Chapter 20

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#59 of Love and Pain

The skull hunters launch a devastating attack but that attack came at a cost. And for those who are wondering Rh-null is the rarest blood type known to man its also known as golden blood :3

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Shiva sat in her cell. She has been waiting patiently. She watched a guard look over at her with a smirk. He was a Lynx one of the few fur guards who worked in the prison. Shiva was kept heavily bound she couldn't move aside from her ears and tail tip in order to prevent escape. Needless to say many guard especially this lynx took advantage of her imprisonment taking sexual liberties with her.

It wouldn't have mattered if she told someone as no one cared if she was violated. She was going to be executed once Sora was through with her anyway. She tolerated the abuse taking it all with a calm demeanor but the fire of hatred burned inside her. Tonight was the night. The night she would repay every guard one thousand fold for every indignity she was forced to suffer during her incarceration. The lynx looks around before slipping into her cell and rubber her breasts through her prison.

"Heh such a lovely body, most girls with looks like yours wont give a male like me the time of day. My wife is such a damn prude, But not you. Your my sweet ebony goddess" he purred.

Shiva growled at him only to get struck in the head by the annoyed guard.

"Listen you little whore you better play nice....or I can make things very difficult for you." he hissed.

Shiva rolled her eyes and continued to let the guard do as he pleased.

"You and your family will be repaid 1 thousand for every indignity." Shiva thought.

In the city Mira, Koga, Abasi and Maverick down the streets.

"We go in teams of two. Mira, Koga rendezvous with Valkyrie. If we are going to sack this city we need to take Sora down." Maverick said.

"What about Sora's forces? She is heavily guarded." Mira.

"They wont be a problem. Sora's people are more loyal to Odin then they are her. Getting into the palace will be easy. Abasi and I will get Shiva out." Maverick stated.

The group parted. Maverick and Abasi made their went to the prison. They made no attempt to hide their identities. They made their way into the prison to the cell block that held Shiva, two male raptors guarded the door. The guards lifted their guns ready to shoot. Maverick only uttered a single phrase.

"The fox has gotten into the hen house."

The guards looked at each other the two raptors gave smirks and hisses of approval stepping aside. Abasi walked in front to see the lynx with his pants down around his ankles. He was starting to pull Shiva's pants off. He stopped when he spotted Maverick and Abasi tripping on his own pants falling on his rear his eyes wide with shock.

"What the hell re you doing in here! How did you get in here!?" the feline demanded.

Maverick's ears flattened as he got close. He could smell the male fluids and musk all over Shiva. He grabbed the chains melting them in his grip. It wasn't long before Shiva was free. She fell to her paws and knees before standing slowly. She arched her back stretching extending and retracting her claws.

"You seem to have been having fun Shiva." Abasi teased.

"A blast." Shiva answered turning her attention to the lynx

Abasi smirks knowing full what was going to happen next. The lynx stood up and tried to run his pants still around his ankles causing him to trip again. Shiva growls licking her lips as she walked over to him casually. The Lynx now panicking draws his gun turning around to shoot only for Shiva to grab squeezing it in a paw. If looks could kill Shiva would be charged tried war crimes. She snarled slowly crushing the Lynx wrist bone making him scream in pure agony dropping his gun. Shiva picked up the gun and jammed it into his muzzle her finger on the trigger. The guard started to sob his ears pinned to his head.

"Suck the barrel like its a cock." Shiva ordered

The guard just sobbed more a puddle of urine forming under him. Shiva was not amused she yanked his crushed wrist making him scream.

"What was it you said to me earlier" Shiva hissed.

The lynx begin sucking on the barrel bobbing his head still sobbing.

" that's a good boy your very good at this its so hot I am about to blow." Shiva purred pulling the trigger blowing a hole in the back of the guards head.

Shiva rubbed her nipples through her tattered shirt and places another paw between her legs gazing at the gore staining the far side of the wall. She was barely even wet. She let out a bored sigh before pulling the guard wallet from his pocket.

"He never could last long." She said.

Inside the wallet she saw the guards ID address and even a picture of his family. A female lynx with 3 small cubs. Shiva wasn't surprised she had heard the guard rant and rave about how ever since the cubs came his sex life was pretty much dead not that she cared. However she now knew where he lived and she had every intention on making them pay for their fathers in digressions. She then took out he lynx's phone and got a saw text. His family was here to visit him. Since he forgot his lunch Shiva ears folded her tongue brushing over her lips. She then found spare ammo on the guard and pocketed it.

"Lets see if his wife and little ones are any better." She said a hungry look in her eyes.

Koga and Mira made their way into he palace. Koga showed the guard his skull hunter badge and like Maverick said to Mira's amazement they were met with no resistance. They made their way down the halls to the war room. There Koga saw all the strategy to deal with the skull hunters. The tiger wolf smirked as h he sets several explosives on the computers Mira stood guard watching her paw resting on her sword ready to draw it. Koga slipped a drive into he computer making several copies of the plans as well as taking other information from the main frame. Mira's ears perked when she heard foot steps and saw Venus walking in her naginata already out. Mira drew her sword.

