Eliv's royal Meeting

Story by fallen4fiction on SoFurry

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#1 of Zone de la Special

So... here we go. For this first 'mini-commission' I had offered Eliv, to write a little something, involving his playful Mightyena - Eliv - whereas I'm happy and grateful he agreed on this idea without much of a second thought.

This short story tells a little tale about a meeting of Eliv, with one of the 'royals' of the Pokemon world, taking him to an eventful attack on an illegal production sight of the humans, polluting the beautiful nature surrounding it . . . ending in a rather unexpected 'adventure' of a bit of a different kind.

Sneaking through the bushes carefully, eyeing the big clearing he had found, Eliv - a male Mightyena- finally slipped free of the bushes covering him. Skeptically he inspected the big forest glade once more, before announcing happily, tail wagging excitedly: "YES... finally some fresh water... and at such a nice place...!"

Tail wagging to and fro happily, as he walked up to the big, serene lake, he found himself musing, as he eagerly started to gulp down the cool water... it was kind of nice to be on his own... having some peace and quiet... yet it was quiet boring to, especially as his species usually lived in packs of at least ten. Yet... in his old pack he had not quite fit in, as he way more preferred to be friendly with other Pokemon, having fun together... exploring the wilderness, experiencing adventures... not ganging up on poor helpless Pokemon and tearing them into pieces together.

Like that he had been more or less chased away by his old pack. Sure... at first he was really sad, about having to live without his old pack, yet... ever since that, he had met so many different Pokemon, every single one of them having such exciting stories to tell... he had seen so many different places, quiet in contrast to his life in his pack, were they stubbornly stuck to there territory, scaring away every new Pokemon entering it.

Like that his licks became a bit slower, as his tail slowly sank to the floor, ears hanging a bit lower, remembering his forced loneliness for the last few days. As he had to find out, a pack of especially aggressive Mightyena called big parts of this forest their own.

Firstly meeting said pack, he was brutally chased away by them... just to be chased away by all the other Pokemon of the forest too, as he obviously was a Mightyena too. Even though he obviously was no part of the pack dominating most of this here forest with an iron paw... the Pokemon of the forest still obviously had quite some built-up grudge, thus poor Eliv coming out to end as there scapegoat.

Giving a heavy, sad sigh, he stopped drinking... until he suddenly saw a ripple running over the waters surface, the water the ripple had past starting to glow gently... before yet another ripple formed on the waters surface, this one erasing the week glow, the earlier one had caused... yet leaving the seconds ago slightly murky water, as clear as a crystal.

Wide-eyed eyeing the now even more beautiful lake, he at first did not notice the slowly forming fog, on the surrounding clearing, until he found a weak rainbow light reflected in the sea, now as perfectly still as a mirror. Like that looking up, his yaw dropped, in aw looking at the creature slowly walking over the waters surface.

In slow, graceful movements a snow-white Suicune walked over the still surface of the little lake, making it oh to obvious what the reason for the rising fog and aurora like lights in the air was. The white patches on his fur, had the same color like any Suicune's fur too... , but the rest of its fur, bear all possible different shades of silver, instead of the gentle blue and violet coloring his species usually was adorned with.

"WOW... Hello... I'm Eliv... and who are you...?", The Mightyena asked excitedly, tail wagging happily yet again, as he ran towards the Suicune excitedly.

"Ehr... you do remember...", The silver Suicune began asking... yet seconds later the other male dropped into the lake with a loud splash, the Suicune ending in a low sigh, ".. this is a lake?"

Grabbing the Mightyena in his neck, he fished the wildly paddling Mightyena out of the lake, letting go of it, as soon as it's front legs touched the shore, Eliv like that able to pull himself out of the lake within mere seconds.

"Could have made it on my own too...!", Eliv stated sulkily, his head averted demonstrative... before slowly turning his head back around to the stranger, adding meekly, "Thanks anyways... I guess."

"No big deal... just wanted to save yourself some time, as your little bath was kind of my fault after all."

Looking at the majestic Pokemon, head slightly cocked, he suddenly remembered him looking like a drenched Furfrou... probably looking like a wet blanket, next to this almost awe-inspiring Pokemon! Hastily shaking himself off of all the water soaking his fur, the Suicune averting his head slightly, closing the eye facing towards the Mightyena. A faint prismatic glow engulfed the legendary, the water splashing off of the Mightyena, trickling away of the invisible cloak, like dripping off of glass.

