Special Assignments – Chapter Twenty One

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#21 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twenty Two to follow soon...

I must have fallen asleep as I woke up and realised Lachlan was still holding me.

"What time is it?" I murmured sleepily.

"Just gone midnight," Lachlan said, giving my nose a lick. "You dozed off and I watched you sleep as I held you."

The thought of Lachlan holding and watching me sleep felt reassuring more than anything. He held me tightly and gave me another kiss.

"I hope I didn't wake you up?" he asked.

"Not at all," I yawned. "I can be a light sleeper."

"Are you feeling relaxed though?" Lachlan asked, nuzzling me between my ears.

"Yes," I whispered.

Lachlan smiled and gave me a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Good, I was a little worried I'd suggested we do too much too soon."

"It's fine," I replied. "I initiated parts of it."

"We'll get to those things once we are ready," he reasoned.

"I hope I didn't keep you awake by giving you a dead arm or anything?"

"You didn't," Lachlan chuckled. "Although I might do some rearranging."

He shifted himself so I was once again between his hind-paws with my head resting against his toned chest. Lachlan's body felt delightfully warm, which was especially comforting as I could still hear the rain falling outside.

"You're right, snuggling and listening to the rain fall is wonderful," I sighed happily.

Lachlan nodded as he pulled me closer. I rested my head against him and felt myself gradually rising and falling as he breathed. I could also hear the faint sound of his heart beating, which was comforting.

"How does that feel?" he whispered.

"Heavenly," I replied, placing my head just below his muzzle. "I don't feel nervous anymore."

Lachlan's bulge was pressing into my butt which made me quiver again, but the feeling of his arms reassured me.

You could pluck up the courage to do something, even if it's milder than full sex?

I weighed the idea up in my head and then grinned as I arched my butt against his bulge. Lachlan responded with a surprised chuckle.

"Oh, so you're getting playful now," he said with a friendly growl into my ear. "You wanna do something?"

"Yes," I said, turning around to give him a kiss.

"Let's take this slow, say if you feel uncomfortable, but you said I should have my way with you in bed?"

I nodded and arched my butt again. I felt Lachlan trace a paw down my stomach, gently raking his claws into my chest fur. His paw gradually stroked lower until he reached the waistband of my underwear. He continued to grip me around my chest with one arm as he began fondling my bulge. I could feel him nibbling at the back of my neck as he reached into the front of my briefs and gripped my cock. He began stroking it.

"How does that feel?" he whispered into my ear.

"Amazing," I replied.

Lachlan reached down with both paws and eased my underwear further down my hind-paws.

"Let's get these out the way," he grinned.

He strengthened his grip around my shaft while nibbling and kissing the back of my neck.

Now, no offense to Hudson who has pawed me off a few times and can give you a pretty good hand, but Lachlan's grip combined with the sensation of him kissing and nibbling at me had a far more powerful effect. He rubbed his thumb over my tip, spreading the pre-cum around before reaching up and tentatively licking it off his paw-pads. He nodded approvingly.

"Does it meet your standards?" I grinned.

"It does," Lachlan said, as he gently thumbed more off my tip and licked it from his pads. "My, you seem ready to shoot at any second," he chuckled, gently kneading my balls before teasing more pre from my tip. "Here," he said, making me suck on his fingers and lick it off.

I closed my eyes as he returned to cupping and kneading my balls while jerking me off with his other paw. He bit down a little harder on the back of my neck and I moaned.

"F... fuck," I gasped as I shot my load without feeling any warning that it was coming.

Cum splattered all over my chest and stomach as Lachlan continued to nibble and kiss me.

I laid my head back against Lachlan's chest and panted.

"How was that?" he whispered into my ear.

"Great," I breathed.

Lachlan reached around and I watched as he teased a fleck of cum from my chest fur and put it in his mouth.

"Y... you like doing that?" I panted, feeling both bemused and aroused.

"I'm naturally curious so I wanted to see what you taste like," Lachlan chuckled.

I regained my breath and snuggled up against him, although I was aware of how sticky and matted my chest was. Lachlan leant across to sniff and lick some more cum off my fur.

"I think I need a shower," I sighed.

"Mmmhmm," Lachlan grinned, taking another sniff and lick at me. "You smell great though, us canines and vulpines have got to make good use of our senses."

