Power Corrupts

Story by FilthFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Roommate Training

Dom, James, and Jacob had settled nicely into their new lives. The dragons would wake up and each have their first orgasm of the day before leaving bed, and Jacob's stomach would end up newly swollen - it was anyone's guess which end it was filled through. As both holes were pretty much constantly covered in cum, it was also hard to tell which one was most recently used. More often than not, it was due to Jacob's own insistence that he ended up this way.

Over time, their house had become an absolute mess. The nice carpets had become hard with dried cum and feces, and the only places where it wasn't crusted over were where someone had recently pissed. Flies buzzed around inside, doing their best to steal the piles of Jacob's food left in random places across the floor. No surface inside the house was safe, with even the ceilings managing to get every last bodily fluid onto them. The closest thing to 'clean' was the actual bathroom, which was only entered whenever one of the dragons had to go to the office or somewhere else formal. Jacob was forbidden to use anything there, despite being forced to run errands for his masters.

While some of the more comfy furniture had remained mostly intact, things like kitchen chairs and stools around the house had been replaced with rimseats. The dragons had even made sure to keep them cushioned so that they could stay on them for extended periods of time, allowing Jacob all the access he wanted to their tailholes. The three males wallowed in their filth, and they had never felt more at home.

There were few guidelines in place around the house, even though the place looked like total anarchy. The first was most rigidly adhered to, as since they worked remotely, plans had to be made whenever they had meetings. Either a sheet had to be hung up to cover the shit-smeared walls, or Jacob had to be tasked to lick a sufficient area clean if given time. If neither of those could be done, then cameras had to stay off. While they didn't particularly enjoy working, they enjoyed staying in their rather large house and enjoying whatever luxuries they desired, so maintaining some kind of professional appearance was required.

The next rule related to etiquette, and was more about respect than a hard rule. While the fox couldn't be truly raped given his extreme willingness and induced loyalty for the dragons, he was still a living being. He was treated respectfully and not made to endure anything he didn't want. This, of course, flew out the window on occasion whenever what the dragons wanted was enforced through Dom's hypnosis, but they at least made sure the fox would enjoy it after giving him whatever kinks they desired. The dragons also respected each other, with Dom not hypnotizing James unless given explicit permission and the two not ripping the fox away from each other whenever they wanted to get off. Besides, the whore had two holes. You may not get the one you want, but one's always available.

The third was there and both tried to adhere to it, but it fell down quite often. Since the fox depended on the dragons for his meal, the dragons mostly let him decide how much to eat or drink to make sure he got his fill. While they could have easily told him to just let the waste pile up, Jacob both wanted and needed to eat a significant amount of it. Of course, both of Jacob's masters were happy to let him eat a full load of shit straight from their ass or bloat his stomach by blasting him with a fire hose of piss. The state of the house spoke for itself on this one though - it was clear that the dragons simply enjoyed living in their filth too much to let the fox eat every last bit of it.

While most days all three of these soft rules were adhered to, the worst day in terms of following them happened one weekday over lunch. Dom grumbled as he sat at the kitchen table, staring at his computer. He'd gotten messages all morning, with one of the IT systems being down at work. The black dragon was the one tasked with repairing it, though the constant messages about asking for updates didn't exactly help. People didn't seem to understand that time spent talking was time spent not fixing the issue.

James had his computer out as well at the table, but was much more relaxed. He worked alongside Dom, but was responsible for different systems. He could only sit there and grin as he watched the black dragon's frustration, knowing it all too well. The red dragon was just happy today it wasn't him that had to deal with it.

Jacob was setting the table, putting a plate in front of each of his masters. Whenever the fox was in charge of the meal, it wasn't exactly a surprise what was coming: something high in fiber, frequently with a large amount of beans or fruit accompanying it, and it was always significantly larger than a typical portion size would be. Not only was he cooking for two, but the two dragons were much larger than he was. Plus, the more they ate, the more he got to eat. Today, he'd made a massive amount of spaghetti. Multiple pots were used in its making, resulting in a mass easily twice the size of the fox's own head. He scooped out as much as he could physically pile on a plate and set it in front of Dom first, then quickly returned with an equal plate for James. "Dig in!" he said happily before immediately ducking below the table, setting Dom's left foot into his lap and busying himself with sucking on the toes.

The dragons needed no encouragement, though Dom's attention was rather split. One eye was on his meal, the other was on his computer looking for alerts, and his mind was growing more and more focused on his crotch as Jacob worked. The fox worked over the first toe, twisting his head around it as far as his body could physically let him, even leaning around it to get that extra bit of rotation in. Only once the black sheen had returned to the scales did Jacob pull back. Rather than taking the next one inside, he stuck his tongue out and slotted it between the clean one and its neighboring dirty toe. He slid it in and out, almost fucking the small gap with his slippery muscle, pulling a bit of grime out each time. Jacob worked it up and down, all while keeping his eyes on Dom's fully-erect cock above him.

The next toe eventually got the same treatment as the first, followed by the next gap and continuing all the way down both feet. Jacob took a break after the last toe, pulling off and lewdly licking his lips, leaving the soles stained with excrement that had been trodden on. Rather enamored with his work, the fox lifted both feet and tilted them in a bit, pressing them onto either side of his muzzle. He shut his eyes and rubbed his face up and down between them, simply adoring the feel of them against his cheeks. With how long and drawn out the tongue action was, both Dom and James had finished their meals around the time Jacob was about to go back to slurping the soles. Before he had a chance to lick them clean, however, the black dragon spoke.

"Jacob, cock," Dom said shortly, knowing that by the time he'd said much else, the fox would have already been on his shaft. Sure enough, the feet were rather unceremoniously dropped down to the fox's sides. His paws shot up and pulled the length down toward his muzzle, where his lips were pre-parted to take the tip inside.

Two things then happened at once. First, the dragon released his bladder. Acrid, salty piss stung the fox's tongue, quickly bloating his cheeks and forcing him to swallow it down. As soon as the first blast hit his stomach, Dom's computer had started making noise - the problem at work had gotten worse, and the black dragon was being forced onto a call to address the situation.

James could only let out a quick laugh, smiling madly to himself as he watched Dom frantically reach for his headset and put it on. The black dragon was still pissing down the fox's throat as he cleared his throat and spoke, announcing his presence on the call. James, knowing Jacob wasn't about to leave the cock without assistance, lifted up his legs and wrapped them around the fox's stomach, pulling him away and back toward himself. Once his lips were pulled off the shaft, the continuing stream of piss immediately started splashing against the tile floor. It sounded rather like someone had turned on the faucet in the room, right next to the computer. James had to bite down on his paw to stop from erupting in laughter next to Dom's call, all while fighting against the struggling fox who wanted to continue his drink. He thought his boyfriend was only getting a blowjob - something that could be quickly stopped while the call was happening.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I'm in the kitchen right now; I was eating lunch. Roommate turned on the sink; it'll be off soon, I promise," Dom said with more than a hint of frustration in his voice, glaring at James as he did. The red dragon was doing his best to stifle his laughter as piss continued to pool around the fox's knees.

The call continued with Dom interjecting various phrases as he was needed, trying to focus on fixing the problem as quickly as possible. It was almost another two minutes before the stream of urine dwindled down to a trickle, with a few drops now landing in the puddle beneath. James didn't free Jacob to go enjoy it, however. As the stream of piss stopped and the fox finished struggling to get back to it, the red dragon scooted his chair back and lifted Jacob out from underneath the table. Rather unceremoniously, he carried the fox over toward the refrigerator and pinned him up against it. He reached down and grabbed Jacob's tail, lifting it up and lining up his cock with the exposed hole.

"Thanks for the meal..." James growled as he slid his shaft inside the well-lubed entrance, working himself into a hole that hadn't been cleaned in nearly half a decade. "...You'll get it back later" he said as he finished pushing himself in, sliding the last of his two feet of cock into Jacob's bowels. After he hilted himself, he looked back over toward Dom. The black dragon was glaring hard at him, barely able to focus on his call with the show in front of him. James maintained unblinking eye contact as he worked himself out and back in, hard enough to slap against the vulpine's ass but not quite loud enough to make it obvious to the others on the call as to what was going on around Dom. He was sure a smack or two was picked up by the mic, but nothing quite as rhythmic as the actual pounding of crotch against ass was in reality.

"Sorry, what?" Dom asked, not for the first time. His name had come up quite frequently, and almost every time now he had to ask for a repeat. His cock was leaking profusely against the bottom of the table, painfully pressed against the surface as he failed to tear his eyes away from the show. Each time he had to ask, James' grin only grew bigger. He even threw a particularly hard thrust into Jacob's ass each time for good measure.

The fox, meanwhile, was whimpering softly against the fridge. Not in pain or anything - but out of impatience. "Come on...harder..." he whined. He knew why James was going easy on him, and he knew not to speak too loudly for fear of being punished for interrupting the call, but it still didn't stop his slutty nature. He was even trying to push his ass back against the red dragon's thrusts, desperate to feel well and truly fucked.

James broke his gaze with Dom for the first time, looking down at the fox. He moved one of his paws down to Jacob's cock, gripping it around the base as hard as he could, absolutely throttling the thing. "Hard enough for you?" The dragon asked happily as he continued his medium-strength thrusts into his pet, simply enjoying the warmth as he took his time to get off.

Jacob bit down on his bottom lip as James squeezed; it felt like his master was trying to rip his cock off. He trusted the larger male enough to know that wasn't the case, but it sure felt like it. He knew better than to speak again as well - this certainly wasn't what he had in mind by 'harder', and he didn't want to see what other cruel things James could come up with if given more words to maliciously comply with.

Not sensing the call was going to end any time soon, James decided to pick up the pace a bit. If Dom was going to be stuck as a spectator for a while, James figured he'd put on more of a show. The red dragon slapped against the fox's ass each time he pushed in, his cock now absolutely coated in recycled meals. It was anyone's guess how many times these logs of shit had passed through the fox, only to finally escape the endless cycle between Jacob's ass and mouth via James' cock.

With a couple more thrusts, James returned his paw to his muzzle and clamped down, stifling his roar of pleasure as his cock erupted, flooding Jacob's gut with his ball snot. Rope after rope of thick, yellowed, chunky jizz shot up into Jacob's ass, warming the fox from the inside out. Only now did he release his pet's cock as well, revealing a much redder surface underneath where he was squeezing it.

