Paid in Full

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Something for cuz I dig his characters

Even in prosperous towns the tax collector comes with the intent to clip a little coin...Or to satisfy his lust.

A hub for trade stood in the desert kissing golden sand and flourishing beneath a bright sun. From all edges of town, there were people coming in and going out some with and some simply bringing themselves. The residents of the city welcomed the commerce and the majority of them were wealthy merchants who either ran stalls among the streets and bazaars or took their trade to caravans where they sold bulk goods. Spice and laughter kissed the air but even in a place as wealthy as this, there were taxes and dues to pay. A genet man walked through the streets of the city with hands held together and red eyes scanning the various stands and stalls on either side of the canopied alley. The brown-furred viverrid took his time stepping through the market and checking on his favorite places. There was a lovely little stand that sold the juiciest of dates and to this day he wasn't sure who supplied those fruits but he never bothered to ask as he always was allowed to take a few plump choices for himself. A lovely mouse with bright eyes always offered to fit him for a new thawb but he only took the opportunity when he wanted to savor her kiss. For now, all he did was touch her chin and tell her that he would be back another time, his tail coming around to curl around her thigh before he leaned in close enough that their lips were nearly meeting only to step away and start walking. It was true, he had to conserve his energy for the task at hand. Siroc was a collector of taxes and dealer of finances. He made sure he knew where the coin came from and made sure that merchants paid their dues to the city. When someone wasn't paying or when unexplained wealth began to circulate he was there to see what was happening and for the most part, he enjoyed his work. The genet stopped just outside of a door near the market and he reached up to tap the back of his hand on the frame. It wasn't long before he was greeted by a flower of a woman with honeyed eyes and soft beige fur. She wore a dress most would consider immodest, gold hem hugging her thighs while the green top barely held together her breasts. A smile touched her lips and she bowed deeply before stepping back to let him in. His job was beautiful.

"Please, come in. My husband is away but said that you would be coming." The woman said while her head was still bowed.

Siroc stepped inside, letting the door shut before he replied, "And your husband is where?"

The rabbit's ears twitched and the smile on her face seemed to falter for just a moment before she replied, "He is...Conducting business."

Siroc nodded, "Hmm, business. Most likely gambling again or betting on something he won't be winning earning his debt. Tell me, has he paid off the latest batch Safa?"

"Ah...I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." She said, the smile completely gone now and replaced by a worried little line.

With an exaggerated sigh, the genet walked saw himself into the home, the wife following diligently until they were at a room full of cushions and a few tables. He took a seat next to one and reclined his arm on the wood. It didn't take long before Safa hopped up to step out of the room and come back with a pitcher and glass. She poured a crimson colored wine into the glass that smelled faintly of spice. When it was full, Siroc took the glass up, taking one sip before setting it back down to begin their business.

"How many times have I forgiven your husband, Safa, for forgetting his debts due to hard times?" Asked the genet while reclining on the cushion.

The rabbit winced, "Five at least."

"Mhm, and what is the reason that he forgets so often?"

Safa sighed, "He...Our business does not do well. The caravans do not pay well for our linen and the competition is fierce."

Siroc put on his best pained expression, hand to his chest as he nodded, "That's right, what a difficult life and yet he still can afford such fine dresses for you to wear at your home to display to me and such delicious wine." He then frowned and leaned toward her with narrowed eyes, "His business is fine. I've done the counting and finances myself despite what your books tell me and I know he makes more than enough. I've also been around the city enough to know what exactly he gets himself into and just how many lies he's told to me and others to get them to ease their debts. So, give me a reason not to bring his business under. Tell me a reason why I should have all of his goods possessed and your home run under?"

Tears came before the words, tears that admitted what he already knew. He had caught these two in their little trap but he did not plan on ruining them, oh no, he had other plans for this one. When her words finally came they came shaking, "I-I know that he has lied to you and that he has lied to me so many times but I please beg of you to let us go just one more month. I'll talk to him, yell at him if it takes that, get his friends on it or something to get all of his debts squared away and his gambling problem fixed. Just please give us time."

The genet collector leaned back and softened his expression, hand taking the glass to his lips to take a deep pull of the sweet wine before he set it down and sighed, "If time is what you need, then I'll need something in return." Before she answered, he motioned for his glass to be filled again and when she moved to take the pitcher on the table, he grabbed her arm and yanked her down so they were face to face, "Your husband won't be back for a long time. We're going to make use of that time, okay?"

For a moment, it seemed that she didn't understand what he was talking about but as recognition struck her, Safa shivered and looked away. Despite her lack of an answer, she kept her silence as he reached through the top of her dress to grab one of her supple breasts, squeezing on it firmly while he rumbled pleasantly, "Good...You understand so let's start."

