A Slave's Story

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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Dear Sir:

Contained within this package are the articles we discovered in the Dogani ruins that your team surveyed. Most interesting, in my opinion, was the journal that you will find at the bottom. Our translators have decoded the ancient text to the best of their ability, and we hope that you will find their interpretation satisfactory. I hardly need to say how exciting it is to find some actual text after so many years of coming up with mediocre discoveries.

Oh, but before I go rambling on, I will end this note. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call.



I was just as excited to start digging into these ancient pieces of history. The bits and pieces of old parchment couldn't hold a candle to what could be contained in that journal, found in what could only have been the seat of the last Dogani emperor! It was very fragile, but shockingly well-preserved over time, as if it held unquestionable value to its owner. Was it the emperor's thoughts? One of his subjects? I simply couldn't wait. I quickly, yet carefully moved the other effects aside so that I could behold the piece of history that I now held in my possession. As anxious as I was to read the translation, I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the ancient language, archaic symbols only recently changed, relatively speaking. A language that survived countless generations.

After a few short moments of thumbing through the worn, yellowed pages, my curiosity got the better of me. It was time to see just what stories were held within the journal's pages! I gently set the book aside, taking up the translation and adjusting my glasses on my muzzle. I began to read, intrigued to find that this was not the journal of a noble at all... but a slave. Most of the entries were typical of any first journal pages, introductions and the like. The intriguing thing, apart from the fact that the nobles' slaves were even allowed to write at all, was that this slave (and all the others, according to the entries) was well treated... and even adored the man who had purchased her! It was not until I had read about a quarter of the way through the translation notes, that I found a story worthy of the greatest poets of all times...


January 3, 1553

I haven't been imagining things. No, instead I've been lying to myself, trying to convince myself to turn a blind eye to the truth. What does she have that I don't? Honestly... she's just like any other feline! Lazy, aloof, child-like in demeanor. So why, then... why does she monopolize the Master's time! It's infuriating how much he adores her, how he looks at her, how he fawns over her like they were married. It makes me sick. Gods help me if he ever finds out how I feel... I'm not keen on visiting Cat 'O Nine. I've managed to avoid being flogged ever since I was purchased and brought here, and I'm not about to let that pathetic feline break my lucky streak. There has to be something I can do to win the Master's favor... Something.



A voice called the vixen's name at last, and her ears perked. Black fur stood on end as she heard footsteps approaching her room, and she scrambled to hide the journal under the floorboards, "Yes Master?"

"You spend too much time in your room." the master's voice was kind, almost unfitting of a slave owner's tone, "Come, you can sit in the main chamber with us. I have guests over, and it'd be rude to have them serve their own tea, would it not?"

"Y-Yes, absolutely!" Tsuki was ecstatic. Finally her turn had come, though in reality it had not been that long of a wait. She was a very envious vixen, and very spiteful... but also eager to please. She put the carpet over the floorboard to conceal her little secret, quickly padding across the floor and opening the door to greet her master, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a recluse, Master. I just can't stand the cold, so winter is always a bit of a lazy time for me."

"As it is for most of us." the noble master said with a kind smile. He was a fox, too, with typical fox coloring and markings, dressed like an oriental noble would be: decorative kimono, violet, the color of nobility, with expertly-woven patterns traveling from top to bottom in gold thread. This outfit stood out rather blatantly as he conversed with his scantily-clad slave (or servant, as he preferred to call them, believing 'slave' to be a rather distasteful word).

Tsuki giggled happily and bounced on her heels, "But I'd be glad to serve you and your guests tea, Master."

"Good to hear. Come now, let's not keep them waiting." the noble fox said, leading her along to the main chamber. Emperor Arata Okata, latest emperor of the oriental land of Dogan (and as history tells, the last), was a kind-hearted man. He and his followers, in a night that changed their country forever, rebelled against their tyrant king and brought forth a new era of social stability and peace within their nation. It was an unbelievable change, almost miraculous. Supporters of tyranny were swiftly executed, the new emperor's subjects hunting them down without mercy and striking at the roots of the now-dead king's old society. Yet even with such a brutal takeover, Emperor Okata's new ideals for peace within the nation took effect quickly. The streets were safe from corrupt city watchmen, and the lower class had less to fear if they were a little late on their taxes. Life was good for all, it seemed. Even, apparently, for slaves.

