Child of the Dark Star

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A commission by Rain ( Thank you Rain for your patronage and patience with me, and I do hope you enjoy. Story marked as extreme due to underage characters.

Child of the Dark Star

It had taken me a few minutes to realize I was being followed.

It was late at night and I was just getting home from having a drink with a few of my co-workers. After about a glass and a half of beer I started feeling odd, my vision getting a little blurry so I had excused myself and started to walk the short trip home through the streets of the new town I lived in.

I moved in about a month or so ago, my hometown not having many opportunities for a girl like me--a hermaphrodite--whether it was due to bigotry or disgust, i'll never know, i'll never really care beyond the slight sting that comes to memory when I think about it.

So after college, I left. The world's a big place, and I suppose I never really wanted to stay in one place for too long. Got a new job, got a new apartment, still haven't made any friends yet. I'll get to that bridge when it comes my way. Usually takes a while.

Time for now, seemed to run at a quickened pace, my vision growing worse over time as I made several detours to try and throw whoever was tailing me off. The raging erection in my pants didn't quite help movement either, but I tried my best through it all in the silent night. I tried to remember when it sprung up, but like second nature, it has a mind of its own.

I walked faster. I turned and looked, Still following. Walk faster. Dizzy. Can't think too well. Turn into alley for a shortcut. Make it halfway before someone stands on both ends. A pain in my head. I grasp it, wincing before falling to my knees, the silhouettes approaching me, the lunar light above not granting me a sight of my stalkers. Collapsing to the cold, dirty ground, I pant heavily, my cock still throbbing painfully with each passing moment. A bag was put over my head, and within a few moments, I felt a sting on my neck and it all cooled down, consciousness faded from me quickly.

Pleasure. Stroking. A strong fucking headache. My cock was still hard. I was... Warm? Slowly, I wrestled control of my eyes back to me, the world blurring back into existence. I was in some large room, that's for sure. Looking down for a moment, I saw some machine wrapped around my cock, a transparent chamber coated milky white inside with a tube that led out of my vision.

Blinking, I inhaled deeply, trying to move my wrists only to find them bound tightly with handcuffs against something. I was laying down at an angle, on a bed with a sheet covering it. "H-hello..?" I spoke weakly, my throat dry and my larynx strained. No response. Becoming more aware of the situation, I looked down at the machine that was covering my cock, noticing an IV in my right arm.

There were two vials attached to it, one a light pink, the other a dark blue. They slowly dripped into the IV line and were injected into my body. I wondered for a few moments what they were, but the panic that was slowly building in the back of my mind dismissed those thoughts. I struggled a little bit, only to find that my feet were restrained as well to some metal rods.

A few minutes passed as I continued to struggle, before I heard a door behind me open. "Ah, you're awake!" I heard a feminine voice say, the sound of heels on tile clicking as she strolled into view. A leopardess walked up to me, wearing nothing but a leather corset and leggings--her breasts and pussy open to the warm air around. "It is so good to see that your holiness has made a full recovery and has adapted to the serum. A true sign." she explained, strolling forward and kneeling down, planting her muzzle against my balls before inhaling deeply, her rough tongue dragging along the surface of my nuts.

I stared at her with a confused look. Holiness? Serum? This whole situation was alerting me more and more to what was actually happening. A machine on my shaft continued to pump back and forth with steady fervor, my cock aching from the rough treatment of... However long it has been. "Ugh..." I groaned, attempting to wet my lips before trying to speak much more. "W-where am I?" was the first thing that escaped my mouth as I continued to lightly struggle against my restraints--my strength still not fully with me.

Moving back a few steps, the leopardess smiled and bowed, licking the sweat that was on her muzzle off before explaining, "You are the one. We have waited for so, so long. It has been agonizing for many--but the news of your arrival has bolstered those who have even fallen from faith in your coming." I watched her as she said that, her physique not lost on me--my cock throbbing ever so lightly as my eyes traced her breasts, her plump belly with the folds of past motherhood.

