Clan wars

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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Marcus clutched his bleeding shoulder, and leaned against a large oak tree. He looked up at the moon high above his green eyes shimmering gold for a moment. He looked down at his shoulder and lifted his hand to look at the deep gash under it. He heard the sound of rustling behind him, and he looked behind himself, and took off running deeper into the forest. Branches and thorns tore into his clothes, scraping him up, but not slowing him down as he barreled through the underbrush. He didn't turn have to see them, he knew what was behind him, and they were getting close. He growled to himself, thinking about what had happened to get him out here in the first place, alone and vulnerable. The man didn't have time to think about that now; he needed to run, to get away, to hide! His eyes darted around for anything he could use to his advantage. He heard the sound of running water, his head snapped in its direction, and he saw something shimmer in the distance.

[A river!] Marcus thought. The man dashed through the trees to the river bank, he looked up and down the shallow river bed, trying to see if there was anyone or thing there before he jumped down into it. He looked over his shoulder to see if there was anyone fallowing him before he started to run down river, keeping the moon to his back. He looked over his shoulder, and he saw something moving behind the brush where he'd just come from. He spotted a hollowed out log just big enough for him to squeeze into, on the opposite river bank, and ducked into it. He took long slow breaths trying to calm his pulsing heart, and stay as quiet as possible. A large grizzly bear burst through the brush into the river bed. As the two legged creature sniffed the air; Marcus slowly slid his hand down to his belt He wrapped his hand around the handle of his silver knife, and carefully drew it from its sheath. The moon light must have bounced off the silver knife as he did, because he saw a glimmer of light hit the bear's fur and its head snap in his direction. His grip tightened around the handle of his knife, as he stared into the black bear's brown eyes, getting ready to fight if it saw him. There was the sound of a roar in the distance, like a call to arms, and the black bear ran off in it's direction.

Marcus sighed with relief as he watched the black bear disappear into the woods. He scooted out from under the hollow log, and made his way over to the river bed. He slipped off his leather jacket, and laid it on a nearby stump. He squatted down next to the stream, and took off his white tank top. He ran his arm over his hairy chest, before he gripped the shirt in his teeth, and tore it into long strips. He dipped one of them in the water, and started to clean out his wound. He had to keep from screaming out in pain, as he scraped silver shavings from the wounds, his skin sizzling as the brushed against it, and fell to the ground. "Damn it!" he softly shouted. He cleaned out his wound the best he could, before he took the extra pieces of his shirt, and wrapped them around his shoulder and wound the best he could. He put back on his jacket and started to head back down the river. The farther he walked, the more his heart pumped, and the faster the silver worked its way through his body, slowly destroying him from the inside out. He groaned in pain as he felt a strange burning feeling start to crawl under his skin, he couldn't keep this up for much longer, and he knew it. He walked around a bend in the river, and an old rotten wagon bridge came into view. The bridge looked like it was about ready to fall apart, it was clear it hadn't been used in years, but Marcus figured it had to lead somewhere.

When he reached the bridge, he climbed out of the river bank and onto the old over grown road. He started to hobble along the path, clutching his shoulder, trying to keep the scent of blood from the air and them off his trail. Marcus walked for the next several minutes until he reached the end of the road, an old over grown farm house, with two weathered grave markers in the front yard. "How fitting..." He mumbled under his breath. He dashed towards the house, ran up the steps to the door, and reached out to open it.

Suddenly saw something glint in the light, and had just enough time to move to the side, as a large set of silver tipped claws came down, and slashed a set of claw marks into the door. He spun around and managed to unsheathe his knife, before another swipe oh the beasts paw came down, and slash open his hand. Marcus screamed out in pain, and tried to scramble for the knife, but the beast pinned him down, and stood over him. He looked up at the large grizzly bear above him, and his face turned into a wicked snarl. The man snarled at the bear, and snapped his jaws at him, trying in vain to bite the grizzly, as he struggled to get away. The bear opened his mighty jaws, and spittle dribbled from his large fangs. Marcus saw the bear's nose twitch, his jaw close, and a look of confusion come over the grizzly's face. The bear leaned in, and sniffed Marcus's neck. The bear looked deeply into the man's dark green eyes, and Marcus looked back at him with anger. "Come on do it Dirt Blood!" Shouted Marcus, wanting this torment to just end.

But the bear's brown eyes just stared into Marcus's. The grizzly let out a soft grunt, not like something about to eat a big meal, but like a mother bear talking to one of her cubs. Then its brown eyes turned a light shade of blue. "Marcus?" The bear softly asked.