"True," I replied, before squirming and chuckling again as Lachlan kissed and nibbled at me.

"Shall I show you where the bathroom is?" he asked, reaching down to tug my briefs fully off.

I nodded and scooted off the bed. Lachlan stood and took my paw.

"This way sir," he chuckled, leading me back out of the bedroom.

The bathroom was located through a door in the hallway, and like the rest of the apartment was a mixture of modern and traditional decor. The bathtub was Victorian style with stone lions feet (I guess to match the living room fireplace), while the shower was housed in a glass cylinder. I was taking in the sights but then I realised my cum was starting to slide off my body.

"Here," Lachlan said, turning on the shower.

I climbed in and felt the warm jet wash over my body. There was a selection of shampoos and conditioner. I grabbed a bottle of conditioner and began smoothing it into my fur.

"I might jump in after you!" Lachlan called above the noise of the water.

He reached into a bathroom cupboard and pulled out a fresh towel for me. I stepped out from under the water and shook myself dry before taking the towel.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Lachlan fixed me his adorable bashful expression, before he stepped out of his underwear and climbed into the shower. I stood and watched his toned body as the water ran down it. His tattoos were visible again, and I realised the Latin script down the side of his torso read Non Sine Sole Iris.

He smoothed conditioner into himself and rinsed it away before shutting the water off. I noticed a towel hanging on a heated rack and handed it to him.

"And thank you," Lachlan grinned, giving me a kiss.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his body, even though he was dripping wet. Lachlan held my face in his paws and kissed me.

"Shall we get back into bed?" I suggested, burying my head into his toned chest.

"Good idea," Lachlan said.

I broke away and he shook himself dry before dabbing at himself with the towel. We were now both equally naked, but I felt at ease. Lachlan took my paw and we walked back to the bedroom. I crawled back under the covers as he turned the lights off.

The covers rustled as Lachlan climbed in next to me. I reached down and gently raked my claws up his chest, just as he had done earlier.

"What does it mean?" I asked, tracing a finger along the Latin script.

"It translates as No rainbow without the sun," Lachlan whispered. "It was Elizabeth I's slogan."

"Heh, trust you as a historian to have that tattooed on your body," I chuckled.

"I actually got it in the military," Lachlan replied, pulling me closer.

"I like the tattoos, they suit you."

"I'm glad you think so," Lachlan whispered. "Come here my dear Shep, we should keep each other warm."

I shuffled over closer and Lachlan spooned me close to his body.

"Warm and safe," I added, holding his paw tightly.

"Indeed," he said, giving me another nuzzle.

"It feels wonderful when you do that," I sighed with contentment, although there was a question nagging at my mind. "I'm still surprised you're interested in me of all people. What made you pick me out of everyone in the class?"

"I'm usually pretty good at sussing personalities, and when you moved down to the front row I guess I felt a spark," Lachlan mused. "I already knew your name as we were told a student by the name of Malcolm James Ritchie was starting later. That's it really, nothing sinister, no deep meaning. I just looked at you and had a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time, and here we are."

I couldn't help but shiver with delight as Lachlan said my full name. I snuggled up to closer him before letting out a yawn.

"You should probably sleep again," Lachlan whispered.

"I should, good night my dear fox," I said.

"Good night my dear Shep."

With that, I drifted off to sleep for a second time.

I couldn't remember having any vivid dreams, but I did continue to feel peace and happiness after I had fallen asleep. I could somehow sense Lachlan nearby, and even in my sleep I remained close to his body.

I eventually awoke as daylight streamed in through the curtains. I rolled over and noticed Lachlan was already awake.

"Morning handsome," he grinned.

"Morning my dear fox," I replied, kissing his cheek. "I suppose I must get up and get ready for class," I added with sigh.

"You have Vincent later?" Lachlan asked.


"Dr Stenning-Brown, well I can already tell you he's going to be off sick today. He sent a staff email around, which means the students will get an email soon, but you're the first to know," Lachlan grinned.

I couldn't help but chuckle as he thumped his tail on the bed.

"Which means I get to spend more time with you," I replied, thumping my tail too.

We sat in silence for a moment, grinning at each other and beating our tails against the bed.

"My mum would have gotten mad at me doing this when I was a kid. Malcolm stop that racket and control your tail!"

"It's a mother thing," Lachlan said, giving me a lick on the nose.