I shook my head, wondering why my mind drifted to those thoughts at this point in time; though the motions were not lost on her as she clapped and stepped forward, flicking a switch to my left that I couldn't see, the suction cup attached to the machine removing itself from my rod. I exhaled hotly, saliva drooling from my lips as the soft silica folds brushed against my breeding tool and my cock was freed to the open air, coated in white semen that seemed to drip against the floor.

"You've got it all wrong, i'm nothing that special that you--" I started before she looked over to me and knelt down, slurping my seed from the stony ground then dragging her tongue up along my cock. "Not at all, your holiness! Perhaps you've not heard of the gospel--a shame, but not unexpected!" she exclaimed, before moving out of my field of view again, returning with a dusty old book.

In it was an illustration of an equine like me, the sexual features slightly exaggerated but it made itself potently clear that the image was depicting a hermaphrodite like myself. I read the pages as she set it on a stand for me to watch--my attention quickly being drifted down to her while she took hold of my member, suckling and slurping on my sweaty, musky rod, cleaning every inch of it. Gods it felt good, way too good. "Careful, I might cu--" I started before she seemed even more invigorated, opening her maw wide, taking several inches of my thick cock past her lips.

It wasn't long before I whinnied, feeling my rod erupt with unnatural fervor i've not felt before--spurt after spurt after spurt ejaculating down her esophagus with seemingly no end to it all. Minutes passed--or at least it felt like it before my cock finally cooled down--the leopardess pulling her lips away to get a potent shower of clear-white seed spilled all over her face. "Do keep reading, your holiness, it is best that you understand how important you are!" she exclaimed, clapping before adding, "I shall be right back!"

In a flash, she was out quickly--those stories about the speed of big cats wasn't lost on me, even at that moment. I gave myself a few moments of recuperation before turning my eyes back to the book--the ink on it seeming to be penned. "Must be really old..." I commented, noticing the yellowing on the pages, the non printed font and the skilled but archaic pictures that showed another equine. I continued reading.

Aside from the image and the detailed description of the physical form, it came with additional text, proclaiming:

'She who will come down from the heavens, blessed stars guide her path, will usher in an age of prosperity for all those who worship her. We will be gifted her presence, the stellar majesty for one lifetime and if we are prudent to her, she shall return with not only her eternal grace and presence, but love and children; the barren, the sick, the infertile, the weak, the strong, the ready, the mature and all others who have lost hope shall be given it once more if they show their devotion.'

"The hell...?" I asked myself, continuing to read a description of their 'messiah' as seeming more and more like me--the telltale sign of the correct being would be threefold: a cock that never went fully flaccid, fertile sexes of both genders and a birthmark of a star that would be under her left breast. All of them seemed to describe me as I knew it from as far back as I could remember; my mother told me that I came out of her with a little stiffy, and she thought it hilarious. The doctors, I was told, were astonished at not only that, but that my body could keep it going and that I was a rarity even among hermaphrodites: I had both functioning sexes.

As I thought more and more about my past, I thought it stranger and stranger about the circumstances before the leopardess returned with a teenage girl, fully nude moving towards me. "Your holiness, I know that you may be confused about your role in all of this, but I bring you both myself and the body of my only child, my daughter. I have wanted a second as far as I could remember, but menopause had caught up to me and I lost all hope. My daughter had just started to get her periods as well around the same time. It wasn't long after that I had been told of a newcomer in town--you." the adult leopardess spoke to me, as the two females moved forward, the younger staring timidly at my rod and the older showing her the ropes.

"All we require from you is your blessing and your benevolence and we will personally see to all your worldly desires every waking hour--and beyond if you desire. I... Wish to bear your young, and my daughter does as well."

I blinked once, looking at the mother, then at the daughter, who was twirling her tongue around my urethra. Biting my lip, I shook my head, opening my mouth to say no, but all that escaped was, "Only if you set me free of these binds." I surprised myself, and I think them as well. I had no intention to speak those words, nor did I expect them to listen to me when I spoke them. However, it appears they listened rather well--the mother undoing the IV from my arm, the daughter uncuffing my arms and removing my leg restraints.

