very rich kingdom, but this kind of setback would not go well with Prince Ryoga. However, he's well read on the price of war and ready to support your work."

"You know all that?" Sawchuck asked.

"I ... he talks a lot when he's being serviced," Corsi said, forming a circle with her paw and making pumping motions.

Sawchuck's eyes widened. "If he feels we're in open war with the Poacher Queen ..."

"Then the propaganda value of your repair work would count for a lot," finished Juno.

"It took long enough the first time," said Corsi, "and while well worth it, that's a last case scenario."

"I build to my ideals, and I let others work on the bigger picture's practicalities," said Sawchuck with a shrug.

Juno asked quizzically. "Not that I want to be a harbinger of architectural doom here. If we gotta knock it down, we gotta knock it down. Can't save everything."

"That's my call to make and I bet I can save it. I very much want to spit in that Poacher Queen's face, just as soon as I figure out how."

"So, Master Sawchuck," asked Juno with gently challenging tone, "Do you think you can save the stadium?"

To that, Sawchuck couldn't resist. He pumped a paw and said, "Just watch me!"

Sawchuck dove in so quickly that Juno's hard hat spun, and Corsi stumbled back a few feet to avoid getting slapped by his tail.

They caught up with him, but not without a mad paddle. There was no stopping Sawchuck once he was inspired. They followed his bubble trail between the supports, weaving in between them until they found him in a nest of timber bent inward.

On his own hat, he twisted a jewel which lit up, casting a brilliant beam in the clear blue dark.

He emitted a few squeaks at Corsi and Juno, who followed his lead, the females swimming up to inspect the wooden base and its joists.

Everything looked all right to Corsi, just a few repairs, a few posts to be replaced and a few joints to be patched.

Sawchuck drove into an alcove, exploring a more jagged formation. With sudden alarm, Juno opened her mouth to squeak and looked at Corsi.

Corsi hesitated at that; she was much more an assassin than she was any sort of architect. All she saw was wood.


At first, everything fell in slow-motion, wooden beams the width of Corsi's waist drifting down on Sawchuck like leaves.

Bubbles blew from either side of Juno's wide buck teeth as she squeaked, and Corsi snatched a metal pole.

The otter drove it into the structure as it collapsed upon Sawchuck, diverting some beams from falling directly on his head and chest.

Instead, the wood converged around his hips, locking him in place. Sawchuck wiggled to free himself, but the wood settled and would not budge. His face scrunched up with pain.

Corsi went into medic mode, swimming up alongside him and patting his body, checking pressure points and along his spine, his hips.

"Master Sawchuck!," Juno squeaked through the water, "Please don't panic; we'll lose much worse than a stadium if you waste your air. We're gonna get you out faster than you think!"

Sawchuck, struggling to keep from groaning, croaked. "Can you really do that?"

Juno grinned again, tapping Corsi's plump, bare breast with the back of her paw before she folded her arms over her own.

"Just watch us!"

Corsi saw Juno shoot off, but she still felt it was too hasty.

The Beaver soldier seemed ever-so eager to leash the chaotic forces of the Universe and ride off into a million sunsets with them as her dogsled.

"Do I have a choice?" Corsi said, and when Sawchuck opened his mouth to retort, Corsi shushed him with a finger against his lips.

The situation was grim; none of these beams could be moved without a radical force that would crush poor Sawchuck's firm-yet-soft plump beaver body.

"Here, one gift, then I gotta get going momentarily," Corsi said, then leaned in and put her lips to his with a little more pressure than was necessary. The otter moaned as she pushed air into Sawchuck's lungs, then darted up and out of the water, sailing up and over the boat's side and then landing on her feet.

A muskrat standing by on observation stood away from his periscope and gave Corsi a weird look as soon as she looked at him.

"Hey, look," he said with his paws up, "you're pretty and all, but I ain't kissing you, too!"

Corsi rolled her eyes. "Go suck the air from a dragon's rear, then," she grumbled in retort as she stomped away on deck.

Corsi caught the passing otter rescue squad in her periphery as they dove with their equipment. "And all you, it's a kissing contest down there. Sawchuck needs air, regularly! Hup-to! Or whatever the military says."

"Just lung breath?" a thin one asked. Corsi couldn't quite tell the sex as he/she passed.

"Whatever you got!"

Juno was already in the Captain's Cabin of the main recovery ship. She didn't spring out of the water like that lithe assassin otter, but had left with the proper time buffer to climb the usual ladder.

"Graham, report!" the Captain squeaked as she waddled before a male beaver whose whiskers and fur had grown long and black on the back of his head and on the front of his muzzle.

