Wet Dreams on Elf Street

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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Yeah, nothing really to say for this other than it's Nightmare on Elm Street, just done with animals. Obviously there's no killing, fucking takes place in all that instead.

The camera zooms in on a long concrete hallway where a white anthro mouse with a small blue nightie on and with long blond hair that went down her back nervously walking down it.

"Baaa!" came a loud lamb as it ran past her out of nowhere making her jump and hold her chest, but she still kept going.

"Where am I?" it questioned itself sounding like a girl who spotted a door up ahead and cautiously grabbed the knob and pushed it open before getting hit with hot air as she saw it looked like some kind of boiler room. With a heavy gulp she made her way in via the stairs.

The petite mouse looked around her and had to avoid any blasts of steam hitting her while noting it all felt good, even though it would still be nice to have clothes on.

"Well well well, look who came to visit." came a male voice that made her jump and look around while trying to cover herself.

"W-W-Who's there?" she called out with embarrassment and looked around.

"Someone who wants to have fun." spoke the man before a figure slowly walked out from behind a pipe who wore a small brown hat, a red and green striped shirt, and black pants with a brown tail swishing behind them with the face of a smirking weasel.

The mouse looked at the weasel from top to bottom, however the smirk he wore was unsettling for her. "W-Who....are you?" She asked with a hint of fear in her voice while stepping back a bit.

"Oh no need to fear my dear." he smirked while walking towards her and looked her over. "After all, I'm just your friendly everyday weasel just popping by to say hi, and I must say, I like what I see." He ran his tongue over his lips with a twisted and hungry look in his eyes.

The mouse could feel her heart hammering like a drum, her knees were shaking and tried to move, but she felt her legs freezing up, unable to move due to this sensation of fear flowing through her. Her eyes widened when she saw the weasel reaching out to her, and to her horror she saw knives on his fingers that looked like they were attached to a weird glove.

The weasel let out a low chuckle at her frightened expression as he ran the back of his knives on her cheek and running it down to her chest. "Relax, I just wanna open you up and see what I find."

This snapped the mouse from her paralyzed state, smacked his hand away and started running away from him down the darkened hall. As she ran she could hear him chuckling which echoed throughout the hall, steam erupted from the pipes blasting her in a cloud of steam and hot air, she yelped when she felt the heat almost burning her, but continued running, hoping to get away from that mad man.

Said weasel was casually walking while briefly scraping the claws against the pipes and cleared his throat. "I love the cat and mouse game! Especially when I play the cat! Ready or not, here I come!" before he began jogging after her.

His words that echoed in the hall reached her ears, and made her run even faster, when she exited the hall she suddenly found herself in what appeared to be a boiler room of some kind. Everything was almost red like blood, various pipes let out small clouds of steam which made the room becoming unbearable from the intense heat.

She panted from the running and fanned herself, she froze when she heard him jogging in the hall and looked all around the room for either a door to escape or a place to hide.

"Olly olly oxen free~" he sang making the mouse shiver while backing up near a pipe, only to feel some steam shoot out from it and against her butt, with the steam not scolding hot, but warm enough that it made her jump with a yelp making him turn his head and smile. "I heard a squeak~" He smirked. "I know you're in there little mouse. Come out and play~"

The mouse covered her mouth and shivered when she heard his footstep getting louder, she found another spot in the room which thankfully wasn't near any pipes and went over and hid herself before seeing the weasel entering the room.

The weasel looked all around the room, never losing the grin on his lips, and slowly walked inside the room, his soft footsteps echoed while the mouse tried to remain hidden in the shadows.

'Oh god, please go away.' she thought with a gulp while moving to step back, but felt her foot brush against something. She looked down and saw a little doll in the form of a squirrel and wore a purple dress, however the dress had a few tears and rips on it, and the head of the doll had some stuffing sticking out.

As she gazed at the doll she almost yelped when she heard that screeching sound, of metal scraping against metal, she covered her ears trying to block out the sound while the weasel merely hummed to himself as he ran his claws on a pipe.

"You know, I'm being nice, so I'll give you the chance to come on out. I'll count to three, and if you're a good little mouse and come out, I'll give you an extra special reward. One."

The mouse only remained in her hiding spot, frozen with fear as she heard him coming closer.


She closed her eyes as she silently prayed for him to leave, or someone to come save her, sadly it was for naught when she accidentally stepped on the doll and... "Mama." It spoke.

He turned his head and grinned before vanishing from the spot with the mouse going wide eyed and heard him behind her whisper in her ear. "Three~"

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" She screamed as loud as possible when she ran out from her hiding spot, and bolted for the hallway only to trip and fall on the floor with a yelp of pain from her chin. She looked at her feet and saw them being bound in chains which appeared from the floor.

"Aw, did someone fall down?" asked the weasel walking over near her and crouched down with a smile. "I better kiss that boo boo, but first let's get you out of this little thing."

Her eyes widened as he raised the claws before swinging them down and saw them cut into her nightie before letting out a loud scream with her suddenly finding herself sitting up in her bed with fear and her heart thumping in her chest while back in her bedroom.

She frantically looked all around, only to see it was her bedroom and not that boiler room, and ran her hands all over her body and to her relief her nightie was still in one piece. She let out a shuddering sigh and moved her legs from her bed, and sat on the edge while rubbing her face. "It was just a dream. A horrible dream." She said to herself before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

The bathroom light was on and she was splashing water from the sink on her face, rubbing her eyes from any tears and crust she turns the faucet off and looked at the mirror. But when she really got a look at her nightie she saw four large cuts in it making her freeze up.

"W-W-What....the....?" She stuttered as she gently ran a finger through the tear in her nightie, and felt her fur and skin beneath the digit. "H-How did....this happen...Was it.....all real?"

"Tina? Tina are you alright?" called her mom outside the bedroom door.

Tina the mouse turned her attention to her door when she heard her mother call out, she walked over and gently opened the door, peering through the crack at another mouse like her, but older and with shorter blond hair and in a night robe. "M-Mom?" She said with a small amount of fear in her voice.

"Honey are you ok? Your father and I heard you screaming." She asked when she saw the frightened look in her daughter's face.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm ok, I just had a bad dream."

"It must've been a really bad one for you to scream like that." Her father said. He was a year or two older than his wife, with some greying in his red hair and wearing a white tank top shirt and in his underwear.

Tina slowly nodded recalling that horrible nightmare she had just now. "Yeah, it was.....but when I went to the bathroom, I....I...."

"Yes? What is it?" asked her mom concerned.

Rather than answering, she fully opened her door and showed her parents her nightie, which had the four large cuts on it.

Her mother gasped and threw her hands over her mouth, while her father's eyes widened and gritted his teeth at the state his daughter was in. "Tina....who did this to you?" He asked with a hard voice feeling anger rising inside him.

"I-It was.....a weasel....wearing a red and green striped shirt, a hat and had a clawed glove." She told him while shaking.

Her mother went over and wrapped her distraught daughter in her arms, letting her cry in her shoulder while her father froze from the description she gave him. "It'll be alright sweetie, you're safe and sound."

"Yeah, safe." muttered her father who looked annoyed and walked away from them. 'There's no way. There's just no fucking way he's alive! He's been dead for years, so how the hell did he do this to my little girl?!'

"Tina, do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" asked her mother while rubbing her daughter's back. She felt her daughter slowly nod in her shoulder, she looked over to her husband who looked back at her and gave her a small nod before going back to their room. "Come on, it's late and try to get some sleep." She said before walking her daughter back into her room and closing the door behind them.

Both Tina and her mother were seen in bed, the older mouse settling in on her daughter's bed, while Tina moved closer and felt her mother wrapping her arms around her and brought her close to her bosom.

"Goodnight sweetie." She said before kissing her daughter's forehead and fell asleep.

"...Night, mom." Tina said while slowly closing her eyes and letting the sound of her mother's heartbeat lull her to sleep.

(Next day)

Tina was starting to slowly open her eyes and yawned with sunlight coming into her room. She was able to sleep peacefully last night, because of her mother sleeping with her, that crazy clawed weasel didn't appear in her dreams nor did she get any claw marks on her nightie.

She looked at her mother who was sleeping peacefully with a small smile on her lips. "Thank you, mom." She whispered before heading for the bathroom. Once she finished brushing her teeth and showering, she went back in her room and saw her mother sitting up on her bed.

"Did you sleep well Tina?" Her mother asked while stretching herself.

"Thankfully, yeah. I just hope I don't see that mad man again." Tina said with a slight shiver.

Her mother reached over and pulled her daughter into a hug, gently rubbing her back to calm her down. "It'll be alright sweety. Whoever that man was, he won't hurt you again." She said into Tina's ear.

"Thanks." she hugged her mom back before they separated with her mom heading out.

"I'll go get breakfast ready." Her mother told her before walking through her door and left Tina alone in her room.

She sighed to herself and began to strip herself of her nightie, and started putting on her morning clothes on. She looked at her now ruined nightie, recalling what that weasel did to her in her dream, she wasn't sure who he was, why he stalked her or how he tore her nightie like that, she just hoped that she'll never see him again.

"I'm gonna have to buy a new one at some point today." She said before throwing the nightie on her bed, and went downstairs to the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen she saw her mother cooking breakfast, and her father sitting in the living room chair reading a newspaper. "Morning dad."

"Morning." he greeted without looking up from the paper and turned the page. "Did you get some sleep?"

Tina nodded and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Yeah, thankfully I didn't have a nightmare about....that man again." She said with a small frown, still feeling scared to even think of that weasel.

"Now don't you worry honey. I'll make sure he never hurts you again." He assured her before planting a kiss on her hand which lightened her spirit. Tina then went to the kitchen, while the father turned back at his newspaper, reading an article about various cases of several young teenagers, mostly girls have been taken to the hospital. It said that each girl was found in a state of near exhaustion and no one can figure out what's causing this.

With Tina she munched on some toast and drank some juice before getting up and picked up her bag. "Sorry to cut it short, but I gotta get to school mom."

"You be careful sweety!" Her mother called out.

"I will!" Tina replied back before exiting her home and running down the street.

When she got there she panted and slowed down her walk before spotting her two friends up ahead. "Nancy! Glen!" She called out while waving at them.

Nancy was a young fox with bright red fur, she wore a pair of jeans with the right leg having a few tears, her shirt was white with a purple and yellow star on the center of her impressive bust, and light brown eyes.

Glen was a stallion with chocolate brown coat, black mane and emerald green eyes while wearing a blue shirt and a pair of grey pants.

They heard Tina calling out to them and Nancy waved at the mouse who was jogging towards them. "Tina, what's good!" She said before wrapping her friend in a hug.

"Oh nothing really big, just trying to get to school is all." She said after breaking the hug.

"Well I'm surprised, usually you take the bus." remarked Glen as the three walked down the street.

"Yeah, I guess I just didn't think about it." she answered with a look to the ground.

Nancy noticed this and asked. "Hey, is there something wrong, Tin?"

Tina only shook her head before giving them a rather forced smile. "No, nothing's wrong. Let's just get to school before we're late." She said before walking ahead of them.

"Ok, that was....weird." Glen said slowly before following the mouse with Nancy beside him. "You buy that Nance?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't. Something's wrong with Tina, we'll probably ask her during lunch."

"You got it babe." he pecked her on the cheek as they spotted the school up ahead while Tina herself took deep breaths to herself.

'Relax Tina, it's school, meaning you can just focus on that. Just forget about that weird dream.'

Once they made it to their school, they went inside the classroom which they were on time, as the bell rang. Tina took her usual seat by the window, with Nancy sitting beside her and Glen in front of the fox. Their teacher came in and began their history lesson.

As the hours went by the bell ran, signalling their lunch break much to the relief of the other students, and made their way to the mess hall. Tina was seen eating her lunch by herself, until she saw Nancy and Glen taking their seats beside her.

"You mind if we eat with you, Tina?" Glen asked before started digging into his food.

"No, go ahead." She answered before returning to her meal.

As they were eating Nancy decided to take this chance to talk to her friend. She swallowed her food before tapping on the mouse's shoulder. "Hey, Tina? I know you said that nothing was wrong, but I know that's not true I mean even Glen could tell something was bothering you." She said while gesturing to the stallion, who nodded at her after swallowing his food.

"What're you talking about? Nancy I'm fine, really." Tina said trying to not to worry her friends.

Nancy only shook her head. "Tina, please just tell us. We're your friends, aren't we?" She asked hoping to find out what's bothering the young mouse.

"Of course we are."

"Then please tell us what's wrong. We wanna help you, but we can't if you don't tell us what's wrong."

Tina looked conflicted about this, she not only wanted to worry her friends, but she didn't want to remember that crazy weasel or what he tried to do to her. But Nancy's gaze was the only thing that made it hard for her not to tell her. She sighed and hanged her head low. "You really wanna know?"

"Tina please, Nancy and I are only concerned for you." Glen told the young mouse, hoping to help her as well.

"Alright, the truth is...last night I had a nightmare."

Both Nancy and Glen raised a brow in confusion.

"A nightmare?" Glen asked.

"Was it something that bad?" Nancy asked while placing a hand on Tina's shoulder.

She nodded and took a deep breath. "There was this weasel, and we were in some weird boiler room, I think in a basement. He had these weird knives on some glove, and he was after me."

"Wait, what?" spoke Glen surprised. "That's...odd."

"What did this guy do to you that got you so spooked?" Nancy asked feeling surprised by this weasel chasing her in a boiler room, with a clawed glove of all things.

Tina was almost trembling when she heard his laughter echoing in her ears. "He.....he was looking for me, in this sick game of hide and seek. And when he found me I tried to get away from him, but I fell on the floor and saw a chain attached to my leg. Then he was leaning over me, and then he slashed his claws into my nightie and I woke up screaming. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, but when I saw myself in the mirror.....I..." She briefly stopped and hugged herself as the memory of her torn nightie returned.

"What?" asked Glen curiously.

"There was...claw marks in my nightie, in the same spot from the dream."

This made both Glen and Nancy stare at Tina in stunned silence. Her nightie was sliced in her dream, only to actually happen in real life?

"...Th-That's impossible, there's no way that could actually happen....could it?" Glen said trying to figure out the cause of her nightie being sliced up.

Nancy ignored him when she saw Tina shaking like an earthquake, and wrapped her in a hug. "It's alright Tina, it's ok." She said while rubbing her friend's back. "Whoever or whatever that man is, he won't hurt you in the daytime."

"It was...just so...real." she spoke while taking deep breaths with Glen looking confused and shook his head.

"Wait, do you know what that guy's name was?"

Tina slowly shook her head. "No, he never even told me his name. But I was able to get a look at his clothing." She told him.

"What did he wear?" Glen asked.

"A small brown hat, green and red shirt, and black pants."

The stallion crossed his arms while holding his chin in a thinking position, however he was brought out of his train of thought as the school bell rang once again. "We'll figure this out after school. We'll see you back at your place Tina." Glen said while grabbing his tray to throw his trash away, while Nancy did the same and helped Tina up.

"Just try not to think to hard about it, and no matter what we'll always be there for you." She said while smiling at the skittish mouse.

"I know, thanks Nancy."

A few hours later, school was finally over and all the students were leaving the building, and returning to their homes or heading out to other places. Tina was waiting for Nancy and Glen by the stairs, while looking over a book she got from the library, to keep her mind off of the crazy weasel from her dream.

She let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes while feeling tempted to rest her eyes for a bit. But when she came close she sat up quickly and shook her head while spotting the two walking towards her.

Nancy was the first to notice the tired look in her eyes and asked. "You feeling alright Tina? You look a little tired."

"Considering that nightmare I had last night, I barely slept a wink if it wasn't for my mother sleeping with me." She answered while letting out a yawn.

"Wait, your mom slept with you?" spoke Glen who couldn't help but smile a little making Nancy nudge him.

"Come on, don't go thinking about it like that."

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." he chuckled as Tina got up with the three heading on to the bus as it came by with them getting their seats.

"Perv." Nancy rolled her eyes before looking at some of the empty seats that stood out on the bus. "Hey guys, did you hear about those girls that got sent to the hospital?"

This got both Tina's and Glen's attention until the stallion snapped his finger. "That's right I heard about it, my mom's friend was telling her about it and I overheard, three more girls. Heck, her daughter was one of them."

This was making Tina feel nervous about this piece of information. "D-Did they say what happened to them?"

"No, from what I heard they all were sent there because they seemed like they kept sleeping. Something about how they looked like they were peaceful, but something else." he remarked while looking at the roof of the bus. "Plus there's been this weird song I remember hearing, but I can't remember where."

"What was it?"

