Oh Sweet Cadbury

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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Oh Sweet Cadbury

By Zack Gregson

(Chocobos and all place names are copyrighted to their respective creators. The character FinalGamer is my own creation.)

This story is set in the world of Final Fantasy IX, before the entire adventure itself began.

It had been a long day. Too long probably for some. The sun had risen high in the morning and a joyful summer heat came to all who felt it (although Burmecia probably did not feel the same, but they never seem to). The plateaus of lands with their various towns and cities shone like emeralds, while down below the cliffs, the mist of evil spread aimlessly throughout the lower lands, providing darkness and monstrous transformations to all poor innocent creatures who went below and succumbed easily. From above, the world looked like a box of emeralds inside a dusty jewel box.

It was somewhere in the Lindblum kingdom that one creature, a stranger in more ways than one, had begun travelling along the lands with casual ease, avoiding monsters that would try to battle him and waste his time. He wasn't the best fighter, but he had enough potions and ethers to keep his body going. He was a velociraptor. Now the world known as Terra did not have any velociraptors, only creatures similar to them. All who were friendly to him were curious of his origins, but he merely replied with "I'm from a far away island, quite far from any major continent. I just got lucky enough to travel to them." He was not vicious except when someone tried to fight him, and he was friendly to all who smiled at him. His lean but unathletic looking body of brown scales gave concern for the kindly, but he was glad to accept offers of food because he paid well. His eyes were deepest green like the many forests through the lands, above and within the mist. Then there was his tattered green cloak that clung tightly to him, around his waist and over his shoulder thickly, acting also as a blanket when needed. But he had tents and other things in his inventory, which were several bags on him and his steed. There was also his markings, three purple scars on his snout. No one asked about those.

The raptor's name was Zack. That was merely a pseudonym, he had another name that many would find probably too strange to accept it as a name. He was a traveller, true enough, and he was from far away as well. But he was not from an island. He was from another world. Hence the face that there were no other creatures like him. He had ended up in this world while travelling through various other worlds and was eager to scope out the land to sate his hunger for adventure (which of course was his reason of travelling). Another good thing of travel was making friends and meeting new creatures. One creature he especially liked was his own steed. A chocobo. Chocobos are large yellow birds with two clawed feet, the size of a horse (but taller with their avian neck like a scruffy swan) and the workhorse of the world. He still never understood entirely about the origins of the creature. They were used for racing, transport, pulling carriages, mounts of war, pets, and breeding. Several colours of them existed but only to the more persistent and luckier of chocobo enthusiasts.

The chocobo he had found was an especially friendly creature, who he had saved from the monsters of the mist. The chocobo was quite an intelligent creature and thankful enough to the raptor with a series of "kwehs" and "warks". At first the chocobo feared the raptor for his appearance but when it became obvious that Zack wasn't going to eat him, he understood and warmed to him more. Zack liked the creature, a large friendly bird with such an expression of cheer on its face like a dolphin would have. A sign of good intelligence, thought the travelling raptor.

It soon became apparent that the two became good friends and he soon rode the chocobo for the first time, if not awkwardly. But the creature was patient with him and in good time, Zack had managed to master chocobo riding and the two travelled together wherever they went.

He wanted a name for the new friend. It came to him one night as the two sat near a copse in the warmth of a summer dusk, the sky going orange with a youthful pride.

"So," began Zack as he sat back against one trunk, "it's been a few weeks since I've met you, chocobo."

"Kweh!" he spoke with those sounds and despite Zack never having learnt their language, he managed to understand to some extent what the chocobo talked about. Plus, he had help from a Moogle interpreter about two weeks ago.

"I've just been wondering....you got a name?"


"I see, can't tell me, or maybe you haven't got one. Want me to give you a name? I can't keep calling you "chocobo" all the time."

"Kweh kweh!" he smiled enthusiastically and ruffled his feathers slightly.

"Haha....alright, lemme think of one.....how about Brian?"

"Wark!" a shaking of his head showing disapproval.

"Okay.....Marcus." Another shake of the head. "Chris? Dante? David? Ooh, Mary!"

"KWEH!!" A furrowed look of mock anger.

"Okay okay okay, it's alright, I know you're male. Uhhh...." he rubbed his scalp with his clawed hand and considered any kind of name that could fit. And then one odd name he heard long ago sounded a try.

"How about......Cadbury?" The chocobo looked at him oddly, hearing the name and testing the sound it made in his head. After 2 minutes, the chocobo nodded with a smile.

"Kweh, Kweh-kweh wark."

"Alright, Cadbury you shall be named. That's that sorted, methinks." He laid back and sighed, seeing the tree foliage above him swaying slightly before looking towards the chocobo, who was sitting down on his feathered rear, clawed talons pushed out before him with wings tucked in. What a handsome creature, thought Zack. The legs are scrawny but that cute scruffy body and fine beak with those sharp blue eyes that just speak of some intelligence.....he began looking more at him oddly now. Something he felt in his body was stirring slightly.

