Pit Stop

Story by Lautus on SoFurry

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Chelsea, a young wolf on a motorcycle, experiences mechanical troubles and pulls into the world's worst auto garage.

I really didn't have time to write this, but the idea came to me in the middle of the night and wouldn't leave me alone until I put it down on paper. So here you go, I hope you all enjoy.

*WARNING: * This story is full of rape.

Chelsea was halfway between Reno and Las Vegas when her fuel light came on. It shouldn't have, she'd filled her motorcycle's tank barely an hour before, and even as she continued on down the road her mind began to fill with unhappy thoughts about cracked fuel lines and punctured gas tanks.

The landscape around her was flat, punctuated only by far off hills and nearby thickets of scrub and sage. That seemed to be Nevada in its entirety, Chelsea reflected, just sand and rock and wide open expanses of nothingness.

There weren't even many other vehicles, the highway she was on stretched endlessly ahead, caught beneath a clear, open sky and a white hot sun. Chelsea tried to think of what her map had told her was ahead. She'd left a little town not long before, something with 'gold' in the name, but as for what was ahead...

It would be a pain if she ended up stranded. Not dangerous, she still had reception on her phone and supposed she could call AAA if she didn't find a garage or a town within the next thirty odd miles, but a real pain in the ass.

Chelsea had been riding her motorcycle in a vague southeasterly direction for the last week, not heading anywhere in particular. She wasn't even entirely sure why she was wandering, it just seemed that sedentary life and a stable routine had become entirely intolerable to her.

This wasn't much better, she didn't feel very happy to be on the road, but the general monotony of staring at highway pavement and other vehicles for eight or ten hours a day was at least distracting enough that she didn't notice most of the time.

Perhaps if she rode far enough then she'd find something interesting and break through the vague sense of ennui and discontent she felt.

But for now Chelsea was insulated from that, worrying as she was about her bike and what could be wrong with it.

That was about when she saw the garage.

It was nestled perhaps twenty yards off the side of the road, behind a low chainlink fence topped with slowly uncurling loops of rusty razor wire. The razor wire didn't seem to serve any real purpose, since the fence didn't fully enclose the garage, which seemed old and fairly shabby. The corrugated steel siding was speckled with corrosion but the garage bay was open and Chelsea could see a trio of motorcycles parked in front, just behind a pair of gas pumps.

She turned off, relieved to have found a little speck of civilization in the midst of the Nevadan wastes, and eased her bike to a stop next to the pumps. It wasn't a moment too soon, her engine was just beginning to sputter as she turned it off.

Putting the kickstand down, Chelsea took off her helmet and glanced over the garage. Now that she was closer she could see a faded sign displaying prices, though it had been so scoured by time and sun that she couldn't make out what it was supposed to say. Were it not for the bikes, and the fact that the pumps were clearly in working order, Chelsea would have said that the garage was entirely abandoned.

"Hello?" She asked.

A noise came from inside of the garage, but the sun was bright enough and the garage dim enough by contrast that Chelsea couldn't quite see inside. All she could tell was that there was an open space in there, polished concrete flooring speckled with oil stains.

"Be with you in a minute." A voice called from somewhere towards the back of the room. Chelsea began to step away from her bike, then stopped and reflexively checked herself in the nearest mirror, making sure she was at least halfway presentable.

She looked pretty much how she always did, a black furred wolf in a red and blue riding jacket. Her fur was mussed and her whiskers had gone crooked, but that was okay.

As she stood there next to her bike a hyena stepped from the garage, wiping his paws clean with a rag. He was dressed exactly how Chelsea imagined a mechanic would dress, in an oil stained wife beater and jeans with rips around the knees. He was about as tall as her and leanly built, muscles outlined beneath his short, dappled fur. He looked perfectly casual, eyes flicking over her and then her motorcycle.

"Your bike broken?" He asked, though it wasn't really a question.

"Yeah," said Chelsea, "...I think my fuel tank is leaking."

The hyena nodded and stepped closer. Behind him Chelsea could see other figures near the mouth of the garage.

"What's wrong with it?" One of them asked, a red furred fox in a ripped leather jacket.

"Haven't looked at it yet," the hyena said, untroubled, "could be anything."

Chelsea shifted.

"If it's a cracked fuel line or...something, how long would that take to fix?" She asked.

The hyena's eyes, brown and flat, flicked up to meet hers.

"Not long," he said, "wheel it over there, I'll grab my tools and take a look. You headed down to Vegas?"

Chelsea shrugged even as she put the kickstand back up. As she approached the garage she could see more people than just the fox, a charcoal furred cat and a reddish furred rabbit as well. These had to be the owners of the three bikes parked outside. They all wore similar jackets and Chelsea supposed they had to be members of a club or something similar.

The cat gave her a nod but none of them said anything. Their eyes lingered, however. Chelsea put her bike's kickstand back down and felt a curious tension at the bottom of her stomach...though she wasn't entirely sure why.

"Are you going to Vegas?" The hyena asked again as he picked up a toolkit from a workbench towards the back of the garage.

Chelsea blinked, realizing she'd completely ignored his question.