"I need to cook for you more often, master..." Jacob said happily, his cheek pressed up against the fridge as he sighed in pleasure. By now, it was more typical than not for his ass to be this full, and getting topped up again only made him feel that much better.

James chuckled a bit as he removed his paw from his mouth, letting it hang limply by his side as he rested against Jacob's back. "You just want more shit, you little slut," He said light-heartedly, giving a small push into the fox's ass.

"Well yeah, duh!" he said with a grin, proud of being probably the only fur around nastier than the dragons, and that was only because the two were using him as their toilet.

James could only smile, raising his paw back up and rubbing over the back of the fox's head, sliding his claws through the dried clumps of shit in Jacob's fur. "And that's why we love you. Now give me a minute, and I'll get you your lunch." He said, still breathing a little bit heavily as he remained hilted inside the fox.

Jacob's cock jumped at even the mention of lunch, now pushing his ass back against the dragon for a whole different reason - trying to get his master off of him so he could glue his lips to the red dragon's hole. "A minute's too long. I'm hungry now, master!" he said, already feeling his stomach grumbling.

"Be patient, and calm down. You're going to get both of us in trouble if you don't be quiet, and you still get fed when I say so. Your eagerness is extremely cute, but you have to learn when begging is appropriate. I already said it was coming, so this is the time when you sit there and wait for it in earnest," James lectured.

Jacob nodded, sliding his face up and down against the fridge to show he understood. "Yes, sir," he said much more quietly, barely audible to the red dragon. Jacob had been trained well, and genuinely felt bad for pushing too hard with his master. He made a note to himself not to insist so much in the future.

As a sort of punishment, James stayed embedded in the vulpine longer than he'd intended to, only delaying the meal a little bit more. With a groan a few minutes later he finally pulled himself free, letting the now-cooled cum spill down from the fox's ass. It was much browner than it was when it had gone in, with even some large clumps of shit having survived the fuck session. Jacob wasted no time, shifting himself down onto the floor between James' legs and staring up at the shit-coated red ass. He licked his lips as he tried to focus his attention away from his own hole - no matter how many times you got fucked, having two feet of cock thicker than a beer can shoved inside you made it hurt a bit back there.

"No, kneel. I want him to see it," James said, turning his attention back toward Dom. The black dragon was still angrily staring at his boyfriend, clenching his fist next to his computer in frustration at his situation. James winked at Dom before he smiled down at the fox, shaking his head a little bit. Part of him still couldn't believe his luck at having a slut as dedicated as this around the house, but the thought quickly left his mind.

The red dragon squatted down a bit, bringing his ass more toward Jacob's head and allowing the fox an easier time. Jacob immediately shoved his muzzle between the cheeks, using the remnants of his last meal to easily slide his face as deep in there as he could get. He opened up, pressing his lips to the hole as he waited for his lunch. It took a significant amount of restraint to keep himself from lapping the smeared shit still stuck to the dragon's ass each time he found himself nosing into it, but he was forbidden from ever licking his masters' holes completely clean. While they loved feeding the fox, the dragons quite enjoyed having horrendous tailholes.

James tilted his head back and let out an exaggerated sigh, giving Dom all the knowledge he needed. While he couldn't see it, the bulge soon travelling down the fox's throat told him the feeding had started. Jacob was eagerly taking in the first couple logs, feeling every bump and slimy surface of the turds as they freely slid down his throat. He felt slightly disappointed at not being able to chew them without missing part of his meal, but he knew there'd be a break eventually.

That stop didn't come until after the fifth log poured out of James' ass. The dragon looked behind himself at the fox, giving another quick order. "Look over at Dom, and don't swallow yet. Just keep chewing."

Jacob readily obeyed. He made eye contact with his first master, lips smacking up and down as he worked over the shit inside his muzzle. At first, it had been a rather firm, solid log inside. When Jacob first opened up, you could see the ridges in the waste, looking like a bunch of stray nuggets had been stuck together. It was an extremely dark brown, bordering on black it was so deeply hued. As the fox worked over the feces, it gradually became softer. James had to nudge him a few times whenever his chewing got too loud - the shit was extremely sticky, and smacking noises readily echoed out from Jacob's muzzle and across the room. Before too long, the mess had become indistinguishable from diarrhea in the fox's muzzle, but he kept chewing and teasing Dom. As it became even more liquid and more of his saliva added to the mixture, small streaks of shit began to pour out of the corners of his mouth. Little rivers of chewed-up excrement dribbled down the fox's chin and onto his chest, sliding toward the floor as more followed it up.

Dom's cock was throbbing as he watched the fox, finding it flexing up into the table beneath himself repeatedly each time he got a fresh view inside the muzzle before him. As James looked over at his partner more closely to observe, he saw quite a few claw marks in the table - fresh ones, not the older ones from Jacob being fucked against it. Dom was going mad in his chair, desperate for the call to end but still having to participate to maintain some level of status at work. Eventually, the call came to an embarrassing close as he was usually the one to solve these types of problems, but one of his co-workers had to come to his rescue.

"Really? That's what it was? Ugh, I should have found that. Anyway, glad it's done. Sorry guys, I gotta go, lunch is getting cold!" Dom said quickly into his microphone, very quickly clicking his mouse once to end the call. He didn't wait for a response before slamming his headset down, and standing up as quickly as possible. His chair was sent flying backwards, and the table even scooted forward a few inches. The black dragon stormed around the table, grabbed Jacob by the back of the head, and immediately sunk his shaft all the way down the fox's throat in one go. The majority of the overly-chewed feces finally ended up in the vulpine's sewer stomach, with a few splashes ending up along Dom's crotch.

James grinned as he watched, stroking himself as he watched shit splatter out of the corners of the fox's lips from his partner's rough thrusts. "Come on, it's not like it's his fault. Be nice to him," he teased, knowing no such thing would happen.

"You want...me to...fuck you...instead?" Dom panted, not caring at all for his pet's wellbeing. He repeatedly slammed himself into Jacob's muzzle, bloodying the fox's nose as he did. Any harder and teeth would likely start to get knocked loose. All he cared about right now was getting off though, and sinking his shaft repeatedly into a shit-slicked esophagus was a great way for him to do that. Fortunately for Jacob, it didn't take long before Dom hilted himself again and stayed that way, balls resting on Jacob's chin as he pumped his load down the fox's throat. Similar to James' little stunt earlier, he kept himself shoved fully inside the fox far longer than he should have. This time, however, the vulpine's air supply was put in jeopardy. The fox was fine for a while, but it soon became obvious that he was running low. He struggled to maintain composure for a few moments, though soon tried to fight against Dom's paw on the back of his head. The dragon was far stronger, however, and kept Jacob firmly in place. It wasn't until James got concerned enough to step in and pull Dom off that the shaft slipped back out of Jacob's muzzle, sending flecks of shit and cum spraying over the floor between them. The fox immediately collapsed forward, sucking in air as quickly as he could with strings of shit-stained saliva hanging from his lips.

"What was that about? You could have knocked him out," James demanded to know.

"Little fucker deserves it, teasing me like that. Not only was I working, but you also jerked him off my cock when I was using him earlier. You're lucky I don't do that to you."

"You want to be mad, fine, be mad at me. Jacob was just doing what I made him do. And don't forget - you did give me that control over him. It's not like he really has a say after either of us tells him to do anything anymore."

"Whatever. Just don't let it happen again."

James sighed, glancing at Jacob. "Let's talk about this somewhere else. It's not like he's a dog - he understands what we're saying. Now, at least say you're sorry to him, and you can be mad at me upstairs."

Dom sighed as he turned toward the fox, cock still erect as he looked down at his pet. "Sorry," he grunted, not sounding like he meant it in the slightest.

Jacob, able to tell that the dragon wasn't sorry but still feeling obedient to his master, leaned in and gave the tip of the cock a quick kiss. "It's okay, master," he said softly. He watched as the dragons turned away, seeing them walk out of the room and presumably upstairs. Once they were gone, he focused his attention on the floor and finally began to lap up Dom's piss from the tiled ground.

The remainder of the work week had finished without incident. Neither James nor Dom had anything serious come up, so they naturally slacked off a bit. The fox was freely passed around between them, though ended up shared more often than not. Despite the relatively easy week though, both dragons were glad to see the weekend hit. While their activities didn't change much, there was still some peace of mind in knowing they didn't have to worry about something potentially coming up. Dom had still been a little angrier than usual since the work mishap, but the worst thing that came from that so far was that Jacob got pounded a little harder.

Saturday morning, Dom had woken up a little early, smiling to himself as he realized that he had the day free. He and Jacob had gone through their typical routine and the black dragon found himself now resting on the couch in the living room, cock and feet both licked nicely clean. Jacob soon took a seat on the other side of the couch as the TV flickered on, and the fox handed his master a controller. He had booted up a racing game for the two to play.

Jacob smiled to himself as he worked over the joysticks; it became commonplace to at least press all the buttons on the controller a few times before they'd actually gotten into a game around the house. Anything like that tended to end up rather sticky. He lifted up the controller, licking the side a couple times and cleaning up one of the brown streaks along it. Dom just watched with a smirk on his face, proud of how devoted a toilet he had.

"Think you can beat me this time?" The black dragon teased.

"Yeah, if you don't start pissing on me in the middle of it like last time, sir," the fox retorted, though he certainly didn't seem to be annoyed by the memory.

"I had to go, and besides, I didn't tell you to drop your controller and start sucking it out; you did that on your own."

"You knew what you were doing. It's not exactly easy to suck it out of the carpet after you're done, so it's not like I can just get it later like when you shit the couch."

Dom just grinned even wider. "I tell you this all the time, but that sounds like a toilet problem. I need to go, and the toilet's right there. I'm not going to wait for the toilet to be ready."

The fox just sighed, though he still found himself hoping the dragon would do it again this time. "Just save it until we're done this time please. I actually like playing games with master, and while I love it, I do want to do other things besides eating your shit..."

Dom smirked and reached over, patting the fox on top of the head a few times. "Alright, I'll be nice. Now, let's do this."

