Country Loving: Chapter 1

Story by Lexius on SoFurry

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#1 of Country Loving

A family goes on a trip to a reunion with the son remembering back to the first time that he went and had some fun with his cousin!

"Devlin, get your stuff packed up we need to get going soon!" His mother called from downstairs making the teenage kangaroo roll his eyes, before grabbing the rest of his stuff and putting it into his backpack and grabbing the suitcase with all the clothes he'd need for the trip and the stay.

"Almost ready I just need to grab a few more things and then I'll be down." Devlin calls from the door to his room, before heading back in and grabbing the last few things like his camera and tablet. Looking around for a moment, he checks to make sure he got everything he needs, before catching himself in the mirror. Looking back was a seventeen-year-old kangaroo, part red and gray his fur was a rusty shade of oranges and reds going back into a darker gray and black from the gray kangaroo heritage. Easily five foot seven inches tall he was a bit lanky but had a decent build from his time playing soccer for the school, with soft hazel eyes. Like all kangaroo's he has the wide hips, powerful legs and digigrade feet with four toes and dark brown pads. The typical thick marsupial tail acts as a third leg or chair when moving around.

"I know you think you're hot shit Devy, but girls don't go for those fantasy crap shirts you wear." Those words shook him from the mirror to look over at his older sister, ten minutes older if you go by what she says, the kangarooess takes after their father being gray kangaroo with piercing violet eyes, but puberty hit her just like their mother with some impressive breasts and ass that he has seen all the people drool over. Being fraternal twins had its advantages and disadvantages; Devlin rolls his eyes before walking out and sticking his tongue out at her that gets a hand ruffling his black hair for a second.

"And all that Goth makeup and clothing scares all the guys away Jacqi." He teases back at her, noting the black knee length skirt with skull toe-less stockings, with a My Chemical Romance t-shirt in a similar color.

"I'll have you know I have a boyfriend already..." Adjusting her glasses, she grins letting the hallway lights glint off her snakebite piercings. "Besides he has a brother if you're interested." She teases back as they walked down the stairs, getting a glare and light shove against the wall making her chuckle.

"I'm not gay, no matter how much your perverted fantasies want to be. Besides Eva doesn't think I'm gay." He huffs, as the smirk on Jacqualine's face grows wider at what her brother just said.

"That nerdy, shy bat girl who's always in the library or alone, I knew you liked some weird stuff bro, but that is hilarious!" She cackles before hopping down the rest of the stairs before Devlin can retaliate to that remark, but the look he got from his mother and father stops him and his sister in their tracks.

"Are you two done bickering, we needed to leave ten minutes ago to avoid traffic." Their mother scowls at them before a cough from their father softens the look up.

"Connie hun, they're young adults and siblings they're going to tease each other." He said, smiling and winking to the kids. It was obvious where the two got their height with their father standing only a few inches taller than they do, while their mother was almost a foot.

"Anthony, we still need to teach them some respect for each other." She retorts back, but the scowl that was on her face was gone replaced with a playful smirk as he opens the door and waves his hand for her to leave before him. Devlin watched and easily sees his father's eyes watching that large, motherly ass and hips sway in the tight jeans and the sight of the crisp blue blouse that looked ready to bust with the large natural chest she sported.

"Woohoo, vacation and family reunion!" Jacqualine calls out before rushing to the SUV, tossing her stuff into the back and climbing into the passenger seats with Devlin following behind her, and getting into the other side as well and buckling himself up, while their parents get the rest of the stuff packed up before climbing in.

"Alright, I know it's been almost four years since we've been to my sister ranch. Please behave yourselves with your aunt Caroline, got it?" Connie asks the kids as the vehicle pulls out of the driveway and starts its five-day journey.

"Yes, mother." The twins say at the same time going back to what they are doing, Jacqi texting her friends, while Devlin pulls out his tablet and starts to play one of the games on it. The trip out of the city was uneventful with only a small traffic jam on the interstate, but they left the city limits a little after one in the afternoon. Connie leans her seat back and was taking a nap while Anthony drives, the two deciding to save on time and have one sleep and drive at night, and one during the day, while only stopping a few times at hotels to get refreshed and a better night's sleep.