Tsukitome had been purchased from a traveling band of slave traders, who did business overseas on the continent of Farlan. She had been trained in the art of pleasure and servitude by a certain Emiko Silverscale, the most famous harem trainer in the known world. She, along with Emperor Okata's other slave, the object of Tsuki's displeasure, were aboard the same boat and highly sought-after. Okata paid a great deal of money to liberate the two beauties from life on the sea and road.

"Just remember to mind your manners, Tsuki." the fox said with a smile as they approached the main chamber, where he would see all of his guests.

Before they reached the door, a feline woman stepped out into the hallway, pausing when she spotted the two and bowing respectfully. She spoke in a soft, happy voice as her eyes came back up to meet those of the emperor, "Good day Master."

"Ah, Liria." Okata smiled wide, stepping forward to greet his other servant and inquire about her day.

This was what Tsukitome hated... Seeing those two together, having to hold her tongue when Liria conveniently intruded on her time with her master. The feline had no idea how to truly please a man, she always told herself. She could never match up to the vixen's training and charm... and yet she always won the master's favor. It was infuriating, and it killed her to stay silent. That didn't stop her from giving the tigress the cold shoulder, of course.


"Yes Master?" she managed to disguise her displeasure this time.

"We shouldn't keep our guests waiting." Okata turned to Liria, "Would you prepare the bath? Some of my friends are staying the night."

"Of course Master." Liria said happily, bowing once again and smiling to Tsuki, "Have fun in there."

Tsuki hated that smile. To anyone else it was but a friendly gesture, but to her it was something more. Smugness... mocking... she didn't quite know which, but she hated it all the same. Still, for the sake of her master, she forced a smile... and it looked forced, "Don't fall into the tub, dear."

The feline either didn't catch the sarcasm, or didn't care, giggling in a child-like manner and waving to them as she rounded the corner to the washroom. The talks between the emperor and his guests were relaxed and informal, the men conversing idly of things overseas, rumors they'd heard... friendly chit chat over a game of cards. The evening ended without stress.

Just as the game finished up and the meeting disbanded, with some guests leaving the premises and others finding their rooms for the night, another man silently entered the chamber. Some of the men looked on with disdain at the stranger dressed in black, murmuring amongst themselves as they made haste to exit. Tsuki was confused. She'd never seen this man before, but the emperor seemed unalarmed. Before she could inquire, however, she was asked to leave. Curious as she was, she wouldn't be one to disobey... so she left. As she slipped through the door, however, she caught a glimpse of Okata handing the man a generous amount of money. He spoke lowly to him, and she couldn't make out what he said... but she had an idea of what this man was. She settled down for the night to sleep. Tomorrow would be more of the same.


January 8, 1553

I've been watching that man in black for five days now. Definitely an assassin or a mercenary of some sort. I didn't even know Master employed them anymore, ever since he overtook the empire... I guess it's good that he keeps it a secret. It's much safer that way. But now comes another question: Can I use this knowledge?

I don't plan on putting a knife in the Master's back or anything. No, that would be most despicable... Something I'd expect Liria to do. Always so bright and cheerful... I wouldn't blink once if she pulled something on one of the palace attendants, or even on the Master... or me.

Enough about her, though. I'm just going to become paranoid if I keep thinking about that. I'll have to speak to the man in black... see if he's willing to take a little side job. He comes back here every night, so catching him isn't the problem. The problem is the risk I'll be taking by asking him. What if he tells the Master? He'll surely think I'm up to something if word gets out. I'll have to watch him some more...

January 9, 1553

I overheard them talking again. From what I can get out of it, this mercenary is loyal to who can pay him the most... and considering I have very little money to my name, my odds of overshadowing the Master's wealth are about as good as the sun exploding. So... I'm back to square one with this one. Or perhaps square two. I have another idea...