"It was something like...One, tune Freddy's coming for you, three four he's gonna make you a...and that's all I remember."

Tina's eyes slowly went wide when she heard the numbers, the weasel in the dream was counting to three before finding her. "....D-Did they....find anything else about the girls?" She slowly asked.

"Well from what I heard from a friend of mine back in school, she told me that her mom who works as a nurse in the hospital that one of the girls they were checking over, they found some small cuts on her body and....." Nancy cuts herself off when this blush was forming under her fur.

"What? What'd they find?"

"Well...she was grabbing at herself...down there."

It took a full minute for Tina and Glen to process her words, and the young mouse felt her face turning red and lowering her head from what Nancy told them.

"Y-You mean she...." She hesitantly asked while Nancy slowly nodded.

"You mean to say that she was....fingering herself?" Glen questioned the fox in awe, which made both their faces almost burst into flames. He then felt a fist in his gut as he let out a groan of pain before sitting down on his seat.

It was Nancy who punched him in the gut for saying that.

"Ow! What...was that for?"

"You sounded like you were enjoying the idea."

"You're the one who mentioned it!"

"Well you didn't have to say it out loud!"

Tina looked at both of her friends who were snapping at each other, and suddenly let out a chuckle before going into full laughter. "I-I swear, you two almost act like a married couple!" She said in between laughs.

This snapped both of them out of their argument and blushed heavily at the thought of them being married, true they're boyfriend and girlfriend, but the idea of getting married always made their hearts flutter.

This actually helped put Tina at ease, their little lover's spat was able to get her mind off that crazy weasel and those rumors about those girls. Still she had to wonder, just who was that weasel and what was happening to those girls?

The bus finally arrived to Tina's house and the three walked out of the vehicle, and headed for the front door. Tina let them in with them heading up the stairs and to her room.

"Since my folks are out this afternoon, we might as well figure out who this guy is." Tina said while passing two cans of soda to her friends.

"Why?" asked Glen. "I mean chances are it was just the one dream, maybe it was just a messed up nightmare that'll never happen again."

"Come on Glen, there has to be more to this. I mean how can her nightie be slashed in her dream, only to actually happen in real life? We know dreams can't hurt you, but have you ever had a dream where it can shred your clothes?" Nancy remarked while crossing her arms.

"Well no, but I'm being real here. It came out of nowhere, we don't have a name, and if you think it has something to do with those girls, let me just point out there are weird diseases out there, maybe they just caught it and scratched themselves in their sleep."

"Then how do you explain that girl suddenly touching herself, and singing that weird song you try to remember?" Nancy shot back with her brow raised.

"She's right Glen, I mean as weird or crazy as it sounds, they might really be connected. In fact last night when my mother hugged me, I saw my dad's face when he heard my description of the weasel. I think he might know who that weasel is." Tina said while remembering her father stiffening from her description of the weasel.

Glen raised a brow in confusion and tilts his head. "How would he know who it is if this is the first time you've ever seen him?"

"I don't know, but it just feels like there's something more."

"Maybe we can ask your dad when he and your mom get back?" Nancy suggested.

"Works for me." remarked Glen sipping his soda.

"I'm not sure. It looked like my dad was angry about what I told him and mom last night." Tina said while rubbing her arm.

"Still it's better that than blindly looking around, right?" He said after taking one swig of his soda.

Tina knew it would be a bad idea to bring the weasel up to her dad again, but she also knew Glen was right, if her dad knows something about that weasel, then maybe they can figure out this mystery. "Well...alright."

The three friends continued hanging out together in Tina's room, until the sound of her parents car was heard from the window and both mother and father were seen walking toward the door. Just when the father was about to open the door, Tina opened it first and wrapped him in a hug. "Hi dad, I'm back!" She said with a smile.

He smiled and hugged her back. "Glad you're home honey." Then he noticed her friends walking out of the door and waved at them. "I see you brought your friends over again."

"Yeah, I thought we could have a little study session."

"Well there's no harm in having them over. I'll be starting dinner tonight, if you two would like, I can make some for you as well." Tina's mother said while she hugged her daughter as well.

"Well that'd be great with us." Glen said with a grin.

Both parents and Tina and her friends were now inside the house, while her mother was finishing cooking dinner and her father in the living room, Tina was in her room with her friends while nervously rubbing her hands together. "I don't know you guys. I mean, I know you said I should ask my dad about that weasel, but I'm not sure he'll be too happy of me mentioning him." She said with an uneasy look on her face.

"I know how you feel Tin, but in order for us to know about this weirdo, you have to ask your dad about it. Hopefully he won't get too upset about it." Nancy said while trying to calm her friend down.

"Yeah I mean what's the worst that could happen?" Glen said with a cheeky grin.

That got him frowns from both girls.


"Don't you know you never ever say something like that?"

Glen sheepishly chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

Nancy sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Honestly sometimes I wonder why you're my boyfriend." She said which made him facefault.

"You're so cruel at times you know that Nance?" He whimpered with faux sadness.

"Only when you're an idiotic, immature child at times Glen." She retorted.

This made Tina chuckle at their behavior which lifted her spirits up a little. "Keep that up you two and you might be tying the knot faster than you think."

This made their faces turn cherry red at the mention of marriage once again. "Please don't say something like that Tina!" They said in unison.

She only chuckled even harder as they attempted to control their blushes. 'Oh yeah, those two will definitely get married someday.'

Dinner had just gotten made and the young mouse along with her friends were in the kitchen, while her parents sat side by side at the table. As they ate Tina briefly looked over at her parents, still feeling nervous about bringing up the weasel again. She looked over to Nancy who made a slight gesture to her to ask.

Silently taking a deep breath she turned to her father as he was drinking his beer. "Um, dad?" She said.

"Yes Tina?"

"T-There's something I've been wanting to ask you about."

"Well then, what is it you wanted to ask me honey?"

'Here goes nothing.' "D-Do you know that, um, weasel I mentioned from my dreams?" She timidly asked while inwardly bracing herself for her father's reaction.

Her father went stiff and his eyes seemed to harden from the mention of that weasel again, which made Glen and Nancy hold their breath from that hard gaze. Thankfully Tina's mother placed a hand on his, gave it a gentle squeeze and he released a sigh before turning to his wife and slowly nodded.

"I think it's best you not ask about it Tina." He said in a tone that meant no arguments and returned to his food.

Tina inwardly sighed in relief that he didn't react so violently, but still felt confused, what was it about that weasel that made her father be like this?

Once dinner was finished in silence Tina and her friends were back in her room, feeling a little disappointed about not knowing that clawed weasel.

"Something's up." remarked Glen. "Did you see how your dad reacted? I thought he was gonna flip out."

"Now do believe me when I told you about asking him that? I was sure he was gonna snap in some way, or at least tell us to forget about him." Tina said with a small frown while holding her legs to her chest.

"Well at least your mom was able to calm him down. That counts for something right?" Nancy said.

"Yeah, but we're back to square one."

"Then we'll just have to find out for ourselves then. Maybe find someone else who knows this guy, or at least look him up somewhere that might have some info about him." Nancy suggested as she stood up with a determined expression and her hands clenched into fists.

"Yeah, but who would wanna tell us about him, and where would we look?" Glen asked.

"I....don't know." she admitted dropping her hands with a tired sigh.

"Well....maybe we can look him up in the archives?" Tina said. "I mean there's gotta be something about him in the library's computers, right?"

Nancy tilted her eyes upward and hummed to herself as she tapped her chin in thought. "You know what? I think that's a great idea. Tomorrow's the weekend, so we might be able to go over there and check it out ourselves." She said with her confidence returning.

"Yeah, but-" Glen was interrupted when they heard a stone bounce off from the window from outside. Glen walks over to the window to see another pebble bouncing off the window and opens it. "Now who could be-" He suddenly got cut off when another good sized pebble smacked him in the nose. "OW!" He yelped and backed away while holding his nose.

Nancy chuckled at him while Tina went over to the window and lightly gasped when she saw who threw those pebbles. It was a young bobcat around Glen's age with smokey grey fur, short blonde hair that was combed back and amber eyes. He worse a blue jacket that was open which revealed a red shirt underneath it, blue jeans and a pair of tennis shoes.

"Rod!" She exclaimed while a smile appeared on her face.

"Miss me Tina?" He said with a grin.

However Tina was gently pulled back by Glen who glared at the bobcat. "You asshole! Look what you did to my nose!" He snarled while pointing at his aching nose. "I think you broke it!"

"Oh quit your whining you big baby. You've had worse before." Nancy said with a sly grin on her lips.

"You're not really helping Nancy!"

Rod was able to climb the tree that was close to the house, and next to her bedroom window, and they told him everything that happened to Tina last night. She even showed her her sliced up nightie to prove it.

"Now that's fucked up." He said while clenching his fist tightly. "If I ever see this asshole who did this to you, I'll skin him alive for trying to have his way with you, Tina."

"Thanks Rod, but without knowing who he is, we can't do a thing."

"I think I might be able to ask my dad about this loon. He's a cop after all, so he might've seen this guy before." Rod suggested.

Nancy nodded. "And while you do that we'll be checking out the library's computers. Hopefully we'll find out more about this guy."

"Then that settles it then, my dad's off tomorrow so I'll be able to ask him then."

With that Rod kissed Tina goodbye and climbed out the window and made his way to his home, while Nancy and Glen also bid her goodbye and started walking back to their home as well.

Tina herself felt a little better and even excited as she went to bed and took a deep breath before climbing under the covers. "Tomorrow I find out the truth."

Tina was seen running inside the dark, steaming hallway, she knew she was having another nightmare but didn't expect it to be THIS soon! She was panting loudly when she looked over her shoulder and her eyes went wide when she saw him! The clawed weasel was humming to himself which can be heard, he scrapes his claws against the pipes which made a metallic scratching sound and playfully waves at her.

"Hey there Tina, back for more?" he chuckled with his tail swishing as he kept following. "Who am I to deny a lady her wish?"

"NO! STAY AWAY!!!" She screamed and ran as fast as she could, but when she turned to the next corner she stopped and felt her heart sink as she found herself at a dead end. "...Oh god, no!"

"Oh God is gonna be getting calls tonight." laughed the weasel as he rounded the corner and dragged his claws against the wall.

She fearfully stared at the weasel as he walked in a slower pace, with each step he made, Tina slowly walked back towards the wall, her heart pounding like a drum and her eyes stricken with fear. She didn't even realized she was backing up to the wall until she felt it behind her. She gasped and looked around to see that she cornered herself, like a literal cornered mouse.

"You know Tina, just because you don't sleep doesn't mean I don't know what goes on." the weasel wagged his finger and walked towards her. "I heard what you and your friends were saying, about how you wanted answers on just who I was."

Tina was whimpering at this point, tears were falling from her eyes as she saw the weasel reaching out to her with his claws, and gently rubbed her cheek with the backside of the blades. "P-P-Please....Please don't kill me!" She whimpered as he stopped before her.

"Kill you?" he smirked before he let out a chuckle which didn't sound so dark or sinister. "My dear, whatever gave you that idea?"

"T-Then why are you haunting me!? WHY?!" She exclaimed in fear.

"Oh you have me all wrong." he smiled before a tissue box suddenly appeared in his hand before a tissue floated from it and wiped at her tears. "I'm not haunting you per say. I'm more like taking a visit through your dreams to give them a bit of a kick. Sorry if I scared you too much, I've grown so use to this kind of foreplay I tend to get TOO into it."

This made Tina look at him in disbelief. He was stalking her like some predator and says it was FOREPLAY?! "Foreplay? That was FOREPLAY?!" She shouted at him in total disbelief. "You call scaring me half to death, chasing me like a sick game of cat and mouse, and then you shredded my nightie because it was fucking FOREPLAY TO YOU!!!!"

"Yes." he answered bluntly without flinching or moving away. "Like I said, I've done this for so long and for so many girls, that it's become me. You'd be surprised just how many girls are kinky enough to dream of some psycho chasing them in a spooky place and taking them by force. What? Is that what you're not into?"

Her eyes went wide as she recalled the news about those girls in the hospital. "Wait, you're saying that YOU'RE the one who did that to those girls?!" She asked while pointing a finger at him.

"Indeed." he bowed while tipping his hat with a chuckle. "The name's Frederick Charles Krueger, but the ladies just call me Freddy, especially the hot and cute ones."

Tina felt like her mind was going haywire from this, this weasel, Freddy Krueger as he calls himself, is the one responsible for all those girls in the hospital, and for making her scared out of her mind. But the question is; how did he do it?

"....J-Just.....WHAT are you?" She questioned him as her fear seemingly faded but still remained. "There's no way someone could do all that to those girls and not be seen, much less in my room last night."

"That's where you're wrong, unless that person goes somewhere no one can follow~" he sang while leaning against a pipe with one hand while looking at his claws. "It's pretty simple and easy, and something no one would believe. I'll give you a hint, we're standing in it."

Tina suddenly felt like she was hit by a ton of bricks, she knew there was something familiar about that hall, it was identical to the one she found herself in that nightmare she had last night, if that's true then....

"Y-You're saying.....we're....in a dream?" She asked him with a stutter in her voice.

Freddy grins and slowly nods. "That's exactly right, my dear Tina." He said while he gently grabbed her chin and made her look up at him. "Or to be more precise, a nightmare."

Tina let out a gasp when she felt something poking at her panties, she looked down and to her horror she saw one of his clawed fingers stretched down, and rubbing at her nether lips. "H-Hey! Stop!"

"Would you really like to know who I am? And just how I can do all this?" he asked with a chuckle without moving the claw away. "You're so curious about me, but so am I about you. Like how far I could slide this in you and still get you off. Tell you what, if you can endure this without orgasming, I'll tell you my whole story, but if you lose it before I'm finished, then I keep quiet, sound fair?"

Tina's face turned red when the claw went under her panties, and slides over her nether lips which made her gasp. The metal was cold which sent shivers down her spine, the blade was going in slow movements and sliding back and forth as the back of the blade was sandwiched in between the lips. The young mouse was letting out soft pants, she closed her legs together and suddenly started to rub them together. "P-Please....s-stop it!"

"Come now my dear, haven't you ever endured for something? All you have to do is keep it together while I tell you what you wanted to know. Think of it like waiting to use the bathroom, you can do that can't you?"

Tina placed a hand against the wall as she felt weak in the knees, never had she felt something like this before, her parents would always tell her about something like this but in edited versions of it, but to actually experience it herself was entirely different. She felt goosebumps forming on her skin, her tail was twitching every so often and felt her panties slowly becoming soaked from her own fluids.

"So, do we have a deal or would you prefer we just do this? I can keep you in here as long as I can unlike normal dreams my dear, and with how much time passes in here and the real world, the things I could do to you would drive you crazy. Just ask those girls in the hospital, that usually happens when I get a bit wild and show off what I can do."

"P-P-Please.....tell me.....Just tell me and get this over with!" She exclaimed as she fell on her side while wiggling like a worm, it was becoming too much for the little mouse to bear, but if she was gonna know more about Freddy, she'll have to hold out for as long as possible.

"Good to hear." he laughed while he wiggled the claw in her and sat down. "Let's see....I'd say it all began a decade or so back, when I was still alive. I was the biggest catch in this town. I was bigger than any thickheaded jock who thought he had the biggest dick. I might not have been born a stallion or wolf, but I knew enough stuff to make any girl turn into a slut. From the snobbiest bitches to the tightest ass teacher, I got to them and showed them why I was the king of fucking around. Why I was so good, I even got into an orgy with the cheerleading squad at one of their houses. One of the best moments in my life."

His words seemed to catch Tina's attention as she snapped open her eyes, and gazed at the smirking weasel. "W-When you were alive?" She said then felt her heart almost stopping.

"Yup, technically speaking I am a ghost, but one with a handsomer face."

"Then.....What happened? How did you die? AH!" She yelped and squeezed her legs harder when she felt her clit getting rubbed by the blade.

He sighed and frowned. "Let's just say most of the guys there didn't like how I was bigger than them. These were the guys who thought they had the biggest dicks and should get every fresh ass and pussy they wanted, but that was for me since I knew techniques to actually get girls wet and off unlike them. Plus, I may or might not have fucked some of their girlfriends when they were broken up, but to be fair, it's not my fault when some single girls throw themselves at me because their boyfriends can't scratch their itch, I'm just saying."

The more she learned about what he did, the more she was connecting the dots. "Y-You mean they....killed you? Just because you stole their girlfriends?" She questioned.

"Oh it wasn't just that, it was because even when their girls were with them, they were jealous of me." he smirked. "I should feel honored, even when they lay claim to a girl, they gotta be the only thing on their mind. When it came to sex, they all knew I was above them no matter what they did. So that's why they decided to get rid of the competition, and did it the only way they knew how so it didn't leave evidence. A good old fashioned barbeque."

