Eli Eli 3: Breath of Wind

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Eli, Eli 3: Breath of Wind

By Zack Gregson

(Yes, you better be 18 and enjoy the thought of incestuous male sex. If you don't then you can go home and slap yourself. Enjoy the last story of this series...for now)

As he opened his eyes, he felt the piercing light of the fluorescent light, the cylindrical bar above his head forcing its shining power into his weakened blurry sight. The first thing he felt was the shivering of his fur, all stiffened like a pine forest.

Eli awoke from his unconsciousness with a body as limp as a deflated balloon, covered by a thin blanket, practically clingfilm by its thinness. The place he was in was no longer the play ground he passed out in, after the bully pummelled him. The walls were spackled white, tiled like their brothers, the floor and the ceiling. He felt cold, the blanket rippling with his shivers, teeth uselessly chattering.

The room had a rectangular window to his right, showing the silent air above his town, hanging among the still Scottish clouds. There was a door to his left with the bedside table easily in reach of his left arm. The door handle, a silver spoon-like object, began to turn downwards as the door opened. A grey boar in a blue shirt and overalls with a white coat stood there. His eyes showed relief yet surprise at the same time towards Eli.

'Well, I am glad to see you've woken up, Eli.' said the boar in an English accent that spoke of his pedigree breeding. He was probably from Hertfordshire or so.

'Wh....where am I?' asked the fox-roo, confused as his eyes adjusted automatically.

'You're at Swithin Street General Hospital.' The boar walked towards the bed slowly, his hooves clattering audibly on the floor. 'Your form class teacher found you out in the cold air, lying down with some bad bruises on you. Were you bullied, Eli?' Sensing no reason to hide anything so far, he merely nodded, his face still cold.

'Do you know who bullied you?' Another nod. 'Do you know why they bullied you?' Yet another nod. The boar signalled Eli to tell his account.

'He...was saying bad stuff about my da.' The doctor nodded. He understood practically instantly. Eli Campbell. Father died in a war. He made a smile that looked sympathetic but also showed pride of having a patient who did not let someone tarnish a family name. He was thinking it sounded too Rob Roy in his mind but he smiled nevertheless.

'So you decided to face up to him?'

'Aye. I couldn't move after he hit me. I felt cold. . .and then I felt sleepy.'

'Hmm. Okay then. Now, your mother is coming soon, so don't worry.' Eli nodded, almost solemnly as his thoughts trailed off. The doctor left the room but not before Eli asked:

'What's your name?' The doctor stopped for a moment, coat swishing forward as he halted and turned around.

'Dr Turner. If you want to talk again, just ask for me, ok?'

'Aye.' Dr Turner walked away. It wasn't long, perhaps five minutes or so, that the familiar appearance of the boy's mother came through the doorway, eyes red from tears.

'Eli! Ohh, Eli, what happened to ye?'

'I got beat up, mum. I'm okay now.'

'Ohhh, those horrible bullies. I dunno why they pick on you. You dinnae do anything to them, do ya? Tell me what happened, son.' So Eli told his tale once more, of how the bully disrespected his father's name and he would not stand for it.

'Eli. . .' Moira shook her head and sighed with her head bowed. She knew how much her son loved her husband (even though she did not know about how intimate Eli and his father were), and she somehow knew that this was partly the reason of Eli's consequence.

'Mum, I can't let anyone speak aboot da like that. I won't-'

'Eli, please. . .calm doon. I'm proud of you standing up for yourself, but if you're gonna get hurt this bad, then-'

'Then what? What, should I let them say bad things about da?'

'Sometimes. . .we must be stronger by not letting such insults sting us.'

'MUM!! How can you say that??? You're saying I should let them say things like what they said aboot da?!?!?'

'Eli, don't get angry now. I am just saying-'

'I ken what you're saying, but what you're saying is wrong! Dad deserves better respect, you know that!'

'Eli!' His mother began raising her voice, now stronger as her neck fur bristled slightly. 'Don't yell at me, I'm trying to help!'

'By telling me that my da doesn't deserve to have his name honoured?'

'That's not what I meant!'

'Yes it was!!!'

'ELI CAMPBELL!!!!' She used the tactic of saying her son's full name to instill some humility within him. 'If you had to either let someone say something bad, or suffer by talking back, how would it help?'