Inhaling slowly, I felt a rough push as the two felines pounced atop me forcing me down to the mattress that I was chained to moments ago. "I'll take the lead then, Sylvie." the mother announced before moving her plump rear up and over to my throbbing cock, who was not only demanding attention now, but was drooling precum at a fountain's pace. The daughter watched, and I looked at her rubbing herself while the mother turned her crotch to her kin and straddled my rod--my body seeming to be powerless to her actions before she spoke aloud, "Watch now sweetie. Mommy's going to make you a brother or sister!"

Before I could attempt to protest any further, I felt her tight, warm pussy clamp down on my rod--my flared cockhead vanishing past her vulva. Letting out a sigh of pleasure, my hips bucked upwards involuntarily, slamming several inches of my rod up the older feline's cunt, receiving an exhilarated moan of pleasure in return. "Nggh... I know how eager you must be, your holiness, but please bear it while I teach my child..." she managed to gasp out, her glistening silver eyes glancing towards my own with a look of adoration.

My mind went numb involuntarily, the pleasure of sight, sound and touch flowing through my cerebral cortex, each heavy bounce that she performed sending shockwaves of pure pleasure and ecstasy through my system. Her slightly sagged breasts bounced with each movement as she rode me like a cowgirl, grasping one breast and fondling it with one hand, her other taking her daughter and bringing their head closer to her pussy--the words didn't come to me, but I had a good idea what it was. I've never really had much experience with incestual relationships--though my mother did give me second glances from time to time, but the thought of them always did make me a little harder than usual.

In between each time the mother lowered herself even further onto my throbbing prick, I saw her daughter slurping my cock, the sensations not lost on me as she moved further down to my massive nuts--the smaller feline hands grasping and fondling my cum factories. The sight alone of the mother and daughter trying their best to teach one another about the body of their goddess was--wait...

Before I could think any more on that train of thought, the mother let off a scream of pleasure, slamming my massive cockhead against the entrance to her womb. My ears regained their use at this point and my body was thrashed with the powerful scent of sex, the cries of the mother begging me to breed her and the sound of her daughter messily slurping at my sweaty balls. Closing my eyes, I felt myself get close. Drawing up on some instinct that lay dormant in me from my ancestors, I sat up, moved the mother to the side, spread her legs and speared my thick rod down her cunt. Staring into her silver eyes, I let off a loud neigh, my heavy balls slapping against her ass, leaving an echo in the room and a masturbating daughter behind me.

Pushing my rod as hard and fast as I could, I relentlessly barraged her cervix without hesitation--her cries of slight pain and immense pleasure overwhelming my senses as the word 'BREED' overwhelmed most of my thoughts. I continued to thrust, my hips slamming down at an increased force, demanding entrance to a woman's most sacred of chambers without any compensation.

With one final push, I cried out in bliss, forcing my way into her womb before my shaft let off a massive burst of semen, filling her innards up within seconds. Each heavy throb of my cock released another spurt of virile, fertile, hot, sticky semen into her womb--reproductive facilities of hers revitalizing into overtime after a short period of death. Closing my eyes, I bit my lip, feeling the daughter approach my rear, giving my balls a good squeeze as I continued to pump my semen into her mother.

Moments passed, and when I opened my eyes, the feline's belly had bloated to the size of a woman who was in her second or third term--her eyes half rolled up into her head, the silver glint of pleasure and bliss reflecting from my work. Slowly, I pulled out, letting off another whine as my shaft spurted several more times, my hot semen pressurizing her innards even more. As I pulled out, I heard a wet suction pop and saw that her pussy was agape, a pool of hot, heavy semen draining out onto the mattress I had been chained up to mere moments ago. Exhaling at the sight, I grabbed my cock, stroking it a few times before turning to the daughter. "Now, are you ready to receive your blessing?" I spoke, the words not being my own. No, this isn't right! She's not even of age!