"Y-You were burned ALIVE?!" She exclaimed at the fate of Freddy Krueger as she sat up, almost forgetting the claw rubbing her nether lips. "They burned you alive because they were jealous?!"

"Eeyup." he nodded with a sigh. "You know it's funny, I'm the one who can get girls hot and bothered in no time, but them? They were no sticklars, but it still hurt like a bitch!"

Tina then remembered how her father reacted when she described him about her attacker last night. "W-Was one of those who killed you.... Was one of them a mouse?" She hesitantly asked feeling a small amount of fear of what the answer is.

Freddy smirked and chuckled. "Give the woman a prize. Oh yes it was, and it's one of the reasons I came back. You see, while I was being burned, I met some friends. Unorthodox, but friends who let me live like this. They picked me when I was about to die because they saw me as the most lustful man in the world, and gave me powers. The power to manipulate and enter dreams whenever I wanted. So what do I decide to do after a while? Why go after the kids of the guys who made me like this and leave their kids into messes. Lustful messes that can't stop jerking or rubbing one out, as a big ol 'Fuck you' because they can't stop me. Starting to see the dots now Tina?"

Tina felt her eyes becoming little pin points and her heart skipping a beat, she almost fell down but caught herself on her hands as she gazed at the ground as tears fell from her eyes. Her father. Her father was one of those men that killed Freddy years, and now she's being targeted for his sins against this weasel?!

She felt her mind wanting to shatter into millions of pieces. She's suffering like this because of the sins of her own father!

"Now now Tina, don't be sad." he smiled while a tissue floated over and dabbed at her eyes. "I'm not just doing this because of what your jealous tiny dick daddy did, truth be told I probably would have done it anyway. Why? Because I'm a simple man, I see something I like, I fuck it, and you definitely got your body from your mom."

"B-B-But I.....I already have a boyfriend, Rob!" She said while trying to back away from Freddy only to feel herself collapsing as the blade was rubbing her lips faster.

"Oh I know, but think of it like this. In a dream, what really matters what happens? Haven't you ever had a naughty dream with some random guy that wasn't Rob? Or maybe you had a dream about doing something you'd never ever do in real life."

Tina slowly shook her head, closing her eyes tight and placing her hands over her ears. "N-No....I would never even think of things like that, I'd never betray Rob!" She exclaimed.

"Oh? So you'd never be into someone like him?" Freddy snapped his free hand before a figure came walking out of the shadows, which was a tall black stallion with a muscular physique and had no clothes on.

Tina opened her eyes and saw the stallion appearing out of the shadows, she saw his naked frame, his chiseled muscles and limp cock that was growing hard. She kept staring at the stallion, but then gasped and shook her head rapidly. "NO, not even for him!!" She shouted while trying to remain true to Rob. "Even if you offered me the whole universe, I would never betray Rob!!!"

"Oh really now?" he grinned wider while moving the claw faster making her yelp and moan. "You sure seem confidant considering you've been soaking wet, and all with a dangerous blade inside you. Seems to me like you're a closet masochist."

Tina felt tears of shame seeping through her closed eyes, she didn't wanna believe his words, she didn't even wanna listen to him! She just wanted this whole nightmare to end! The more the blade rubbed her lips, the more fluids seeped past her panties until a small puddle was forming and drenching her panties.

"I-I'm not a masochist, I'm not!" She said in denial. But her body was betraying her.

"Oh? Then you shouldn't feel good from this." Freddy moved over her and leaned down near her chest before latching his mouth on one of her breasts and started biting it.

"AH!" She yelped when she felt Freddy biting onto her breast, she felt his tongue running all over the nipple, moving in slow and seductive movements and wiggling against the tip of her nipple, before pushing against it. She gritted her teeth and moaned while feeling her resolve crumbling. "I-I-I-"

She cried out into the hallway as she sprayed her fluids out which soaked her legs and her tail. She continued spraying until a large puddle was made until she stopped and was panting heavily from her climax.

Freddy chuckled and slid his claw out and looked it over. "Wow, you gave this baby a new shine, good job."

Tina was lying on her back, panting from the weasel's actions, and feeling her nipple aching from his gnawing. She felt her nether lips twitch a few times and the dampness on her panties from her climax. Her eyes were almost glazed over from how Freddy was pleasuring her, if she hadn't held out while he was telling his life's story to her, she might've cracked.

"Now it's time for the main course."

While she was regaining her senses she felt her panties suddenly falling off, and gasped when she saw it was Freddy who sliced them off and exposed her little flower. "W-What're you doing?"

"Well I can't really get inside with that little number in the way."

She felt her heart almost leaping in her throat when she saw his pants falling off by themselves, and revealed his manhood which grew hard the minute it was free. She tried to crawl away from him but felt a finger touching her pussy and slowly going inside it. "Ah!" She yelped when she felt the digit wiggling inside as he pulls it out and pushed it back in. She arched her back when Freddy pushed his whole hand inside and started fisting her.

"My, my. Such a tight little pussy you have there, little mousy." He grinned while twisting his fist inside.

"Pull it out, pull it out please, AH!" She cried out when she felt his fingers twiddling her insides. "It feels too weird!"

"Ah, but that's what I'm best at." he chuckled while making his claw vanish.

She let out moans which echoed throughout the halls, her pussy was leaking once again as the dream weasel continued thrusting his fist inside her, taking great pleasure in hearing her moans and enjoying the many facial expressions she had.

Tina's eyes were wide as plates, her mouth wide open and her tongue hanging out, this was even more intense than when he was rubbing her with his claw and gnawing on her nipple. "Stop....Please.....I can't take it anymore!" She spoke even with her tongue out, but for some reason this was becoming too good, that a small part of her betrayed her and didn't want this to stop.

"Sorry, but I don't do things half assed, which means your soaking cunt is gonna be turning into a geyser any second." Freddy smirked before pumping his fist out in a more rapid pace, and pushing it deeper until he felt her hymen.

Tina moaned and moaned as the weasel thrusts his fist moved faster inside her, she could feel the tips of his fingers teasing her hymen and slightly pushing against it before pulling back, tears were falling from her eyes as she saw the images of Rob flashing in her eyes. 'Rob....Rob....I'm so sorry!'

"Now now, by the time I'm done you won't be able to tell up from down."

He thrusts his fist even harder this time until with one violent thrust, Tina yelled at the top of her lungs as a turrent of her own fluids gushed out like a tsunami and coated Freddy's hand and arm with her juices. She continued crying out as she sprayed him with her fluids, until finally she stops and felt her body going limp.

Tina quietly breathed in and breathed out from yet another climax she had, her eyes were half closed as she felt tired and her mind turning to mush.

"Wow, you let out enough juices to flood the nile." he chuckled licking his hand all over with a hum. "See what I mean? I knew you were a masochist who liked this."

She didn't even respond to him, she felt so tired from him pleasuring her she wanted it to end. Tears continued to fall from her eyes as she felt her vision almost becoming blurred.

"Ah ah, no passing out." he waved his hand before Tina suddenly felt like her body was filled with electricity and felt rejuvenated in seconds.

She gasped and suddenly sat up and looked all over herself, one minute she was dead tired she would've passed out, but now she felt as fine as she was in school. "Wha? How?"

"You forget my dear, I'M the master here. Which means if I say so, you can feel as ready to go as before. Besides, when I fuck you in here, all the pain of losing a hymen? I can make it turn into intense pleasure."

Tina suddenly felt a rush of heat racing through her body, she wrapped her arms around her body as the burning sensation was more active in her breasts and her nether lips. She suddenly grabbed her left breast and started to roll it around, while she hesitantly slithered her right hand to her pussy and started rubbing it with her fingers.

"See? I can make you as horny as a bitch without any fingers." he chuckled while moving closer and raised his dick up to her face. "Just take a whiff of my natural musk and I guarantee you'll be gulping down my baby batter in seconds."

She stared at the pulsating rod, her nose inhaled the musky odor from the weasel's manhood and tickled the insides of her nose. She slowly moved her head closer and gave a small, tender lick to the tip before engulfing it in her mouth. It tasted so tangy and sweaty, her tongue rolled around the head before she pushed her head further on his cock and pulling back. She moaned around his cock which sent shivers through it while her pussy was dripping once again.

"Mmm, good little mouse." hummed Freddy rubbing her head. "Go ahead and suck on it like a tasty popsicle."

The young mouse continued to roll her breast in her hand, her fingers lightly pinched and twisted her nipple and shoved a few more fingers in her pussy as she sucked on the weasel's cock. She wiggled the tip to tease it and moved close till her nose was at the base of his cock.

"Oooh, good little virgin, really choke on my dick."

She removed her hand from her pussy and started to cup his balls, soaking them in her fluids and fondling them around in her wet and sticky fingers. She gave them a gentle squeeze which made Freddy throw his head up and moaned while placing his hand on her head. 'I can't stop tasting this dick, my whole body feels like it's on fire!'

Tina moaned when she felt her ear being rubbed by Freddy's fingers, she licked around the head of his cock a little faster and squeezed his balls while her nether lips were leaking again.

Freddy grinned and lightly thrusts his hips into her mouth, while his tail was swishing behind him. "Oh, fuck! Get it all nice and wet little mousey."

Tina began to pick up the pace and started to bob her head on his cock, moaning louder and louder every time she takes in his cock, and he responded back by moving his hips even faster. Brandishing his clawed glove, he gripped her head with both hands, and roughly shoved his cock deep into her throat which almost made her gag. 'Shit! I could've swore his cock suddenly grew bigger just now!'

"Come on bitch, choke on it like you mean it!"

Tina's eyes were rolling to the back of her head as the dream weasel fucked her mouth silly. Her throat bulged each time he forced it down her throat, her jaw was becoming sore from being stretched from his monster of a cock and the burning sensation just became even more hotter for her. Her tail seemed to move on its own as it went under her nether lips, and started to rub its head against the lips and tickle her clit. The young mouse moaned even louder while she felt her tail teasing her pussy, and forced itself inside her.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna fill you up like a hot fresh eclair bitch!"

After giving off a few more rough thrusts, Freddy exploded inside her mouth, flooding it with his hot and sticky spunk. Tina almost choked when she felt his seed rushing down her throat, she was forced to swallow each drop of his seed as it kept pouring down her gullet. 'It's.....so sticky......and tangy!'

What felt like an eternity, Freddy finally stopped cumming and pulls his cock out of her mouth, when his cock was out it squirted a few more times and sprayed her face.

"Ha ha, nothing beats a nice fresh facial." he chuckled while rubbing his dick to smear the sperm around while not looking winded in the slightest.

Tina was on her hands and knees, panting heavily from drinking the weasel's seed and lies on her side, her face was still flustered red, her eyes becoming glossy even more and her lips having a blissful smile.

"Oh don't pass out on me yet, darlin' cause we ain't even done yet." Freddy said with a toothy grin. He rolls her on her back and kneels down until his face was close to her nether lips, still leaking from her tail pleasuring herself, and drinking his seed.

Tina let out a yelp when she felt Freddy burying his face into her pussy, and started eating out of it, which made her arch her back and moaned in ecstasy. "Ahhhh!"

"Mmm, you had a good taste of me, now it's time I return the favor." He said before shoving his tongue inside her pussy and wiggled it around like a worm. His tongue actually stretched itself inside her, slithering deeper like a snake.

"Ahhhhh! Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" Tina exclaimed as his tongue touched her insides which was driving her crazy. Then she felt something pushing her down and pinned her on the ground, then her feet were wrapped in chains as were her hands. She cried out even louder when she felt her breasts suddenly burning up and her nipples becoming even more sensitive, she wanted to fondle them around but with her hands bound in chains, she can't even touch them.

Freddy laughed while his tongue wiggled around inside with the tip pushing against her cervix.

She cried out and moaned in sheer bliss, her breasts were on fire, her insides were becoming like putty and her mind was turning to mush. She wanted to struggle, she wanted to pinch her nipples as they pulsed and seemed to extend outward and her pussy felt the need of something else, something other than Freddy's tongue. It wanted a cock, it wanted Freddy Krueger's cock.

'I'd say she's just about ready.' The dream weasel then pulls his tongue out of her pussy, and returned to normal as he licked his chops. "Get ready for the main event, little mouse!" He placed the tip of his hardened cock at the entrance of her pussy, and without warning, he rams it inside her and broke her hymen completely.

"AHHHHH!" she yelled out going cross eyed since instead of pain, it felt like the pleasure just doubled.

Freddy grinned as he was roughly ramming his cock inside her, he took great pleasure in seeing her face twisted by him ramming inside her, and enjoyed hearing her moaning like the little bitch that she is. "Still think that boyfriend of yours can really give you this? I bet he can't hold a candle to my cock!" He said while reaching for her breasts and roughly squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

"AHHH!!!" She cried out from her breasts being roughed by the weasel.

"Go ahead, say it! Say that you prefer my dick over his!"

"Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she yelled out while her pussy squeezed the dick. "I'm going crazy!"

Freddy grinned so wide it would've split his head in half. "What did you expect? There's no man alive that can fuck a woman any better, than me!" He then roughly claimed her lips and forced his tongue inside her mouth.

Tina nearly gagged when Freddy shoved his tongue in her mouth, she could feel it slithering down her throat, rubbing the insides of her neck. She felt her own tongue get moved aside and cried out with her pussy tightening up so much it was insane before she felt like a dam broke with juices gushing out over the dick.

Freddy however kept ramming his hips against her, not even cumming inside her yet, he pulls away from her lips but kept his tongue inside her mouth wiggling it around like a worm. He let out a chuckle while moving his claw down near her slit and gave her clit a pinch, making her yelp and arch her back with more juices coming out. "You like that, don't you bitch? You really enjoyed that?" He questioned her even with his tongue in her mouth. "Then let's see if you'll love this!"

Two of his fingers suddenly sparked with electricity, and pinched her clit sending jolts through her whole body.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She cried out as her pussy gushed out even more fluids than possible. She spasmed and twitched with Freddy chuckling.

"Look at you, you're like a fish out of water! In that case, time to get you nice and wet!" he chuckled before slamming his dick deep inside before sperm came erupting inside her snatch.

Tina let out an even louder cry of ecstasy as she felt a tidal wave of Freddy's sperm flooding her insides. She felt her belly bloating with so much sperm, she closed her mouth only to open it as all of the sperm erupted from her throat. She coughed while her mind felt blank and Freddy chuckled while pulling his fingers away with his tongue sliding out from her mouth.

He grinned at his handy work, feeling very proud of himself, the young mouse laid there on the ground with a massive belly full of sperm it looked like she swallowed a horse, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her tail twitching and fluids slowly seeping from her pussy. He made her look at him and wagged his finger. "So, what do you say now my pretty?"

"..... I-I-It felt.....s-so good." She said in the tiniest voice.

"What about my dick? How did it feel stuffed inside your virgin cunt?"

"... H-Hot! So fucking hot! And big, bigger than anything I ever felt."

Freddy smiled at her words. "That's right. No man alive could ever compete with my dick." he pulled his dick out before she cried out as all the excess sperm came flooding out onto the floor.

By now the whole floor was soaked in a combination of her fluids and his sperm, and Tina was practically in a pool of their fluids, she gently scooped some of it in her hands, and rubbed it on her breasts like sun-tan lotion and licked some of it off her fingers.

"So good..." she got out with her stomach looking normal with Freddy letting out a low laugh.

"You're damn right it did, and it ain't gonna end anytime soon." he chuckled before snapping his fingers as a second Freddy came casually walking out from behind a pipe. "Because it's time for round 2!"

Tina suddenly felt herself being pulled up till she was suspended in the air, her legs were spread apart as the second Freddy came behind her and fingered her pussy. She moaned when she felt his fingers going inside her lower lips and then yelped when she felt his tongue licking its surface. "H-Hey! W-What are you doing?"

"What's it look like? You like my cock so much, I've decided to give you a two-for-one special. By the time we're done with you, you'll be so stuffed you won't even move." The original Freddy said before nodding to his clone.

The second Freddy grinned and brings out his hardened cock, he teased her pussy before ramming it inside her.

"AAAHHH!" She cried out only for her mouth to be stuffed by the original Freddy's cock as he gripped her head.

The two Freddy's thrust their hips in unison, causing Tina to let out muffled moans as she was being fucked by both her mouth and her pussy.

"Mmmm! Mmmm!"

"What's that? Sounds to me like you've got a frog in your throat." chuckled the original Freddy while the second Freddy moved a finger down to her anus and poked it making her eyes widen.

