To Claim A Boy 3 by Rekhit & Griz Sylverwing

Story by Rekhit on SoFurry

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(This story is set within the Fallout universe. Paid commission for TKD DBull.)

To Claim A Boy 3 by Rekhit Redstripe & Griz Sylverwing

With a muffled neigh of rage and pain, Reggie finally snapped the legs of the table that his wrists were secured to. The table, broken, fell forward, slamming his broken nose and the base of the thick dildo against the floor, causing another roar of pain from the broken stallion.

Broken table legs dangling from his wrists, Reggie quickly undid the belt and ripped the dildo from his mouth. It pressed upwards from the sudden removal and he retched, throwing up over the floor. Spitting vomit from his mouth, nose throbbing, he tore off his bindings and stumbled to the bathroom. Quickly he injected himself with a stimpack, sighing as the pain dulled in his ass and nose.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror. The fur around his nose was mattered with blood, and spit and vomit hung from his lips. His nose was bent in one direction and it made a whistling sound as he breathed. Thankfully the stimpack helped with the pain. Reggie began to clean up; he had no choice but to head a hospital. The one in Vernon Square, Our Lady Of Hope, offered medical care to anthros whose medical insurance was less then stellar.

Blood was mattered around his hole as well, and Reggie winched as he washed it out of his fur. He feared what kind of internal damage the mad bull had done to him but was reluctant to let anyone have a look down there. He could still feel is insides throb from were the huge bull cock had opened him up, the lasting tingles.

Heat rose in his loins and Reggie's cock dropped and hardened. The pain in his ass was throbbing, but just thinking about what had been done to him, to have his will stripped away and forced to be someone's toy... it turned him on so much that Reggie leant against the wall of the shower and jerked out a huge loud of horse cum against the wall.

The stallion panted, sliding down onto the floor of the shower. He felt disgusted with himself. Sure, he was a bottom, submissive, but he was a power bottom. He took the cocks but he was the one always in charge. The top wouldn't cum until Reggie decided they did. And now he was so turned on by the idea of all that power stripped from him that Reggie wanted to curl into a ball and hide away from himself and the world.

Torrin. Reggie looked up, eyes narrowed. That bull would pay.


2 Months Later


Kevin groaned loudly as he straddled his big bull Daddy. Huge paws spread his ass cheeks and the thick pierced head slipped into his hole. Another groan and Kevin sank down slowly, every bar in the shaft bumping past his stretched opening. The bars rubbed against his sensitive insides, so used to the bull dick it was like a hand sliding into a stretched glove. And his ass was no stranger to the bull's paws either. Three weeks ago Torrin had double fisted him for the first time and Kevin had experienced his first multiple orgasm.

"Oh Daddy," he moaned, riding along the bull's shaft. He looked back, watching the thick cock disappear inside his sticky hole. "Oh Daddy!"

"Yeah boy, ride my cock." Torrin grinned, reaching under to tug at the new piercing through the head of Kevin's cock. A hiss escaped Kevin's mouth and he bucked, thrusting into Torrin's fingers. The flesh tugged around the ring, making Kevin's ass clench tightly. "You like your new piercing don't you boy?"

Kevin nodded, biting his lip as he moved himself moved up and down, feeling the thick cock slid into his ass and back out again, then to disappear back inside. His ass felt lonely without the bull's dick in it.

The human reached out and wrapped fingers through both of the rings in Torrin's nipples, pulling on the sharply, causing both to stretched. Torrin lowed deeply, tugging harder on Kevin's Prince Albert, a paw snaking round to grip and rub the human's muscular rump.

"Come 'ere," Torrin growled, releasing Kevin's cock piercing and grabbing his head. Their lips came together and they moaned in unison, lips parting so tongues could tease and taste the other. Small human tongue pressed against wide bull tongue, only for it to be pulled into the bull's maw. Kevin's hands held the bull's snout and they kissed.

They came together, grunting with their release. Kevin's cum splattered across his Daddy's stomach while thick bull sperm gushed through his innards, spurting out around his hole. Together they lay, basking in the warm glow over their love making. Their sex could be rough, their sex could be passionate. It didn't matter to Kevin, nor to Torrin. They loved to please the other, to feel the other's pleasure. They kissed softly, smiling at each other.

An hour later Kevin came into the kitchen, kissing Torrin between the horns. "Big day today," he said, stealing some of the Sugar Bombs from the bull's bowl.

"Organising the fund raiser right?" Torrin replied, swatting playfully at the human's hand.

"Yeah, I'm meeting with Sarah and the others above Lady Frumperton's at Dupoint." Kevin sat down. "Weird though."

"What is?" Torrin asked, spooning up his breakfast.

"Well, Sarah said we'd be meeting at some café in Steward Square but I got a phone call from someone last night while you were at work saying that the meeting place had been changed. Didn't recognise the voice." He shrugged. "Oh well... I can't believe we've some so far!"