Watching her crawl towards me, I grinned as she slurped my semen from my cock, nuzzling her face against my rod which contained her mother's juices and my own blend. "Anything for the goddess..." she spoke in a timid manner, staring up at me with the same silver eyes, laying back. Her breasts were small, but perky, and I know that will change with time, but for the moment, she looks so much like her mother for now.

Exhaling slowly, I felt my body approach her own--my throbbing prick drooling a concoction of my seed and her mother's pussy juices--coating her yellow spotted fur. I grinned, or rather, the part of me whose instincts had kicked in at this point did. Back and forth slowly, my hips swung, rubbing the underside of my throbbing prick against her vulva time and time again. I looked up at the young teenager, seeing her bite her lip, listening to her hot pants, enjoying her soft whines and whimpers, begging me to give her what she wanted so badly.

Licking my lips, I swung my waist back, prodding the fat head of my flared horsecock against her pussy lips, prodding time and time again. Biting my lower lip, I gripped her hips with both of my hands, forcing myself against her entrance, feeling the resistance of her hymen loosen with each attempt at penetration I made. Feeling a bead of sweat come on my brow, I moved to wipe it off before my arm was grabbed by the mother, who was semi-coherent now. She leaned up towards my head, dragging her tongue across my face, her breasts pushing against my muzzle. "I'll take care of you sweetie, just give my daughter a good treat!" she exclaimed, pushing her right nipple into my mouth.

Suckling on it for a few moments, I gently nipped her areola, slamming my hips forward--inciting a cry of pain from the daughter as my head pushed past her tight innards--the vice-like grip holding tightly against my member. The mother moved away from my face for a few moments, caressing my cheek before turning to her daughter, planting a kiss on their lips. The sight was hot as hell as cum that pooled from the older leopard's gaping pussy drooled against the bed I was on and her daughter's leg while she made out with her young.

After I gave the teenager a few moments to catch her breath, I pushed deeper--the friction on my rod stimulating my nerves, sending jolts of electricity up my spine of pure pleasure. Looking down, I saw the bulge of my cock well defined as I leaned over the younger leopardess, shoving four, five inches into her tight pussy. My hips swung back and forth while my heavy nuts dragged against the mattress that I was on, filling her insides with precum and the cool remains of my seed that was in her mother mere moments ago.

Back and forth I watched my shaft move--the bed below the three of us drenched with a concoction of our sexual fluids. Slowly, her cries of discomfort and pain morphed into those of pleasure and desire, her hymen torn and the pain most likely giving her grief, but the excitement of what she was doing overwhelming her. Slowly, I leaned down, taking a hold of her feet, moving them up to my shoulders before mounting them there--leaning over the daughter and pounding my cock as far down as it would go, her small frame being slammed against the bed with each thrust I gave.

The mother sat right next to her daughter, holding their face towards her own pussy so she could eat her mother out. "Your holiness... So hot..." she panted, grinding her lips against her own kin's face, leaving cumstains all along the young leopardess' fur. Letting off a low growl in my throat, I pushed onwards, my sensitive cock already edging its sweet, blissful release when I heard a door behind me open up, along with some chatter. I didn't give them a glance, but continued to pound away at my demand.

Biting my lip, I felt the pressure build up again in my loins, my fat horsecock head slamming against her cervix time and time again, my heavy balls slapping ever so gently against the young teenager's plump ass. The mother was rubbing her pussy, watching the happening as I continued on and the few behind me must have been staring, because I let off a whine of fury and desire, pounding with the force and speed of an engine piston.

Exhaling with a cry of bliss, I came hard, spilling my fertile, hot, sticky semen deep inside of the teenager, her belly bloating up exponentially faster than her mother's; the outline of my shaft that was on her body was slowly disappearing due to the sheer volume of my output. The mother of the leopardess wrapped her arms around me, her right hand fondling my juice soaked nuts while whispering to me, "Her insides will mold to your shape in due time, your holiness. My daughter and I are forever yours."