"Looks like this little piece of ass wants some action as well. What say you Freddy? Should this little whore have her ass fucked beyond imagination?" The second Freddy asked with a toothy grin.

"Oh by all means my dear Freddy, show that ass of hers who's boss!"

The second Freddy chuckled wildly as a second cock suddenly grew from him and slithered to her anus, and rams itself deep inside her.

"MMMMM!!!!!!" Tina cried through the weasel's cock as now both her ass and her pussy were being fucked by the second Freddy. 'A-A TRIPLE PENETRATION!? OH GOD!!!!'

"That's it slut, enjoy your three cocks at once! We're gonna make sure you're more stuffed than a turkey!" laughed both weasel's together.

The young mouse's mind was completely blank at this moment, all she could taste was cock, all she could feel inside her was nothing but cock. Her eyes were half closed while her tongue licked all around Freddy's dick, while her pussy and ass clamped down on the second Freddy's twin cocks.

"That's it bitch, lick my dick like you mean it!" The original Freddy grinned.

"She's gotten even more tighter than possible down here!" The second Freddy laughed.

They then picked up speed and rammed their cocks harder and faster inside the young mouse, her breasts swayed back and forth from their rough movements, her moans grew louder and louder as she climaxed once more, spraying the second Freddy, but they haven't even cam just yet.

The puddle under her only grew with each more that fell from her to the point of almost becoming a lake. Finally both weasels exploded inside her, and filled her up with three times the amount of sperm, her belly had tripled in size and sperm came back up from her throat even though her mouth was stuffed with Freddy's cock.

For what felt like eternity they finally stopped and pulled their cocks out, spraying the mouse with a few more squirts and setting her down. She groaned and felt the sperm oozing out of her to add to the large puddle while twitching and groaned incoherently.

"Forget her being a turkey, she's now a beached whale!" The second Freddy chuckled while rubbing the cum filled belly.

The original Freddy kneeled down and made her look at him. "So tell me my dear, did you enjoy your three dicks?"

Tina wordlessly nodded feeling tired and full from the sperm she ingested from the two weasels.

Freddy laughed and patted her head like a puppy. "I knew you would." He chuckled.

Tina only lie there on the pool of fluids as the two weasels laughed.

"But we're not done yet my ear." smirked the original. "You see, I'm gonna go ahead and let this handsome fella play with you more and more and more, just like with all the other girls."

The second Freddy grinned before snapping his fingers and Tina's body returned to normal. Then he pulls her up and attacked her breasts which made her moan once again. The original Freddy smirked as his double captured Tina in a kiss and played with her ass cheeks.

The second Freddy's cock grew hard once again as he moved her head towards it, nudging her with it she grabbed the cock and started licking all over it. Her mind was now a total blank and all she could think of was his dick and nothing more.

"Have fun, ahahahahaha!" laughed Freddy walking away from them while the camera panned out of the dream and showed Tina in her room, but her body was still asleep, only she was rubbing at her chest and pussy with the sheets thrown off and was moaning.

She pinched her nipple and shoved her fingers deep in her pussy, she moaned loudly into her pillow as her bed and panties were heavily soaked by her fluids. "M-More, give me more! Harder....harder!" She quietly said as she continued pleasuring herself from her dreams. She nibbled on her pillow, sucking and licking on it with a flustered face. "F-Faster, faster!"

As this happened, her mother was walking down the hall and yawning when she heard a sudden sound coming from out of nowhere.

"I wonder if I just imagined it." she muttered heading to the bathroom, but heard something that made her turn her head and felt it coming from her daughter's room. She walked over to the door and placed her ear against it, she waited like that for a minute or two until she heard her daughter who was.....moaning? "What is she doing?" She said. Then she grabbed the doorknob and quietly opens the door. With it cracked open enough, she peeked through inside and what she saw almost made her cry out in surprise. She saw Tina's rump in the air, fingering herself and squeezing her breast before burying her face deeper into her pillow and softly exclaimed as fluids gushed out of her pussy and on her bed.

"Ahhh! M-More...I need more." she panted out while her mother's eyes were wide in shock.

She slowly backs away from her daughter's room till her back was against the wall. Her face was frozen in shock and dismay as she slowly slides down the wall, and watched as her daughter played with herself. ".... T-T-Tina....n-not you too!" She quietly exclaimed as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Hey! What's going on?" asked her husband who poked his head out and saw his wife point into the room.

"I-I-It's Tina!"

Sensing something was wrong, the husband went over to his daughter's room and opens the door, only to almost choke on his spit when he saw his baby girl pleasuring herself!

"N-No! Don't.....don't tease me like that, just give it to me!" She moaned a little louder than earlier.

"No...no!" he rushed over and grabbed Tina and tried shaking her. "Tina! Tina wake up! Stop that!"

"I need it!" she moaned out while she kept touching herself, not even turning to her father who kept shaking her.

"Damn it wake up right now! Wake up!"

But no matter how hard he tried, his words only fell on deaf ears, as Tina continued to moan and pant like a bitch in heat while her mother started to weep at the scene before her. The husband only gritted his teeth in anger while his daughter threw her head back and howled as she climaxed once more.

"No! He should be dead!" he yelled while grabbing Tina's wrists to stop her, but she just thrashed and he saw her body seemingly float up off the bed while she moaned with juices trickling on the sheets.

Her mother covered her mouth wide eyes with her husband stepping back before moving over to her.

"Call 911, but don't say what that is."

"B-But she's floating!"

"Exactly! They won't believe it, so just do it." he ordered with a frown.

The wife was very scared and very confused, just what in the world was happening to her little girl? She quickly ran out to the phone to call for help, leaving the father alone with his floating daughter. But as she went down the stairs, she had a nagging feeling in the back of her head and swore she heard a laugh that made her shiver and get goosebumps, but not in a bad way. She ignored it though and got to the phone before dialing.

(Next day)

It was another sunny day on Elm Street as Nancy and Glen were seen walking together over to Tina's house. "You think she got a decent sleep after what happened? I mean, what if she met that weasel thing again?" Glen asked.

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's not one to stay depressed for that long." She said believing that the young mouse would be ok.

But she couldn't be more wrong.

The two reached the house with Glen knocking on the door and didn't hear anything for a minute before it opened and they saw Tina's mom, but she had a tissue and had red eyes.

"O-Oh! Y-You're Tina's friends from yesterday *sniff* right?" She asked through her tears.

"Y-Yes. Is something wrong? Is she alright?" Nancy asked as a feeling of worry and perhaps dread was swelling up inside.

"Tina was...sent to the hospital." she spoke while rubbing her eyes.

Both Glen and Nancy felt their hearts almost dropping and their eyes widen with shock. If Tina's at the hospital, then that could only mean....

"Oh no." Glen softly gasped.

Tina's mother almost broke down in tears again at the memory of what happened to her daughter last night, then the door fully opened to reveal a tired and slightly cranky father looming over them.

"What're you two doing here?" He asked or rather almost snarled at them.

"Uh...well sir, we came by for Tina, but..." Nancy trailed off.

"She's not here, so get lost." he growled before slamming the door shut with it being locked.

Glen gulped loudly and grabbed Nancy's arm and walked way back from their friend's house. "Nancy, we HAVE to figure out what happened to Tina!" He said.

"I know, and that's why we're going to see her, come on!" She grabbed his hand and they ran as fast as they can to the hospital. "Rod's not gonna be very happy when he hears about this!"

"I'd rather deal with him than Tina's old man, he looked ready to bite our heads off back there!"

"Well can you blame him? Something's happened to his daughter so of course he should be pissed off!"

Both of them rushed to the hospital as fast as possible and when they got there, panted while reaching the front desk.

"May I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"Yes, we're here to visit a friend of ours whose administered here. Her name's Tina." Nancy said.

The nurse looked through the file until she found the young mouse's name. "Visiting hours will be over soon. Her room is on the fifth floor in room 220."

"Thank you."

They went over to the elevator, pressed the button on the panel and waited for their designated floor. They heard the elevator dinging and quickly walked through the hallway until they found a door marked with 220. Nancy quietly opens the door and enters the room with Glen behind, once inside they found Tina and to their shock she was rubbing her pussy once again as her patience clothes were ripped off.

"H-Holy shit!" Glen quietly gasped with his face beat red. Then he felt Nancy slapping her hand over his eyes.

"Don't look you dumbass!" She hissed before walking over to her friend and grabbing the curtain. "Don't you dare peek through."

"Ok ok." he held his hands up before Nancy pulled the curtain around the bed. He sighs and slides down the wall and sat down on the floor. 'Just what the fuck's going on here, who's doing this! We gotta find out who this whacko is and stop him!'

Nancy sadly frowned at the site of her friend, who kept moaning and started sucking on her fingers that were soaked with her juices. She reached down and touched her shoulder. "Tina? Tina it's me, Nancy."

"Oh, god! More, rub me more!" She gasped before crossing her legs.

'Oh Tina. What's happened to you?'

Glen suddenly heard a knock from the door, he gets up and opens it and then saw it was Rod behind it. And by the look on his face, it had the look of murder in his eyes.

"Where's Tina?"

"Over there, but I wouldn't-" he was cut off as Rod pushed him aside and moved over to the curtain before yanking it open, only to go wide eyed in shock.

Nancy was surprised to see Rod here, but said nothing as she moved aside as he walked over.

"T-Tina? Tina it's me Rod!" He said as he shook her shoulders to snap her out of it. "It's me, please Tina wake up!"

"Oh god yes! More! More!" she moaned out without opening her eyes. All that he saw was a clouded and glossy gaze which was filled with nothing but unbearable lust.

Rod slowly shook his head in dismay as those dim eyes of hers stared at him. "N-No." He said before backing away slowly. "What's happened to her? What the hell happened?!"

"We don't know!" spoke Nancy grabbing the sheet to pull over Tina. "Me and Glen went to her house and found out she was here, but last night she was just fine."

"I was there too, remember I came through the window." He said recalling seeing her just normal as she always was. Then he remembered something else. "Wait, didn't you guys say that you were gonna look something up? Something that might explain these cases like Tina's in?"

"Yeah, we-" Glen was cut off as the door opened again to reveal a doberman in a coat who looked up.

"Hey, who are you kids? Visiting hours are nearly over."

Rod then grabbed both Nancy and Glen by the arms. "We were just about to leave." He said before pulling them out of the room.

They were inside the elevator heading for the bottom floor when Rod turned to them. "Alright. Tell me everything you were about to say." He said with a hardened face and crossing his arms.

Both Glen and Nancy then told him that they along with Tina were about to head for the library to find out about some weasel with a clawed glove and wearing a hat.

Rod held his chin between his thumb and index finger. "That's right and I was planning to ask my old man if he knew anything about this guy." He said.

"You go do that while we go the library." spoke Nancy. "If we can't find something maybe you can."

Rod nodded when they heard the elevator dinging, they were outside the hospital and bid each other luck before going their separate ways. At the local library both Nancy and Glen were at the computer section, which thankfully was almost empty, just enough for them to look for the information they needed.

"Alright, try and search anyone whose a weasel." spoke Glen.

"With a clawed glove and hat, seeing that there's about a million weasels around the world." Nancy said while typing on the computer.As she clicked search they waited with baited breath for the results to show.

Thankfully the results came in showing just 1 result.

"Whew, thank god for that." Glen said while breathing a sigh of relief.

"Now let's find out who this guy is." Nancy said while clicking on the result. But when the page came up, it showed a blank slate with no image, info, no nothing whatsoever. "Huh? T-This can't be right."

"Try it again." Glen urged.

Nancy did what he said and clicked on the page, and like the first time, there was nothing. Just another blank page. "What the fuck?" Nancy swore.

"Ok, now that's very strange." Glen said with his arms crossed. "Whoever this guy was obviously no one wants to even know who he is, it's like just vanished into thin air."

"No doubt he did something so horrible they don't even want to remember him." Nancy said while suddenly getting a bad vibe on the subject. "Something so horrible, I'm not even sure I wanna find out."

"I'll go ask the librarian to see if she knows." spoke Glen before walking away.

Nancy was left alone by the computer, staring at the blank and empty page, while she really wants to help find out what's happened to her best friend, a part of her couldn't help but feel nervous about what they might find out about that weasel Tina dreamt up.

'Hopefully we can free her from whatever's doing this to her.' She thought to herself while holding onto herself. Her ears picked up the sounds of footsteps and saw it was Glen coming back, with a disappointed frown. "Anything?" She asked.

"Nope, not a damn thing. When I asked her she just suddenly looked white as a sheet, like she seen a ghost or something, and then started saying that she didn't know anything before walking away from me." Glen said while letting out a frustrated sigh. "Now we know something's going on here."

"There's no info online, she won't say, which means we'll have to try something else." Nancy stood up. "There might be some old fashion record of him with the old newspapers and magazines."

"Yeah, but what if there's nothing on them, or someone's probably shredded or burn them? We'd be right back to square one." Glen stated.

Nancy crossed her arms. "Even so it's still better to check anyway. And if they don't have anything or possibly trashed, then let's hope Rod might have something." She said before walking away from the computers with Glen following and walked out of the library.

They managed to find some old news stands in another part of the city, some of them were torn down from wear and tear, others were still standing if a little chipped away and a few broken pieces of wood were gone. They began searching them one by one, some of the stands did have newspapers if only a little, while others were empty.

Nancy was looking at one newspaper in her hand, while hearing Glen muttered to himself in the stand next to her. "Find anything, Glen?" She asked.

"No, nothing, just some old articles about some big fire that happened a couple decades ago."

Suddenly her ears stood up and tore her eyes away from the newspaper in her hands, and stared at her boyfriend in shock. "Wait, did you say a big fire that happened decades ago?" She asked with a surprised tone.

"Yeah." he held up the article. "It says that someone burned alive and it was due to some gas leak that ignited and burned down, happened in a basement apparently."

Nancy dropped the newspaper she was holding, walks over to Glen who handed her the paper and began to read it. "I remember hearing something like this from my grandpa before. He said he was driving for home one night, and suddenly saw an explosion of fire from a building. When he got out of the car, he told me he heard someone screaming, as well as shouting." She said while recalling what her grandfather had told her when she was little.

"What did he say they sounded like?" Glen asked.

"Like a man, but when he got there he already saw some guys trying to put the fire out before the police came. He tried asking what happened, but all he got from the guys wasn't much, just that one of them said something about 'payback', but he forgot about it and didn't think much on it."

Glen hummed to himself while turning his attention back at the paper. Then he suddenly had a thought. "Hey Nancy? Rod's dad is a part of the police, right?" He asked.

"Yes?" She said with a slow nod.

"Well what if his old man was one of those cops that arrived at that fire years ago? If so, then he might know something that happened that night." Glen theorized.

Nancy stares at the newspaper again and folds it up and puts it in her bag. "If that's true I think we'll have to ask him ourselves." She said before walking away from the news stands with Glen behind her.

They went off to Rod's house, but when they got there, they heard shouting coming from inside.

Glen and Nancy turned to each other and then back at the house, only to see the front door violently being swung open, and a seething Rod was marching outside the house.

"DON'T YOU EVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME!!!!" A voice from the house shouted very loudly and angrily at the young teen.

"YEAH WELL FUCK YOU OLD MAN!!!" Rod screamed back as the front door was slammed shut. Rod snorted heavily through his nose and lets out a very angry sigh. "Damn that bastard!" He snarled before he spotted Glen and Nancy who looked very worried when they saw and heard the ordeal.

".... Uh....is this a bad time?" Glen asked feeling a little scared of angering the jock.

"What do you think?" he asked with a frown. "I just got done talking with my OLD FART OF A DAD!" he yelled at the house while flipping the bird.

"We can tell." spoke Nancy. "And what happened?"

"I tried getting him to tell me if he knew anything about that damn weasel, but he kept pushing it away. I told him it was important, but he tried acting like he didn't hear me. Then I just told him to tell me or else, and then he got uppity and demanded I drop it." Rod explained to them with a very angry look and crossed his arms. "And you can see how that went."

Both Nancy and Glen sighed heavily while the stallion palmed his face.

"Well that's just fucking grand. We were hoping we would ask your dad about something, but after what we saw, I'm not sure if it's even safe to be near your place." He said before shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What else did you wanna ask him?"

"We wanted to know if he was on the spot with other police officers during a bad fire a few decades ago."

This caught Rod's attention. "Let me see." He said with his hand stretched out.

Nancy pulls the newspaper from her bag and hands it over to him. Rod began to read through the article and his eyes went wide. "I remember hearing about this. Dad told me about this when I was kid!"

"What else did he say?"

