A Dog in Blue: Best Laid Plans
#10 of A Dog in Blue
We're rapidly approaching the end! I hope you enjoy!
June 27th, 1969
5:15 PM
It had taken two days just to amass the necessary supplies to flee the city and make the signs for the upcoming protest. It had taken another day for Nathan and Travis to actually finish making them. They looked good; each one bearing pointed phrases demanding for equal and fair treatment. Once they had finished, Travis took one look at his boyfriend and threw himself at the very eager male.
Nathan whined and painted underneath the German Shepherd, his legs wrapped around Travis's lower back, as the older Dog slowly slid into Nathan's tongue prepped hole. The ex-cop shuddered and let out a loud moan. It had been way too long, and Nathan felt way too good. He wasn't going to last very long. The younger Dog let out a breathy half moan half chuckle and gave his boyfriend a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"I don't have to tell you what to do next right?" Nathan murred and ground up against the German Shepherd's knot, "I need you to get that thing inside of me."
Travis pulled the smaller male's body up into him and thrust down hard a couple of times. Nathan squirmed and moaned loud, his paws stretching out and brushing against the signs that covered the living room floor. The German Shepherd paused and brought one of Nathan's paws to his lips.
"I think I know what to do," Travis chuckled and smooched one of Nathan's fingers, "Don't you agree?"
Nathan whined and moved his paws to the back of Travis's neck.
"Mmm stop teasing me and fuck me already," Nathan gasped as Travis gave another sharp thrust, "Just like that."
The Australian Cattle Dog bit his lip to hold back the moans as the German Shepherd started to fuck him in earnest. His fingers gripped onto the fur on Travis's neck, making the bigger Dog pant and moan quietly. Their hips collided with an audible thud with each heavenly thrust, making Nathan's cock jump and drool.
"Oh fuck," Nathan whined, "I'm so close."
Travis shuddered with each thrust, the tension of the last couple weeks churning to a fever pitch as he made love to his partner. His body had desperately needed this release since he had left the hospital. Life, it seemed, had just kept getting in the way. Sex was the last thing on the couple's minds. Travis closed his eyes tight and let out a low growl. He was going to be even quicker than he initially thought. Nathan looked up at the German Shepherd and planted a gentle kiss on his nose.
"Don't worry about holding out for me," Nathan said softly, "I can tell you need this more than I do."
Travis bit his lip and thrusted down into his mate harder, his fingers digging into Nathan's hips. That gentle insistence was all he needed. He closed his eyes tight and jackhammered his cock into the smaller male. Travis clamped his paw over the Australian Cattle Dog's mouth to muffle the yips and whines of pleasure escaping Nathan's lips. Space was definitely something the German Shepherd was looking for in their next home. He wanted to be able to breed Nathan as loudly as possible. He let out a low growl as he came hard, flooding his boyfriend with what felt like an eternity's worth of pent up release.
Nathan gasped and panted as Travis fell onto his body. The German Shepherd was breathing just as hard, his hips thrusting forward with each spurt of his seed. Travis moved a paw up to Nathan's throbbing member, and slowly began to paw the younger Dog off.
"Mmm baby," Nathan shivered, "I can take care of that."
Travis growled and nuzzled his boyfriend's neck, kissing along it as he moved his paw faster. He let his fingers tease just below Nathan's swollen knot, making the Australian Cattle Dog tense and whine. The German Shepherd let out a murr as Nathan squirmed underneath him. He squeezed just behind Nathan's swollen knot, ending the teasing and making the Cattle Dog's hips arch as he came with a low whine. Travis chuckled and pulled his hand back, licking off the cum that covered it.
"Don't worry about it," Travis let himself drape over Nathan, "I could tell you needed it."
Nathan chuckled and relaxed, closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh. Travis looked over his mate and smiled.
"I love you Nathan," Travis licked his boyfriend's cheek, "So much."
The Cattle Dog smiled in return and met the German Shepherd's gaze.
"I love you too Travis," Nathan reciprocated the lick, "Now hold me awhile before I go and get dinner started."
Travis nuzzled up to the Cattle Dog and held him close to his chest. It had been way too long since he had been close to another Fur like this.
"Please tell me were not having soup again?" Travis asked with a raised eyebrow, "We can have steaks tonight right?"