Darkness comes quickly on the first leg of the trip, so they stop at a rest area to stretch and use the restrooms. With their parents switching places, the twins get back into their seats while grabbing their pillows and some blankets making a makeshift bed out of the backseat. As he drifts off to sleep, Devlin starts to remember the first time they went to their aunts' ranch where he learns about way more things than he thought he would learn.

Four years ago

It was a long drive, boring as well for the thirteen-year-old kangaroo, his sister being annoying as always and punching him in the arm every-time a certain color car would pass by. She finally stopped after he whines to their mother, but stuck out her tongue at him and gave the stink eye.

"Almost there kids, about fifteen more minutes." Their father calls out as the SUV turns onto a country road, passing through sparse forests and then through a gate until the open fields came into view and the two-story country home, in a soft white pallet.

"Looks like the others won't be here for another few weeks, so you two have a bit of time to play with your cousins before it gets too crowded and noisy." Connie says to them while glancing into the rear view mirror at them before pulling the SUV to a stop in next to their aunts' truck. Looking out the window Devlin sees his aunt standing on the porch and waving to them as they pull in, dressing in a simple plaid shirt and a pair of jeans. She is Connie's sister alright looking to be the same height, though she didn't get the breast size his mother did, she's got a wide pair of hips and ass with a bit of chubbiness to her belly. That is when Devlin saw her, his cousin Shelby being a bit taller, in his four-foot nine-inch height. She was coming out the front door onto the patio with her older brother Jevon.

Shelby dressed in some simple cutoff jeans shorts, with a white t-shirt with an image of some sort of cartoon that Devlin did not recognize, being fifteen she was a wet dream for some of the boys that see her. Puberty hitting in all the right places, cherry red hair matches the reddish fur of her body and a cute pair of glasses. Jevon, on the other hand, was eighteen and going through his Goth faze, hair dyed a deep black, with it combed over his right eye, though it seems he has a more feminine body shape with wide hips and ass, girls would die for.

"Remember kids, it may be a year since your aunt Caroline lost your uncle, so be kind and not talk about it too much unless she says something ok?" Anthony asks getting a nod from them both, and a unanimous. 'Yes, dad.' From them both as the car pulls in, stopping and the engine turned off. After a few minutes of gathering all the miscellaneous items that were scattered all over the vehicle


It was fun for both Shelby and Devlin, exploring the forest and playing while hiding from Jevon, but Jacqualine was a good distraction fawning over him and keeping his attention. Panting the two kangaroo teens continue their way into the forest, Devlin following behind his cousin looking around as the noises of the animals and normal forest sounds assault his ears.

"So where are we going, Shelby?" He asks, dodging a branch from a tree as the kangarooess giggles, looking over her shoulder and turning slightly.

"My little hideout, my father found it and built a little fort for me in a barn a little bit in the woods, but still on the property." Cresting over a small hill, Shelby smiles down and offers her hand to Devlin, helping him up. "Just a little further now, both Jevon and mom know where it is, so if something happens they can find us." She explains.

Nodding as Shelby helps him up before a small root catches his foot and stumbles into his cousin muzzle and face smashing into her tits as he blushes, both moving away quickly and giggling nervously.

"Gotta watch out for those roots Dev, they'll get you if you're not too careful." She chides giving him a light pat on the shoulder making him blush more and roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I know I'm a city boy." Trying to tag her back, she giggles and runs off, Devlin hot on her heels before then reach the small barn two stories of moss-covered wood. Shelby brushing some past and fishing out a key, then ushering Devlin inside, blinking his eyes adjust to the lower light as he makes his way in; the lower level having all sorts of knick-knacks that Shelby found in the woods, hay bales line away adding some impromptu seating.

"The last one up is a knucklehead!" Shelby calls out reaching the ladder to the second floor and climbing up it deftly. Snapping out of his awe about the inside, Devlin quickly gets to the ladder climbing up to see the walls of hay bales surrounding the area, a few sleeping bags and pillows with drawing books and pencils. A table with a lamp blocks an open window that looks out into a small valley looking beautiful in the noonday sun.