"No," she said, tearing her attention away from the other men in the garage, "I'm...just traveling."

"Just traveling," the hyena echoed, "that can be fun. I remember I did a big trip across the country when I was sixteen or so. That was my first time being alone, away from parents and everything. This yours?"

Chelsea began to shake her head, then supposed that it kinda really was A semester of college hardly counted as being away from anything.

"How old are you, anyway?" The fox asked.

Chelsea almost didn't want to answer. It was an innocuous question when taken at face value, but something about the way the fox had asked it felt wrong somehow. But that moment of wrongness was so quick, there and gone again, that she forced the misgivings from her mind.

"Nineteen." She said, adding a year onto her age almost self consciously. It wasn't much of a lie, she'd have her birthday in a little over two months. And she supposed she at least looked a bit older than she actually was. As it was she had nearly a foot on both the fox and the rabbit, wolf genes tended to make a person tall.

"College girl?" The cat asked, regarding her with electric blue eyes. Again there came an almost needle sharp feeling of wrongness, not with the words but...

"I bet you're on a gap year," the fox said with a smile, "tell me I'm wrong."

He was...but not completely.

Chelsea shrugged as good naturedly as she could. The hyena was silent, looking over her gas tank, perhaps examining it for cracks or places where bolts had loosened and allowed fuel to seep through.

She found herself hoping that the fix would be a quick one.

"You in a sorority?" The fox asked.

"Man, shut up." The cat rolled his eyes at the fox, who steadfastly ignored him.

"She kinda looks the part, don't you think?" The rabbit asked, nudging the hyena with the toe of one boot. He was smiling.

The hyena shrugged, focused on his tools.

"My cousin, he's going to school in Reno," the fox said, "they got sororities up there. He says a couple wont let girls in unless they got DD cup tits."

The rabbit laughed, the cat rolling his eyes, looking somewhat annoyed. Chelsea shifted uncomfortably in place, not liking the turn the conversation had taken.

"You," the rabbit chuckled even as he indicated Chelsea, "I bet they'd let you in."

Chelsea felt frozen, completely unsure what to say or do. The fox and rabbit were eyeing her now, unpleasantly hungry looks in their eyes. It was all dressed up in the guise of good fun and banter for the moment but there was an uncomfortable rawness lurking just underneath. This time the cat made no effort to scold his companions. Instead he looked to the hyena.

"I think I found your problem," the hyena said from his place on the floor, "you got a hairline crack right across the bottom of your tank. You'll need to replace the whole thing."

This was bad news but Chelsea seized upon it, hardly caring that it would probably be a pretty expensive fix. Just so long as she could have it taken care of quickly and be on her way.

"Okay," she said, "that's fine, just..."

The hyena held up a paw, stopping her.

"Your bike's a Kawasaki, and a newer one at that. I definitely don't have the right part."

Chelsea had thought that a company like Kawasaki was fairly ubiquitous, certainly common enough for any garage to carry their branded parts, but the hyena sounded sincere...and his garage was certainly well out of the way of anywhere important.

"Um...what does that mean?" She asked uncertainly, unable to keep her eyes from shooting off to the fox and the rabbit for a moment.

"It's no big deal," the hyena said, wiping his paws clean once more, "I just gotta call a buddy of mine in town, he'll find the part and drive it over. Might take a little while but you'll be back on the road before the end of the day."

'Before the end of the day' was a bit nebulous for Chelsea's liking but the hyena seemed well-meaning. He certainly wasn't leering at her or making uncomfortable comments.

"Alright," Chelsea said, "is there, uh, anywhere I can wait?"

"Sure thing," the hyena said, "my office is back there. There's an outlet if you need to charge your phone, all that." He pointed to a worn particleboard door set into the right wall of the garage, just short of the back. There was another door at the back of the garage, directly opposite where Chelsea stood, but she supposed that led to a storage room or somewhere similar.

As she watched the hyena dug a cellphone from the pocket of his jeans and tapped out a text message.

"Was that to Chris?" The fox asked.

The hyena nodded.

"He'll be by sooner or later." He said. The fox, cat and rabbit nodded in unison.

'Chris' had to be the hyena's friend off in the next town over. Again he was being rather more vague than Chelsea would have liked, but at least he was trying to help her out.

"I'm gonna get a beer," the cat said, then looked to Chelsea, "you want one?"

Chelsea hesitated, then shook her head. It was never a good idea to drink before getting back on the road...and hadn't she told him that she was nineteen?

Maybe he was just being friendly, but...

She shook her head and dug her water bottle out of her bag. The water was lukewarm and tasted faintly metallic but Chelsea felt better about it than anything the guys in the garage could offer her.

"Get me one too," the hyena called to the cat, then glanced back at Chelsea, "you sure you don't want anything? We got sodas in the back."

"I'm fine...thanks." Chelsea said, smiling as politely as she could. She wondered if she ought to go back to the hyena's office, but even as she considered that she wondered if it would be smart to put herself in an enclosed space rather than where she already was. At least now she was within clear view of the highway, her back to the open garage door.

When the cat returned he had a beer for everyone, cold enough that condensation glittered off of the cans...and a soda for her as well. He'd definitely heard her decline, but...

