Davis: All New

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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_Here's something for you, not very yiffy, but I'm pretty proud how it turned out. The title is horrible, I beg for some suggestions, thanks.

I didn't for get K&M, I just had the urge to continue this, so enjoy :P

For my boyfriend (Love ya =D)_

The day was bright and pretty alright for the first day in my new school. The new neighbourhood had turned out to be nasty enough so far, and I didn't expect much more of the school. It looked not all too good from the outside, especially with all the graffiti containing nice words, some of them even unknown to me. And the students were as happy as walking to their last judgement when entering the building.

So far, no difference to my old school. I threw my bag over my shoulder and started to wander in. The building looked even worse from the inside, just as expected. I felt the looks of the other fur on me, very sticky ones, owned by students who were probable very busy with inventing a story to explain my both my tails. I heard them whispering, as always. I was used to it.

Quickly I checked the note in my paw, second floor, alright. The teacher will give me my schedule plan for the week.

"Oi! Double tail!"

Thirty three seconds. New record. "Name's Davis, thanks."

A paw caught my arm. "Don't get rude with me, new kid."

"Jeez," I breathed out and pulled my arm out of the grip. "Get some brain, then we can talk." Lame, I know, but I don't care. Longer words doesn't work with those people, even though I hadn't turned my head yet to take a look at whoever was attacking me like this. The voice sounded feline. Foxes got very good ears, and upon that base I had developed some additional abilities.

Every species has a certain voice, and from that I could recognise the people without looking at them. Pretty good for knowing who's around next corner to get me. Important if you're that different that 'normal' people like to beat you up on occasion.

Locker 1L7, that was on the note. Empty lockers, or the lockers of new kids, always contained a nice present for everybody who would open it, so I was a bit careful and sniffed shortly. Garbage, as I thought, students were to lazy to walk over to the bin next corner, so they shoved it through the vents, which is way more difficult. Teenager logics.

I sighed and listened to the school bell ringing.

"Ah, Mister Revin. Nice you could make it finally."

"Sorry, had to get the janitor to clean out my locker." Giggling from the class.

The teacher looked a bit confused, then she gave up understanding and pointed into the room. "Somewhere there's a room, just sit down and try to keep up."

Thoroughly scanned by my new classmates I took my seat in the last row and began unpacking my things. Notebook, pen and maths textbook, and then a look at the blackboard. I noticed immediately that they were way behind, and it didn't surprise me. That meant some easy weeks.

Chesterton all in all wasn't bad. A town big enough to contain everything, but also small enough so you won't get lost. My direct neighbourhood was not all too bad, even though I had to tell my brother to keep away from the playground. And after ten PM leaving the house wasn't a good idea either. Still an improvement.

Also an improvement was the guy sitting in front of my desk. He was an ash-grey wolf-fox breed, I knew those, smart like foxes, strong as wolves, and teased by both. Lucky boy, next months I will be the one teased, because half-kitsunes were too different to be accepted. But the folf still had a nice arse, fortunately very visible through to me. Could light up my days a bit, who knew?

I tried to keep up, but I didn't lift my arm to give answers. It was important to leave a good impression on the first day, and smartarses weren't popular anywhere. The people wanted friends who didn't make them look stupid.

Damn, that really was a nice arse.

I had survived the first day without much trouble. I just hate these stares at my tails. I wouldn't mind stares at my butt, but not my tails, because they were just staring cos I am a walking curiosity. A freak show on legs. I should take money.

"Yo, double tail," I heard again as I left school. The same feline voice.

I sighed. "What's your problem?" I replied without moving further.

A small moment of silent confusion, which I used for turning around and take a look at the local meanie. Feline, a house cat, with two guys around him. He wouldn't ever appear all alone, because he's weak and wouldn't stand resistance. With those guys around him he felt safe enough to throw stupid prejudices at slightly different people.

I make my tails swish and shook my head. "I got two tails 'cos my father's a kitsune. He left me and my mother quite a time ago, leaving us to nothing, we moved here 'cos my mother finally got a job with sane payment. Anything else you wanna know?"

I don't want to claim that those thugs would think logically, but I didn't fit into their expectations at all. There were two ways now: They would leave and attack someone with glasses and acne, or they would beat me up for not reacting like they want me to.

It was third way: Someone else showed up and they didn't want witnesses.

"Leave him alone, Joe," the folf said and made a defensive position next to me. Bad idea, I just thought.

"Oh, Alan, gotta play babysitter? Feelin' like protecting the new kid?"

Alan grabbed my arm and pulled me away, without any more words.

"Oi, double tail! Big Bro won't always be there to help ya!" was the last that I heard from Joe. And I was fully aware of that.