Marcus looked up at the bear with shock, and managed to mutter. "How... how do you know my name?" Before he passed out, and everything went dark.


Marcus let out a soft groan, as he started to wake up, and his mind slowly came out of its fog. He looked around the room he was now in, and tried to figure out where he was. He was lying on a queen sized bed with a brass frame, with a old quilted bed spread. There was a glowing fire in the fire place at the end of the bed, with a fresh pile of wood staked next to it. To his left there was a four section single pane window; he squinted his eyes, to see through it, into the over grown yard, where he saw the two grave markers from the night before. He cocked his head to the side, and looked at them confused. [How did I get in here?] He thought.

He looked down at his grey and white furred chest, and pulled back the covers to see his grey furred legs, and almost naked body, his boxers the only piece of clothing on his body. Marcus tried to get up, but as soon as he tried to move a searing pain shot through his shoulder, making him blubber in pain. He reached up, and ran his paw over his shoulder, he looked down in shock, someone had bandaged him up in the night. Questions started to buzz through his head, [Why am I naked? Who stitched me up? When did I change into wolf form, and why am I still like this in the middle of the day? It always wears off in my sleep if I don't change back first?]

But he didn't have much time to think about that now, his pointed ears twitched, and his wolfen muzzle grew into a snarl, as he heard heavy foot falls coming towards him. The wolf sat up the best he could in the bed, and he extended his claws. The door opened, and the wolf's eyes widened when he saw who was standing there.

It was a large man; he had a barreled muscled chest, broad strong shoulders, large powerful arms, and a rounded stomach. He was covered in a thick coat of hair, which stuck out from everywhere. He had on a black leather vest that showed off his thick coat of black chest hair and matching black bristly beard, a pair of blue jeans, and black leather cowboy boots. But the thing that caught Marcus's attention, more than anything, were those calm blue eyes, eyes he'd seen a thousand times before. Instantly the snarl faded from Marcus's muzzle, and he re-tracked his claws. "Sam?" He asked confused. He looked down at his fur covered body, and he started to panic. "Look I can explain." He grabbed the sheets, and tried to cover his body, groaning in pain as he agitated the wound on his shoulder. "See I..." he was cut off when Sam walked over to him, put his hand on the wolf's chest, and made him to lay back down.

"Relax baby. I don't want to pull out your stitches, you need another night to heal." Said Sam. He pulled out a mini flash light from his pocket, and shined it in the wolf's eyes checking his pupil response. "Now I had to give you wolfsbane to make you shift, so you could heal faster." He slipped the light in his pocket, and started to check over Marcus for anything he might have missed. "And don't even think of trying to turn back right now, you'll only hurt yourself further. Now I cleaned out most of the silver shavings from your wound, but how you got them in a wound like that is beyond me." Sam reached over to the night stand next to the bed, grabbed a hot mug of tea from it, and held it to Marcus's lips. "Here drink this, its ginger root tea; it should help with the pain. Oh and I added some Jamaican Dogwood extract and milk thistle, to knock you while the effects of the silver wear off, and to help detox the silver from your body." Sam tilted the mug up, and the wolf started to drink. "In a normal human the dogwood wouldn't have such a effect, but its properties are amplified with your unique metabolism." Sam explained.

When Marcus finished, Sam set the mug down, and cupped the side of the wolf's face. The man smiled down at him, and Marcus looked back up at him still confused. "How do you know all this? Why aren't you freaked out to see me like this? And how the hell did you even know where to find me?" Marcus asked.

Sam sighed softly, and took a hold of Marcus's bandaged paw. A look of shame came over his face, and he looked at the wolf. "Because, I was the one that gave you this."

Marcus stared up at him, a mixture of fear, anger, and confusion on his face. [Sam isn't one of them is he?] He thought. [He can't be a Dirt Blood!] The wolf closed his eyes and shook his head. He felt the Dogwood starting to take effect, making his eyes grow heavy. He mumbled something along the lines of "You can't be a fucking Dirt Blood..." before his body went limp, and he fell into a comatose like state. Sam crawled up onto the bed next to Marcus; he wrapped his powerful arms around the wolf's sleeping form, laid his head on Marcus's chest, and just held him.

As Marcus slept his mind tried to bog through what was happening. His boyfriend couldn't be one of those bears could he? That would explain why he always smelled bear on his clothes while he did laundry. Sam'd always played it off as something that had rubbed off from the gym, but it was coming straight from the tap. Maybe it was partly his fault, he'd always been so lucky, Sam had always been busy around his time of the month, It had never crossed Marcus's mind that it was because Sam was a Were, too.

