Becoming Mares

Story by smith667 on SoFurry

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Unicorns and dragons smooth out their differences.

At the beginning of all things the unicorns came into being first, led by their god, Stader the Magnificent, the jet-black stallion of immense power.

In later eons, following the unicorns, other creatures emerged: The dragons, strong and powerful; the gryphons, fast and free; the phoenixes, beautiful and dangerous; and many more. For a long time, there was relative peace between the various creatures of creation, but tension had long been brewing between the dragons, second-born to the world, and the true inheritors of creation, the unicorns.

With their strength and skill and mastery of both land and sky, many dragons resented the unicorns and viewed them as usurpers of the divine power, illegitimate and weak rulers of the world.

For millennia this resentment brewed in the proud hearts of the dragons, though nothing was ever done about it. A war would be costly, and Stader alone would have been a challenge to defeat. If there was to be a bucking of the universal order, every dragon would need to be united, an unlikely event since the pride of the dragons drove them away from each other as well as the unicorns. Matters were further complicated by the long life granted to each of the races, meaning that divisions amongst the dragons lasted for centuries and even longer.

Thus, every year when all the dragons from far and wide came to meet and discuss important events, the idea of overthrowing the unicorns was never broached, despite it simmering just below the surface. The gatherings would continue, thousands of dragons strong in their secret forest glade, where they would avoid talking about the one issue which irked them the most.

None of the other races of creatures seemed to have an issue with the unicorns' primacy either, since a few secret conversations with their leaders had failed to elicit any sympathy or understanding of the dragons' point of view. At the very least, the dragons were able to secure promises of neutrality and non-intervention from the other races if a war did indeed come about.

Although everyone from each race knew a war was brewing on the horizon, no one wanted to give voice to the fact and thus accidentally make it a reality. Because of this, the situation stayed tense but peaceful for several more years with relationships between the unicorns and dragons being strained but outwardly polite.

That is, until a blue dragon named Telnith had finally had enough. A month before the gathering of dragons was set to take place, he wandered the land publicly badmouthing and insulting the unicorns. He put their inheritance of creation into question, mocked their simple ways, made fun of their god, made cases for the superiority of the dragons, laughed at the idea that unicorns were better in any way to dragons, and said that they were little more than beasts, unfit to rule. He said they should step down and let the real masters of creation take control.

As this began, the other races became quieter and quieter, retreating into their own sanctuaries and cutting off contact with both the unicorns and dragons. There was no reply from the unicorns, and as the time of the meeting drew near, all dragons waited with bated breath to see what the response would be, if any.

The annual meeting began as usual around the embers of the great fire in the middle of the glade. Several dragons talked about things of little consequence: border disputes, missing treasure, personal grievances, the like. Most dragons paid little attention. Many were on pins and needles, wondering what would come next. Wondering if this would begin the war. Wondering if there would be some sort of response to Telnith's blatant defamation of the unicorn race and their god.

On the final day of the week-long gathering, Telnith climbed to the top of the rock and stood looking down at his brethren. There had been no reply, no action taken by the unicorns, and he was going to call for war.

"Fellow dragons," he began powerfully. "You all know why I have taken to the rock. The unic-" suddenly, a blinding flash of light burst into existence on top of the rock, enveloping him and the surrounding area mid-speech. There was the sound of whinnying and a great roar, and the light was gone almost as soon as it had appeared. The dragons blinked the flash from their eyes and looked up to the rock to find it barren.

Telnith too blinked his eyes, but what he saw was not the trees and dragons he expected to see, but instead a great rolling plain interspersed with shade trees.

_The Endless Pastures?_Telnith thought, realizing that he had been brought to the ancestral home of the unicorns. His thoughts were interrupted, however, when he heard a snuffling behind him and something metal pulled at the corners of his mouth, making him bend his head back at the unexpected pressure. It was then that he noticed two straps had been pulled tight against the side of his head, and that another strap encircled his mouth, preventing him from opening it fully.

Another insistent tug, and Telnith turned around to see that the straps that had pulled at the thing in his mouth were looped snugly around the front hoof of a great black unicorn, the stallion-god Stader the Magnificent.