Finally more or less dry, the virtually freshly washed, ebony fur on Eliv's back, paws and face markings shimmered weekly, giving a stark contrast to the soft grey color on the rest of his fur.

"Oh my... quite a handsome one, aren't we?", The Suicune exclaimed teasingly, in a quiet laugh, the glow surrounding his body slowly fading, "BUT... where are my manners! A pleasure to meet you Eliv, my name is Gin."

Eliv avoiding looking at Gin sheepishly, at this compliment of the majestic Pokemon, just uttering stuttering: "T-Thanks... a pleasure to meet you too... Gin."

"Quite adorable too, huh?", The silver Suicune stated in another silent laugh, the Mightyena now even hiding his face behind one of his paws abashed.

Giving a last quiet laugh, Gin playfully liked Eliv's paw, explaining deeply serious suddenly: "All the more reason for you too leave here!"

"What... leave? Why... if this is your territory, I swear... I'll be good! Won't steel your food... just passing through, just stopping for a drink... please..."

Extending one of his ribbon-like tails, placing it across his muscle, to stop the Mightyena's flood of words, the silver Suicune explained soothingly: "ARCEUS NO...! I'm just telling you for your own good!"

Looking back over his shoulders, were an obvious stream of smoke arose from amidst the forest, Gin explained: "Those humans... back there they have built a big factory... disposing of there waste in the forest, slowly but surely polluting this beautiful grove!"

"They are...?", Eliv asked surprised, following the Suicune's eyes to the rising smoke.

"Yes... but not for much longer...!", Gin responded, a grim look on his face, "So... YOU stay here... it is enough if one Pokemon gets hurt in this crusade of mine...!"

Dashing off and away, in an incredible speed, the Suicune was gone mere seconds later, a mere gust of wind disappearing in the direction, where this... factory was supposed to be.

"What incredible speed...", The Mightyena stated in awe... lifting his eyes to the rising smoke, before hastily turning around and disappearing in the different direction.

. . . yet he had made not even a step off of the clearing, before he grit his teeth in frustration... NO! He wouldn't abandon the Suicune to this crusade, he had imposed on himself!

Like that, turning the other direction again, he started dashing towards the direction Gin disappeared into.

Few minutes later finally arriving at the big factory Eliv could already oh too clear see signs of the Suicune's intrusion. The guard house on the driveway, leading into the factory's premises, being frozen solid... the barrier towards the entrance bent like it was paper, by a powerful gust of wind.

"Arceus...!", The Mightyena proclaimed in a quiet gasp.

The fearful shouts of human, attack commands being shouted... before suddenly half the side of the facility froze over from the inside... some screams of attacking Pokemon... few small explosions, before a forceful gust of wind blew towards the opposite direction, of where the explosions were to hear. Windows on the next corner of the building broke, before seconds later being frozen solid to.

Few forceful gushes of water, shot through the windows of the next side of the building, before being frozen solid to... yet this, Eliv did no longer witness, as he hastily had stormed into the building to, no matter how strong the Suicune was... he still was sure, the humans would not go down that easily.

Panting heavily, not a scratch on his body, yet his stamina quiet depleted by the powerful attacks he had unleashed, Gin stood in the middle of a whole field of unconscious and partially frozen over bodies, of human and Pokemon alike.

Spinning around, taking an aggressive stance, as he could feel Eliv's presence, Gin seconds later did relax, asking clearly upset, with an annoyed growl: "What did I tell you? You should get away... not follow me, like some lost puppy...!"

As he merely looked at the Suicune wide eyed, Gin asked Eliv, now definitely angry: "WHAT? Meowth got your tongue... I asked...-"

Yet he suddenly stopped mid sentence, looking at the Mightyena in disbelieve, as it sprinted towards him, an alarmed look on it's face.

"What in the world...", The legendary mumbled irritated, before Eliv shoved him out of his way, with a powerful Body-Check.

