Three Dragons, One Runt

Story by Cinos on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions

A commissioned story! In this one, a runt of a western dragon strikes out to claim a new home for himself after being forced out by his older siblings. Finding a temple he thinks abandoned, he soon discovers it isn't, and is faced with three eastern dragons, all bigger than him. But what he lacks in might, he makes up for in cunning and speed. Features domination, mind-breaking, vent-fucking, and mpreg. If you'd like to commission me for something, see my marketplace offer here on SoFurry.

With a final desperate roar, I threw myself into the rough ocean winds, spreading my wings to let them carry me. Behind me, I heard my accursed siblings scream out their fury, but only one of them set off after me. I was smaller than them, and lighter, and so I knew I'd get away. Indeed, soon enough the last turned back as I glided through the air. I don't know what they'd been planning, but I'd caught onto their hungry staring early enough that when they made their move, I was ready. What I lacked compared to their sheer physical prowess, I at least made up in intelligence and cunning.

I was hardly in the clear yet, though. The winds were rough and I couldn't fly forever, and I didn't know was laid beyond the seas. Hopefully, a land with no dragons. I'd had enough of my own kin for a lifetime, or even an eternity, after being harassed by my own blood-brothers for so many years. Enough so that I was willing to risk the demise of the drowned to get away from them; better that than being eaten alive or worse. A runt, they called me. I'd show them a runt, one day. I'd return and show them...

No, I had to stay focused. All notions of revenge had to be suppressed. I had to survive not only this flight but whatever the new lands I'd reach had in store for me. I encapsulated the idea like an egg in my mind, to hatch when the time was right.

At first, the seas were stormy and cold. I thought of nothing but angling my wings so that I didn't crash into the freezing, merciless waters below. For perhaps an hour, I soared through the air, until my wings were aching, and then I kept going, eventually finding a tiny spit of land - little more than a shoal, if even that, but enough for me to land on. There was no continent, not even islands in sight, and as I stretched out, I wondered if there was anything for me out here at all. At least the air was warmer, although the winds were as strong as ever, seawater splashing against my scales as the waves crashed on the rocks. That much was good; flying was easier when you didn't have to fight nature itself. For perhaps an hour, I waited there, until I felt like I'd regained enough strength to carry on, and then I sprung from those rocks, leaving no traces behind.

I don't know how long I was airborne. Nothing existed but myself, the winds that carried me, and the sea below. Eventually, something dawned on the horizon. At first, I thought that I was hallucinating from sheer exhaustion, forcing myself to not feel overjoyed. As I drew closer, though, I could discern a cliff wall along the sea's edge, an enormous mass of land slowly revealing itself to me, tree-clad and beautiful, and I could all but hear it calling to me, finally offering rest and respite. I barely made it, landing just at the cliff's edge, my claws digging into the ground and sending rocks tumbling down into the waters. I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the new land, and promptly collapsed, every single ounce of my energy utterly spent.

I awakened some time later, to the sounds of unfamiliar insects, singing their chittering songs in the dusklight. For a moment, I was confused. It was _warm_here, a jungle spreading out lush before me, and it took me a few minutes to remember what had transpired. This was somewhere new, with none of my backstabbing, murderous bigger siblings, a whole continent for me to claim as my own. _That_was when I finally felt joy. Joy, excitement, and more than a little trepidation. I had hardly mastered my inherent magical skill, nor was my breath as fiery as I'd have liked, and it might be a difficult journey I ahead of me. What I did have was a certain power over the minds of others, which would be of little use if this land was devoid of anything to use it on.

I'd managed to keep my siblings at bay for a time using that skill. I'd delve into their minds, make them forget about me, or perhaps simply make them feel fear. But as they aged, they'd grown resistant to it faster than I had become more powerful, thus necessitating my escape. Whatever I found here would hopefully never have encountered anything like it before, so that I'd perhaps be able to maintain control indefinitely. I'd simply have to deal with problems as they appeared.

I was still tired, of course, but I made my way into the jungle, my wings far too stiff and painful to use for a few days. It wasn't easy terrain to traverse, but neither did I run into any dangers. The land seemed softer, friendlier than the frozen mountains of my home. A good sign, perhaps, but it wasn't long until I happened upon a path. Not an animal path, but paved by non-dragon hands, with smooth light brown stones to lead the traveller. It was overgrown, mostly, grass and small bushes disrupting the road in places, but I knew it'd lead somewhere, and so I followed it, claws clicking against its flatness. We had a few of these in my home as well, built by some primitive species, before the kin ate all of them. Perhaps some yet lived in these warmer climates?

Soon enough, I found something bigger. A temple. It was no little ruin, but a grand, tall structure that'd only been hidden from my sight by the verdant canopy. It was build of the same yellow rock as the road itself, mighty pillars supporting a ceiling at least five times my modest height. There was the faint scent of something living inside, but little beyond that, and the scent was too alien for me to identify. It didn't look like anyone lived there now, no definite signs of recent habitation, and so I staked my claim. This was worthy of being my new den, my new home and base to explore this strange new land from. I roared, triumphantly, to let everyone near and far know that this was my territory now, and any invaders would be met with my full draconic fury. Nothing responded - all I heard was the wind whistling through the structure - and so I was satisfied. For a few more hours, I remained awake, waiting to make sure nobody would surprise me as I slept, before my exhaustion got the better of me.

In the morning, I immediately realizes I wasn't alone. Something was nearby, shuffling and tapping sounds echoing through the temple. Sleep-drunk, I nearly panicked, weaving a fast spell of gravelike silence and invisibility. It wasn't that I actually turned invisible, but rather, those touched by the cantrip wouldn't notice me even if I walked in front of them. As I projected my will, I touched on three minds. Kin-like, but yet not kin. Brothers. At least one of them was more powerful than my old siblings. The spell wouldn't last long, each second I maintained the illusion causing an exponentially painful burning in my skull, but I had to see what was coming for me.