"It's my private place really, I come here to be alone and draw or just a quiet place to relax." She was sitting on one of the sleeping bags, lightly curled up as she looks to the window before she lets out a yawn. "Mmmm maybe we should rest for a bit hmm?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, stay out of the heat of the day and relax." Devlin agrees before settling down himself on the other sleeping bag. Ruffling rises into the air as Shelby slips further down, slipping into a small state of sleep before his eyes closed and he drifts off quickly and surprisingly to himself. It was weird for him, the dreams started off normal everyday activities but then they started to focus more on his cousin Shelby, and the feeling of her chest against his muzzle when he tripped earlier in the day. He experienced these kinds of dreams before after all puberty was in full swing, but the attraction to his cousin was a bit confusing.

In the dreams they were exploring each other, slowing taking off clothes to look at the differences they had, thought their schools' sexual education helped with that but seeing them up close, for both of them was more of wonder and taboo exhilaration. Stirring a bit, the dream started to add more sensations to it, good and pleasurable, more realistic than he's felt before, drawing him into more conscious awareness.

"Mmpfh...." Blinking awake, Devlin looks up and shifts a bit getting a good look down his body to see the tent in his pants from the dream, but what surprised him was blocking his sight of the tent in his pants. Shelby's two big foot paws, who did not notice his waking gaze as she blushes and stares down at the covered erection of her cousin as her toes squeeze over it. Keeping still, Devlin watches as his cousin leans over and starts to fiddle with his pants, till the tenting boxers push out through making her gasp at the sight of the lightly throbbing erection. It was then Devlin realized why she was using her feet, he was laying on her tail, at some point rolling over on it. Closing his eyes quickly so Shelby does not see him watching, as she looks over making sure he is not awake.

Luckily, for Devlin, his boxers were the kind not to have a button over the fly, so Shelby was able to use her toes and feet to move around his erection until it pushes through the opening. Biting his bottom lip to keep from gasping out, those feet just moving him around to free the length bringing more pleasure than he thought possible. It took all his effort not to arch his hips up against Shelby's wonderful paws; it felt like she kept care of them really well with the pads super soft and silky. What happened next surprised Devlin as Shelby got a devious smile on her lips, toes curling around the throbbing length of her cousin.

Starting to stroke along Devlin lengths, the female roo uses her toes and pads in an unexpected way along the twitching length using the precum that leaks from the tip to help lube it up, once the slickness of the length was to her satisfaction. Using her toes as effortlessly as her fingers, she started to stroke the cock. To Devlin it's like she did this before, knowing just what part of her pads to use, how to squeeze and where to rub teasing out more precum from her cousin. It was not going to be long for Devlin as he was inexperienced in all thing sexual, only having started exploring his sexuality a few years earlier.

Biting his lip was all Devlin could do to keep from moaning, or gasping out from the pleasure coursing through his body. Who know that you could use paws to do this instead of hands, but it was not the time to think on that, as his breathing gets heavier.

"Oh boy...." He hears Shelby whisper as her paws pick up the pace, teasing his cock tip and spreading the copious amount of precum around the slick length, as he catches glimpses of her hand going down to the crotch of her own pants, and slipping down into them to rub there. With a louder groan than he wanted too, Devlin's hips push up against those wonderful paws as the arcs of his seed shoot up and splatter against his cousin's toes and pads. She rubs him some more to coax out the rest of his load, before quickly getting back into position to look like she is sleeping.

"Wha...."Devlin acts groggy as he sits up seeing his deflating dick out of his shorts, he blushes and pushes back into his clothing. "Must have had a wet dream..." He says to himself, before rolling a bit to get off Shelby's tail, and laying back down. He didn't know how long he fell asleep for but the sound of Joven calling out to them to come out and home for dinner jerk him and Shelby away, an awkward chuckle between the two and they got up to go back for dinner.


A movement against him brought Devlin out of his memories as he felt a familiar feeling against his groin, looking across the seat at his sister, the two still covered in the blanket, she gives him a knowing grin and holds up a finger in a 'be quiet' gesture. That is when he felt it, her soft foot-paws were teasing over the tent in the shorts that he got from thinking back to that time at the ranch. This time though, the male knew what was happening and what he wanted, luckily it being dark in the vehicle and under blankets. He wiggles his hips before reaching down to push down his pants and underwear letting his cock spring free against his sister's paws.