"What shall we do today?" I asked

"For me an ideal day is not having a rigid plan," Lachlan explained, pulling me closer. "After years of being told what to do, it's nice to relax."

"That sounds good."

"I'm just enjoying cuddling," Lachlan continued.

"Please, can we keep doing this all week?" I asked, resting my head on his chest.

"We can do it as often as we can," he replied. "Heh, technically I'm supposed to have my personal tutor meeting with you. I'll tick it off as done."

I reached out, took Lachlan's paw and imagined we were floating in the pool together.

"Don't ever drift away from me," I whispered.

"I promise I won't," he whispered back.

The rain had stopped outside and I could see the sun shining through the curtains. The idea of being in the sunshine made me think of going to Italy, and I started to wonder if going would be an exciting opportunity, even if it was soon. The feel of Lachlan's arms around me made the urge to say yes all the more powerful.

"I think I'll go," I thought out loud.


"I'd like to go to Italy with you," I said.

Lachlan fixed me his warm smile and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but grin ear to ear as he let out the purring, aww sound.

"If you're really sure, don't feel rushed," he whispered, nuzzling me.

"I'm certainly sure. I want to go."

Lachlan tightened his grip around me.

"We'll have an amazing time," he chuckled. "I had everything set up and ready, I just need to change all the reservations to two people."

I was about to respond when I heard the sound of my phone buzzing in the pocket of my discarded jeans.

"Do you need to get that?" Lachlan asked, cocking an ear.

"Nah, it can wait," I replied.

My stomach let out a loud rumble and I splayed my ears with embarrassment. Lachlan laughed.

"I'd better go and fix us some breakfast, any requests?"

"Whatever you have," I replied, thumping my tail again.

Lachlan smiled and gave me another kiss. I closed my eyes and allowed him to slide his tongue into my muzzle.

"You stay in bed, I'll give you a shout when it's ready," Lachlan said as he broke away.

I smiled as he cocooned the covers around me, forming a soft nest. He scooted off the bed and made his way to the door. I got a good view of his bare butt without underwear or swimwear to obscure the view. It flexed and perked out as he walked. Lachlan turned and fixed me a grin as he flicked his tail slightly, giving me a better view before he walked out of the door.

I listened to him moving about the kitchen for a moment before I wriggled out of bed and went to retrieve my phone. I noticed I had a missed call from Hudson and a message from Aunt Ruth. Seeing messages from both brought me back to a dull sense of reality. Lachlan represented an exciting new world away from all that.

With a sigh I opened the message from Aunt Ruth.

Hi Malcolm, Thomas & I are out later tonight. You have your key. Hope you have a good day!!! Auntie R

What was it with middle aged people and putting a lot of exclamation marks on messages?

I thumbed my phone, wondering whether to call Hudson back. The jindo was my best friend, but I felt like spending my time with Lachlan.

I threw my phone further down the bed and wriggled back under the covers into the duvet cocoon that Lachlan had made me. I could hear him playing Are You Ready For Love by Elton John from the kitchen and I caught the scent of cooking in the air. My stomach rumbled again.

To distract myself I glanced around his bedroom, realising there was a bookshelf I hadn't noticed yet. Most the titles were historical books, but I also noticed vintage copies of Agent Shepworth novels, Lord of The Rings, James Bond and the Bronte sisters.

Lachlan was right, you could gradually learn about someone's hobbies by getting to know them more, or in this case their taste in books. My tail wagged and I smiled as I realised Lachlan was into many of the same novels I had read. I got up, slid a copy of Agent Shepworth in Shanghai off the shelf and began reading.

I was so engrossed in a chapter where Shepworth was tailing a Calico assassin through a bar that I didn't notice Lachlan come back into the bedroom.

"I see you've found Shepworth," he said, wagging his tail.

"Oh, yeah I did," I replied, feeling a little sheepish.

"Please read all you want," Lachlan said, perching himself on the side of the bed. "Although breakfast is ready."

I put the book down as Lachlan began searching for clothes in his dresser.

"Hmm, it's warm enough here without having to bother being fully dressed," he said, stepping into a pair of underwear.

I suddenly realised I didn't have any fresh clothes with me and Lachlan seemed to read my mind.

"Any preference on undies style?" he asked.

"Um, any I guess," I said.