"Yeah, but you think you got a chance?"

Kevin stared at his lover. "Torrin, this is our chance to change one of the thing's that's unfair in this country; no anthro/human marriages are allowed. Heck, the relationships between anthros and humans is almost a stigma. Remember what happened to me almost 2 years ago."

Torrin nodded. "I know babe, just... d'ya think the government will listen?"

"They listened to Dr. King in the 1960's. African-American and white American became legal. They listened to Henry Rogers in the 1990's. Anthros became legal citizens and they were allow to marry. What about Christopher Cunningham back in the 2020's? By 2035 gay marriage became legal. It's 2066; it's time humans and anthros, of any species and of any sexual orientation, were given the same rights."

Torrin smiled. "Ya know, you look sexy when you're riled up."

Kevin stuck his tongue out. "This is important to me. To us. I'm tired of having to hide the truth away from people simple because it's not considered 'polite'. I want the world to know that my lover is not only male but an anthro, someone who loves me and cares me for. I hate living a lie. I want us to able to marry and have the same rights as everyone else."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Torrin asked, cocking an eyebrow. Kevin reached over and squeezed his paw.

"Ask me when we've won that right. I'm not going anywhere." He got up and run himself a glass of water. Thankfully water was still relatively cheap compared to everything else.

"I'm just worried yer wastin' yer time. The government's more worried about the plague, and what with China invading Alaska. An' you might be forgettin', this country doesn't have enough resources anymore."

"Don't think I've forgotten. People are miserable enough. But the government might just do this because it'll be a propaganda victory, give people something to be happy about and forget the food riots." He came over and hugged Torrin around the neck. "We just need the money to stage the march on Capitol Hill."

"I know babe, that's why I've got someone coming round to look at the car."

Kevin pulled away. "What about it?"

"I'm sellin' it."

For a few seconds Kevin was speechless. "But... you've been saving up for months to get one of those nuclear powered Corvegas! You love that car!"

"Yep, I do, but I love you more." Torrin stood and wrapped his arms around his boy. "I'd rather sell it and give you the money then own it and worry I didn't do enough to help." He lifted Kevin's head up and kissed him. "I love you boy."

"I love you too Daddy." They looked into each other's eyes, seeing more then just their reflection. They saw into the other's heart and could only see their shared love. "I have to go."

Torrin chuckled and fuzzled Kevin's hair. "Okay boy. See you later." Kevin kissed the bull again and left their shared home. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he never saw the face looking out from the shadow of a nearby building. The long equine face watched him enter one of the Metro tunnels. Behind the stallion stood two huge figures.

"Now," came a wheezing voice.

Torrin was just settling back with a copy of the Capitol Post when there was a loud knocking at the door. "Huh, they're early." He opened the door only to find two huge bears standing on his doorstep. Both had to outweigh him by almost 100 pounds, and while they had large round stomachs it was clear they were both power lifters.

Before Torrin could say anything they barged through the door and grabbed him with their huge clawed paws. Torrin thrashed and bellowed, trying to rip his arms and legs free of the bears. He was a strong bull and against one of these bears he might have had a chance. Against them both he lost before he even tried.

With a grace that belied their size, the two bears carried Torrin up the stairs to the bedroom, where they pinned them down. Taking ropes that were snaked through their belts they successfully tied him to the bed, arms out and spread edged. "Fuckers! Torrin yelled. "What the fuck..." His words were cut off as a large ball gag was stuffed between his lips, the ends being tied behind his head.

Torrin glared at the bears, snorting loudly from his nose. But they didn't move, standing with their arms crossed over their bulging chests. "Well, like what we got here." Torrin looked at the door as a familiar face appeared. A stallion walked into the bedroom.

Reggie grinned, taking out his wallet and withdrew a fist full of notes, handing them to the two bears. The bears grunted and took the money, as silent as when they first appeared at the bull's door. Now alone, Torrin glared at the stallion. Reggie's nose was bent out of shape and caved in at the front and when he breathed it made a wheezing sound further up his long snout.

"Been waiting a while for this bull," Reggie snorted. "Ya know, all I did was help your boyfriend try an' please you for your birthday; and I got raped for it. Well, I think it's time for a return favour."

From his pocket he drew out a switchblade, flicking it open. Torrin bellowed around the gag and thrashed, rocking the bed. The blade was pressed with the flat edge against his face and moved down. Torrin's wide eyes watched it, felt it, a coolness that contrasted with the heat of his body. The blade was flicked open and moved under his shirt and with a rip it was torn open from top to bottom.

Reggie wasted no time, tearing open Torrin's pants and underwear, leaving the bull nude. He groped the heavy nutsac and tugged on the soft bull cock. The bull managed to suppress a moan. Paws groped his cock and balls, stroking them roughly. Quickly Torrin filled his mind with as many non-sexual thoughts as possible. The state of the world economy, the price for the latest Mr. Handy, the quickest way from his home to the club he worked at.