We went out of sight and I forced him to let my arm go. "What was that?"

"Most of it was Joe Wilder."

"I mean your 'rescue'. I didn't need that."

"Hehe, yeah, of course," he said and looked at me with a weird facial expression. Then he turned away. "Well, see you tomorrow."

I caught myself lifting a paw to hold him back, but I could get control over myself soon enough. I watched him go and noticed a rather cute swish on his tail. Also I noticed that my mouth was open.

"Well, kids, how was your day?" My mother asked pretty cheerfully.

"Bearable," I said, which was just true. I ate the cheap steak slowly while my brother reported his entire day with details. World is all bright and clean when you're ten.

I stared down and ate up. And I was thinking. About that Alan boy. Who would have tried to save some freak like me? I mean... I wouldn't have done anything like that, I try to keep out of that and if I watch such a scene, I would be happy that I'm not the victim. So what was up with that folf?

I glanced at my brother. He was popular, because he was normal. The result of the connection between the last of my mother's boyfriends and her. One tail, deeply orange fur, the usual fox. There had been days when I was jealous. Not now any more, because I realised popularity was a lot of work without a reward. I'm rather be myself and without superficial friends than act and betray myself every day.

Just took very long to notice that.

Lying in my bed, darkness all around, I was wondering why I was still thinking about that folf. It was not only that he had cared. It was also his arse, as perverted as it sounded. The place on my arm where he had touched me was feeling weird. It was a feeling I can't describe, it was just signing me that area was special, because he had touched it... eight hours ago.

A tree in front of my window created strange shadows on the wall. It was my second night here, and I was still unused to the room. Half the boxes weren't unpacked, and as I know myself, they won't getunpacked at all. Mum said, this time we'll stay here for sure, I couldn't believe in it. As far I could remember back, we were always moving after money, jobs or a new guy promising to be 'the one'. So there was no sense in unpacking the boxes.

I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the room, probably it was Alan. I don't believe in love, I must admit, only in sexual affection, and I was very attracted by the folf. He was cute, and nice. Someone I always wanted to stick with. I met boys like that before, but they never wanted to even know me.

Next would be to find out how close I can get to Alan. Good friend, sex buddy... boyfriend... Boyfriend was a nice imagination. And it made my body react. While I imagined the folf undress slowly, I felt blood rush into my crotch to make my cock grow. I quickly pulled my shorts down to give it the room it needed to grow.

Softly I stroked over my maleness. I'm a bit proud of the size, I must admit, probably a heritage from my father. I rubbed over the pink flesh and imagined how Alan's hot muzzle would replace my paw, how he would make his lips embrace my cock tightly, just as my fingers do.

I'm moaning already as I start to rub faster, stimulating my sensitive flesh, proving sweetest pleasure. I close my eyes to watch Alan suck my cock fast, to see him take my maleness into his mouth completely. I almost felt his soft canine tongue work on my penis, and his lips working around my slowly forming knot.

Groaning louder I intensify my rubs, tighten my grip and move faster, knowing Alan would do the same with his lips and tongue, longing for my cum to splash into his hot muzzle. I move my head a bit arbitrarily and moan again, feeling very short before shooting out my load, into the imaginary mouth of my unreal lover.

One more stroke and my hips thrust up, I let out a quiet groan and shoot my load up into the dark air of my room. Quickly all imaginations fade, and panting I was all alone again in my room. I stared up the ceiling and sighed all the emotions out.

I stared at my paw, covered with my semen, and started to lick it clean. My belly fur I cleaned with a pawkerchief, finally I pulled my shorts up again. Closing my eyes I cuddled into the covers and waited for sleep to comfort me.

New day, same school. Just have to bear it. Some lessons in English, French and science, and I quickly realised that it would be even easier than on my last school. I can't deny that I'm smarter than most of the other kids, but here it wouldn't be hard to get good marks. There was still the possibility to become declared as a smartarse, but... I stopped caring by now.

"Hey, Davis..." I froze as a paw seized my arm.

"Hi, Alan." I didn't turn.

"Sit down here," he said and let my arm go.

I thought a moment, considering if sitting next to him would be an improvement, compared to the view of his butt. Finally I sat down next to him, because the opportunity of setting off short glances at his crotch was surely an improvement. I liked the bulge there.

He didn't talk to me in class, though. It was weird, but after he had made me sitting next to him, he was just looking at me from time to time, as if studying my movements. I didn't dare to start a conversation.

Pathetic, I know.