'Because families stick together, mum! They don't let somebody say horrible things about their family!'

'And look where it got you! In hospital, shivering and bruised with plasters on ye! Do you think your father would approve?'

'YES HE WOULD!' Eli raised himself up and faced his mother dead on, eyes locked together in this arising battle of honour versus peace. Eli had been raised among ideas involving having to keep a family together and sticking together. Stories like The Animals of Farthing Wood or the true story of Rob Roy MacGregor was what inspired his beliefs. And he believed he was right. He did not believe himself to be a resurrected clan warrior or so, but he knew what was wrong and what was right. What should be done was what he felt should be done.

'Eli. . .why are you so protective like this? You're gonnae get hurt even worse!'

'Because I love my dad! I love him, more than you ever did. . .' The last statement made Moira look at him oddly. She never understood why Eli and her husband, Jason, had such a deep connection. A connection deeper than she ever had with either. The one she fell in love with and the one that was the only bearing fruit of her loins. She had to believe it was beyond a male bond. It was something deeper. And one she could not fathom.

'My son. . .please never think I did not love your da.'

'If you do love him, you would stand up for him if anyone said anything against him.'

'But I do!'

'When?' She fumbled in her memory, her mind more concerned for her son, her only living member of family, rather than the times she did not let someone say speak ill of her husband.

'Please. . .I wish your father was back. I wish that more than anything. I loved your father more than anyone else. But you have to face it. He's gone, Eli.'

'Stop it, mum. . .please.'

'Eli, your father is dead. He's not here anymore. I have moved on, and I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you. That's why I don't think aboot him, because you need me more.'

'No. . .Stop telling me that.'


'GO AWAY!!!!' He clasped his head in both fisted paws, in a sudden attack of tears as he did not cry, but let his eyes water and stain the thin blanket, which seeped through to his cold legs. His mother looked at him, taken aback at his outburst. She did not let her eyes water, but her gaze was piercing, like an icicle made of unshed tears. She once knew her son to be happy and carefree, but now he was repressed, saddened, as lifeless as a frozen pond. She got up, and without a word, left the room. She was walking down towards the waiting area when she bumped into Dr Turner.

'Mrs Campbell, are you alright?'

'My son. . .Eli. He's been so tense lately about his father. I don't know what to do. He won't accept that Jason's dead.'

'Mrs Campbell, your son is still in bereavement. All children go through this if someone so dear to them is gone. They have it worse for their own emotions are unable to be restricted. They have to cry outwards, not inwards.' She looked at the kindly boar doctor, his porcine snout creased up into a kinder smile.

'I know you want your family to forget and move on, but Eli does not want to forget. He is afraid of it, afraid of disowning his father's memory. I know he has always been closer to him than you, but this is usually the case, one child leans towards the other. He does love you, but he feels his father needs more attention.' Moira nodded solemnly, her vulpine eyes faded from sadness. She replied:

'Aye. I understand. He's just. . .I worry about him. He looks as if he's gonna break. Eli was always so sensitive about matters. I fear that something like this might hurt him more than it hurts me.'

'You may be right. But I can't help you. I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist. I will keep you posted of anything new about him. He was halfway to being hypothermic so I want to keep him here for a while to make sure he's alright.' The vixen mother smiled, thanked the doctor and walked home, not without her mind in a mess over her son's emotional state.

The emotional state of Eli Campbell was not well. The fox-roo cub huddled himself into a ball of fur, shivering not from the cold of his body, but from the cold of the emptiness inside him. The cold that replaced where his father's memories should be. He was relieved to find that the doctors had not taken off his silver chain (or if they had, then they replaced it back on him unnoticed) so he clasped it within one paw and gripped it so tight, his knuckles flushed white under his black-pawed fur like the colour of the room itself. He was learning that everyone else was telling him to move on, nothing else could be done. He couldn't believe that. Even his own mother was saying it. He thought he had nothing left. If nobody could comfort him the same way as his father had done. . .

'Why am I still here?' he asked himself. He thought of what to do. He became slowly wrapped by the serpents of anger, uselessness, depression and loneliness that became the one giant mating ball called bereavement.

