The Roar Part 3 – by Tatsu Aikuchi. Original story concept by Armorine Eronine

Story by Tatsu Aikuchi on SoFurry

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Ok Ok Ok, so I'm drunk... port is awesome.

But here we have The Roar Part 3. Part 2 sucks the hairy testicles of aids infected donkeys. This time however I've brought back the dragon and the wolf from this first one. And no this isn't a prequel!

I hope this time round i've done something half decent, life has become so bussy all of a sudden, and my attention is all focused on stuff i wish it was'nt! If you know what i mean. Point being, little time to write.

So lemme know if this story pleases you. If not, tell me why!

I'll never learn otherwise!

It started to rain.

He cursed himself for not bringing an umbrella. The wet hyena stopped on the street in trickling rain and focused his eyes on a note on the wall.

"The Balkly road Mansion is in need of the following staff as soon as possible! Maid, waiter, cleaner and butler", read the note.

He had been looking for a job for some time now, but hadn't found anything that suited him. What luck! As of today he was a qualified butler! So said the slightly edited curriculum vitae. So this...this was perfect!

He looked to his left and noticed the mansion far out behind the gates, a long winding path weaved through the trees reached out to the door.

He pushed the intercom button, checking his appearance as he did, even though he was soaked wet, he'd do. The metallic box let out a 'bing bong', which was followed by a pause.

"Hello? Anything I can help you with?"

"Well that was formal" he said quietly to himself.

"What?" 'Oops, didn't think he'd hear that'

"I was hoping to apply for the butler position"

"Sorry dude that's been-" He stood in disbelieve, partly that this mansion dwelling person used the term dude, and partly because he had stopped dead sentence. "- Wait nope, that's just been reopened..... again, come on in" There was a moment of hesitation, something was very wrong with this scene, never the less, he hurried along the path.

He arrived at the main door almost out of breath. Knocking on the door wasn't really doing him any good, no one came to greet him after what felt like an eternity. The rain continually pored down, he felt the drips slither through his fur, down the neck. He was close to giving up, he leaned his forehead against the door and sighed. Suddenly his found himself scrambling forwards, the door gave away and he fell, he just managed to grab the edge of a table before he hit the ground. Using the table the exasperated hyena lifted himself from his knees, he felt a headache coming along, that had to be a record. As he peered down the oak wooden table he felt his gut twist in him, there at the end was vase, tall, thin, and sparkly. It rocked swiftly as it spun on its base. The peek slowly but surely leaning more one way or the other. The sound of its precious base against the varnished wood was like a screw gun in the ears as thoughts of pound signs spun in his mind. He moved forward, his jaw clenched in shock as he watched the delicate ornament hurtle toward its shatteringly expensive end.

"Congratulations! You have just passed your first and second test" a voice proclaimed......... SMASH!

It came from the darkness, a hallway was completely black, all lights off and all curtains closed.

"I'm so so sorry!" There was a sigh, then a laugh, it was then he saw a silhouette approach him and hold out a furry hand.

"I am Blister and I'm thinking I will be your new master very soon, you did just passed the third test after all" All the hyena could see was a set of pearly harp teeth grinning at him. 'This guy is crazy' "But tell me what is your name? And what are you?"

"I'm Rodger, I'm a hyena.." Rodger said slightly sheepishly.

"Brilliant, incredible, we haven't even started the interview yet and you've passed the first four tests! I am impressed" Rodger watched as the silhouette walked off. This short moment of disbelief vanished as he saw again the shattered vase.

"Mr Blister? What about the-" He sat pointing, not wanting to say the ex-objects name.

"Bah!" he wove his hand deismsivly in the air "I've got dozens, we'll break some more after the interview!"

"Can I ask?" he called "but what are you?" There was suddenly another chuckle. "What? Did I pass test five now?" He would normally be much more polite and well mannered when speaking with a potential employer, but this was just weird.

"Well I wonder how brilliantly you will complete test six, as for what I am" A light flicked on "I'm a wolf" He said with a slightly crazy smile, it was a smile that probably took up to much of his cheeks. "Please follow me to the dining room" he said in a commanding voice. He found all other lights turned off, the wolf switched on a light and so he switched them off as he went along, he found himself looking down a huge table, long and wooden, at the very end sat that wolf. He barely saw the hand gesture, but sat down at the other end. A few muffled sounds emitted from him.