The males turned their attention back to the TV where the first race began. Each one was quick, so it wasn't long before Dom had racked up a few wins, though they weren't exactly a fair fight. The first couple races, the dragon was exposing himself more and more to the fox. He'd bring his leg up onto the couch, spread his legs even further apart, wiggle his toes, and generally just make it so that his crotch was pointing more directly at the vulpine. Between rounds, he'd stroke himself a bit, milking droplets of pre out that Jacob couldn't help but watch as they dribbled down the shaft during the next round. The couple of races after those, Dom leaned back a bit and started blowing gas at his pet, straining as if he was about to take a dump. Each burst of flatulence assaulted the fox's nose, and he couldn't help but look over and make sure a meal wasn't presenting itself.

Dom was openly laughing every time he watched Jacob drive off the course now, easily beating the vulpine. Jacob was mildly annoyed, but the dragon's previous control over his mind had addled him enough that he didn't even blame Dom - he was only annoyed at himself for not having better control. As they started up and went around the track a few more times with Jacob still occasionally glancing over at his master's tailhole, an idea struck him. He smiled over at the dragon, doing his best to hurry up with the already-lost round.

As they finished with that one, Dom set the controller down next to him. "Looks like I win again, eh pet?" He quipped. The dragon had actually seemed to become not just angrier, but somehow more arrogant over the last few days. The events earlier in the week had solidified in his mind that he could do whatever he wanted to the fox and no consequences would be faced.

Jacob only smiled, still thinking. "Oh come on master, one more? I think I can beat you this time!"

Dom just shook his head a bit in disbelief that the fox wanted to keep playing, despite knowing he was going to lose. "Alright, one more. But if I win, I want you to stick that controller up your ass."

Jacob just shrugged, not seeing the downside here. "Works for me, sir. Though don't expect me to lose on purpose for that."

The dragon chuckled as he turned to focus on kicking off the next round. Jacob, meanwhile, started sliding his feet around on the ground. He quite easily found a couple piles of feces near the couch, making sure to press down hard into them, feeling the cold shit squish between his toes. As the countdown started for the next round, he finally lifted them up, quickly shifting himself into a lying position on the couch, extending his feet toward the dragon. He focused on two things at once as best as he could - pressing his shit-covered feet to Dom's shaft and doing his best to stay on the course.

The dragon almost immediately drove off the course, moaning as he felt the disgusting mess pressed over his dick. His attention became just as split as Jacob's was, finding himself barely able to stay pointed straight, with the two racers even colliding off the track a few times. Jacob's feet slid up and down his master's shaft faster and faster as the race went on, resulting in more missteps from Dom as the vulpine grew more comfortable multi-tasking. Jacob quickly began to pull ahead, though instead of trying to win by as much as he could, he started using the bonus time to give more special attention to Dom. He'd curl his toes up, making sure as much friction as possible was present. The fox would start at the base and wrap his feet around it, squeezing moderately tightly. Then he'd work them up another couple inches and do the same thing.

Dom grew more determined as the race went on; he certainly wasn't going to lose to a toilet. His focus increased, doing his best to ignore the sensations in his length. It paid off, as he found himself catching up to the fox right at the end of the race. Jacob only grinned, however. As they went around the final turn, the vulpine lifted his feet up and immediately clasped his toes around the head of the shaft, stroking his toes around it and covering it in the old excrement. The dragon's head tilted back a bit, his body shivering as a moan slipped out. While he stayed on the course, Dom found it hard to go in a perfectly straight line, giving Jacob just enough of an edge to beat him to the line.

The dragon looked angry, not taking his gaze away from the TV. He didn't even want to look at the fox right now. "Again." He said shortly, working to start up the next round. As it was about to start, footsteps could be heard as the red dragon joined them, yawning while he came down the stairs.

"You boys are up early," James noted, scratching his stomach as he wandered over to the two. "Having fun?" he asked, a bit curious as to why Jacob hadn't hopped up to greet him with his mouth yet.

"No," Dom responded shortly.

As James approached the couch, he could now see more over the back of it and saw the fox's shitty feet all over the black dragon's crotch. That answered his unasked question - while Jacob surely wanted to blow James, he wasn't going to stop getting Dom off to do so. The red dragon chuckled a bit, looking over at his partner. "Really? Looks like a lot of fun to me."

Jacob piped up, "Master's mad because he lost!"

"Shut. UP," Dom commanded. Instantly, the fox recoiled a bit. James remained quiet, knowing better than to piss Dom off even further. These moods were becoming more and more frequent lately, but now wasn't the time to address it. James stayed leaning against the back of the couch, feeling his cock rising up and pressing against it as he watched the footjob going on before him.

The second round with the fox's foot antics going on was much like the first, though even more in Jacob's favor this time. The vulpine had gotten even better at hitting his master's favorite spots with his feet, and Dom couldn't focus on the game for more than a few seconds at a time. Jacob won handily, even able to solely focus on getting his master off while the dragon finished the race.

As soon as Dom crossed the finish line, he wordlessly grabbed hold of Jacob's legs and shoved them on the floor. He followed it up by grabbing the fox's arm and practically throwing him off the couch, ending with the vulpine lying face-down on top of the coffee table. The black dragon quickly pinned him down, roughly jamming his cock up Jacob's tailhole and hilting himself inside. Jacob was a bit dazed from the sudden movements, but he didn't think much of it for now - it wasn't unusual for his masters to take him so roughly, so he didn't tie it to the game in his mind.

James, however, saw a more sinister reason for the harshness. "Hey, hey, take it easy!" He called as the black dragon slid inside, reaching over and yanking on Dom's tail to get his attention. The black dragon paid him no mind, however, only focusing on setting up the next round.

"Again," Dom repeated, keeping himself inside the fox until the race had started over. Every time the vulpine had rounded a corner, Dom would pull out. Then, on the next one, he'd shove himself back in. The rough movements hurt both of their races, though try as he might, the forced movements didn't actually mess up the fox as much as he'd hoped. The table had kept Jacob somewhat stable, leaving him able to control himself fairly easily.

Growing angrier, Dom slammed himself inside as hard as he could. Since Jacob couldn't see his master, however, he only assumed the dragon was really getting into it. Naturally trying to help out, the fox released the little control over his bowels he had left. It wasn't long before the noises sounding out from his ass sounded much wetter and sticker, and Dom could easily feel the logs of shit being battered into mush around the tip of his cock. Despite exercising as much self-control as he could, the dragon could no longer concentrate. Once the fox had started shitting himself, he dropped his controller and just started ruthlessly fucking his pet. Only a few strokes later, the logs of shit pouring from the fox's rectum were met with hot blasts of dragon jizz.

As Jacob finished the race, he sighed and clenched down around his master's shaft. The fox tilted his head back in pride, happy to feel his master's seed inside him once more. "Happy now, sir?" he asked, only to turn around and be greeted with a fist.

Dom punched the side of the fox's face a couple times, adding in a few body slams downward onto his pet's back. As he did, the pressure on the table beneath the two became too much. The years of neglected cleaning certainly didn't help its structure, but Dom's force was the final straw to send it crashing to the floor. As the black dragon readied himself for another punch, he found his arm restrained. From the second Dom raised his fist, James had scrambled over the couch to prevent it. Dom worked quickly though, and by the time James had gotten there some serious damage was done. The red dragon, luckily able to at least match his partner's strength, prevented the assault from getting even worse. He somehow managed to work himself around and put his paws against Dom's chest, grunting as he shoved the black dragon backwards and onto the couch. He stood between Dom and Jacob, staring down at his partner.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? He beat you at a fucking game, and you decide to punch his lights out?" James roared.

"He's fucking cheating! Little shit couldn't play a fair game if his life depended on it - he deserves to be punished!"

"You hypocrite! I've seen you cover his eyes with your feet and literally sit on his head while you're playing that stupid game. How the hell is giving you a footjob and shitting on your cock anywhere nearly as bad as that?"

"He's the bitch around here! He's supposed to do what I want. I've got control over him, and he should just fucking accept it. I could make him beg me to knock him unconscious constantly, all while he's got a smile on his face. What's the fucking point of having someone like that if he's going to frustrate me?"

"...I don't even know what to say to that. Why am I even here if you don't like people around you having any free will whatsoever?" James asked. "Actually, you know what? Don't bother answering. I'm taking Jacob back upstairs, and I'm done if that's the way you think. You've been a gigantic dick lately, thinking you're so much better than everyone else. You almost choked him to death earlier this week just because you could. Those powers you've got aren't a blessing; they're a curse. Life has consequences, Dominic. Whenever you find that out, then come find me. Until then, fuck off."

James spun around on his heel, leaning down and gingerly picking Jacob up. He carried the fox in both arms over toward the stairs, climbing up and bringing Jacob to their bedroom. The dragon set his pet down on the bed softly, wiping away some of the blood on his cheeks. Jacob groaned in pain, his eyes shut as he struggled to move. Collapsing down onto the broken furniture had made his whole body ache, though it wasn't nearly as painful as his beaten face.

"Are you okay?" James asked, leaning down over the fox and doing his best to inspect the damage.

"Yeah..." Jacob started, coughing a bit, "I'm fine. How's master? He fell on the table too; I hope he's not hurt too badly..."

"Oh Jacob, you really are loyal..." James sighed, knowing it wasn't exactly the fox's choice to be like this. "He's the one that hurt you, and he made himself fall. Any pain he's in, he more than deserves. You need to focus on your own pain."

"Yeah, but he didn't mean it...he just got angry is all. He still loves me," Jacob responded, opening his eyes just a bit.

James slowly blinked, thinking about how to best respond. "Dom's got some problems he needs to work out. We both love you, but love isn't a reason to abuse someone like that, unless both sides want it. So I'll ask you - Do you like it when he beats you like that?"

Jacob felt conflicted. This was the first time in ages he could remember actually being asked his opinion about something. "N...No..." he finally said.

"Do you like any pain?" James continued.

This time, however, the fox nodded. "Yeah...if I know it's turning you guys on, it turns me on too. I like it when you guys choke me, especially while your dick's in my throat. I hear how loud you moan when it tightens up like that. I like when you lay on top of me and pin me down, and when you yank my tail up hard. In the right situation, I might even be okay with what master just did to me...but out of passion, not out of anger. I like knowing I make masters happy, not upset."