A few hours later he wakened from his state, and sat up the best he could. He looked out at the bright full moon outside the window, and then under the bandages on his shoulder. The wound was a little pink, still, but otherwise healed. On a normal man this would have taken weeks to heal, but with a little help, cuts like that were just flesh wounds. His nose twitched as the familiar smell of cigar smoke rolled through his nose. The wolf sat up in the bed, laying his back against the head board, and looking to the cloud of smoke raising above the large leather chair in the far corner. He saw a pair of brown stubby ears poking above the back of the chair, and judging from the shadow on the wall, the bear had his feet up, and was holding a book in his paws. Marcus saw the bears ears twitch, and then he heard the book snap shut.

"Were you ever planning on telling me?" The bear asked, his gruff voice resonating through the room. He bear stood up from the char, still wearing the cloths from the day before. He adjusted his reading glasses, and crossed his arms. "Well, Marcus?"

The wolf's ears lowered to his head, and his tail curled around his leg. "Well I er... that is." The wolf paused for a moment, and thought about it for a second. Defensive anger started to bubble up inside him. The same could be said of Sam, he thought. His face grew into a snarl, and he snapped it the bear. "Well, why didn't you tell me?" He barked at the bear.

Sam sat on the edge of the bed, and placed his paw on Marcus's leg. "I was waiting until we moved in together." Sam took off his glasses, and rubbed his temple before he looked back at the wolf. "But I guess this is why you were so hesitant. Though I do get why you didn't fight me on the condoms now, like most of my exes from the past did." He chuckled, and rolled his eyes. "Looking back though I guess they were kind of a waste, since you already have what I got. Well... a form of it anyway."

The wolf growled at Sam. "I'm glad you can find something funny in this. From where I'm sitting, we're not in the best of places." He looked away and his ears flattened to his head. "I mean if our clans find out about us were fucked, they'll kill us on the spot."

Sam nodded, and he crawled up next to Marcus. He pulled the smaller wolf into his side, and he started to rub his ears like he knew Marcus likes. "I can't say for sure, but I don't think my clan would do that. But something like this has never happened." He bent down, and kissed the wolf on the top of the head. "Look, sugar lips, I'll protect you, and I won't let them near us."

Marcus murred softly at the ear rub, and then looked up at Sam's bearded face. "But how do you know?" He looked down, and then back up at Sam. "How do you know they won't hunt us down, and gut us like deer?"

The bear sighed softly, and tapped his head against the back bed bored. "I don't." He said. "But I'm sure as hell gonna put up a fight if they do." He leaned down, and nosed Marcus's cheek. "At the moment, they think you are dead, so that should buy us some time to get out of the woods. I brought them your bloody clothing and told them I 'took care' of you." Sam smiled softly. "Don't worry; I made sure I kept your favorite jacket. I know how much you love that thing." The bear said with a chuckle.

The wolf smiled softly, and rolled his eyes. "God, you're never going to let me live that trip to Colorado down, I jump in one river after my jacket and I never hear the end of it."

The bear cocked one of his eye brows. "Are you forgetting it wasn't a river in Colorado, but it was The Colorado River?"

The wolf chuckled. "Just a technicality honey buns." He paused for a second, and smiled. "At least now I know why you have a strong craving for honey."

"Now I know why someone loves to eat his steaks raw." Replied Sam.

There was a long awkward pause that clung to the air, before Marcus asked the question that had been playing on both of their minds. "Can we really stay together?"

Sam cupped the side of Marcus's face, and pressed their cold black noses together. "Baby." The bear said. "I love you, and I'm not going to let you slip through my fingers like that. We didn't start this war, it was some old fools centuries ago, and were just the new batch of soldiers for the slaughter. Hate has caused so much pain in that time, the countless deaths of born ins and bite ins, on both sides, but" the bear placed his paw over the wolfs heart "Love like ours is stronger than anything hate can throw at us. Love creates life, it doesn't take it away. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to fight for our love, no matter what the cost."

A few tears ran down Marcus's cheeks, as a smile grew across his muzzle. "I am, too."