Not having expected for the canine to really attack him, Gin was forcefully thrown back quite a bit... before the Mightyena was hit by an Ultra Ball, originally meant for the silver Suicune. Turning around in an angry growl, he jumped at the human, which had thrown the Pokeball, smashing his head against the floor forcefully, leaving him unconscious too.

In a frenzied howl, the legendary finally released a powerful Sheer Cold attack, freezing all remains of the factory over in an instants.

Picking up the Ultra Ball, which had stopped moving after a third desperate wiggle, Gin quietly mumbled: "Thanks... my friend..."

Returning to the clearing, where they had met, it took Gin quite a while, until he managed to open the accursed Pokeball, releasing the Mightyena captured within.

"Oh thank Arceus...!", The silver Suicune gasped in relief, giving a gentle nudge to Eliv's face, still lying on the ground, slightly confused.

"What... did I manage...?"

"... to save my furry butt? Yeah... you sure did."

"OH... thank Arceus...!", Eliv proclaimed in an relieved sigh... before his eyes fell at that accursed Pokeball!

With a angry growl he jumped at the human made item, smashing it under his foot... running the shards of the broken ball right into his delicate paw pads!

"Naw... you silly puppy... come... step aside a bit.", The Suicune ordered, with a few big scoops, burying a little hole, before carefully dispatching the broken item in it.

"Now come here big guy...!", The legendary finally commanded, cowering down, as he carefully extracted one of the shards after another.

"Could have done that on my own...", The Mightyena grumbled sulkily, Gin just giving a low groan.

"No you woudn haf!", He exclaimed, a shard between his teeth, "Don thing I didn reaize auw you waned u jush lig i!"

Spitting every shard he remove in the little hole, with the other parts of the destroyed piece of high-tech, the Suicune carefully and methodically removed one shard after the other.

During this, more than once Gin had to snatch at the Mightyena as warning, as he once again wanted to just lick his paw pad, with still half of the shards in his paw. Like that, he looked like... every few seconds at the smaller male cautionary, while continuing his word as to remind to not lick that paw!

After a few minutes finally happy with the results of his work, he started burying the broken ball, still keeping a watchful eye at the Mightyena. Watching the legendary in a clear air of innocents, standing on three paws, his hurt one slightly bent, Eliv watched Gin close the hole he had generated once again.

Done with that, he stepped back to the clear lake once again.

"Come...", He told the Mightyena softly, going to the lake, digging another little hole, a paws width away of the lake. As he was happy with his little pit, he dug a little feeder, to the lake, to fill his little well with water.

"What are you doing...?", Eliv asked curiously, yet the other male just asked him for his paw once more.

Presenting his paw, so Gin could work on the wounded paw pad, he watched in surprise, as the earlier so ferocious Pokemon, tenderly cleaned his paw, with long gentle licks. Finally asking him to put his paw in the little pit, Eliv followed his order, watching as Gin closed his little feeder river.

As the male put his big paw on his smaller one he first flinched involuntarily, before relaxing once again... watching as the water of the mini pond, before slightly muddy, by the loosened earth, once again turned crystal clear... before suddenly starting to glow in gentle prismatic colors.

"SO... now you should be good to go again...!" Gin finally exclaimed, letting Eliv get his paw out of the water once more.

Looking at his paw once, his eyes went wide in surprise... the wounds of the shards were almost completely gone.

"Wow... thank you...", Eliv said thankfully... earning a quite unsure look of the Suicune, making him ask worriedly, "What... is there a problem?"

"Well... it's just... I wish I could do more... you more or less saved my life... my freedom at the very least... and all I can offer you is helping to fix the damage which more or less was my fault in the first place anyways...", The legendary explained, abashed, not quite able to even look at the smaller male.

Giving it a quick thought Eliv said in a slightly sultry tone: "Oh... I have an idea how you could thank me..."

"Really.. H...-", Gin asked, turning his head back to the Mightyena, interrupted mid sentence, as Eliv kissed him right on his maw, as he turned his eyes back to him.

The other male looking at him in shock and surprise, Eliv hastily wanted to retreat... but found himself held back, by one of the Suicune's ribbon like tales, wrapped around his leg.

"What is it pretty puppy? I did never say I'd refuse, did I?", The legendary asked with a inviting smirk of his own, before he too pressed his snout against the other males, in a long, sloppy kiss.