James nodded as the fox spoke. The answer was about as he expected - anything to please the dominant males in the house. "Well, you make me very happy Jacob."

The fox smiled as much as he could. "You make me happy too, sir. I love you."

James smiled in return. "I love you too. Now, is there anything I can get you?"

The fox nodded again. "I'm kinda thirsty..."

James just sighed. Part of him didn't want to think about anything remotely sexual after what had just happened, but he wanted to comply with his pet's wishes to make him know he was still loved. The red dragon climbed up onto the bed, kneeling down on either side of the vulpine and offering his shaft to Jacob. The fox leaned up, shakily opening his lips, struggling a bit to widen them enough to take the tip inside. Once James felt he was fully comfortable, he began releasing his flow, letting a soft, steady trickle of piss wash down the fox's throat. As he urinated he smiled down at the fox, reaching up and softly stroking along the vulpine's bruised cheek. Jacob looked back up at his master as he drank, and while he couldn't speak, his eyes told James that the dragon had made him feel much better and safer.

The two dragons had gone almost two weeks without a conversation. Dom occasionally attempted to get James to talk to him, but the red dragon ignored him. Dom still had the arrogant, cocky attitude about him every time he approached, and James wasn't having it. The black dragon had slept on the couch in the living room, with James preventing him from coming back to bed. Jacob spent most of his time with James now, though still visited Dom when he could. He still felt his loyalty to his first master, and having him downstairs alone weighed heavily on the fox's mind.

It was a Friday night when Dom was sitting on the couch alone, watching some TV with his feet resting on the remnants of the coffee table. His mood was already sour at having to spend another weekend alone down here, though it worsened as the night had gone on. The house was big, but noises still carried through it. He couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but James and Jacob sure weren't keeping their activities quiet. It seemed no matter how loud he made the TV, he couldn't drown out the sounds of their fucking. Just as he was about to storm upstairs, however, the doorbell rang.

"Right...pizza," Dom grumbled quietly to himself. He strode over to the door, yanking it open and standing before the delivery boy in all his naked, disgusting glory. At the door was a wolf, looking to be in his late teens - certainly old enough to drive since he was delivering pizza. Dom would have guessed that he had turned eighteen very recently.

"Um...Delivery, for, uh...Dominic?" The wolf stumbled, doing his best to both maintain eye contact with the dragon and not vomit all over the delivery with the stench pouring out of the living room. He looked up at the dragon, keeping his bright, blue eyes focused and hoping Dom would take the pizza quickly. No such luck presented itself, however, as the lupine shook a little bit out of nervousness inside his required uniform.

"That's me," the dragon said, forgetting his previous anger for now. "Let me take that from you," he continued, grabbing the pizza and carelessly tossing it inside onto the floor somewhere. Jacob would get it later after it rotted for a month or two.

"Th-That'll be $20...Sir..." the wolf stuttered, holding out his paw, still debating running back to the car and paying for it himself just to get out of the area.

Before he could go anywhere, however, Dom stuck his own paw out and grabbed the wolf around the wrist. Being much stronger, he easily held the delivery boy in place. "Oh, I don't have any money...I don't suppose we could settle this a little differently?" He asked, though it sounded more like a statement than a question. As he spoke, he yanked the wolf's paw down to his crotch, dragging it along his cock as he did.

"Look, mister, I'm straight. Just...just let me go, and I'll pay for it, and we'll forget this ever happened."

Both angry and horny from listening to his feuding partner railing his pet upstairs, the dragon growled and just pulled the wolf inside, quickly shutting and locking the door behind him. Almost instantly, the wolf's fight or flight instinct kicked in. He started clawing, punching, kicking, and anything else he could come up with to get the dragon off of him.

Dom sustained a few scratches to his arms and legs, as well as one particularly brutal kick to his kneecap. After blocking an attempted blow to his crotch, however, he got more aggressive. The black dragon shoved the wolf forward, just pushing him away. The lupine went flying backwards, landing on his back and sliding across the ground that was more toilet than floor. His head bumped into the base of the couch, dizzying him for just a second, but that was all it took. Almost instantly Dom was upon him, flipping the wolf over and lifting him up, pinning him down over the side of the couch. He held the wolf's arms behind his back, keeping his paws firmly over the grey-furred wrists of his victim.

"Come on man, please, just let me go! I won't tell, I promise!" the wolf cried, starting to sob into the couch cushions. He felt truly powerless knowing what was coming, but not able to do anything to stop it. "PLEASE!"

Dom only grinned as he lifted one of his feet, scratching at the wolf's ass with one of his toe claws until he'd ripped a hole large enough inside the pants. "You know, if you'd stop struggling, you might actually enjoy this..." He said derisively, doing his best to line himself up without letting his victim's arms go. Once he felt the tip of his cock dribbling pre against the wolf's virgin pucker, he moaned softly and started to push himself inside, pent up after not having Jacob around all day to take care of him. "...Then again, I might not enjoy it nearly as much myself," Dom continued, continuing to force the wolf down onto the couch and himself deeper inside.

While the lupine had gone somewhat limp with fear and crying before Dom had started entering him, his instincts came back the second he felt how painful it was. The dragon hadn't exactly bothered to lube himself up, and while the pre helped, the closest thing to proper lube he had was the dried streaks of shit left along his cock from the last time he'd fucked his fox.

"It hurts, it hurts! Take it out, stop, stop!" the wolf said through his tears, twisting and turning as much as possible to try to wriggle away from the dragon. While Dom didn't pull out, he did actually stop when the wolf asked. A little confused, the wolf raised his head up ever so slightly.

"Mmmf...maybe you're right, I should stop. You know, I've got a slut upstairs who's used to taking this thing. But he hasn't been around lately, so that's why you're here. After a while, you kind of forget how big you truly are when you're with someone who can take it. With you though..." He said, trailing off as he pushed another inch inside, "You can really feel it. How do you even take a dump through this thing? If I'm going to get anywhere near all the way in, we're going to need at least a little help..."

The little hope that the lupine had was dashed when the dragon spoke, first thinking a miracle had happened when his rapist had agreed to stop, only to find out he was preparing for worse. Some very confused thoughts flew through the wolf's head as he tried to figure out what the dragon was doing back there. For a few seconds, nothing had happened, so he thought Dom was just searching for lube nearby. Soon after, however, he felt his ass filling up quite quickly. Surely the dragon couldn't be cumming already? While he obviously hadn't felt someone shooting a load up his ass before, the wolf knew from his own sessions with himself that cum at least seemed to shoot out in spurts; this felt like one long stream. That was when it hit him - the dragon was pissing in his ass.

"Aaaah...much better. Hope you don't mind, but my usual toilet's been...well, let's just say out of order. I appreciate you taking up the role though," Dom teased. It certainly wasn't the best lube in the world, but he didn't care. Plugging up the wolf's ass with his piss and shoving his cock into it made him feel so powerful. Before he'd stopped urinating, he renewed his efforts to fit inside, leaning forward and pinning his chest to his victim's back, squeezing a few more inches into the tight tailhole.

"You're going to love this when I get done with you...Who knows, maybe I'll turn you into my pet and kick the others out. Fuckers betrayed me anyway..." Dom continued, spewing his personal problems to someone who couldn't care less. "Fucking James, thinking he's so high and mighty, he's using that fox just as much as I was...and Jacob, who's supposed to be MY pet, up there sucking his cock all fucking day..."

Distracted by his angry ranting, Dom hadn't even realized he'd started thrusting into the wolf. He'd pull a few inches back and shove himself in even harder, getting himself into the rhythm he used on Jacob. It took a few more dryer thrusts before he'd managed to get himself all the way inside, though by now the piss had dribbled all over the dragon's crotch and all down the back of the wolf's legs and uniform.

The wolf screamed each time Dom fit another few inches inside, still not understanding how someone could be that well-endowed, or how he had managed to fit even half of it inside his ass. While the sobs continued, the heavy crying had died off as the wolf ran out of tears to give. He laid there and just begged for it to be over, berating himself for not running away and trusting his instincts when he had the chance.

As pent up as he was, Dom didn't last much longer inside the wolf. His cock hurt from the rather rough entrance, and more than anything he just wanted to finally cum after being teased all day. He dropped the wolf's arms after realizing his victim had gone limp, placing his paws next to the smaller male on the couch and steadying himself. He pulled himself out all the way a few times, only to push back in harder and harder with each successive re-entry. Once he felt his orgasm coming on, the thrusts became smaller but quicker. Dom stayed almost entirely inside the wolf as bliss washed over him, throwing his head back and spraying his load into the lupine's bowels.

Immediately after his orgasm, the dragon was grinning. As the post-orgasmic bliss faded away, however, he looked down at what he'd done to the wolf and felt regret begin to seep in. His grin turned into a frown, and he froze in place, forcing himself to look down at the smaller male. The wolf remained mostly still, continuing to sob over his newly-deflowered ass. The only sounds through the room were the crying victim and the steady drip of cum and piss oozing out from around Dom's cock.

Eventually, Dom realized he couldn't stay there all day. He eased himself up, wordlessly pulling himself out of the wolf. A flood of mixed fluids poured out now that the oversized plug was removed, and the lupine's sobs started up anew. Seeing no other choice, the dragon lifted up the smaller male and flipped him over onto the couch.

"Look at me," the black dragon said firmly. The wolf didn't obey, however, and continued sobbing with his eyes shut, head turned away from the rapacious dragon. "Look at me!" he repeated, louder, shaking the lupine a bit as he did. This time, scared for his life, the wolf looked up at the dragon. For the first time in a while, Dom exerted his mind control capabilities. The wolf's sobbing slowly came to a halt as Dom sighed, deciding what to say.

"Fuck, I just raped a guy..." Dom muttered to himself. It was going to take a long time for him to come to terms with what he'd done out of anger and lust, but for now he had to clean up the mess, lest the situation get any worse. Strengthening his resolve, he lifted his head up and focused on the wolf's eyes. "I can't really tell you to just forget all this...you probably still have to go back to work, explain your uniform, and all kinds of questions are going to get asked," Dom started, trying to figure out a way around this. "Just...if you're asked about all this, it was your idea. You delivered the pizza, saw me naked at the door, and couldn't resist. I hesitated, and you offered to pay for the pizza if I fucked you. You're not to hide this either - you should be proud of the story, and if anyone asks, you readily tell it, exactly as I said it just happened. If anyone asks why you look like you were crying tonight, they're tears of pain from the struggle of fitting me inside. After your mind is returned, you're going to get up, grab...whatever that thing is called you keep the pizzas hot in, then leave. Got it?"