Oh well.

The cat set the soda on the seat of Chelsea's motorcycle and retired to his chair, which was set up against the wall. Both the fox and the rabbit were sitting already. The hyena, seeing that Chelsea wasn't going anywhere, fetched her a folding chair.

"You must be roasting in that jacket." He said as Chelsea sat down.

"I'm fine." She said, just a little too quickly. All she had on beneath the jacket was a fairly sheer tank top, and she didn't much want them to see her in it. A moment passed, then she sheepishly took up the soda.

"You're welcome." The cat said quietly.

Chelsea said nothing.

The soda was off brand and tasted weirdly flat, like the fizz had died even inside of the can. Still, it was cool and took some of the heat away from the day. The fox and rabbit exchanged a small look.

"Are you taking a gap year?" The hyena asked, sipping his beer, "I don't think you said."

Chelsea hesitated, then supposed it would be easier if she just said she was.

"Yeah," she nodded slightly, taking another sip of soda, "I mean...it's just for a little bit."

"Until you figure yourself out?" The hyena asked. The delivery was strange, like he was trying to be sympathetic but not quite managing it.

"Yeah." Chelsea said, and looked down at the floor. Quietly, she wondered what exactly the hyena and his friends even did all day. Did they just sit out in the middle of the desert and wait for people to come in? How did they even stay open?

"I guess it worked for Kerouak." The hyena said lightly and chuckled to himself, finishing his beer. Chelsea took another sip of soda, then decided not to drink the rest. The aftertaste was strange, like a sticky fizz had coated the back of her throat.

"Had any wild times on the road?" The fox asked.

Chelsea wasn't entirely sure what that was supposed to mean but shook her head. For the most part it had been navigating the highways and sleeping in motels. She'd gone to a club in Reno but it had just been loud and bright and the whole experience had given her a headache.

"You sure?" He asked, grinning, "cute little thing like you?"

"Little thing?" The cat laughed, "she has a foot and a half on you."

That seemed to take some of the wind from the fox's sails but Chelsea still grimaced.

"Don't call me cute." She said, and was momentarily surprised that the words had actually come out of her mouth.

"Feisty." The rabbit remarked approvingly.

The fox had lost his smile. As Chelsea watched he finished his beer and stood to crush the can flat. As he picked it up, weighing the little aluminum puck in one paw, he glanced to the hyena.

"So?" He asked, almost impatiently. It had the air of a proposition, but what to Chelsea couldn't say.

The hyena ignored the fox, sipping placidly at his own beer. He seemed faintly amused by the whole situation.

The fox blew out a breath and went to fetch another beer.

"You gonna finish your soda?" The rabbit asked after a moment.

Chelsea shook her head and drank instead from her own water bottle. But though she swished the water from cheek to cheek the weird aftertaste didn't go away. It sat there in the back of her mouth, as did a...

It took her a moment to recognize the vague swimmy feeling seated at the bottom of her mind. She blinked hard and straightened up in her chair, alarmed by how much even that little motion disoriented her.

Her thoughts felt vague but there was enough clarity to them that she could put together what had just happened. The soda had tasted strange because there had been something in it. The cat or the fox or...somebody had laced her beverage.

A cold, frightened jolt ran through the center of her and Chelsea had to fight the urge to turn around and run. She couldn't do that, she couldn't let on that something was wrong. Not until she had some way to escape.

But...her bike was broken, the fuel tank had to be completely empty by now and she didn't have the keys to any of the bikes out front, even assuming she was in any state to drive.

Her mind spun back to the soda. The cat had given it to her but all of them had to have been aware of it. The only saving grace was that she hadn't drank it all, and she was larger than them. They'd probably been banking on her swallowing the entire thing and falling asleep. But she hadn't, so she likely wouldn't pass out.

It occurred to Chelsea that maybe she could simply wait it out. The hyena's friend would soon arrive and...


No, he was probably in on it too. There probably was no spare part coming. That realization made her stomach clench, fresh terror rolling through her. They'd planned the whole thing out. They'd known from the instant they'd first laid eyes on her what was going to happen.

The fox returned with a fresh round of beers and again looked to the hyena. This time Chelsea knew the meaning of their quiet little communication. They were debating when to come after her.

Mercifully, the hyena let his eyes slide away from the fox, silently rebuffing him.

The fox blew out a breath, openly impatient, then sat down and cracked open his beer.

"Maybe I should catch a ride into town," Chelsea said, fear propelling the words past her lips before she could really think them through, "...come back for my bike later."

The hyena regarded her evenly. Did he know she'd figured it out?

"It won't take too long," he said, "we got your part coming, I'll switch it out real quick and then you can be on your way."

Chelsea stood up, the world swimming around her for a moment, her sense of balance more theory than fact. She managed to keep herself upright but it was worryingly difficult, the fur on her tail had gone fluffy with fright.

The hyena looked to the fox. They rose to match her and very suddenly Chelsea realized that all pretensions had gone out of their game. They were about to come for her.

"Listen..." She said, holding her paws out as she took a slow step back towards the front of the garage, "there are people waiting for me, and they know where I am. I wont tell anyone if you..."