An enormous white snake crawled into view through one of the corridors. No, not a snake, but a dragon, but strangely malformed, stretched out and wyrm-like. Was this what kin had become, beyond the oceans? Or was this what we all used to be? Another, this one yellow, soon joined him.

"Someone has been here," one growled. "A strange scent..."

My eyes were tearing up, the initially dull headache of suppressing their senses tearing at my mind like a wildfire, now.

"We should find whatever it is. Find it and question it," the other snake-thing replied.

I made my way out, crawling right between the two, no sound or sight registering to either of them. The second I got outside, I spread my wings, leapt, and promptly crashed into the trees, my wings still numb from yesterday's exertion. I let go of the spell, and my headache immediately dissolved away. I'd have to hide like a common animal until I understood what these things were, and what they could do. I wouldn't back down, not again. This was my territory now, and these three were the intruders.

Yet I'd be no match for them physically, at least not if I was alone against all three. I'd have to be clever about this, I realized, as I stayed low beneath the trees. Three. I'd only seen two in the temple. So where was the third? I froze. If their behaviour was anything like that exhibited by the nestmates I left behind, he'd be following me, assuming he'd seen me crash into the trees. Chances were he'd be doing it alone, with how hungry we tended to be for glory. Adrenaline was surging through my body as I prepared for a sudden pounce or dive. He didn't know that I knew, which would be an advantage. That, and surely I had more experience; his brothers didn't seem like the type who'd devour their smallest the second he let his guard down.

Yes, I was bitter about it. But perhaps I could show them how it felt. I stopped underneath some particularly thick trees. If he was following me, he'd have to come down here, and I'd be ready for him.

A few moments later he landed only a few feet away from me, diving through the treetops. I hadn't heard any flapping, and so I concluded that they flew by magical means. This one was red, and had the same strange serpentine appearance as his brothers. He noticed me immediately, a smug expression adorning his face.

"Who do we have here?" he asked, in a broken variant of our tongue. At least I could understand them. "A western runt, come to try his luck?"

He had horns like young trees rather than my curved ones, and the tendrils of a carp on his face. Strange, but not necessarily unattractive. He was at least three times my size, and although it was hard to approximate how strong he was given his alien form, I suspected that I wouldn't stand much of a chance in a fight.

"Come with me, interloper. My brothers and I wish to question you," he commanded. No more, I'd be ordered around no longer. I stood my ground, watching his every move.

"Last chance. Come with me or I'll have to take you there with force," he told me, his body coiling as he prepared to pounce me. Hiding my intentions until the last second was something I'd learned quickly as a whelp, but this one, despite radiating power like a small sun, had none of that cunning.

He dove at me, and I dodged, expecting him to sail past me, but instead he twisted around midair, seemingly defying the laws of physics, and caught me regardless, sending us both tumbling in the grass, each impact only worsening the aches in every muscle. He coiled his body around me, and as we came to a stop he had an insufferable grin on his muzzle. I fixed my eyes to his and struck out, pouring my will into his skull. He wasn't prepared for that, and his body seized around me, nearly crushing my ribcage. I felt the stirring of some form of magic, but he was too slow. I dug into his vulnerable thoughts and he seemed to blank out, going limp enough to allow me to squirm my way out from under him as his magic fizzled into nothingness.

I looked over his form, slightly battered but none the worse for wear. I felt a warmth stirring inside me, an arousal sparked by our unintentionally intimate encounter. He seemed to be feeling the same, and with his body sprawled out limply in the undergrowth, I could see his maleness - just as red as his scales, but wetter - peeking out of its vent. I had him pacified, but I needed to _break_him, to make sure he didn't turn on me the second he snapped out of his dazed state, and despite the vacant expression, he was resisting, sure to break my spell soon if I didn't stop him. Not to mention I didn't have long before his brothers came looking for him. I wasn't sure what to do, but then it dawned on me. If I forced him to orgasm, it'd probably leave him vulnerable enough for me cement my control over him, at least for a while.

I took hold of his tail, his scales warm to the touch. Despite his strange appearance, he felt no different than any other kin, and I quickly found the warm hole tucked away underneath his tail. I couldn't figure out a good way to mount him properly, not with this little time, so rather, I gave his delicate and vulnerable tailhole a few good wet licks, forcing my tongue into him. He tasted musky, even spicy, and I found my cock sliding out of my vent, the pheromone-rich scent tickling all the parts of my mind that told me to fuck him.

He was beginning to stir, letting out a growling moan, still too weak to protest, but he turned his head to look at what I was doing, and seeing my muzzle pressed against his hole, the way I was violating him, made him squirm and buck, almost throwing me off. It wasn't enough. I put his tail right at that little ring of vulnerable flesh, and pushed it in. His eyes widened at the sensation of being spread open.

"No, stop..." he groaned, but his cock twitched in response to my ministrations.

"How does it feel, being so eager to get mated that you'd stuff_yourself,_ right in front of some stranger?" I asked him, and his shocked expression showed that he probably didn't think I could speak at all. Sure, it wasn't exactly true, given that I was the one pumping his tail in and out of his body, but I hoped that he_thought_ it was, his reasoning still blunted by my influence.

"No, yes," he groaned, shaking his head as if recognizing his state of stupor but being unable to clear his mind.