Lunch break, and this time he sat down next to me, with his meal made of a burger and some chips. I forked my salad and scanned him thoroughly, even though I usually don't do those things. If he was eating like that every day, he must be good in sports, because his body didn't look like a diet made of saturated fat.

While my fork pierced some probably still alive plant, I was heavily wondering what to say. I didn't know what he expected from me anyway, and as I was staring down my bowl I noticed something on my feet. Blood rushed into my face as I realised it was Alan's foot, rubbing against my ankle. I looked up, saw him smiling broadly and froze for a moment.

Very fast I got up, and almost running I got rid of the tray and left the hall.

I skipped PE this day, for two reasons. First, I had forgotten my sports clothing, I'm so used to it being always in my locker that I forget it easily if not. And next, I didn't want to meet Alan again, I had just too much to think. It was very clear he was trying to hit on me, but in a rather strange way. And I... yes, I should have been happy that the boy I had a crush on was also wanting me.

But... we had exchanged maybe twenty words, all in all, and in two days. How could he tell I was into guys anyway? All the glances? And what was I supposed to do now?

At home I did what I was always doing: Avoiding family and sitting in front of the computer. The very first thing after moving here had been setting up the machine and get internet running. I wasn't a freak in the 'net. People regarded me as cool for being half kitsune, even though I could bet hardly anybody was believing me. Chat rooms were my world, where I can block everyone I don't like or just shut of everything if I don't feel like it.

Sometimes I'm writing silly stories about yiff, plain yiff. My archive of pictures approached the three gigabytes mark, a huge hard disk was helping with that. But it was not only about yiff, I also taught myself programming, also nothing huge, but enough for small games, even though no project got finished. It was the programming itself, not the result, that is important to me.

So I was about to start that for another time, as Furnet Messenger opened and asked me a simple question.

AMKez: Where have you been this afternoon?

Very confused I was about to ask who was that rude to just ask that. My mind ran, maybe that fur just had clicked the wrong contact, or had gotten a wrong address by anyone. But soon enlightenment hit me.

TailyFox: Avoiding you.

AMKez: Thought so. I'm sorry.

TailyFox: Where did you get this address?

AMKez: My secret. Wasn't easy... especially for me. Ain't good in computer stuff ;3

TailyFox: Don't distract...

AMKez: I'm sorry about lunch break. Very sorry.

TailyFox: Well... it also wasn't right of me just to leave like that.

AMKez: I shoulda talked to you. Just... I couldn't. I couldn't find anything to tell you.

Well, the conversation continued for about an hour, until he had to give the computer back to his little sister. I found out a lot about him, and it was weird that it went over the 'net, but not in reality. He told me he actually had a computer of his own, but not installed, as nobody in his family knew how to assemble spare parts of old electronic corpses to a working system.

Mainly we were avoiding the other possible topic, about us directly. I appreciated that, because I wouldn't have had any idea what to say to that. As he left I felt empty, and not like doing anything. The editors were still open, I closed them down, I closed it all down and shut the machine off, something I was hardly doing since I was making it run as a server for my website as well.

The unused silence in my new room hurting in my sensitive ears, I just undressed and lie down on my bed. I wouldn't masturbate today, I wouldn't move until the alarm would set off. Too much in the head I had to avoid...

Wednesday at Chesterton Comprehensive School, cloudy sky, but no rain, the weather forecast had promised. There was a corner with high bushes where I waited for Alan. I was waiting in vain, and was surprised that that surprised me. Short before the bell I entered the building and arrived the classroom too late, and without an excuse.

Alan was there, acting as if busy with his file. I glared very shortly and sat down behind him, knowing he would get the signal. I felt a bit of anger boiling in me. It was never more than a bit, though, I couldn't be really mad at anyone.

We wanted to talk there. About it all. Had he chickened out? Or what was it? Was he making fun of me? I stared at his back the rest of the lesson, and I was planning to make him talk to me, to talk over it all, and what he was imagining. Or whatever. Mainly my thoughts ran in circles, without any result.

The lesson went on and was finally over. Miss Kenneth wanted to talk to me, and I was cursing silently, because the folf was leaving the room fast. I looked after him and stared outside while the teacher told me stuff about different school and expectations and everything, plus where to look it up. I didn't listen.

I was relieved as the teacher finished, and almost running I left the room, through the corridor, looking for Alan, seeking the final conversation, so we can clarify once and for ever. But he seemed to be gone, next class would start soon, a class without him, so I had to find him now.

I was going outside, to the empty yard, to take a look if he was hiding there, stupid, I know.

A paw seized my arm and made me turn, looking into the folf's green eyes. I opened my mouth, but he laid his finger onto my lips. And then... as the bell rung loudly... I got my first kiss.