I'll Call You

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#64 of Commissions

Story for an Anonymous person starring a dragoness who might have bitten off more than she could chew.

Would this week never end? Mark breathed out a sigh as he stared at the coffee pot with bleary eyes. "Why is it that no one can refill this when it's empty?" came the growled question from the dragon. Tail snapping behind him as he let his agitation show. It cracked off a table with a snap, making him jump then curse under his breath. To say that it had been a long week would have been a grand understatement. If it wasn't one thing then it was another.

"Boy, something has a bug up your rump." The darker red dragon turned to glower at one of his coworkers. Sammy, the always too chipper hippogryph, lumbered into the room. "Don't tell me that behind the scenes stardom is getting to you finally." Ear tufts perked and a frown creased his features, "Coffee's out?" he posed the question even as he reached for the cabinets.

Mark growled low in his throat, "Cleaners are gone. They would've dumped the pots without thinking. I swear, one day they barely get the trash and the next this place looks like it's been swept by mafia cleaners." He looked at his coworker, "And site services won't be out till Monday."

The hippogryph nearly sobbed, "No cawfee? But what are we going to do? We can't live without the blessed brew!" Hoof stomped on the ground as he struck a pose and heaved an overly dramatic sigh. "Oh wait... I'm almost done, I can just go home and get me some actual sleep. Just remote in tomorrow morning and wrap things up." Turning, he flashed a grin at the dragon as he leaned back against the counter. "What about you? Almost got things squared away?" All it took was a look at the dragon's face to tell him everything he needed to know. "Don't tell me there were more changes." A slow nod, "That's been something new every day hasn't it? What is that madman up to? Monday it was issues with the composer not getting his vision. Then costume nearly walked out Tuesday because there was no budget or consistency."

"They did walk out Wednesday." Mark slumped against the wall with a heavy sigh, "Took all fucking day of talking with that madman to get them back. That is when he finally showed up at the crack of noon with cries of," face twisted to a slight frown as he tried to mimic the implacable accent, "They wan to leave? Fine, let them, we don't need 'ehm. They betray me!" A heavy sigh rang from him, "His blonde fuck buddy came around and said that they want more extras by morning."

Beak clicked with a thoughtful hum, "I'm honestly surprised you keep going with it. Hell, I'm fucking astounded that the old man hasn't kicked them off the lot yet!"

Mark heaved out a laugh, "Have you seen the cash he's throwing at the old man? I got a look at accounting and he's dropping some figures that'd make your eyes bug out." Head shook slowly, "Still though, there is only so far he can push."

Sammy nodded and crossed arms over his chest as he looked over the dragon. They were both built along similar lines, tall, handsome, he had a bit more bulk on his frame than Mark did, but that's cause he was just a tad larger overall. Although Mark tended to be a bit better dressed and groomed, easier without feathers and the like Now though? It looked like the dragon was quickly reaching the end of his rope and the lack of the bean goddess was going to be what pushed him there. "So how many more interviews tonight?"

Head shook slowly, "Got one more coming in. I don't know why he doesn't just grab extras like a sane person. No, he's got to have someone that feels right."

Large hand clapped down on his shoulder with enough force to buckle his knees, "Tell you what. Gonna run down and get us some coffee and something to eat. You get that last interview in and then we can bitch and gripe about Zombie-guy when you're done."

Mark sighed softly, "Bless you." Waving his hand before Sammy in the shape of a star, "In the name of the Film, the Star, and the holy Hoffman."

Eagle head bobbed, "Thank you, oh high priest of cinema. Now excuse this poor accountant while I fetch the offering!" Feathered wings flared slightly as he turned with a heavy stomp of his foot before clopping down the hallway.

Heaving a sigh, Mark leaned against the wall for a moment. Just relax with his eyes closed as he began to drift. He snapped awake as his phone began to buzz. Didn't bother opening his eyes, "Madderson."

The voice on the other side shook slightly, "Hello, Mr. Madderson? It's Sherian. I was told to show up for an interview but the front door is locked." Pushing off the wall, he started down the hall towards the front door. Breath puffed against the phone, "And all the lights are off. Not entirely sure I'm at the right place." Rounding a corner, he saw someone standing at the door and looking around. "Trying to see an address..."

He took a second to look over the girl. Looked to be early 20s. Lovely dragoness if he did say so himself. Silvery-white hair pulled back into a braid that rested between her shoulders. Security lights giving her gray hide a slight bluish tint to it. "You're at the right place. At least if you're the person I see." Shoving the door open, she jumped and turned to him. "Sherian I assume?"