He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted release from it all. He wanted to be with his father again. He looked around himself for what may help, seeing nothing but a cold room. A room with no sympathy, no feel of hope, no colours of cheer. Plain white, blank, antiseptic, as if all of Eli's happiness had been scrubbed out, siphoned, extracted and sucked out of his body. He only saw four walls, door, bed, ceiling, floor....and a window.

The window. The window seemed a fitting choice, the only choice, as if it were a secret passage to escape the world that now felt clinical to him. An open rabbit hole or looking glass that offered release from the harshness of reality, allowing the entrance to the dreams that only his father could dream. Eli got out of his bed, walking slowly over to the window, paws padding on the cold floor. He slowly opened the window, letting in a blast of air, which did not make him falter. He climbed up when the wind resided, paws scrabbling on the skirting board below the window. The windowsill acted like a step and his small agile paws managed to find good grip on the not so thin ledge of the window. He stared below to see 6 storeys of cold air, with the deadened ground at the end of it, pure hard earth with the occasional shrub. The wind braced against him like the maelstrom against the sails of a fleeting ship.

He felt that this was it. If he did this, he would meet his father once more, and no more pain would come to him ever again. He knew this was death, he knew this was killing himself, but he didn't care. All he wanted was the love of his father. No one else could substitute that, not even his mother who did not seem so attached to Jason as Eli was.

As Eli put out one foot paw outwards, the wind pushed him back suddenly. It felt like a cold light paw playfully shoving him back. It frightened him a little and he gripped the window pane tightly, each arm on either side. He shook his head and tried again, taking a step forward, foot paw hanging in the air. The wind again pushed him back with another force, now a more serious push back. It may have been something of Eli's imagining but he thought he heard someone call out his name. A faint whisper that contained a soothing tone to it, a voice that felt almost patriarchal to him. He looked towards the sky, where the wind seemed to come from above and yet all around him like an invisible cloud. He then felt the whispering of his own name creep smoothly into his ears.

'Wha. . .what? Who's calling for me?'

'eli.......Eli......' the voice seemed to become more stronger but Eli did not shift off of the window ledge. As he waited for the caller to appear, he felt a strange tingling of his silver chain, which he clasped with a gasp as it seemed to shiver warmly against his neck all of a sudden. He was feeling warmth. A warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. The chain tinkled like bells trying to mimic the laughter of newborn cubs. Not even the harsh Scottish wind could penetrate him now. He could feel something pulsing in the silver chain It made his heart banish the cold from his fur, beating more stronger as realisation sunk in of what he was doing, seeing the ground and no longer seeing a portal of release, but just cold solid dead earth. He sighed, shook his head and got off the ledge, resigned either in guilt of being unable to achieve his release, or feeling incredibly stupid.

He got a surprise when he looked at his bed.

A male kangaroo, lying sprawled out on the bed was naked in all his resplendent golden-brown fur, and smiling. The smile was such a hearty feature, as if he had suddenly heard a war was over, or that he had another child born and he could see its emergence. Instant recognition made Eli know, that it was his own father, Jason Campbell.

'D. . .d-d...dad?'

'Eli. . .I am so glad to see you again.' Eli had the urge to walk closer and with his father's nod of approval, he did so, feeling the lightness of the air around him, the room no longer feeling like a hospital ward but rather like a room in Heaven.

'But. . .how. . .ohhh, daddy, you're ali-'

'No, Eli. . .' Jason shook his head from side to side solemnly. 'You know in your heart that I am dead. Now tell me the truth, because I know you would not lie to me. Am I dead?' Eli looked at his father and with some thought of how to deal with this, still taken aback by his father's appearance suddenly before him, but he looked into his knowledge, as honest and as hard as he can. . .and he replied almost bitterly:

'Aye, da. . .You're. .dead.' It was an almost painful thing to say. He spoke the phrase with tears in his eyes welling up. 'Why did you have to die, dad? Why?'

'I was in a war, Eli. We die in wars, that's a fact of life I had to learn. I came to make sure you were okay.'

'I'm not. . .I'm not okay.' Eli could admit himself truthfully and openly towards Jason. 'Ever since you died I've been doing nothing but thinking about you, remembering the times we had together. . .especially those times.'

'My son, I am glad you continue to remember me. But why have you not been going on with your life?'

'Because my life feels like nothing without you.'

'What about your mother? She is still family. You should be with her. And you have a future, Eli, a bright one if you work hard enough.'

