The Games of Gex: Part 1 - Scales

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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The Games of Gex A Fanfiction by Zack Gregson (All characters are copyrighted to their individual companies/creators) The mansion was quiet, standing like a serene and richly bloated king asleep in luxury. Not a care in the world could be felt from the large white-walled palace with red satin carpets that were like silken ruby rivers with marble banks, and many rooms that gave practically every purpose a home could provide and not necessarily even need. It was a huge place, with several kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and other rooms like arcades and billiard rooms and galleries. And it had something else that nobody else (at least not well heard of) ever had. A TV in every room. In every single room, the porcelain bathrooms, gleaming kitchens, and prestigious galleries had a television either hoisted on the ceiling corner, in a cupboard or in plain view. All of them were colour, and were either 36'' or 56''. They were usually on all the time and would forever keep flicking through cartoons, cooking shows, QVC, costume dramas, forever showing all of humanity's confused and mind-dulling creations, as if one remote control was continually switching through channels. And you would be exactly right if you thought that. In the master bedroom, the sounds of one remote was heard as it was flicked on one well used button again, and again, and again. The channel button. It moved from channel to channel, each click signalling one less viewer for one channel and one more viewer for another, if only for a few seconds. The remote control, master of all visual communication. It made voices louder or silent, cartoon characters suddenly disappear from the screen, replaced by gaudy jewellery, to be then replaced by a sitcom involving a gay man and a straight man in the same apartment (with "hilarious" antics ensuing). But of course the click silenced them to give the voice to another show, another world, another smile lit up before it disappeared to show another. 'Ohhh. . .these new sitcoms are more tedious than a Richard Curtis film.' said a bored voice coming from the end of the arm holding the remote. The arm was green on its top and a sickly yellow on the bottom, ringed with little blue stripes. The hand holding the remote control that ruled all the TVs in the house had four fingers, which all ended in circled ends like small suction cups. The creature was a gecko with a green back with bluish-purple stripes and a yellow underbelly, his eyes bulbous with purple bags under them and a sneering mouth with a dull red tongue. He was dressed naked, the room being warm and having no guests around so he merely sat and became slowly more bored with every new channel he saw. He then put down his remote and laid back on the bed, considering what next to do. Gex was a celebrity of his world. Certainly the only gecko to ever become a celebrity which definitely counted for something. He had to deal with mayhem within the Media Dimension, the land within the world of television which was being dominated by his archnemesis, Rex. That was fun, despite the fact he was channel hopping just like he was a few seconds ago. But at least he was channel hopping with a purpose. He could be Bugs Bunny one minute, then Bruce Lee the next, before ending up as Luke Skywalker. It was an experience that you couldn't fully describe, something only the most hardcore of couch potatoes would ever truly understand. Now there was a lull in his adventure. He had his money, he had his TVs, he had his drinks, he had his girls as well. He had been wealthy for so long that he was becoming so bored with merely being rich. And he never even thought TV would be boring.....until sometime around now. That was certainly a revelation that came to him, and quite frankly it scared him. But then an idea struck him. He heard a while back about some new form of entertainment (not really new, just new to him), known as videogames. The commercials said they were fun and interactive, so why not try when you got money to burn? He even had a few games about his own adventure though he never actually got the concept of it. He shifted over to his milk-white phone (the classic carriage one with the receiver on top of the phone and the old circular dial) beside his bed. Looking in a catalogue he found recently discarded in his room, he flicked the pages until he reached the Entertainment section, and ordered some games and two consoles, the PS2 and the Gamecube. Xbox sounded too "rad" to him, and he worried he might not handle such a new, best to deal with something a little older, or humble. Despite having to deal with a bored 20-something voice on the other end, he managed to get his order. Unfortunately, Gex had to wait for his new games to come by tomorrow. He was agitated but never showed it in his voice when speaking to the order company. When you have a tuxedo in the closet, thought Gex, you learn never to be antagonised for a while. You learn to keep it cool. Speaking of tuxedos, he waited for the games by watching spy movie reruns that always ran at the hour before the watershed time, and then finally sleeping, his hand tired from flicking channels and his eyes resting from such exposure to the almighty glowing screen, the altar of modern civilisation. The next day came smoothly, like a snake, the horizon lining across the sky reflecting the sun light clearly. After a long day of boredom and commenting of cruddy repeats, he heard the doorbell ring at the front. He had the wiring rigged of the doorbell so no matter where he was, you would hear it. Not that the visitors knew, of course. Last thing he wanted were hawkers knowing he would eventually come. But then if there was a persistent Jehovah's Witness, that would be some problem. He headed to the door of his mansion, got his order from the slightly burly delivery man, signing the ordered waiver and took in his package of new games. 