The fox lunged forward with an impatient growl and Chelsea turned to run, only for wiry arms to lace around her waist, the fox doing his level best to bring her down.

Even half stupefied by whatever had been put into the soda, Chelsea managed to keep going, adrenaline clearing her mind, narrowing her vision and numbing her entire body. The rabbit tried to grab her but his paws skated off the back of her riding jacket. Then the hyena grabbed her by the hair. In an instant Chelsea's head was jerked back and she toppled backwards, landing atop both the fox and the rabbit in a disorganized pile. She tried to squirm free even as the fox wheezed and scrabbled at her back, but the hyena was rounding her side. He looked unamused.

Chelsea tried to swipe at him with her claws but he caught her by the wrists and dragged her around until she was lying flat on her back, mind blurred with dizziness. She tried to kick but the cat caught her legs, the rabbit helping the hyena with her arms. Grimacing, the fox picked himself up, looking disheveled.

"Please..." Chelsea groaned even as she tried to tug free, but the hyena's grip was too strong and both the rabbit and cat had already pinned her legs. She could feel her heart hammering and her breathing coming faster, right on the verge of panicked hyperventilation.

"This was not how this was supposed to go." The hyena sighed.

Chelsea shivered in place, then yelped as the rabbit's paw slipped between her thighs. The fox began to unzip her riding jacket, tail wagging behind him, fur bristled up with open delight.

"Stop!" She cried, then the cat grabbed her muzzle, forcing her mouth shut. Tears welled up, blurring Chelsea's vision as she felt her riding jacket fall open. A moment later there were rough paws on her breasts, the fox ripping the chest of her tank top open. Chelsea wore no bra underneath and her black furred breasts bounced free. The fox squeezed them, admiring their firmness, then pinched her little pink nipples so hard that Chelsea shrieked.

"That's enough," the hyena said impatiently, "help me sit her up."

The cat sat on Chelsea's legs and rabbit grabbed the neck of her tank top, helping the fox and the hyena hoist Chelsea into a sitting position. She tried to struggle but they had the advantage not only in strength and numbers but leverage as well. Though she tried to curl her arms in and keep them from undressing her, they tugged her riding jacket off and shredded the remains of her tank top, leaving her naked from the waist up. The hyena leaned in close, hot breath on the left side of her neck, then nipped her, pinching the skin between sharp teeth.

"You were supposed to pass out and wake up in town once we were done. We'd have left you your fucking bike and everything." He sounded genuinely miffed, as though she'd committed some grand faux pas.

Chelsea whimpered but her thoughts were too splintered to consider what the alternative could possibly be. They were clearly still going to assault her, that much was beyond dispute, but...

The cat grabbed her between the legs before she could think any further. She squeezed her thighs shut, just enough to baffle the cat's advances, but he merely switched to her breasts instead. She groaned as they forced her down onto her back and grabbed her legs, stripping her pants off. The rabbit fondled himself through his pants as he pinned her left arm with his knees. His cock had tented the fabric and Chelsea could see a dark, wet spot growing there as his pre began to flow.

The fox wasn't much further behind. He'd undone the zipper on his pants even before hers came off and she could see the bulge in his underwear. Then Chelsea's panties were forced down and she heard the cat let out a lustful growl at the sight of her tight, velvety pussy and tiny tail-hole.

Again Chelsea tried to close her legs but they were levered open, the fox forcing a paw there. His fingers skated off the folds of her slit, Chelsea trying to shift her hips out of the way, but then he managed to jam a pair of fingers in, a searing lance of humiliated pain burning through the very center of her.

"I heard wolves howl when they cum," the rabbit panted as he shifted his pants down, a tapered pink length bouncing free, pre dripping to the floor of the garage, "is that true?"

The cat, who he seemed to be asking, just laughed in response and continued fondling Chelsea's breasts.

The hyena stayed where he was, pinning Chelsea's arms. He seemed to be surveying the situation, knowing that in a matter of moments the whole thing would dissolve into an orgy of lustful chaos.

"Flip her over," he said suddenly, "I want her muzzle."

The fox grinned approvingly and dragged his fingers free. Chelsea managed to close her legs for just a moment, then was flipped unceremoniously onto her stomach. The rabbit jammed a knee into her ribs, shocking the breath from her lungs.

"On your fucking paws and knees," he ordered and grabbed her by one ear, twisting it, forcing her into the right position. Chelsea keened, trying to tuck her head against one shoulder, but the rabbit just laughed.

Already she knew what they were about to do. The hyena might have forced her onto her paws and knees for his own benefit, but it had also made it easier for his friends to access both of her holes. Even as that terrible realization occurred the fox was already worming under her, pants fully off. His cock was knotted and dripping pre already. His paws gripped her waist but though Chelsea longed to lean down and bite him on the nose, the hyena's paw found her chin and forced her muzzle open. He'd undone the front of his pants and his cock was out. It looked almost like a typical canine length but with only a subtle swell at the base where a knot might have otherwise been.