Grinning to Jacqualine, who blinks at her brother as he angles his hips to guide the length between the rooess' soft foot-paws. Catching what he was doing Jacqualine cups her paws in a way so the tip bumps one soft pad, as the other caresses down the length as he starts to buck against both the wonderful foot-paws. With their position, they can keep an eye on their parents so they do not look back at what they are doing, but just in case Devlin's movements are subdued rocking his hips slowly and grinding deliberately against Jacqualine's foot-paws, which he feels her pressing and curling her toes to help pleasure him in the way she knows how.

It is a quick affair, as Devlin has to turn his head and muffle his groan of pleasure into his pillow as his length twitches and starts to pump his seed out onto his sister's foot-paws, soft quiet panting comes from him as he feels Jacqi's feet moving away. The teen grabbing his pants and slipping them back on after adjusting himself again, as he drifts off to sleep only for his dreams to go to the first time actually having sex, with his cousin Shelby no less.


Tossing and turning, Devlin could not get to sleep the events of the day running through his mind and the tenting in his pajamas making it hard for him. Shifting a bit, the young kangaroo looks at the clock on the bedside table. '1 a.m.' He rolls his eyes before sitting up and looking around, moonlight shining through the window adding an eerie glow across the room, eyes adjusting, though a soft sound catches his ears as he concentrates to hear it.

'Ooh, Devvy.' He hears coming from Shelby's bed, slowly getting up to look and sees that in her sleep she's knocked the covered off of her lithe body showing the silhouetted form only clothed in a white t-shirt and a pair of panties. Devlin's cheeks flush as he can see the wet spot on her panties, giving him an idea of what she's dreaming about but his curiosity gets the better of him. Slowly climbing up onto the bed making sure not to rouse his cousin he moves closer to the intriguing place, nose twitching when that musky scent hits him. Smelling it only one time before earlier in the day when she gave him a foot-job, bringing him back to the present with the throb in his pajamas.

Pushing his pants down, letting his erection pop free into the air with a bead of precum dripping down onto the floor as the young roo reaches down to give his length a stroke. Biting his lip to hold back the soft hiss of pleasure from stroking his length, a shift on the bed bringing him back to the present and making him freeze as Shelby sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Devvy? What are you doi....." She asks sleepily before her vision clears enough to see the younger roo holding his dick in one of his paws, both kangaroo's blush as they stay in that position for a moment.

"I can explain! I wa..." Stammering away Devlin did not catch his cousin leaning over and pulling him further onto the bed with their bodies colliding a bit as she giggles to his cuteness and shyness.

"I had a feeling you had the hots for me, just by the way you kept staring at me. I had a feeling you were awake this afternoon. I wanted to see what you'd do if I kept going." A grunt came from Devlin as his cousin moves under him, his still hard dick pressing against her belly and getting it messy with the precum drooling down from the tip. The coolness of the night helped with the burning in Devlin's cheeks as he lies over Shelby like that, the two holding motionless for a moment, letting it all sink in.

"So do you want to?" Is all Shelby asks, looking into her cousin's eyes for that brief second then back down to his erection.

Uh..yeah..sure." Devlin beside himself at her asking that the teenager looking down and lifting himself up to figure out what to do next. "So uh, what's next?"

"Well let me get my panties off." Shelby says matter-of-factually, though her giggle was reassuring and unnerving at the same time. The thoughts of if she's done this before crossed his mind before the shifting on the bed brings him back to the present as Shelby reaches down to pull her panties off and toss them onto the floor. Looking down Devlin could not see much detail, as the interestingly shaped shared room, made it to where turning on the light would wake Jevon and Jacqualine down below them. A touch to his chin gets Devlin's attention back, Shelby holding up a finger to her muzzle in a 'Shh' motion, getting a nod from the male. Kicking off his pajama bottoms the two move a bit, trying to find a position that is comfortable for them both.

"Oh!" Devlin gasped as they settled for him straddling her thick tail in the missionary position, his cock tip spreading her folds open with some guidance. It was unlike anything he felt before, warm, wet; with muscles gripping him in a way that he could not form into words if asked to describe it, just that it felt good. It seems like forever as he held there with the first few inches in Shelby's nether regions, opening his eyes Devlin gets a good look at the moonlight lighting up her face and he can tell that she is feeling the same way. A shuddering breath from both as his hips push forward, sinking into her bit by bit, inch by inch in a steady motion till his groin and hers meet in a soft, muffled smack. The teenagers hold tight to each other as her fluttering muscles and his twitching length continue to send new signals and sensations to their brains.