"Yes, Sir..." she stopped and hung up the phone with a sheepish smile, "Sorry. Just a little nervous is all. Hadn't ever done an interview at night." She glanced at the hallway, "Or in an empty building with no one else around."

Stepping aside, he held the door open for her. "Believe me, it's not our usual method either." He could see the question in her eyes, "It's not for a porno either." A quiet sigh sounded from the dragon, "The director is just very eccentric and is looking for some very particular types to be in his movie." He did not want to say that this was all for a role as an extra. "Pay is above standard, but that's because he is putting a few odd demands on the cast and crew." He'd been pretty firm on making sure that everyone was getting some good pay to offset that crazy fucker. Not that he'd tell her that. Didn't want to run her off.

The girl hesitated a moment before stepping in. "What type of movie is it, if you don't mind me asking?" Tilting her head towards him, she let her ears pin back just a bit.

Mark started down the hall with her falling into step beside him, "It's a drama about love and betrayal," he thinks. Not that anyone saw the script but he'd heard that guy ramble about it a thousand times. "Very indie, I'm certain it'll be a hit." To someone at least. "They were on their way out this afternoon and said they needed a few people tomorrow around noon."

He could hear the suspicion in her voice, "Just a little different to have an interview this late. Not that I'm complaining at all, Sir. Just..."

"Not what you're used to?" There was nothing he could do but laugh about that, "The director is foreign." As if that would explain everything.

It didn't ease Sherian's nerves that much. Well, she was less nervous about the circumstances surrounding her being here this late now at least. Wouldn't stop her from having nerves about the whole thing though. It wasn't a major Hollywood motion picture or anything but it was still a movie! She was going to be interviewed for a role in an actual movie! How awesome was that?

Down the hall and up some stairs, "My office," he offered as he strode up to a door and opened it. Sherian stole a glance around the building. They were on a kind of balcony with a line of windows and doors sectioning the space off into offices. She spied a glow down the walkway, which put her at east. Someone else was at their office it seemed. Breathing a silent sigh of relief she stepped into the office. Breath puffed against her head as she stepped past the male as he held the door open, "Nice perfume you're wearing." He rumbled as he stepped behind her and waved a hand, "Have a seat." Another sniff as he stepped around her. It was a nice perfume, light and flowery, citrus notes to it, but something else underneath.

She glanced at the plush looking leather couch and the chair in front of the desk. Cheeks flushed as she stared at the couch a little too long, "Thank you," came the hurried response. "Always thought it smelled nice myself." Did she put on too much? Not enough? He hadn't commented on it being a cloud around her but she'd barely had time to get back to her place to clean up after her shift. Just a quick scrub and spritz with perfume to cover up any lingering aromas. Cheeks flushed as she glanced towards the red male as he slid behind his desk. Could he smell it?

God he needed coffee. Took all he had to not just slump into the chair and tell her she had this role. Much as he wanted to just slack off he did have a reputation to uphold. "So just need you to give this a quick read," he passed over a sample script, "and show me what you've got."

Taking the script, she read over it quickly and angled her head. "These lines are a little..." Muzzle wrinkled, had this been through a proof reader?

A hand waved, "It's a challenge," he brushed it off. Challenge was a very simple description of this script. "See what range you can work at." Leaning back, he linked his fingers and let his chin rest on them as he watched. She read over the lines a few times before getting up and starting to move around the room. Much as he would've loved to actually judge how she was working, his brain was winding down. It was all just fading away into white noise.

Tail thumped against the floor lightly as he watched her strut and stroll back and forth. Hand waving as she read the line to some imaginary partner. Eyes narrowing a bit as her tail swayed and she put more and more of herself into it.

Oh fuck it was horrible! She kept stealing glances at the guy and he looked like he was about to fall asleep. Was it the script? No, this is what he gave her so it had to be right. Was it her acting? She'd been getting good marks in acting classes, but they were always added in with notes about how she could improve. She'd been working so hard at everything! No matter what she had to nail this role!

Mark's head rolled as his phone chimed at him. That was a noise that could rouse him from even the deepest slumber. She stopped as he grabbed at it, "You're doing fine, just start at the top. Just gotta check this message." Nodding, she started at the beginning as he looked over his phone. Took all his willpower to keep from cursing and throwing his phone across the room, although it was a near thing.

The text simply read, "Don't need any extras. Changed his mind and we've got what we need." Lips twitched into a frown as he tried to hold that mask in place. Rubbing his eyes, he began to count to ten.

"Is something wrong?" Fingers moved and he looked at the dragoness. She was staring at him with this look of need and pure want in her eyes. "I...I can start over if that's what you want? Put more energy into it? Do you want me to go in a different direction than how this read?"