'I always wondered what the hassle was about these things.' he muttered to himself before placing the package on his bed and unwrapping it with hesitated excitement. It was about 20 minutes later or so that he had managed to plug in the two consoles to his favourite TV (the ultra wide-screen in his own master bedroom that spanned the entire south wall). He liked the sound of the Gamecube better so he tried that one first. The small purple box was not much to look at, and seemed to be quite the cheery little thing, a proclamation of Japanese technology. Small yet willing. Looking from a range of games that all contained anthropomorphic creatures ("more fun to play as", he commented to himself, though of course if any games involved playing as female human heroines, he took those too) he picked out one with an interesting title. Starfox Adventures. 'Hmmm. . .nice looking number. Let's test this one." He then placed it in the Gamecube (he had a knack of technology being so literate with TVs that he learned quickly with such workings) and started up the game, getting through the logo and eventually trying to grip himself with the controls and story. About two hours later, he had managed to play his way through obtaining the first two Krazoa spirits and halfway to his third. He had taken a while getting used to the controls and was already admiring the graphics for their lushness. He was finding this to be much more entertaining than a TV show or film, for the added bonus of interactivity. 'Mmmm. . .glad they have the sex appeal here,' muttered the gecko to himself, admiring one particular character in it. 'Lovely female in it, blue fur like cold fire and a strappingly scant outfit.' He was rambling to himself as he sat cross-legged fiddling with the controller, trying to time a hard puzzle accurately when suddenly he leaned too far to the side in the gaming momentum that all gamers eventually get trapped into, and nearly fell, pushing his hand on the remote control he always kept by his side. It was like a personal keepsake or so, a symbol of his power and strength. Cowboys always had a pistol, samurais always had a sword, builders always had a drill, Gex always had a remote. The remote he had, however was a special little item. Gex became famous after the Media Dimension incident. He had been through the world within the communication waves of television three times. The remote started it all when the freaky ruler of the air waves, Rez, sucked him in. But Gex kept the remote in the same way a gunslinger kept the pistol from his dead father. A grim keepsake, with an unusual fondness for the personal history that resonated within it. The remote had the unorthodox powers of being able to....shall we say, envelop someone into another world that is projected on the TV screen. He was always very careful with this because the last thing he wanted to do was be sucked into Terms of Endearment, or even worse, an Uwe Boll film. Now since Gex was in the middle of playing a game, the remote activated a "portal" into the screen. 'Oh crap...' murmured the gecko, before he realised what he had done and felt the familiar feeling of his stomach lurching, his flesh being pulled as if it were metal near a magnet. He saw the TV screen ripple like a puddle in a rainstorm, beckoning Gex to drown himself within the massive flow of information that made an entirely fictional world. He knew it was useless to resist and it would be made more painful if he did, so he allowed himself to be sucked into the videogame. * * *

Part 1: Scales

  • * * The gecko had lost consciousness during his new transference from his own world into some other world, flat on his face and lying down against cold stone ground. He really hoped the remote was not set on the Rex Channel or something. He hated that channel. He got up on his feet but was immediately pushed down again by a foot on his back. Now that's just plain rude, thought the gecko. He craned his head from the floor to see the place he was in, which was somewhere underground, a temple of sorts with aged yellow walls like stone parchments, and flickering torches that made the shadows dance at their whims every which way. The smell was musky and he could scent a familiar smell to his nostrils of certain creatures. His suspicions were confirmed by the sight before him. Two green scaly feet, with large black claws pacing back and forth in front of him, along with other similar scaled feet, that were smaller and yellow. Ahh, at least I meet fellow reptiles, he thought to himself. Feeling more confident, he began to speak. 