On some distant, pragmatic level this was a relief, but still Chelsea recoiled, trying to shut her mouth. The hyena's grip tightened even as she did, enough that it hurt.

"I feel a single tooth I'll break your jaw." He growled.

Chelsea trembled, frozen with fear. The hyena forced her muzzle open as wide as it would go and then was leaning forward, hilting his cock into her throat in a single thrust. The fox's paws traveled lower and gripped her rear as his hips humped upwards. The tip of his cock, scalding and slick, plowed through the fur just past her pussy, then he found his mark and was pumping relentlessly in.

Chelsea cried out, a dull ache throbbing where the fox was violating her. His cock wasn't as large as the hyena's, not even close, but she was knotted up with tension and he was rough, forcing muscles to relax, ramming relentlessly into her. He buried his face between her breasts, panting hard.

Even as this happened Chelsea felt a weird, icy slickness just beneath her tail. She tried to fold it down but the rabbit yanked it up and off to the side. She could barely focus on this, her body was already being tugged in a dozen different directions by all that was happening. All she could see in front of her was a wall of brown and black fur, the hyena gripping hard to her ear with one paw, the other holding her muzzle, making sure she kept a tight seal around his cock as it pushed into her throat over and over again.

There were tears sliding down Chelsea's face, but though she badly wanted to sob there was simply no opportunity to, the hyena's cock was thick enough that she could only get occasional sips of air, and even those tasted like pre and musk. His balls, heavy and covered in fluffy black fur, slapped against her chin.

Behind her, the rabbit applied more lube to her tail-hole, then speared a pair of fingers into her last unclaimed hole. Chelsea squirmed in place and was unable to keep herself from clenching down. Satisfied, the rabbit withdrew his fingers and gripped her hips, positioning the pointed tip of his cock at her soon to be violated pucker.

Had her mouth been free Chelsea thought she might have begged for the rabbit to stop, but already he was pressing forward, molding himself over her back with a groan as he pushed the entire length of his cock into her tightest, smallest hole. Chelsea's legs trembled and she whimpered, fresh tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Oh God." The rabbit huffed and began hammering his hips against her round rear, pumping his cock into Chelsea's hot, tight tail-hole as fast as he could, desperate to make full use of the hole he'd been given.

The hyena laughed, amused by the urgency of the rabbit's pace, but before he could manage even a single word Chelsea could feel the rabbit's cock twitching inside of her. He came with a sharp little cry, balls tightening, the velvety heat of her tail-hole too much for him to bear.

Drained, the rabbit fell back, looking almost stunned, cock still twitching. A pearly trickle of cum rolled down the inside of Chelsea's thigh and she shivered in disgust.

The cat laughed as he took the rabbit's place, jamming his barbed length into Chelsea's ass. His barbs were more rubbery than sharp but the sensation was still unwelcome, the cat digging his claws into her waist as he ground his cock as deep into her as he possibly could.

Chelsea gagged and trembled, whimpers leaking from between her lips as the assault continued. The cat and the fox seemed to be thrusting in tandem, forcing her forward onto the hyena's cock. She felt skewered, utterly ruined by the horrible things that were happening to her.

But there wasn't a thing she could do. Already she felt even dizzier than she had when they'd first forced her clothes off. Though she hadn't had enough of the drugged soda to knock her out entirely, what she had swallowed was enough to sand the finer edges from her thoughts and make any notion of resistance seem remote and impossible.

Beneath her, the fox grunted and ground his knot against the lips of her pussy. They didn't quite give, and though the fox clearly wanted to tie her, he didn't succeed. Instead Chelsea heard him groan, then he was spurting a hot load into the very depths of her cunt.

He withdrew only reluctantly, cock dripping as he scooted out from under her, panting and wide eyed. Chelsea only caught a glimpse of her abuser from the corner of one eye but the look in his eyes froze her solid. He didn't look even remotely satisfied. Neither did the rabbit, who she could feel squeezing her breasts, enjoying the panicked huffs she let out when he pinched her nipples.

The hyena telegraphed his coming climax clearly, his breath shortening as his thrusts grew jagged and erratic. Chelsea squeezed her eyes shut and balled her paws into little fists as he grabbed her ears with both paws and came with a grunt. Hot ropes of sticky cum splashed the back of her throat, black spots forming at the corners of her vision, growing larger and larger until, mercifully, he withdrew. The hyena stroked a paw along his length, a last few drops of seed spattering to the ground, then he let go of Chelsea entirely. She let her front half collapse, the cat taking the opportunity to lean over her, railing her tail-hole as hard as she could.

It hurt, but at the same time she hardly felt it. Everything felt distant and broken, a pale shadow of what it had been before. When the cat's claws jabbed into her hips as he came, unloading his desire into her tail-hole, Chelsea only whimpered.

Then there was nobody touching her at all. She collapsed onto her side, trembling, airy, broken little sobs leaking from between her teeth. She could taste cum in the back of her mouth now and a splintery sort of ache radiated from her tail-hole, joining the duller yet more manageable pain from her violated pussy.

"What are we gonna do with her?" The rabbit asked after a moment. He seemed to have caught his breath and sounded a bit more collected.