"Jevon was right." Was the first word whispered from Shelby's mouth, before her arms curls over Devlin's shoulder, pulling him down against her while sharing an intimate kiss. Hips start to rock against one another, causing the kiss to muffle the moans of pleasure coming from the two as their hormones get the best of them and they start to get into a hurried pace. He loves the feel of his shaft pushing through those muscled walls as the warm, wetness squeezed down on him, only to relent as he pulls back an inch or two. Luckily, for the two the bed did not use springs so the only noise was the muffled slaps of furred hips, with Devlin's balls lightly clapping against Shelby's ass on harder thrusts.

Minutes seemed to stretch on for hours as the two cousin's rock and buck against one another, neither one wanting to give the other any less then what they were giving. Luckily as a forceful batch of thrusting causes Devlin to slip out of Shelby's wonderful depths, it causes him to grind up against her clit in the inward thrust; the sudden sensation sent her over the edge and buried her muzzle into Devlin's arm to keep from screaming in pleasure. It was a weird thing for Devlin as well, pulling out too far to slip out and thrust back in, only to slide up along her slit. The motion helps to push the teen-aged roo, who was already at the edge, over it and coat both his belly and hers with the few spattering of seed, leaving the lewd warmth to cool in the night.

Rolling over onto the bed next to her, the two shiver from the aftershocks rocking their bodies, slowly curling into each other to spoon and enjoy the afterglow first, sleep quickly overtaking Shelby, who's shaky breath becomes more even as the minutes pass, lulling Devlin into his own sleep with a soft smiling yawn. In the coming morning, Devlin would find out that it was not Shelby's first time, and learning who she gave that too was a trip and a half for him.


The next week was a blur for Devlin, other family members arriving throughout the week making the ranch a little more crowded and noisy, but fun nonetheless seeing aunts, uncles, and even cousins for the first time. Though the one thing Devlin was looking forward to most was Shelby taking him to see who she had sex with the first time, she told him that they were family friends and she had caught sight of them doing it, before being caught herself. The ranch was located a mile down the road from the small town of Stone-Quartz, the two of them getting permission to ride bikes into town.

"Oh come on Shelby, slow down!" Devlin huffs out, trying to keep up with his cousin on the bikes, though the sight he was getting with her ass facing him, filling out the shorts she was wearing made it difficult to peddle as the kangarooess looks back at him with a grin and a giggle.

"Gonna let a girl beat you Devy?" She teases, stopping just enough to shake her ass at him before kicking off again and speeding up ahead, only to find Devlin catching up to her quite quickly, their antics slowing down as they make it into town, waving to the folks perusing the town on the fine Saturday. It was nearing noon as they turn a corner and Shelby slows down to a stop in front of an antique store.

"What's Balfyre's Belfry?" He mainly says to himself as they lock the bikes up, before looking at his cousin. He had to admire she knew how to dress to tease if she was trying at all; A light blue tank-top fit perfectly over her breasts while leaving her midriff open and the mid-thigh shorts hugging her hips and ass better than he could have imagined.

"Yeah! The Balfyre's are great, they've known my mom for years, helped her out a lot as well." Shelby says gripping the handle to the entrance as they enter, a bell ringing above them to signal costumers entering the building, the scent of older items mixes with a wonderful, sweet citrus smell was weird to Devlin but pleasing none the less.

Devlin's eyes open wide as he looks through the crack of the door, mouth opening in a silent gasp as he sees Shelby bending down to remove her jean shorts and panties. Now only in her camisole shirt, the owner of the antique store helps her up onto the table behind her, with his older body coming into view and the impressive shaft of his jutting out in his erect state. Devlin knew of bats endowments down below, but this surprised him even more. The length from his view was easily close to ten inches long, but Shelby did not seem scared by it, though she was adventurous and try new things. He could not hear what they were saying as he watched, though seeing Shelby use her foot-paws to play over that thick, fore-skinned length before the elder bat takes her ankles in his wing-hands and spreads her legs. Shelby's legs obscure most of the penetration, but he was surprised at something else.