The other beaver shot up and fumbled with his round-coin spectacles. "Um, which report on what? I'm working on several projects."

"The Steel Lung," Juno said.

"Oh" the male beaver exclaimed, "Yes! I'm making progress.. A healthy prototype stage, should be ready in three--"


"Um, no," he said, pulling at his facefur, "I was thinking months."

"Even minutes is too long. What's this right here?" Juno asked, picking up a heavy cylinder with a nozzle at the top.

"That's the prototype, and it--"



"Well now is sometime, so get it down there!" the soldier beaver shouted.

Graham sprung into action, grabbing a set of hoses, a rubber muzzle, and a couple harnesses. Juno strode out the door, and the bearded beaver fumbled after her.

Corsi was shouting and slapping otters all about, coordinating a semi-smooth cycle of divers sucking in as much air as they could, then a pair of otters throwing the lung-breath down at the water like a spear. Along the way, they were preparing their crowbars and fulcrums to attempt to work the pinning loads free.

Captain Juno emerged onto this ridiculous scene and interrupted her own fierce order with a laugh.

"What in the Goddess' name are you puddle-jumpers doing?"

Corsi froze as she held a straight-spined otter in her paws. "Uh, saving Sawchuck?"

"And you can knock a wall down with a hard-enough spoon, but I got a better idea!"

Corsi rolled her eyes and frowned. Even though the males were all getting hard at her nude, wet, buxom body, and the females were licking their lips for a taste, the Sailfish of Jahaliya seemed to be having none of it. "Okie doke, hit me with your best shot."

Juno snatched the heavy tank from the other beaver's paws and presented it with a buck-toothed grin. "A Steel Lung!"

Corsi pursed her lips, then nodded, fists on her wide hips. "Yeah-huh. That'll work. Get your asses in the water. Captain."

Juno had seen worse sarcasm in the army, but in front of this free warrior, damn did it slap the stars out of her!

"Yes ma'am!" she said while saluting. "And the follow-up? How do we get him out?"

Corsi snapped her fingers, which her webbed paws amplified into a gunpowder pop.

Several otters lined up behind her, presenting crowbars tethered to their waists, a stretcher with variable inflation pockets, and turtle-shell backpacks with a slew of other tools.

"You handle the crazy stuff, we'll do what needs done."

An otter sprung from the water, landing belly-first against the edge of the ship. "Sailfish!" he gasped, "Sawchuck's losing consciousness. We have to speed up!"

"Got something better for you, fishbreath," she said with a smirk.

"We'll be right there," Juno said, awkwardly attaching hoses while Graham went off on her about all the project's complications.

"It's not ready!"

"It's now or never!" countered Juno.

"There are concerns such as bends, a rupture--"

"It's two minutes or midnight for Sawchuck," snarked Corsi.

"The pressure, or if it's a bad air mixture--"

"Corsi, get the place prepared!" shouted Juno, then continued to bicker with Graham.

The battalion of otters and beavers that entered the water made a series of cannonball-sounding splashes that reverberated against their own ears.

They set at work to free Sawchuck from his prison, jamming a crude hydraulic scissor-style spreader between two wooden beams as an operating team of beavers began vigorously pumping to fill its forks while a series of otters gave the Master Architect mouth-to-mouth.

Everything seemed to be stable, but Corsi's nose detected a faint, metallic mist. A cloud of blood was extruding from the site.

Sawchuck's running out of time, thought Corsi with a sinking dread.

The Sailfish contemplated the shell knife on her neck as incentive, but threat-of-violence just made people stupid.

No wonder the Poacher Queen was going through troops like snack-prawns.

Graham refused to release his invention for use.

"Captain, how're we doing?" she asked.

"There's a lot of testing that needs to be done," its inventor said. The beaver with the long black whiskers sat in a corner, massaging his temples while Captain Juno went over his inventions like a neanderthal.

"Is it possibly ready, sir?" Corsi said. She had to breathe to keep her heartbeat, her knife, and her claws in check.

Graham steeled his jaw and looked straight at her. "Well, it turns out that filling a tank with air and using it underwater is... complicated."

Captain Juno threw her hat to the ground and nearly stomped on it, diverting her foot at the last moment. "Whaddya mean complicated? Everything's complicated!"

"He means volatile," Corsi said, grasping her own skull and pacing around the deck. She remembered Mage Lydra using that c-word on many occasions.

Corsi stopped pacing. "And it's the only option we got," she added, and that was that. "Consider this an order, you two."