"She said she had people expecting her." The cat said. Chelsea recoiled instinctively from the tone he was using, but even that small attempt at escape was foiled was the fox pressed her onto her back. She was too weak to resist. Too weak even to cry out when he pushed himself between her legs and hilted his cock into her slit once more, right up to the edge of his knot.

"I was thinking about that," the hyena said, "but looking through her phone, the last call she made to anyone was four days ago."

"You little liar." The fox huffed as he fucked her.

Chelsea closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to see the grin on the fox's face, or face the final dissolution of what she had hoped would be a saving grace.

"So what are we doing with her?" The cat asked after a silent moment punctuated only by the grunts of the fox as he neared his peaks.

The hyena regarded the defeated, cum stained wolf girl on the floor before him.

"Well, nobody knows she's here. Nobody's looking for her. Maybe we could keep her around."

The rabbit perked up and even the fox paused for a moment, excited almost beyond words?"

"For how long?" The rabbit asked, though he had to know the answer.

"As long as we want. We can chop her bike down for parts, drive her phone over to Vegas and get rid of it there..." The hyena paused, looking thoughtful.

"If we're keeping her..." The cat trailed off, unable to suppress a gleeful little shiver at all the things that were left to try.

Chelsea listened to this, but though the horror still struck deep she could no longer summon up the energy to resist it. On top of her the fox grunted and ground his knot against the entrance to her pussy. He was getting close again.

"Her cunt is so tight," he panted, "I'm never gonna get tired of draining my balls into this."

Even as he spoke Chelsea could feel the abused muscles between her legs letting go, admitting the full length of the fox's cock. His knot slid into her like a ball of fire and a moment later he was cumming, face buried between her breasts as he pumped his seed into her womb.

They lay there for a moment, Chelsea taking shallow little breaths, sick with anger at just how contented the fox was, how much pleasure he had gotten from taking her body and bending it to his will. She could feel his knot pulsing inside of her, his balls tight, cock still twitching as he unloaded every last bit of seed he possibly could.

"Chris will probably be here soon." The cat remarked after a while.

The hyena looked up from where he was getting dressed and nodded to himself.

"We should probably get her cleaned up," he said, then nudged the fox's thigh with one boot, "wrap it up...and someone go give her a shower."

The fox pulled free with unhidden reluctance, wiping his cock clean on the inside of Chelsea's thigh before standing up, still breathing hard.

"You think I've bred her yet?" He asked the rabbit.

The rabbit just laughed and began to tug Chelsea upright. Chelsea pinned her ears back, as though she could unhear the fox's question, but it was too late, the notion had wormed into her mind already. A helpless little sob leaked through clenched teeth as images came, unbidden, of the fox's seed taking root inside of her. The whole thing felt poisonous and wrong.

In the end it took both the rabbit and the cat to half drag, half walk her to the back of the garage. There was a makeshift bedroom in there, with a pair of bunkbeds and what looked like a makeshift common area with raggedy beanbag chairs and a carpet laid down over the cement. They took her past it and into the neighboring bathroom, which contained a little shower stall barely big enough for a pair of people.

The rabbit let go of her to turn the water on and the cat pressed her back against the nearest wall, one paw squeezing her breasts. Chelsea shut her eyes and went as tense as she could, her knees trembling. But when her strength inevitably failed, to her surprise the cat let her slump down to a sitting position on the floor.

The rabbit turned away from the shower and chuckled at the sight of the cat undoing his zipper.

"The water takes a while to heat up." He said, and pulled down his pants as well.

Chelsea tried to duck away as the cat's barbed length flopped free, but he grabbed her by the hair and jammed his cock into her mouth. Sensing that resistance was futile, Chelsea went limp. The rabbit, already breathing hard, crowded in next to the cat, the tip of his cock poking at her cheek.

They took turns fucking her mouth, the bathroom slowly fogging with steam, Chelsea's jaw growing sorer and sorer as they pinned the back of her head against the wall and humped her muzzle. Their motions were urgent, almost frenzied, like they hadn't had the opportunity to do something like this in a long, long time.

The cat came first, spraying an alabaster arc of feline seed over the left side of Chelsea's face before directing the rest of his load across her breasts. Chelsea coughed, mouth wide and empty for just a moment before the rabbit grabbed her ears and began pumping his thick cock down her throat. Seeing the cat spurt his load seemed to have excited him for he only lasted another half dozen thrusts before he came down her throat, balls tightening against her chin. His cum tasted almost sweet next to the hyena's or even the cat's and it wasn't so difficult to swallow.

Then, mercifully, they bundled her into the shower, the cat eagerly stripping to join her. The rabbit, freshly spent, left the bathroom. The cat purred as he slipped into the steamy shower, taking full advantage of the cramped quarters to fondle and grope every inch of her body, slipping his fingers into her abused pussy and violated tail-hole, pinching her sore nipples and grinding against her round ass, cock newly hard.

He guided her into a kneeling position, her front braced against the side of the shower stall, hot water beating down on them. Chelsea stayed perfectly still as the cat pressed himself against her back, paws coming around her front to squeeze her breasts.