"We have company." Mira alerted.

Koga was well aware of Venus's presence he finished the drive and stashed it in a hidden pocket on his vest.

"Mira...I heard rumors you joined the skull hunters. Its sad a vixen with so much potential is nothing more than a terrorist." Venus said with a disappointed tone.

"There is much you fail to understand." Mira said assuming a stance.

"Then you can enlightenment me... when your behind bars!" the dragon growled.

Venus thrust her pole weapon forward Mira leaned to the side dashing slashing at Venus's side only for the dragon to swing her tail forcing the vixen to jump back. Venus lifted her weapon and spun it a powerful wind filled the room and ti only grew stronger and stronger. Soon furniture tables and various other objects begin to lift off the ground and spin in the vortex.

"So she is trying to pull us into that vortex and slice us once we get close.,Very smart but very predictable." Mira though she jammed her sword into he floor anchoring herself.

A ball of blue flame appeared in her paw and she threw it. Venus stopped spinning her weapon pushing her wings forward shielding herself from the blast. She skidded back. When she held the staff end of her weapon up blocking Mira's sword. Koga lunged punching Venus hard in the stomach winding her forcing her to lean forward. Mira jumped up kicking her in the head sending her sprawling. Mira readies to charge. But she gets blasted by by a strong gust of wind Venus raises her glowing paws creation vacuum around both their heads dragging the air out of their lungs. She was going to suffocate them. Koga experienced in killing wind dragons knew to hold his breath Mira however didn't. Koga eye turns red as too out a stun grenade and throw at Venus paw. Venus dodges it but the blast made her loose concentration. She hold her ears hearing nothing but a loud ringing. Koga throw some smoke bombs and picks Mira up dashing from the room. Normally he could taken Venus in a fight but the he get out before the bombs went off.

As he ran he got a chill sensing something right next to him. Venus's naginata thrust mere centimeters above his head clipping a few stands of fur. He didn't see Venus charging after him he figured she was still blinded but was tracking him by sound. Venus was still blinded but her ears pressed forward listening for the intruders. Koga stopped running and picked up a piece of debris throwing ti in the opposite direction making ti collide with the glass of a window Venus turns towards it blasting a stream of fire. Koga saw his chance and with Mira over his shoulder sprinted from the room.

Ace walked down the hall the smell of blood flooded his nostrils. Sensing fowl play he ran down the hall hand on his service weapon. He turned to corner to see 3 feline corpses. A female lynx and 3 cubs all four of them disemboweled and dismembered. His ears flatten letting out a growl, his ears foot steps and sees Shiva holding hold the cubs severed heads a look of pure horror on the child's face the fur soaked and mated from fresh tears blood dripped from Siva's muzzle and claws telling Ace she did this with her bare paws and fangs.

"This one was was such a cry baby~ Still she was more fun than her mom and siblings." Shiva purred sweetly caressing the severed head.

Ace drew his gun and opened fire. Each bullet hit Shiva and she fell flat on the ground. Soon she got up and Ace shot again and again reloading his gun as quick as he could. During Shiva incarceration they did discoverer from DNA samples they took that Shiva healing factor had limits. She could with stand fatal injures 9 times in a day. She basically had 9 lives however that counter is reset after 24 hours so even if she died 8 times the next day her she would have all 9 lives back after 24 hours. A result of the experiments ran on her during the war. During the beginning of the war many furs opposed it openly on social media and in public. As result many furs were arrested by the government for treason, suspicion of terrorism and many other trumped up charges. When in truth they were just getting rid of people they didn't like and who dared embarrass them by speaking out.

Shiva was a live in maid working for a very powerful governor when she was younger. She was very good at her job and that got her a life in the lap of luxury. Until the governor's jealous wife had her fired and arrested on false charges of prostituting, rape and child molestation. She even coached her cubs to falsely accuse Shiva. From there Shiva was experimented on and she become a mercenary during the war. It warped her changed her. Once free from the labs and prison she slaughtered the governor and his cubs. She sexually tortured the wife before murdering her as well and she enjoyed it.

Ace's gun clicked he ran out of bullets. He walked over to Shiva seeing her not moving. However one he stood over her the panther's eyes shot open and slashes her across ace face making the hybrid scream in agony. With a single punch she slugged Ace hard in the head sending him tot he ground.

"That's twice I died today. So disappointing.....Koga told me to be careful with you....clearly he was exaggerating."she said in an almost bored tone.

She took the gun from Ace's paw reloading ti with ammo she took off the guard earlier and stood over him taking aim. She was about to fire when Ace eyes shot open his pupil now blood red. He gripped the barely with one paw crushing it. With a growl her head butted Shiva in the face knocking her back. Shiva but caught his fist as Ace growled out savagely.

"Well I stand corrected." Shiva said with a smirk.