Mark rubbed his eyes with a sigh, "No, it's not you." Phone was wiggled towards her, "The director has decided to change what he's looking for." He breathed out a sigh as he let out a quiet growl, "I'm sorry to waste your time like this." And waste so much of my time.

"Can you call him up? See if he's looking for something, anything? Please!" There was that desperation again. The tone he'd heard a thousand times from a thousand different girls. Couldn't count the times he'd had to turn down some rather incredible offers. He heard her move a bit closer, not quite getting right next to his chair, but pretty close. "Please," there was a quiet whine to her voice, "I've been here six months and haven't..." Oh six months? Poor baby.

He took a deep breath, ready to lay out the harsh truth for the girl.

Then another deep breath. What was this? He looked over his hand at her and saw the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Her clothes were still on, which was a step above some girls, but he smelled something. An aroma that made his sheath twitch and swell. Was she in heat? Sure smelled like it. There were perfumes out there to mimic it, but they all smelled a little off. Anywhere else and any other time he wouldn't have noticed. During the day with so many people and the HVAC running? Would've never gotten more than a hint of it. With them alone... Should he? Could he?

Why the fuck not?

"Hey," he put on his best sympathetic voice as he stood up, "I know it's rough out here." Taking her hand, he gently guided her over to the couch and sat down. The dragoness biting her lip to hold back her frustrated tears as she sat. "All these people raising your hopes and dashing them. Pouring out your whole self for them time and time again only to get a broken promise to call." He slid his hand over her back, he let his fingers trace her spine. She sank against him slowly, just laying her cheek against his chest as he offered her some comfort. Leaning in, he took a whiff and there was no mistaking it.

Sherian sniffed softly, "Sorry, it's just been a lot of no calls and... had a really long day." Wiping her eyes, she leaned against the male dragon's broad chest with a quiet sigh. It was nice to have someone treat her like this after a day of people demanding everything from her, not showing up to cover their shifts, and...

Eyes snapped open as his hand swept over her rear. Her jaws snapped shut in surprise as his broad hand ran over her tail base and hip. What was he doing... Oh... Oh no. With everything that had been going on she'd almost forgotten about her heat. Now with her all worked up from the reading and stress, having her cheek pressed to a male's strong chest, and a male dragon at that?

A quiet, growling purr rolled up his chest. Fingers dancing over her hips and upwards along her side. All it took was a second before he was brushing over her belly. Shirt slipping as he moved his hand higher. "I know how it is, believe me. I've probably put in close to seventy hours this week. Had to keep track of it honestly." A heavy sigh lifted from the male as his hand moved higher, keeping his eye on her. "I've barely had time to get a cup of coffee. Much less get home and unwind at all."

Sherian's eyes shot wide as his hand swept under her bra and began to rub her breast. The dragoness squeaked and jerked away, covering her chest, "What are you doing?"

Leaning back a little, he kept his arm on the back of the couch and lifted a brow slightly. "Pardon me, thought we were getting cozy there and sharing out woes." He shook his head with a soft chuckle, "I wasn't planning on going beyond that, not in today's atmosphere. But what's a little touching among friends." He smiled at her, "And we are friends, aren't we?" She started to snarl a response, but he held up a hand. "It's simple. You don't want to work for that guy anyway. To get work you need a few connections here. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with. Some heavy petting for sure, nothing beyond that." Looking towards his desk, he clicked his tongue, "Do have a lot of jobs coming up..."

There was a large stack of papers on his desk. Where they all looking for someone? Could she afford to piss him off regardless? "Okay, just heavy petting." She huffed as she slipped against him again. IT made her skin crawl as his arm wrapped around her again. Warmth flared as his hand went right back under her top, rubbing her breast.

A quiet moan came from the dragoness as she nosed into his neck, rubbing over his chest slowly. He wasn't satisfied with rubbing under her shirt though. Peeling it off and tossing it aside. His chest shaking with rumbling purrs as he reached down to rub her breasts. "Mmmm, been a while since I've had my hands on a real pair." A shiver raced through her as his fingers found her nipples, pinching and rolling. Making the pink teats quickly rise to peaks. "Come here," he rumbled at her.

Cheeks flushed as the male pulled her onto his lap. Strong hands drawing her back to his chest. A quiet gasp came from the dragoness as both hands fell on her breasts. Teeth brushing her neck as he growled, "Mmm, feels nice doesn't it?" It did, but she wasn't going to tell him that. Just huffing as she arched against him, wrapping arms around his neck.