Now finding himself frozen in shock instead, Gin gave a quiet laugh, before stepping a little closer to the Mightyena, asking in a sultry wisp, his maw not much more but an inch away of Eliv's: "Come on pretty... I thought you wanted me...?"

Giving a heavy gulp, Eliv slowly closed the last inch between them, kissing Gin tenderly, before they both got more exploratory, gently stroking each others tongues. Seconds later, locking there maws hungrily around each other's, their tongues dancing lustfully inside of there maws, both males eagerly starting to explored each other, before finally breaking apart, panting slightly.

"So... how you want to do this, my pretty puppy?"

"Well... you...", The canine stuttered, slightly intimidated by the thought to ask the legendary Pokemon for what he was about to ask him, "You... you can do me, but then I want you... to do something special for me...!"

"Oh...? Special? Is pretty getting kinky now?"

"A... a little... but I... I don't want to tell yet...!"

Making a short pause thinking, Gin finally responded: "Well... fair enough... then come... show me that sexy rear of yours...!"

Needing a quick thought of his ow, Eliv finally nodded in agreement. Crouching low, he crawled, below the big Suicune, Gin willingly placing his feet a bit farther apart, to make place for Eliv.

"You can't be the only one having all the fun, can you?", The Mightyena stated, standing up far enough so he could feel the short, silky fur of the Legendary on his back, stating as he looked at the heavy sheath of the canine, "Well... ready when you are...!"

Rising his rear as best as possible, he started gently massaging the other males large balls, with his freshly healed paw. Giving a low moan, as the water type, licked over his puckered ass, with his long silky tongue, Eliv eagerly started licking the furry sheath of his partner, to coax this red tip of his out of hiding.

In a lustful moan, spreading his hind legs a bit farther for the male right below him, Gin himself too started massaging the balls of his lover, his toes massaging the bulging sheath of the canine, as he started licking Eliv's tail hole affectionately. His aroused cock soon slipping free of it's sheath slowly, the Legendary gave a needy moan, as he could feel the Mightyena's soft tongue on his sensitive tip. Barely able to focus back on his own 'work', Gin gave another loud gasp, as he could clearly feel Eliv slowly pulling back his sheath, inch for inch, exposing his canine cock.

Shuddering in delight, as he examined the big member, of the Suicune, he willingly pushed back against Gin, as he could feel his canine tongue slowly slip into his Tail hole, while he let his lovers member slowly slip into his mouth. Clearly hearing the gasp of the silver Legendary, he tried to gulp as much of the massive cock before, him down his throat.. all the while doing his very best, as not to bite him, as Eliv's body all so often shivered in delight, at the intruding tongue up his butt slowly wandering deeper and deeper... the paws on his balls and sheath doing little as to soothing that fact.

Almost feeling a little rush of adrenaline, as Eliv's teeth all so often, slightly scraped his member, whenever his body was hit with another shudder of delight, Gin all to eagerly continued his work of spoiling this delicious piece of ass, right below his head.

The Suicune's member oh too fast nice and hard, Eliv broke away from his legendary partner, announcing in a low gasp, presenting his rear, playfully wiggling his butt: "Come on big boy... there is a certain, tight little hole, just ready and waiting for you!"

"Well... don't mind me if I do then...!", The male responded in a wolfish moan, licking over Eliv's tight little hole a last time, before stepping atop of the slightly smaller canine, slowly pushing his canine member up his tight rear.

Gasping aloud, at the giant member, intruding his rear... Eliv gave a low, lustful moan, as he could feel the ribbon like tails of his lover, wrap around his sheath, slowly exposing his hard and ready member, while Gin buried himself deeper and deeper up his back door. Like that Eliv oh to soon, started to pant weekly at the sensation of the oh to well prehensile tales of the Suicune and the undeniable feeling of fullness, as the canine cock of the legendary stretched his ass further and further.

Sliding ever so slightly deeper in the Mightyena's ass it didn't take long, until finally the knot of the legendary pushed right up against Eliv's firm anal ring. Gin giving a lewd, little gasp, feeling the long fur of the male below him, pressing up against his belly eagerly, he Asked with a teasing tone: "Well... better be ready for this...!"