The newly christened Cadbury looked over at his master and friend. He saw the odd look the raptor had, a sort of dreamy look clouding the green eyes. Cadbury smiled at him and nodded towards Zack, who moved closer to him.

"You know Cadbury....you are a very handsome chocobo. I've not seen many but....I know you're a good one."

"Kweh.....kweh?" there was some look of wonder but confusion on the chocobo's face as he saw the raptor close to him. With a look of sympathy, he gently licked the scaled snout, making Zack smirk.

"Hehe...affectionate, aren't you?" Zack returned the favour by kissing the beak several times, making Cadbury murmur pleasantly, knowing he liked that. He moved one clawed hand to the scruffy yellow chest, loving the soft down of the avian, soothing to both of them as their eyes slowly simpered to the gently trickling emotions that flowed in their minds.

It soon became quite a pleasure to Cadbury as he flexed and relaxed his claws before he made long and low "kwweeehhh" noises, showing he enjoyed such attention. It came to a surprise for Zack when he saw some part of the feathers begin to move by themselves, lower down on the chocobo's belly. He continued rubbing and with a nervous chuckle saw something red appear from the feathery folds. A thin tapered red thing appearing from the feathers, and it was obvious what it was.

"Awww, you like me." Zack took this naturally, not embarrassed that much of the emotions of his steed, being a creature with less control over his body than Zack did. Cadbury looked down and smiled at his master with a different kind of smile. One appropriate for the mood he was in.

"Getting horny for someone? Bet it was that gorgeous green chocobo you saw in the stables, right?"

"Kweh, kweehhh..." Cadbury stood up before Zack and presented himself, penis slowly emerging before Zack's face, who looked up at the large bird with a chuckle.

"Are you falling in love with me?" He stroked the chest of the chocobo, close enough to kiss the feathers, which he did, simpering up to his steed, whom he trusted implicitly. Cadbury murmured more as Zack kissed his chest softly, his penis growing slowly to its full length of 13 inches. Zack looked at it in some surprise.

"You're...pretty big there, my friend."

"Kweh." Cadbury said this with some pride in his voice. He moved closer and rubbed his chest against Zack's snout, showing his semi-primal eagerness of sating his lust.

"Ohhh no no, I can't Cadbury. I'm not a chocobo, as you can see."

"Kweh-kweh." he shook his head and continued rubbing his master's face with the soft feathers, showing he did not care and liked him a lot. Zack had to feel honoured at such emotion. He looked at the penis, knowing no one was about and he was now getting curious about it. What does a bird's cock taste like?

"Well....if you want, Cadbury." He bent down on all fours and began to sniff the penis, smelling the chocobo's male hormones going up high, obvious for the mood. he tentatively began to crawl closer and start licking the tip, which drooled slightly of some precum. He let the flavour settle in and found it not bad. He was not a stranger to a penis, and while the chocobo cock was slightly sour and bland, he could take it.

Zack decided to go further on it and slowly took the cock into his mouth, taking in two inches easily with a moan, being extra careful with his teeth as he did so. Cadbury's muscles stiffened and he made a long "wwwaaaarrrrk" of lust. Zack moaned at hearing his chocobo like it, and swallowed it further, tasting it to be more sour but not unbearable and beginning to like the slight salty taste. He managed to take in five inches, holding the penis halfway with one hand to make sure Cadbury didn't move or thrust forward. He licked along the cock inside his mouth, suckling the bottom of it hard and with growing lust, his own erection becoming apparent as his cock bulged from his scaled feral sheath. Cadbury felt the warm hand of his master on his cock and stood still, occasional ruffling of his wings showing his eager but somewhat impatient mood, as he planned for more to do. But he loved the feel of that soft wet tongue on his meat, so he let himself relax and become warmed up. Zack moaned, vibrating the 13 inches as he began to bob on it, up and down the length of five inches out of 13, suckling and working his lips and tongue on it, eyes half closed in lust as he tasted more. Soon Cadbury thought that was enough and moved back from the raptor on the ground, sliding the cock out of his mouth. Zack looked up at Cadbury with panting mouth, his cock fully erect from the experience.

"Something wrong?" he asked, worried about his chocobo in case he did something wrong. But it was in fact just for the next stage. Cadbury moved forward and rubbed his penis eagerly on Zack's scales, panting a little. Zack understood.

"You...want to mate with me?"

"Kweh!" the quick nod of approval from Cadbury showed this to be true. Zack looked at the length of the chocobo, wondering if he could take that. At least it was thin, but it IS long.......oh heck, I can trust him to not hurt me.