Nathan frowned and shook his head. As much as Travis hated to admit it, his forced diet did take away the the dull ache in his jaw. He had never put much stock into what doctors told him to do, but since Nathan did, he guessed he had to now.
"Well, because you're so good to me," The Cattle Dog smirked, "I'll cut some up nice and small and throw it in the soup tonight. We aren't bringing these signs to the Crimson Plaza till early morning right?"
Travis nodded. His plan was for the two of them to leave his apartment just after one in the morning, load the signs in his car, and deliver the signs to Lionel in the alley behind the bar. After that, he and Nathan would hurry back, pack the few things that remained in the apartment, and hopefully be out of the city by the time Lionel's protest started. From there, Travis wasn't sure what would happen. Nathan gave the older Dog another smooch.
"Are you worried about tonight?" Nathan asked, "We got this under control. Trust me. If you're handling it then we're going to get out clean."
"I hope so," Travis sighed and nuzzled his mate, "I just want this to be over."
"It will be soon," The Cattle Dog replied, "Then the world is our oyster."
Travis chuckled.
"Just so long as that oyster is far away from here," Travis smirked, "And warm. I think I'd like to get away from winter for a while."
"Warm is fine with me," Nathan replied, "Just so long as we can drive to the snow if I feel the need to play around in it."
"Oh you like snow huh," the German Shepherd chuckled, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
Travis let out a quiet groan as the phone started to ring. Nathan held onto his shoulders and gave the German Shepherd a quick nod. It was no surprise that the Cattle Dog was used to his men leaving in a hurry. The ex-cop quickly jerked his hips back and with a low moan, making the Nathan pant and moan as the German Shepherd popped his deflating knot free from the Cattle Dog's tight rump. Travis strolled over to the phone and picked up the handset.
"Hello?" Travis asked, "Oh hello August."
Nathan sat up and pulled his pants back on. His white fur was just starting to show on his slim torso and belly. Soon the Cattle Dog would be his original fur color. Travis preferred him that way.
"Hello to you Travis," The Fox replied, "Nathan there?"
Travis rolled his eyes and fingered for the Cattle Dog to come over. Nathan reciprocated the eye roll and hurried to the German Shepherd's side. In spite of himself, Travis's tail started to wag at the thought that this would be the last time he'd hear August's voice.
"Yeah," Travis shook his head, "I'll put him on."
The German Shepherd pulled the phone away from his ear, waited a few seconds, and handed the phone to his lover. Nathan smiled put his free paw in his pocket.
"Hey you," Nathan said with a giggle, "You want to meet up tonight?"
Travis sighed and walked into the kitchen. He reached up and pulled his bottle of bourbon off of the top of the fridge. The German Shepherd kept his back to Nathan as he poured, he wanted to both ignore the conversation and hide the fact that he was drinking. After all, bourbon wasn't soup. This day had proven to be stressful already, and Travis needed something to take the edge off.
"You have to work tonight?" Nathan asked, "Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I've been itching for your touch baby."
Travis downed the glass and poured himself another one. He knew it was an act, but it still really bothered him. He wasn't the jealous type. After all, being involved with a guy like Victor meant you had to be thick skinned. Listening to Nathan talk to a guy like August in that way though, just made the German Shepherd's skin crawl.
"Alright," Nathan giggled and blew the Fox a kiss, "Tomorrow evening then. I'll be wearing those shorts you like, you know, the tight black ones."
Nathan hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen. Travis threw back the glass and thrust it into the sink. He turned on the water, trying to mask the scent of whiskey before Nathan got within sniffing distance.
"Come on hon," Nathan walked up behind the nude German Shepherd and wrapped his arms around his waist, "I don't mind if you drink a little."
The German Shepherd blushed and lifted his tail. He normally wasn't interested in bottoming, but something about Nathan's hips pressing into his rump just felt right.
"Any chance we can just warm up a can?" Travis looked back at his lover, "I'm not sure I'll be able to eat too much, and I don't want to leave this place with a lot of leftovers."
Nathan picked up on the subtle change in Travis's body language and smirked. He ground forward, making the German Shepherd moan and spread his legs.
"Hmm, I didn't know you could make that noise baby," The younger Dog chuckled, "And sure. I think there's still a can of chicken and rice soup in the pantry."
Travis turned around and blushed as Nathan put his paws on the counter on either side of the German Shepherd's hips. The Cattle Dog stood up on tip-toe and kissed Travis on the lips, softly.