The wolf nodded, and with a deep breath, Dom backed up a bit and broke his hypnosis. While he had never had it just simply not work, there was always a part of him that was nervous any time someone was freed, in case there were unintended side effects. He watched as his victim shook his head, then reached up and rubbed the tears out of his eyes. With a groan, the wolf shifted himself into a sitting position, wincing heavily as he put weight onto his ass. The pain caused him to almost immediately try standing up, legs extremely shaky as he edged forward across the room. He bent down to pick up the box, showing Dom the damage he'd done one last time before making his way to the door. "Thanks again," the wolf called weakly over his shoulder, both worsening Dom's guilt and confirming nothing too bad was going to come of this.

Once he was left alone, the black dragon moved to sit back on the couch. He put his head in his paws, frowning as he continued to think over what had just happened. For the first time since his fight with James, he considered the fact that the red dragon might actually be right. Dom did whatever he wanted to do and used his hypnosis to justify it. He'd never had to face the consequences for anything in his life - whenever they came, he just changed the mind of whoever had come to deliver them. He'd pushed away the one person he could almost consider an equal, and while his relationship with Jacob was fine, life wasn't worth living if you everyone around you was only serving because you told them to. It was nice to feel loved - actual love, not forced love.

Dom didn't move from the couch for the entire night. He shifted around and laid down at one point, but never actually fell asleep. He wrestled against his own psyche, trying to find a way forward he could be happy with. Hours upon hours later, he finally realized what the first step was. At the very least, he had to make amends with James.

It was almost ten in the morning when Dom decided to head upstairs and discuss what had happened with the red dragon. When he entered the shared bedroom, both James and Jacob were still sleeping. The fox had taken Dom's space on the bed, with James now sleeping embedded inside Jacob. It didn't surprise him in the slightest - Dom slept inside Jacob more often than not before James had started taking the spot on the bed next to him. With a deep breath, Dom stepped forward and lightly shook the other dragon's shoulder.

"James...wake up. I'm...ready to talk," he said weakly, slumped over a little bit.

The red dragon groaned, not even bothering to open his eyes. "Fuck off," he said simply, shifting his head around a bit on the pillow.

"Come on...get up. I'm sorry, okay? You were right," Dom continued.

James sighed, opening his eyes for the first time. "You're not going to let me sleep, are you? What's so important that you couldn't wait for me to get up?"

"I...you're right. Go back to sleep..." he said softly, moving to sit down against the wall in the room. James readily accepted the invitation, needing no further encouragement and barely any extra time to fall back asleep. It was another couple of hours before James woke up once more, stretching and blinking as he roused himself. One of the first things he saw when waking up was Dom still sitting there, watching them sleep.

"You're still here, are you?" James asked, glaring down at the black dragon.

"Yes...I told you, I want to talk. You were right. How many times are you going to make me say it?"

"A few more, probably. I'm going to stop you right there though - if you're just here so you can start fucking Jacob again, forget it. I'm not letting you abuse him again. He deserves better than that."

"You're right; he does," Dom started, taking a deep breath, deciding to just come out and say it. "I raped a guy last night."

James' eyes fully opened, but he wasn't as shocked as Dom would have expected. "You kinda did the same thing to Jacob when you first started off with him... hypnosis might make him enjoy it, but it still wasn't exactly consenting. If that's all you have to say, leave. You clearly haven't changed."

Dom snorted, feeling a bit helpless. "Okay, just...let me talk for a bit. Yes, I did the same thing to Jacob, but at least then I cared about his happiness enough to make sure he was taken care of. It might not have been the most ethical thing in the world, but he's at least happy after it. Last night...I didn't hypnotize him."

"What?!" James interjected, but Dom held up a finger.

"I was pissed off after listening to you and Jacob all day, and I'd ordered pizza. It was a heat of the moment type thing, but I pulled the delivery guy inside, shoved him onto the couch, and ripped his pants open. I didn't even stop to consider what I was doing until after it was done. It didn't hit me until I looked down at him after cumming and watched him cry. I realized then that you were right - I take whatever I want and just make life work out for me. I felt horrible after it was done. I can't just make the guilt go away."

James sighed, bringing his paw up and burying his face in it. "Dom...What's wrong with you?" he asked, exasperated. The red dragon shifted himself in bed, easing himself backwards and sliding out of the fox's well-used rear. He sat up, putting his elbows on his knees and staring at the black dragon. "Why are you even telling me? I'm assuming you just made him forget it all afterward anyway, so what's the point? Once again, no consequences, and you're just going to have to live with what you've done."

"That...I think that's why I'm coming to you with this. I trust you, and while yes, I did cover my tracks enough to make sure I don't end up arrested, I care more about facing consequences with you. I was a dick, both to you and to Jacob, and to that wolf last night. I don't know how to show you that I'm thinking differently now, or that it'll even last after today. I don't know how to prove to you that I'm sorry. If it doesn't change your mind...I'll move out or something. I know I hurt you both."

James sighed. He wanted to be angry at Dom, but the black dragon was making that awfully hard. If he was doing this just to get back inside the sleeping toilet, he was selling it rather well. "Look, I accept the apology for now, but you're on thin ice. You set another toe out of line and you're gone. For now...come here at least," James said, pushing himself up off the bed and standing up, arms outstretched. For the first time in a while, Dom smiled. The two dragons met in an embrace, wrapping their arms tightly around each other. After they'd gotten their fill, they pulled back and shared a quick kiss.

"While I'm still upset, it is good to have you back. Jacob's nice, but it does feel kind of lonely with just a pet around here. Though, after years of him being used to two cocks, he sure didn't leave me alone. It was rather hard to give him his fill without you here. He'll be glad you're back," James said with a bit of a tease in his voice.

"Yeah...don't remind me. It was hard enough listening to that," Dom said flatly.

"Oh, could you hear? Sorry about that," James replied, not sounding sorry in the slightest. "Actually...now that I think about it, I do know something you could do to prove to me you've changed."

Dom tilted his head a little bit, somewhat scared of the answer. "Oh? What's that?" he asked nervously.

James grinned, quickly shifting himself behind Dom and shoving him forward toward the bed. "Bend over it," he said fiercely, keeping a paw firmly on the black dragon's upper back.

"Oh come on, Jacob's right there, use him," Dom retorted, keeping himself mostly upright for now. He could have fought back against James, and it would have been a fairly even match, but he chose not to.

"It's not about getting off, dumbass," James replied, reaching up and slapping his paw against the back of Dom's head. "It's about proving to you that you're not always in control in life. You can't make every situation go your way. And given that sex seems to have taught you a lesson last night, maybe it can again today. So bend over that fucking bed, and we're going to make it two anal virginities lost in this house this weekend," he finished, purposely reminding Dom of his previous night's escapades.

The black dragon sighed as he eased himself down over the foot of the bed, closing his eyes and taking a pre-emptive grip on the sheets. "Just...go easy, alright?"

James could only grin, already stroking himself as he lifted up Dom's tail. "You know what? I'll give you one piece of control - you can pick how much pain you're in. If you've got any lube, now's the time to use it."

Dom cursed himself, mind immediately going to the pizza that was still on the floor somewhere downstairs. He'd wished he'd actually eaten it, knowing it would have been perfect to make another appearance right about now. As it was, he wasn't totally empty. Without Jacob around, he didn't push himself to shit quite as often, and enough had been left inside. With a grunt, the black dragon began pushing. A few seconds later, the head of the first log had started crowning out of his ass. Before even an inch had come out, James had positioned himself over his partner, pressing the tip of his cock right up against his ass.

"Just remember - you deserve this," James said nastily before roughly forcing himself inside, getting about a third of his cock inside Dom on his first push. The entirety of the buried length quickly became covered in feces, with more of it coming quickly to keep it slick.

Dom roared out in pain, squeezing the blankets on the bed more tightly as he forced himself to deal with it. "Fucking hell James, take it easy, I'm not used to this," he complained.

James leaned down tighter onto Dom's back, pinning the black dragon's tail between them. He leaned in close, putting his mouth right next to Dom's ear as he spoke. "Hmmm....let me think," he said softly, bringing his paws up and placing them on Dom's shoulders. "Nope!" He cried, pulling himself forward and working the next third of his shaft inside. Getting the last bit in took a bit more work, with James having to pull a few inches out and slam himself forward a couple more times before he finally hilted. "Good bitch, shitting yourself like that for me...you must really want this if you've got that much lube to work with...now let me take it from here."

James pulled back, taking a foot of his cock out and pushing it back in, moaning softly as he felt it sink into the river of dragon shit assaulting his crotch. As they got into a rhythm and started shaking the bed more and more, Jacob finally stirred. The fox was a deep sleeper with all the exercise he got taking care of the dragons during the day. This was the first time he'd ever not been involved in any penetrative sex in this house though, causing his eyes to shoot open as he regained consciousness.

"Masters? What are you doing?" He asked quizzically, shifting himself up quickly and moving to the floor. He didn't wait for an answer to his question - the fox was still a servant to his greeting routine. He laid down flat on the ground and tried to bury his face under James' feet. With how distracted he was, James hadn't thought to call him off ahead of time.

"Jacob...Not now. Your master's being punished. Just...lick my ass or something," James commanded.

Jacob pulled his face back and changed positions. "That's punishment?" He asked briefly as he transitioned, genuinely not understanding as he buried his face into Dom's ass. It was difficult to keep himself in place with the violent thrusts going on, but Jacob did his best.

"For him it is," James said between thrusts. He turned his attention back to Dom after Jacob busied himself, knowing the fox wasn't going anywhere. "So bitch, you enjoying this?"

Dom's eyes still hadn't opened, and he didn't think he could close them any tighter. He was a rather large guy to start with, and his ass couldn't have been more well lubed. Despite that, he still felt a tremendous amount of pain in his rear. It was no wonder the wolf was crying last night - Dom could barely stand this, and he'd gone in dry on someone much smaller. "No," he whispered hoarsely.