It was a terrible thing, to be so completely helpless, but her mind was a vague, foggy soup and when the cat pushed his cock into her pussy all she could do was let out a tiny, ragged sob. He took his time fucking her, nipping at the side of her neck with sharp feline teeth and pinching her nipples each time she whimpered. It seemed as though a dozen lines of red hot fire had been drawn at various points of her body, all interconnected by the terrible reality of the abuses she was undergoing.

And it wouldn't end. None of this would end anytime soon. The hyena had hinted at more people arriving, and Chelsea already knew what they would want to do to her. Maybe they'd force a proper dose of the knockout drug upon her before that happened.

Chelsea felt slightly ashamed to be thinking of that eventuality as a positive.

The cat hugged her to himself when he came, grunting into Chelsea's ear as he filled her pussy with warm feline cum. When he stood up and pushed his cum smeared cock into her mouth it occurred to Chelsea that she could bite him, but the urge seemed so completely disconnected from her physical body that by the time she worked out which impulses made her jaw close the cat was already withdrawing and moving to clean her up again.

Eventually they got out of the shower. The fox had arrived to help towel her off and he took the opportunity to finger her not so discreetly. Chelsea trembled from where she was kneeling on the ground but even when the fox put on a condom and fucked her for a third time she didn't say a word.

The fox didn't knot her this time, but only because she suspected he was too tired to. When he collapsed across her back, cock jerking inside of her, distant ripples of pain accompanying the by now familiar feeling of warmth, he kissed the back of her neck and squeezed her breasts fondly.

Chelsea lay on the carpet where he'd taken her. The rabbit had stood back the entire time and eve now was taking pictures on his cell phone, grinning at the half vacant, half despairing look on her face. The fox shuffled back, panting, the condom hanging from his cock. There was a golf ball sized bulge at the bottom where his load had gathered and he grabbed Chelsea by the chin, tugging her onto her knees so she could better see it.

"Drink it." He ordered, forcing her mouth open.

Chelsea whimpered and tried to turn her head away, but again her physical body seemed to be on a delay compared to the frantic, horrified fragments that consumed her thoughts. This was humiliating, she knew that on some distant level. This was terrible and degrading, something she should absolutely not do. But still she watched herself, as though from a distance, as the fox levered her jaws open and poured his load down her throat. It overflowed her mouth but when he held her muzzle shut she swallowed just like he wanted her to. The whole thing tasted faintly like latex.

All she could do was sit still and let tears continue to slide down her cheeks, along familiar, well-worn paths.

They didn't bother dressing her back up. Instead they laid her down against one of the beanbag chairs, the hyena laughing as he reviewed the pictures the rabbit had taken. There were apparently some good ones of her being made to swallow the contents of the condom, another few great ones of her with her legs spread.

Chelsea tried to push past the feeling of detachment...she knew that wasn't good. She needed to be present if she wanted to escape, but the firestorm of horror and shame and fear that lay beyond was so intense that she recoiled away and dove back into the safety of her numbness.

"Should we knock her out?" The cat asked.

The hyena glanced up from where he was checking his phone. His friends seemed to be expected at any minute.

"Nah," he said, "she didn't make any trouble for us, doubt she'd complain if a couple more guests dropped by. Right?" He asked, looking to her.

Chelsea shut her eyes. Her rapists laughed.

A few minutes later (or...it felt like a few minutes) she heard motorcycles come in from off the highway. Motorcycles and at least one truck. Doors slammed, engines cut off and the hyena went out to greet the new arrivals. Chelsea heard fragments of their conversation.

"We got real lucky," the hyena said, "nicest piece of wolf girl ass in the state walks in...and she doesn't have an attachment in the world."

Somebody laughed. There were multiple sets of footsteps, at least four or five. She watched them come in, her stomach shriveling further and further at the sight of each new arrival. The man talking to the hyena was a well muscled doberman in a baseball cap. That had to be the 'Chris' the hyena had first texted.

Alongside him came a tawny furred deer, a lion, a lynx and a black furred mink. They exchanged looks as they entered the room, offering appreciative nods to the hyena as they assembled. In an instant the room was very, very full. Chelsea slowly drew her legs against her stomach, curling into a ball as best she could.

It hurt to do so, but that wasn't a surprise. It hurt to do almost everything.

"Did you guys have a go already?" The doberman asked, regarding Chelsea with open hunger. He was just barely restraining himself from jumping on her, she realized, and shivered with revulsion.

The fox chuckled at the doberman's question. The hyena nodded.

"We broke her in," he said lightly, "but she's still good to go."

"We can do whatever we want?" The mink asked. One paw had dropped to his groin where he was massaging a growing bulge. The deer was doing the same.

"Within reason," the hyena said, "we want to keep her around for a while, you know?"

The doberman nodded and gave his fellows a serious look. Then his smile, wicked and greedy, returned.

"I call her cunt," he said, "who wants her muzzle?"

They leapt on her.