I gently slipped a talon into his vent, ignoring the hardness jutting out of it and instead stroking his fleshy insides, sopping wet with the precum running down his length. "No reason to fight it, little hen. Keep fucking yourself, show everyone what a wanton slut you are," I told him, planting improvised ideas into his vulnerable thoughts. Truth be told, when I let go of his tail and watched him continue the movements, forcing it deeper into his body in convulsive, instinctive movements, it made blood surge to my cock with how erotic it was. The much bigger dragon reduced to panting and moaning as he desperately violated his own body in absolute humiliation, and knowing that I was the cause of it.

"That's it, my little breeder," I whispered, leaning it and continuing to finger his vent as if he was a female. He was certainly as wet as one would be, and as tight. I wondered what it'd feel like around my cock - my instincts even yelling at me to do it, as if that was the natural thing to do - but I didn't have time. I had to finish this and find a place to hide until the two others would be looking for him alone. With how painfully hard I was, my hips kept twitching on their own, my haunches flexing under the iron hand of nature, telling me to breed, and I had to use a measure of magic to control_myself._

Control was not something the serpentine dragon was concerned with anymore. He was groaning and moaning out loud as he thrust into himself, his thick tail spreading him so wide that he'd be left gaping for days. I felt the base of his engorged maleness flex as he ground his tail against his prostate as if trying to squeeze his cum out, overwhelmed by the presumably new sensations of being filled. He'd become a lot more familiar with them in time.

With a few more frantic thrusts, his tail was so deep inside him that he couldn't curl up any tighter. I focused my will against his, and at the split second before his submissive climax, I felt fear. He knew what'd happen if he gave into those sensations.

"Cum around that tail of yours," I coaxed him. "Just give in, spill your useless seed, pet," I spoke as I fingered his precum-soaked vent. "You're nothing but a submissive little breeding male. Show me how much you want it and I'll pump you full of seed next time."

While rather corny, combined with the sensations and the constant pressure I was putting on his mind, his body, at least, seemed to agree. With a ragged gasp of joy, he shot past the point of no return, his entire body trembling as his climax wracked his body. His mind, devoid of conscious thought for that brief moment, opened up for me like a flower at dawn, and I infused it with submissiveness, with sluttiness, with female instincts telling him to be bred rather than breed. It was like shaping clay, his thoughts easy to forge connections between with all the pleasure neurons firing wildly. I made him to think of himself as submissive and eager to be mounted. None of it would, or could be permanent, but as long as I kept reinforcing them with regular mating, he'd remain my eager pet. He had a vapid, blissful expression on his muzzle as he came all over his scaly chest, trembling and throbbing against my fingers in his vent as his cum surged up his shaft and covered him in wet, sticky splatters.

"Will your brothers come looking for you?" I asked him, as he finally relaxed, unfurling his great body, the fact that I'd just restructured his thoughts completely forgotten. I was, in effect, his master.

"Yes. They'll be together until they believe I'm gone," he replied, in a somewhat slurred tone, indicating that he was fully under my spell. Still, I kept a careful eye on him in case his more dominant personality might re-emerge. Like I've said, no amount of magic, no matter how deeply planted and no matter how powerful, would last forever. A shock, or perhaps the much stronger draconic magic of his brothers could also break him free. That is, unless I truly made him_love_ being submissive, to the point that he didn't _want_anything else, where he was happy with his new life and would choose it freely over his former one.

"How long until they stop looking?" I asked.

"A month, maybe. They'll have to keep on living as usual," he replied, languidly. "They'll never accept that I'm dead, but they can't stand back to back forever."

"Is there anywhere they won't look, where we could hide?" I asked. It was critical that I caught the next brother, the yellow one, alone. I'd nearly been crushed by the smallest and youngest of the three, and I needed his help to subdue the others, but even if with him on my side, we had no chance against both of his siblings at once.

"There's a lot of those places," he told me, slowly standing up. The way his snake-like body moved, a wave going through it with every motion, was almost hypnotizing. "They don't explore much."

He offered to lead me somewhere we could wait his siblings out, and I followed. His gait was a little awkward, clearly more used to simply flying everywhere, but I wasn't quite ready to soar through the air again yet. I heard his brothers roar in the distance, so we remained under the trees, hidden away by their lush foliage. By now they'd probably wonder where he'd gone, and would focus their efforts on finding him rather than me. Amusingly enough, that wasn't the biggest thing on my mind. Rather, as we walked, my eyes were transfixed under the dragon's uplifted tail, as he lewdly kept himself on display, his loosened tailhole and glistening wet vent looking just like a draconic pussy both invitingly aimed at me, his wonderfully erotic musky scent wafting into my nostrils. If I wasn't careful I'd be the one getting hypnotized, just in an entirely different, primal way. My cock was so hard that it kept rubbing up against the undergrowth on the jungle floor, leaving wet smears of precum wherever we walked. I cursed myself for not just getting off earlier; it was getting harder and harder to resist the urge to just pounce the other male and fuck him full of my seed.

It dawned on me that this wasn't even my doing. I'd broken his dominant attitude, but this lusty behaviour was simply something that'd awakened inside him, simply displayed in a more feminine way. All well and good; I'd certainly mate him like a hen, but I'd have expected him to become more of a subservient pet than... this.

We arrived at our destination, which was little more than a grassy patch of land that was covered by particularly big trees, their branches stretched over it like the wings of a great dragon. It wasn't much of a hideout, but I had to trust that I'd broken the red's will enough that he would not lead me to a trap. I was torn between my natural paranoia and the intense flame of lust. The red, apparently understanding I was feeling, flopped onto his back in the lush grass, spreading his legs and baring his entire underside to me, invitingly. Lust won. I was on top of her- him in an instant, frantically thrusting. I was trying to find his tailhole but instead of my member caught on his vent and sunk in, his own maleness still soft after his recent climax. The wet warmth of it was overwhelming, and the red squirmed against me, encouraging what I was doing. My hips bucked and I sunk deeper into body. I couldn't quite hilt inside him - there wasn't that much space - but it felt heavenly nonetheless, combining frottage with the warm, engulfing sensations of mounting a female.