Sam smiled back at his wolf, and he gently kissed Marcus' lips, and hugged him tight. "Good." He nosed the crook of the Marcus's neck, and gave him a little lick on the cheek. Sam grabbed a set of blankets from beside the bed, and spread them over the two of them. They rolled onto their sides, so that Marcus's back was to Sam's chest. The bear laid his head in the crook of Marcus's neck, and started to rub the wolf's stomach. "I thought I lost you, ya know?" Sam said. The bear closed his eyes, and cuddled into Marcus. "When I saw that gash in your shoulder, and that silver shavings coated in it, I was so scared." Sam paused for a moment, and then licked the wolf's cheek. "What were you doing out here alone? Don't you know the bears own these woods? The lines are pretty clear."

The wolf's ears laid flat against his head, his tail curled around his leg. "It was a punishment, I had to choose between coming out here, or being the alpha's bitch for the weekend." Marcus cuddled back into the bear behind. "And I didn't want to cheat on you, so I decided to come out here, thinking I could just get in and out." Marcus whimpered, and closed his eyes. "They forgot to tell me they were going to wound me first. They wanted to make sure I 'remembered' not to cross the alpha ever again. They drove me out here, beat me up, cut open my shoulder, and smeared silver shavings from inside a shotgun shell inside of my wound. Then they kicked me and told me to run."

"What did you do to him?" Asked Sam.

Marcus sniffled, and looked down. "I spilled my beer on him."

A snarl grew across Sam's face and he sat up on one of his elbows. "They left you to die for something trivial like that?"

"I'm only a Bite In, I don't have much say in what they make me do or do to me. I'm only a grade above a female or a neuter."

Sam nodded, and cuddled into Marcus's back. "A practical death sentence is a little harsh." The bear laid his head between Marcus's ears, and nuzzled his beard into the top of the wolf's head. "When were you bitten in?"

"I was fifteen." Marcus replied. "You know how bad my home life was, with my dad's drinking problem and all, but there are a few things I left out when I told you about it. I started doing anything I could to get out of that house, everything from hanging out with the stoners in front of Mooby's, to just laying in the park until the street lights came on. One day someone from my school came up to me from out of the blue and started to chat me up. I'd seen him around before, he ran with a group of people that mostly kept to themselves, only working with other people when they had to. So when he invited me to start hanging out with them, I was kind of hesitant, but it kept me away from my dad, so I took him up on the offer." Marcus cleared his throat, and rubbed his eyes. Re-living his past was painful for him. "For the first time in a long time I felt safe. Running with a pack like that just felt so right. They started saying how much they wanted me to stick around, and how I should join them; and that's when they invited me to a party. Now up until this point they hadn't let me hang out with them after dark, I always pushed the subject trying to let me hang out with them, but they'd always said no. So needless to say, I said yes." The wolf looked away and sighed. "That was the night I saw what they really were for the first time, and the night they turned me. I let them do it willingly of course, thinking it would grant me my freedom, not make me more of a prisoner." Marcus said, a slight sadness to his voice. He cuddled back into the bear behind him. "So, bear butt, what about you?" The wolf asked trying to change the subject off himself.

Sam rolled his eyes, and chuckled softly at the new nickname. "I wasn't, both of my parents were Werebears, so I was born into it." Said Sam. "My dad likes to brag about how our blood line can be traced back to the first Werebear, but to me it just sounds like he's boasting about inbreeding."

Marcus laughed, and he turned his head to look at Sam, a wide smile on his muzzle. "Awww how sweet! My honey bear is a pure breed! Maybe I should get you a nice new collar and see if I can enter you into the dog show."

The bear cocked one of his eye brows. "Don't push your luck, I just might have to get you a collar made of wolfsbane and keep you around the house as my fuck puppy."

The wolf's ears perked up, and a blush grew across his face. He smiled softly, and licked the bear's cheek. "You know." Marcus said an excited tone to his voice. "That would be a fun thing to try." He laid his head back down on the pillow. "Just a whole day of playing pet to my big bear. A whole day of massaging you, worshiping you, you fucking me, and sucking your cock, until your balls are so empty, you shoot dust."

A wide smile grew across Sam's muzzle, and a primal growl resonated in his chest, as those sweet words passed through his stubby ears. "You know, now that we don't have to worry about infecting each other, we can be more spontaneous." He nosed the crook of Marcus's neck before he started to playfully nibble down to the wolf's shoulder. "Like that time at your boss's wedding, instead of settling for a BJ, I could have fucked you against the wall like a horny priest and his altar boy. Plus it's gonna be nice to go all out while I'm pounding that sweet ass of yours. Let the real snarling beast I am out, and show you what I can really do."