"I cant hear you"

"I said!" the wolf now shouted now "You passed test number six, you turned out all the lights!" The hyena was now smiling, finally a job, money!

"When can I start?"

"Right now!" The wolf went silent. Rodger could see he had something in his hands. At that he thought it best to approach his new boss. He got up and placed the chair back neatly. The walk was longer than it looked but as he moved closer he saw his new wolf boss was reading a book. Even though his cheek fur was scruffy and out of place his thin glasses gave him an look of intellect as his eyes sweeped the book.

"Is there anything you want me to do now?" He held up a silencing finger, for a while all the wolf did was read further, he turned a page and finally said.

"I have an erection I'd like you to sit on it" He said it as he put his book down. Rodgers mouth popped open like an attic door. "well don't just stand there it's time to keep your earn... earn your keep!" He thought for a moment how bad his C.V. would look if he was sacked after five minuets of employment. There was also the fact that he was monumentally gay and had never been lucky enough to be taken by a wolf. So at that, he gave a shrug and stripped. He like most of his kind, had tough, brown and speckled fur that was short in some places, long in others. The light brown hair rippled as his trousers were pealed of. He stood there a moment naked, his sheath was swelling ever so slightly. His crotch sat neatly between his legs that sprawled out slightly due to his wild dog frame. He looked at the wolf's crotch. Who was looking at his. Rodger could see the bulge and was repeating the phrase 'best job in the world, best job in the world, best job in the world' in his head.

His own nakedness had begun to arouse him. As the wolf looked at his exposed self up and down with that hungry 'I'm going to wolf you up' look. Blister just licked his lips, sending a spring of pleasure through his groin. He knelt down beside the chair. The wolf eyes now free of the glasses shone with there iridescent yellow wolfen light. Both hands came upon his head, they scritched gently and eased the hyena's muzzle into the awaiting bulge. Rodger instinctively inhaled the strong scent. Drooling over it, wolves always did have such an overwhelming scent. He garbed the bottom of the wolf's shirt and lifted, as he reached the chest, the wolf lifted his arms allowing his shirt to be removed. The wolf gave a little grin, turning his head on one side. Even cuter thought Rodger. The wolf was toned, at that he caressed the furry chest, running fingers through his scruffy fur, getting to the nipples and cupping the muscular chest. He let his hands fall to the the wolf crotch, on either side. They found them selves slowly reaching for that button. It unhooked and popped apart, unzipping just the very top as it did. He grabbed that zip and unwove it. The view was still hidden by boxers, Rodger wanted to save the best till last. He roamed his paws over the buttocks, finding the back button just above the wolf tail, it unhooked and the trousers were free. He pulled them down, giving the wolf a second to lift him self, his cock was brought just before his face giving the him a wiff of erection from just behind the boxers. As he removed the trousers he took the socks of also. Now the boxers. The hyena repositioned himself for this, noting his now rock hard cock as he stood. Rodger rubbed up the inner leg of his boss. Until he felt the furry balls beneath. He ran his fingers along, as they did the sheath. Rodger was glad to notice the bulging meat under those boxers leak the clear fluid into the fabric. He slid his fingers into the boxers and pulled, they came down past his pelvis, his cock then slowly began to come into sight. As it was free of the boxers it sprung up before the hyena's nose. The scent flooded him, almost knocking him back on his ass, his tongue lolled out in bliss, then shot forward, he pressed the salivating hot muscle to the base of the great meat, then with the sparing ability to savour this moment, dragged it up the shaft, letting it curve to the shape, mould its self. Half way up and pre drips its way down, collecting on his tong. Rodger had to resist the urge to wrap his lips around it. For now, he would end this oral, eager to move on to other things. As he reached the tip, he let the tong finish off, with a lap to the end.

"Sit" said the wolf patting his stomach, the wolf sat slanted on his chair and awaited the servant. He wasted no time, as he cocked over his leg he felt a twitch in his cock, the anticipation driving him mad, the thought of that cock in him had done that. He lowered down feeling the wet tip of the sheath touch his butt hole as his raised tail swayed behind him, he flinched a second, as though he hadn't expected it.