Slowly, I pulled my shaft out with a grunt, my cock spurting several more doses along the young teenager's belly and face, officially marking her body as my own. "Mm... Good. I could use a bed companion." I spoke, my eyes slowly looking down to my hands and arms, glancing to the mother and then to the daughter. Strangely, I felt more in control of myself as I pulled the mother in for a kiss, my tongue forcing its way down her throat. I made out sloppily with the MILF, her ass being firm yet soft in my hands before I stood up and turned around, giving attention to the small group of people that had entered the room.

Two had phone cameras out, recording the three of us, two were wriggling in their loose coats and one was sporting a sizeable erection, the tip drooling precum. "And who might you all be?" I asked, putting my hands to my hips, my brow lifted. The two that held phones set them down and slowly crawled over to me, wrapping their arms around my legs, their hoods falling back, revealing a dragoness and a doe, their muzzles burying against my hefty balls, tongues slurping across its surface.

The male, a mouse stood forward, clasping his hands together before taking several steps before me. "Ah, so it is true, you have awoken, and you are truly our goddess. We are your followers, of the night sky, of hedonism and of fertility." he spoke, getting to his knees before wrapping his lips around my rod, his tongue flicking in a circular motion around my cockhead. Moving his lips off with an audible pop, he continued, slurping up my cum from my last two ventures, "You may be concerned, you may be confused, you may be angry, but please give us time. We are yours to use--you are our light in this world of declining fertility rates, of declining desires, of declining intimacy. Followers of the Dark Star are here and are yours to breed a new generation in for."

Exhaling slowly, he wrapped his lips around my rod again, bobbing his head back and forth like a professional cocksucker, little bits of cool semen sputtering against his fur and coat. Further and further he pushed himself, his tight throat massaging my throbbing prick as it slid further and further inwards. Exhaling in pleasure, I closed my eyes for a few moments, enjoying the soft sensations of the two females in between my legs cleaning my nuts with their tongues. Whatever this royal treatment was, it was certainly pleasurable, I couldn't deny that.

As I opened my eyes, my cock let off a few spurts of precum down the mouse's throat, his cock throbbing below me. He was putting an impressive amount of my cock inside of him, his esophagus bulging out from him almost reaching my base. I watched him finally pull all the way back to my head, look up into my eyes and then slowly slide my shaft down his throat until his lips pressed against my groin, his tongue extending outwards, slurping across the area of my nuts that he could manage to with his warm, fleshy extension of his mouth. A grunt of pleasure escaped my throat as I held his head in place for several moments, enjoying the fully covered feeling. My cock ached for more though, and I used his head as a toy, my hips gently pulling back and pushing forward ever so slightly.

He took it like a true champion, his eyes closed, his body as still as it could be--a true cocksucking professional with no gag reflex. Stepping back as I caught myself to not choke him, my thick shaft sprung free, the brown, hard equine rod bouncing with a wet pop as it was pulled from his lips. "Please, do take your first days at leisure here. We have many members who will be coming to pay respects." he started, coughing a little bit before clearing his throat and slowly stroking his rod with his left hand. "If you do not desire to spread your holy genes via physical contact however, I must insist that we keep you on the machine so that a steady supply of your semen will be extracted for fair distribution." he spoke, staring up at me in what seemed to be admiration.

I watched as he stood up, bowing, taking the two robed figures with him to exit before the one on his left stopped, closing the door behind the others. Turning around, she removed her hood, showing her own cock, perky breasts and a smile on her face--the equine holding her arms out wide. "My darling niece, Rain! I have missed you so much! You have grown so much, and to think, that you are the holy one that will grace our world! Your mother will be very happy when she arrives." my aunt spoke as I embraced her with a questionable glance.

Opening my mouth to speak, she stopped me, clapping her hands towards the two inbetween my legs as they stood up and moved to my bed, where the mother and daughter laid. "Come, let us not waste time wondering without getting your cock wet, dear." she spoke as she approached the two girls, sitting inbetween them as they both lifted their asses into the air off the bed, doggy-style of my choice. The dragon, or the doe, such a difficult decision. "Only if you take one then, Aunty." I spoke, a nod being returned from her face. "Of course, of course, whatever my favorite niece says!" she exclaimed, standing up, her cock semi-erect.

