Love At Current Sight Part 3

Story by Far on SoFurry

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*Note-The title of all of my stories will be changed due to the typo I made on Love At (Current) Site. Site will be changed to sight. Thank you for looking past the obvious and viewing my content. I have put a bit of time into my stories and have fun writing them. So thank you all again for your patience. Also, I just got a new text program because my Microsoft word got, well, messed up is all I can figure out. So, enjoy part 3 to Love At (Current) Sight and be sure to check out part 1 and 2. =3 -Far

I slowly walked down the street from Ethan's house, and as much as I wanted to go back, I couldn't. So, I kept glancing back wondering how things were going to play out for him. Hearing that he had an abusive father didn't help me feel any less worried for him. I should have told him that I would stay no matter what. Even if his father beat the hell out of the two of us; at least we would be together. Ethan was not a fighter, but he would stand for what he believed was right, and he thought us being together was right. Only, with his father, he wouldn't feel like he could fight back. He would think about him as caring even if he did start to get violent. That's why I should be there. If I cared for him as much as I do, I would have told him straight up that I would stand by his side through this. I do really hope he will be fine, but after all of those terrible coming out stories I have heard, I don't know what would happen with Ethan. I started to get off balance on the street. I was tearing up now and wobbling at my legs. I got such a huge since of abandonment for leaving Ethan alone. I knew I had to go back, so that way, I could save him from the worst. Only, I had to hurry because it had already been a 10 minute walk from his house. I turned and began to run down the road as the sky darkened to a pitch black. The street lights clicked on as I was running. A reminder to how long I had been walking back. Whatever was going to happen that night, good or bad, was all going to be up to me and how soon I get to Ethan's.

*Ethan's house & 7:45 p.m

"This can't be so bad," Ethan thought, "Coming out will be nerve wrecking, but other than that, I can get out of all this fine. Only, what if my parents do disown me, and what do I do if the worst does come? I mean, my father is capable of hurting me... but that was a long time ago. I mean, he won't bring back his old ways. Unless he has been keeping that side of him hidden for a long time...oh god." While Ethan was in his room thinking about what he was going to say, which was going to be asking them If they were okay with him being who he was, he heard the muffled sound of his dad yelling downstairs. He froze in place and tried to listen in. Only, most all of it was unintelligible to him. But, he knew this wasn't going to be as easy as he was hoping it would be... ***Sorry for such a short chapter, but hey, give me some credit, I technically already wrote the whole chapter and not just this small part, only it all got erased. Haha, oh well. =3 Part 4 should be around soon, but until then, add any comments about where you may want the series to go. I have actually came up with this as I have went on. So, any original ideas may get transferred into here. I will also give you and your page a shout-out if I choose yours :) Peace