The wolf garbed him, curling his paw round the back of his neck and brought him into a hug, kissing him on the head softly. A hand was placed on his lower back, pushing, as he did, Rodger curled his back to the wolf's demand. They were still for a while, there arms wrapped around one another, the wolf placed his chin on Rodger's head, he was whispering into his ear. Sweet loving things like the two had been mated for years and years. Rodger had his erect penis pressed between there bodies and was leaking pre on his new boss. His tail still high, it was locked there now, the tail hole awaited its visitor. Then he felt it, slowly the wolf's cock was being pushed into him. The tip just kissed his butt hole. Then he felt it so softly push, the tip entered him. The wolf moved, looked into Rodgers eyes, as a hand reached behind him. The wild dog leant back, letting all that was there slide within him. The wolf was taken by a blissful trance, the head was now inside the servant, Rodger felt it pulsate inside him. The meat began to widen his ass. It lightly pushed on the muscle sides, then stretched. He sat there joining his master in the trance, gasping every now and then. The wolf grabbed him at the hips and pushed down. Rodger's eyes shot open to see his boss with his brows wrinkled with pleasure.

The tip penetrated deeper, his warm inside, it remained poised, twitching within his entrance, the looser ring easily accepted the warm wet head. The two looked upon each other, with a hand on his butt and the other caressing his belly the wolf began to push up, his hips didn't hold back he just relentlessly pushed up. Rodgers hole took the generous intrusion, stretching around it, in the blissful pain he couldn't speak, couldn't whimper or even murr. His mouth opened, then closed, and opened again as though he tried to moan, he only gasped. The wolf master progressed, his slick meat pulsating in the muscular insides, the hyenas ring trying its mightiest to resist, the hot flesh tensed around him. There seemed to be no end, as his butt hole became looser and looser, the meat became thicker and thicker, surly the base was in sight by now.

Then with a grunt the wolf's hips pressed tightly to his servant buttocks. Rodger began waging hastily, his legs sprawled on either side of his master, twitching and gasping, his erection throbbed between the two of them. They shared a moment of still, the wolf gripping his servants hips, hungry to lock on with his claws and thrust uncontrollably. But he wouldn't, Rodger moaned into his masters ear. Every movement the two made intensified the pleasure of there embrace. The two progressed, Rodger bounced up and down, as his masters hips gave in to his ferocious need. His butt hole took the monumental thrusting, the ring of hot flesh griped at the cock within. It wasn't long until he felt his boss brace, he pulled the hyena close to him. The two bodies pressed into one another, changing the angle of penetration. He felt the rock hard member inside explore him in places he'd never been touched. The sensitive walls inside we're graciously rubbed up and down, as the wolfs head pressed into them, coating it in his slick clear fluid. He instinctively lapped at his masters neck, the loving gesture earning him a new prise. His master did three things, he raised his muzzle in the air and howled out loud his desperate need of release, and he wrapped a paw around the hyena cock, squeezed the the very base of the knot, then began the uncontrollable humping into his ass. Rodger burrowed his head in the wolf's chest fur, as untouched flesh was assaulted both inside and outside, he found no words, he didn't join the wolf in his chorus of ecstasy. He was pounded as the slick cock slid in and out smoothly, as it pulled out, the butt hole gaped for just a moment until it relaxed and closed back around the thrusting and twitching cock. His knot pulsed in his masters grip.

The hyena took his muzzle to the air joining the wolf.