Telnith narrowed his eyes and growled, trying to speak but quickly finding out that the thing in his mouth also pushed down on his tongue, causing the articulation of words to be difficult. It was in dawning horror that all the pieces fell into place and Telnith registered that he was wearing a harness made for a horse. The strap encircling his mouth was connected to one that ran up the bridge of his snout which connected to a metal ring. The metal ring had two other straps connected to it which split off to encircle the back of his head behind the base of his horns and down under his jaw. The straps were also connected to the bit in his mouth. With the reins wrapped around Stader's hoof, the unicorn god could control where Telnith's head went.

The blue dragon tried to roar at Stader, humiliation at being tacked out like a horse rising in him. He found it difficult to achieve the intimidating volume and power of his roar, however, since he could no longer open his mouth all the way.

Instead, Telnith flexed his wings, intending to try to land on Stader from behind where the unicorn was most vulnerable to attack. He did not achieve flight though, since he quickly found that the two main bones of his wings had been strapped together, forcing the joint to stay closed as if they were lying flat against his back as usual. He could move them about slightly, but being unable to unfurl them, he would never be able to fly until they were untied.

This only served to make Telnith even more infuriated and, all other options being taken from him, he charged the unicorn god, intending to sink his claws into his flesh.

What happened, however, was that Stader stood there looking at Telnith with his calm horse eyes until the dragon was nearly on top of him, and then disappeared. Then Telnith's head was jerked backward hard, the bit in his mouth digging painfully into his jaw and skin as the reins snapped taunt.

Such was the force of his charge that as Telnith's head jerked backward he fell onto his back, looking upside-down through dazed eyes at the unicorn god that had appeared behind him.

As Telnith slowly rolled to his feet and carefully explored his mouth to see if anything had come loose or been damaged, he heard a deep, calm voice in his head.

Telnith, for your slander against my race and your warmongering, you will learn humility and humbleness under my hoof. You will play mare to me for ten thousand years as you reflect on your actions and the upset it has caused among all races, including your own.

Ten Thousand years?!_Telnith spluttered. _PLAY MARE?!

Telnith's pride grew white hot, and he began advancing toward the unicorn slowly, learning from his earlier mistake and not allowing Stader to jerk him around again.

Unexpectedly however, Telnith was jerked off his feet as the straps behind his horns and under his jaw pulled him forward as Stader stamped his hoof and the reins connected to Telnith's mouth suddenly became so short that he found his snout pressed up against Stader's hoof.

The dragon tried to rise, rage burning inside him as he stood up but could not pull his head away from where the straps were attached to Stader's hoof. Humiliation coursed through Telnith as he struggled and struggled, pulling against the reins, but found himself unable to get free.

Ten thousand years is a reasonable sentence for your crimes. You also insulted me, and I do not take kindly to that. Still, I am merciful. I treat my mares well, and though you will be my most prized and most frequent partner for the duration of your sentence so that I might oversee your progress, as long as you do not cause trouble, no trouble will be added to your sentence.

Telnith did not think that was reasonable at all. He himself was several thousand years old, and though it was fairly common for dragons to live to be several tens of thousands of years old, the duration of the sentence was still ridiculous, not to mention the humiliation of being Stader's prized mare.

Telnith growled to mask his mounting panic as he still tried to free himself from the reins and straps. He would not be a mare! He would not spend ten thousand years in service to Stader! He would not be humiliated by being captured by the weak, useless, stupid, unic-

Telnith's train of thought was cut short as the reins suddenly lengthened. He reared backwards with the force of his pull. He felt his tail get pushed back up over his folded wings as Stader rose up, suddenly behind him, and walked forward as Telnith stumbled backwards.

The result was that Telnith felt the weight of the unicorn god fall onto his back as his tail was pinned between Stader's stomach and his wings, leaving his ass exposed. The reins snapped taunt again, keeping Telnith looking slightly upwards as he was mounted by the unicorn. He thrashed and pulled against the reins, accomplishing little. Then he felt a large, thick cock side over his tailhole and up against the base of his tail.

No! No! He snarled and growled, biting at the bit in his mouth as he whipped his head side to side and tried to escape the breeding that Stader seemed intent on forcing him into.

He tried pivoting side to side to make the god loose his footing, since backing up and moving forward were not good options. He thought it might be working, but his brief moment of triumph was shattered as the voice inside his head spoke up again.

Do not make this difficult. I will restrain you further if I must, Stader said to his mare, his cool façade crumbling slightly as the dragon insisted on trying to avoid his fate.