It didn't help when a warm mouth wrapped itself around one of his huge nuts and began to suck on it. He snorted loudly, pulling hard on the ropes around his wrists. A tongue lashed at his furry sac and Torrin lowed, staring at the ceiling, counting the cracks. The whole nut was pulled into the horse's mouth and sucked hard, causing Torrin to let out a deep groan.

Maybe he should paint the ceiling beige. Or blue. Maybe even red. How about doing the kitchen? Teeth bit down softly on the round orb. Torrin's cock jerked, but he kept the mundane thoughts running through his head. Maybe he would go see his friends in Olney, or take a trip with Kevin to Point Lookout. They could do with a holiday...

The mouth moved off and Torrin stared into the eyes of the horse. "Yer not making this easy. Lucky I got something for ya!" The horse reached to a pouch on his belt and pulled out a needle. Torrin looked wide eyed at the horse as he realised what it was and tried to struggle but the bears had tied his arms too tight to the posts of the bed frame. Reggie got up onto the bed and sat his weight on the bull's chest to stop him from shaking about. He reached over and managed to push the needle into the meat of the large bicep and quickly pushed down the end watching as the liquid disappeared into Torrin's arm.

Torrin continued to struggle as he felt a flush of cold into his arm and suddenly it felt like his mind was floating as if he'd left his body, floating peacefully above it. A simple movement caused his floating form to wobble, like a leaf on the surface of a pond. Something moved between his legs and as disconnected as he was, he felt a tongue drag up between his cheeks and around his hole, pushing inside.

The pleasure was intense, beyond what he'd ever experience. Every millimetre of his anus was on fire and that tongue tingled the nerve endings. It was almost painful, just on that threshold, but it was amazing and he lowed deeply, feeling his floating body undulate.

Warmth wrapped around his balls again, slurping over each one, biting down on the swollen orbs. Torrin arched his back, groaning in lust. His cock rose to full hardness, pre bubbling at the slit. A finger traced its way up between the bars of his shaft and it all Torrin could do not to orgasm. His cock was so sensitive that when Reggie moved up and snorted, it felt like a thousand fingers had stroked across it.

It took only a few sucks of his bloated head for Torrin to cum. He didn't moan, he didn't grunt; he let out a deep sigh around the gag as cum gushed up through his cock and into the greedy mouth. In one fluid movement Reggie took the whole cock in his muzzle, letting the cum spurt down his throat. The bull just laughed as slowly he started to drift back into his body.

"You're easy to please," Reggie muttered, licking his lips. "I ain't done with you yet." Quickly peeling off his clothes, Reggie took the jar of lube from on the bedside cabinet and smeared it across the bull's cock, mixing in the cum and spit, then pushed fingers into his own ass, groaning from the pleasure. He pushed the fingers in deeply, one after another until his fist slipped inside. neighing, snorting, tossing his mane, Reggie fisted himself as deeply as his reach would allow. But this was a warm up.

Torrin stared up as the stallion straddled him, lowering slowly. His greased cock met greased ass and the head popped inside with ease. Both anthros moaned as Reggie lowered himself down, slowly, agonisingly slowly for Torrin. Every inch of the stallion's insides caressed his blood engorged cock. Torrin thrashed his head, ripping into the pillows with his horns. Above him Reggie grinned manically, squeezing the thick bull cock so that Torrin was humping upwards.

Equine butt kissed bovine crotch and Reggie thrust himself on the thick cock spearing his innards. Unlike before this was pleasurable. Reggie was fully in control as the drugged up bull groaned and tried to push upwards. Reaching out, Reggie took hold of the bull's nipple rings and pulled them hard, causing more lowing and groans from his fuck toy.

He used them as handles as he bounced on the bull's cock. He thrust himself along it, clenching his hole until he felt it shake and spurt again. Torrin bellowed this time as he orgasmed for the second time in the space of minutes. Balls contracted painfully as they pumped out his potent seed, filling the stallion, who bounced hard in his lap. Cum overflowed and soaked into the bed.

Leaning back, Reggie continued to ride the bull. He panted heavily, sweat dripping from his fur, adding to the sweat of the bull. A paw moved furiously along his own erection as he fucked himself on the big bull. Their bodies slapped together, cum squirting out around the Reggie's stretched out hole. Their grunts mingled, their scents mingled, their lust mingled as they pleasured themselves on and with each other.

Reggie neighed and came hard, pumping out long ropes of thick seed over Torrin's chest and face. The thick cream hung from Torrin's fur; it even splattered his horns. Torrin watched as the horse cock tip flared and the white gooy liquid shot out and covered him. The scent of the horse drove his lust filled mind over the edge and his muscles bulged as he flexed his arms and legs.

