Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 6

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#33 of Zootopia fictions

Part 6 of Zootopia Dirty Hairy



By Dan 1966

Loosely based off of Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan.

(c) Zootopia. 2016 Walt Disney Productions

(c) Dirty Harry 1971 Malpaso Productions

(c) Fritz the Cat 1970 Ralph Bakshe

All rights respected. Not for monetary gain and none expected. Fandom enjoyment only.

Rated R for violence, swearing, graphic depictions of death and sex.

Who's killing animals across the city of Zootopia, leaving many half eaten in their cars? To get down in the dirt, you need a cop who skirts the line between legality and criminal-ism. That's when you call in homicide inspector Fritz Catz aka "Dirty Hairy". He's Gentile and likable when he's in the Precinct house but a complete bastard out on the streets who packs a howitzer for a gun. When the offender has to be absolutely stopped overnight...Fritz is the cat for the job.



Day 2

Oasis Hotel and Casino Strip

Sahara Square

David felt Fritz carefully pull him from the car and then pull his pistol from his shoulder holster under his suit coat...

"Trusty are we not?" David said as Fritz took him by a paw...

"Just keep your maw closed and ears open." Fritz replied. "Speak only when spoken too."

David smelled the strong mixes of perfume as he stepped up a small group of stairs and entered into a building with a wood floor. "Ok? Let me guess? There's some hot females in here and they're armed up...am I close?"

"Yeah...." Fritz replied smirking. "A whole pride of big breasted lionesses and they're all packing shotguns and M-16's." In reality there was just one leading them both through a hallway and she was armed with a pair of Samurai swords. The rare K'zinti tiger female led them into a room which had a very Sumatran Asian aesthetic look to it. Pastel wall rugs with tasteful images of male and female tigers in various poses of love and affection surrounded the planter adorned floor of various colorful floral arrangements and sitting at an ornate red cherry wood table was a huge yellow Sumatran Tiger dressed in an an Asian outfit of puffy oriental balloon pants and a silk vest top...

The female K'Zinti removed David's blindfold and the cheetah shook his head to clear the fog and get used to the light until his first clear look at the large King Tiger made him cringe a bit...

For his part....Khan just sat pleasurably calm with a hooka pipe end stuck in his maw. The aroma of sweet tobacco filled the room as the music from "Mink Floyd" softly played over speakers affixed to the ceiling.

"Ah...Inspector Catz..." Khan said as he blew smoke from his mouth. "Minerva called me ahead of time that you wanted to visit? "Au chan tae" please sit and enjoy a smoke? I assure you there is nothing untoward in the pipe."

Khan regarded David's timidity. "I assure you detective...you have more to fear from my ladies than myself so...please? I won't bite you."

David and Fritz took seats at the table as Khan snapped his paw fingers. "What will you gentle-mammals have? I suspect you can't drink on duty?"

"Warm milk will be fine." Fritz said. "Did Minerva tell you why we wanted to see you?"

"Yes....she did." Khan replied. "Quite and efficient and brutally effective killer you have on your hands. Certainly not close to my own charges I assure you. "Chuft Lau" over there could certainly kill far swifter and....with less mess. Your subject is not a canid nor a feline....that, I assure you. I know that much from what my own charges have told me."

David pulled out a note book and quickly had it taken by Khan...."I'm sorry detective but...memory only leaves here. There's good reason I assure you. Some of the syndicate gangs are already fingering me as the causer of their problems."

"Do you think this is some sort of hired gun for one of the gangs?" Fritz asked.

"It's an interesting hypothesis but I would say....no....." Khan replied. "Could she or he be in the employ of multiple gangs? Possibly....but that also flies in the face of better logic. There's been relative peace and prosperity between all the gangs now for nearly ten years since the last major gang war. Why any of them would risk upsetting the apple cart for some sort of gain which would quickly be stomped into the mud by the police? I'd say that would be the act of a fool."

Fritz leaned forwards..."We received a call from the ZBI saying their preliminary data analysis indicates the subject in question my be reptilian in species."