There were many types of people in the emperor's employ who wandered the palace grounds. It took all sorts to have a functioning estate, of course, and so people ranging from maids to groundskeepers were constantly wandering in and out. Tsuki was out and about, bundled up in her black kimono and snow shoes as she wandered the palace exterior, searching for one particular man who was certain to aid her with what she had in mind... a way to get rid of that pesky Liria.

Akio was the man's name. He was a bit of a vagrant, an invalid with little value to society as a whole, who was only permitted in the rear areas of the palace exterior. He was somewhat unsightly, a hyena who hunched over a little more than his species should, always seemed to have his tongue hanging out, drooling a lot because of it, rarely making eye contact. Yes, he was a little creepy, and Tsuki wretched at the thought of what he might want in return for helping her. Still, she couldn't trust any of the palace workers. They were loyal to the man who gave them their jobs. This deformed, diseased hyena might be swayed with the right... incentive.

She found the man shoveling away snow in the back. Snow that didn't need to be cleared. Snow that had already been cleared. Tsuki sighed heavily, steeling herself for what she knew was going to be a very difficult conversation, stepping forward and clearing her throat, "Excuse me..."

The hyena didn't hear her, it seemed... or he just wasn't used to people addressing him.


Still no response. Just more shoveling... and more... and more.


Finally he turned around, glancing from side to side to see that she was actually talking to him. His eyes were foggy, one of them not quite straight. He was even less desirable up close. He took a long moment to appraise the vixen before answering, "Wha'dya want wif me? I ain'done nuffin' wrong."

"Er... no, no you haven't." oh yes, this was going to be a painful conversation. Not only were his speaking skills terrible, but he spat when he talked, and his eyes were constantly wandering to and fro. Tsuki sighed again, trying to maintain a polite attitude, not wanting to screw this up, "I actually just came here to... talk."

"Talk? No one wants ta talk ta me." Akio said dryly, continuing to shovel, his breaths sounding coarse, his hunched-over stature affecting his breathing.

"Well I do." Tsuki tried to remain cheerful. She had literally zero experience in communicating with the mentally ill. This was going to take patience, "I see you out here every day." it was a lie, "You look awful lonely out here... Figured you might like to stop and talk for a few."

The scraping of the shovel stopped. Akio turned back to her, his dead-looking eyes appraising her for another long moment before he apparently gave in, "Yeh... Yeh, I would like that."

Tsuki smiled, hiding the savage grin that wanted so badly to show. Men were too easy... especially the undesirable ones. She sat on a nearby bench and invited him to join her. Much to her displeasure, he did. He sat too close, that heavy breathing very loud, right in her ear. He was rancid, too... like he had never even heard of a bath.

"So..." she hadn't actually planned on what they were going to talk about. She'd figured he'd play right into her hands, but she was playing it safe. One could never be too careful when dealing with this sort of person. She cleared her throat, smiling that fake smile, "How long have you worked here?"

"Thirty years." his gruff voice came out lowly, almost irately... like he was annoyed at being pulled away from his work.

"Long time."


There was a moment of silence. She didn't know how to break out the question. Eventually she figured she should just go ahead and try and ease the conversation in the right direction, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't rat her out if he wasn't ready to stick his neck out for her, "So, actually, I came here to ask you something."

"Ya already asked m'somethin'."

"I mean something else." she almost growled. Almost.

"M'kay, ask." he'd been shamelessly eyeing her lower body for a while now, which left Tsuki in fear of what the price might be for his 'services'.

"How would you like to do me a favor? I can pay you, of course." she asked it lowly, so no one could hear. This was the moment of truth. Would he help her?

The hyena shrugged, "Whu's the favor?"

"I need you to..." she hesitated. This was the real moment of truth, "I need you to... cut someone's face up. Not kill them... Just cut them up."

"Who?" Akio didn't seem shocked. He didn't even blink, actually. This was a good sign... at least, Tsuki hoped it was.

"Liria. The emperor's other slave."

This time he stopped to think. It was only for a moment, but he did think about it before answering, "How ya gon' make it worth m' while?"