"He told me that he and a partner of his were doing a nightly patrol, when they got a call about a fire and quickly rushed over there. The next thing they knew, they saw firefighters putting out the fire, and medics were trying to save this one man's life." Rod explained to them .

"Did he ever say what the man was like?"

Rod shook his head. "Not much. His whole body was pretty badly burned up beyond recognition, but the dental records revealed that he was a weasel from what they found out."

"A weasel!?" Glen and Nancy said in unison.

"Yeah, I just said that." he frowned.

"Nancy, you don't think..."

"That the guy that Tina dreamt up was...."

Both Glen and Nancy had a very uneasy and somewhat fearful expressions on their faces.

Rod noticed this and asked. "What? What's the matter, you two figure something out?"

Glen gulped heavily with some sweat rolling down his face. "Uh..... Rod? Remember that dream that Tina told you about?"

"Yeah, why?" Rod asked then suddenly realized what they mean. "Wait a minute, you're not saying that this weasel Tina dreamt up is actually the one from that fire incident, right?"

"As crazy as it sound, it's the only possible explanation we have." Nancy said. "The lack of info at the library for any weasels, a weasel in a fire, and your dad being there but not saying anything? Doesn't all of this strike you as weird?"

"I get the fact that my old man doesn't wanna talk about it, or there being no info about this guy. But come on! A weasel that suddenly appears in my girlfriend's dreams, just happens to be the guy who was burned alive, actually came back for revenge?! This sounds like some cheap B-movie plot or something." Rod said in disbelief.

"Well then who do you think it is?" retorted Glen with a frown. "At least we got something as close as possible, especially since a crazy ghost would make sense on just why she's been rubbing herself and won't wake up."

Rod frowned at this. Their words sounded like something out of some fantasy or something, but the fact that Tina's in the hospital, rubbing and moaning to herself senseless, and the fact that his father and probably others in Elm Street know something about this, but are too damn uptight on keeping it a secret. Whatever it is they're so desperately trying to hide, they will find out for themselves if they have to.

He lets out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's say that I do believe your theory, just how the hell are we even gonna find out about this weasel, and that fire incident decades ago? My old man's not in the best of moods, Tina's folks don't even wanna see you two from what you've told me. Hell, probably the whole fucking neighborhood won't so much as help us with this." He said feeling frustrated by what's going on and the fact that the adults are trying to keep something a secret.

"Well....maybe we try and catch him or meet him ourselves." spoke Nancy.

"And just how exactly, Nanc?" Glen asked. "In case you forgot, Tina said she saw him in a dream of hers a few nights ago. So how would we even catch him, if he's probably in a dream?"

"As much as I hate to agree with him, and I really do, but Glen's right Nancy. We don't even know who or even WHAT we're up against." Rod stated. "It could be very risky meeting this fucker, without any info about that night."

Nancy held her chin in deep thought, true they were right about them meeting someone, who's potentially dangerous, and may possibly kill them, unless they know more about him. Then a thought came to her. "Rod, you said your dad and his partner arrived at that fire that night, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, Carter Jones. Why?"

"This may be a little crazy and may be desperate, but do you think he might tell us?"

"Heh, that'd I'd like to see." he scoffed.

"But what if he just might be able to answer our questions? Like you said, we don't even know this guy, or why everyone seems so hellbent on keeping their mouths shut! Our friend is in the hospital and so will others, perhaps even I might be the next victim." She said while trying to get Rod to understand the situation at hand. "I'm not just gonna stay in the dark and let this continue. So he will answer our questions, or I might just make him answer myself!"

Rod opened his mouth, but sighed. "Alright, we can try."

"You have any idea where he lives or what became of him?" Glen asked as he started walking with Nancy and Rod following.

"After that fire incident years ago, Carter was hurt during a shoot out with some robbers, and was forced to retire after that. I know where he lives since me and dad used to visit him a few years ago." Rod said as he pulled his keys out, opened the door of his car and let Glen and Nancy get in, and drove of.

After an hour or so of driving they arrived to a decent small house, if a little run down and looked a little on the trashy side. They got out of the car and walked up the front door.

"This is where he lives?" Nancy questioned seeing the yard filled with various junk and other things.

"Carter wasn't exactly the most cleanly type of guy. He was more of a pack rat back then."

They stopped at the door and Rod rang the doorbell which was heard from outside. They waited for someone to answer the door, until they heard movement from inside. Then the door was opened slightly, due to a chain lock preventing it from opening, and a singular blue eye was seen peeking through it.

"Yes? Who is it? Whatever it is your selling, I'm not buying anything!" The man said from behind the door.

"Carter? It's me, Rod." The jock said hoping that the man behind the door would remember him.

The eye suddenly widen in realization. "Roddy? Little Roddy, that you?" Carter asked.

Glen and Nancy snickered when they heard Carter calling Rod 'Roddy', which made the jock growl under his breath. "Yes, it's me. And please for the love of god, don't call me Roddy!" He said barely trying to not snap at him.

They heard a chuckle before the door closed, they heard the lock being undone, before the door was fully opened. "Definitely Roddy alright, it's been ages!" The door revealed a leopard around 40 or even 50 years of age with greying hair and fur, wrinkles on his face and to Glen and Nancy's surprise they say the old man in crutches when he opened the door. "What bring you hear at this hour, Rod?"

"Well it's nothing good that's for sure, can we come inside?"

Sensing that something was wrong, the smile on Carter's face vanished. "I don't mind at all. So, come on in, and tell an old man what ails you." He stepped aside and allowed Rod to walk in first, Glen and Nancy looked at each other for a second and then followed him inside and heard the door closing behind them.

Inside the living room Rod, Nancy and Glen were sitting down on a large family couch, while Carter was sitting on his rocking chair. "Now then. I take it that you heard about what's happened to those girls?" Carter asked with a serious look on his face.

"So you heard it too?" Nancy asked with a slight look of surprise.

"Child, nothing gets past me these days, I heard about it on my radio about the hospital being stuffed to the gills of several girls, all seemingly in a comatose state and acting like bitches in heat." Carter said while grabbing a cup of whisky and drinking it. "At first I thought it was just a bunch of teens playing a prank, but it sure didn't sound like it, especially when all of them are acting like it in their sleep."

This made Rod's face harden and leaned a little closer. "Not only that but we think we might know what's going on, the problem is, no one's even wanting to talk about it. Not even dad, and he practically chewed my ass off to drop it." He said with a disdained frown by his father's actions.

This made Carter raise a brow, and suddenly sighs heavily with a frown. "I should have known something like this would come back and bite all our asses."

This caught the teens' attention when they heard him. Glen was the first to ask. "Wait, you mean you actually KNOW what's going on?"

Carter nodded his head. "Yup. That I do young man."

"Would you please tell us? A friend of ours is another victim of this outcome, and no one's even willing to talk about it. That's why we're here." Nancy said before pulling out the newspaper she had and gave it to Carter. "We were hoping that you might know what happen, on the night of that fire that took place many years ago."

"Yeah, I remember, in fact I never forgot." he sighed looking at the newspaper and set it on his lap. "All of this shit wouldn't be happening if me and the others hadn't been such idiots."

This perked their attention and stayed quiet when Carter took another sip of his whisky.

"You see, before that night that building caught on fire, it was possibly about a year or two ago, when a rumor had begun spreading throughout Elm Street like wildfire. A rumor about all the women, be they single or even married, were all fucked senselessly and left totally in broken states, covered in semen and fluids." Carter explained to the three teenagers. "It was the time when the Elm Street Playboy had the whole neighborhood in a stranglehold."

This made Nancy raise a brow and tilts her head. "Elm Street Playboy?" She said with a hint of disbelief.

"He was sometimes called the Rutter of Elm Street." Carter said before sipping his cup again. "The fact is, he was Freddy Krueger, and was someone that many guys had a grudge against. You see, that rumor was spread by a few of the women he slept with in the past, and let me tell you, he was a man who could make a married and happy woman turn into a slut, because when it came to fucking, he was the best around town. So the rumor made most of the guys in town, especially the high schoolers, think that he was secretly fucking their wives or girlfriends, even if he never met them before. And truth be told, I was jealous too, especially since I haven't been able to get it up for years."

Nancy, Glen, and Rod were awed by the fact that one man, could make a whole neighborhood of men jealous of him, and even holding such a grudge against him.

"W-What happened to Freddy?" Nancy asked having a bad feeling on what he'll say.

Carter sighed and grabbed his hands together. "We happened."

"What?" responded Glen.

"One night most of us guys got together because we had it. Seeing that weasel get all the attention at the time made us so furious we didn't bother caring what happened. We all planned on getting rid of him for good. Me and your father Rod went out to respond to a call from a fire, which the others had done. They all called Freddy to an old abandoned warehouse, locked him inside, and burned it down."

This made the three teens stunned and a little horrified by what he told them. The men of Elm Street, were the ones who started the fire, only to kill Freddy Krueger?!

Rod held his head in his hands feeling disturbed that his father, was among the men who were jealous of Freddy, and would so blindly look the other way so he could burn. "Now it all makes sense then." He said which snapped Nancy and Glen out of their daze. "Now I know why dad didn't even want to talk about it."

"Just thinking back makes me remember how warm it was. How the fire smelt. And I swear I can still hear him screaming." Carter gritted his teeth. "If I could go back in time I'd stop them, what we did was horrible and sick, all because we were jealous of one guy. We weren't teens consumed by our hormones, we were nothing but wastes of flesh. I've even contemplated taking my own life, but that wouldn't change anything. That's why all those girls being turned into moaning messes in their sleep is punishment. Punishment from Freddy who's come back to make it very clear he won't stop until he's had his revenge on us. If I had my own daughter, she'd probably be one of them."

Suddenly Nancy's eyes were wide and her heart dropped. "Wait, you're saying that my friend's dad was in on that too?! Tina's suffering like this because of what her father did to Freddy back then!?" She exclaimed in total disbelief that her best friend's own father happened to be one of those men, who killed Freddy Krueger and is now paying for his sins!

"That's fucked up in so many ways." Glen said while rubbing his face.

Rod clenched his hands into fists, feeling disgust by what his dad did, and what Tina's father did back then.

Carter could see the looks of disgust, shame and possibly anger in their eyes and sighs heavily. "I know how you three are feeling. And you have every right to be angry at us, it was because of our actions, those poor girls are facing the sins of their fathers. And here I am, a crippled, old drunk who can't even do anything." He said with a heavy guilt in his voice.

All was quiet in Carter's house, save for the crackling fire in his fireplace. Letting out a sigh and taking in a deep breath, Rod calmed himself and looks back at the old leopard. "Carter.... Is there a way to stop him? A way to free those girls, and possibly help him?" He asked.

Carter was silent at first but lets out a sigh through his nose. "Well.... I do know of one way to stop him, but it's a risky gamble."

"What is it?" asked Glen.

"The only way for you to stop him.....is to confront him on his own turf; the dreamworld." He said. "He can't do anything to us in the waking world, for he has no power in our realm, but in the dreamworld he's practically the master of the dreamworld."

"So, what you're saying is, we'd have to fall asleep and hope that we might find Freddy?" Nancy asked feeling a little nervous about this.

"Yes, it's just a guess, but it's how one can handle it in their own dreams. As long as you keep in mind that it's your dream, you can decide what happens." Carter told them.

"But how do we stop him? What's effective on him?" Glen asked hoping for the old man to give them the answer.

"That, you will have to figure out on your own." The old leopard said much to their disappointment.

Rod lets out a sigh through his nose and get off the couch. "Well, thanks for your help Carter, and what really happened years ago." He said before heading for the front door, with Glen and Nancy behind him.

"Remember kids. You must learn to fight on his own turf." He said to them before they opened the door and closed it behind him. He sighs and reaches for a cigarette and lights it. Taking in a deep breath, he blows out a smoke cloud before looking at a picture of him alongside Rod's father in old days in the police force. "May god help those three lift our curse, and fix our mistakes."

The teens went on back to town with Rod looking at his hands with a frown.'There has to be some way for us to beat this guy, if he controls the dreams! But how do we do it?'

Nancy and Glen looked at Rod, feeling worried for the guy having found out that his father was apart of the whole group, that hated Freddy when he was alive. And now their friend Tina is paying for what her father did to the weasel all those years ago.

Eventually when they got home they separated and went to their own homes with all of them silent. Especially Rod, that fight he had with his old man earlier was still fresh in his mind, and the tidbit of information he got from Carter, made him feel bitter about his father. So he quickly but quietly made his way to his room, and closed the door behind him and collapsed on his bed.

He pulls his face from his pillow to see some pictures on his desk, one was of him as a little boy in his mother's arms while his father hand a hand on his head. His mother had died a few years ago due to a sickness, leaving him with his father. And the second picture next to it, was of him as a teenager with his arm around Tina. Both were smiling at the camera.

"I promise Tina, I'll save you." he muttered before turning the light off. With the light turned off, he just closed his eyes and lets out a sigh, before falling asleep.


Rod heard the sound of steam all around him, and felt the air around him heating up for some reason, he slowly opens his eyes and saw himself in some hallway with several pipes on the walls and ceiling, and the air seemed to glow red. He jumped and looked around with confusion. "What...the hell is this? Where am I?"

"Aw come now Rod, that's rude." came a sudden voice around him making him look around wildly.

"Who's there?!"

"And after you got the full story you don't see the dots connecting? Someone better go to school for extra credit." teased the voice.

Suddenly right before the jock's eyes, he saw the wall suddenly bulging outward stretching like it was made out of bubble gum. Rod raised a brow in confusion only for his eyes to go wide when he saw a clawed glove ripping through the stretching wall, and lo and behold, was Freddy Krueger himself.

Freddy grinned when he saw the boy's jaw almost falling off and chuckled. "Were you surprised, Roddy boy?"

"W...What the fuck?!" he let out with the weasel shaking a finger.

"No no, it's WHO the fuck, not what. Don't mean to be a grammar nazi, but my old english teacher was a HUGE bitch when it came to that!" he laughed while tipping his hat. "So, cat got your tongue? Or should I say Carter got your tongue?"

Rod suddenly felt his heart almost stopping when he heard the weasel mentioning Carter, and recalled Tina telling him and her friends about her encountering a weasel, who had a clawed glove in a hallway of pipes that lead to a boiler room. "N-No fucking WAY!" He exclaimed with a gasp. "Y-Y-You're..... Freddy Krueger! The guy who was burned alive years ago!"

"DING DING, DING DING! We have a winner folks!!!" Freddy cackled. "That's right boy. I'm that very same Freddy Krueger, otherwise known as the Rutter of Elm Street." He gave a mock bow while taking his hat off.

"You....BASTARD!" yelled Rod running at Freddy with a roar, only to find himself tripped up by a pipe and fell down with Freddy shaking his head.

"Come now Rod, it's rude to make the first move without buying a guy dinner." he chuckled.

Rod only growled loudly and tries to slash the weasel with his claws, but literally went right through Freddy as though he were smoke. Rolling on his feet he turns back to Freddy, who turns his whole head around to laugh at his expression. "What the fuck?!" He said.

"You can't beat me that way boy!" Freddy said before twisting his body around to fully face him, and popping his neck joints. "Nor can you win that easily."

"You son of a bitch!" Rod ran over and tried punching Freddy, who blocked it with one hand.

"Hey now, my mother may have been one hell of a bitch, and a slut, and a nympho, but...nah you're right." he smirked while avoiding the other fist. "Something tells me you're into rough angry sex with how red you're looking, tell me I'm wrong."

"SHUT UP!!!" Rod shouted loudly. He started throwing fist after fist, claw after claw with the intention of killing the weasel for making Tina into a slut. "Stand fucking still, and FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!!"

"Oh? Like a man you say?" Freddy said with a mock gasp of surprise. "Oh goodness me I didn't know we were in a fight. Whatever shall I do?" He made a feign dramatic fall as to avoid a right hook from Rod, who looked down and saw Freddy sliding between his legs and stood up behind him. "You want a fight so bad? You got it, kiddo!" The weasel exclaimed with a snap of his fingers.

Rod glared before suddenly seeing the hallway shift around them in an instant before finding himself standing in what looked like a wrestling ring with a spotlight over the area, not to mention heard the sound of a crowd cheering with various animals in chairs around.

"Huh? What the?!" Rod spoke in surprise to see himself without any clothing except some blue and white shorts. The sound of a whistle caught his attention and saw Freddy on the other side of the arena, wearing a red and green shorts, while his clawed glove was removed. "Oh so that's how you wanna play it, huh?" Rod snarked before crouching down and glaring at the weasel.

