My College Story Ch2

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#2 of My College Story

Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.

So the next fews weeks went by really slow. Until I got back to the room.

"Adrian, why the hell is it so dark in here?" I asked

"SUPRISE!!!" Adrain and the rest of the groop yelled

"Shit! Don't do that again." I said

"Sorry babe but its your b-day."Adrian said then he kissed me. "Even though I hate suprise that was really funny" I thought. The gang stayed for a few hours.

"Happy b-day man." Adam and Mark said as they head for the door. Yes, the real fun will start soon

"So how old are you?" Alan asked

"Nineteen, why do you ask?" I asked confussed

"Just asking, well I have to go. You coming babe?" Alan asked Adam

YAWNS"Yeah, I'm really freaking tired."Adam said.

"Same here, I'll see you later." Mark said

"Me four." was all Cam had to say as usual. Then they left and we had the place to our self.

"So you want to do anything ?" Adrian asked. So I just pushed him on the bed and undid his pants and sucked him till he was really hard then I got naked and then I told him to stick it in and go as fast as he could. So he did it was amazing to feel him hitting me was amazing as he sped up I moaned. It was the best feeling ever it seemed to go on for ever when it was really an hour.

"Not-much-longer." Adrian said inbetween each gasp.

"Give it to me!" I shouted.

"With pleasure." Adrian said the he cummed right on my ass, it was amazing and warm. So then he cleaned it up.God I love it when he does that. then I got into his arms and then we kissed, I felt like I was in heaven, I never wanted it to end, but it did because I fell asleep in his arms. The next day I was woken up by Adrian getting out of the shower.

"I made coffee." Adrian said

"What? Oh, save me some. Wait, why are we up so early on a Saturday?" I asked stretching wantng to hurt him for waking me up so early

"We're gonna go out, just the two of us, my treat." Adrian said coming over to me. Then I kissed him, I felt bad about wanting to hurt him.

"I love you so much, I feel bad because I can't do anything special for you." I said

"Just being with me is enough and thats all I want." Adrian said

"AWW, you're too sweet." I said. Then he just he smiled that amazing smile of his that made me feel so good. So then I took my shower when I got out Adrian was trying to spike the fur on the top of his head

"What in the world are you doing?" I asked trying to laugh

"I have no idea. Thought I'd try a new look."Adrain said. He looked hilarious with this black jewerly on his black fur with a dark grey shirt and black cargo shorts and the fur on his head spiked up.

"Why this?" I asked pointing at the spiked necklace and spiked braclets Adrian was wearing.

"I though they looked neet. I got you some too." he said stupidly as he threw them to me

"Of course you did. How about this, you wear the necklace and I'll wear the bracelets but fix your hair." I said

"It shall be done my master." Adrian said as he bowed to me when he did that I burst out laghing as he put his hair down

"Whats that about?" I asked

"We're also going where ever you want and doing what ever you want." he said, I was so excited that I tried to tackled hugged him, he didn't really move.

"If you want to move me try this." Adrian said as he picked me up and threw me on the bed I laughed half yelled because he caught me off gaurd. So I got up and got dressed then we left.

"How am I supposed to pick you up?" I asked as we went out side.

"With a lot of practice." he said laughing. Our day consisted of buying music, books, movies clean and bad, and clothes.The end was when we went to eat at some Japanese restaurant.

When we got back to our dorm Michael was there. He looked up set and ready to hurt someone with the shadows hitting his face and the moon light hitting him just right showing a scar on his left eye.

"I though only girls went on shopping sprees." he said laughng

"What guys can't shop together" I asked as I unlocked the door.

"Yeah!" Adrian said

"Sorry.Nice little place. How did you get it?" Michael asked as he saw how big our dorm area was with brand new furniture and big t.v.

"My parents, we have money." Adrian said

"Oh, that must be nice and must have been hard to get used to." Michael said. I wanted to punch him so hard for some reason.

"Yeah not really, its no big deal my parents had money but they kicked me out. So what bring you by?" I asked just a bit annoyed by our sudden guest.

"Nothin really, just wanted to stop by and see what you guys were up too." Michale said

"Oh, not to be rude but its almost midnight. Whats the real reason?"Adrian asked, he can tell if you're lying to him.

"This is true my good friend." I said as I put on some music, Avenged Sevenfold Afterlife came on." LOVE IT!!!" I yelled as I went to laydown.

"Well, I've been dumped and I need to get my mind off" then he paused "her." Michael said

"I'm sorry man but we're gonna hit the hay if you wanna go party go to this address two of our best friends live there and they love to party." I said knowing that Adam and Cam would be up to parting all night.

"Okay thanks man see ya." Michael said then he left

"I don't like him." Adrian said and I totally agreed with him.

"Why not?" I ask

"One, he's always stairing at your ass. Two, he shows up at our door five till midnight. Three he paused then said her." Adrain said

"Okay one and two get checks but three so what he's not ready to come yet, who cares. Not me,not at least not right now. Now get your sexy naked ass in the bed." So he stripped and got in the bed and we got close to gether "I like that you've been working out" I said as I ran my hand on Adrian's six pack which was really firm.

The end

Michael. Like or dis-like him.