'How can I work when I can't even sleep thinking about you?' Jason's expression did not change throughout the whole conversation, neither did his pose. He lay there sprawled on his side, naked and half-smiling at his son.

'I know you don't want to ever forget me. But you can think and walk forwards at the same time. Eli, don't let your need to remember me be that which halts you from walking onwards. I am always with you. I KNOW you will never forget me even if you are not sure of that yourself.' Jason looked at the downcast face of his son, and he considered an idea to try and motivate him.

'Eli. . .why don't we make a promise?'

'A promise?' Eli looked with curiosity, eyes drying but still retaining the moistened look of a crying cub.

'Yes. You promise to not give up on life, and never give up on yourself and always strive to be as best as you think you can be. And if you promise that. . .' for the first time of this evening, Eli's father shifted his movements. He moved onto his back, revealing his balls and furred marsupial sheath, a sight that made his son gasp in pleasure. 'I will let you make love to me, just like we did before. One last time, so you can always remember.' The fox-roo was taken aback at this offer. His eyes widened in surprise as he edged closer, unconsciously tempted.

'But. . .dad, you're dead. How can we-'

'For once, let us think that nothing has ever happened to us. Let's just remember the times we've been so close together. Eli. . .come to me.'

So he walked to his father's spirit, that lay on his bed as solid as he was in life. Eli felt he was in a dream, but he didn't know. He felt awake, he felt his footpaws touch the tiled floor, he heard his soft padding towards his father. When he reached his bed, he clambered up next to his marsupial father. In an instant it all came back to him. The sweet smell that clung to his sandy fur, the soft rustling sound his paw made when he touched his chest, the warm touch of his paw against his cheek. Eli felt his father Jason clasp his face in both paws, before their heads moved closer together, slowly with the speed of ships passing in the fog. Their lips made contact, and it felt electrifying. Eli felt he could fall into his father's mouth. The broader tongue of Jason slipped into his son's smaller mouth easily, a slight whimper from his son showing pleasure of deepest gratitude. The tongues slid together, his father's sliding over Eli's, rubbing each other sensually as they suckled on each other, cheeks bulging and softening with breaths and sucks and moans, signifying the love they still had for each other in this surreal reunion.

Feeling his father's tongue felt like heaven to Eli. A tiny part of his world-weary but rejoicing mind wondered if he had actually plunged from the window, he had actually died and that this was his heaven, deceiving him to be alive to enjoy the pleasure his father gave to him, his perfect love reuniting under the deception of death.

But that thought was instantly snuffed out. As the long kiss between the father and son was broken by both of them, they panted happily. The looks in their eyes matched each other. A thin trail of saliva joined one mouth to the other closely, a mutual physical bond. of glistening beauty and strength, like a spider's web strand in the rain.

'Ohhhh....daddy...what can we do now?' asked Eli, in the pleading voice of a small boy he always used in times of love or need. Right now, it was both. Jason smiled at him fondly and brought one arm around his son's back. Eli knew it was real, dream or no dream. He BELIEVED it was real, and his belief grew very strongly in such a short space of time. His father brought him close to his chest, his tapering cock close to his son's crotch, his murrs of warmth rumbling in his chest which made his son sigh sweetly. His lullaby had returned to his ears once more.

It made his eyes close, he wanted to sleep next to him, just rest with his father's warmth near him forever. But he knew this was only one night so he asked his father:

'Daddy...can I....make love to you?' Jason smiled at his son, and nodded silently.

'Of course son....how would you like me to mate with you?'

'Well...I was thinkin'...can I do your butt?'

'You want to do me this time? Well...my son wants to be the dominant one now?' Jason chuckled lightly, stroking Eli's head with his gentle paw. Eli murred with a giggle as he looked expectantly up at his father.

'Okay Eli...but first...I want to taste you...' Jason then bent his head down towards his son's crotch, making his son lie out on the bed beside him. Eli looked up at his father, whose head reared over him before slowly sinking down to between his legs, sniffing the small balls of his offspring deeply, a rush of inhaled wind that made his son shiver in pleasure.