"Don't think this means you're in charge now," Travis chuckled and put his paw on Nathan's lower back, "Even if I decide to let you run things in the bedroom."
Nathan gave the German Shepherd another quick peck on the lips.
"I think that cute little moan of yours says different," Nathan replied, "And besides, I thought I already was in charge."
Travis murred and pulled the younger Dog into a much more passionate kiss. Nathan's paw moved up to the German Shepherd's chest and held on to the short fur there. The pair moaned and panted against each other as the made out and ground against each other. It came to an end when Nathan pulled back with a blush.
"Why don't you clean up those signs and get them ready to go?" Nathan panted, "I should get dinner started. I want make sure the packing is done tonight."
Travis shrugged and stepped back.
"Why?" He asked as Nathan grabbed a clean saucepan out of the cupboard, "We'll have plenty of time tomorrow."
"I just have a feeling," The Cattle Dog replied, "You don't have to help if you don't want. I just think I'll be a little less stressed about tonight."
The German Shepherd nodded and turned his attention to the signs on the living room floor. There were two dozen signs strewn about, but most of the mess came from the half-full cans of paint and soiled brushes. Travis walked over to his clothes and let out a sigh, they were streaked with paint. He gathered up the signs and moved them in front of the door. They had dried, which meant that he and Nathan could wrap them up and conceal them with no problems.
The carpet, surprisingly, was unscathed. The large tarp Nathan had insisted on buying did its job. Travis moved the cans of paint into the kitchen and put them into a garbage bag. All of the materials needed to make these signs needed to be disposed of, far from here. Travis and Nathan needed all the help they could get in making a clean getaway. They couldn't leave any trace.
Travis looked over his shoulder as he finished cleaning up the living room. Nathan was whistling to himself and stirring up the steaming pan of soup. It smelled way better than Travis ever knew that soup from a can could smell. Nathan always knew how to spruce up a meal, probably from years of experience.
"You ready to eat hon?" Nathan asked, "This is just about ready."
The German Shepherd folded up the used brushes in the tarp and moved it to the side of the living room. He walked over to his kitchen island and sat down. Nathan walked over with two steaming bowls and shot the Dog a smile.
"What happened to your clothes handsome?" Nathan chuckled and slid the German Shepherd's bowl over to him, "Not that I'm complaining."
"I must have rolled into some paint when we were getting frisky," Travis chuckled and stirred his spoon idly in his soup, "Didn't really want to dirty any more clothes."
Travis blew on his steaming spoonful of soup and put it into his muzzle. It was perfect. Nathan picked up on the Dog's satisfied expression and shook his head.
"It's just canned soup with a few things thrown into it," Nathan chuckled and kissed the older Dog on the cheek, "You don't have to try and spare my feelings hon."
The German Shepherd shot the younger Dog a smile and kept eating. He had skipped lunch in order to finish up the signs and hadn't noticed how hungry he was until the warm and savory broth touched his lips. It didn't take long for the soup to disappear and his spoon to clang against the empty dish. Nathan sighed and kept eating slowly. He must have needed the silent distraction that only a good meal could provide.
"So you didn't tell me you liked to top," Travis chuckled, "You know I really don't mind switching things up every now and then."
Nathan sputtered on his soup and blushed hard. Travis's distraction must have worked.
"I mean, I don't know," The Cattle Dog idly played with his spoon, "I do like to from time to time, but..."
"But what?" Travis smirked, "There's nothing stopping you."
"I just, well, I like you being in charge," Nathan looked down at his lap, "Maybe when things calm down we can switch things up. I just feel safe with you. You're so kind and caring, and you make me feel so good. That's what's stopping me."
Travis's smirk softened. He reached out and held Nathan's paw tightly.
"Well then," Travis began, "That gives me another thing to look forward to in our new home."
The German Shepherd lifted the younger Dog's paw to his lips and kissed it.
"I'll take care of the dishes," Travis said as he got up from the table, "There's no rush. I want to shower and get redressed. It's going to be a long night."
The German Shepherd put his dishes into the kitchen sink and headed into their bedroom. Over the course of the past two days, Nathan had found time to fold and pack all of their clothes. Travis grabbed his underclothes as well as the darkest clothes he could find, a black dress shirt and a pair of dark grey pants. He peeked out at Nathan before walking into the bathroom. The younger Dog sat at the island, staring out at the cupboards in front of him. Travis let out a sigh and set his clothes on the closed lid of the toilet.