"Oh trust me, when I play, I play rough." smirked Freddy before a penguin in a referee shirt stood in between them.

"Alright, I don't want to see any kidney punches, nipples twists unless it's with a kiss, no ball punching unless that's your thing, and no eye gouging. Lotion is on your ends if you wanna use it." he spoke before getting off the ring making Rod look completely confused.

"Lotion? The fuck does he mean by...."


The sound of the bell ringing cuts him off, which allowed Freddy to tackle the jock and rolled all over the arena, and managed to pin Rod down with a sleeper hold on his neck.

"You gotta be quicker than that, kiddo!" Freddy grinned.

"Get off!" growled Rod trying to force the weasel off who held on.

"Careful, if you run yourself ragged you won't have any energy for the fun part."

"The hell you talking about freak!?" Rod snarled while trying to pull Freddy's arm off. Only to freeze when he felt something slithering under his shorts and touching his cheeks.

"A nice piece of ass you got there kiddo. No wonder that little mousy took a liking to ya!" Freddy said before smacking the jock's ass.

"Hey!" he yelped while trying to stand up and managed to get out of the hold before getting some distance and grabbed his ass. "D-Did you just try to put your dick up there!?"

Freddy only grinned and waved his forearm, which was missing his hand!

Rod gasped when he looked down and saw something crawling around his shorts, and let out a yelp when he felt something grabbing his balls and fell to his knees. He reached inside and felt around before grabbing something and tried pulling, but felt it pull on his balls making him yell and let go.

"What can I say? It has a mind of it's own." chuckled Freddy with the crowd laughing with him.

Rod yelled out again when he felt the severed hand squeezing his balls and fell on his side, writhing around as the hand continued its assault. He tried to reach inside his shorts again, only for the hand to squeeze his balls even tighter and forced him to pull his hand away.

"I wouldn't do that, he gets kinda grabby." snickered Freddy walking over with Rod forcing himself to stand and glare.

"You sick fuck! This is all some kind of joke to you, isn't it!?"

"Hmmm, well let's count the things that happened. I lived a good life with a pretty good sex life, a bunch of douchebags kill me because their peckers don't stand up, and then I get a second chance with the power to do any kinky and new sexual technique imaginable. And oh! Can't forget how your own pops had a hand in it. So forgive me if I MIGHT be a little peeved off." he remarked while walking around Rod with a grin. "Don't worry though, I'm not mad at you Rod. You just came from the ball sack of a guy who was lucky if he could spurt out a cup full of his jizz in ten years."

"D-Don't compare me with that shithead!" Rod snapped at Freddy. "I'm not entirely too happy for what he and the others did, and because of them, Tina and all those girls are suffering because of them!" He then cried out when he felt something touching the entrance to his anus and forced him to fall on his knees. "But you're no better! You're making them turn into perverts!"

"Make them? Oh no no no Roddy boy, you got it all wrong." laughed Freddy walking over while Rod squirmed and tried to ignore his hand. "I'll admit your girl WAS a bit nervous, but in a dream I can do anything, watch." he snapped with his available hand before the audience glowed and all of them turned into stark naked women who cheered and whistled. "In dreams, I'm king, and I let her feel so much pleasure it blew her mind."

"You.....you son of a bitch!" Rody snarled at the weasel. "S-She was my GIRLFRIEND!!!"

Suddenly Freddy got up in his face and gripped his head, tightly enough for him to feel like he's crushing the jock's skull. "Correction, WAS your girl, but after meeting me, you're ancient history to her." He said before dropping him on the floor. "I gave her and all of those girls something, that posers like you lack, a REAL cock!" His shorts were suddenly torn to shreds and revealed his massive hard on cock for all to see.

The female crowd whistled and hollered with Rod's eyes widened and shocked.

"T...T...That's not natural!"

"Damn right it isn't, to you that is." he smirked before Rod groaned when he felt the hand rub two fingers against the tip of his dick before Freddy walked over and held Rod's head. "Now I'm not one to hold a grudge, so as they say, let's kiss and make up."

Rod groaned before feeling a tingling sensation that traveled through his body making him groan louder before the shorts he wore grew tighter with the hand crawling out of his shorts and hopped back on to Freddy's forearm where it reattached. Then before Rod could react he felt Freddy grabbing his head, and rammed his lips against his and forced his tongue in the cat's mouth.

Rod's eyes were wide as saucers and lets out a muffled yelp when he felt Freddy's tongue traveling down his throat and his hands sliding from his head to his ass cheeks, and grips them tightly. His body exploded with a spike of pleasure,making him feel mortified and tried to break the kiss, but felt Freddy's dick brush against the bulge in his shorts making him groan.

Freddy thrusts his cock against Rod's, making the jock moan from his growing dick being nudged by another guy's cock. He wasn't into guys, he was with Tina and always had been, and yet for some reason feeling the weasel's cock against his made him feel.....horny.

Before Rod knew it Freddy pulled back who chuckled seeing Rod blushing.

"Aw, what's the matter? Did you enjoy that more than I thought from a straight guy?"

"S-Shut....up!" Rod said through a moan, but sucked in a breath when he felt his cock pulsating and pushing against his shorts.

Freddy chuckled when he saw this. "Now, now, we can't keep your little friend locked up now." With a snap of his fingers Rod's shorts were torn to shreds, freeing his now fully hardened cock.

Rod jumped and tried covering it while tingling again and felt self conscious with all the eyes on him. "J-Just give me Tina back."

"Can't do that, but what I can do is something better." Freddy snapped his fingers before the ring suddenly shrunk down, causing Rod to touch the side ropes and found himself getting tangled up in them. "I turn you into one of my many bitches!"

"Wah!" Rod let out and found himself spinning around backwards and felt himself get stuck in the ropes with his ass sticking out towards Freddy with his limbs too restrained to change the position. Suddenly he felt Freddy grabbing his hips, and shoving his cock in the jock's ass, which caused Rod to cry out in pain and surprise as the weasel started thrusting his hips.

"Oh yeah! Forget the lube! With an ass like this on display any guy would go gay!" Freddy cackled as he hammered away at Rod's ass, the women all around them went wild and started cheering at the top of their lungs. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll probably be thinking about nothing but dicks."

"S-S-Shut up!" Rod exclaimed, but couldn't help but moan when he felt Freddy squeezing his ass cheeks, and suddenly slapping them. "AH!" he let out while his body tingled more and grew more warm with the weasel grunting.

"Come on bitch, give these fine ladies and show they'll never forget!" Freddy grinned as he reached over and started tweaking with Rod's nipples, earning a moan from the young jock.

Rod never felt so violated in his life. Never would he imagine being raped by a man, much less by the same man who turned Tina into a sex crazed slut, but for some reason, it suddenly felt....good. He gritted his teeth as Freddy went faster and chuckled.

"How's your first dick feel Rod?" Freddy asked with a smirk. "Bet you were feeling curious about being fucked by a guy before, were you?"

"N-N-No, AH!!!" Rod yelped when he felt his cock being grabbed by another Freddy who emerged from the floor under him, and started sucking on the young man's cock.

"You're lying!" Freddy grins as a third Freddy appeared before Rod and grabbed his head before ramming his lips against Rod's. "Don't play coy with me, boy. I can tell that you were very curious about sucking on a man's dick. Perhaps you'll want a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend~"

"Mmmm!" Rod let out trying to shake his head, but the Freddy kissing him dove his tongue in to rub against his own with his dick being licked all over by the second one, making his mind getting hazy since his body was getting more sensitive. 'I need to stay strong! This is my dream! Just...gotta...ah fuck!' Rod could feel the burning sensation in his body growing stronger, becoming harder and harder to think straight, and felt his mind slowly turning into mush.

"Come now, boy. Don't try to fight it, give in. Just give into your desire and it could be yours forever." Freddy said before ramming even faster in his ass. "In fact, I've got an idea!" he put his fingers in his mouth before whistling. "Hey Big Joe! Tag out!"

"Dah." came a gruff voice before the ring shook from large footsteps as the women screamed louder before Rod felt Freddy pulling out of his ass making him groan. Coming onto the arena was a large and beefy bull, towering at 15 feet in height, and looked almost like a walking mountain of muscle with a massive cock which was already hard.

"Ladies and sluts!" spoke the penguin with the mic. "Now entering the ring is the reigning champ second to Freddy. Is he going to turn this cat into a true blue pussy with his giant dick or turn him into a complete mess?"

Rod managed to look over his shoulder, and all the color of his face was gone when he saw the large bull, and his mammoth cock. He felt the third Freddy break the kiss and gape with a groan. "T-T-T-That's...."

"Going inside you." chuckled Freddy as Big Joe moved over and towered over Rod who gaped seeing the dick hang over him. "Best get ready boy. He can be rough when he wants to be."

Rod barely had time to react before the bull grabbed him by the legs, and managed to shove his monster dick inside him, which stretched him like he was rubber. Rod cried out at the top of his lungs, as he just became a living condom for this bull's dick. His body bulged out which made the ropes snap with the Freddy sucking him off pulling away as he found himself hoisted up in the air with the bull grabbing his body with one hand and started to slide him up to the tip, then bring him back down.

The whole crowd erupted into cheers as Big Joe was sliding the young cat on his cock, which stretched him out even further. Rod never felt such pain and pleasure in his life, his eyes were nearly bugged out when the bull plowed his tree sized dick into his ass, and stretched him like bubblegum.

Freddy laughed while rubbing his dick. "So Rod? How's it feel to be used like a sex toy in front of all these women?"

Rod couldn't answer the weasel, as this literally took his breath away. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head, and his mind was going completely blank from being fucked within an inch of his life.

"Aw, the poor little pussy seems awfully thirsty. Big Joe! Give this cat his milk."

Joe grunts as he thrusts his cock faster and faster inside Rod.

Rod was panting and gasping loudly as the bull rammed his cock faster and harder inside him until, Joe cried out as he exploded inside Rod, flooding him with a lake's worth of sperm. Rod cried out as his whole body was inflating was so much sperm, and throws up some sperm that came up his throat. By now, he's become a sperm filled balloon.

Freddy clapped while Rod coughed and felt his mind go to mush feeling so much sperm. "Congrats Roddy boy! You win! And your prize is getting to have Big Joe here use you like a fuck toy again and again." With a snap of his fingers, Rod suddenly found himself completely normal again, but still on Joe's cock, which the bull began to thrust his cock inside him yet again. He watched the cat howl out before he chuckled and began leaving the ring. "Well that just leaves two more."

(Glen's house)

Glen was seen coming in his room after a quick shower, his mind still replayed the information Carter gave him, Nancy and Rod about Freddy and what happened to him in the past. He and the others were hoping to find a way to beat Freddy in the dream world, but how could they beat someone who can control your dreams?

"Man this sucks." he sighed sitting on his bed and laid his head on his pillow while looking up at the ceiling. "We might as well throw sticks, not like we'd be able to do much with just straight up guns."

After drying himself and getting into his sleep wear, he climbs into his bed and turns off the light. "Just hope nothing crazy happens when we meet this guy." Glen eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(Dream World)

Glen moaned in his sleep until he briefly opens his eyes, until they snapped wide open to see a unfamiliar ceiling above him. "Huh? What the?" He mumbled before sitting up. That's when he felt something around his wrists and looked down to see chains around them. "Huh?" He started tugging on the chains as much as he could, but they held tight on his wrists. "What the hell is this? Why am I in chains?"

"Well it always does add a little kink to spice things up." came a voice making Glen turn to the door before it slowly opened before Freddy was seen leaning against the doorframe. "Comfy?"

Glen's eyes suddenly widen when he saw a clawed glove on his right hand, and recalled what Tina had told him and the others before she went to the hospital. And remembered the name of the weasel that Carter told him and his friends about. "I-It's you! You're that guy who died in that fire years ago, F-Freddy Krueger!" He exclaimed while pointing at the weasel.

"Aw, you know me, I'm touched." he teased walking over making Glen panic.

The stallion grunted while tugging on the chains while Freddy chuckled and walked around the bed. "Let me go you bastard!"

"Ah, now why would I do that my boy?" he smirked.

"So I can rip your head off! You're gonna get it for what you did!"

"What I've done? Glen Glen Glen." he shook his head while sitting down on the bed. "All I've done is scratch a big itch I've been having for quite a while. We've all had it, it's just perfectly natural."

"You raped them!" he scowled trying to kick him.

"Rape? Now that's mean." he frowned while wagging his finger. "For each one of them, I've just given them ideas on what I can do. I don't force them down and jam my dick into them like some little bitch, although, your mom was definitely one for my dick."

"You son of a bitch!" he roared tugging harder with all his muscles, but the chains wouldn't break.

"Oh? You didn't hear? Me and your mom use to bump uglies." he chuckled while standing up and walked over near Glen's open legs. "You could say I was the ladies man around, I could do things most guys wouldn't try or were too scared to 'cause of their pride. But me? I EMBRACE my perverted side, I live it! And your mom was a mare who liked it rough. Why one thing she liked was us playing out this little scenario where she was home alone and I was a robber, and...well you get the idea."

"Liar! She never said anything like that."

"Well of course, I mean she was just as hurt by the other ladies when a bunch of assholes burnt me alive." he revealed. "I myself was PISSED."

'I gotta get out of here and warn Tina!' he thought while trying to use his legs and arms together.

"Oh, and fyi, your girlfriend's mom? I was the first one for her." he chuckled while slapping his knees. "Now that woman, wow, she had a huge libido when it came to whips and candles, I still might have some marks, wanna see?"


"Well your lose." he shrugged before swinging his claws and cut Glen's pants to shreds along with his underwear exposing his large girth. "Oh, and did I forget to mention when I control a dream I can make your body ten times sensitive?"

"What?" he jumped and gulped while Freddy gave his dick a slight poke which made him gasp since it sent a small feeling that made it twitch and grow hard slowly.

"That's right, which helps a lot since I can do things you've never seen before." he chuckled lightly rubbing the cock which was slowly getting harder as Glen groaned and went wide eyed.


"I'll bet you wanted to use this on Nancy after I had a turn, didn't ya? Well no need to fret, by the time I'm done you'll be one of my new bitches." he chuckled with his tail stretched out and wrapped around the base of the horse cock before actually detaching from Freddy and linked together as it morphed into a cock ring.

Glen jumped and groaned as Freddy licked his lips. "H-Hey! Take that off."

"Take what off?"


"Oh, you mean this ring? Sorry, can't do that. I'm gonna give you the best orgasm of your life, and all without having to jam my sausage in your cave." he chuckled before moving his ungloved hand down and gave Glan's ass a squeeze.

"Hey! I'm not gay!"

"Don't think of it being gay, think of it more like experimenting in your dreams." he snickered while Glen groaned from the rubbing and slid two fingers to rub against the anus.


"One thing I enjoy with guys is that they always got tight assholes. Girls who got hymens are just as good, but with a guy's ass it's like it was made to hold a dick and squeeze every bit of my baby batter."

Glen squirmed under Freddy's touch when he wiggled his fingers inside his ass, he felt so embarrassed and mortified as the other male pulled and pushed his fingers in and out of his anus. "P-Please, s-stop, AH!" Glen gasped when he felt his balls getting groped by Freddy's other hand.

"Aw, come now, don't be like that Glenny boy." Freddy grinned before squeezing his balls which made the young man moan. "I can easily show you much more than what you ever could imagine." He then pulls his fingers out of Glen's ass and started to grope and knead his ass cheeks like dough which felt incredibly soft under his palms. "With such an ass as soft as this, I'm surprised you weren't even born as a girl."

Glen panted and gritted his teeth while the weasel rolled his ass cheeks in his hands, feeling his face heating up and to his horror, his cock was growing hard from Freddy's touch. 'Oh no!' He dreaded in thought.

"In this dream I could even make that happen, but I'll be a nice guy and let you keep your cock and balls, but that doesn't mean I won't do this." Freddy snapped his fingers before a machine wheeled into the room on it's own with a suction cup attached to a hose attached to the machine.

Glen's eyes widen when he saw Freddy attaching the suction cup to his cock and felt it latching onto his hardened rod. Then he gasped when he felt it started sucking on his cock, which made his face twist up in different expressions. "W-What're....AH....doing to me?!" Glen asked while trying not to moan.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna help you unwind and take care of your dick while I do a little work on your face." he grinned before reaching under the bed and pulled out a makeup suitcase. "Relax, I know what I'm doing."

"W-What's with the make up kit?" Glen asked having a bad feeling from what the weasel has in mind.

"Oh, that's not something you need to worry about. Now then be very still." Freddy grinned and before the young stallion knew it, Freddy's arms moved at such an incredible speed, they were blurs to the untrained eye. "Aaaaannnnnddddd, DONE!" He then stops and smirked at his handy work. "Well would you look at that? A true masterpiece if I do say so myself!"