Khan sat back in his chair. "Now that is an unforeseen twist. Reptiles in Zootopia are notoriously self-closed from the rest of the mammal population because of the diverse climates outside the North West. No normal reptile could do what this one has done so far with such fast reflexes. Certainly not one of the "gator" classes and the only reptilian with any bulk below the "Gates" is a "Komodo Dragon". I have yet too meet a female dragon in these parts."

The big tiger took a sip of the tall drink before him and waved to the K'Zinti female who came over and took a whisper in her fish tail fin like ear...

"I will have my charges keep their eyes and ears open for you concerning this reptile belief of yours....at least until the ZBI gives you better information. Please tell me when that happens?"

Khan regarded David's face and noted the sort of disgust look coming from it. "Do I displease you detective?" Khan asked. Fritz quickly gave David's foot a little kick.

"No." David replied with a slight yip sound. "Not at all?"

Khan waved his hooka line around. "Please detective? Do not insult my intelligence? I know what you probably think considering you are both young and rather ambitious at your posting. I think Inspector Catz can better explain the "way of things" better than myself. But this I'm afraid is where you and he leave...just being kind and looking out for your skin."

A paw wave and David was blind folded again and lightly pushed along with Fritz until they were clear of where they had once been and had driven some blocks away.

Fritz took off the blindfold and sighed..."I'm surprised we got that far with that face of yours."

"A pimp is a dirty pimp no matter what high class looking pad he lives in. That dirt bag can blow sunshine up a tail hole ass day and I would still slap cuffs on him...or save society the trouble of dealing with his crap on a daily basis." David groaned.

"Well spoken Long Ranger Wolf....High ho silver." Fritz said as turned onto the main drag that led into downtown Zootopia.

David clammed up still looking ticked off. Fritz closed his eyes for a moment and sighed deeply...."David? This is not traffic patrol where the sides of good and not good are pretty precise. I told you at the start that homicide and most of law enforcement is and can be a dirty business of devil dealing to maintain the public peace. Law enforcement can not cover every nook, every crack and every corner 24/7 too be efficient and effective sometimes we have to rely on the public trust and sometimes we have to play with and use detestable sources against targets they share the same concern and hate over."

"It's all about fighting to keep a balance in the city among every mammal of every persuasion. Cubs and Kits should be able to stand at their school bus stops without fear of being shot. Mothers who send their cubs and kits to school should not have to fear pervs, pushers and scumbags trying to kidnap them, sell them into the fox fur and skin trade or load them up on Night Howlers. And "hookers" shouldn't be allowed to bring out a street war where an innocent cub riding her bike might get her head blown off by a stupid street thug waging a shooting war. I know what you'd like to do, don't hide your feelings about it."

Fritz grabbed David on his shoulder and shook him. "The bottom line David is what you and I strive for...we have to manage the balance of those we detest and those we serve to make the lives of the majority...including those we love...as happy and safe as we can...to do that takes us being at times the scoops of a very nasty filled cat box....ok?"

David smiled back..."I'll get the hang of it. I'm just glad you understand."

"You're a tough Cheetah." Fritz said confidently as he gave David a chin tap.

The car radio suddenly cracked with a series of quick beeping tones indicating a flash alert was being sent around the city..."This is car twenty, Officer Merkhorn (Rhino) requesting nearest officers to the corner of Catamaran and West Streets in Herd! Possible contact with murder suspect being sought in connection with the incident at 182 Dune Ave in Baobob district. Officer is covering a downed victim with severe Trauma! Send EMT at once!"

David snatched the radio mic as Fritz hit the accelerator. "Homicide inspector 71 responding to Officer Merkhorn, we are three minutes inbound!"

The radio cracked again..."Officers Anderson and Fangmeyer responding to Officer Merkhorn, five minutes inbound!"

Fritz pulled out his magnum and handed it to David. "Glove compartment, red tips in a speed loader, Load me up?"

David emptied the rounds in the revolver, popped a speed loader of "lethals" into the cylinder, slapped the revolver closed and handed it back. "You want me on shotgun?"