'Uhh, excuse me...but may I ask-' 'Silence, intruder!' the voice was strong and clear cut, practically the making of a cut-out villain whose favourite pastime was either whipping minions or reciting his evil plan speech, word for word. 'You have managed to pass into our secret headquarters. How you managed to do so I cannot say...but suffice to say, you must be a spy.' 'Spy? What are you talking about? I don't even have a tux!' 'Enough, spy! You're in enough trouble to be within my lair....unless you want more harsher punishments.' The commanding voice made a nastier tone, with enough venomous edge to almost discern Gex. Almost. 'Ohh, what are you going to do? Shave me?' He did not snigger but sneered to show how he did not take to the situation seriously without the full piercing of his sarcastic tongue. He felt the foot off of his back and was soon held upright, restrained tightly with his arms at his back, claws tightening on his wrists. He soon saw the owner of the voice for the first time. And felt quite surprised. It was that bleeding excuse of a villainous reptile from Starfox Adventures. General Scales. World domination, generic name, endless minions of little battle experience. Yep, textbook villain. And he wished he could take offence at the reptile, such a bad name for them all. As much as he liked a reptile being a villain or, even better, a hero, he was just a complete sham. But that meant he was.....oh damn, thought the gecko, this better be easier than the Media Dimension. I should at least get some suitably stunning weapon. Sadly, he'd be disappointed. General Scales stood quite tall and cut a dominating figure. He was well-muscled with a green scaled body and a fine blunt snout with few teeth hanging out in a strange smiling manner. He also for some reason wore two horn-like implements on his head, as a symbol of status perhaps. He wore only a loincloth with a few leg straps, along with one clawed hand being replaced by two metallic claws. He leaned closer to his captive and growled: 'Do you think you're amusing?' 'I can imagine digging up better laughs.' replied Gex, returning the snarling sneer. 'Laughter is here only when I wish it to be.' 'Must explain your wondrous talent then. Mr Marx would certainly say something to you about that.' That brought a light of confusion to Scales' eyes. 'Who is this Marx? Your superior officer?' 'Well, I wouldn't say that,' rambled Gex in his cool tone, 'but you can say I admire him.' 'Then you were sent by him here?' Gex tried not to laugh at the absurdity of Groucho Marx (the one he was referring to) as an officer. Although he was something similar in the classic film Duck Soup, but he did not wish to confuse the villain too much. 'No, no. I act alone, my good sir.' 'And yet you find our base suddenly? The guards never noticed you on this planet at anytime, unlike that blundering mammal.' Gex heard the main protagonist's description, but did not show his acknowledgement. But Scales had managed to develop that linking thought. 'You were sent by that Fox, weren't you?' 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' replied the gecko in his most monotone voice. He had become very good at putting into most moods, mimicking actors mainly managed to get him out of a lot of potential scraps with the right mood. 'But I think this is all a big misunderstanding sir Scales, so if you can just release me...' That didn't work. The General now had his snout just touching Gex's, making the gecko quite uncomfortable. 'Do you think you can escape me, especially since you now know my name somehow?' 'I can imagine so, I'll even manage to call you from time to time.' He kept thinking of James Bond. He couldn't help it, he felt he was turning into a scaled Sean Connery. Gex always had an ego the size of a blockbuster movie, but could use it quite well as a shield for verbal attacks, and a weapon for verbal counterattacks. 'Dreams do not make one run far, my dear prisoner.' 'Explains why you're not ruling the world, then.' This gave him a slap across the face with Scales' clawed hand. 'Insolent little whelp! If you think angering me will get you far-' 'It got you to slap me, is that far enough?' The comment made Scales' eyes harden, and then almost as if it wasn't noticed until now, there was something else in them. 'Do you....wish for pain, intruder?' The emphasis of the word "wish" was offsetting to the gecko. But he knew that he had faced worse, a bunch of ragtag lizards wouldn't be much for him. 'If you are wanting to be under my command as slave, then all you need do is keep exercising that troublesome tongue of yours.' ''s not a choice I prefer.' 'No...I can tell you are....inexperienced to pain.' As the General talked he walked around to behind the gecko, just from the corner of his eye, the green could still be seen. 'Oh, I can assure you, I know my pains well.' 'What about any' At that moment, Gex felt a sudden twinge in his rear. It was there and then that suspicion and paranoia gripped him slowly. It felt as if someone was poking his rear. And he was right, because Scales was doing just that. The gecko tried not to betray his emotions. 'See? Notice how you tense up, showing your lack of experience in this area of resistance.' 'What exactly....are you planning?' 