Biting my thumb at the decision, I shrugged, doing a short nursery rhyme to decide which girl to fuck. Ending up with the doe, I moved towards her rear, bending down, my tongue sliding up and down her pussy--the taste of salt and vanilla washing over my tastebuds. My elder relative spoke to me, "Anyways, you have probably wondered since I showed my face, yes I am part of this belief, and so is your mother--your father too! I believe they met here, actually! Not this room in particular, but you get what I mean." Glancing over to her, she had heartily dumped a quarter bottle of lube onto her hardened cock before pushing it past the dragoness' pussy lips--inciting a cry of pleasure from the duo. "Mm, damn, you're tight An'ress. Maybe some time with Rain will get you more accustomed to being stuffed." she spoke, the scaled female nodding in approval of those words.

She continued as I continued to eat the doe out for a few moments, "Anyways--I'm so proud of you, grown up so quickly and getting used to what you are destined for without hesitation! Of course, it may have been part of the concoction that was injected in you, but we'll deal with that later." Moving my mouth away, I rubbed the flared head of my rod against the doe's tight pussy, spreading her ass cheeks apart with my hands as I thrust inwards, a bleat of excitement escaping her lips, causing the two leopardesses to look over at us.

Moving back and forth, fucking my third girl in the past... Hour or so, I closed my eyes, my body not used to such overwhelming pleasure all at once. It made it difficult to stand, my legs shaky and my mind a bit foggy. "Why didn't you just ask?" I questioned, trying to frame the words correctly though my handicaps. By this point, my aunt was balls deep in the dragon, her nuts slapping against the scaled, plump ass that looked just as enticing as the doe before me.

Shrugging, my elder slapped the one who she called An'ress's ass roughly, grunting out, "Well, if I came up to you and told you that you were the incarnation of a sex goddess from some place very obscure to you at that time and place, you'd think me mad! I'm sorry sweetie, we had to know." I watched her pace increase, her panting get heavier and her head roll back as she pounded the female in front of her. Not wanting to be one to be left behind, I picked up my own pace, my throbbing prick forcing past the warm, wet innards of the fertile female whose ass was high in the air. Grabbing her stubby tail, I put a hand on my hip, thrusting forward and pulling her closer against my groin, slamming my rod even further, the flared tip and every inch of my veiny rod being compressed with the pure pleasure of sex and breeding.

Biting my lip, I picked my pace up, seeing my aunt pull out, stroking her hardened cock as quickly as she could, spraying her own seed against the dragon's ass and back, inhaling deeply. "Whew. I'm getting a bit old for this much excitement. It's your job to be breeding, not mine, sweetie. Come find me after you've gotten some rest and bedded these two, i'll be sure to give you the grand tour." she finished, strolling over to me, bending down and kissing my balls before quickly moving from the room, her cock dripping with pussy juices.

Confused, I did not relent, my fervor picking up after that exchange--the sensation of succulent sex sending neural waves throughout my body, my heart rate increasing even more, sweat beading all over my body from the work done. Biting my lip, my cock: still hard, still rearing to go, but still sore, throbbed heavily, on the verge of cumming. Leaning down, I picked the doe up by her legs, locking her in my arms as her feet were brought close to her head. I bounced the female on my needy rod until even more seed erupted from my being, the rush from my body and the quantity of fluids being pumped out being felt as I released wave after wave of a flooding quantity of semen inside of the nameless doe in my arms, her belly bloated out like the others in front of me.

Tired, but not done yet, I slowly slid her off of me, giving her a gentle toss towards the mother and daughter. Stroking my cock, I grunted, letting out several more jets of my thick semen just for them--coating their heads, bodies and legs until I was satisfied. Still though, my libidio was not satiated, so my attention turned towards my next conquest--the dragon, who, while blushing heavily, was staring at me and my cock.

It was my duty, it was my pride, this is not how I should think, yet it is so. I stepped towards her and continued my new life as their goddess.