And with that thought, Zack stood up and went to the tree, bending down slightly with claws gripped on the trunk, tail reared in the provocative pose everyone knew as "please fuck me."

Cadbury warked with approval and staggered over to the raptor, stabbing his cock around the ass, aiming to get it in.

"Hey, ooh, careful back there, don't wanna be to ha-ARGH!" he felt something hit his tailhole and with that, he felt the avian penis shove into his ass, pushing with forceful thrusts every so often as Cadbury tried to push as much as he could inside Zack.


"Ohhh Gods....Cadbury....ohhh that hurt...." Even though he felt the cock roughly shoving against his anal walls, sometime grating them a little awkwardly, he didn't mind it as much as one would think. In all honesty, Zack had felt sex of all kinds and certainly not a stranger to anal sex. But chocobos are new, so he had little idea of how they mated. He hoped Cadbury knew this.

It was a few minutes later as the chocobo had managed to push 13 inches inside Zack. The raptor was in disbelief. he felt the penis slither forcefully fast inside his ass, pushing deeper and deeper than he had ever felt before. He thanked the gods for avians having thin penises, otherwise it would've hurt more. Cadbury made a sighing "kwwwwee-e-e-e-e-e-e-hhhh" as he felt his penis throb inside his master's tailhole, feeling the warmth pulsating inside cloistering all around his penis, turning him on more as he felt his mating urges conquer him.

"Ohhhh...C-c-Cadbury...." was all Zack could say as he clenched tight on the cock, feeling it slide out a little before violently shoving inside with a loud "WARK" behind him, knowing that the chocobo was going to fuck him hard. He gripped his claws on the tree, making grooves on it as he also clenched his muscles and teeth, trying to resist the pain, grunting loudly in pain but not altogether disliking the whole thing. The chocobo began his real humping and pounded harder at the cock, the tightness was overwhelming. He had mated with females and even males before, but they were very few. Here was his first non-chocobo and what a feeling! Such a tight entrance clamping on his penis, as if urging him to force his cock harder, which he tried to do so, his eagerness ecstatic as he shoved in and out, the tapered cock grating hard against the walls with bestial lust. He heard his master whine, knowing the tone was of approval.

"Ohhh ohhh....ohhhh Go-o-o-ods.....take me Cadbury....please...." Zack had become lustful as the pain receded, the pleasure driving into his brain and flowing like the mist itself, conquering his mind, only wanting to feel that sweet chocobo mate him with as much as he could. He became his steed there and then, letting the chocobo mount him for once, loving that long penis penetrate his most deepest insides, ones that had never been touched before. A puddle of precum steadily grew on the grass under his cock which dripped with lust, and under his as, which dripped with hunger.

Soon it would end. Cadbury could not last any more as he made a sudden noise, the loudest call a chocobo could make as he pounded with his strongest force, before cumming deep inside Zack.


"AARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!" Zack screamed in unison as he felt himself being pounded hard, before feeling that sudden filling of cum. He felt it shoot deep inside him, so deep it was practically into his intestines. He had to cum with his steed and friend, as his cock quivered insanely and shot like a powered cannon into the ground, forcing his cum into the cool grass under him. The chocobo seed was so warm as well, practically burning hot, it was so soothing to his anal walls which became smeared and filled with sweet male chocobo milk. Cadbury pulled out soon after with a loud shlurp of his cock exiting his master's ass, the red penile length flopping downwards, blood soon retreating as the lustful state of mind passed.

Zack slowly slumped to the ground panting, the claws scraping at the wood uselessly as he laid down with exhaustion, feeling all of his ass red raw. His cheeks felt slapped, his anal walls had been grated, and his prostate was feeling definitely over-rubbed to rawness. He looked behind him, panting lustfully as he saw his chocobo look at him with that smile on his beak, happy to work off his lust on someone, even more so on someone he liked.

"Ohh sweet Cadbury...." muttered Zack. After that, the two had become ever closer in their relationship, rider and steed swapping roles for different occasions and different moods. Mating was not common and it only happened whenever the chocobo was lustful, Zack being respectful of his friend's moods.

It was smooth travelling for the two, with nothing but love and fun and adventure. Until the great cataclysm of events came afterwards with the invasions from the Alexandria kingdom. And a lot more happened between the two during those events.

But that's another story entirely, and one that should be saved for another day.

The Super Unicorn Brothers

**The Super Unicorn Brothers** By Zack Gregson (This story should only be read by those who are 18 and enjoy the idea of male incest. You have been warned. All characters in this story are copyrighted to their respectful creators, mostly CapCom) ...

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Eli Eli 3: Breath of Wind

Eli, Eli 3: Breath of Wind By Zack Gregson (Yes, you better be 18 and enjoy the thought of incestuous male sex. If you don't then you can go home and slap yourself. Enjoy the last story of this series...for now) As he opened his eyes, he...

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