He didn't stop at her breasts. She was rocking against him slowly, breathes coming heavier, as his hands rubbed and massaged her supple breasts. Great as they felt, the dragon soon grew bored with them. Hand trailing down her bared belly. She barely registered that he was opening her pants before his hand was in them. Forcing its way between panties and slit, fingers brushing over her pussy lips. "H-hey!" She started.

Teeth brushed her neck with a growl, "Shh, just some harmless petting, remember?" Body arched against hers as he shifted. Her cheeks almost glowing red as she felt a hard warmth against her backside. Tongue played over her neck followed by a slow bite. "Just a pair of friends messing around after hours." His fingers brushed over her flushed slit, "Right?"

His touch was like electricity, each brush making her jump and bite her lips. Cheeks flushed as she squirmed, "Y-yeah," came the huff as she squirmed. Not even really thinking about it as her pants began to slip lower. "J-just a pa-pair of friends..." The hand on her breast moved down her side, nails scraping over her flesh and drawing a hiss from the dragoness. She lost track of it as his fingers pushed into her needy depths. Making the dragoness arch with a gasp, eyes rolling back in her head as he spread her.

Mark growled quietly as he undid his pants and pushed them down enough to expose his aching cock. A sigh of relief slipped out as his straining erection pressed against smooth scales, freed from its prison. Smiling, he ran his tongue over her neck and arched against the female, pressing his bared length against her backside. Arm wrapping around her again to grab her breast. Fingers pumping at her pussy, savoring how her muscles were grabbing at him. She was starting to squirm and mewl at him, hips jerking against his invading digits. He turned his head and bit at her neck with a soft growl, drawing a gasp from her.

Snaking his tail up, he pushed her pants down. Her squirming only helping the act as they slipped further and further down until they were on the ground. Leaving the dragoness naked in his lap. A quiet growl rolled up his throat, "What a sexy girl." He planted a kiss on her neck, followed by a bite and a lower growl, "Certainly keep you in mind for future tasks." Moving slowly, he drew her higher against him as he slumped on the couch.

The pair were writhing on the couch. Sherian squirming against the larger male as cheeks flushed. Her arousal was growing with each passing moment. Heated pussy squelching around his fingers as they pounded her depths. She wasn't given a moment to rest or think. That primal need clouding her mind as he toyed with her. She was dimly aware of her shoes coming off, then pants, and she was distantly aware of something pressing to her back. Then between her thighs. It was all a haze though. Quiet whimpers and hisses coming from the dragoness as his cock sprang up between her legs and rolled over her sopping slit.

A whimper came from the female as his fingers pulled back and spread her lips, easing the panties aside. Slipping over her scales a little before getting a good spread. His tail pushed his cock up and nudged the fat, pointed tip against her.. "W-wait," a quiet whine came from her.

"Shhh," he cut her off, "Just toying, not going to penetrate." Easing his cock between panties and flesh, he let his raging hot length glide across her pussy lips. "See?" His tongue bathed over her neck as he smiled with a purr. "Friends helping friends." Rolling his hips slowly, he let his length slip and slide over her pussy lips. Fingers easing in to guard each time his tip would threaten to press in.

Her cheeks were flushed hard, "O.. okay," came the huff as the dragoness squirmed against him. Lifting her head, she watched that large length as it pressed up and down. Rubbing against her pussy lips. Oh it felt so good against her. Chest was heaving with each pant as she watched the length strain her panties before peeking out the top and slinking back. He toes curled and flexed as they tried to find some purchase on something. One foot landing on a table as the other landed on the couch, leaving her legs spread as the male kept teasing her.

Eyes shut as she fell back against him with a quiet whimper. Squirming on his lap as she huffed. Reaching down, she let her fingers trace over his cock. Feeling the shape through her panties. The heavy shape of his crown, the ridges flaring under her touch, hot precum spilling against her scales. Burning her with that warmth. Her hips lifted against him with louder, groaning whines. Insides trembling against his fingers as he kept teasing her. "Big," she whispered with a moan, insides trembling with need.

His fingers spread slightly as she rocked. The male's roll meeting hers just right. Pointed tip hooking at her privates and slipping in.

She gasped and jerked, but his hand wrapped around her middle and held on tight so she didn't squirm away. "Just the tip," he groaned. Teeth brushing over her neck as his cock slipped deeper. "Just the tip for now, let me feel it." Eyes rolled back in her head as she huffed at him, trembling within the male's grip. A slight nod made him start rocking again. Flared tip popping a bit as he worked in and out of her. The dragons sharing a groan as her heat soaked into his crown.

The 'just the tip' didn't last too long. Mark's body rocked against hers, his tip easing deeper with each press. Spreading the dragoness' tight body, making her lower belly bulge slightly with his thickness. She started to whimper, but rocked against him. "P-pull out when you're done?"