He let out a growl of pleasure, and I gave him what he wanted, rutting into him. I'd breed him full of eggs, just as he very clearly wanted, urging me to do it. It wasn't even attraction for me at that point, it was pure raw instinct, like recoiling from pain, and I couldn't have stopped even if I had wanted to. He was stiff against me, but my rutting was stopping his cock from actually slipping out. He squirmed in the throes of pleasure, his serpentine body wiggling as we mated. The fact that he was male didn't matter, the fact that he was so different to myself didn't matter, all I knew was that something tight, wet and warm was wrapped around my cock, and that grinding, wetly squelching euphoria could only end in one thing.

With that being my first time mounting someone in any position, I did what any young male would do; roared, holding onto the red's scales as hard as I could, and let my orgasm overwhelm me. I spilled my seed into his vent with my tail whipping back and forth with each wet, powerful spasm. I was injecting my very essence deep into his body, exactly where it belonged, and plenty more that splattered out with my feverish, shaky thrusts. The full effects of a male dragon mounting another weren't fully known to me at that time, but when I suddenly slipped all the way into his slit, all the way to the hilt - prompting another spurt of thick draconic virility to spray into him - it gave me a good idea that his physiology was somehow changing. The red let out a blissful sigh, the happy half-moan of someone utterly satisfied and fulfilled.

We fell asleep like that, right then and there, my cock still inside him, wrapped in his warmth and own stickiness. I had several wet dreams during the night and in the morning, I stirred awake only to find myself already rutting him, my crotch and belly absolutely covered in cum both fresh and dried to the point it almost glued us together. The red smiled at me as I shivered again, pumping a few more weak spurts of cum into his eager depths, before finally pulling out and starting the long and arduous cleaning process. At least the soreness of my cock distracted me from my sore wings. The red, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself, dipping his talons into the dripping mess between his legs only to lick them clean, his maleness finally fully erect. It was almost enough to get me going again. Almost.

"It feels so good," he whimpered. "I can't wait to see you breed my brothers too," he went on, with my seed dripping from his freshly inseminated cock-slit. It'd probably take a few matings to make him fertile, but I didn't really know for sure. It wasn't like I had a good teacher as a whelp; all I knew at that point was that my instincts told me to breed him over and over again, even though he was male.

As we had hoped, nobody ever found us. Wild animals wouldn't come near any dragon, even one of my modest size, and his brothers rarely landed, clumsy as they were on the ground. I think it only took two weeks for the them to return to their normal routines. After all, what else could they do? Towards the end of those weeks, I'd pumped the red full of my virility so many times that I'd lost count, and I wasn't surprised to see that he'd gotten a little fatter, a slight bump in his belly a subtle and yet obvious sign of a clutch of eggs slowly growing within him. It made me feel oddly proud of myself, as if I'd absorbed all of his pride when I turned him into my pet. Or perhaps I was just proud to have successfully planted my seed within him.

He was fully on board when I decided it was time to strike. We'd have him make himself visible to the yellow drake, and when he came to investigate we'd ambush him. While sneaking up on him while he slept was the more intuitive option, the two slept very close to each other, and at least one would almost assuredly wake up from the commotion. Therefore, it was better to present a scenario that he had to respond to immediately, with no perceived opportunity to alert his older brother. I'd approach things the same way as I did with the red, but we'd both take turns filling him; the sheer humiliation of being filled with not only my seed but also his brother's would be devastating enough for me to break his will, or so I hoped.

I'd been secretly following their schedules for the entire time we'd been here, and I was getting used to the dense jungle. It'd be a while before it truly felt like home, but I'd learned to avoid the ironthorn bushes that sliced even through my scales. I'd learned to recognize the deep pits of sludge that formed in the rain, hidden from the untrained eye by the undergrowth. And of course, I'd learned which of the few dozen or so species of prey these lands housed were edible. Two, it turns out. The "deer" had a diet of rustberries (which, of course, grew on the ironthorn bushes), and those toxins accumulated in their flesh. The odd beaver-things near the waters had poisonous spurs, but if those were removed one could eat them. The birds were all good food, but they'd evolved to avoid these far more agile snakedragons, and I wasn't able to catch them. That left me on a diet of beaverducks and berries, which wasn't terribly appetizing, but I'd learn to enjoy it all eventually.

We wouldn't do anything terribly dramatic. If we, say, covered the red in blood, it might be entirely too obvious that it was a trap. They thought I was a savage, certainly, but they knew that I'd somehow bested their youngest, which meant he was either dead or enslaved, not merely wounded. We'd play this as him having somehow broken free. The red grinned as I explained the plan. I wondered how much of his original personality actually remained, and how much had been replaced by this adoring, mostly mindless slut. At least he was able to follow my commands.

They hunted during the time the sun was at its highest, so that's when we sprung our trap. I ordered the red to lay still in a clearing, where he'd surely be seen, while I hid just a short distance away. Just as expected, the yellow drake passed over us. I still found their way of flying disconcerting, weaving through the air like snakes through water. He saw his brother, and began circling the glen, seemingly considering whether he should land or alert the larger drake. He was clearly suspecting something was wrong, and of course, he was right; I wasn't far away, hidden in the shadows where my black scales afforded me natural camouflage. I was already sure he wouldn't fall for it, to the point I was planning escape strategies, as he finally descended from the skies. He was bigger than his brother, and my heart was beating so fast I could hear the blood coursing through my veins.