"Just one more night," Travis said to himself, "Then we're all done."
On the surface, Travis was calm and collected. He knew he had to look it in order to convince Nathan that everything would be okay. Mentally, he was kicking himself for even thinking of agreeing to Lionel's request. He turned on the shower and stepped under the steaming hot water. The Dog closed his eyes and let the warmth take the sharp bite of his stress away. Slowly, the door to the bathroom creaked open.
"Hey," Nathan said softly, "Room for one more?"
Travis pulled back the curtain and looked out at Nathan. He had been crying.
"Go ahead," Travis replied, "And turn the lights out. Trust me, it'll help."
Nathan slowly nodded and did as he was told. The bathroom fell silent, except for the sound of pattering water and Nathan's clothes hitting the floor. The Cattle Dog walked forward slowly, his bare paws sliding on the tile floor. He found the shower and stepped in, putting his head into Travis's chest with no hesitation. The German Shepherd held his lover close and kissed the top of his head.
"I love you," Travis kissed his mate again, "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
Nathan responded with a soft whine. Travis held him tighter, gently rocking back and forth. He repeated those words, again and again, until the water ran cold.
June 28th, 1969
1 AM
Travis groaned and quickly quieted his alarm clock. It was time. Nathan still snored softly beside him. The German Shepherd paused, took in the sight, and gently shook the Cattle Dog awake.
"Come on Nathan," Travis began, "I need your help."
Travis knew that he needed to get the signs and get out of the apartment as quickly as possible. He couldn't take them all down to his car in one trip, which would mean that there would be more chances for him to be seen by a witness. Nathan stirred and fluttered his eyes.
"Okay hon," He slowly sat up, "Let's get dressed."
Travis got out of bed and put on the clothes he picked out earlier. Nathan followed suit, wearing a black tee-shirt and a pair of black jeans. They moved out into the dimly lit living room and gathered up the signs. Travis used his free paw to pick up the garbage bags full of paint and brushes and pushed the pair of them out the door. They took the back stairwell; it was less used and the exit was right in the darkest part of the alleyway.
Travis parked the car beside the back stairwell late last night. Nathan lifted up the trunk and loaded all of the signs on top of the cardboard boxes that were already loaded up while Travis ditched the garbage bag into a dumpster. It would be picked up at 6 this morning, well before Nathan and Travis needed to leave. Travis got in the driver's seat and started the car.
"We're good to go," Nathan said as he got in, "Let's get this done and get the hell out of here."
Travis turned on his headlights and backed out of the alleyway onto the street. It was a warm and pleasant night with few out on the streets to enjoy it. Travis breathed an audible sigh of relief and started driving towards the bar. It was going to be a quick drive to an alley a block away from the bar. From there, Nathan and Travis would follow the alley to the back of the Crimson Plaza, drop off the signs, and hustle back to the car to start packing. It was all going so well, until a police car turned onto the same street as the two lovers.
"Travis," Nathan whined, "That's a cop car."
"I know," Travis said through gritted teeth, "Eyes front, and don't make any strange movements. We're not doing anything illegal right now."
Nathan did as he was told and forced his gaze to stay forward. Travis white-knuckled the wheel.
"Don't even look at the mirror," Travis continued, "I'm going to drive them down the gayer streets and hope they find someone else to antagonize."
Travis stopped at a red light and put his turn signal on. There was no way he was going to that back alley for another hour at least. Nathan and Travis held their breath until the light changed. The cop car followed them for a couple more blocks, past the Crimson Plaza, and only turned off at the sight of a drunken street fight on one of the neighboring streets. Nathan finally let out a shaky sigh, and put his head in his paws.
"Jesus fucking Christ," He muttered to himself, "That could have been bad."
"Yeah," Travis replied, "It could have been. But it wasn't."
Travis kept driving straight, trying to put as much distance between himself and the cop car as possible. Nathan pat him on the shoulder.
"Come on Travis," Nathan began, "Let's turn around and head to that alley. We've got plenty of space."
Travis shook his head.
"There's going to be at least one other squad car going to that fight," Travis replied, "I'm going to give it a good thirty minutes before we park there."