"Yeah...." Fritz replied as slid the car around a street corner. "Load your last two with net rounds, the rest with red tips."

David pulled his shotgun from the rack between the seats and started pushing shells into the loading catch under the breech block as Fritz grabbed the Mic...

"John? (Merkhorn) How much has passed from when you got there?" Fritz asked as he turned another corner and saw Merkhorn's cruiser far down the street.

"Bout five minutes." Merkhorn replied as he waved to the incoming pair. "The victim's in bad shape here."

Fritz brought the car to a sliding stop and he and David leaped out, snatched Kevilar vests from the back seats and ran with their weapons out to meet John Merkhorn behind his cruiser with the victim lying to his side...

"I wrapped an air pressure cuff around this little guy's (Otter) neck but he's in a bad way Fritz. I didn't see the suspect but I'm thinking he or she went into that construction site because they didn't get a chance to whack this guy." Merkhown gritted his teeth and grabbed his car mic..."Andy? Fang? Cut this construction site off in the back when you get here. What artillery are you bringing?"

"A shotgun and a Zastubat rifle." Officer Anderson (Lion) replied.

"Use the shotgun to move up. Don't use the Zastubat unless you absolutely have to or we'll have cross fire out here. Fritz and his partner are going to move into the site while I protect the victim till the EMT's show up."

Fritz and David gave Merkhorn a nod then ran from behind the police cruiser to press their backs against the solid wooden fence of the construction site...

"Worry about a Zastubat and cross fire?" David snorted. "Worry about Fritz's field artillery." The Cheetah said as he could hear Anderson's cruiser coming to a stop on the other side of the site...

"Five minutes? Good head start." David said as he racked the slide of his shotgun and whipped the barrel around a corner.

"Your first two rounds are nets right?" Fritz asked as he brought his magnum up and tracked the barrel around the site ahead of him. "Lots of places to hide. That otter back there is our only living source right now." Fritz snorted. "This suspect won't have qualms not to try and finish the job..."

Fritz pulled the mic off his belt radio..."John? What's ETA on the EMT's?"

"About two minutes." John Merkhorn answered. "The otter's still with us."

"You watch out when they come up....get him in that ambulance and get it the hell out of here dee dee jack rabbit."

David pointed to his left with his thumb. "Con-ex boxes and office trailers on the far end over there...concrete pipes and cable blocks to the right of those." We should start there."

"Fangmeyer (tiger) here Inspector. I'm covering the gate, Anderson's covering the street on the other side and prep'ing a humming bird drone." Fangmeyer said on the radio as Fritz and David covered the ground from the front gate towards the con-ex boxes and office trailers on their left side....

Sliding to cover behind a concrete electrical box...David swept the various concrete forms to his front as Fritz tracked his magnum back to where they had ran from....

"Fang? Put the drone up around the building construction." Fritz said into his mic. "That will cover a lot for us since there's no facades. I don't see him or her being that dumb to try and hide up there."

"You want SWAT?" Fang asked. "Hopps and Wilde are on their way with Delgato...ten minutes out."

Fritz bolted for the construction con-ex boxes and the office trailers with David covering his rear. "Better call Benji and stage em for a chopper drop just in case things get crazy but so far we don't see anything." Fritz yelped as he stopped at a corner of a con-ex box with David stopping across from him behind another...

"Shhhhhh...." Fritz said to David as he pointed to his ear and made a talk motion with his fingers. Fritz then grabbed his mic..."Silence on the radio... we are ears on."

Fritz then gestured to David to quickly re-arrange his shotgun load...."Load three flash bang percussion shells." He hand signaled. He then pulled a telescopic hand mirror from his jacket pocket. There were two rows of eight steel con-ex boxes which probably held supplies, equipment, tools and other trash. Fritz saw three of them were un-locked with the doors slightly jarred open....perhaps because they were broken....or perhaps because someone was inside. The expectation was that since the day was a worker's holiday....the only anything sitting inside one of these boxes would be the suspect. In that case...a percussion shot gun round would make a nasty visitor.