The wood creaked as it fought against the bull's strength but couldn't match the bovine's power and splintered as the rope tore through the wood like it was a matchstick leaving them dangling from his wrists and ankles. In his writhing to break free, Torrin had unseated Reggie from his crotch and thrown him from the bed onto the floor. The bull snapped the leather on the ball gag making it drop from his maw and snarled at the horse as Torrin slid off the bed and stood over the equine

"So, you wanna fuck the bull do ya?!"

The horse looked up at the mountain of sweaty, cum covered muscle and his slutty nature took a hold of him as he replied "Yes, yes! I want you to fuck me Daddy!" and as he scrambled to get up, his arm was caught by Torrin. Gripping it tightly and Torrin swung the horse to the bed, making it groan from the sudden weight. Reggie landed face down with his legs bent over the edge and before he knew it, the bull was on him and shoved his throbbing cock right into Reggie in one go, making him whinny in pleasure and press back.

As he turned his head to look at the bull, his eyes swept past the door to the bedroom. Torrin pounded his ass, ramming his long cock over and over again into the stallion's loose hole, the only thing on his mind was the hole he was fucking, so it was only Reggie looking out the open door and down the stairs, only he saw who was down there, and who was now coming up them. Torrin was so distracted that he failed to see anything; his mind was on breeding the stallion under him. "Harder daddy!" Reggie moaned, eyes staring forward. "Breed your mare."

Torrin bellowed, slamming forward with all his strength, cumming again. The orgasm was so powerful, he never saw Kevin standing in the doorway...


Kevin was pissed off. He arrived at Lady Frumperton's only to find out that the meeting place above the shop was part of the shop itself, and that it wasn't up for public renting. The woman behind the desk of the shop looked down at Kevin, over the rim of her glasses and said in a very haughty tone that he obviously had the wrong address.

Someone had played a very cruel trick on Kevin. He had no idea where the meeting itself was being conducted, only that he was to meet Sarah, a rather attractive rabbit, in Steward Square and they would go to the meeting place there. It would be too late now, so Kevin had no choice but to go back home.

Something wasn't right. The door was unlocked. Torrin and Kevin always kept the door locked even when they were in; with things being so scarce due to shortages, crime was rife, even in such a nice part of the DC. He opened the door and heard what sounded like two animals fighting. It took a second to realise it wasn't the sound of fighting, but the sound of rutting. He recognised Torrin's moans anywhere.

It was what he found on their bed that made his blood run cold. Reggie, the stallion who had helped him learn to deep throat, was pushed against the bed so that he was facing the door, and on top of him was Torrin, fucking him so hard the bed groaned under their weight.

Reggie saw him and gave Kevin a savage grin. Torrin was utterly oblivious and as Kevin stood in the doorway the bull orgasmed, letting out his signature bellow. Kevin just stood and stared as his bull Daddy, his lover, fucked the ass of another person. The big bull collapsed on the stallion, nuzzling his neck. It was what he said then that shattered Kevin's heart.

"Maybe I should adopt you as my boy," Torrin slurred.

"Bastard!" Kevin spat out. Torrin looked up and let out a moan, not of pleasure but like that of a wounded animal. "You fucking bastard!"

Torrin shook his head, as if trying to clear something from his mind, then stared down at the stallion under him. "Oh gods... what have I done?!" It was as a bucket of cold water had been thrown under him. Kevin saw the needle on the bed.

The human turned and ran down the stairs, and Torrin pulled from the stallion, giving case. He called Kevin's name, barely even giving thought to grabbing a coat to cover himself as he rushed outside. It was easy to catch up to the human, but when Kevin turned he saw something on the human's face he'd never seen before; rage. "How COULD you?" Kevin shouted. Peopled turned to stare at them.

"Kevin... love... it's not what you think..."

"You were FUCKING that horse. In OUR bed. And you're HIGH!" Kevin shook in anger, in desperation. "Why? Wasn't I good enough." Torrin reached out but Kevin jerked back. "Don't touch me... don't... just... get away from me." He turned, heading towards the Metro station."

"Kevin please!" But the human didn't turn. Torrin watched his shoulders jerk as he held in a sob. He disappeared into the Metro, never looking back.

With a roar Torrin charged back home. He'd kill the stallion for seducing him like that. The only reason Kevin would have come back was if his meeting never happened, and he said that someone had changed the meeting place. The bears were a plant, to get into his home. Reggie was behind all this. And Torrin would kill him.

By the time he got back, Reggie was gone. Obviously he'd slipped out when Torrin had run after Kevin. On the bed was a small note and when Torrin read it all it said was "You're welcome." He roared and slammed his fist against the wall, cracking it. Torrin collapsed on the bed and did something he'd not done since he was a small calf being picked on at school.

He wept.