These words did nothing to calm Telnith, however. In fact, a herd of unicorns was passing nearby at that moment, and they began to stop and watch the proceedings with a curiosity that made Telnith's cheeks hot. He tried to roar again, but the weight of the unicorn on his back wasn't going anywhere, and Telnith suddenly found himself unable to move his paws as thick roots burst out of the ground and ensnared him.

Telnith was left wide-eyed and panting, tacked out like a common horse with a unicorn holding his reins. The other unicorns looked on as well, adding to Telnith's all-consuming disgrace as he felt the unicorn god's thick cock begin pressing against the soft flesh of his virgin tailhole, a tailhole that was not designed to accommodate horse cock.

The other unicorns watched on in a mixture of curiosity, amusement, and satisfaction as Telnith was taken by their god. A dragon reduced to the unwilling mare of their ruler was a sight to behold, and the grunts and snarls of pain from the red beast as he was rutted by the leader of the race he hated so much was too good a show to pass up. Plus, it was amusing to see the dragon grimace in time with the sound of Stader's balls slapping against his scaly butt.

Telnith blinked away tears as Stader the Magnificent's magic cock filled his ass and made him a mare. He didn't know what he was going to do when the other dragons saw him like this. He didn't know how he was going to survive the next ten thousand years of being a unicorn's mare. The embarrassment of being such a powerful dragon taken publicly by a unicorn with only more of the same to look forward to was too much to bear. He closed his eyes to the pain of having his tailhole unexpectedly violated by such a large member and tried to wake up from his nightmare as Stader's powerful body thrust his cock into his ass and claimed him. The heat and weight of the horse straddling his back was bad, but what was even worse was the way that Strader would occasionally tug on the reins, causing Telnith to jerk his head back like a trained pony. A large, scaly trained pony who was only fit for breeding now.

Mmmm... Your anatomy is a bit awkward, but you'll make a fine mare in time. Telnith heard in his head as the unicorn hilted him. You'll loosen up quite a bit over the coming years, I expect.

Telnith cursed the order of the universe and his own fate as he tried to ignore the painful stretching in his ass and the cock that was making him a female. The straps of his harness felt like a mask, and he knew he wouldn't be able to escape them. Despite his repulsion at what was being done to him, Telnith's body was responding favorably to the divine attention it was receiving. Without him willing it, Telnith's cock began to peek out of his slit and poke into the cool breeze of the evening.

At the sight of his growing hard-on, some of the unicorn onlookers nickered and whinnied in amusement, causing Telnith further distress as his rutting did not slacken.

Very good, Telnith heard in his head again. Your body is willing, and soon you will be too. I think that given enough time, we will build a fine relationship over the next few millennia, my scaly mare.

Stader called him a scaly mare right as his flared cockhead slid against his G-spot, and Telnith's cock jumped in arousal, an excitement that was not shared by Telnith himself.

Ah, excellent. This will do nicely, Stader said to Telnith as the dragon's proud spire reached full mast. I think it will be fun to show you off a little and keep you needy at the same time, hmm?

Telnith's eyes widened in terror as he felt something clasp itself tightly around the base of his cock.

Show me off?! Keep me needy?! He thought to himself, desperately wanting to look at the source of the pressure encircling the base of his cock, but the tight reins kept him from getting a clear view.

His humiliating rutting continued until at last Telnith felt Stader hilt him hard, the flared cockhead inside him expanding slightly, locking him in place as Stader whinnied loudly and a torrent of hot unicorn spunk coated his insides with sticky shame.

Telnith gasped as the unicorn's seed kept coming, filling him to the brim and squirting back around the twitching cock lodged deep in his ass. Finally, the equine god's balls emptied, and Telnith was left gasping as his stud slid down off his sore back and pulled the cock out of his tailhole, releasing a small flood of white seed that stained his blue scales as his abused ring tried to recover.

Very good. You will make an excellent receptacle for my seed, especially after some training.

All Telnith could do was look at the ground and hope that what had just happened had not really happened.

I suspect you will swell with my foals before too long. I hope you can keep up with my divine libido and fertility.

Telnith's eyes widened at this last statement.

What?! He roared mentally. He wasn't going to bear another male's offspring! He was a proud male! A male dragon! Not a female unicorn! However, despite his vehement distaste for the prospect of becoming pregnant, Telnith's body was having other ideas. He felt his cock twitch in excitement and a bit of pre leaked out onto the ground.