James only smiled. "Good. You know, I think we're going to have to do this more often. I've got a bitch on my cock and another with his head buried in my ass. What more I could I ask for?" He said happily, straining for a second as he let out a deep fart against Jacob's face. "Sorry, Jacob - I don't have any breakfast right now. Give me a little bit though, and I'll let you clean up."

James could feel the fox nod as his muzzle moved up and down between the red ass cheeks. Despite knowing nothing was coming, he still continued licking, savoring the flavors of the dried shit back there. True to his word, it didn't take James much longer before he felt himself cumming. The thrill of getting to fuck not just another dragon, but someone as arrogant as Dom was not lost on him, and he felt a giant load building up. Loud smacking noises were heard as his hips slammed against the shit smeared all over Dom's ass, splattering over everything within reach. Punctuating the session with as much of a message as he could, James put one of his paws on the back of Dom's head, forcing it into the bed as he came. Shot after shot after shot of burning dragon jizz shot up into Dom's bowels. Despite the coating of shit, he had no insulation against the hot temperatures of the seed. The black dragon breathed in heavily, clenching his teeth and twisting himself around on the bed with a significant amount of discomfort now adding onto his pain.

James panted as he looked down at Dom, cock still twitching inside the overstuffed ass. At least a couple gallons of seed had to have spilled out inside with how powerful the orgasm felt. James was absolutely drained, with both his balls and his energy being completely sapped. As he relaxed, he barely had to put any thought into his next action. The dragons were so used to using the fox as their toilet that it was practically second nature. James' bladder had released, flooding Dom's bowels even more than they already were.

"Come on, the fucking was bad enough...you couldn't do that in Jacob?" Dom whined.

"You're not in control here. I had to piss, and I'm already inside you. Why would I waste time pulling out?" James quipped.

Dom just grumbled, not bothering to respond and letting the red dragon do his business. For having just taken a dump all over James' cock, he sure felt like he had to go again. The pressure inside his ass grew and grew, with the black dragon barely able to take it anymore. Just when he felt like he was about to start begging his partner to stop again, he could feel the stream stop. James sighed with relief, giving Dom one more thrust forward before slowly pulling his cock out.

As soon as Jacob noticed the shaft removing itself, he quickly displaced himself from James' ass and took his place at Dom's. The second the tip was removed, Jacob was blasted in the face with a gusher of shit, piss, and cum all mixed together. It was a very short burst, however, as the fox replaced the shaft with his muzzle, gluing his lips to the hole before him. He barely even had to swallow - the pressure alone was enough to force the disgusting mixture down his throat. He was even snorting under the dragon's tail, pulling in bits of shit that got caught inside his nose, just desperate to get all the dragons' waste inside him as quickly as possible.

While Jacob worked on cleaning, James shifted and sat down on the bed next to Dom. "I think I believe you now." He said cheekily, wearing the biggest grin he'd ever had as he looked at the black dragon.

"You'd better...Just don't expect that to happen again. If anything, I'm going to get revenge on your ass sooner or later..."

"You keep thinking that," James said, reaching down and patronizingly patting Dom on the top of his head. The dragons sat in silence for now. While Dom was still dealing with the pain, having the pressure in his ass relieved at least made him feel a little bit better. And while he still wasn't a fan of taking it under the tail, he was at least happy to be back on speaking terms with James.

Jacob, of course, was happy now that he had his normal amount of toilet and slut duties back. The fox continued his drink for as long as it came, feeling his stomach already bloated with the gallons of fluids flooding him. Somehow, despite how far inside James' cock could reach, Dom still had a couple logs of shit stored up there that hadn't quite been beaten into mush. While Dom didn't really have as much control as he'd like over holding them in anymore, he still had enough to weakly push them out and into the fox's muzzle. The vulpine's teeth quickly sank into them, transitioning from his swallowing to chewing instantly. These, however, he didn't swallow immediately. He left them inside his mouth for as long as he could, only pausing when he felt a tingling sensation down below. The fox was cumming just from having the taste of Dom's pure shit back inside his muzzle.

As Jacob shuddered a bit, Dom could feel the fox's face vibrating a bit against his ass, and James got to look down and watch the show. For the first time in two weeks, the dragons shared a laugh at their pet. Jacob only smiled, transitioning over to James' cock to continue his cleaning once all of Dom's shit was safely inside his muzzle.

A couple months had passed, and the three males had slowly returned things to normal. Dom still found himself with anger issues occasionally, and past actions weren't forgotten overnight. With some work, however, they had all come out the other side of it happier, and in the case of the dragons at least, healthier. Jacob...well, he was always a big question mark with his diet.

Today, James and Dom found themselves sitting down on the couch together, embroiled in a serious conversation. Jacob had been sent out of the room for now, and was patiently waiting upstairs in their shared bedroom.

"You sure you want to do this?" James asked.

Dom nodded. "I think I have to. After everything that happened, I think this is going to be the last step in getting over it. At least, I hope it is."

James flashed a weak smile over to Dom. "Well, obviously it's your choice, and I'll support you. I can't say I'll be very happy if it doesn't end the way we want it to, but...I'll get over it. We'll move on. Just expect to be a lot more familiar with my dick if he's gone."

Dom grimaced, remembering the only time in his life he'd had something other than a tongue in his ass. "We'll...talk." He said simply.

James now nodded, deciding not to push the issue for now. "Whenever you're ready...call him in here."

Dom took a deep breath, closing his eyes and slowly exhaling. He repeated it a couple more times before he opened back up, looked straight at James, and nodded once in determination. "Jacob! Come here!" He yelled, easily loud enough to be heard upstairs. The fox expectedly came running, bounding down the stairs and traipsing across the living room.

"Sit on the couch," Dom said quickly, heading off the usual foot cleaning Jacob would have otherwise delivered.

A bit confused, Jacob moved to sit between the dragons. They'd been acting unusual lately - down here talking all morning without him, and the last few days they were both gone from the house for hours at a time. He was hoping this was about to put an end to it - being alone for him was horrible.

"Jacob, first of all, do you know what day it is?" Dom asked.

"Yeah, it's Sunday. The...22nd? He said, a little unsure. The only time he really paid attention to dates was when he overheard it while one of the dragons was in a meeting for work.

"Yes, yes, but what else?" Dom pressed.

"It's...my birthday," Jacob said slowly, finally coming to the realization.

Dom smiled, reaching over and patting the fox on the head. "That's right, it is. You've been with me for a little over five years now, and James only a little bit less than that. Today, I thought we'd do something special. Something, that's...well, frankly, long overdue."

Jacob waited patiently, focusing on his master. The dragon was clearly having trouble deciding what to say next. In an effort to show compassion, the fox reached over and placed his paw on Dom's thigh. The black dragon glanced down at it and smiled before returning his gaze to Jacob's face.

"You know you didn't always used to be like this. When we first met, you were actually interested in girls. I, uh...persuaded you to see things differently, and eventually we started fucking. That wasn't right, and while it may not mean as much now...I'm going to try to make amends for it."

Before Jacob could respond, Dom focused on taking control of the fox's mind once more. Asking the vulpine for his opinion before doing this would have been pointless - he'd have done whatever made the dragons happy. Once he'd finished taking control, Dom blinked and looked once to James for support. The red dragon nodded, and Dom turned his attention back to the task at hand.

"Jacob, you've been very good to us these years. And for that...I'm going to give you your will back. While I love you as a pet, I'd feel even more loved if I knew you weren't forced into loving me in return. You no longer have to obey any command either I or James give you. If you do, that's purely your choice. You also don't have to continue to obey any commands we've given you in the past and told you to continue to adhere to. Every action you take from here on out should be your own, and you should only do what others say if you want to."

With a sigh, Dom looked down at the ground and breathed slowly. When he finally felt ready, he inhaled and held his breath, breaking the trance on the fox. Jacob recoiled once he had his mind back, blinking rapidly and looking around him. He stayed quiet, however, looking thoughtful for the first time in a while.

James was the first to venture speech. "Jacob...how do you feel?"

The fox stayed silent a moment longer, finally turning to face the red dragon. As usual, the fox couldn't remember the hypnosis, only the different feelings inside of him. "What...what happened to me? I've...I've always had this burning desire inside me to do nothing but please you two. It was almost like some mystical force was compelling me into doing it. Now...it's just gone. I feel... empty."

James stayed quiet, and Dom hunched over even further, upset beyond belief but not wanting to interrupt the fox.

"I feel weird. I'm used to doing whatever you guys told me to, but now...now I feel like I can do what I want to do. I feel like I have a choice," Jacob continued.

Finally deciding to speak up, James croaked, "And...what is it that you want to do?"

Jacob's serious look turned into a smile, not understanding the change the dragons were expecting in him. He only knew that he felt like he had free will right now. "Well, it's past lunch, and I haven't had either of you inside me yet, and I'm fucking starving. Why don't we start there and see where that takes us, masters?"

Dom's head jerked up, and James' eyes went wide. The red dragon continued to be the voice for now, but chose his words carefully. "You still want to do all that stuff?"

Jacob nodded happily. "Of course. Just because I felt forced before doesn't mean I didn't like it. If anything, now I can keep sucking even when you tell me to stop," he said with a wink, extending one of his paws in both directions and placing them on the dragons' sheaths.

Dom and James were both too lost for words. The years of servitude, it seemed, had permanently addled the fox's mind. While they couldn't go back in time, they had done the least they could do, and gave him his free will back. And if his will was to continue serving his masters, then they were more than delighted to keep him around. Almost as one, the two dragons leaned in and smothered the fox in a hug, wrapping their arms around each other and pinning Jacob in the middle.

"Oof...I can't breathe," Jacob croaked, struggling a bit in the embrace, still a bit unsure why his masters were acting so weird.

"Jacob...I love you. We love you," Dom said, finally speaking up, only strengthening the hug as he did. It was quite a bit of time before the dragons finally pulled back, leaving the fox panting and erect as he struggled to regain the needed oxygen. All three were smiling as James and Dom stood up, looking down at the fox.

"Wait right there, Jacob...And while I know you can follow us now if you want, I'd ask you not to. We're going to bring your birthday presents in here," James said happily, dashing out of the room with Dom close behind.