The yellow dragon was visibly wary as he approached his "fallen" nestmate, clearly smelling me on his scales. "What happened, Talin?" he asked, in the same broken kin-tongue as the other spoke.

"Thank the gods you're here, Song," he replied. "The western, he overpowered me and did something to my mind. I can't think..." the red drake whimpered. While true, it certainly didn't feel as bad as he was making it appear. It struck me that I'd never even asked for his name before. Then again, pets didn't need names.

"Hold on, let me..." he began, with genuine worry in his voice. "Let me see if I can..."

I could feel him channelling his mystic powers. That was my cue. I leapt out of my hiding spot and struck out with chaotic energies, disrupting his concentration and causing whatever spell he was trying to cast to fizzle out, a thrumming shockwave reverberating through the air. He turned towards me, raised his massive claws to strike, and then the red - Talin - was on top of him. Song, as his name apparently was, stumbled, losing his balance.

"What are you doing?" he roared, as his brother coiled around his body, weighing him down.

"Just helping you relax," Talin murmured. "So you can enjoy your breeding."

"Breeding? Have you gone mad?" Song shouted. "What has that runt of an aberration done to you?"

"Shush now, Song. You'll be begging to be bred soon enough..." Talin whispered, playfully nipping at his brother's neck. For him, this was all a rather pleasurable game, now. For me and Song, it was dead serious. I climbed on top of him, already rock hard with anticipation. He was resisting my magic, just as I was striking down each one he attempted to weave, but with the two of us pinning him to the ground, we had a physical, if primitive, advantage. I'd simply have to mate him into submission the old-fashioned way.

"Can you feel the eggs growing inside me, brother?" Talin asked, and that's when the yellow dragon really put two and two together, presumably having thought that I wasn't going to _literally_breed him. His eyes went wide with terror.

"Get off me, Talin! Get help! You can't let him-" he protested, at the top of his lungs, before my pet forced his muzzle shut, reducing him to ineffectual muffled cries. I rolled my hips against him, letting my precum smear over his belly. I could've taken his tailhole, but given his total lack of arousal, there'd be plenty of space to rut his vent, and it'd be far more humiliating for him. His scales felt wet and slippery, and his slit was radiating heat as the rare soft spot on his body. My maleness rested against that opening, and I leisurely rocked my hips, letting my length rub across it, any movement risking to have it slip inside. Song stopped moving, as if that'd stop it from happening anyway. I adjusted my hips and drove my cock as deep inside him as I could, and at that moment his concentration faltered. I'd been exerting so much pressure on his mind that I couldn't ease off in time, and suddenly I was beneath_myself,_ inside the yellow dragon's consciousness.

He's inside me_, I thought, with terror overwhelming my mind. I knew fully well that'd happen if I didn't force him off me. This was why male dragons didn't mate with each other. It corrupted our bodies. Our seed was too potent. Sometimes it simply transformed one on the inside. Sometimes fully into a female. Or worse._

I couldn't deny that it felt good, at least physically. The runt's ridged, steely maleness sinking into me, much hotter than ours. It hurt, but not much, with how much bigger I was, but that only made it worse. It was one thing to be claimed by someone superior, that was part of being kin. It was another entirely to be bred by some western, stunted male. He wasn't strong, and if I could simply channel a spell - any spell - I could do away with him, but he was fast. Each time I closed my eyes to focus, his mind touched mine and broke my concentration with invasive lust, like little jolts of electricity.

And somehow, he'd already taken my brother. I could feel his_hardness rubbing against my thigh, his swollen belly pressed against my stomach. How had he allowed himself to be so easily taken? Why hadn't he resisted? Why couldn't I?_

He was already drooling preseed into me as he rutted me like I was a female in heat. Against my will, my body began to respond to his steady, thumping rhythm. I felt him twitch inside me, another spurt of his hot, wet precum deposited into my vulnerable vent, coating my insides and my traitorous cock. I was slowly growing erect, trying to think of anything that'd save me, when my brother shifted on top of me. There was nothing but lust in his gaze, and he clearly wanted me to suffer a similar fate. Wished me to join him as a breeding slut for that black whelp. At first, I thought he was only readjusting to keep me pinned down, but then I realized that he'd curled around me so that his hindquarters pressed against my tail. Suddenly, his intentions were clear. My very own younger brother, driven into such degenerate perversion that he was trying to mate with me, like some kind of frenzied animal.

His legs forced my tail up. There was nothing I could, nothing. I begged him to stop, clenching my tailhole as hard as I could to shield myself from his probing jabs, but nature would have its course. Talin's cock slipped over my bare flesh on his first attempt, but then, with the next thrust, it sank into me. I roared out in shock as I was spread wide open, both of those beasts fully intent on breeding me. If I'd already been reduced to this, what more was there to even lose but my very masculinity?

Talin began to hump into me, completely uncaring about anything but driving himself into my body over and over. A moan escaped my lips, it felt- no, the runt was in my head, I had to- images of myself stuffed with their seed appeared before my mind's eye, happily panting and squirming in freshly-bred bliss. No! I had to, had to...

Had to what? A delightful convulsion went through my body. A shiver of pleasure. Then another. I felt so utterly full, so hot, so desired. I realized I was achingly hard, even though my cock couldn't swell to its full length with how crowded_my vent was. When one of them withdrew, the other sank into me, leaving me constantly wonderfully full of cock. No, that wasn't right! Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried my hardest to_ spread myself wide open so they could get deeper, to fight these confusion sensations, to- to let them fill me. I was already drooling for it, the unspoken promise of being stuffed so full of their rich cum that I couldn't even fly, a combined clutch of this beautiful westerner's hybrids and incestuous offspring with my brother.