He then snapped his fingers which made a mirror appearing out of thin air. "Here, take a look at the new you." He said before moving the mirror before Glen's face.

Glen's eyes widened and let out a scream since now he had purple eyeshadow, ruby red lipstick, faux eyelashes, and his mane was done up too with it curling at the ends. "W-What the hell did you do to me?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I made you absolutely stunning and beautiful, my little Gwendolyn!" Freddy exclaimed with a wide and toothy smile as he threw the mirror and makeup kit in the other direction.

"'Gwendolyn'? My name's Glen asshole!" Glen shouted before crying out as the machine sucked even harder on his cock.

"Now don't you take that sort of tone with me, young lady. I don't tolerate such attitudes like that." Freddy chided. "I think you look rather fetching, why with the right clothes no one would even think you were a guy."

Before Glen could say anything his cock suddenly twitched violently, and threw his head back as his cock started shooting out his seed into the suction cup. The machine began sucking his sperm which made Freddy smirk wider as the young stallion's eyes almost rolled to the back of his head. "Does that feel good to you, little Gwenny? Enjoying having your cock being milked like a cow?"

Glen couldn't speak as the machine suddenly made the suction cup vibrate around his cock, which made him drop to his knees and gritted his teeth to stop from moaning.

"Come now, you can speak up can't you?" teased Freddy. "If you ask me nicely, I might just turn it off, but if you don't, I might think you actually enjoy it."

"....P-P-Please....t-take it....off." Glen stuttered.

Freddy puts his hand behind his ear and leans closer. "What's that? You're gonna have to speak up, Gwen, if you wanna be heard." He mocked with a grin on his lips. "You want it on, is that what you said?"

Glen only shook his head. "T-Take it off....please!" He exclaimed which was more like begging to the weasel.

"Oh, I don't know. You look like you're really enjoying it." Freddy said while letting out a small chuckle. "Try asking me like a proper young lady."

Glen gritted his teeth having heard what Freddy had suggested him to do, no way would he even beg like a sissy girl, but the suction cup was becoming too much for him. So, he had no choice. "P-Please....I...b-beg you, to take it off." He said in a more higher pitch almost like a girl's voice.

"That's more like it." Freddy grinned before snapping his fingers and suddenly the machine vanished.

Glen felt relieved to have that thing off his cock, he fell on his hands as his cock twitched and squirted a few more times, panting from the feeling of his cock being sucked on from that milking machine.

"But now comes the real fun." chuckled the weasel before Glen suddenly saw the lights go out, putting him in complete darkness.

"Huh? W-Where are you this time?" He asked but got no response. "Hello? HELLO?" His cries echoed in the darkness but suddenly a very bright light flashed before him which blinded the young stallion. "AGH!!!" He quickly shielded his eyes from the intense light.

"And say hello to our featured model ladies and gents, Gwendolyn! The slutty sissy stallion!" came Freddy's voice.

Suddenly Glen's ears were filled by the cheers of an audience and removed his hands from his eyes, only to see himself on some kind of catwalk with several lights aiming at him and standing before hundreds maybe thousands of people within this place. Seeing this many people before him. His face turned scarlet and cries out while trying to cover up his manhood. "WHAT THE HELL IS ALL OF THIS!?!?!?!?!" He exclaimed very loudly.

"Isn't it obvious? Your big debut." smirked Freddy sitting behind a table. "After all, everyone's here just dying to see you and your new outfit."

"Outfit? What are y-HOLY SHIT!" he cried out when he looked down and gaped. The outfit he now wore was a hot lemon pink color, his arms were covered in long gloves which stretched up all the way to his arms, his legs had fishnet pany hose with a jockstrap and left his cock and balls exposed for all to see. His upper body wore like a skin tight top which left his chest exposed as well. "This is SO not HAPPENING!!!!"

"Oh you can bet your sweet ass it is, Gwenny." Freddy chuckled while appearing behind Glen and smacking his ass.

The stallion jolted and truend with a glare before trying to swing at Freddy, who whistled and casually ducked from it. "You pervert!"

"Aw come now, I'm just making you look even more girly, I'd say it fits like a glove on you." Freddy grinned before dodging another punch from Glen and grabbing his balls. Glen yelped and fell to his knees when the weasel fondled his balls and started stroking his growing hard on. "And you called me a pervert, you little hypocrite."

Glen was pushed back by Freddy until he landed on the stage, his body suddenly growing hot and more sensitive as the weasel played with his dick and balls. "N-No! I-It's not-ah!"

"I mean look at you, you're getting all nice and hard in front of all these people like a real sissy."

Glen was wiggling at this point when he felt Freddy's hand sliding on his body, moving towards his nipples which had grown hard and then grabbed one of them. "AH!" he yelped and tried to move away, but felt his knees getting weak from all the attention.

"Why bother even denying it? From the way your little pecker looks, I'd say you're enjoying every moment of this." Freddy grinned while twisting Glen's nipples hard enough to make him cry out. "I bet neither you or that little kitty girlfriend of your haven't gone all the way now, have you?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Glen moaned when the weasel was tweaking his nipple so much it was starting to hurt, then he saw Freddy somehow stretching his neck over until he was next to his ear.

"Perhaps I should so that little pussy who the real man is, don't you think, Gwenny?"

"D-D-Don't you-AH!" he moaned feeling his dick growing more hard the more Freddy rubbed it.

"By the time I'm done with you, you probably won't be thinking about her will you? You'll probably be having nothing but dicks on the mind instead, won't you?" Freddy smirked before moving over to Glen's lips and roughly rams his against the young stallion.

Glen let out a muffled yelp in surprise as the dream weasel was forcibly slithering his tongue inside his mouth, attacking his own tongue and licking all around the inside of Glen's mouth.

As Freddy was kissing Glen his harden cock slithered at the stallion's anus, and pushed itself inside, which made Glen groan in pain.

'Oh god!' thought the stallion who felt the dick wiggle as it went inside before Freddy broke the kiss and rubbed his dick faster, making him moan.

"You know, since you're gonna look and sound like a sissy, let's make sure you can be fucked like one." he grinned before Glen started to see and feel his dick actually grow bigger than what he was use to, making his eyes widen as he groaned before Freddy looked at the crowd. "Can we get a young volunteer to come up here?"

Many of the people in the audience raised their hands and started voicing themselves out, until Freddy spotted one among the crowd. "You! The sissy boy deer in pink!" He called out as the lights above shined on said deer, who beamed in excitement. "Step right on up!"

The light followed the deer who moved from his spot and hurried to the stage before climbing up as the spotlight shined down on him.

"And what's your name sweet thing?" Freddy asked.

"Patrick, but people call me Patty!" The deer answered with his cock growing hard at the site of Glen.

"Well Patty, congrats. You get to be the first one to fuck Gwenny's new dick pussy." he smirked while reaching down to the dick and spread the tip open to show the hole, with the dick being much bigger, so was the hole.

"W-Wait! Y-You don't mean!" gasped Glen with wide eyes.

"That's right, a real sissy has all their holes plugged up, so why don't you use that little thing Patty and show this sissy what you got?"

Glen's heart almost stopped when he felt his legs being stretched apart, he saw Patty grinning away when he tore his skirt and panties off, and revealed his massive hard on cock which pulsated before the stallion. "T-That won't fit!" he let out while Freddy chuckled and pushed his own dick deeper in the ass.

"Hope you're ready, Gwenny. Cause Patty here is very eager for a real sissy!" Freddy chuckled.

Patty moved over and rubbed his dick against Glen's own dick tip and started to push it against the hole making the stallion go wide eyed and groan while Freddy tugged on his nipples.

Glen's eyes were bug eyed when his cock was being stretched out by Patty's own dick, and threw his head back when he felt the deer pulling and pushing his cock in and out. 'Holy shit!!! T-This is too much!!!' He inwardly screamed in pain and oddly enough in a mix of pleasure.

"Oh fuck, his cock's so damn tight! It's even tighter than any ass or pussy I've ever fucked!" Patty exclaimed with a grin.

"This sissy's ass is like a vice, almost like he doesn't want to let go." teased Freddy moving his his dick in and out making Glen moan out like a girl from the double penetration. "Hear that folks? Listen to this sissy moan as he takes our dicks."

The audience roared in cheers as Freddy and Patty continued thrusting themselves in and out of Glen, who's mind was becoming a mess from the pleasure he's experiencing.

'N-N-Nancy....I-I'm sorry!!' Glen inwardly apologized while moaning more and more.

Patty then leans forward and claims Glen's lips in a kiss, who didn't even try to fight back and let the deer have his way with his lips.

"Aw, how precious." teased Freddy while making his dick stretch out more in Glen's ass, making the horse moan. "Guess you got a new girlfriend now Gwenny."

The crowd cheered more and more when they heard Glen moaning louder as Freddy rams his hips like a jackhammer, and Patty thrusting his cock faster and faster in Glen's dick.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh god!" cried out Glen breaking the kiss while his dick started to twitch. "I-I-I'm gonna....I'm gonna..." Glen cried out when his cock exploded as did Patty, but the deer's sperm easily overpowered Glen's and began to inflate the stallion's balls like water balloons, while Freddy also erupted inside the stallion's ass.

The crowd cheered even louder when they saw all three of them cumming in unison, as Glen moaned louder in a rather girlish way.

"Oooh yeah bitch! Take it all in like a real sissy!" laughed Freddy slapping Glen's ass.

By now both Glen's stomach and balls were completely filled with so much sperm, he could barely even get up after being stuffed with so much of their seed, making him look like an overstuffed jelly donut.

Freddy pulls his cock out of Glen's ass, causing the sperm he shot inside to gush out onto the stage with Patty pulling out, only for the same to happen from the dick too, shooting it out into the crowd making the stallion moan with his eyes rolled into his head before falling to his knees and panted.

The weasel grins to himself when he saw Patty crawling over to Glen, and picked up the stallion's cock and began to suck any sperm that might be leaking from it. "Now that you've experienced a real man, I think it's time that I have some fun, with that little kitty cat~" He chuckles loudly.

Glen himself groaned feeling Patty's dick before Freddy turned to the crowd.

"What say you folks? Who here wants to have a go with this little slut?"

The people in the audience raised their hands once again, eager to be picked by Freddy and have their way with Glen like Patty did.

Freddy then spotted two eager young boys, one looked like a standard pretty boy who was a fox, while the other was like a ox football player. "You two! Come on up!"

They quickly rushed on up to the catwalk and stopped before Freddy. "I see you two are ready for some sissy ass now, are you boys?" Freddy asked with a smirk.

"After seeing you two go at it, how could we not?" The fox said while eyeing Glen who was being kissed by Patty again.

"Better let us have our turn now, before I really lose it!" The ox exclaimed while licking his lips.

"Go ahead gentlemen, and don't be afraid to get rough."

Both of them grinned and walked over to Glen and Patty, while unzipping their pants off, and pulling out their harden cocks. The fox already grabbed Glen's cock and started sucking on it, while the ox pushed Patty away and rams his cock in Glen's mouth who moaned when he roughly thrusts his hips against his face.

Patty pouted but turned his attention on the stallion's dick and started licking around the rod.

Freddy grins at the site of Glen getting fucked by three men, while listening to the crowd roaring over the show. "And now to pay that little kitten a visit." He said with a toothy grin before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

(With Nancy)

Nancy was seen in her room brushing her hair, while wearing a white shirt and a pair of black panties, her mind was going over on what Carter had told them all about Freddy, and why no one on Elm Street would even want to remember that weasel. Her only concern now, was figuring a way on how to beat him and free her friend and those other girls from his clutches.

"Do we even have a chance at beating him?" She said to herself, feeling a little doubtful. "That guy has the power over all dreams. How can we even compete against that?"

As she wondered she looked at her bed while feeling nervous since who knows what might happen as soon as she closes her eyes. But then her mind flashed back to Tina, being reduced to a simple bitch in heat all because of Kreuger, while it is risky in going up against him, she still has to find a way to free Tina.

Nancy sighs to herself and walks over to her bed. Once she turned off the lights she crawled under her blankets, and knew there was no turning back. "I just hope things don't get too crazy." She said before closing her eyes and began to sleep.

(Dream World)

When she opened them though, she found herself standing in what looked like a normal hotel room, a very fancy and expensive looking one at that.

"H-How did I get here?" She said while shooting up from the bed and found that her clothing was gone. "AH!" She quickly covered herself and looked all around the room. "Where're my clothes?!"

"Aw, there's really no need for them. My little kitty cat."

She shivered hearing that and turned to see Freddy walking out from the bathroom, but wearing what looked like a fancy black suit and pants with a white shirt and undone red tie. Her eyes slowly widen when she saw his face which has severe burn marks, and easily remembered who he is. "Y-You're him.... You're Freddy Krueger, the guy who was burned alive years ago!" She gasped and pointed at the grinning weasel.

"The one and only, my sweet little kitty." He said while bowing at Nancy.

Nancy bolted from the bed while holding the blanket close to her body, in order to cover herself. "I also know that it was you who turned my friend into a mess! And those other girls!" She said while trying to put some distance between her and Freddy. "And I know why you're doing this."

"Oh, so you do know what happened to me, and why I was killed then do you?" He said with his grin never leaving his face.

"You don't have to do this, times have changed, surely there has to be another...."

"I'm gonna stop you right there." he spoke with a hand up and started walking around her. "You think there's another way? Oh no no no, there's always other ways, but you see, this way is the one I went with because I KNEW it would make those douchebags get the picture. That 'ol Freddy was still around, and he came back for blood. Metaphorically of course, unless we're talking virgin blood, in which case, it's all so literal."

"But they had nothing to do with what their fathers did! You're punishing them because of...." She was suddenly cut off when chains sprang out from the wall and wrapped themselves around her wrists and feet, and pulls her closer to the wall.

"Punishing? Why Nancy, you wound me." he mock gasped before chuckling. "Tell me, did you happen to see one of their children squirming in pain, howling in agony, or even once, look like they were uncomfortable in the slightest? And just so you know, this is only a yes or no answer, nothing else."

She only glared at him. "If you call turning them into total sluts for your pleasure, then yes! My friend happens to be one of those girls you screwed around with, and she has a boyfriend who's worried sick!" She hissed at him.

"Oh I don't think he's worried about her right now. I think he's a bit...in use at the moment." he chuckled while walking over and stood in front of her. "Along with Glen, or as I like to call him now, Gwenny."

Nancy's eyes widen when she heard him speaking about Rod and Glen. "W-What did you do to them? What happened to Glen and Rod, and why did you call Glen Gwenny?!" She demanded.

Freddy grinned before waving his hand around, as a cloud of smoke appeared before them. "Let's just say that I.... Showed them what it means to be someone's bitch." He said as two images came into view.

Nancy gasped when she saw both Rod and her boyfriend getting fucked by various men, right in front of what looked to be an audience and moaning very loudly which caused the audience to explode in cheers. "....R-R-Rod.....G-Glen?" She softly exclaimed by what she saw.

"Amazing isn't it? All it takes is a new environment and a few experimenting, and even the most testosterone laced guys can be turned into someone's fuck toy. I rather think they're having the time of their lives."

"You bastard, let them go!" She cried out while pulling on the chains, attempting to reach out and grab his neck.

"Sorry, no can do, my little kitty." He said while snapping his fingers.

Nancy yelped when she felt a burning sensation coursing through her body, her nether lips was burning up like someone had placed hot coals on it.

"There was a reason I wanted to tidy the place and myself up. You see, I'm almost done with my revenge." he chuckled as she blushed and tried tugging at the chains. "After all the fun I've had, it's time to wrap this plan up, which means after I ravage your body and mind, my payback will be complete and it'll be a reminder for those bastards who tried to kill me, that their past has come back to haunt, or should I say, fuck them over."

Nancy was panting as her nether lips was pulsating, fluids began to leak out and coat her legs, her face was completely flustered while closing her legs together. "P-P-Please.....just....stop this...." She said while trying to not give into what the weasel had planned for her.

Freddy smirked and walked over before cupping her face and looked her in the eyes. "You really want me to stop?"

Nancy slowly nodded in his hand. "Y-Yes. Just....stop this madness, and free those girls, and my friends." She pleaded while trying to remain strong.

"Hmm, well since you asked so nicely, there MIGHT be a way I could."


"Simple. We make a deal."

She had a bad feeling about what he might have in mind, but if it was to free Tina, Rod, Glen and those girls, she had no choice. "What....is it....you want?" She asked him.