The doberman's cock was thick and pink, bigger than even the hyena's, and he shoved Chelsea's legs apart with what felt like impossible strength, pushing his length into her violated pussy with a single rough thrust. Chelsea managed a thin, whining cry that was abruptly cut off by the mink's tapered cock. He bent over her face, pumping his length into her muzzle with a raw and lustful desperation that was only rivaled by how quickly he came, spurting a half dozen jets of sticky seed down Chelsea's throat. She coughed and gagged as he withdrew but had only enough time to pin her ears back before the deer was upon her, shoving his pre drooling cock against one cheek. She clenched her teeth together but the deer merely forced her jaws open and pumped in, stabbing his cock into Chelsea's throat with gusto.

Between her legs the doberman continued to pound away, ramming his fist sized knot against the lips of Chelsea's pussy, white hot jangles of pain shooting through her. But no matter how she tried to close her legs the doberman hardly seemed to notice her muted resistance. He grunted and panted, spurts of pre splashing the walls of her pussy, filling her again and again. The pain had taken on new dimensions, like he was ramming a red hot poker into her.

Chelsea reached up to try and force the deer off of her but he caught her arms and bucked his hips even harder, balls slapping against her muzzle, blocking her air completely. Black spots proliferated again and again at the corners of her vision, never quite dispersing. Above her, the doberman rocked her in place with vicious, purposefully painful thrusts, teeth gritted as he fought to hold back his climax. But the battle was impossible to win and he reached down with one paw to squeeze his knot, which he hadn't been able to force into Chelsea's ravaged cunt.

"Have fun with my pups, bitch." He grunted and then cried out as his load overflowed Chelsea's pussy, thin trickles of alabaster seed dripping onto the carpet, collecting at the base of her tail. If Chelsea could have screamed then she thought she would have, horror filling her once more, building with each new splash of cum he shot directly into her womb. The doberman grunted, eyes squeezed shut as he ground savagely into her, balls jerking as he drained them into her. He withdrew after a few final thrusts, still squeezing his knot. Cum dripped from his cock, still dribbling as he staggered away, panting.

At some point they moved her to the couch and bent her over one of the arms, Chelsea's muzzle buried in the fur of one assailant or another, their cocks pumping down her throat, her holes filled at random. The deer abandoned her mouth to finish in her tail-hole, then the lion and the lynx spit roasted her, their barbed cocks raking the insides of every hole Chelsea had before they finished. The rabbit pushed her onto her back and straddled her chest, pushing his throbbing cock between her breasts, paws busily squeezing her sore nipples. Chelsea had shut her eyes, sniffling as hot spurts of lapine cum stained the fur on her chest.

She didn't know how long it lasted, for entire chunks of time seemed to gray out and vanish as her mind overloaded and rescued her from the horror of her situation. Eventually her assailants' lust settled and finally she was left face down on the couch, the mink bent over her, pumping his cock into her tail-hole. His motions were slow and he breathed hard, tired but still determined to make use of her abused body one last time.

Chelsea hardly knew how to react anymore, so much had happened. Atop her, the mink's breath ruffled the fur on the back of her neck, quick and eager. She knew she ought to have been furious, resentful and sad and sick...but none of the feelings rose. She felt empty, completely void of any feeling or emotion other than a deep, intractable exhaustion.

The mink let out a strangled little groan and hugged his arms around her as he hilted his cock into her cum streaked tail-hole, squirting one last load into her. For the most part everyone else was still, sitting or lying down. A few had lit blunts and there looked to be a line for the bathroom. Everyone looked to be in fine spirits.

Chelsea shut her eyes and time got away from her for a little bit. When she came back to lucidity she was in the shower, the hyena sitting just outside of the stall. She blinked and felt a bit steadier, her thoughts clearer. Whatever they'd dosed her with had to be wearing off.

The pain was clearer too, great razor sharp heaps of it stacked between her legs and all along her front. Her breasts were sore and the pain that came when she tried to move her legs was so intense that she doubted she would be able to walk. She stayed where she was, propped against the wall of the shower stall, and glared at the hyena.

He seemed gently amused by that small display of defiance.

"Lucky thing that you came into my shop," he said, "for me, mostly, I don't know how you feel about it."

Chelsea felt furious tears boiling from the corners of her eyes. This was exactly what the hyena wanted, she knew that, and somehow that knowledge made it even worse.

"Fuck you." She muttered, but her voice was hoarse and she could barely get it over a whisper.

"Not just me," the hyena smirked, "...this is gonna be your life now. Best get used to it."

He stood and left the bathroom. Chelsea listened to the shower patter against her fur for a long time, then added her tears to the torrent.

Ms. Haley's Grand Adventures Abroad

I wrote this whole thing in five or six hours, which is generally how I write furry stuff. It's light and fluffy and adorable, in direct contrast to the usual stuff I write (you can tell because I don't even need to put a content warning here). There...

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Karina the Courier

I've had to read about the Eastern Front of WWII quite a lot recently. It's a sad, grim subject so naturally I wrote a sad, grim little story about it. This may have a continuation or it may not, I'm not sure yet. **WARNING: ** The main character is...

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Party Favor

**WARNING:** This story contains rape, gang-rape and all variety of non-consensual activities. There is no happy ending. Kylie didn't normally go to parties. Loud places made her feel anxious and this one was no exception. Standing close to the front...

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