Oh, I knew he was twisting my thoughts, but it felt too good to be angry about. I felt like I was failing something or someone as I forgot about stifling my increasingly loud growls and groans of pleasure, but if it felt this good, surely this was what I was meant to be? What choice did I have but let those lusty drakes breed me? What other choice did I even want? My mind felt sticky and warm, my thoughts like honey, those sweet twitches and spasms more frequent now, in both my loins and their thick, beautiful cocks buried deep inside me, promising to pump me full of their cargo. And with a few more feverish thrusts, they did. My brother, first, grumbling as he erupted under my tail, his incestuous seed flooding my bowels with warmth, and within seconds, my master reached his peak as well. He speared as deeply into me as he could, and within the warm confines of my body, I could feel him throb as he bred me, heavy spurts of his thick, warm essence flooding my vent, where it'd transform me, make me receptive for his seed. Like a female drake would be. Like what I was meant to be.

His climax blanked out his mind and I was wrenched back into my own body. As I withdrew from his thoroughly filled vent, I had to double check that it'd actually been me doing the breeding and not the other way around. There was always a very real chance that magic could backfire, but everything seemed to be fine. I was still my old, small self, with the two brothers curled up together, basking in the afterglow.

That left one. We'd strike fast. No more hiding, not with these two bound to me. We'd overpower him, and I'd break him, and then I'd rule this land with these the three dragons as my little harem. And then, my own brothers would pay.

Once Song and Talin had recovered we took flight. Song didn't speak a single word but he gazed at me with undisguised adoration. Or she. Whatever the yellow drake would become. I hadn't actually needed to use much magic, as this one had crumbled nicely from the sheer ecstasy we'd inflicted on him.

Their oldest brother, the gleaming, brilliant white one, would just have returned home from the hunt, Talin told me. He wouldn't suspect anything, not yet, and so we had the element of surprise. We landed by the temple - my temple - and ventured inside. In one of the larger halls we found their oldest, resting after a nap. I could feel the magic emanating from him like heat from a sun-warmed cliff, and someone with more to lose than I would've likely retreated. But for me, this was my destiny.

"So this is the fate you have in store for me," he spoke, his voice seemingly not emanating from his mouth at all, bur rather echoing through the halls and corridors with no point of origin. "For a little western runt, it's impressive. Both Song and Talin. I should've known, but quite honestly, I didn't think you capable enough..."

Unlike his brothers, this one spoke in perfect kin-tongue. He stretched his legs, and then got up casually, as if he wasn't worried in the slightest. Either that, or he didn't know how to react. I was moments away from ordering both of my pets to throw themselves at him.

"I could free one of them, surely," he commented, studying the three of us. "Not two, though."

"Then submit willingly," I replied, with as much confidence as I could muster. He wasn't that much bigger than me, all things considered.

"It's a bit of a deadlock, is it not? I don't want to harm my brothers, but I'd also prefer not being one of your pets," he pondered. He was so calm it was almost eerie. "I plan for everything, you know. What I have in mind is a duel..."

I'd lose in a fair fight. I told him as much, no shame in admitting where my strengths lie.

"Oh, not a fight. I was never really much for fighting. Rather, we mate with each other, and well, see who is bred first," he grinned, the first emotion that he'd showed thus far. "Yes? You know by now the effects of our seed on other males. We sheathe ourselves in each other, and of course, the first to spill his seed is the winner."

He'd have an advantage, there, since I'd just recently filled his brother, whereas the white dragon presumably hadn't gotten any relief for a while. Still, the other option was to fight, and if he could indeed break one of his brothers free - Song, presumably, as Talin seemed to truly enjoy his new life - things would get dire. That, and I was younger than him, with less... endurance, perhaps. I didn't trust his offer, but then again, I had plenty of dirty tricks of my own. But there'd be no going back if he pumped his cum into me. It wouldn't break me, but an unwanted clutch would certainly end my conquest. Not to mention Talin had told me that those who'd been bred once wanted more of it. They even suffered heats, just like female drakes did, even if they didn't fully transform.

"Either way, I'm sure the loser will be quite happy," he said. "The act of being fully claimed seems to leave any of us rather susceptible to having our wills broken. We all have our destinies."

He rolled over onto his back, revealing a rather sizeable cock - proportionally smaller than mine, but not that far off, ridged and tapered just like his brothers - sticking out of his vent. It seemed like it'd fit inside me, if just barely, although we'd both certainly be stretched out by the end of it. The idea seemed to excite him. It excited me too, I'll admit that much. The riskiness of it. And seeing things from Song's point of view still lingered in my mind, how much he'd enjoyed receiving my seed, leaving behind a residual desire for the same treatment in my subconscious. I'd have to fight to suppress those thoughts.

I didn't intend to fight fair, of course, but if I knew anything about my own kind - assuming that the eastern snakes weren't completely alien - then neither would he. I had my two pets, and while we'd lost the chance to get the jump on him, he'd be distracted soon enough. Song might simply freeze, but Talin showed such enthusiasm about our plan that he'd probably follow through even if the spell was broken.

I hesitated as I climbed on top of the white dragon. Talin made a pleased churring sound. No doubt he was imagining one, or both of us heavy with eggs. I hesitated for a moment, weighing if risking an attack would be safer, but given that he was prepared to resist my magic, it felt as if neither option was ideal. At least this one would be more pleasurable. All I had to do was come inside him before he did the same to me. Simple. It'd also be my first time having anyone inside me, particularly for my slit, which should add to the stimulation.

The white dragon's carp-whiskers twitched in anticipation as I tilted my hips so that my erection - which had eagerly slipped out again, still slick with cum - was pointing just above his cock. His, in turn, would inevitably slip into me when I began thrusting. At least I'd be in control, able to dismount and switch to plan B if things weren't looking good.