"Simple, if you can manage to keep it together while we fuck, they all go free. You just have to keep your head straight while we rock the bed, not so hard now is it?"

Nancy knew that it would lead to that. If she could manage to hold out for as long as possible, she might just win and free her friends, but if she lost, then she's not even sure if she wants to think of what might happen if she loses. "F-Fine.... It's a deal." She said while dropping her head.

Freddy grins while snapping his fingers, which made the chains pick her up, and brought her over to the bed and drops her face first. Freddy then came up behind her while his pants suddenly vanished and revealed his hardened cock. "I hope you're ready for this little kitty. Cause once I'm through with you, you'll be begging for more of my dick." He said while fingering her nether lips.

Nancy yelped when she felt his fingers inside her pussy, and buried her face in the pillow in order to keep herself from moaning, the weasel's fingers tickled the insides which sent shivers down her spine. "D-D-Don't count on it." she let out through the pillow.

"Heh, little kitten, that's what they all say before I fuck their brains out." He grins before making his fingers vibrating.

"AH!" Nancy cried out when the weasel's fingers started vibrating. She gritted her teeth when she felt him pull his vibrating fingers in and out while the weasel chuckled.

"Come on, if you use a dildo this should be nothing."

"I-I-I never used one before!" She cried out in the pillow. "T-This is my first time!!!"

This made Freddy grin even wider. "Then, I'll be sure to make this a very good time, one that you'll never forget." he spread his fingers while moving them in her making her groan while he gave her ass a cop with his other hand. "Not bad, nice and firm."

Nancy was groaning in the pillow as the weasel played with her pussy and ass, never had she felt so violated in all her life, but she had to endure this until she beats this overly hormonal weasel. 'I 'm not gonna lose. I'm not gonna let you win!'

"We'll see about that." Freddy then shoves his whole fist in her pussy and made the whole thing vibrate.

"AAAHHH!!!!" Nancy cried out even louder in the pillow from the vibrating fist that went in even deeper. "Ahhhhh!!!"

"See? I don't need a toy, my whole body is already one." Freddy smirked while letting out a chuckle. He then began to thrust his fist harder and faster inside Nancy, while she was moaning in the pillow louder as the weasel pumped his fist inside her. "I must say, you're doing a lot better than those other bitches. But you'll eventually break, they all do in the end."

"N-N-No I won't!" she let out while her tail was starting to sway as her body got more and more warm.

"Keep telling yourself that. The longer you resist, the longer this is gonna last." Freddy said while slapping her ass cheeks and kneading them with his free hand. "Just say 'I surrender' and this'll be over with. There's no shame in admitting defeat or admitting you want my dick."

Nancy shook her head in the pillow. "N-No, no, never!!!" She said refusing to give up.

Freddy only chuckled. "Then this is gonna be a long and sexy night for you, little kitty." he started to wiggle his fingers around and gave her ass a slap.

Nancy gripped the blankets at Freddy continued pumping his vibrating fist in her pussy, she knew he was trying to break her, make her submit to him and become yet another girl to have fallen before him. But there was no way she's gonna quit, she has to hold out for her friends, but this was becoming harder and harder for her. It felt like her pussy was quivering from the feeling with the hole slowly growing wet.

It was then Freddy pulls his juice coated fist out of Nancy's pussy, which made her sigh in relief, Freddy started licking all over his hand savoring the flavor of Nancy's fluids. "Mmm, not bad, not bad."

Nancy was panting heavily as her gaping pussy was letting in the cool air in the room, then she felt something teasing the lips of her pussy which made her groan.

"Don't relax just yet, the fun's just getting started!" Freddy grips her hips and rams his cock inside while breaking the hymen, which made her cry out as blood started oozing from her pussy.

"AHHHH!" she let out while gripping the bed sheets and shook.

"Such a tight little twat you have there, Nancy! Nice and snug, more so than any girl I've ever fucked!" Freddy smirked while started to thrust his cock inside her, while she groaned in a mix of pain and pleasure. "It's not too late to throw in the towel, you can surrender now and enjoy my cock!"

"N-N-NO!!!" She cried out loudly in the pillow.

"Then get ready for the ride of your life!!!" he grunted while reaching down to pinch her nipples making her eyes widen and cry out. Freddy grins and tugs on her nipples even harder, Nancy's face contorted upon him pulling on her tits and threw her head back to moan when suddenly, something was shoved in her mouth. It turned out to be Freddy's tail with the fur splitting open, and shoving a cock head in her mouth.


"Go ahead you little kitty bitch! Suck on that cock-tail!" laughed Freddy who growled feeling her mouth around it and reached down to rub a finger against her anus.

Nancy cried through the cock-tail when she felt his finger rubbing against her anus, and then slides it inside which made her groan. 'Oh god! He's fucking me in all my holes at once! My body is going crazy!'

Freddy thrusts himself harder and harder which made the young cat turn to jelly in his grasp, the bed creaked and rocked loudly from his rough movements, almost like it was gonna collapse under them. "Come on now, you're taking it all like a champ! I'll bet your body's screaming for me to turn it into nothing but a fuck toy." Freddy taunted before going exceedingly faster, his hips were becoming a blur at this point.

'Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!'

"Get ready little kitty. Here. It. CUMS!!!!" Freddy before going balls deep inside her pussy while jamming his finger all the way in her ass right as the tail cock stuffed her whole throat.

Nancy almost choked when she felt a rush of sperm flowing down her throat, and feeling the rest being pumped into her pussy, her belly began bloating due to the amount of seed Freddy was unleashing inside her. 'It's too much! It's too much!' Some of the sperm erupted from her mouth as well as her pussy from being over stuffed with so much of the weasel's seed.

"Don't worry, you won't pop like a balloon."

After what felt like and eternity, he finally stopped and slowly pulls his cock and his tail out of Nancy, and when he did, his sperm started flowing right out of her like a broken dam.

She let out a moan feeling the sperm leak out of her and felt her legs twitch and her mind feel like pudding.

"Well my little kitten, looks like you held out a lot longer than I thought." remarked Freddy patting her ass while said cat let out an incoherent groan.

Nancy slowly moves her head to face the weasel, her eyes becoming normal, little by little. "...I....I did what I said....so please....keep your....promise." She said in between pants.

"Hmm, not bad, but one little problem." he grinned pointing to his dick which was rock hard. "I'm not satisfied."

This made Nancy's eyes widen with dread. "Y-Y-You're...not?!"

"Not even close my dear."

Before Nancy could react, she felt herself being hoisted in the air, and found herself hovering above the floor with her hands and feet being chained up with her body facing upward. "Hey, what's going on?!"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm not completely satisfied just yet." Freddy said before ramming his cock back inside Nancy which made her cry out again. "We're gonna keep on going until I'm fully satisfied from banging your little flower!!!"

"Ahhh!" she let out before she felt her body move down and up on the dick without her trying.

"And if you want me to keep my promise, you'll have to continue doing this, until I'm truly done fucking you senseless!!!"


"Life's not all about fairness you little slutty kitty!" he chuckled while his arms stretched out like rubber and used them to grab and squeeze her tits.

"AAAAHHH!!!" Nancy exclaimed when she felt like a jolt of electricity surging from his fingers.

"I'm gonna turn your tight little cunt inside out for my massive dong." Freddy grinned before his cock suddenly sends a jolt of electricity right into Nancy's pussy.

"AHHHH!" She cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain when she felt the electricity rushing through her body, it wasn't enough to kill her, but enough to arouse her body against her will.

"People complain about electroshock therapy, but I'd say it works great when you've got a big set of blue balls!" Freddy cackled as he gripped her breasts harder and sending jolts of electricity through her nipples and the clit of her pussy, while ramming his hips like a jackhammer.

Nancy let out an incoherent babble the more she felt all this with her sense of self breaking.

"And pretty soon, you'll eventually break like all the others."

The cat let out a hiss as her pussy quivered from the dick and electricity. "I...I...I WON'T BREAK!!!" She cried out in defiance.

"Then this won't bother you." he smirked before a second dick began to grow out from under his first and stretched up towards her ass.

"GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Nancy cried out at the top of her lungs when the second cock entered her ass and sent waves of electricity through her.

"Two for the price of one!" He laughed while going full speed which made her whole body shake like an earthquake.

"Ahhhh!" Nancy exclaimed while her body experienced another shock from the weasel, her breasts were bouncing wildly, her insides were being scrambled and her mind was going back and forth from being sane to mush.

"How's it feel now?"

The young cat couldn't speak, her words died in her mouth as her tongue was hanging out and her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"Well I'll take that as a sign to flood your holes again!" He smirked before making his cocks vibrate violently, and shaking her insides up.

"Ahhhhh! Oh god! It's...it's....it's....so GOOD!" A smile was worming its way on her lips, her mind was drowning from the pleasure that Freddy was dishing out on her.

"You're damn straight it is!" Freddy grins knowing that it won't be long before she finally breaks. "You know what this reminds me of? The first time I fucked your mom senseless."

"Y-Y-You WHAT?!" She exclaimed in disbelief before moaning again from another shock.

"I did say I was quite the ladies man, what? Did you think mommy was out of the ballpark?" He said before shocking Nancy again which made her threw her head back. "In fact, maybe I'll go see her soon." He said before going even faster than he did before. Nancy was moaning louder and louder that she didn't even acknowledged his words, before suddenly stopping when she felt him exploding inside her, and letting out another cry of bliss.

"AHHHHHH! YEEEESSSSSSS!" She cried out very loudly when she felt her belly bloated even bigger with so much sperm this time.

Freddy hummed as his dicks twitched and filled the cat who felt her mind go blank completely.

By this point her entire belly looked like she swallowed a whole cow or even an elephant after taking in so much sperm, and after what felt like forever, the weasel finally pulls out of her and watched as twin waterfalls of sperm oozed out of Nancy. She cried out and twitched as all the sperm fell down with some even getting on him.

Freddy chuckles at the site of the twitching cat, before squeezing her breasts which made her moan loudly again. "How ya holding up now?"

Nancy was panting heavily before looking over to Freddy. ".....A-A-Are you....satisfied yet?"


"T-Then...when will...you be satisfied?"

"Mmm, don't know, until the end of time?" he shrugged before letting out a maniacal laughter.

Nancy only sighs as the weasel cackled loudly, her mind was already wasted from being stuffed so many times and felt completely limp from being fucked so violently.

"Now lets see if you make it past round ten!"

(Time skip)

Freddy was seen wiping the sweat off his forehead and sighs to himself. "Phew! I gotta say little kitten, I haven't felt this exhausted and tired in years after all that fucking we did." He said while turning to the now tired and sperm covered Nancy, who looked more like an overstuffed jelly donut at this point.

She barely let out a groan with her head swimming around. Not only was her belly so over stuffed with sperm, but her breasts were as well, she looked like she was literally drowning in the weasel's sperm, after what felt like eternity of him fucking her senselessly.

"I haven't let out that much sperm since that orgy I went to at at a fraternity baby shower." He chuckled while patting her bloated breast which made her groan. "Out of all the sluts I've fucked, you, my little kitten are by far are a helluva lot better than anyone."

She barely gave a nod before he stood up and put his dick away.

"Alright, I'd say that's good enough for me. Hope you're ready for a big change." he chuckled darkly while Nancy gave a groan.

Then Freddy snapped his fingers and suddenly the whole area around them was blinded by a bright flash of light.

(Waking world)

"WAH!" Nancy let out in a jolt as she opened her eyes. She suddenly found herself in her bedroom and saw that it was morning outside. "W-W-What just....happened?" She asked when she remembered the dream she had, Nancy felt her body feeling a little.....sticky. She got off her bed, pulls the covers off and to her dismay and embarrassment, saw several stains on her blankets and sheets from being under Freddy's control. "Oh my god...did I....fail?"

Suddenly she heard the sound of someone knocking on her door.

"Nancy? Nancy, you up? It's me Glen!"

The sound of her boyfriend broke her out of her trance, especially with the how frantic he sounded.

"Glen!" she rushed over with a stumble and opened the door to see said horse just wearing pants. The look on his face was a mix of relief and shame when he saw her, relief to see her awake and alright, and ashamed of what he been through.

"Nancy, I....I'm so sorry."

Nancy saw his eyes riddled with tears falling down, recalling the images that Freddy had showed her with both Glen and Rod being banged by men right in front of her.

Nancy stared at the teary eyed stallion, before reaching out and bringing him in her embrace. "I'm just glad you're ok." She said while rubbing his back.

He hugged her and smiled while glad this was reality, but felt guilty and looked at her. "Nancy? I have to tell you something."

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me, he already showed me what happened to you, and to Rod."

"Wait, you saw?" he went wide eyed with a blush.

Nancy nodded before looking down. "Not only that....but he fucked me as well." She told him, recalling the endless hours of him plowing into her, and overfilling her with so much sperm to fill an Olympic swimming pool.

"My god." Glen looked at her in shock and disbelief from hearing what Nancy had told him about Freddy taking her virginity. "Are you ok?"

"....I'm fine...just going over the fact that I've been fucked by someone that isn't you." she sighed. "But wait...if you're here...then what about the others?"

Glen then gasped and realized that she was right. "Rod and Tina!" He exclaimed and made a mad dash before calling out. "I'll meet you outside!"

Nancy made to move, but looked down and blushed since her clothes were soaked. "I can't go out like this!" She said before gathering some fresh clothes, taking a very quick shower, and then bolts for the front door and saw Glen waiting on her. "C'mon, let's go!"

Both of them took off running to Rod's house first. When they arrived they saw Rod outside, sitting on the small stone steps of his house, with his head hanging and looking rather gloomy. "Rod!"

His ear twitched when he heard them calling out, looks up and saw them running toward him. "Y-You guys are awake too?" He asked before getting up and jogging over to them.

"Yeah!" spoke Glen before they hugged him tightly. "We're just glad you're alright!"

Rod then puts Glen at arms length which confused the stallion. "....Y-You guys....I...Freddy, he, he did something to me." He tried to tell them but couldn't.

"I already know." spoke Nancy.

This made Rod's eyes go wide and felt his heart skip a tick. Then he lowered his head in shame. "....I...I don't think I could ever face Tina, not after what he did to me."

"Buck up man." spoke Glen. "What happened in the dreams stays in the dreams."

Rod only lowers his head in thought when he felt Nancy grabbing his hand.

"C'mon, we need to check on Tina!" She said before pulling him and Glen followed them.


When they arrived at Tina's room, they waited with baited breath, until they saw the door opening and the nurse walking out. "She's ready to see you all now." She said before walking away.

They looked and saw said girl in bed, with a hospital gown, and looking tired who turned and lit up seeing them.

She looked over and saw her friends and boyfriend with her ears rising a little. "N-Nancy? Glen? Rod?" She said slowly as they rushed over to her side.

"TINA!" They all exclaimed feeling happy that she's awake. Nancy was the first to hug her, tears of joy seeping through her eyes, Glen had this happy smile while wiping a tear away, Rod while he felt happy to see her awake, a part of him still felt worried about how she'll take the news on what that weasel did to him.

She smiled and hugged Nancy back while looking around. "Are you all ok?"

"Us? We should be asking you that."

"You had us all worried sick, your parents were extremely worried as well."

Tina blushed and looked away down at the bed. "Yeah, I know, Freddy told me."

This earned her blushing faces from her friends, and a look of shame from Rod, who came over and held her hand. "Tina.... I am so sorry he did that to me." He said while lightly gripping her hand.

"No, it's fine." she spoke gripping his hand back. "If anything, I should be sorry. I should have tried harder to win, but....the way I felt...the things he showed me...it felt amazing."

This caught them by surprise and looked at her in disbelief.

"Wait what?" They said in unison.

"I...I know it sounds weird, me thinking that what he did felt good, but it did." Tina said with a small smile. "But that doesn't mean I'll ever replace you Rod! You'll always be special to me!"

"Thanks, but..."

Tina brought him in her arms and hugged him tight. "It's alright Rod, there's always room in my heart for you." She said while rubbing his back.

"Even if I might have a thing for guys?"

"Even if you do, I'd still love you."

He smiled and hugged her back tighter while feeling relief. This also made both Nancy and Glen happy for both of them, especially for Glen, even though he was fucked by other men, Nancy assured him that she'd still love him regardless.

'I'm just glad this whole thing's over, and everyone's ok, still would Freddy pay us another visit?' the cat wondered while looking back at all the moments he fucked her senseless, and shuddered while giving a smile. 'If he does, I just hope the others are ready for another round with him.' She leaned against Glen who placed an arm around her shoulder, while she rubbed her stomach. 'If he does, maybe he can help figure out a name.' she thought with a light chuckle.