Juno and Graham stared at each other, then with a bitter resigned frown the soldier beaver took up the inventor's prototype and leapt into the water with Corsi.

"He could die," Graham said to Corsi.

"Yeah," said Corsi, "Same as the situation we're in now. We're out of options."

Captain Juno sank faster than she could swim, stupefied that a tank full of air would not be buoyant.

I really gotta brush up on my physics, she thought to herself.

She arrived at Sawchuck's depth below the stadium, he being threatened under the weight of his own great accomplishment, and affixed the rubber muzzle to his face and slowly turned the nozzle.

Corsi and Graham caught up behind her, the inventor nervously adjusting his spectacle, even going so far as to blow air bubbles on the lenses and wipe them off on his fur.

The Master Architect sucked in the air with great relief, and Juno's heart rate seemed to click back to normal: a mission accomplished clean and easy!

Then there was a gasp of air and water, a gurgle and a cascade of bubbles as Sawchuck's body arched backwards and then went into convulsions.

Graham winced underwater. "Well, scratch that air mix" he muttered.

Corsi's knuckles cracked, echoing through the water as she wound up to punch him. He flinched and the otter relented, but did not wipe the bitter scowl from her muzzle.

Corsi's ear tweaked as she heard chittering and squeaking of a much more aquatically-enthused mammal.

Three dolphins from Cetaes had wandered into the damaged stadium's bay.

"Chip, Chip! That's what happens when you try to build above water!"

"Chip, yeah! Much too much gravity, no buoyancy."

"Chip Chip, no freedom, just ground!"

Corsi drew her knife.

"I will serve all of you as discount tuna if you don't help out or fuck off right now!"

"Chip? That's a breach of the Jahaliya-Cetaes Treaty!"

"So's your disrespect!"

"Goddess Bless Jahaliya," Juno swore as she turned off the tank, handed it to Graham, then blew the last of her breath into Sawchuck as her team worked to leverage all the beams off of him. "This is what happens when you don't have the proper discipline."

Juno returned to the surface, gulped air, and returned.

There was a deep groaning and grinding of wreckage as her team of beavers and otters carefully used their tools to support the main spreader jaw, moved all the deadly debris off Sawchuck, and slowly, slowly, pulled him free.

They laid Sawchuck onto the underwater stretcher, then workers struck the air canisters connected to the variable inflatable sacs alongside the stretcher until it began to drift up.

Observing, Graham relaxed with a little satisfaction and said "At least that invention works fine. The Steel Lung will need another couple months on top of things."

At Juno's instruction, otters monitored the stretcher's ascent to avoid an imbalance in pressure change. Corsi tended to Sawchuck with the breathing device until they reached the surface, and then she let out a yawp.

"We did it, Jahaliyans!" she shouted and then reality reasserted itself with the point of that exercise. "Oh my Goddess, Sawchuck has to get to Dr. Meigs now!"

Juno grimaced as the Sailfish ranted, stroking Sawchuck's robust belly. The beaver Architect eventually came-to, his smile and his sheath spreading almost simultaneously.

"You okay?" the Captain said with a smile.

Sawchuck smiled weakly, managing a half-nod.

"Hey! You fishes with the head-assholes!" Corsi shouted at the dolphins. "Help us get our Master Architect to the Doctor, you soggy clasper-flappers, you condoms with teeth! Help out for once; we know you pee in the water!"

Humiliated and glowing red, incensed by the otter's invective, the dolphins skulked over and nipped the stretcher.

"Chip, Chip," the lead dolphin groaned with the stretcher's handle in its teeth. "Where to?"

"Palace docks, I'll give directions" Corsi said, then stroked the dolphin's smooth head and kissed the side. "And thank you, okay?"

The dolphin blushed, a pink tube snaking out of the underside of his body.

"Right away, Sailfish."

Word had carried quickly of Sawchuck's predicament, with workers relaying the alarm through high-pitched squeaks to boats closer to the shore, then to dockworkers, and from there to the nearest bat who had disappeared into the air, then came back with Dr. Meigs riding a gurney relayed by cheetahs.

The blue vixen, studious and cool even even as her long white coat billowed into the rush's wind to frame her bodacious body, marched onto the scene to command even the sea into order. With a pair of magnified bifocals sitting on the edge of her muzzle and casting off rays of sunlight, she looked head-on to the predicament and set its resolution into motion.

With snaps of instructions and quick paw signals, Dr. Meigs had the Jahaliya cheetah scouts convey Sawchuck carefully onto the gurney, secure his neck and body with pillows and belts, and saw them all off to the infirmary.