Soon your body and mind will be in accordance, my prized mare, Stader said in his mind as the dragon looked down and saw the ornate golden clasp fixed around the base of his cock, preventing it from retreating back into his slit.

Desperation, shame, and hopelessness washed over Telnith as his situation became more and more clear. He bowed his head and would not move, even after the roots securing his paws slid back into the ground. The hot residue deep inside his hips reminded him of the horror of what had just happened, and the slow dripping of cum leaking out of his aching ass didn't help either.

Come, let us show your people what happens to those who insult the unicorns and their god.

Telnith's eyes widened at that, and he tried to run, to escape the unicorn who had put a harness on his head and bred him like a mare. His pride could not handle being seen in his situation, unicorn cum dripping out of his tailhole, a bit in his mouth, and his slowly leaking cock on display.

He made it no more than a few steps, however, before he was overtaken by another blinding flash of light.

Drascis had been discussing the situation quietly with the dragons around him, just like the entire gathering seemed to be doing. He was one of the most respected dragons, and he was firmly on the side of war. He would lead it himself if he had to. It had been an hour or so since Telnith had disappeared, and no one had taken to the rock or offered a plan going forward.

As the purple dragon listened to the murmurs around him, he thought it was clear that some sort of rescue had to be made. Stader the Magnificent had stolen away a dragon right in the middle of the gathering, and such a blatant disrespect for the power of the dragons could not go unanswered. As far as Drascis was concerned, war was no longer avoidable. The unicorns had to be punished, and he would make sure it was done.

As he was moving among his fellow dragons, beginning to quietly find supporters for his cause, a great flash of light exploded on the rock once again.

When his vision cleared, he saw a horrible sight.

It was Telnith, but the blue dragon had a harness over his head and a bit in his mouth. He was staring at the ground and standing strangely, but his cock was undeniably out and erect. Standing behind the humiliated dragon was Stader himself.

Drascis felt his own cheeks burn with second-hand embarrassment for Telnith and averted his eyes from the shameful display on the rock. He fixed all his hatred on the unicorn god as a voice boomed out in his mind. Judging by the reactions of the dragons around him, he wasn't the only one receiving the message.

Dragons! You know that Telnith has plotted to betray the cosmic order. He has slandered myself and my race. He has sought a war that will bring ruin upon you. For this crime, Telnith will play mare for me for ten thousand years. Perhaps as he becomes a cute little pony over time, he will learn to have some respect for unicorns everywhere.

Drascis was filled with fury at these words. He was not alone either, since the dragons around him were hunched and growling, claws digging into the ground as Telnith's situation was made clear. A dragon made mare for a unicorn? A proud male at that, and for ten thousand years? It was unthinkable. It was unfair. It was unjust.

Drascis watched Stader as the unicorn took in his hateful audience.

I urge you to exercise patience and learn your proper place in this world. I would avoid doing anything rash, were I in your position. Come, mare, Stader said to Telnith. Let us leave the dragons to themselves. They have much to think on.

Drascis watched as one last sorrowful, humiliated look passed over Telnith's face as light was summoned again, and the rock was empty once more.

A war council began almost instantly. Nearly every dragon was enraged and united now, and those that weren't were bullied into place. There would be a reckoning for this shame, and Telnith would be freed.

A search to find a way to subdue, or better yet, kill, a god began. Drascis and a few others led most of the war effort, and the rebellion of dragons began in secret. They knew it would be a few years before they were strong enough to challenge the unicorns and their god, but they were committed to fighting as soon as possible.

The dragons would occasionally report sightings of Stader in the wild, and all witnesses said that he was always accompanied by Telnith. At first, the dragon seemed defiant and feisty, but as time went on he looked more ragged and tired. Stader had apparently used his horn to draw a symbol on one of Telnith's ass cheeks, marking him permanently as Stader the Magnificent's mare.

As the first year of planning and searching drew to a close, the gathering received word that Telnith had begun to swell with Stader's foals, the divine seed that his body received several times a day had begun to take its toll on the blue dragon, and the mare became with child.

Plans were accelerated and efforts were doubled, but the rebellion could not come fast enough for Telnith.

As two more years went by, Telnith's mind degraded and degraded until nothing remained of the proud dragon that he once was. He had come to know and love the feeling of swelling with his stud's foals, his male body becoming fertile and pregnant for the unicorn god. He was always horny now, the clasp around his cock preventing him from ever going flaccid, and he became used to the breeze blowing over his exposed erection.