The wolf slammed shut his eyes and bit his servant at the neck, that would leave a love bite for sure he thought. His boss pushed down on his buttocks, he shoved with every slamming thrust. His tail was down and wagging along with the wolf's, he leaned his head to the side as his boss bit down. They squeezed each other in the embrace. Then as he finally found his voice, then pure natural urge to cackle as hyenas do. He jerked against the arms wrapped around him, the bright red meat between the two bobbed, as the pleasure ran up and down its shaft, it let out what the wolf desired, the cum ejaculated up into the twos heaving chests, it continued over and over. As they kissed his master growled, the growl shook his muzzle. Then he felt it, the wolf hood in him reached its peek, beating in and out until his master jammed in as far as he could go. Thick ropes of hyena cum flew into their ravenous kisses and they shared it along with their saliva. The pulsing meat finally blew, the warm sticky cum shot upon those o so sensitive spots within. Reaching new depths that cried out for the touch, it filled him and covered his insides, driven up and down, in and out as the wolf continued to hump in and out of his writhing servant. He felt the cock grow slicker, wetter. He heard as more and more cum filled him, the sound of wet flesh against wet flesh. He felt as it dripped down and out of him. It leaked out his ass and down his tail, it leaked out and on the wolf's sac, and then further upon the wolf's rump. The wolf was still humping, ridding himself of any and all cum that he still may have. Rodger could see a desperate look on his brow, to let all his cum fill him. As their humps calmed down the two began kissing and licking one another again. The two were panting hard, especially Rodger as he hungrily lapped up cum upon his boss.

"Holy.... Shit!" He wheezed

"Indeed" came the calm response of Blister.

Then he did something that shocked Rodger, he got up. Supporting the hyena he got up and began walking while still inside the him. He gave a start at the initial movement, as the still hard penis squirmed inside him.

"Your a lot stronger than you look" he almost whimpered. Blister smiled.

"I've got something I need you to do" Yes thought Rodger. More work!

"Anything" The wolf walked onward through the halls, Rodger wasn't taking the journey into account, none of the halls or doors, just the wolf. The wolf strolled on keeping his servant up, his cock twitched inside him along the way. He gave moans of pleasure as the moment of the cock explored new places inside himself.

"here we are" Rodger didn't look around at all.

"What would you like me to do? Master" The wolf moved him, he was further away now, not close enough for another kiss.

"I want you to feed my pet"

He was gone, replaced by dark and wet. Something had engulfed his head, shoulders and chest, he felt it clamp softly on him. Something soft and wet advanced at his sides and all around was moisture. He went to scream for the wolf but was interrupted by a growl. A very large growl coming from all around, he was inside a mouth! He scrambled for the wolf, arms flared out to the best of there abilities that was restricted since half of them were inside. He tried to clamp his legs around him, but was pushed away. Outside a large green dragon was laying on his stomach, the hyena in his mouth, his fearsome eyes looking right at the grinning wolf. The wolf gave his pet a wink and backed away from his servant. As he did his cock came free of the meal's ass, instantly the cum came flowing out, it spurted out upon the wolf's already cum covered cock and down one of his thighs, until a long flexible tongue shot out and pressed into the flow, writhing as it pored over the thing. The hyena began scrambling for his master. The dragon grinned with his struggling meal within and began drawing him in.

Rodger squirmed, as his groin and butt was enveloped in this new sensation. The wolf was gone, he couldn't find him. He went to shout again but it came as a groan. He was still hard and the feeling wasn't going! Then the wriggling beneath him and began to explore more of his body. His cock was being caressed and he was getting harder again. He kicked in vain. The mouth he was in closed up around him as he was pushed to the roof of the mouth. The creature was sucking on him, tasting him, he was being tasted. The realisation of his end dawned upon him as his strength failed, he moaned again as something began to jack him off.

He was being eaten, and in the sheer terror of knowing this, he loved it. Then the tongue left his shaft, earning a whimper at the loss of attention.

The tongue warped around his body pinning his arms. The the mouth opened and he saw the light of day, the mouth was lit up, he saw his lower body sticking out the mouth, his erection pointing straight up, the tongue held him firmly in place, as he squirmed from side to side he found himself locked in place. He saw his body get dragged in until his lower stomach was at the very end of the mouth. He looked back in dread, the opening of the throat was expanded, then contracted ever so slightly, it awaited him eagerly. Just as the mouth came to a close again he saw the wolf, standing there naked still, he blew him a kiss, then the mouth closed, and he was in darkness. It clamped down on his lower stomach and his head went back towards the sound of a 'gluk'. He was heavily berating in the hot air. Out side his legs kicked frantically against the unbeatable strength of the dragon. Suddenly gravity shifted, slowly he was tipped down, feet closing to the floor, hope filled his head as his toes touched the wood, he was going to be set free, all some eccentric trick of the wolf. But then he was jolted up, the floor gone entirely, the snake like tongue left his body and gravity ceased to exist as light flooded the world around him.