Fritz carefully inched his way to the side of the first open box with David farther back and off to the side where a good angle shot would send a shell bouncing off the inner wall before it detonated....

Fritz held his magnum ready with one hand while using the mirror to carefully scan as much of the interior as he could. When he was satisfied...he stood up, put the magnum by his head and bum rushed through the steel doors, leveling his cannon at the first object he could draw on. The realization suddenly hit him that firing a magnum in such a confined space would not be a good idea unless the target was big enough to absorb the impact and not allow the bullet to fly all over the place...

As he pulled back from the box....Fritz wisely pulled his back up side arm, an XCP 38 caliber pistol, before he moved to the second box and repeated the same moves as before...with the same empty results....

Perhaps the suspect had moved on knowing he or she had lost their victim? Perhaps not? The scent of something strong and musky nailed Fritz in his feline nostrils...

The third box? The stench of strong urine made Fritz wince and now he was back to his magnum as he stood by the corner of the box and hand signaled to David as he slowly came up with the shot gun tight to his shoulder...

Fritz motioned him to hold his place as he slowly moved the mirror around the lip of the open door to the Con-ex and tried to see as much of the inside as the meager light allowed. The thing was full of trash and there was no detectable sound Fritz could pick up with his acute feline hearing...

He signaled back to David with hand gestures..."On three? Pop two rounds into this thing...." He then signaled Fangmeyer and Merkhorn. "We're popping bang bangs....stand fast."

Fritz quickly tucked his head into his shoulders and popped up his paw fingers to the three count......."THREE!"

"BOOM! CHICK CHOCK BOOM!" David cut loose two flash bang rounds from his shot gun. They bounced off the open door, flew into the con ex box and exploded in white hot light flashes and loud blasts that sent showers of sparks flying out past Fritz as he stormed inside!

David quickly ran up to charge into the box behind Fritz and found his partner standing midst the smoke, kicked up dust and floating trash debris reaching down to take hold of something he'd found lying among the mound under his feet...

"What's that?" David asked.

Fritz shook the leather like length of material in his paw...."Our reptile. I think?"

David took hold of the material and smirked..."You're kidding right?"

"The urine is fresh enough." Fritz said as he walked to the opening and put his magnum up by his head. "That slofted skin is still warm so he or she is still around here....maybe."

Fritz slowly took his mic in his hand..."Fang? Are you still at that gate?"

"Yes sir." Fangmeyer replied. "Hopps and Wilde just showed up on John's side."

Fritz motioned David out of the Con-ex and they closed it, throwing the opening handles down to lock the doors behind them...

"Everybody eyes on...." Fritz said as he slowly walked while tracking his magnum in front of him. "The suspect's a reptile all right...a big snake from the look of the skin she or he left behind."

The radio cracked..."Did you say? Snake?" Judy Asked.

"Well....it's not a centipede there Lieutenant."Fritz snorted as he and David came to an office trailer and scanned the underside...

"Had to be a snake?" Judy sounded on the radio. "I hate.....them....."

"It's the tongue." Nick snickered. "She had a bad experience once...date went south...."SLAP!" Ouch!"

Fritz snickered into his radio. "Wilde? Do you seek to be de-balled?"

"Just trying to lighten the situation." Nick replied. "One does not simply...tango with a snake."

David snickered back. "Your meme's suck officer Wilde." As he checked the door to the office trailer and signaled to Fritz that it was locked.

"Drone's up." Anderson's voice sounded over the radio. Fritz looked up to see the hummingbird drone fly over the boarder fence of the construction site and move towards the steel frame seven story structure in the center...

"Fritz!" David chattered as he aimed his shotgun in a kneel position at the opening to what was obviously a concrete lined service or drain tube that had been put into the ground as part of the construction...

Fritz got behind David's back..."If he or she took this out?...."

"Lieutenant Hopps and Patrolman Wilde coming in!" Judy's voice cracked over Fritz's radio.

"Lieutenant Hopps and Officer Wilde will turn back around and sit tight." Fritz demanded.

"Inspector?" Judy replied. "I am the senior on site officer."