Siroc got up and began to strip from his thawb, starting with the outer cloth he wore before parting it and letting it slip free of his body. He tossed it aside to one of the nearby tables and sat himself back down fully nude, limp cock out in the open. Her eyes slowly looked at him, a few stray tears still dropping down her cheeks but she took her seat next to him and took in a deep breath before reaching to grab his cock with her digits ever so gingerly.

Finally, her answer came, "I'll do this...I can service you with my mouth and hands at least but please, don't ask any more of me."

The genet raised a brow before reaching with one claw to tear the middle of her dress, her fat breasts popping out as she gasped and tried to hide herself with one arm, free hand shaking on his cock while he spoke, "I'll ask whatever I want of you and if you want me to be nice you'll be good but your mouth is a good place to start so go ahead and serve me."

It took a few seconds before she uncovered her chest and leaned down to plant her lips against the tip of his cock. Siroc's toes curled as he felt her warm lips along the tip of his shaft. Little by little his member began to grow while her digits began to pump it up and down. The situation made it easy to dig deep into his arousal and let it free while the touch of her hand and her lips at the head of his cock only encouraged him to full erection. At that point, she brought her lips over the tip and dipped all the way down until her nose was touching his crotch. Siroc grunted in response, not expecting such a move from the seemingly meek wife who started to dart her head back and forth rapidly. One of her hands reached under to cup his balls, squeezing and kneading them gently while her tongue curled around his cock. He could see the faint hints of a blush beneath the fur of her cheeks his own body growing just a bit more heated as he started to wonder if she was more into this than she was letting on. The expectation had been her gagging on his shaft while he dragged her down again and again but the genet instead found himself reclining, thrusting his hips occasionally while the woman did all the work diligently.

His words came as a whisper, only loud enough that it reached her ears on the still air of the room, "You're loving this aren't you?"

Safa stopped, her body trembling while her eyes closed slowly. She didn't pull away to answer, she didn't shake her head or move her body in any way to deny or confirm what he said. The bunny only began to move her mouth up and down on his cock as if begging for him not to question her, not to say those things but he couldn't help it. This was a woman who had been married for so long and supposedly loyal to her husband and only her husband but here she was accepting this situation with a certain vigor that he could only guess and wonder if it were true.

"Was he not good enough for you?" He began while her lips moved over his cock, "You always said children would come later but I bet you two were trying, weren't you?" Again she only shivered and continued her motions but Siroc could feel the truth of his own words burning in his body. He gripped the back of her head firmly, tugging her up and down to use her mouth with his own strength while he kept on grunting and taunting her, "I can't even imagine how pathetic it must be to have your husband betray you and not even be able to satisfy you. What love is there in that? Fuck, I bet you even want to be caught!"

Again, no reply, just her little shaking as if she were a delicate leaf but her actions showed her for something different entirely. Safa kept her eyes closed and barely made a sound while his cock was being shoved into her throat over and over again. It was difficult not to see the woman as a slut with such a performance, and he wondered if those dresses she wore had truly been for her husband. Perhaps this entire time she had been hoping that he would take what was rightfully his and break her. Such thoughts along with the heat of her tongue and maw around his shaft made it too difficult to hold himself back. He grunted and growled, dragging his hips forward one more time. The heat and pressure in his body blew from the tip of his cock as warm and thick cum that painted her tongue and throat. Safa swallowed every drop without complaint, her hand on his balls kneading and practically begging for more to be pumped out. Siroc himself was panting, body shaking as he leaned over her body to curse and moan his orgasm. When it was finished, he pulled away slowly until the tip slipped out of her mouth. Not a single bit of his seed had been spilled and her lips were secured against the head of his shaft despite the fact that he was no longer holding onto the back of her head.

When he reached down and touched her cheek, she jolted but didn't say a thing. To that, Siroc muttered, "Get up and onto my lap. I think its time for you and your husband to have a child."

Safa's eyes opened wide and she whispered, "No. At least with protection."

She gasped as he grabbed her chin and muttered, "I don't have any of that garbage. Besides, you won't fetch any. You'll just claim you don't have any and then let me break you. Be honest with yourself."

Safa frowned, eyes narrowed as she looked away and tore her chin from his grasp, "Fine. Pull out or don't, I don't care. My body needs this. He's always out and about doing whatever it is he does. Are you happy now?"

Siroc gave her cheek a soft pat, "I'll be happy when you're in my lap. So get to it."