For just a moment he found his saliva coated body freely tossed in the air, before he could flail however those decimating jaws right behind him flashed forwards, they leapt forwards over his body and engulfed him entirely, his cry for help was cut off as though he'd vanished. Back in the black a satisfied growl emanated around him.

His head was in the throat.

The tongue lapped out again, it first scooped under his tail and smothered his butt hole, licking thoroughly. It liked the taste of the cum. Then it wrapped around his body again, it wrapped and pulled, as the dragon slurped and sucked. He went in those few more inches, taking his ears into the tight tunnel that was the dragons throat. Now that tongue came again, it slithered from under the butt, pressing against it as it protruded and arched in the air like a snake poised above the open legs. It came down upon the cock and lapped back and forth, it pressed into him and then smothered around the pulsating meat.

Just a slight push as the jaw came slightly a-jar. The wolf beaconed the dragon who brought his head down to his master. From here the wolf could still see the hyena's balls sack and butt hole through the slightly opened jaw. The tail was wagging in front him and the legs twitched either side. Most of what was visible was covered in both cum and saliva. The wolf stuck his head in the gap and ran his tongue slowly from the ass and over the ball sack. As he pulled away he gave the dragon a pat. The dragon was ready, he tipped his head back opening his mouth as he did. The throat opened wide and inside Rodger got a quick glimpse of the world, a dizzying rush as the head went back and he was turned upside-down, watched himself slide back, his throbbing erection blocking most his view of light.

Then one after the other, the mouth closed, and the throat walls closed in on him. The wolf grinned as he saw the wide open mouth point in the air, the throat seem to puff up, then it contracted to its normal size, only with a wriggling shape within.

The walls pressed every part of him, his head couldn't move only wriggle, his arms were pinned, as were his tail and cock. The flesh was silky soft and hot, wet and slimy. He struggled to no avail. Then he heard it, a loud gulp. It sent him further down. The walls pressed in on him and down he went, slipping deeper in. With each squelching gulp the throat muscles pushed him further and further down. He felt his legs get drawn in, they were pressed together to. He felt his tail slip down, a small gulp had moved only that, his tail was sucked up and pressed to his back, suddenly exposing his anus to the flesh around, he felt the wet heat within an instant, making him hump and twitch. He'd never been so horny over anything like he was with this ultimate domination. He still needed release. He was being eaten and all he could think about was needing to fuck. He was drawn in deeper, further he went until his head was pulled through a tight spot, then his shoulders, chest, belly, then his cock.

His eyes shot open at the great amount of pleasure this brought. His body came out the tight spot with a plopping sound, he was in a wider area, writhing in his space he went to wrap a paw around his shaft, but someone beat him to it.

The stomach.

Inside was dark, he was sat in a pool of thick goo, the warmth saturated him, he breathed in the thick heated air, that caressed his body. The paw ran up and down his length with the slick aid of the saliva they sat in.

"Just.... I'm... Clo-" His head shot back in uncontrolled orgasm, his body recoiled left and right, sheer orgasmic energy coursing throughout, demanding its release, it came. Inside the stomach of one of the last surviving dragons of the world, sat two meals, the hyena, pressing his back into the fleshy walls, mouth poised as if shouting out, his bright red cock pulsated, twitched, then shot forth the last load he ever would, it sprayed the seed up to the roof of the stomach, thick ropes sticking and hanging there, until they dripped down onto the two below. The other, a young husky, hardly awake with his paw wrapped around this meals cock.

Rodger felt around, the walls were like the throat soft and warm, but unmoving. Then there was something ells. The fur, he felt a shock to his stomach, dare not keep feeling further. A previous meal. But he couldn't pull away, it had hold of him. Still alive in here. The fur embraced him, it was a dog, a male dog. One who had a great erection pressed to his own. He needed this, the hyena pushed the dog back, spread his legs and grabbed him by the sides, the dog murred at his next ride.

"Ever heard a roar from the inside" He whispered.

And then, they did.

Cheers all

May your ears twitch wisley <3