She was only there for three minutes, but her presence was all the more precious for Sawchuck and his friends.

Corsi and Juno visited Sawchuck the next day at Dr. Meigs's infirmary, where he was already sitting up in his hospital bed and chewing on some nutritious bark from the Jahaliya forests. The Palace Infirmary lacked for nothing for such needs.

Corsi moved to enter first, but Juno marched past her and went right up to Sawchuck's bed, giving him a military salute.

"Master Architect."

Sawchuck looked up, pausing at her breasts, and smirked at her insistent formality. "Captain."

Juno bowed. "How are you feeling, sir?"

Sawchuck spun a piece of bark in his paw. "Rotten. But ... the living kind of rotten."

"Better n' the alternative, sir," she said, then took off her beret and bowed again. "Please accept my sincerest apologies about the careless comments I made about your civilian work ... I mean your art. I hope I can be forgiven with the consideration of recent--"

Sawchuck reached up and pulled her head down, pressing his lips firmly against hers. Juno didn't pull away but rather leaned into him, resting her paw on his chest as he did the same to hers.

"I'll take that as a yes." Corsi quipped with a smile.

Meigs quirked an eyebrow and smiled at the otter, scribbling notes for a different patient for a different problem.

"This means of course he is well enough to be released today," Meigs said, and then noted how tented the sheets were in Sawchuck's lap. "And then a release after that. Sexual vigor is the best sign of fitness in this land."

"What other lands have you been to?" asked Corsi.

Dr. Meigs turned her clipboard over.

Juno tried to put her tongue in Sawchuck's mouth, but their buck teeth clicked. Breaking the kiss, Juno demurely wiped her lips and stood back at attention.

Her nipples did as well.

"Ahem," Juno said, trying to keep her gaze away from the fully-formed mountain in his bedsheets.

Sawchuck grinned at her formality, his nose sensing the heat radiating from her groin. "Captain, I'd like to thank you for your help. Never has any Jahaliyan been so beautiful in a crisis. You were on top, a great place to be."

Juno nodded. "No place I'd rather be. On top! ... of crises."

Sawchuck laughed, which settled down into a sigh. "Just as well. Thanks to your quick mitigation, I'll be healed and feeling right as rain, which will be most helpful for my Penance in front of Prince Miscon and his Harem."

"But sir! You--"

"No, no," Sawchuck said, waving a paw, "Relax, I have my reasons for it."

"Anything I can do to help?"

Sawchuck contemplated it, the mound in his sheets twitching and leaving a wet spot. "Well, you could come."

Juno watched it, biting her lip with her buck teeth.

"Tell me where and when to come ... I mean to go, sir; and I'll be there."

"I think he likes you, Juno," said Corsi. "He's forgotten all about your snark an' you've proven yourself. What was it you said?"

Juno perked up. "Just watch me!"

Sawchuck gave Juno a firm pat, aiming for her back but hitting her rump.

She didn't object.

Meigs released Sawchuck from the infirmary only a few hours later when she came back from fixing a cup of tea to find him masturbating furiously and whispering Juno's name while chewing on bark.

"All right, all right," she barked, "you beavers always playing with your wood. Go build a dam out there, don't be spraying your mortar in this completed room."

Sawchuck had his hips in the air, bucking into his paw. "I'm about to finish..."

"The room already is finished!" Meigs said, dipping her fingers in her tea and flicking warm droplets at him. "Out, you horndog, out! This place of healing is not of the sexual variety!"

Sawchuck swore his balls were three times bigger as he waddled, undrained, to a carriage within the courtyard. He got on board, then rode to the Palace proper while drumming his claws on the ledge.

Juno filled his mind, but he couldn't yet present himself to her as a worthy mate until this Penance had cleared him. The event was to be great, however, a nice purification (in a manner of speaking) and then back to delightful Jahaliyan reverie, made even better when Prince's Harem was going to be playing along.

Besides, Sawchuck thought with a small smile, the possibility of arousing that comely Captain was a noble project all its own.

The people who would be judging him and absolving him luxuriated on silken cushions and couches in a wide pit, in the middle of which was set a brazier crackling with a warm fire.

Supported by a mass of carefully arranged and supported cushions, the wolf Crown Prince of Jahaliya lounged nude with his Harem, Natasha the rabbit in particular as she playfully draped herself across his body with her head tilted back, revelling in her exhibitionist indulgence without shame as his silver circlet gleamed with the deep orange blaze of the fire.

"Why Natasha," quipped the aroused wolf as one of his paws explored her firm body, "would you believe that the memory of the shyness you conquered makes you even more alluring at this moment?"