"Been... BORN ready...!", Eliv replied, yet shouting out in surprise, as the legendary pushed his thick knot against his tight ass, before starting to hump him right and proper.

Legs spread wide apart, the eager Mightyena, pushed against each heavy thrust, that rocked his body, while awkwardly humping the air, below the Suicune, eagerly thrusting against the tails wrapped around his cock. A few seconds of 'practice' later, they even had managed to find a steady rhythm, Eliv meeting the eager thrust's of the bigger canine, before thrusting against the teasing tails of the legendary of his own.

Gasping in zeal, as to being stretched further than ever before, his body shaking in every hard trust of Gin, soon Eliv merely cowered below the bigger Pokemon, his ass raised eagerly, as he panted heavily, tongue lolled out, wiggling lazily at every thrust of his lover.

Panting in lust, at every thrust in this tightest hole he ever had, his knot pressing in a tiny bit further, with every powerful thrust. Grabbing his lover tightly, Gin started to rut him in stronger, quicker thrusts, pulling him close with his paws against any of his trusts, until his knot plopped in the Mightyena's tight ass. Yet... his silver partner was not willing to give in quite yet... not after getting Eliv all ready for this... few thrusts, just rocking the body of the canine below, the Suicune finally pulled his knot free of his ass once again, only to smash it back in right away.

Gasping in a mix of pain and lust, Eliv's only chance was to relax as best as he could, as to allow the Legendary as easy access to himself as possible, rocking his body even stronger, as the other male started to knot fuck him. The pressure of the Suicune's knot up his as, seconds later replaced by near to emptiness, in comparison, just to feel the heavy knot of flesh slamming right back in gave Eliv an surprisingly unexpected kind of pleasure.

Cumming under the tireless teasing of the ribbon like tails and the ruff knot fucking of Gin, Eliv shot his load right on the ground, gasping in a throaty moan, before suddenly feeling the Suicune's knot once again slammed into his butt, swelling quickly as the silvery canine came buried deep inside of his ass.

"FUCK...!", Eliv gasped out in delight, tongue still hanging out of his mouth, back arched... the canine now almost in a pose as if he'd be howling at the moon, or something.

Hearing deep panting beside his head, he looked over to Gin, looking exhausted, yet happy, as he stated, licking his cheek tenderly: "Well... you were right with your idea... as you really are a damn good fuck!"

"OH... we're not done here yet, big boy... and even if... even if this was quiet excellent... you still owe me...!", The canine responded, giving the large canine above him a loving lick across his snout himself too.

"SO... what is it than you want from me?", Gin finally asked, in a mix of curiosity... and a speck of worry.

"Oh no... as this will take a while anyways... first kiss me, you naughty pseudo royal...!"

"OH? Pseudo...? I'll show you who's pseudo...!", The legendary accepted the teasing challenge, with an eager growl, once again locking maws with the eager Mightyena, eagerly wrestling his tongue for domination, in a hot, sloppy kiss.

Quiet a bit later, finally being freed of the humongous knot of his lover, Eliv finally explained his wish, tail wagging eagerly, a wolfish grin on his face.

"That's all you want... I guess it's no problem but... well... guess I shouldn't be surprised about this wish, coming from my naughty, pretty boy.", Gin responded slightly confused... yet in the end eagerly agreeing.

Stretching his limbs once, before lying down on the side of his body, he proclaimed, with a lewd grin: "Well... if this is all what naughty puppy want's... I won't complain!"

Lifting a leg up in the air, spreading them wide as he lay down, he exposed his sheath to the Mightyena, before starting to lick his still in semen covered tip and sheath clean. Looking at his ass, still leaking excess cum of the bigger canine, Eliv decided he did not care about that, as what happened in front of his, to him was way more interesting.

Cleaning his dick in long, determined licks, the Suicune finally opened his mouth wide, closing his chaps around the tip of his member, luring it back out of his sheath, with his tongue teasingly rolled around it. After a bit joined by the smaller canine, starting to lick his balls lovingly, Gin slowly let his member, now almost fully out of his sheath, slowly slip deeper into his maw.