Her problems were not his. The genet's concerns were finances and pleasure and right now he wanted to be balls deep inside of this woman. When she got up onto his lap he reached around to grab her rear with one hand, the other gripping his cock. The rabbit moved quickly, moving her hips into place so all he had to do was move his hips a bit to get the tip of his shaft inside of her warmth. Siroc grunted as he felt that heat engulfing nearly half of his cock. He looked at her for a moment and saw a broken woman. Her eyes were fluttering and a small smile touched her lips as she brought her hands up to her face as if to try and push away the expression but all she did was open her mouth and sigh as she pushed her hips down and down until he moved his hand and allowed her to go all the way until he was in all the way. Finally, the woman had given in fully and truly! Both of his hands came up to take hold of her breasts, squeezing and kneading them with his digits pinching the nipples while he started to move his hips to bounce that bunny on his lap. Safa moved in kind, moaning at his touch while rolling her rump to mix and push down on his cock, her insides squeezing on him. When he dipped closer for a kiss, she grabbed his cheeks firmly and dipped her tongue into his mouth with her eyes shut tight and her body trembling.

Every little movement of her body came with a muffled squeak or a moan, her digits squeezing his cheeks while their kiss continued despite the fact that air ran thin between them. Their tongues twisted together and Siroc's claws dug into those plump breasts just a bit but she didn't seem to care at all. Her focus was on moving those wide hips down on his lap to bring his cock in as deep as he could. Whenever she pulled her body up, she trembled as if she were afraid to have less of him inside of her before she brought herself down hard. Siroc barely had to do any work but his own body was pumping his hips like pistons to breed this woman who so readily desired what he had to offer. Every thrust and move brought his cock inside of her all the way and he could feel the kiss of her deepest reaches on his shaft letting him know that when he pumped out his load he'd be pumping it right into her womb. Up and up he went with his hips, letting instinct and hunger guide him while the pressure and heat kept on growing in his gut.

He tugged at her breasts, digits around her nipples while they finally parted from the kiss. Siroc savored the sound of her sudden moan that hit him so fantastically. He groaned in kind and leaned down to bite down on her neck while loving the fact that she gasped. Faster and faster their hips moved and the bunny didn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Siroc himself had started to take it easy as soon as he felt his orgasm nearing as he wanted to keep on going for just a bit more but the married woman on his lap just kept going.

With a grunt, he breathed out against her neck, "You're a slut pure and simple. It's a surprise you haven't bent over for every man coming in here." He then growled, "Those dresses were all for me and your idea weren't they?"

Safa sighed, shame gone from the woman, "Yes! They were, all of them were. I wanted you to ravage me, to take me, to blackmail me, to do something anything! I needed someone to satisfy me and I couldn't just wait, please forgive me."

She whimpered as Siroc bit down on her neck but groaned as the genet blew a breath across her neck, "You deserve nothing but what I give you but you wouldn't even stop these hips of yours if I threatened you would you? You wouldn't even stop if your husband walked in right now!"

Safa whined aloud as she drove her hips down faster and faster, "Gods no! I would never stop this!"

Siroc then growled, "And if I told you I was close? Would you stop then?"

The woman answered by shutting her eyes tight and hugging around the genet, her arms forming a vice around his back while the sound her hips meeting his lap echoed through the room. Siroc in kind brought his hands down to her rear, eyes shut while he gnashed his fangs together. Every movement of her hips was another pulse of pleasure through his cock the edged him closer and closer. When he thought it might be too much to handle, he did not hold himself back. Siroc thrust one last time inside of the woman, both of his hands gripping her rump to hold her down and keep her shivering self in place while his cock started to pump out virile seed into her womb. Rope after rope of his heated cum poured out from the tip of his member and he could feel her insides tightening and gushing on his shaft, her own orgasm making this all the sweeter while her moans poured over his ear and back. He grunted and growled, toes curling in while he bred the whore.

When every drop was where it belonged. He let go of her quivering rear and gave her nipple tug. She remained on his lap, panting while reaching down to feel over her stomach, eyes shut while Siroc began to speak, "You and your husband have a month. We can extend it again if you need or you can come stay with me for a while."

Safa shuddered at those words, each tug of her nipple causing her to gasp while she tried to speak, "I...I uh, you're kind. I...If my husband cannot pay next month then I might have to take you up on your offer."

Siroc grinned, "You mean if I fuck you senseless enough."

The bunny whined and looked away, her shame returning while she got up. Siroc allowed her to get up and pick up the scraps of her dress before watching her retreat. His cock was wet, the future of those finances was questionable but he had taken care of his own pleasure so he would call that a win. Besides, the husband had to pay eventually. For now, he would sit and wait while taking every bit of this debt out on the more than willing wife. What a fantastic job.

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