The bunny smiled at the confession, "Thank you, my Prince, I'm just contributing to the ambience of the occasion for Sawchuck's sake."

"And you are doing splendidly," answered the wolf breathily.

At that compliment, the bunny dancer winked to Harem Matron Sylvia who stood off to the side. Sylvia answered with a stoic smile, her arms folded beneath her heavy, firm breasts.

Privately, Sylvia shivered in naughty contemplation as she muttered to the mate standing alongside her, "Goddess, I never seem to to get tired of it: originally I taught my girls to be dainty proper ladies. Now, I train them on how to be sexy warrior sluts for the appropriate moments. My kind of perversion, I suppose."

"Do not you think that a lady is at her most dainty and proper when nude and calmly eager in arousal?" intoned a deep and welcome voice from behind. A gentle pair of large bearpaw hands wrapped around her chest and cupped her bosom from behind.

"Thank you, Horace. Your perspective is as welcome as your presence," purred Sylvia as she relaxed her weight against the scholarly bear.

"The Goddess herself would have to dictate otherwise to keep me from you." answered Horace as he cuddled to her wiggling delight, even as his hardening cock required repositioning. "Not to mention I wanted to see your expertise arranging this event, even if our brilliant beaver's request is hardly wholly spiritual."

Sylvia struggled to keep her delight at both his touch and wit with proper dignity, "True, but it's faithful to the Goddess' ideals and still provides a enjoyable catharsis for Sawchuck and all of us," the Lioness sallied as she turned to enjoy Horace's other talent with his tongue.

Heedless of that exchange, Prince Ryoga Miscon had two modes: ruthlessly professional, and joyously sexual. On occasion, he combined the two, especially when he was greeting company as with Captain Juno as she entered the room.

"Greetings, Captain," Ryoga proclaimed as he saluted the Beaver with his free paw, the other on his consort's head as she wiggled in his lap, "and congratulations on a crisis well met!"

Captain Juno fell to reflex and stood at parade attention to her prince. "Thank you Your Majesty, although I wish it didn't send Sawchuck to the infirmary."

"Relax!" playfully barked the Prince as he waited for the young officer to comply, "You know very well that if you and your company weren't there with its equipment and talents, this occasion would have been much more dismal. In any case, you have vindicated my charge for your unit."

"Yeah, Captain" interject Natasha as she wiggled at the erotic spectacle she was creating in recline, "Corsi told us all about your rescue. We'd love to have you guys in a tight spot anytime!"

"Thank you, My Prince, My Lady!" Juno responded with a heartened tone, "If you will forgive the liberty, Your Majesty, but may I speak with you later about a request for my unit? Not all in the ranks are as visionary about my species as you and I have an idea to prove them wrong."

"It would be my pleasure!" smiled Ryoga as he turned to the vixen librarian of his Harem, "Jessica, my schedule!"

Shortly, his normally silver and alabaster paw was smudged with black ink as he made notes in the margins of a gold-lined scroll laid across Natasha's stomach and marked with the seal of the Royal Jahaliya Sacred Archive.

Jessica, tried not to chew on her claws or on her fennec assistant Raschid's ear as their Prince marked up the ordained document with, admittedly, clean and ornate scribbles.

All around the wolf Prince stood his Harem and a select few assistants such as Majordomo John the mouse and Mage Lydra the panthress as they patiently awaited the Prince's bureaucratic chore.

Captain Juno took her place.

Ryoga dotted a final "I" with a quick stab.

"Ouch!" Natasha said, twitching.

"Sorry, love. I will need a different writing surface, or calligraphy style in the future" he said with a grin, then blew on the scroll to dry it, starting at the bottom and working all the way up to the top, where he kissed the bunny's lips and thrust his tongue hungrily in her mouth.

She moaned and writhed on top of him, and then Ryoga broke the kiss, slipped his paw in between her legs and squeezed, revelling in her pleasured squeak. Finally, he leaned back to look up at Sawchuck.

"Master Architect, thank you for attending. This will serve as your Penance wherein Jahaliya absolves you of your mediocrities and missteps. In what we may assume was either hubris and/or naivete, you built your admittedly opulent and magnificent sporting arena with security flaws that the Poacher Queen could and did exploit," he said, "And let us not forget that balcony fracas."

Sawchuck fought to maintain eye contact with the potent stare of the Prince. "Prince Miscon, I am here to atone for all of my missteps. If we stumble while walking the Holy Path, that is a grotesque parody to Goddess!"