Bent like a grotesque 0 the Suicune moved his head in long, controlled motions, his penis slowly disappearing deeper and deeper in its in comparison rather short muzzle, having the silvery Pokemon gag all too soon, as he fought to bury all his member down his muzzle and his throat.The eagerly watching Mightyena, tenderly caressing his balls with his paws and tongue, did not help to much at it, as his additional attention did only make his member twitch so much more eagerly.

After a while one could even vaguely see the silhouette of Gin's member on his throat, as he eagerly, even if slightly struggling on this, forced his own dick deeper and deeper down his throat, his knot still quite a bit apart from his muzzle. Yet in the end forcing this last few inches down his throat too, he stopped panting heavily, his nostrils wide as he fought for air.

Finally having his breath back, Gin gave Eliv a sultry glare, before opening his maw wide, demonstratively showing his tongue, sweeping around his cock. The Mightyena's eyes wide in zeal, the Suicune bent himself a bit further, so far it still was barely comfortable, before starting to move in long, slow strokes on his member. His tongue dancing along his red meet, the legendary thrusting his cock deep down his own throat, soon had Eliv's absolute attention. All to soon the Mightyena even went as far as joining him, licking the hard piece of male meet, whenever he could get access, his tongue flicking playfully against the Suicune's, whenever he got the chance.

Feeling his member slipping down his throat more and more comfortably, Gin finally closed his eyes, starting to move in long, sensuous strokes, turning his head ever so slightly, to massage his member on all sides, with his wet tongue wrapped around it. Still gaging briefly once in a while the Suicune still slowly started to work his cock faster, tacking it deeper, managing to get even part of his knot inside... as one could oh too well see the big cock, vanishing down his throat, the form distinctly visible on his muscular throat,

Under all his own attention... not to mention the additional care to his balls and member of Eliv, it in the end did not take Gin too much longer, until he could feel himself cum... gaging on his first squirts of cum. Gin tried to gulp down most of it, as to give Eliv a good show... until finally he couldn't hold out any longer, pulling his member free of his maw, gasping at air, as he first came all over his face, before quite a load hit his snow white belly too.

Still gasping for air, Gin finally asked: "So... was that... to your liking?"

"Will you be my mate?"


"You know what I mean!"

"SO... like coming with me and fooling around all once in a while?"

"OH... yeah... that's a way better choice of words... but still... may I?"

"SURE... cough...", The Suicune answered, still fighting for air and not to chock on his own sperm, "Whereas I have to disappoint you..."

"YEAH... how's that?"

"My mouth is a way better lay than you...!", Gin answered teasingly in a quiet laugh, before yet again couching on his own semen.

"Well.. at least I don't murder no one, when he comes inside of me..."

"HA... HA...!"

Finishing cleaning them both, Eliv and Gin alike, they finally started out on her journey together.

"But next time _I _ get to go first!", The Mightyena announced insistently, the bigger Suicune just giving a dismissive lash of his tail.

"SURE... if you can get up there, be my guest...!", The Suicune responded with a quiet laugh, before adding teasingly, "Whereas you'd first have to take me out for dinner... and romance me properly, wouldn't"

"What...?", Eliv replied in surprise, before responding teasingly, "Furthermore... who says _ I _ would have to romance _ you ? **_I** saved _ your _ furry as... so _ you _ should have to properly woo me...!"

"What did you say... you little...", Gin retorted in a low growl, his new companion running away in a playful squeal, having the 'big and powerful Legendary' hunt him, like he was a little puppy... or probably more like, they both were.

The playful Mightyena thereat soon after, found himself dead-set on softening up the sometimes grumpy rogue, while Gin... well, there was not much he could change about Eliv... yet he more or less could get a little revenge, on a lot of the many occasions, in which they had to run from legendary hunters. The Mightyena not nearly as swift on his feet as the legendary rogue, there was more than one occasion, he had to let himself be carried by his companion, like that not rarely exploring the world way too fast for the Eliv's liking.


SO... and thus concludes this mini - commission... hope you liked it - especially Eliv's owner Eliv X3 - and thus... Work on Rise of the Yokai part III will conclude, finally revealing the mysterious handler off Asami's brother Katsuo ;3

[Edit on 17.01.: PHEW... now it is all nice and sparkly . . . more or less (= free of most errors)]