He had not flown since he was captured three years ago, and he had forgotten that his wings were good for anything besides padding between his back and Stader's stomach. His tack and reins had become like a second skin for him, and since they were never removed, he had started to love their presence. Just like the clasp around his cock; his heavy, pregnant belly; the cum leaking from his ass; the symbol of Stader's ownership; and his bound wings, the horse's tack had become a reminder of his position in life and he no longer fought or hated it. He no longer chewed at the bit in his mouth, either. He simply allowed it to control his life and his movements. The reins were a constant guiding presence and a link to his glorious stud, and he would not give them up for the world.

Stader had even begun to decorate his prized mare's tack, and Telnith loved especially the great jewel hanging down off the central ring on his forehead. When he trotted alongside his stud after a good, hard breeding, he loved to feel the jewels and decorations bouncing and swaying, catching the light and advertising what a good mare slut he was for Stader.

Telnith came to ache for the feeling of meaty horsecock slapping against his thigh as he lifted his tail and spread his willing legs for his stud. It felt as if his tailhole had no other purpose than to pleasure Stader, and he received no evidence to the contrary.

Stader himself enjoyed the rush of having turned a proud male dragon into his mare, and he took every opportunity to be seen publicly breeding the former upstart. He loved seeing the embarrassed and shamed looks on the dragons' faces when they saw him walking with Telnith, the dragon's belly swaying under the weight of Stader's foals. He also liked how the clasp around his mare's cock kept him needy and leaky all day, little bits of pre dripping off the proud spire as they traveled the world together.

Telnith had begun cumming as Stader entered him too. A proud dragon reduced to a moaning, groaning mare as he was entered by his stud, jets of cum shooting uselessly into the grass below as he was taken. Like a good female, Telnith could now come several times while Stader was taking him, leaving him a quivering, lusty mess that would not be satisfied for long. Now that Telnith had grown accustomed to Stader's divine horsecock, he could never get enough of it spreading his scaly ass and making his powerful thighs quiver in delight. Telnith was only truly happy when he was lifting his tail out of the way in anticipation for Stader to give him a rough breeding and fill him with unicorn foals. After all, Telnith was a mare, and that is what he was supposed to do.

The other dragons noticed the way that Telnith had stopped being a dragon and how he looked with loving, lusty eyes as the great stallion reared up and pulled back on the reins to give him a hard breeding, and they were humiliated for him. They had to rescue him as soon as possible, and, finally, ten years after Telnith's capture, they were ready.

Drascis lay in wait along with a few thousand other dragons, all ready to ambush Stader as the unicorn god made his way down the forest path. Drascis looked around at his friends, all concentrated and ready. They knew it was possible to defeat Stader, they just had to be quick. The relics they had retrieved from the ends of the world would help as well. Drascis just hoped it would be enough. It had been ten years since Telnith was captured, and the blue dragon was no longer truly a dragon. It was a shame that had to be avenged.

As Stader drew closer, Drascis yelled

"Now!" and suddenly the air was alive with beams of energy, roaring dragons, and battlecries. They pressed the attack, and for a moment it looked like they would overwhelm Stader's defenses and overpower the unicorn god. Drascis felt a trill of excitement in his stomach at the thought of the dragons being the inheritors of creation, not the unicorns.

It was going well until Stader began to grow in size, his form wavering at the edges until he towered over the trees and dragons, a being of pure cosmic energy.

I can see now that you will not learn. Peace is not possible with things as they are. Dragons, your race is an unchecked power that must be harnessed.

Drascis continued his attack, panic starting to well up in him as the god grew larger and larger and the battle-lines began to break. Then there was a great tearing of reality, a boom of cosmic proportions, and all things went white.

Drascis grunted against the bit in his mouth and closed his eyes as the unicorn on top of him thrust hard into his tailhole. He tried to pull against tack on his face, but the unicorn quickly jerked his head back into place.

As the thick cock speared into his depths, Drascis shuffled slightly, trying to get comfortable under the warm weight of the unicorn on his back. It had been a month since Stader the Magnificent had unleashed his full power and re-written the universe, creating a utopia for his people. The Endless Pastures had truly become endless, stretching off forever in every direction, and going forward in time forever as well. Every one of the dragons who had rebelled against Stader had become mares in service to the unicorns. They were all given a stud who would breed them for all eternity.