"Very good," Ryoga said, then removed his paw from Natasha's pussy and licked her nectar off his fingers. "Mmf, excellent," the wolf said, with notable twitches to his erect cock. "Now that we're done with the formalities, let's get on with the formalities!"

He could not clap his paws but his arms twitched to do so. Unfortunately, one arm was around Natasha's shoulders.

"Dear, would you do the honour?" he asked her upon discovering his foible.

Natasha broke out of her sexual afterglow long enough to straighten her back and provide a series of three royal claps.

The Harem and Ryoga's audience struggled to suppress their cheers and giggles as their chef, Bastion the bull, wheeled out a trolley of tarts and cream pies.

"Oh, um, are you ready?" Sawchuck asked with a wry smile. "I don't quite feel absolved. Actually, I'm still feeling pretty rotten about the whole ordeal."

The wolf didn't miss a beat, losing his smile and mock-contemptuously glaring at Sawchuck as if he were an annoying little peasant that had committed a murder for a sack of bent copper coins.

"Then you'll remove your clothes before all of us and receive a proper flagellation," the wolf Prince said. "Remove it all: the tool belt, the hard hat, those silly little work boots. Every tool that led to your ignominious fall."

Sawchuck struggled not to grin, playing along with Ryoga's affected wrath.

"Right away, your Highness. Shame on me, terrible failure!" he said. His paws vibrated as he fumbled to remove his clothes, his sheath swelling and his ears perked high.

Ryoga directed his Harem and assistants to the cart with a twitch of his paw, then continued to luxuriate beneath Natasha as his own cock came up between her legs, against which the bunny ground her moist, puffy nether lips.

Lydra, John, Horace, Juno, and crew all grabbed a pastry and lined up before Sawchuck, trying to keep their own smiles smaller than Ryoga's, which for his playful contempt was quite small indeed.

As Natasha got on her knees and put her grey-furred breasts around Ryoga's large swollen wolf cock, the Prince inclined his chin.

"Proceed when you are ready to be chastised," he said to the Architect.

Sylvia stroked her chin, amused by the Prince's graveness.

"Absolutely," Sawchuck said, and then cleared his throat and placed his paw over his heart. "As you much more eloquently stated, Sire, my first mistake was directly and knowingly going against my own architectural training and having a fuck right on that rickety balcony."

Natasha reached across Ryoga's lap, grabbed a cream tart that Lydra had left there, and with her lips still sealed around the wolf's cock, threw it and hit Sawchuck dead on the paw over his chest.

The beaver looked down at the gooey, creamy dessert slipping down his knuckles and then his belly.

"I, um, indeed," Sawchuck said, "In face of that peril alone, there were several alarm bells. I could have stopped at any time before the balcony crashed and damn near killed me and my consorts."


Another pie, this one cherry topped with whipped cream, hit him right on the hip and started oozing down his thigh.

"Moving on, that stadium design had all the tropes of earlier works. I merely adapted it for the water, added a few more entryways, and--"


The pies were coming at a faster tempo, one landing right on his large paunch and bouncing off his cock, another hitting him in the side of the face, temporarily blinding him before he wiped the cream out of his eye.

Of the Harem; Ryoga's wives, the jackal Jasmine and the black wolf Robin; relieved Natasha of her fellative duty and stroked at their husband in tandem, two paws on his cock and the other two stroking his chest and balls.

The growing intensity of their ministrations, as well as the growing gaiety of their pie game, had the whole room aroused and tittering very quickly.

"And really, the crawlspaces I put under the stadium had no purpose aside from 'just-in-case,' which I never defined anyway, and those were used against me, damn near killing Spymaster Sumber in the process."

Juno threw a few pies herself, but despite all her military training, the first one spun off and hit a fancy silk curtain behind him. She couldn't help but watch this sexy, portly male beaver, alluringly erect, get pelted with opulent desserts her unit wouldn't dream of serving.

After several salvos of delicious, decadent cream pies, the beaver's round body was covered in confectionery. Were he to let the mess dry, he would have been frozen as a statue.

Ryoga groaned as his cock, firmly grasped and massaged by his two lovely wives, erupted into the air, pelting both Robin and Jasmine's faces, breasts, and paws with hot, whipping ropes of thick wolf cream.

Sawchuck fell to his knees, cream-covered erection bobbing as he looked to the sky through the chamber's ceiling and said, "Now I am naked and messy with the judgment of beautiful femmes, all in the eyes of Goddess. Have I earned absolution?"

The Harem fell silent, exchanging glances with none of them ready to be the first one to speak. Finally, Natasha snuck over to Juno and gently elbowed her.