Travis drove a few more blocks and stopped at another red light. A crowd of drunken humans walked past on the sidewalks, singing loudly and having an all around good time. The German Shepherd turned left, starting his impromptu roundabout route to their destination. By the time the car pulled to a stop, it was 2 AM. Travis immediately turned off the headlights and turned off the engine. Nathan chuckled.
"Almost there," The Cattle Dog smirked, "Almost there baby."
Travis chuckled and leaned in to give the younger male a quick kiss. Nathan's excitement was contagious.
"Almost there," Travis chuckled, "Let's get this done."
Nathan opened up his door and opened up the trunk. Travis took a deep breath and followed suit, taking a large armload of signs and holding them against his chest. He covered up the letters as much as he could and looked down the alleyway. It was clear, with dumpsters to hide behind in case of traffic on the only road they had to cross. Travis was meticulous in his planning.
"Come on," Travis whispered as Nathan closed the trunk, "Follow my lead. Move when I move."
Travis ran forward, bending low and staying close to the wall of the building. He stopped behind the dumpster, leaving room for Nathan at his side. The German Shepherd poked his head up from behind his hiding place, and immediately brought it back down. The two police cars from earlier drove by, no doubt with the drunken brawlers in the backseat. Travis waited, poked his head up again, and scurried across the street with Nathan in tow. They were all clear.
It was a much less stressful affair to get to the back door of the Crimson Plaza. The only obstacle was a smartly dressed Wolf getting head from a Collie near the door. Travis walked past them, both of them totally ignoring him as the Wolf fucked the Collie's muzzle with rapid lewd slaps. The German Shepherd rapped on the door, nervously looking up at the light above it. The door slowly opened and Travis and Nathan hustled in. Reuben closed and locked it behind him, a smile on his face.
"There you guys are," the Doberman said with a smile, "You're late."
Travis looked up at the clock above the door, it was 2:20 AM. Travis handed Reuben the signs in his arms and hugged the Doberman tightly.
"We had to take the long way," Travis replied, "Is Lionel here?"
Reuben nodded and pointed towards the bar.
"He's expecting you," Reuben set the signs down by the door, "I'll take care of these."
Reuben hugged Nathan tightly and kissed him on the cheek. Travis moved forward ahead of his mate. There was no reason in prolonging their stay here, especially now that Travis didn't have the inside scoop on the cops' movements. The German Shepherd stepped out into the bar, and was immediately blasted with a sonic wave of rock and roll music. The band was made up of Furs that Travis had never seen before. They were good, raunchy, and played with a raw, almost feral energy. Judging by the riled up expressions on the Furs dancing wildly on the small dance floor, the crowd was picking up on the vibe.
Travis walked up to the bar and waved Lionel down. The Lion immediately dropped the beer he was pouring and ran up to Travis.
"I was starting to get worried," Lionel sighed, "DId you get here alright?"
"Yes," Travis began, "Me and Nathan are fine. What about you?"
Lionel chuckled and nodded.
"I'm nervous as all hell," Lionel replied, "But I think this is going to work wonders for our community."
"I hope you're right," Travis sighed, "This is starting tomorrow right?"
"Yes Travis," Lionel clapped the German Shepherd's shoulder, "You and Nathan are going to be just fine. Thank you so much for the help. Why don't you stay for one last drink? On the house?"
Lionel had a point. All of the incriminating materials were out of Travis's car and hidden safely in the back office. The German Shepherd sighed and nodded. A free drink sounded like just what the old Dog needed. Lionel shot the Dog a smile and poured him a double shot of top shelf bourbon.
"Wow," Travis brought the the glass to his nose and sniffed the strong booze, "You waited till now to spoil me with the good stuff?"
Lionel shot the Dog a wink and went back to serving the rest of the Furs sitting at the bar. Travis chuckled and took a sip. It was damn good bourbon, smokey, sweet, and smooth. The German Shepherd closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. He was happy he did this before running home. Nathan came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Really?" Nathan scoffed, "You're drinking now?"
Travis shrugged and gave the Cattle Dog a quick smooch.
"Lionel offered," Travis replied, "You should have one too. I'm sure he wants to say goodbye to you."
The German Shepherd reached over and pulled a stool out for his boyfriend. Nathan shook his head and sat down on the stool. Lionel perked up as soon as Nathan sat down and hustled over. Travis raised an eyebrow and watched the Lion closely. They must have been better friends than Travis knew about.
"Nathan," Lionel smiled, "Here for one last drink as well?"