And then, he wrapped his hind legs around my waist and pulled me down onto his maleness. Our shafts rubbed against each other and my head was enveloped by his warmth, simultaneously as he sunk into me, forcing a moan from my lips. He felt much bigger than he looked when he was inside me, but the sensation was amazing, the simultaneous feeling of both mating and being mated skyrocketing my arousal. With him squeezing us together, there wasn't much risk of slipping out. His mouth fell open in a breathless expression of pleasure, and we began to thrust into each other. Well, more grinding, rubbing and gyrating against one another, really, with the occasional short thrust.

"You're so tight, little runt," he growled. "I'm not going to last long."

A taunt, of course, but he did have that advantage. The size difference meant my vent was gripping him that much tighter. The deeper into him I tried to push, the deeper into me his cock sunk. I wondered how much I could even accommodate. I'd never really been one to push things into my vent, only out of it. The first ridge on his dangerous length popped into me, a euphoric vibration shooting through me. Gods, if it felt this good I'd cum in no time. It was bizarre to think about how I was enjoying being fucked so I could breed him, but it was working. As he buried himself deeper into my body, I naturally did the same to him. I could certainly feel the appeal of being bred, but I had to focus, had to finish this. I felt him throb inside me and at first I felt icy dread, but then I realized it was merely precum, feeling it leak back out of me and down our frotting shafts, too thin to be his hazardous seed. It wasn't only terror, though, but also a strange desire to let him do it, let him breed me. I felt him twitch again. He wasn't far, but then, neither was I, having already spurted so much precum into him that our orgiastic rutting made wet squelching sounds that echoed through my new den.

"Almost, almost..." the white dragon grumbled, frantically rocking himself deeper into my vent, battering my own maleness. "I hope you're ready to be a mother. Just imagine yourself growing fat with my eggs."

His words struck a chord. I almost wanted to feel his seed, wet and sticky inside me, while I laid there and let him fill me. That fleeting fantasy of being bred was all it took for me, however, ironically enough. I roared out in triumph as that familiar sweet agony exploded through my groin, and I let out a triumphant growl when I realized I'd won, jamming myself as deep into him as I could on pure instinct, as the first rope of cum erupted into him. The realization of what was happening alarmed him enough that he tried to throw me off, but I dug my claws into his thick scales and clung to him, my two pets rushing to my side to hold him down and let me drain myself into his body. I sensed fear as his focus was broken enough for me to prod at his mind, filling him with overwhelmingly submissive urges, and desires to worship me. I wasn't about to let this one off so easily for driving me from my new home, nipping at his bared throat to cement my dominance.

"Hope you enjoy your eggs," I growled at him.

That's when he looked at me, giving me a weak, toothy grin before succumbing. A shiver went through his body and he pulled me in as tightly as I could, and I panicked, realizing that I'd forgotten my precarious situation in the throes of my victorious climax. I'd begun to go soft, and he'd managed to lodge himself deeper into my vent. I felt his rigid breeding rod buck, the ridges flaring against mine, and he groaned in ecstasy. I threw myself backwards off him, but in the last second I felt a sudden surge of wet warmth inside me.Just precum, I told myself as I fell onto the floor with a thud. The first spurt would be precum. I watched as the white dragon came, covering himself in thick gouts of his semen, some of it oozing out over his shaft and intermingling with mine at the base, some also having splattered on me as I disengaged. He'd be down and out for a while, surely, but... I looked at my own crotch, a single wet rivulet of thick pearly cream undeniably seeping out of me. That wouldn't be enough, I told myself, despite looking like a freshly-bred female with my cock having fully retreated now. I did feel warm and fuzzy, and yet, felt my anxiety like a clump in my belly.

I found my talons wandering towards my stretched slit, dipping a single digit in the mess leaking out of me. I felt a twinge of arousal again despite still being sore from our feverish frotting. I scooped up some his seed from my belly, finding it strangely appealing. It was a shame to leave so much of it wasted outside, when it could be used to make eggs. I pushed two of my talons into my vent and spread myself open as I caught as much as I could of the white's stringy virility with my other hand. It was still warm and almost tingly, and I let another glob of it drop from my talons into my spread, vulnerable vent, letting out a whispered moan of pleasure as I felt it seep into me.

No! What was I doing? I scrambled onto my feet and saw the white drake smirk at me with an insufferable smugness, trying to at least take me down with him. Still, my mind was clear enough after my recent climax that his magic couldn't fully take root, feeling more like a pleasant daydream than the full oppressive force that it might, had I not recently gotten relief.

"Pin him down," I growled to my pets. The oldest dragon was still resisting, and not only that, he was twisting my thoughts. Talin and Song flew on top of their eldest, the former with great eagerness and energy, the other sluggishly but obediently. The youngest brother needed no additional motivation, and he quickly mounted his brother, intent on helping me breed and break him. With the white having gone soft since his climax, he easily sunk his ridged maleness into it, roaring in pleasure, undoubtedly pent up from having watched our rut. It happened so fast that the white only began to struggle after he was already hilted inside him.

"Get off me, brother," he roared. "We had a deal!"

This time, I was ready, and his attempted spell shattered against my will like waves against a wavebreaker. He'd have no easy way out of being thoroughly mated. He opened his mouth to scream something else, but was reduced to a muffled mmph as Song finally took initiative, planting his posterior on his brother's face. No doubt he could smell my cum on the yellow's slit, it hadn't been long since I inseminated him. He bucked with all his might, his enormous tail swiping erratically, and it caught me right in the chest, knocking the wind out of me. "Fuck him!" I wheezed, trying my all my might to dig my mental claws into his head. I'd decimate his dominance and most of his consciousness the second he slipped, and with one sibling rutting into his increasingly hen-like vent and the other grinding his slit on his muzzle, covering it with my liquefying seed, it couldn't take long.