Juno waddled forward, blushing as her sex buzzed and dripped between her short thighs. "By the Goddess, yes!" she cheered, then went up onto the dais and began to lick Sawchuck clean, starting at his footpaws and working upward.

The Harem came forward and several paws; rabbit, skunk, fox, and raccoon; fumbled over his erection and sac, wiping cream from it and sticking their fingers into Juno's mouth, which she passionately sucked.

The pink of his stiff shaft soon became apparent, and Juno could not help but put her mouth around it and suck it hungrily. Both beavers moaned with lust and soon Juno's face was covered in hot, musky, sticky beaver cream.

The Captain of the Seabees joyfully squeaked as Sawchuck's cock pulsed and squirted all over her nose, cheeks, and between her eyes.

She tried to lap it up as quickly as possible.

As this lusty penance came to a surging peak, the Harem Sluts quivering as they lost themselves to the sexy display, writhing and squirting, a mystic energy enveloped their mage Lydra who was dealing with a mess between her legs.

Lydra had her legs open and shot bolts of fem-cum over the cushions, then suddenly she stood up straight, hands at her sides like a dark obsidian statue.

Her eyes glowed as an otherworldly voice emanated from her mouth: "In honor of your goodwill and your efforts to right your wrongs, I thank you myself, Sawchuck. You are most deserving of a gift from on High."

Sawchuck's jaw dropped as Goddess spoke to him directly, so much so he could hardly notice Juno nursing his still-hard cock. A bolt of energy vibrated within him and he felt a renewed hardness in his groin, which returned him at once to full arousal and then kept on growing.

"Oh!" Juno exclaimed as she fell backwards to the ground.

Sawchuck's cock was, by default, a humble five inches, but then it grew to seven and then twelve and kept on growing in length and girth until the beaver had to counterweight himself with his tail.

"Oh my Goddess; what are you doing?!" Sawchuck exclaimed as his balls swelled to the size of golf balls and rested on the top of his footpaws, his shaft the width of a support beam and as long as he was tall.

The beaver fell to his knees with the throbbing monstrosity, covering his eyes since he could clearly no longer conceal himself. "What the fuck? How did I deserve this excrescence!?"

Suddenly, Sawchuck's blood ran cold as he remembered the bestower of it. "Er, not that I am... ungrateful, my Lady!" continued Sawchuck with a nervous desperation.

Lydra laughed, still glowing, and hovered into the air, walking step by step over nothingness until her footpaws reached the dais. "It is well, my child. I do not mock the earnest in My Faith. This boon comes with the power to adjust the dimensions to your desires, much like your tools. You enjoy a perfect fit, do you not, Architect?"

Lydra caressed his cheek, and with her other paw tapped the top of his erection which waggled with turgid pleasure to Sawchuck's reflexive groans.

The wolf Prince stared in amazement. "Goddess bless me; how She's blessed you!"

Sawchuck kept his eyes on Lydra. "I believe you, but ... can I test it?"

"Isn't that what it's there for?" Goddess purred.

Sawchuck stared down at his massive cock, hardly believing that this pulsing polearm of flesh was all him and all sex. He concentrated, then with a rush of energy it grew several more inches.

"Wait, hold on ..."

He focused again, and with a pleasurable tingle it returned to his normal size. One more thought, and it was back safe in his groin.

"Wow. Now I really can call it a sheath!" he cheered.

Ryoga laughed first, and the rest of the room rattled with amusement.

Juno sashayed up to him, having cleared most of his cum from her face. She extended a webbed paw and started tracing a line from his potbelly up to his chin. The other paw rubbed his belly and went South.

"So, uh, what size is good for sucking, Master Architect?" Juno purred.

Sawchuck grinned, and immediately the beaver's cock began expanding out of its sheath until it bumped her waist. "A mouthful!"

Juno squealed in lust and fell to her knees, grasping it with both paws. "Delighted!" she said, then shoved it into her mouth like a lady possessed.

The sensitivity and the lust was unworldly: every caress of her tongue, the gentle scrape of her buck teeth, the wetness of her mouth set off impulses inside him until he was seeing stars.

Sawchuck grasped the sides of her head and face-fucked her with breathless abandon, driving his large cock deep down her throat until he shivered and spurted again, stumbling back either from recoil or from fear he'd drown her.

As he pulled the shaft from her mouth, which was already overflowing and pouring cum down her breasts, the beaver's cock erupted like a geyser, crashing over her face and covering everything from her ears to her shoulders with the first few jets. Juno gargled and squealed as her lusty delight broke through what remained of her martial reserve.