"I suppose I don't have a choice," Nathan chuckled, "I'll just have a vodka and tonic please."
Lionel quickly made the drink and slid it over to the Cattle Dog. Travis wrinkled his nose. He hated the smell of tonic water.
"God we're going to miss you," Lionel began, "Both of you."
Travis took a sip of his whiskey and nodded.
"We'll miss you too Lionel," Travis squeezed Nathan's free paw, "But this is the right thing for us. Besides, Nathan doesn't want to have to dye his fur forever."
"Oh we all understand," The Lion replied, "Your story is gonna be a big part of this. It's been passed all around the bar."
Nathan and Travis's eyes both went wide.
"Don't worry," Lionel put up his paws, "There haven't been any cops in here since the raid. August knows better than to show his face around here."
Travis exhaled and drank the rest of his whiskey. If the situation were different, the German Shepherd might have been flattered. With the protest coming up, the last thing Travis wanted was the story of how he let a cop killer escape on the minds of the cops who would surely be out looking for him. Nathan sat still and sipped his drink.
"We'll be far away by the time anyone like him hears it," Nathan replied, "Any reason why it's so popular?"
Lionel scoffed.
"Because no one's ever heard anything like it before!" Lionel chuckled, "Who ever thought that a cop would fall in love with another guy and turn his back on the force? Who ever thought someone like us would stand up against the cops like that?"
Lionel leaned forward on his paws and smiled.
"Not me," The Lion continued, "Not in a million years."
Travis leaned over and kissed Nathan on the cheek. He do everything the exact same way it happened. Nathan was worth every bit of pain and stress. The Cattle Dog blushed and reciprocated the kiss before finishing his drink.
"You ready to go?" Nathan asked, "I want to get those clothes in the car and bug out of here."
Lionel hopped over the bar and gave Travis and Nathan each a long hug. The Lion pulled away from the Cattle Dog and wiped a tear from his eyes.
"I wish all the best for you," Lionel began, "Maybe you'll be able to come and visit some day."
Travis chuckled. He hoped so too, but he doubted it. He was happy the band had commanded so much attention. The last thing he needed was extra attention.
"Hopefully," Travis put an arm around Nathan, "You stay safe Lionel."
Travis led Nathan to the back of the bar. Suddenly the front door shot open, and the music abruptly cut off. A bloodied Antelope panted for breath in the entrance, eyes blackened and clothes ripped.
"T-they," The Antelope breathed hard, "There's a riot at a bar over in Greenwich Village. I had to sprint the last couple of blocks, damn cops followed our car."
Shocked gasped shot through the room. Travis tried to pull Nathan along, but couldn't. The Cattle Dog dug his feet in.
"We need to go," Travis whispered harshly, "Right fucking now."
Reuben walked in from the back entryway.
"If they're rioting," Reuben began, "Then we should too. The supplies are here. Let's make some noise!"
People started to call out rallying cries. Nathan whined and led the way to the back door. They would have to speed home and get the hell out of New York before the cops could trace the signs back to them. Nathan flung open the door and immediately ducked back in. He locked it and put his back on the wall.
"What?" Travis ran to Nathan's side, "What?"
Nathan slid down the wall and put his head in his paws.
"Remember those guys in the alleyway?" Nathan asked, "I just saw them getting loaded into the back of a police car."
The Cattle Dog started to cry.
"What's worse," He continued, "August was there, and he fucking saw me."
"Fuck!" Travis shouted and hit the wall,hard enough to dent the plaster, "Come on. We've gotta find a way out of here."
The German Shepherd picked the Cattle Dog up off the floor. Travis poked his head around the corner and looked out at the bar. Furs were flooding out onto the streets, leaving the signs abandoned in the back room. There was another back exit that Travis knew of. Lionel had pointed it out to him one night when Travis first told the Lion that he was a cop. The bartender knew that the German Shepherd might need a quick escape in case the cops ever raided. His foresight was impeccable.
"Open this door!" August shouted from outside, "I know you're back there."
Nathan whined and started to rock back and forth.
"You take those faggots back to the station," August shouted at his partner, "I'll check this out."
Travis roughly grabbed Nathan's arm and hauled him into the office. He closed the door behind them just as the back door splintered under August's boot. Travis locked it and caught his breath. His mind raced as he thought of a way out of this situation. It didn't take long for him to realize the truth. There was no escape.