'Ohhhh....my son...you smell so sweet....' he then began his tasting of Eli, licking at the testicles that rested on the sheets, his warm breath on the fur making his son writhe in pleasure, chest rising and lowering with the beats of his young heart. Jason then began to suckle them, both in his mouth at the same time, suckling and nibbling lightly with the barest touch of his teeth, his throat vibrating sounds of pleasure through the male fruits of his son. Eli mrrred in humble reply, restricted by his bliss to lie in the bed. He could feel his sheath stirring, warm blood flowing downwards. It wasn't long before he could feel his sheath plumpen and his small cock emerge shyly. His father mmmed in appreciation at the sight of that young cock, a cock he had loved ever since seeing it. It was a miniature version of his own. In terms of biology, he inherited more features from his father. Perhaps this caused another mutual reason for such closeness they had.

'Eli....you still look the fine young male.' Jason moved upward, dragging his tongue along the balls, and along the now rigid sheath to the cock. The tangy taste of the young meat made him sigh as he licked it like a lollipop, making Eli moan and writhe a little.

'Ohh daddy....ohhh that feels good.' It was not long before Jason began to move his mouth over it, lips locking in a circle around the head and slowly sliding his head down on it. He moaned on the cock as he began to swallow it, up to the base. The long tapered roo meat of his son tasted warm and pleasing, lightly rubbing the back of his tongue as he made love to it with his mouth, lips circling and suckling back and forth on it, his eyes closed in lust. Eli panted and gripped the bed tightly with his paws, scrunching up the thin covers.

Eventually his father ceased his sucking and looked at his son, lips drooling very slightly of precum.

'I think it is now time, my dear Eli.'

The cub nodded solemnly, as if he was about to undertake an ancient ritual. Jason turned around to face his rear at Eli, then he went on his back before him. His son saw the tailhole, right at the tailbase of that thick kangaroo tail, a muscular source of balance.

Eli removed his hospital gown easily and clambered on top of it, gripping the tail with his arms and moving up on it. Soon his head was at the lower torso, the cock of his father just under his chin. He prodded blindly but slowly with his hips to find his father's hole and he soon hit it, a slight indent that made Jason gasp. With a steady push forwards, his cock then entered his father for the first time. He managed to easily slide it all the way inside him, easily hilting it. It felt so warm. The tightness was reassuring like the tight paw clasping his own. Jason held one of his son's paws with a moan as he felt his son enter him, his anal walls rubbed by the young penis nicely, slipping past them with a certain grace.

'Ohhh Eli.....you feel so good....ohh my son...'

Eli moaned along with him, sharing the moment. He remembered what his father did to him and so he tried to copy from memory. First he pulled his hips back as far back as he could, the length sliding out of the tailhole with very little tug from the anal walls of his father. As he just managed to pull out the cockhead, he thrust back inside hard, making a small grunt, rubbing harder against the muscular tunnel. Jason grunted with a slight pant, mentally begging for more from his son, wanting to share the emotions his son was going through in this blank hospital room that seemed to acquire an almost surreal state.

Eli then began once more pulling his cock out of his father, slamming back inside him with a hard gasp, his small roo face an expression of disbelieving bliss. He then began creating his rhythm into his father, one paw gripping his father's, and the other gripping the haunch of one of his legs. He entered as far as he could before sliding out slowly at first, but he soon increased his speed, managing to build energy into his hips for what lay ahead. All his father could do was lie there and look at his son with a face that spoke of unquestionable love, physical closeness and paternal pride. His eyes were half closed and his nostrils flared, seeing his son fucking his tailhole, all the while getting better.

'Such a clever boy....Ohhhh Eliiii....give me your seed....bind me to your love like I once did to you.'

'Daddy.....Ohhhh this feels wonderful....I..I....Ahhh....I..L-love youuu...'

His breath became shaky as his orgasm began coming ever nearer. His muscles became tense as he began fucking even faster, now bucking like a mating canine, pushing hips back and forth every second, rubbing friction against the pulsing anal walls that seemed to caress and hug his penis, creating more friction and heat inside Jason's ass. Sweat began running on Eli's face, his eyes looking at his father always with a powerful presence of loving need. His mouth was agape, tongue hanging out as he delved into his male incestuous lust that symbolised how much they loved each other. Jason began to feel the power of his son's cock more and more as his anus became more heated and he groaned, calling out:

'Eli! Eli! Ohh...fill me with your love, my dear son!'