Her cont brushes over her bloody nose as she smiled darkly. Ace charges at her again but Shiva avoided a few of his slashes when she felt the building shake violently before the floor caved in beneath them. One by one the bombs Koga's planted exploded destruction parts of the palace. Koga looked from a distance having escaped before hand. He watched as half of the massive palace collapsed in on itself. Furs and reptoids alike ran through the streets screaming in panic siren blared as fire and rescue crews rushed tot he scene. Massive clouds of black smoke billowed out into he sky. Abasi ran ran up skidding to a stop before streamline out his arms with a yawn

"Race ya back to base Mira. I bet you a round of drinks I can beat you." Abasi said.

Mira smirked a bit her tail giving a soft swish. She knew all very few people could compete with a cheetah in a foot race.

"That's a sucker's bet. Your buying your own drinks from now on." Mira quipped.

"What about Shiva?" Mira asked.

"You return to base I will go find her." Abasi said.

Before anyone else could say anything he dashed off back into he city. With his speed Abasi was next to impossible to catch.

Luna landed on a rooftop nearby the blast zone. She knew the skull hunters were going to raid the palace and break Shiva out. So she decided to stay near to see how things would go. She gazed at the debris watching the dead and injured getting pulled out of the rubble before some movement caught her eye. He gaze fell upon a wounded Ace trapped under debris. Ace was pinned ground in pain looking up, alarms blared in his ears as rescue crews worked to save people from the debris from fallen part of the palace heard the sound of moving debris. Shiva burst from the ruble with a roar. She fixed on Ace and pulled the gun she took from the guard.

"Alas we have reached the climax of our little game. Its time for me to finish you." Shiva hissed aiming the gun at Ace's head.

A dark energy blast slammed into Shiva making the feline scream as she was turned to dust in the blast causing a small explosion when the dust cleared all the was left of the Panther was some dust in the wind. Ace looked in the direction the blast came from. And saw Luna land before walking over to him. Luna stood over him with toothy smirk. Ace growls and tried to get up but he was trapped under rubble completely at the dragoness's mercy.

"Well it looks like its just you and me now Tiger wolf...And WE have a score to settle. Now as I recollect in a similar predicament you once allowed me to live." Luna said with a toothy grin.

She held out a paw a dark energy orb formed in the palm. Ace eyes went wide Luna grin grew darker as he was engulfed in the blast. An explosion as hear a plume of smoke rose into he air. Ace opened his eyes and looked around he was free from the debris and uninjured. Like had freed him. His vision began to blur before he passed out.

"Consider us even." Luna said casually s shew talked off before spreading her wings and flying off.

Abasi had saw the whole thing he also spotted Luna before Ace did. Strong as he was he knew better than to risk a fight with the dragon lord so he hung back watching.

"Damn it." he hissed before dashing back tot he group.

Ace was soon found by rescue crews and rushed tot he ER. He was out for a week. When he finally woke to see Sora at his bedside. He tried to get u-p but she stopped him.

"Everyone is safe..... Venus got some wounds nothing major. Athena and Chase aren't even in the city." Sora said.

Sora walked tot he window seeing the rubble. Her fists clenched with a snarl a feral growl utters in her throat. After what had happened on the oblivion she had decided to take a break and leaf the palace the outskirts of the city to calm her nerve and clear her head for a few days. That was until she saw the smoke she rushed back to find half her palace in ruins many died many more were injured and the city in Chaos. She looked at Ace then back at the city her fist sparking.

"I should never have left...Those bastards will pay." She growled

"Sora this wasn't your fault...There is now way they could have gotten into the palace the security was flawless unless..."Ace trailed off.

Sora spun on a heal looking Her mate right in the eye.

"Unless what???" Sora said in a stern tone.

"Unless it was an inside job." Acer said.

Sora eyes went wide before narrowing she looked down in deep thought. Ace was right the only way the skull hunters could have gotten close enough to stage an attack this big was if someone in her guard or court was helping them.

Shinryu sat on a cushion in his room sipping tea his eyes closed his ears folded Abasi standing in front of him. He gave sighs and set his cup down on the chabudai.

"So Shiva is dead too....that's unfortunate. I believe I told you to get her out of there alive.And Valkyrie wasn't there to meet you.." Shin said glowering at the king cheetah.

"There were complications.And Valkyrie was no where to be seen in the place!" Abasi stammered.

"Yes so I've heard, complication do tend to happen but fortunately for you your incompetence has worked out in my favor... the skull hunter attack has created a rift between Sora and her people and the disarray will enable us to capture more dragon. Gather the remaining targets." Shin growled.

Abasi's ears flattened and he left the room. Shin stood up and opened a hidden door in his room. The kitsune stepped his walking down a flight of steps to a hidden lab. Inside the lab was an enormous cryo stasis pod. Inside slept a large white lion, he was chained and muzzled.

The control panel on the pod was locked bizarre. Unlike other locks that required keys or swipe cards this lock required a blood sample. Only 1 blood type would work however for this lock the only blood type that can open it is Rh-null. The trash barrel near the pod was filled with syringes and vials of now long dried blood. He looks to the right and saw the incinerator was on destroying the corpse of another captured dragon who didn't have the blood type they needed.

"Soon you will be free and we can purge this planet and every other of the corruption that has taken root....Lord Thanitos." Shin said putting a paw on the pod.