"Arousing isn't it?" A husky voice whispers into his ear, as wing arms curl around from behind to give the tent in his pants a teasing grope; easily recognizing the voice of Mrs. Balfyre the wife of the older bat giving Shelby a hard ride in the back room.

"They've been doing this for a while, and I love to watch. However, Shelby has never brought anyone with her, especially one so handsome. They'll be distracted for a bit, we can have our own fun." She whispers into his ear, giving his tented pants another few gropes before taking one of his arms and guides him to another room of antiques. Once in a more private place, Devlin was able to get a better look at the older woman, for her age she still looks stunning the deep auburn hair with a few streaks of gray at the front framing that canine-like muzzle of hers. She was in great shape for her age, wearing a top designed for her wing-arms for easy removal, cream in coloration with a pleated skirt going down. A hole in the back for her short tail to come through, with special magnets to keep the skirt held up without damaging her wings.

"Is this your first time?" She asks, stripping off her top and skirt showing off to Devlin that she was going bare under them, making Devlin blush but he shakes his head no to her question, before quickly removing his clothes as well eager to get with the older bat. Luckily, she put an out to lunch sign on allowing the four to do as they pleased. Once stripped of his own clothing, Devlin was able to get a better look at the older woman, with gray fur tinting around on her body, but adding to her allure, her breasts having to succumb to gravity but still having a wonderful shape to them.

"Oh wow...." The young roo mutters under his breath, as heavy feet move him towards Mrs. Balfyre, who to her credit looks like she was perfectly fine in the nude as she was wearing her clothing, but the soft embrace of her wing-arms circling him and drawing him close. That turgid erection brushing against her thigh making him shiver a bit, and her giggle as she guides him to a chair, letting him sit down first before straddling his lap.

"Got to make this quick, store needs to open back up soon." She then lowers herself down, Devlin watching as her muff, those puffy lips covered in a layer of salt and pepper hair mixing with her own auburn, engulfs his shaft. His hands go to her hips as she sinks down, letting him shiver under her as he fills her depths up wonderfully, also giving him his first taste of a woman who knows how to use her muscles and knows what she wants. It was not long before the chair starts to creak with the rocking hips as Devlin sits there speechless from the pleasure flooding his mind.

"Oh to be young again." She moans out into his tall ears, grinding down against his lap, letting the young kangaroo buck up against her as his mind starts to come back around to the present. He was having a bit of a hard time with matching her movements, while not being his first time with a girl it was his first with an older woman, especially one who knew what she wants and how she wants to be touched. Each of his movements was met with a counter of her own, adding to his pleasure and her own, while throwing him off a bit; as a result he leans forward pushing her a little as his muzzle pressed into the warm, slightly sweaty cleavage as his youth kicks into gear getting a wonderfully pleased moan from the older bat.

"Oh fuck." Is the only thing that came from Mrs. Balfyre as Devlin sits up, helping to push her back onto a handily placed table, rutting into her older body with his warm breath washing over her bouncing tits. The look that Mrs. Balfyre saw, her breasts bouncing on her chest against the youths muzzle did get a giggle out of her, followed by a louder moan of pleasure as said youth takes what he wants out of her body, and her enjoying every bit of it. It was a quick, lewd affair; Devlin's cock sawing through her hot pussy in quick motions of someone who is still new to the whole thing but knows what the end game is. That's not to say Mrs. Balfyre didn't give as good as she got, using her muscles she squeezed over that turgid cock, causing Devlin to freeze a bit when she caught him unexpectedly like that.

Lewd panting coming from him as his pace increases, rocking up against her older body with vigorous thrusts, she loved the way his balls dragged across her short tail and the way she could control his own depth with her prehensile toes around the thick, meaty tail of his. Upping the game himself, Devlin catching one of those bouncing tits in his muzzle and gives the hard nipple a few teasing bites, suckling over the nub of flesh; a gasp and arching of the back from her encouraging the kangaroo to continue his treatment to the other tit, leaving little nips along the way to it. To Devlin, this was nothing like his couple of times with Shelby, the way she squeezes him, and her general wetness adding noises, and sensations that he could not dream of feeling, it did ignite in him the flame for older women.

