The Idea Of Evil

Story by Aionios on SoFurry

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_ Evil.

A mere four letters, and yet it holds such meaning to people. The implications of evil go far beyond the word itself; it extends farther into the idea, the very essence of what it means to be...evil. Millions have tried to avoid it, still others fighting to eliminate it, countless sheep emulating it, very few harnessing it, the strongest of them embracing it. Only a handful, however, take the time and knowledge necessary to use it, not as a lifestyle, but as a tool. After all, good and evil are relative ideas, both two sides of the same coin. At times, even, one could not even tell the difference between them.

This is what brought you to me today. You wish to prove that I am evil, that my methods are wrong, that I am an immoral being. Very well. Let me tell you a story, one long lost to the sands of time, and the erosion of memory.

Your muttering will not help your situation, Tirion

Once upon a time, there was an individual, we shall call him Yohn. Now, Yohn had a wonderful idea for a business. He was an innovator who enjoyed building things from the ground up. He took time, resources, energy, expended it all in a large gambit, one with high risk, but also high yield. From this, he formed the most powerful company of all, one which has grown in power significantly over the ages. Yohn had many employees in mid-level management, all loyal to the company, and its chairman. There was only one problem-

I would thank you not to soil my floor with the liquid in that container.

Precaution? Against what?

You honestly believe that will somehow prove your point? A few drops of your positively charged tap water will instantly somehow cleanse this supposedly dark and evil place of taint? You came to my home very ill-prepared, especially for one who claims to be the greatest of your kind.

The problem at hand lied in the fact that nothing was getting done on a base level. As much as he wanted everyone to be equal, Yohn needed lower level working class employees to handle the day to day operations and actual production of the company's assets. Now, a few of the higher level managers took issue with this, one in particular. We shall call him Louis. Louis was a free thinker, an outside of the box sort of person. He believed that it would be more efficient to allow middle management to delegate tasks to others, to outsource most of the work. He believed the current model was too cost-prohibitive, and clunky.

Give me that book. You are just being silly at this point. Besides, my story is much more interesting.

Oh, I see no reason to back away. I'm enjoying your response to my story.

Louis knew he could run the company better than Yohn ever could. Too much lost in overhead, the constant lower level turnaround on employment, the constant setbacks, that had to change. He and several other managerial workers took the issue to court, attempting a hostile takeover of the company itself in an effort to oust the chairman and reseat Louis as primary shareholder. It...did not go as planned. Too many remained loyal to Yohn, too much red tape bogged down the process, and admittedly a few of the proceedings were a bit...bloody. Louis was let go, and in the aftermath formed his own company, slowly building it in an attempt to one day rival Yohn's, planning to acquire the company itself in an even more brutal takeover attempt than before, with even more resources at his disposal.

That's funny, I knew this book looked familiar. Apparently, you and I are telling the same tale. Only, mine is a much faster read. Oh, well.

Where are you going?

Stop resisting, the wall will prevent you from escaping, and you certainly will not break my grip. Listen to me very carefully. Louis was considered the evil in this story. His methods were designed for the good of the company as a whole. He wanted to do what was best. Before the attempted coup, Yohn and Louis were good friends, who had known each other and practically co-founded the company itself. Now, they've turned to bitter rivals, and Yohn swears up and down that he will bankrupt Louis' company, despite it all.

Who is the evil one, here?

Oh, I wish you could see it, Tirion. The look of fear in your eyes. You are just like the others, afraid of your fate, despite how much you claim to long for it. You do not want an honorable death, you do not want a death at all.

I'm afraid i'm not as charitable as the company you work for.

Say hello to Yohn for me. _

Strictly A Business Matter

_I miss the wind. Its gentle caress upon your skin, the way it billows through your hair like a silken comb, encompassing and soft like a lover's embrace. It is a calming breeze, one that allows you to put things in perspective, and return to an...

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