Jacob shrugged and relaxed back against the couch, putting one of his paws behind his head and sighing, while the other took hold of his shaft. He slowly started jerking himself off, milking out droplets of pre onto his fingers as he waited. The dragons were gone a rather long time - the fox almost had time to cum before they each came back in, carrying a giant box of things. Dom sneakily dropped one of the presents behind the couch before he came back in front of it, stowing it away for later.

Both dragons smirked as they saw what Jacob was doing while they were away. They both set their boxes down on the remains of the coffee table that were still lying on the floor, with no one in the house having been so inclined as to pick them up.

James reached over as he sat back down on the couch next to Jacob, pulling the fox's paw away from his cock. "Hold off on that for now. I get the feeling you're going to want to stay extra horny while you open these. So who do you want a present from first? Me or Dom?"

Jacob looked back and forth between the two dragons, finally settling on the black one. "You," he said, gazing at his first master.

Dom stuck his tongue out at James as he reached into the box, pulling out Jacob's first present. He held out two gallon-sized jugs of milk, offering them to the fox.

Jacob tilted his head a bit. "Milk?" He asked quizzically, seeing the jug was still sealed, meaning it wasn't just a container of his master's jizz.

"Look at the expiration dates," Dom said simply.

Jacob tilted one of the jugs around and looked for the numbers. It took him a second to find it, not being used to caring much for anything labeled on food, and usually only paying attention when it came to cooking for his masters. He finally found it, however, and read it aloud. "Expires on May 24th...2018."

Dom just grinned as Jacob wasted no more time, ripping the lid off the container and tilting it up to his muzzle. It was anything but an even flow - off-color chunks of curdled milk poured out and into the fox's muzzle, feeling more like the consistency of shit than piss. He had to actually chew through some of it to get it down into his stomach.

"Yeah, found those two in a dumpster behind a supermarket. Guessing someone left some old inventory around and finally decided to toss them out. Lucky for me, I got there before the garbage men did," He explained as Jacob continued guzzling down the nauseating substance. As soon as he finished the first one, he tossed the jug aside, letting out a giant belch and sending a glob of what used to be milk flying out and onto the floor below. He very quickly had the lid off the second one, somehow finishing it even quicker than the first.

"What do you say?" Dom asked teasingly as the fox finished, tossing the second jug aside as well.

Jacob leaned over and pressed his lips against the tip of his master's cock, giving it a deep French kiss before pulling back. "Thank you sir," he said happily, before turning around to James.

The red dragon only laughed at the fox's expectant behavior. "What makes you think I have something for you?" He asked.

"You made me choose at the start, so I assumed you had something too. Is that not right?" Jacob retorted, already knowing the answer.

James just grinned and reached into the box, not bothering to respond before he hefted the fox's next gift out. It was a gym bag, zipped shut but looking full. Jacob took it from the dragon, again unsure about it until he opened it. Inside were a vast assortment of sweaty undergarments and socks. The fox uttered something that sounded like a quick 'thanks' before he buried his head inside the bag, sniffing and licking at whatever he could find.

"Swung by the gym a couple times each day for the last week and grabbed people's workout clothes while they were in the shower," he said happily, though he wasn't even sure the fox was listening. Eventually, the fox pulled himself out of the bag, one of the socks stuffed in his muzzle. It was supposed to be white, but was bordering on black on the bottom of it with how dirty it was. Clearly the owner didn't do his laundry all that often. Jacob was sucking every last drop of sweat out of it, eventually reaching up and taking hold of it in his paw. He ripped at the fabric, tearing it with his fangs and swallowing the ripped piece down, quickly repeating the process a few more times before he'd eaten the whole sock.

"Okay, okay, you can finish the rest later," James said, pulling the bag away and setting it aside. "If we wait for you to eat all that, we'll be here all day, and we've got more presents to give you. Now, Dom, next?"

Dom reached in and pulled out his second present, with the only other remaining one still hiding behind the couch. He tossed it to Jacob, and this one was much more readily apparent what it was. Almost instantly, Jacob slid one of his claws through the plastic bag he was given and ripped it open. He reached inside, pulling one of the well-used condoms out and placing the opening against his muzzle, sucking out the cum before inhaling the rubber itself.

"You know that seedy motel down by the truck stop, just off route 26?" Dom rhetorically asked James. "Tons of these things there. That place is basically a brothel. I found 10 just lying in the parking lot before I even had to go dumpster diving."

Jacob continued popping the condoms into his muzzle, practically eating them like candy as he grabbed a pawful and tossed them inside. Some of the jizz spilled over his chest, where it blended in nicely with the countless loads of dragon spooge that had spilled over it in the last five years. Once he'd finished the lot, he stuck his head inside the bag and started licking it clean, slurping up every last bit of cum he could find. As expected, he soon gobbled down the bag itself as well.

James just chuckled as he reached into the box, not even waiting for Jacob to request it. He pulled out one item in each hand and offered them to the fox - two extremely well-used diapers. "From the nursing home a few blocks over," he said simply.

"Aww, come on, we said no shit!" Dom complained, knowing Jacob was going to prefer James' gift now.

"No, you said we couldn't just give him our shit, and that was just because of what we're doing later. You didn't say I couldn't find other fur's shit, and that place goes through tons of them. Just find some old senile dude's room who can't remember how to use the toilet, go in, tell him you're a nurse, and take his diaper off. Seemed like the perfect gift for him," James said with a grin.

"Dick," Dom responded briefly.

Jacob, meanwhile, hadn't heard a word of the exchange. He had cracked open one of the diapers and inhaled the mixed ball of shit and piss inside, sloppily chewing on it. The taste was very different than what he was used to, coming from other furs instead of his masters or himself. Shit was shit, however, and the fox was one of the best toilets around. He savored every rancid flavor of the waste, slurping it down and lapping at the padding once the larger bits had been devoured, desperate to get any leftover stains. Soon enough, he was ripping at the padding itself, only tossing it away when there were no more brown marks left for him to consume. The second diaper met the same fate as the first, with the fox hungrily scarfing it down. After he had finished, Jacob leaned back against the couch with a sigh, patting his stomach. He adored the variety of treats his masters had gotten him, and hoped he'd get to partake in them again soon.

Dom just grinned and stood up, turning around and passing gas in Jacob's face. "Don't go to sleep on us yet; we're just getting started. Now, why don't you play with your last gift while James and I go into the kitchen and make you a special surprise? Check behind the couch after we're gone."

Jacob nodded, too happy and horny to move. Part of him wanted to jerk off as he watched the dragons walking away, but curiosity got the better of him. Besides, knowing his other gifts, it was probably going to be something he could jerk off with anyway. The fox stood up and walked around the couch, checking to see what was there. On the ground were two pairs of shoes with their soles face up. The sizes were way too large for the fox - surely they weren't meant for him to wear. Uncertain as to what the purpose of the gift was, Jacob knelt down and picked up the closest shoe to him. As he flipped it over, the sight inside made his cock jump up. The entire inner surface of the shoe was absolutely coated in excrement.

Before you could blink, Jacob had buried his muzzle into the entrance of the shoe and scooped up his first tongueful of feces. He could identify it almost immediately - this was Dom's shit. As he swallowed it down, however, he noticed another taste. He smacked his lips a few times, having trouble placing it over the strong, bitter taste of solid waste. His excitement was only renewed when he placed it - that was the taste of James' feet. While they were out present hunting for the fox, the dragons had first hunted down a pair of shoes that would fit each of them. Then, they each pushed out a couple logs of shit into the other's pair - Dom's shit was in James' shoes, and James' shit was in Dom's shoes. The dragons walked around town doing their gift hunting while wearing them, spreading the turds around the inner surface and mixing it in with their foot sweat.

Enamored by the taste, Jacob flopped down on his back and immediately started pawing off once more, using his other paw to steady the shoe on his face. As he continued sucking down the shit inside, his head became more encased in the footwear. The dragons' feet were huge, and the shoes that fit certainly had to match. Before long, Jacob had his entire head inside. It didn't take long for him to cum after getting so far wedged into it, giving his cock a few more quick strokes and shooting all over his stomach. The session didn't stop at one orgasm though - not even ten seconds passed between the last shot of cum and the fox's renewed strokes - and this was all before he'd gotten to the second shoe.

After a period of time that seemed way too short for Jacob, Dom called out for him from the kitchen. The fox shakily stood up, still continuing to jerk off and unwilling to remove the shoe from around his head. He clumsily stumbled around the room, using his free paw to feel his way forward. It certainly wasn't the most efficient path, but eventually he found his way into the kitchen, only to be greeted by a round of laughter from the dragons.

"Take that thing off," James said between laughs, doing his best to control himself but finding it rather difficult with the fox's appearance.

"Do I have to?" Jacob asked, his voice rather muffled from inside.

"If you want your next presents," Dom said, picking up the conversation.

"Oh, fine..." Jacob whined, still continuing to jerk off as he lifted the shoe off his head and tossed it to the ground.

The sight that greeted him more than made up for having to remove James' footwear. On the floor of the kitchen was this house's version of a birthday cake. A giant mass of shit adorned the floor, a few inches high but multiple feet in both other directions. Clearly, both dragons had contributed - the right half was a rather dark brown, while the left half was more of a greenish-brown. It was easy to see in the middle where the two masses had been merged together. Foot marks were everywhere on the surface of the cake, as if the dragons had mashed the turds into a vaguely cake-shaped form using just their feet. In the center, four large indentations were present. James and Dom had stood side by side in the sheet of shit, leaving well-defined footprints inside of it. Just above those, the letters "J A C O B" had been carved out, though that was likely the only part of the cake not done by the dragons' feet. To top it all off, the holes carved out by the letters and the footprints had been filled in with the dragons' piss. They clearly hadn't stopped once they were full, however, as the 'cake' was centered in a lake of urine. As he looked it over, it occurred to Jacob that he hadn't been fed directly in a while - his masters must have been saving up for today.

"Happy birthday, Jacob," the two dragons said in unison.