Lachlan smiled as he tossed me a pair of black briefs. I held them in my paw before I slipped them on. Although Lachlan had a stockier body than me, the briefs fit me well. They were made of a silky fabric and hugged nicely against my butt.

"That's a sports brief I got," Lachlan explained. "They look hot on you I have to say." He turned me around to examine my behind and gave my rump a playful grope. I felt my cock stiffen. "Now, let's get to the table before I arouse us too much."

He took my paw and led me through the apartment and back to the kitchen.

The table was set with bacon, eggs and a fruit salad. Lachlan pulled a chair out for me.

"Here you go sir."

I sat down and Lachlan sat opposite me. He gestured for me to help myself.

I took a rasher of bacon before putting some sliced mango and apple on my plate.

"Thanks," I said. "This looks delicious."

"You're most welcome, do you want coffee, tea, juice?"

"Juice is fine."

Lachlan stood to retrieve some from the fridge.

"I need to show you where everything is, so you can feel at home here too," he called.

I nodded, but I was distracted by the sight of his toned body again. Lachlan sensed me watching and perked his butt out while shooting me a grin.

"This is like a dream for me," I murmured as he sat back at the table.

"I'm glad it's been fun for you," Lachlan said with a smile.

We ate in silence for a minute. Like watching Lachlan in his swimwear at the pool, sitting at the table almost naked didn't feel trashy, just relaxed and romantic.

"Why did you start late at Beldover, if I may ask?" Lachlan asked.

"Meningitis, and then a car crash," I explained.

"You poor boy," Lachlan sighed, reaching across to take my paw.

"I guess if I hadn't come here I wouldn't have met you," I reasoned.

"The thought of you getting hurt is awful, but I feel the same way," Lachlan said. "Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise."

"I wonder how I would have gotten along at Oxford?" I pondered out loud.

"Oxbridge isn't for everyone," Lachlan shrugged. "My sister went to Cambridge to study medicine, but almost dropped out a few times."

"I guess she's a professor too?" I asked.

"Not quite, she's a medic in the navy."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Two; a brother and a sister, both younger," Lachlan explained.

"All in the military?"

"Mmhm, Kathy just finished university and is a naval medic. Andrew is an intelligence officer for the RAF. We all check in on each other, and based on what they say I sometimes miss my service, as much as I enjoy teaching now."

"Wow," I replied. "You have a cool family. My cousin is in the air force too, stationed in Germany."

"Good on him, Andrew is in Cyprus at the moment. Have you got any siblings?"

"One brother, but we're not close. After my parents separated he moved in with his girlfriend and distanced himself from us. I used to be close to my mum, but since I started at uni she's closer to my aunt and her lady friends," I explained. "Which is weird as after my medical calamities she wanted me close by."

"Empty nest syndrome," Lachlan said as he reached out to take my paw.

We sat in silence for a minute, holding paws. I felt glad to be learning more about Lachlan and his family, but I couldn't help but wish my family were the same as his. Respectable and together by the sounds of it.

"What made you quit the military?" I asked.

"Oh I didn't quit, I was medically discharged," Lachlan sighed. "I had appendicitis, then a post-op infection."

I gave Lachlan's paw a squeeze. The fact a medical issue had gotten in the way of something he wanted to do made me feel a rush of affection towards him.

"I ended up lecturing, and then I met you," he smiled. "This is all the more reason as to why we should take care of each other."

"Never drift away," I said.

"Never drift away," Lachlan repeated.

We finished eating before Lachlan stood to clear the table. I helped out, despite Lachlan's attempts to stop me.

"I should probably get dressed," I sighed, shivering slightly.

Lachlan walked up behind me and put his arms around my chest.

"I have some clean clothes that might fit," he said, giving my neck a kiss.

He disappeared to the bedroom and emerged a moment later holding a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved grey shirt.

"Try these."

I took the clothes from him. The jeans were pale blue and little faded, but otherwise clean and the grey shirt felt soft in my paws.

"Thanks," I said, throwing my arms around him and kissing his nose. "Although I feel like I've got half your wardrobe now."

"It's no problem, and thank you for staying," Lachlan said, and I thought I heard his voice crack slightly with emotion.

"Can I come back this week?" I asked, looking around the cosy apartment.

"Please come back as much as you like."

I smiled and held his paws tightly.