Chapter I: Seed

Story by Seres North on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dragon & The Lady

A day in the lives of a dragon named Balthazar and his human lover Annette, the first look at their relationship.

Original Version: Oct 18, 2006

Edit (4-16-11): I fixed a format problems with this early chapter. This was the first thing I ever posted on the site, so it's pretty primitive looking by comparison to the later stuff. I plan on updating the other chapters as well in the near future. The changes won't be all that drastic, just pollishing and cleaning up certain parts.


Chapter I: "Seed"

Annette kneeled down by the side of the river. With the sun overhead, she could see her reflection in the water. He long golden locks hung down around her face and down her back. The sunlight reflected faintly in her blue eyes as she smiled.

She finished filling an Earthenware bucket with water and stood back up. She was dressed in a simple garment, made from a single piece of material, that clung to her curvy figure, accenting her round bottom and concealing her full round breast behind the layer of fabric.

She turned around and made her way into the nearby cave. She was barefoot, but it didn't bother her. The rock floor had been smoothed out a long time ago.

A little ways in, the cave became illuminated by torches- kept continuously burning by the magical influence of the owner of the cave- her master. She made her way into a large central chamber and set the bucket down.

The area had various bits of furniture, such as a table and a grandfather clock, as well as various magical items and chests. There were some barrels in the chamber as well, some filled with wine and others with grains and other food. There was a fire pit in the center of the room.

This was where Annette cooked the meals, mostly for herself. Her master usually ate while he was out and didn't bother with the normal conventions of cooking.

There were also several openings, each leading off into other chambers. The largest opening led to the personal quarters of her master. There were other living quarters in the lair, but she'd shared the room with her master for some time now.

There several other areas as well, many of them featuring some interesting curiosity. One of the rooms had a large pool in it, fed by a small waterfall within the lair.

She could move about as she pleased, and come and go at her discretion. Annette had no intention of running away, and her master knew that she would always come back to the den. Because of this trust, he'd forgone using some sort of magical restraint on her, such as a collar.

She suddenly heard a swooping noise echoing around her, which meant that her master had returned to the lair- entering his room trough the large opening in the ceiling. She smiled to herself and blushed faintly, thinking about what they were going to do tonight.

After all, Dragons tended to become bored rather quickly and needed plenty of stimulation to fill their leisure time. And so, this was where Annette came in...

She smiled at the sight of the large red dragon slinking into the expansive chamber. She turned to him and smiled. His lizard-like features returning the gesture.

"Hello, Master Balthazar." She chirped sweetly to him, standing up.

The red dragon smiled again. "Hello, my pretty one." He replied, resting on his side. "Did your day go well?" He asked her in his deep rumbling voice.

The tone sent a thrill through her body and she nodded. "Yes, Master." She replied, rubbing her thighs together gently as she stood before him.

"Annette, you may take off your clothing now, if you like." Balthazar informed her casually with a smile.

The young woman blushed and nodded eagerly. She reached around her back and undid the knot holding her dress up. She easily slid out of it.

She was now nude, and her full round breasts were loose, making the rosy pink nipples visible as well. Her slit was also in view, covered by a layer of soft blond hair, matching the rest.

An expression passed over Balthazar's face as he took in her figure. Her hands were now resting on her hips and she was blushing nervously. He smiled to himself.

Annette fidgeted. She then crossed her arms and looked a little off to the side. She took on a mock pouting tone. "Please, Balthazar, have I done something to upset you?" She asked in a slow, sultry tone of voice. Her cute face was a mask of mock-indignation.

She felt something rise up her leg and nudge her forward. She quickly realized it was his tail, pulling her towards him.

She gasped and her face stained crimson with she felt the tip of his tail slip between her legs. "Oh Master!" She exclaimed as the tip teased the opening of her slit. She squirmed as it just slightly parted the folds of her vagina.

"Do you think I'm mad at you now?" He asked her deviously. He continued to caress her slit as he watcher her shake her head. She gasped again as he pulled the tip of his tail out of her.

Balthazar glanced at his tail, now slick with her juices. "Such a bad little wench you are." He remarked teasingly.

Annette fell against him and peered up at his face, her blue eyes meeting his dark red ones. She now had a pleading look in her eyes, but it also seemed to be mixed with want and arousal. "Hmm, let me make it up to you, my Master." She cooed as she ran her hands around his chest and stomach.

He smiled as her hands found his hardening member. She looked up at him, as if to ask permission. He nodded. "You know what to do." She nodded.

He rolled onto his back and watched as she crawled over and stopped between his legs. She rested her hands on his thighs and rubbed her cheek against his now erect cock. She enjoyed the warmth from it.

"Shall I make you cum?" She asked.

He nodded in reply and she got into a kneeling position and gripped his large member with both hands.

His cock was dark red, like the rest of him, but it was smooth and warm to the touch. Annette could see it glistening in the light as she held it. She traced the veins that ran up along it and stopped at the tip. She quickly darted her tongue out to touch the tip of his dragonhood.

She stroked him a few more times with her hands and then leaned down to press her lips against it. She slowly ran her tongue up the length and stopped to lick all around the head.

She stopped to brush her hair back and then slowly lowered her lips around the head of his cock, taking in as much as she could. Her warm breath on his dick, sent shivers through Balthazar as he watched- half lost in the erotic haze about them.

She continued stroking his hard length with her hands while she lapped at the head of his cock with her tongue. She took his member out, tasting pre-cum as she did so. She went back down and licked the trail of clear liquid from his now slick shaft.

The dragon looked at her as she sucked him, noting her cute little bottom sticking up, exposed to the cool air. He curled his tail around towards her.

Annette gasped as she felt the familiar feeling of his tail rubbing up against her wet slit. It then slipped in and began thrusting in and out of her. She trembled and struggled to keep up her pace with him as she began leaving a trail of kisses up his dick, till she came to the top.

Balthazar grinned to himself at the sight of the voluptuous woman bobbing up and down on his cock- her golden hair swaying slightly- while he skillfully pumped his tail into her dripping pussy.

Annette was almost gagging on his dick, taking as much as she could into her mouth. Her own hands were now slick with his pre-cum as she continued stroking him. She felt the tip of his tail going deeper and deeper into her most private parts.

Her hands continued to stroke the hard length as she licked and sucked on his cock, skillfully nursing his member.

"Annette!" He hissed, clawing the ground as he closed his eyes.

Suddenly, Balthazar roared in pleasure, flooding her mouth with his thick seed. She wasn't able to swallow all of it and had to pull back for air- only to have several more spurts of his semen splash onto her face and down on her breasts. She arched her back as he thrust into her one final time and her own juices soaked the dragon's tail.

She gasped and fell back, supported by his tail. Her large breasts heaving up and down as she took in ragged breaths of air. She smiled at him cutely, his seed covering her face and breasts.

He watched her with a satisfied expression as she reached up and wiped his cum off her breast and face and hungrily licked her fingers. She looked up at him. "Are you pleased?" She asked innocently.

Balthazar leaned forward and licked her face with his long tongue and smiled back at her. "Very much so, pretty one." He then looked her over. "Perhaps we should take a bath and get you cleaned up?"

(- End of Chapter I -)

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