'That...will not be something you want to be concerned about.' The gecko was now feeling worried. He was unsure of how much trouble he was actually in. He wondered if he could manage to escape somehow, and was trying to think of what happened to his remote (which came through the portal with him). And then he remembered that it was no longer on him. They must have taken it from him. Hopefully it hadn't been destroyed. But then, it HAD suffered through a lot, so how much could it take? He was brought back to his thoughts by a claw sliding up his back, making a deep trace of his spine which made him shiver by reflex. His breath shuddered as he cringed his eyes. 'There....your muscles are weak, and your spine is not one so used to being treated.....I know how to break you.' 'Ohh...all you're giving me is a nice massage.' 'This will be more than that, my intruding lizard.' Gex was looking around him. He noticed that the other reptiles, minions of Scales that were like squatted yellow T-Rexes, or perhaps short fat raptors, only wore a mixture of metal and leather. The metal covered their chest, knees and head, while the leather covered arms and groin. And he was hoping that there was some unknown wind making the slight rising in their crotch plates. Now, this wasn't in the game, thought Gex. I mean it said for 3 and older, so what's the deal here? Although there WAS that sexy blue fox Krystal. With her very nice cleavage, maybe things got saucier later? He was hoping that in one way, and against that in another way, for his own sake in this situation. Blasted Japanese, they always have to have some perverse element in whatever they make. But then, he remembered how screwed up the Media Dimension was. Couldn't argue about anything here. He then unconsciously registered a realising look of fear, which the General had noticed by looking at the side of his captive's face, while he continued rubbing the spine back and forth with two claws, pinching the skin between them gently or harshly at random to continually trick the muscles. ' now realise the gravity of your situation then?' The General began to move back behind him and pressed his claw once more at the gecko's rear. He was now becoming more intrusive, the claw pressing harder, starting first below his tailbase, and then poking up and up...until it reached the bottom of his unprotected anus. Gex had to gasp at the feel of it, which felt....strange. But not likeably strange. 'And you are especially tightened with your muscles here.....that will be changed while you are under our claws.' Ohh God no, thought Gex. Anything but to be literally bent over by a typecast villain, that would be horribly embarrassing for my image. It's bad enough children's presenters get into messes like this without me joining in. I have to get out of here. But he had no way out. Guards around him, bound tight, and Scales looked pretty tough with those....very good muscles. He didn't have any gadgets with him either, and the place was very barren of any useful items. Not even a bloody scarab to be seen. He was trying not to think about the muscles but his mind was wandering off now, and it was not being good. Scales soon had his clawfinger poised at the tailhole of Gex. He teased it slightly, circulating the circumference with his claw, sniggering wickedly as he felt the different muscles twinge along the gecko body. So lean, so smooth and so lithe. If it weren't for his impudent tongue, he would be a fine virgin slave for me, thought Scales. But I will soon break him. He made seven complete circulations of the tight little pucker of yellow and slight pink wrinkles before he began to place his claw in the middle of the hole, and push in. He was not in any favour of stopping this, as he pushed his entire finger inside Gex's ass, all the way to the knuckle. He heard his captive gasp audibly, a slight grunt and the tightening of the pucker on his finger. 'Ahhh, you feel me testing you. Don't be so shy, you will get much more than this.' Scales' minions merely watched patiently, but quite eager to do something of their growing erections, as the obviously increasing bulge in their crotch plates showed. Gex just knew there and then that he was going to leave this world with his anal virginity gone forever. He hoped he could leave before they entitled themselves too much to his body. He was of course quite frightened by the realisation he would become involved in being a sexual slave of a reptilian general. But he was feeling something else now....there was something in him that was not so against the idea as much as he thought he would be. That lustful wile of his, perhaps? And better a fellow reptile than a human male. For a start, he had been mildly curious before of how two males felt when together in the most intimate of situations. It was something all free-thinking individuals thought. But he thought to himself before that it wouldn't suit him. His image lied with the girls like his body would. He could hardly imagine himself sleeping with any men, and neither could anyone else, so that was out of the window. But....he had to admit, Scales must've been real popular with the girls (and guys) of his home world. Technically a pirate, almost a rogue-like figure and of course, the muscles. He did not know why, but those arms were making him somewhat.....admire his captor, despite the pain in his ass of the finger invading his virgin hole, a scaled finger of a sharp claw dipping into him. While it felt quite painful and full, he soon found that the pain decreased eventually, becoming something more and more akin to....pleasure. He was not sure whether to be horrified or not, but he knew that against his will, he was raising his tail higher instinctively, and Scales was soon bending it over his back in a submissive action. 