Marcus's tail lifted to one side, so his bare grey rump could rub against that denim cage keeping Sam's cock locked away. "Well what's stopping you from showing him to me now?"Asked Marcus a seductive tone to his voice. "Besides I know what happens to us were's when we change, and I'm curious to know what you're packing down there now... I mean you were big before but I can only image what you're like now."

Sam let out a lustful growl, and grinded his crotch back against the wolf's cute bubble butt. "Oh, I guess I'm just gonna have to show you." The bear gently rolled Marcus on his stomach, and then he straddled the wolf's back. The bear nipped the tip of one of Marcus's ears, before he cocked his head to the side, and began kissing his way down the back of the wolf's neck. Sam's free paw snuck down to his belt buckle, stealthily undid his large brass belt buckle, and he wiggled out of his jeans, letting them pool at the end of the bed. The bear started to kiss his way down between Marcus's shoulder blades, as he traced one of his claws down the wolf's side, making his skin tingle under that thick grey fur.

Marcus let out a soft whimper of pleasure and fear, as he started to think about how big that monster between his boyfriend's legs could have grown. The wolf rested his head on his arms, as he tried to look back over his shoulder to catch a peek at what he was in for... well what was about to go into him. He bit his lower lip, and he felt his sheath start to tighten as his cock inside started to stir, as memories of the first time he took those eight inches filled his head, that overwhelming pleasure, and then the three days of pain that followed. Granted he did learn to take it like a pro, but now he was going to have to learn all over again, for all he knew, the bear cock have a horse fucker between his legs. He closed his eyes tight, and bit down on his pillow, as he waited for what was about to cum.

Sam was at Marcus's lower back this point, he gave it a playful lick, before he wrapped his finger around the waistband of the wolf's boxers, and slowly pulled them down, letting them rest just under those fuzzy grey cheeks. He placed his paws on the wolf's cheeks, and slowly spread them open. A shiver of desire ran up his spine, as that tight pink ring of flesh came into view. The bear licked his lips, and buried his muzzle between those two fuzzy cheeks. His cold wet nose brushed against that hot pucker, making Marcus shiver, before his long ursine tongue rolled from his maw, and dragged across that anal star. Sam grunted softly, and his tongue started to slurp at that pristine hole, covering it with a thick coat of saliva.

Marcus let out a loud moan of pleasure as he felt that tongue assault his tailhole. Now this was regular foreplay for the two of them, but his tongue was thicker, and it was rough, not like sand paper, but more like a well used cutting bored, with deep ridges, and fine points that dragged into that soft flesh, making him whimper with pleasure. The wolf's eyes shot open, and snapped back shut, as he felt that thick tongue stretch open his pink ring of flesh, and sink into him. That skilled tongue knew just where to go inside of the wolf, it pushed up against that pleasure button deep inside of Marcus, and started to wiggle, swirl, and flick against it, sending jolts of pleasure through him. All Marcus could do was squirm around Sam's tongue, he wished he could reach under himself, and stroke that throbbing erection that was slapping against his stomach, but his paws were the only thing keeping him up at this point. The wolf let out a soft whimper, as he felt that tongue slide out of him with a warm wet pop. He felt Sam shift on the bed, and get on his knees. He looked over just in time to see Sam's pearly white teeth smile at him.

"Ready or not pup, here it comes!" Playfully growled the bear. One of his large ursine paws gripped Marcus's ass, while the other grab a hold of the ten inch throbbing cock between his legs, he lined the drooling tip up with the wolfs pink pucker, and gave a soft grunt as he gently thrust forward. He let out a soft moan as felt that tight ring of flesh squeeze down on his shaft, as inch after inch of his beer can thick cock into his lupine lover. Tears of pain and joy trickled down Marcus's cheeks, as he felt that thick anaconda stretch him open farther than anything he'd ever taken. He whimpered softly as more and more stuffed its way inside him, until he felt Sam's hips slap against his ass, and his heavy ursine balls slap against his smaller lupine ones. The wolf let out a sigh of relief as Sam just stayed motionless for a moment, letting Marcus adjust to the massive girth that was now dwelling inside of him. Marcus felt Sam's paws grip a hold of his hips, and the bear start to slowly pull out, making the underside of his cock drag against the wolf's prostate, making him moan and squirm in pleasure.