Death did not exist in the new Endless Pasture. Nor did war or rebellion. Drascis looked around at the low, rolling hills covered in waving grasses, dotted here and there with a unicorn rutting into a harnessed male dragon. He saw and felt his endless future spread out before him like his spread ass as his stud bred him again.

His aching cock twitched in the breeze, and he tried not to think about cumming. Even though all dragons were fated to forever be mares to their new unicorn overlords, he had decided to fight his inescapable fate for as long as possible.

The unicorn on his back began to thrust into him harder and harder, increasing in pace and gusto. Drascis rocked back and forth under the assault and tried to weather the storm through gritted teeth. In front of him, not too far off, a unicorn was walking away, leading a pregnant black dragon along behind him, tugging at the reins whenever the dragon lagged too far behind.

Those dragons who had been given more fertile or enthusiastic studs were already showing signs of pregnancy, and soon the next generation of foals would be birthed from male dragon mares whose jobs would never be done.

The universe had been rewritten, and the dragons had become a race of mares to endlessly serve their unicorn studs. Drascis saw and heard several other dragons who had already given into their new role in life moaning underneath their studs, pushing back into the horsecocks that claimed their depths and caused their once-proud, once-free bodies to become nothing more than rutting and breeding stands for the unicorns.

The Endless Pastures were alive with the sound of unicorn balls smacking against scaly thighs, moaning dragon-whores, and whinnying studs who were enjoying the fruits of the strong, proud male bodies below them to their full extent.

As more time passed, all resistance faded from even the proudest of dragons, and all that remained were grassy hills teeming with slutty, enthusiastic dragon mares gasping and moaning as hot cum pounded into their tailholes forever. Dragons licked their lips as their studs pulled on their reins, leading them past dragons who were being bred relentlessly, and those who weren't being bred felt their cocks drip into the grass as their tailholes ached to be filled by their own studs.

Drascis trotted happily behind his stud as warm seed dripped out of his ass and his tail flicked lewdly in the air. It was another beautiful day in the Endless Pastures, and he stared longingly at the hard cock between his stud's legs as the unicorn led him over a rolling hill. By the slight swaying in his belly, he knew that he was pregnant again with his stallion's foal, and that he would soon swell to a bigger size. He loved being pregnant, since it was a sign of how strong and virile his stud was, and it was proof of what a good mare Drascis was too. As they came down the other side of the hill, Drascis saw that they were headed toward a spot where a beautiful white stallion was rutting hard into a panting orange mare. He felt his cock twitch in jealousy at the treatment the orange mare was getting, the dragon mare's scaly neck arched into the air as he was firmly bred, his heavily pregnant belly swaying under the hard thrusts as his cock spurted and dripped intermittently.

Drascis snorted in delight and surprise as his stud pulled him over in front of the drooling orange mare and then walked around behind him. He spread his legs in anticipation, wiggling his ass slightly as the unicorn dropped onto his back and began pushing him forward. Drascis was a little confused at the forward motion until the orange mare opened his eyes in his panting and brought his snout toward Drascis in the midst of his lust. Drascis was shoved forward again and his lips met with the orange mare's as his stud's hard cock finally slid into his needy tailhole. As the two studs whinnied to each other in greeting and continued fucking the dragons, their mares shared a series of long, sloppy kisses interspersed with moaning and panting.

The scene was repeated many times as Drascis's stud led him around the fields, allowing him to meet with his former friends and allies, once angry dragons, now happy, slutty mares. As Drascis passionately kissed Telnith while they were both rutted, he reflected that neither he nor any of the other dragons had ever been so happy than when they had fully submitted to the rule of the unicorns and given up all hope and plans of becoming first in line. Now they were all last in line, a race of mares, reveled in the thought that he would have thick horsecock in his rear forever.

Finally, after a restructuring of the universe, and the transformation of all dragons into slutty mares for the unicorns, there was peace in the world. Instead of sounds of grumbling and conflict, there were now just the sounds of once-proud male dragons moaning as they were taken by their studs and bred for all eternity, their needy depths filled to the brim with virile seed as their cocks twitched in the wind and their bellies swelled with foals. They never again thought of anything except the cocks of their unicorn stallions and the hot seed they milked from them.

If you're wondering what happened to the female dragons, they went off with the other races and had an epic, endless party.