Raising his front legs, he managed to push Song off, and he collapsed bonelessly next to him. "I can free you, brothers! Stop for just a moment and you won't have to do any of this! You don't have to be his slaves!" he roared, although little _unfs_and _whimpers_punctuating his speech every few words, betraying a growing arousal. Talin was forcing my seed even deeper into him. No doubt he'd be feeling his insides beginning to twist, the strange sensation of a womb developing, ready for eggs. And yet, he fought.

"This is what I want, brother," Talin grunted in response. "I just want to be a breeding hen, and I want to share the pleasure with you, my love... it feels wonderful to have life growing inside you, and it feels even better to be bred. Stop resisting and join us. I promise it won't hurt..."

"I am the alpha male here! I am the leader of this flight! Not some worthless runt that-"

And then Talin kissed the older dragon, wrapping his muzzle around his and forcing his tongue into his maw. It wasn't obvious, but the smaller dragon was preventing him from breathing as he did, and soon, the white's massive body slumped. Talin's rutting never stopped, and the white's crotch was a mess, frothy with seed that'd leaked out.

"I'm going to breed you, brother," Talin murmured, breaking the kiss. "And you'll be just another happy breeding hen for my master."

And then, Song clambered back on top of him and Talin started to fuck his brother's vent hard and fast at a frantic pace, unquestionably a sign of his impending release. His mental defenses were faltering, and I stood watching the three brothers squirm together like mating snakes, waiting for an opportunity. It was a beautiful sight, my two pets hard at work making their strong, independent brother into another submissive broodmother for me to fill. He pushed against my will, but finally, his mental shield snapped like an overstressed pane of glass, and I immediately went to work melting away his dominant attitude. He roared - muffled by the yellow's ass on his muzzle - trying to find whatever strength there was left in him.

It feels so damn good. I'm pretty sure I'm already fertilized. Can't even feel my cock...

I could hear his erratic inner monologue. I influenced it. If this is what being a female feels like, what being bred feels like, I was never meant to be male. I want to be heavy with eggs so badly I'm even letting my brothers breed me, and I'm loving it...

It'd only be a matter of time before he couldn't distinguish what feelings and thoughts were real anymore, and then, they'd all be real. A quiet whimper escaped Song's muzzle, and looking at the white's muzzle, I could see he was licking his brother's vent.

More. I need more.No, this isn't... the fucking runt. But maybe I should just give in, just inhale his scent and let it replace all these bothersome independent thoughts. Let his taste cover my tongue and beg for him to pump me full of that wonderful slime over and over again. Ugh, I can't... I won't...

In a last-ditch effort he bit Song's tail and the sudden pain made him jump off, despite his permanently dazed state. "You will not do this! I will not bend! I am the -"

And then, Talin gave a satisfiedgroan and hilted himself as deep into his brother's slit as he could, his flared ridges keeping him there quite securely. I watched his shaft throb and his rump flex. He was seeding his brother, as deep inside of his vulnerable body as he could go. I felt his thoughts dissolve into a warm, happy goo. I lifted that part of him - the budding submissive, feminine personality, the blissful satisfaction a newly bred hen - and buried his masculine, dominant ideas in it. It wasn't as hard as it sounds; every male and every female had both sets of instincts, but typically one overpowered the other. In the white drake's case, he'd struggle to ever express aggression.

Talin rolled off his brother, panting heavily. "Doesn't that feel good? Just lay there and let it all seep into you. Soon you'll be swelling just like me..." he murmured, stroking his own egg-bulge demonstratively, even lovingly.His brother didn't respond, although I heard a quiet rumbling soundfrom him. A satisfied one?

I admired his handiwork. The white dragon's slit was dripping with cum, and so I stuck a couple of digits in there to stem the flow. Didn't want any of it to be wasted, after all, just like he'd tried to make me think moments before. I felt him tremble and clench around me. _Clench?_I realized I couldn't feel his cock at all, just a wet slit yearning to be filled, like on any female. _That_made my cock instantly spring to attention again. I liked males more in general, but knowing that we'd turned this strong, dominant dragon into just a needy drago_ness_was beyond exciting. I'd never been with a dragoness before, but my body certainly didn't seem opposed to the idea. I leaned down and sniffed at him. He smelled somewhat different; there was still a bit of the masculine musk clinging to him, but also a fresher, softer, almost flowery scent which I found endlessly appealing.

But I was yet too drained to do anything more, at least for a little longer. And I had another problem to deal with. These three weren't the only ones who'd gotten some transformative seed inside them. I still felt the wetness between my hind legs, and it worried me. Ifone squirt of cum would change me, I'd have tofigureout what to do about that later. I'd still won, even if I might'veended up with my own clutch.It was unlikely, since it'd both have to transform my insides and _then_have enough of its virility left to fertilize me. The urge to have it done again, _that_was the problem, the addiction to how good it felt. Still... I could keep that under control, hopefully, or else I'd have one of my pets satisfy those urges. None of them would challenge my leadership, that much I knew for sure. The white had been utterly broken, seemingly fully female now, the yellow seemed to be stuck in a trance-state of total obedience, and the red, of course, absolutely loved his new position in life.

Myconfidence returned,and I shook those worries off despite feeling somewhat dizzy,my twopets nuzzling me affectionately. This was my realm now, truly, and the beginnings of my very own flight of hybrids. Everyone would learn to fear us. My western brothers in particular. This adventure had given me very specific ideas on how I'd exact my revenge. I reared up and_roared_out my dominance towards the sun. Nothing would stop us now.