At this salacious spectacle, Lydra and Goddess were thrown back to the cushions with passion, the panther spasming atop the silken folds as her cunny clenched and spurted.

Tina, Jessica, Eleanor, Sylvia, and Natasha held each other in hungry embraces while males John, Horace, and Raschid gorged themselves on the Sluts' labia, alternating between thrusting their faces and their cocks into the Harem's sweet slits, cheering and groaning alternately as juices flowed like wine.

Ryoga and his wives joined in the festivities, teasing the circle of Sluts and each other, then feasting upon the males in the room.

Ryoga laughed in lusty excitement as Horace and Raschid fucked his wives in front of him, then exclaimed in sexual joy as John took his rump, fucking him deep in front of his wives. The Princesses sucked him off while the muscular mouse pounded his rear end.

"Oh, but let me have a turn with the new boy!" Ryoga cheered as he came on Robin and Jasmine's face again, leaking himself as he dismounted John.

Sawchuck was laden with females: first Juno, then the Harem, then finally Juno and the Harem. He had a different size for every girl, and he always had a load to spare.

Tina, the wrestler skunk, could take a beating, whereas Bowmistress Natasha preferred something a bit more nimble.

The females seemed to scatter when Prince Ryoga took the stage, and when Sawchuck stuttered, "W-what can I do for you, my Liege?" the wolf kissed him on the mouth, tugged on his cock until it was big and thick, then lay the beaver down to try a most impressive dicking.

He made it about halfway until Sawchuck and himself stumbled.

"You're too big!" Ryoga complained.

"You're too tight! Gimme a moment!" countered Sawchuck as he fought to adjust accordingly.

"No, keep it large! I can take on any problem!"

"Good Goddess, Ryoga!" shouted Horace, Matron Sylvia, and his wives, all the while Goddess-nee-Lydra sobbed with laughter, "Don't tackle the problem head-on; think!"

The wolf yelped as Sawchuck's cock prodded a bend deep within him. "Never! I jump in feet first!"

It all ended in a mess, but a spectacular one.

In the afterglow, Juno lay with Sawchuck on a cushion placed over his dais of judgment, lovingly fondling his cock in the center of everyone.

Ryoga had crashed to the side with his Harem, flopped on top of most of them with John's cock across his forehead and Tina's thumb up his ass.

Horace and Sylvia cuddled up top with cute little Raschid between them.

Lydra slept curled up with her tail over her nose, not quite noticing that she was levitating three feet above anything.

Even in the casual, relaxed afterglow, Sawchuck's glee caught up with him at Juno's attentions and his cock spurted again, dappling his belly and thighs with more cum.

His eyes shot open. "Y'know, I just thought of something."

Juno moaned and pressed her plump body against his. "Round five?"

"No. Eventually! Right now, I need pencils! Paper! A straight edge!" he roared, rolling off the mattress and stumbling over cushions and bodies.

"Fuck's sake, can't we get some rest?" Raschid complained.

In spite of his reticence, the tiny fennec popped out from between Sylvia and Horace, cracked his back once, then stumbled over to a little portfolio case he'd brought "Just in case I can get some work done."

The cantankerous little fox pulled out the required elements and held them up, then ducked as Sawchuck seized them with his cock still swinging.

In a mad fit of inspiration, the beaver scribbled down the plans for a new idea. The Harem woke up one by one.

"Juno, come quick," Sawchuck exclaimed with a giggle. "Deployment boats for shore raids! Big portable docks for any ship to use any shore! Four high walls to ensure that the troops aren't hit by small arms fire, then they roar on up to the beach, front bay opens, and there's our invasion force! With the Cetans' support, we could take and hold any coast before we advance inland! That Bitch can't guard the entire shoreline!"

At this vociferous fit of military inspiration, Ryoga stirred between his slumbering wives and sleepily summoned enough strength to say with a pointed hand upstretched, "Brilliantly put! Captain Juno, take notes, arrange copies of the schematics, and we'll discuss those ideas at our meeting." At that, the Prince released his efforts and promptly collapsed with a satisfied mutter, "The joys of delegation."

As Jessica roused herself to update the prince's agenda, Bowmistress Natasha helped Juno up to the platform beside Sawchuck, the bunny handing the beaver a notepad and pencil with one hand and the other across the beaver's shoulders.

Juno shook her head. "I'm going to have to deal with this a lot, aren't I?"

Natasha shrugged, patting the short female on the shoulder. "Hey. It beats smoking!"