'So you are willing,' replied Scales in his blatantly sarcastic manner, 'less work for more fun then.' As he began to snigger, the guards did so as well. Scales walked around to the front of Gex, pressing a clawed hand on his head so that his eyes met the General's crotch, gilded in metal plating. It was slowly removed by Scales, the strap undone single-handedly, to reveal a glistening red nine-and-a-half inch penis. It was long, half an inch girth at the head before thickening slightly towards the middle and which the base was an inch wide. It was already pulsing with veins full of saurian blood, that pleaded a fervent need for lustful activities, which the gecko knew. It was a frightening thing, but the gecko had long learned that if you know pain will come, just make it feel as if you're running into a brick wall. Headlong dash into it with a brave body and tight face. Although he was wondering if his captor was thinking the other way round for him, a brave face and a tight body. 'Are you impressed....frightened perhaps, my dear intruder?' 'It is....impressive,' replied Gex, trying to make this all go smoother, 'I'm sure you're very popular with your troops for that.' And to his surprise, the guards nodded knowingly with a crooked smile. He struck a good vein with them, hopefully. 'You're a good judge of character,' said General Scales, 'But that matters little here and now. Are you ready?' He did not wait for an answer, but merely walked behind Gex, stroking his cock slowly with a patient eagerness. The gecko gulped quietly, and allowed himself to try and be loose. He knew that the muscles would not help if they were as tight as a stretched rubber band. Scales held his cock with one hand, and his captive's hips with the other, thumbing at the tailhole with a wry smile. He then aimed his meat before moving in quickly. As he made contact with the pucker, he heard the gecko gasp, the muscles tightening in reflex once more. At this point, he thrust into the ass hard with two inches, penetrating at last and feeling the reflex tightness with a gasp. 'Aahh!' was Scales' comment. Gex's was more like 'a-ARGH!!!' followed by a strained moan as he felt the near-inconceivable to happen. His anus being penetrated by a large slab of penis. Well this is more than undignified, thought Gex. It hurt a lot as well, it opened his pucker more wider than he ever wanted by force and his eyes squinted hard until tiny little slivers of water formed where his eyelids met. Now now, stiff upper lip. If James Bond had to do this, he'd do the same, don't cry and just let it happen and be glad they're not going to kill you. That was the most essential thing, to not get killed. General Scales had his mouth partly open in the joy of the tight muscles on his cockhead, squeezing tightly, as if pleading for no more, but also begging to suck it deeper in. He took the latter idea and fed more of his shaft into the gecko. The pucker was being opened apart slowly but with a numbing pain that felt like an urgent diarrheic need, so blocked up that it felt wrong. And yet, somehow, there was the opposite of pain playing around inside his mind. Scales now held Gex's hips with both of his hands, thumb pressing on the buttcheeks hard to spread them apart and have a fuller view of the tight little butt he was fucking. He groaned with a shivering breath of lustful joy, now feeling 5 inches inside, much to Gex's chagrin. His eyes now trickled tears of pain, his hands needed to grip something, anything to squeeze on. He had no choice but the ground so he bent down and became, unconsciously, the bitch of General Scales. His tail was high and forward, he was bent over and he was getting a cock inside his butt. He wanted to laugh but wished not to antagonise his captor. He was feeling his muscles expand to a limit he never knew they could do, it was sore like a burning scar, but there was also a strangely pleasant feel as the cock's flesh rubbed against his anal walls, dove deeper into his passage, pushed further into his body. It was like the worst kind of internal massage. 'GUH....Uhh....' the gecko was trying his best not to speak, he didn't want to show he was enjoying this, wanted this to be a duty. 