"Uh huh," he grunted at her, arms wrapping around her. He shifted on the couch, putting his weight behind it. She found herself flipped over, hands pressing to the couch's armrest. Body slamming off her backside. His thrusts drove a gasp from the female, insides shaking around him. Grabbing the armrest, she whimpered and gasped, body jerking against him without thinking. This was fine. Just as long as he pulled out this was fine. Sure she was in heat, but it felt so good. Oh fuck, she hadn't had anything like this in a long time. Body shaking against him as he picked up the pace. Rocking her with each thrust.

Her tail arched and curled around him as she buried her whimpering gasps into her arms. Rear aching with the male's hard thrusts. Rocking back against him with louder and louder moans. She huffed at him and closed her eyes fully, shivering. Oh it felt so good! The way his cock pounded her, ridges scraping her walls in a way no toy could. It took no time before she felt her gut tightening. Hips rocking up and back against his with needy moans. Cries lifting into a call as she peaked around the male.

"Oh fuck!"

Raw heat shot against her insides. Grip tightening on her hips to keep her there as his body rocked hers with shallow bucks. Each one met with a pulse and another shot of warmth against her depths.

Looking back, she stared at him with wide eyes. The red dragon hunched over her, panting heavily as he rocked against her. He was pressed tight enough that she could feel his heavy balls thumping with each spray of his seed. "W..wha?" she started, staring at him with an open maw.

"What indeed! I leave to get coffee and this is what I come back to?" Her head snapped around, coming face-to-crotch with a male. Craning her head up, she saw a large hippogryph standing over her, smirking at the dragon with shining eyes. "I brought you something, got anything for me there, buddy?" This close to his groin, Sherian couldn't help but get a whiff of the male's strong scent.

Mark huffed as he pulled out of her, holding tight to her tail to keep it lifted. He smirked and let out a low hum, "I think there's still plenty here." Tongue rolled over his lips as cum drooled from her pussy lips.

"Sweet," the male purred, plunking his treats onto the desk before starting to loosen his pants. He was big, every bit as tall as the male dragon, but wider. Broad chest exposed as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. Her eyes going wide as his pants dropped, revealing his jockey strap.

Sherian sat up and looked for her clothes quickly, "H-hang on. I didn't agree to any of this," Her cheeks flushed as she tried to avoid looking at the hippogryph, "I didn't even agree to you cumming in me!" She turned towards Mark with a low growl, standing up from the couch. Her tail lashed behind her as she crossed her arms.

Mark was busy checking the bag, "Pastry's cold." He huffed as he dropped to his chair and grabbed the coffee, "And we agreed that if you didn't want it, you could've just said no. What's a little accident between friends?"

Sammy chuckled, "Bitch bitch bitch, can you believe this guy? Go out of my way to get him something good." Grabbing Sherian by the tail, he hauled her back to the couch.

The dragoness squealing at him. Hands coming up to try and fight the larger male off. He was having none of it though, grabbing her wrists and forcing them over her head as he drove her down with his bulk. Body shoved her into the couch, "Had to go and get them to brew up a fresh pot, drag out what pastries they've got left, all while he's got a hot bit of fun like you waiting around his office?" He grunted as his jockstrap came down, heavy cock slamming down on her belly. "A little ungrateful don't you think?"

Her eyes shot wide as she got a glimpse of his cock as he lifted to line himself up. He was both longer and thicker than the dragon had been. Fat tip throbbing with need as it was shoved against her. "He-hey, this is rape, you can't do this!"

Their laughter made her body chill. "Rape?" Mark purred as he brought his feet up to the desk. "You said you'd do anything to get a role, and then agreed to strip on my couch."

Beak nipped her nose as the male rocked against her, "And now you're here under me, soaking wet and legs spread, just waiting for..." He grunted as he drove in, driving a scream from the dragoness as he spread her with his girth. Planting hooves on the floor, he drove in, spreading her wider. "Another round?" Drawing back, his fat tip scraped her insides with a slurp before being slammed deeper. "Oh this is fucking fantastic, where'd you find her? In heat and eager!" Sammy groaned as he buried himself in her, fat nuts slapping off the base of her tail. Driving her into the couch, rocking the entire thing with his hard thrusts.

Mark sipped his coffee slowly, although he didn't really need it as he looked over the dragoness. The sound of her gasps matched with the savage grunts from the hippogryph. "Don't worry, I'll keep up my end of the bargain though." He licked his lips slowly and took a deep whiff, savoring the smell of heat as it mixed with musk in the air. "I've got plenty of opportunities waiting for you, Sweetheart."

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