When just the tip of his cock was left inside of Marcus, the bear thrust the rest of his cock back in, hitting home against that pleasure knot, making the wolf yelp. He started doing this over and over again, until his cock was like a piston thrusting in and out of Marcus. The wolf moaned as his body convulsed in ecstasy from his pounding. But it wasn't only that, this time was different from the rest, he felt closer to Sam then he'd ever felt, it wasn't because there wasn't a flimsy piece of latex; it was because he didn't have that shadow of worry hanging over his head, that something would break, or that Sam would find out what he was and storm out, he was free to enjoy this symbol of their love without fear.

Marcus let out a soft whimper, as he felt a rough paw wrap around his cock. Sam swirled one of his claws over the tip of Marcus's cock, before he started to softly rub his thumb over the head of the lupine's cock, teasing him. The wolf let out a frustrated growl, and he tried in vain to thrust into that ursine paw, needing to feel something more than just rubbing around his cock. "Ohhh." Moaned the wolf. "Please don't tease me!"

Sam smirked, and started to rub the palm of his paw over Marcus's cock, only adding to his pleasureful torment. "Oh and why shouldn't I?" said the bear with a grunt. "I'm the one doing all the work."

Marcus whimpered softly, and started to push back against Sam's thrusts. "Please don't be mean!" Moaned the wolf, as he clenched his tight anal muscles around that thick rod inside him, making Sam growl in pleasure.

The bear licked his lips, and without another word, wrapped his paw around Marcus's cock, and started to paw him as fast as his paw would let him. The bear laid down over Marcus's back, and moved his legs apart a bit so he could pound harder into that swelling lupine prostate, making Marcus bark in bliss.

The wolf started to pant as he felt his orgasm start to build inside of him, like a ragging torrent slamming against a damn ready to burst. He could feel it growing closer, with every pass of Sam's paw, and every slam of that glorious cock into his prostate. His breathing quicken, his eyes closed tight, his ears laid flat to his head, and his cock pulsed so hard it almost hurt, he was so close. That's when Sam gave one long hard deep thrust, the wolf's balls pulled up close to his body, a feeling of pure ecstasy washed over him, and he came all over the bed sheets and his stomach. The walls of Marcus's ass clenched down around Sam's cock as if it were a vice, trying to squeeze the cum out of the bears cock. Sam roared as he rode his lupine lover through his orgasm moaning as those walls fighting against his cock trying to keeping him out but only adding to his please, a few long moments passed, Sam felt his balls pull up close to his body, and roared as his cock erupted into Marcus filling his depths with hot bear cum.

The pair of them just laid there a few moments, their heavy breathing and odd moans and groans the only sounds that could be heard. While he waited for his engorged cock to deflate inside of Marcus's ass, Sam gently nuzzled and kissed the crook of the wolf's neck. He gently pulled his hips back, and his cock slide out of Marcus's sore ass, with a warm wet pop. The bear rolled off of Marcus onto his back, and then pulled the wolf back on top of him. He cupped the side of the wolf's face, and smiled softly. He gently cocked his head to the side, leaned in close, and pressed his ursine lips to his lovers, for a long soft kiss. Sam wrapped his arms around the wolf, and held him close, as he laid his head down on the pillow. "We should probably get to sleep." Said Sam as he yawned. "If we want to get out of here tomorrow, we need to leave during the next shift change. I should be able to distract David and Bill long enough for you just to slip out of the woods, and get down the road a bit." The bear crooked his neck, and kissed the top of Marcus's head. "Then I'll come pick you up in my truck and take you back to your place." Sam said. He spread the blankets over the two of them, nestled into the bed, and shut his eyes. "Night love."

Marcus smiled, and kissed Sam's cheek, before he laid his head on the bear's chest. "Night honey." Marcus smiled softly, Sam had always been like a big teddy bear he could cuddle up to, and now he had the fur to match. The wolf shut his eyes, and the pair drifted to sleep.

*A few hours later.*

Marcus sighed softly, as he looked over Sam's sleeping body, he'd changed back to his human form sometime in the night. He ran a paw over his boyfriend's stomach and up through the course body hair that covered Sam's body, letting his fingers dance through it. He leaned in, and kissed the man's chin, before he wiggled out of Sam's arms. The wolf grabbed a blanket from off the bed, and wrapped it around himself to keep him warm, as he stood up, and walked over to the window. He sighed softly, as he looked at the over cast sky, and watched the rain drops splatter against the glass, sending a cold chill down his spine that made his fur stand up on end. He rested his forehead against the glass, and closed his eyes. "Can we really make this work? Can we really do this?" Marcus softly asked himself, the doubts never fading from his mind.

End of part 1?