"That's it, fuck me....." Warm words from Mrs. Balfyre encouraging him on, getting harder thrusts that rock the table with every impact of the furred hips; the slapping getting louder, mixing with the softer 'sclhking' of his dick through her pussy. Surprising him in this go around, lasting longer than he did with Shelby the couple of times they did it, but his mind blanks on him by the tight clamping of muscles around his shaft, and the sudden splash of wetness against his groin. The thought forms in the pleasure clouded mind that Mrs. Balfyre just climaxed around him, which then surges the confidence to continue giving her a hip slamming round of thrusts that someone in their prime could muster up. The reaction he got from that was even better, the muscles clamping and relaxing quickly and randomly around his length as he unknowingly draws out that orgasm.

"FUCK!" The older lady barks out in pure pleasure, the bottom lip being bitten as she tries to hold back the moans of ecstasy welling up out of her, but that orgasm ripping through her body takes her breath away. The quiet little fantasy of giving herself to some strapping young lad in this way fulfilled, while her husband is in the other room rutting her partners' cousin like a cheap whore. It was not until she felt the young balls that slapped her ass, start to pull closer, and the breathing change to the tale-tell one of a male on the edge reminding her of the danger that she still could get pregnant. That thought gets ripped out of her mind quickly as another, smaller orgasm shoots up her spine, causing her body to arch into Devlin, toes curling tightly into his tail and tugging him closer telling him in that instinctive way to spread his seed in her and get her pregnant.


The slight jerking of the car brought Devlin out of his reprieve to see the sight of a hotel out of the front of the SUV. The past couple of days have been a roller coaster of memories for Devlin, coupled with his sister being as annoying as ever with her texting her boyfriend and making faces at him when he would mention something. Towards the last leg of the journey to this hotel, she took up the old game of punch-buggy but added a slight twist of claiming some weird sight, or something otherwise to get his attention and make him look out the window on her side, garnering as punch to the arm as a result.

"Alright kids, we've got about half a day's drive till we get to the ranch, so we'll be staying in a hotel this last time, we only got one room so you'll have to share a bed....." Anthony flicks an ear, holding up a hand to silence the whining coming from the two. "Ah ah ah! I don't want to hear any words from you two, or I'll make you both sleep on the floor got it?" He asks, looking to the two scowling faces.

"Is that clear?" The siblings both grumble a yes, and a nod from them as he turns back around to his wife, smiling and the sounds of shuffling items, as four doors are opened and then closed as the quartet makes their way into the room on the second story. All four of them being a bit sleep deprived from the drive, so a quick change into bedclothes, just some simple shorts for Devlin, and they quickly passed out on their respective beds. A few yawns and some soft goodnights, the family turns off the lights.

"Hey, you still awake?" The soft voice of Jacqualine causes Devlin to turn around in bed softly and look over to his sister, the soft light coming from the moon through the window, giving her an eerie look.

"I am now." He says with a slight yawn, which get a light shove to his chest from his sister as she sits up on her right elbow, giving him a good view of the light top she is wearing to sleep. Noticing that his sister is pretty stacked up top, getting that from their mother, and the indentations in the shirt of her nipples, making Devlin question the temperature of the room or other thoughts running through his head.

"I had fun the other day...." If he had better light, the kangaroo would see his sister blushing a bit as she remembers a few days ago in the car; thought the thump of her heavy tail helped to solidify what she meant. Devlin ears perking up a bit when he hears those words, a thump from his own tail as he remembers; a weird family trait, when they get excited for any reason their tails thump against whatever, or where ever they are. A cough from him, as he looks over his shoulder at their parents, their own bed not two feet from them, before his attention brought back to Jacqualine.

"I did too...." He trails off a bit, before smiling. "You and Eva are the only ones who really know about it, and indulge me in it." What light coming through the window illuminated the smile on Jacqi's muzzle; for all the teasing, she did to him about his sexuality she knew what he was and loved him either way. Folding her ears back quickly as Devlin leaned in and gave a kiss to her lips in a way no brother should, but she was used to his forwardness with her, and it sent a shiver down her spine when he did it.

"While we could have gotten caught in the car, there was a lot more noises to mask that." Jacqi winks to her brother, returning the kiss. "Now let's go to sleep, got a big week ahead of us, and a lot of catching up to do." She states, a soft groan coming from Devlin as the thought of Shelby and the family reunion coming up in the next day. Closing his eyes, Devlin quickly falls asleep to the thoughts of what's to come.


To Be Continued