"I don't care if you were prom queen, Lieutenant." Fritz replied. "This is a big... big mean bastard judging by the skin it left behind. You and Wilde wouldn't make a speed bump."

"Excuse me Detective Catz? Who proclaimed you executive bad ass?...you need to curtail your smart mouth to a senior officer!...especially with that stupid "prom queen" remark. How would you like to sit in a one on one mandatory session with H.R. for harassment?"

Fritz wrapped a hand around the assault line loop in the back of David's vest. "Judy? I value you 100 percent and I know you'll try to do your usual thing which is be daring, courageous, brave and resourceful but against this thing? Ah no....Nick?"

"Yo?" Nick replied.

"Put her in the back of your cruiser and lock the doors?" Fritz asked. As the complaints from Judy and Nick's yelps from her fighting him came over the radio; David frowned back...

"What the heck?" David snorted. "Doing that to one of the best officers on the force?"

"I have my reasons." Fritz replied. "But they're my reasons alone. Blame her for being such a good friend...I don't like losing friends. She's good but not good against something like this. I'd rather worry about "it" than her."

David began to advance into the concrete pipe with his shotgun leveled while Fritz held his magnum at the ready by his head..."How far are we going into this thing?" David asked.

"Enough to make sure he or she is long gone and not taking up residence. Go about fifty yards....or to the first cross piping which ever is first."

Fritz pulled the small mag light from David's belt holder and flashed it down the pipe length as they slowly moved till he stopped...

"Do you have a blue filter for this?" Fritz asked.

"The extra pocket." David replied. "Obviously white light's a dead give a way?"

"Need you ask?" Fritz replied as he quickly popped the blue filter into the bulb cover of the flashlight and nudged David on.

"Please do not shoot that monster by my ears?" David yelped as he side glanced at the magnum..."You got lethal rounds in all the chambers?"

"Full HVP." Fritz snarled. "If the bastard gets hit with these? We can have snake salad at our next dinner date at Buckies. Oh shoot...I need to tell you about Buckies."

"Right now I think we should worry about this "thing" we're chasing Fritz?" David huffed..."Just so you know? My first two rounds are net rounds."

"Go with flash bang rounds." Fritz replied. "Net rounds won't do squat against this bastard."

"I'm changing loads like I change underwear." David snickered as he cycled the pump and re-set his shell load sequence.

"Tee-em-eye David....way too much Tee-em-Eye." Fritz snickered as he pulled David to a stop..."Wait....shhhhhh......listen."

Fritz held his free paw up for a moment as he and David listened intently to the air around them. Sure enough...David detected the sound of scratching ahead. He whispered over his shoulder as he pointed down the pipe..."Junction ahead..."

Fritz pushed David to his left...."Plenty of room for both of us...you stay ahead of me about a foot.

The Cheetah tightened the shot gun against his shoulder as he and Fritz advanced slowly towards the junction between the under construction pipe and a cross pipe only ten yards ahead of them...

"David? Get your finger off the trigger?" Fritz asked. "We don't want an accident."

David blew a breath from his nose..." Sorry...." He said quietly as they approached the junction.

Fritz signaled with his paw...."You stay high, I'll sweep low......on three...."


End of part 6

Zootopia: Dirty Hairy Part 7

Zootopia DIRTY HAIRY By Dan 1966 Loosely based off of Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan. (c) Zootopia. 2016 Walt Disney Productions (c) Dirty Harry 1971 Malpaso Productions (c) Fritz the Cat 1970 Ralph Bakshe All...

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy Part 5

Zootopia DIRTY HAIRY By Dan 1966 Loosely based off of Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan. (c) Zootopia. 2016 Walt Disney Productions (c) Dirty Harry 1971 Malpaso Productions (c) Fritz the Cat 1970 Ralph Bakshe All rights respected. Not for...

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Zootopia Radio Station FM 200 Zoe Zoe

DALE DORSE The Amazing Horse (c) Zootopia 2016, Disney Animated Studios. Because there is no way to upload the video of this to Sofurry as it has failed several times, I'm putting the You Tube address for people to see this almost 1 hour...

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