It was at that moment that Eli Campbell finally reached his climax. With a childish squeal, he slammed one more time inside his father, his cock twitching and pumping madly, forcing out his prepubescent seed into Jason. At last, he had done it. He had mated with his father, who he forgot for that moment should be dead. His small spurts of cum splattered on his father's muscled walls. Jason felt this, and he moaned, panting lightly and not as hard as his son was. Poor boy's exhausted, he thought. Eli then lay down forwards, his naked body lying on his father's cock which emitted a warm sticky pool of precum on his neck. Jason reached over and rubbed his head.

'My son.....Now do you realise that you'll never forget me?' Eli then looked up and opened his eyes sleepily, seeing in a blurred state his father's face, the sweet face of a brave and mighty roo whom he loved more than anyone in the world.

'Aye dad....I understand now. Thank you.'

'Good boy. Now...you go to sleep now. It's been a tiring day for you.' His father gently picked his son up and rested him in the bed properly, putting the sheets over him which was now warmed up by their bodies. He looked at the silver chain on his son's neck. He smiled, surprised he still wore it after five years. As his son began to submit to his tiredness, Jason whispered into his ear:

'You remember the chain you wore when we first became close? That will be your memory of our time together, along with your dreams. I will come for you, on the 19th day of every three months, in your dreams.'


'Yes my son?'

'Is this a dream?' Another innocent question Jason could remember now.

'Yes it is. You know my body is gone. But not my spirit. Now I must go.' He kissed his son's lips, a slow locked enclosure, a seal filled with the breaths of many promises which they both thought lasted forever, exchanging small whimpers. They then broke away from each other. Jason then walked away from the bed, but he then turned back, his head tilting to turn behind him.

'Eli? I have one more request.'

'Aye..what is it, da?'

'Please look after your mother for me. She does love me as much as you do. You're the male of the house now. It's your duty to look after her.' Eli nodded to him and grew a heartwarming smile on his lips. Eli turned his head away to rest, his father's spirit exiting the room, and soon the next words he heard were:

'Had a fun dream, Eli?' Eli opened one eye and looked around him. He was still in his hospital bed. The tiles and still gleamed white with their siblings, the walls and ceiling, all white with a clinical indifference. He looked to his left, where his father had walked away, and in his place was the English boar, Dr Turner. His kindly expression between the two tusks that shone in the light was of acceptance.

'Uhh...' Eli felt bleary-eyed and in a daze. He recollected the dream piece by piece, as if he was collecting the shots from a reel of film. 'I...guess so.'

'Well, I came to check up on you, and you've seemed to have warmed up a little. Let me do some tests on you.' The boar walked closer with a stethoscope around his neck. He placed the cold disk end on the cub's chest, which strangely did not feel cold at all to Eli. After a few seconds, Dr Turner smiled and put the stethoscope away.

'Well....you seem to be getting warm now. It appears as if your condition is getting better again. At this rate, you may even get out by this week.'

'Aye? Great! Thanks Dr Turner.'

'No problem, Eli.' It was at that moment that the doctor shivered slightly and looked towards the window. It was open.

'Did you open that window?' Eli looked at the glass with a look of contempt, but unsure if he actually had. After all, he had a dream.

'I...dinnae ken. Guess I did.'

'You shouldn't do that in your condition. Let me close it for you, it's getting too cold.' Dr Turner walked over to the window and closed it with a thud. He headed back over to the cub patient and smiled at him.

'Now, I must go check my other patients. We have some good heating so you need not worry about the cold. And also, don't worry about the sheets, we can clean them easily.' As the doctor nodded and walked out of the room, Eli looked down at his bed and saw some darker spots on the bed sheets. He looked over to them and sniffed cautiously, reeling back a little in surprise. Semen. His own. Must've been a wet dream.

Nevertheless, he felt warmer already. He gripped the chain on his neck fondly and smiled from the dream which he could remember every facet of. He knew now that his father would never be afraid of his son forgetting him.

Because deep down inside, Eli knew his father would forever stay in his memories. He would never forget Jason. Not as long as he had the silver chain and his memories.

Before he laid back to rest some more, he began wondering one last question. How much of his dream was actually a dream? There was the open window as proof to doubt.

He then rested his eyes and made a prayer.

'To whoever lies in the farthest realm, Thank you for bringing my father back home.'