While the fox was too stunned to move for a few moments, it didn't last terribly long. He got down on his knees and attacked his cake with ravenous hunger. He started on the left, taking two or three huge bites out of it and chomping them down. Then he'd switch sides, gobbling up his other master's shit. He'd keep alternating, swapping up the taste in his muzzle as he worked on the meal. Whenever he got thirsty, he'd lean further over and embed his muzzle into one of the footprints, sucking down mouthfuls of piss that was quickly turning brown from being in contact with the feces.

Despite his stomach already being full, Jacob showed no signs of slowing down and the dragons had no intention of stopping him. He chomped his way through every last bite, relishing the horrendous taste. It was easy to tell when he'd picked up a different log - one mouthful would be rather soft, with Jacob able to mash it around with his tongue quite easily. The next, he'd find himself having to roughly force his mouth closed over it, resulting in nuggets of shit getting caught between his teeth, only to get pushed out and replaced by the next bite.

When all was said and done, Jacob had managed to scarf down the entire thing. He looked like he'd swallowed someone else about his size whole with how swollen his stomach was, but he couldn't have looked happier as he licked the floor clean. His laps got slower and slower until his energy gave out, and the fox rolled over onto his back. The dragons had watched the entire ordeal, easily staying hard but not jerking off yet - their loads were for later. Jacob, on the other hand, came quite a few times just from the taste of his meal. The dragons kept count using claw marks on the table, eventually tallying up five different orgasms just from eating shit.

"Aww, don't give up yet! Don't you want dessert?" Dom teased.

The fox weakly tilted his head to the left, looking over at the dragons. What should have been obvious to him at the start hadn't clicked until now. With all the molding and shaping the cake had required, his masters' feet sure weren't going to come away from it clean. Both dragons were wiggling their toes at him as he looked over, though it was impossible to discern individual toes. The dragons' legs just ended in giant brown masses.

Jacob groaned, having to use his footpaws to slide himself across the floor. His back smeared through the streaks of shit and puddles of piss that remained on the ground. If he wasn't so stuffed, he'd have been trying to lap up even more waste off the ground. As he got closer, he shifted himself onto his side, hoping it would be easier to lick his masters' feet in this position. He started with the closest, sliding himself up to the base of James' left foot and sticking his tongue out.

The dragons had done the same thing as with the shoes, and it was immediately obvious to the fox this time. Jacob was dragging his tongue through Dom's shit, but along James' foot. It took quite a few licks before the fox was even able to feel the dragon's scales on his tongue, and that was just trying to clean the heel off. He continued his unrelenting toilet duties, eating glob after glob of dragon turds in an effort to discover the foot below. It took nearly half an hour before the larger pieces of shit were completely removed from this one, finally giving the fox a clear view of one of the feet before him. After finishing part one of his dessert, he decided to show his master just how thankful he was for the presents so far.

Jacob was more than happy to use his mouth but also give his stomach a break at the same time. He lifted himself up a bit, wrapping his lips around one of James' toes and giving it a firm suck. He treated it as if he was slurping on a miniature version of his master's shaft, twisting his head around it and lathering it with his tongue. He even moaned softly into it, vibrating his mouth against the toe. The fox continued down the line, giving all four the same loving treatment before burying his nose right into the middle of them. James curled his toes around the fox's nose, squeezing lovingly on it. Jacob inhaled like a mad man, snorting the mixture of Dom's shit and James' foot musk. He remained like that for a couple minutes, just breathing in heavily and enjoying the stink. It was only when he remembered that he had three other feet to finish did he pull back. As if saying goodbye, he moved to the bottom of the foot and gave it one long, slow lick upwards, flicking his tongue off the toes at the end and smacking his lips.

While his stomach certainly protested, Jacob managed to finish his entire dessert as well. He'd eventually licked every last bit of excrement off his masters' feet, finally pulling off of the last toe on Dom's right foot with a lewd 'pop'. He collapsed back down onto the ground, still breathing heavily as he remained in his extremely aroused state. As soon as his head was back against the floor, Dom took the opportunity to continue the treatment and placed his feet around the fox's head, clasping his toes over the vulpine's nose as he spoke.

"I can't believe he ate it all," he said to James, glancing down at the fox's stomach.

"I can't either. He's eaten some big loads before, but I saved up two days worth of shit and ate every single time I felt like I could. That fox could replace an actual sewer system all on his own."

"He could, but he's not going anywhere. He's ours," Dom said possessively, still extremely happy the fox had decided to stay with them.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. How're you feeling down there Jacob? Eat enough?" James quipped, turning his attention to the fox.

Jacob only nodded, making vague gurgling noises as he rubbed his nose back and forth along Dom's toes.

The dragons both chuckled, with James now standing up next to Jacob. "Shall we go watch some TV while he digests?" He asked Dom.

The black dragon nodded. "I suppose so. Help me carry him though - I don't think he can walk on his own."

Both dragons leaned down and grabbed hold of the fox, with Dom taking his wrists and James taking his ankles. With a heave, they hoisted Jacob into the air and worked him toward the living room.

"Geez, he really did eat a lot. Feels like he weighs as much as we do," James grunted.

"What're we going to do next year? We've gotta top this somehow, but I don't know that we can push his limits much further than this," Dom asked.

"We'll figure that out then. For now...let's relax," James replied, as they finally ended up back in front of the couch. The dragons laid the fox out in front of the sofa as they each took a seat on it. James put one of his feet on the fox's crotch, and the other on his stomach. Dom in turn put one on the fox's stomach as well, and his other on Jacob's face, rubbing his toes over his pet's lips.

The dragons leaned into each other and watched TV for a couple hours, with James milking a couple more orgasms out of Jacob as they did. They were certainly helped by Dom, as the fox had started sucking on his master's toes once more. The fox had already had an amazing day, and couldn't think of a better way to end it than beneath his masters' feet. The dragons, however, had one more surprise in store for him. They waited patiently, but as soon as Jacob started passing gas, they knew it was time.

"One more birthday surprise, okay Jacob?" Dom said sweetly, removing his feet from the fox. The black dragon stood up, moving a few feet away and lying face-up on the ground, his erect, ebony shaft glistening as it laid on his stomach. Jacob grinned as he started crawling over, pulling himself up beside his master. He reached out and took hold of the shaft, pulling it toward his muzzle and engulfing the tip. Dom let him suck for a little while, slurping down droplets of pre, but eventually pulled the fox off.

"Alright, get up here," he said, grabbing hold of Jacob and practically rolling the fox into a sitting position on the dragon's chest. Dom reached around his pet and took hold of his shaft, holding it steady. Jacob knew what to do, working himself into position and lining it up with his tailhole, pushing back against it. Almost instantly, the giant meal from earlier decided to resurface. An onslaught of shit assaulted Dom's cock, with no discernable logs coming out of the fox's ass. It was just a constant muddy stream, absolutely flooding the black dragon's crotch as Jacob worked to get more and more of the cock inside. By the time he felt his ass hitting his master's groin, Dom's entire crotch was buried in a hill of shit.

James smirked as he finally stood up, walking over to join the two. "I take it he's good and lubed up?"

Dom shivered in pleasure as he gave a quick thrust into the fox's ass. "Oh yeah...he's lubed up...Now hurry up, I can't hold it much longer."

The red dragon moved over behind Jacob, putting one of his paws on his pet's shoulders. He reached down and took hold of Jacob's tail, lifting it up and moving until the tip of his shaft was pressed up against both Dom's cock and the fox's tailhole.

"Relax as much as you can Jacob," was the only warning the vulpine got before James started to push. It was slow going, resulting in more than a few grunts and echoes of pain coming from the fox, but James eventually got a few inches of his shaft inside the shit-coated entrance.

"There we go..." Dom said, feeling his partner's shaft sliding along against his. "Doing okay Jacob?"

The fox only nodded in response, still unable to control his bowels while gritting his teeth in pain. The swelling in his stomach had noticeably decreased, but there was a lot more to give. James was only serving to widen the way out for the waste more and more, slipping his cock further inside the fox by the second. He was pushing down on Jacob's back to get him as close to parallel with the two dragons as he could, allowing him to slip his shaft in deeper as well as pushing more shit out and into the growing pile they were in. When he was fully stuffed, Jacob had all but a couple inches of both cocks inside him - collectively, nearly four feet of dragon dick was stuffed up his tailhole, and the sphincter was stretched out to almost seven inches wide at the widest point.

The thrusts were slow and deliberate, with the dragons pulling out and pushing in in tandem. They didn't have to work hard - the unnecessarily huge amount of lube combined with watching Jacob scarf down waste all day had them on the brink of orgasm already. It could hardly be considered proper sex, with the dragons just trying to get inside Jacob as quickly as possible and pumping a few times before they blew. That moment came soon, however, as Dom fired first. Having gotten inside the fox first, he truly was on the edge. As soon as James could feel his partner's cum shooting out over his cock, that was all it took for him to join in. Both lengths were spraying extremely pent-up loads of dragon jizz inside, though the shots were easily lost in the rush of feces still spilling onto the ground below.

As all three males panted, they lay in their pile for a little while. They just listened to the collective breathing, along with the muffled sounds of the slowing stream of shit flopping down onto the pile. By the time Jacob had stopped soiling himself, he only looked like he was pregnant with triplets, and the pile of waste had piled up to James' hips.

As Dom caught his breath, he looked into the fox's eyes and smiled. The events of the day couldn't have worked out any more perfectly. "I love you, Jacob," he cooed.

James piped up as well, "Me too. We both love you."

"I love you too, masters," Jacob said, nestling his head down onto Dom's chest and rubbing his cheek against it.

James eventually game Dom a knowing look, and what they'd discussed beforehand took place. The dragons rolled the group over onto their side, staying embedded inside of Jacob's rear. As they lay down on the floor, they began to grow tired, though none of them wanted to leave the special moment they were sharing now.

"At least breakfast is ready to go for tomorrow..." Jacob said, glancing down and looking at the recycled cake still covering them.

The dragons both let out a laugh, each of them reaching up to rub over a part of Jacob's head.

"You really are a good toilet slut," James replied.

"I get the feeling you're going to be eating that same cake for weeks," Dom continued.

With that, the three males settled into each other, James and Dom each keeping an arm over top of the fox. They fell asleep one by one, closing their eyes and slumbering on top of the leftovers from their recent lovemaking session. For the first time in nearly five years, not only did all three of them want to be there, but they had all chosen to be as well.