'Mmmm....come now little must be enjoying this...I can feel your body slacken, accepting me inside will...uhh...accept me.' If I had the choice, thought Gex, I wouldn't even invite you to the party. For once though, he really had to hold his tongue. General Scales, while not an original villain, could well tear him open at this point and still rape him to death. If he let him have his way, he'd be a good boy and calm down afterwards, and then he could deal with escaping afterwards. He should just enjoy this. Enjoy this? Now where did that thought come from, thought the gecko, keeping his mind off the lessening pain (and perhaps pleasure as well). He shouldn't be enjoying this, it's just not his style. Not that he had any complaints against homosexuals, they didn't bother him so why should he complain? But...ohhh damn....the pain reintensified as Scales had fully filled up Gex's ass with all 9 inches of his cock. The gecko's face looked twisted up, trying to show the least bit of pain and absolutely no amount of pleasure. The two yellow smaller scales merely looked at his range of expressions with curious lustful glee, soon looking underneath him. Gex followed their eyeline and looked with inner horror at what he saw. Oh no, my own body betrays me, he thought as he saw his own slickened purplish-red penis fully exposed from his reptilian slit. I really am on my own here. Scales had also seen his lackeys looking below Gex and peered to the side. ' you ARE enjoying this then. You can't deny it now.' 'My body's UHH....not what it used to be, it does all sorts of things. Pay no attention to that, sir.' 'Ohh don't be so modest,' replied the General as he rubbed his thick scaled remaining hand along the gecko's small body, groaning in abject lust, 'especially when you should be proud of such a perfect, lean, handsome body like yours.' Why, the dastardly villain gave me a compliment, thought Gex. That means a more trickier escape, if he was that much loved, there would be more rigorous guarding for his new "pet". He tried thinking up more, but was interrupted when he felt his anus become less blocked as Scales' cock pulled out slowly. But only halfway, before it was thrust into him again. Gex gripped the floor by instinct in a spread-legged classic gecko pose, an instinctive 'AHH!' emanating from his throat. Bad move, thought Gex when he realised it. Scales moaned more lustfully in response as he began to push in and out of the opening gecko tailhole, his tongue hanging out in pleasure. The lackeys began to get more anxious, showing their more bulging loincloths, eager to fuck something, anything. But they knew they couldn't do anything without their General's orders. And right now he was very busy. The pain became even less inside Gex as the thrusting became more smoother, in and out of him like a well-oiled piston, not at all that rough for now even. Slowly the gecko's guard went down, his tongue hanging out more and more as the basest reptilian instincts of lust overcame him, his cock gently drooling out precum as Scales managed to rub the anal walls against his prostrate, sending shivers of instinctive pleasure throughout the gecko's body. As much as the last pieces of rationality tried to clamour together, Gex was even starting to moan in pleasure. Small whimpers at first but they became more and more pronounced as the anal sex went on. Scales began to pick up the pace, holding Gex tighter and soon shoving more of the length in and out of the gecko, even bending over him to pound more harder into that sweet scaly ass. 'Ohh....such a fine male you are...' the General began to ramble as his own lust made him lose his own rationality more than ever, the sounds of grunting reptiles and slapping of scaled hips echoing throughout the stone hall, picking up more speed as their lust rose higher together. Scales was fully bent over Gex, rubbing his fine muscled chest against the gecko's lean back, his mouth at the back of Gex's neck, warm breath flowing over it and making the gecko shiver as his longer tongue fully hung out of his open mouth. Dignity was fucked, well and truly, all the gecko was thinking about now was this strange massaging pleasure to continue. It would not last longer though. Soon Scales' cock began to quiver suddenly against the gecko's ridged silken tunnel, sending small shudders even moreso through Gex, before the General began to slow down and thrust even harder in slow but strong forceful pushes, buckling Gex forwards. The final shove came with all of Scales' cock slamming into him, and a powerful roar shaking Gex's senses as the strangest feeling of all came to his ass. A feeling of liquid warmth that filled him up and slid deeper into his bowels followed by a great weakening of his muscles. His ass wasn't virgin anymore, now marked with the seed of Scales, who was on top of him heavily, panting into his cheek. Gex could only make a strangled gasp as he suddenly felt the filling sensation, the sensation bringing him overload and making him orgasm in turn, which not only milked Scales' meat for more of his reptilian semen, but also considerably weakened the gecko, as he suddenly dropped onto the floor on his belly, his cock dripping heavily on the floor. 'Hmmm.....I think you will be a valuable prisoner to me,' said the General, as he began to pick himself up, a slightly noisy shlurping pop coming from behind Gex as the General pulled out of his tailhole, followed by the feeling of his ass unblocked, but still with the sickly feel of cum in him. Gex was tired, he was used beyond what he expected and was feeling weak, lying on the floor, wanting rest, wanting to get out of here now, as his lust began to leave him and he returned to his senses. 'Take him to the dungeon,' said Scales to the lackeys, 'I will deal with him more, later. But place him in a warmer cell. He's quite a valuable asset to us from now on.' This was followed by a cruel chuckle from Scales who walked away, the gecko himself blackening out from exhaustion.