"Well..." Tsuki cleared her throat, posing a dangerous question, "What do you want?"

The hyena let out another harsh breath as he leaned to the side, turning to appraise her body, wrapped tightly in the thick, form-fitting kimono, showing off her feminine curves and features. His lips twisted into a sickly grin, constantly-lolling tongue pulled back into his muzzle for a split second before being pushed out once again, "Mmm 's been a while since a woman even looked at me."

She'd been expecting this, somewhere in the back of her mind, dreading the answer that she knew would inevitably come up. She tried very hard to disguise her displeasure, nodding slowly and standing, "Very well then. I'll uphold my end of the bargain now, if you wish."

Akio wasted no time. He led her to the stables behind the palace. No one was riding horseback in such nasty weather, and the horses' tenders had finished their duties for the day. It was as private as they were going to get.

"This a good spot, right here." Akio said with a grin, approaching the vixen with that lecherous grin plastered onto his muzzle, breathing heavily as usual, though now the sound had a certain eagerness to it.

Tsuki shed her kimono quickly, revealing her skimpy slave girl attire: little more than a white tube top and skirt that barely reached her knees. Such garments were standard for slaves in Dogan. The vixen shivered as the harsh winter air easily got through her fur. Fucking outside after a blizzard... She must have been stupid. She held her finger up to the hyena's muzzle as he approached, a threatening fire in her eyes, "You had better keep your word, groundskeeper. If I'm gonna let you fuck me, you'd better not fuck me. Understand?"

"Wha? I dun get it." Akio looked on in aroused confusion.

"Ugh." Tsuki rolled her eyes, "Keep your promise. You get to put your dick in me, I get to see Liria's face disfigured. Right?"

"Right... right."

"Good. Now go ahead and... get it over with." Tsuki resigned herself to the deal she'd made, silently hoping that, among all the things that didn't work right with the hyena's body and mind, his balls were one of the most defective.


January 10, 1553

Gods, I hope that was worth it... I can't believe I let that stupid mutt fuck me. He's so disgusting just to talk to, and when he's moaning right in your ear... Ugh, I can't stand to think of it. Master noticed that I was disturbed... I hope he doesn't suspect anything. He seemed more concerned than suspicious, but I'll have to tread lightly for a while. Hopefully the hyena will do what I asked. My threats at the end of the fucking (call me unladylike if you will, but I refuse to call it anything but fucking) should have done the trick... but he's as queer as can be, so I won't be surprised if I have to point him out as a rapist. Master will believe me over that ugly beast he has working his gardens. Gods, I need a real man after that ordeal... Maybe Master is feeling 'tense' today...


Night had fallen upon the nation of Dogan. Not a lamp was lit, save for the guards patrolling the palace and city grounds, and an ominous full moon hung over the land, pale as death. Suspicious residents shut their windows tight and double checked their locks, fearing the old tales of lycanthropy, told by visitors from overseas, and Dogani tales of full moons opening the path to the spirit world. Nights like these were always deathly silent. It was almost too perfect.

Groundskeeper Akio's loud breathing and heavy footsteps broke the peace and quiet in the night. No one paid him any mind, of course. The palace residents knew who he was, and figured he was being slightly more loopy than usual, now that the moon was full. No one could have guessed that his strange demeanor could be swayed toward violence... and hopefully no one ever would, even after tonight.

He'd just finished sharpening his knife, which he kept hidden in his sash for tonight's special occasion, the hyena eager to get his job done before Tsuki lost her patience. He may have been queer, but her threat had sunk in deep. If Liria wasn't scarred beyond repair within three days, she would go to the emperor and accuse Akio of raping her. He was satisfied with cutting the other girl up in exchange for a good fuck, though... and it had been good. For him, at least.

Tsuki had provided him with the location of Liria's room and the guards' patrol areas. Actually, she had practically planned out the whole thing. All Akio had to do was follow her instructions... and thankfully, he was good at that. If he was good at anything at all, it was obeying orders. The vixen had almost wished he'd been more attractive. She may have kept him as a lapdog.

The hyena reached the room and stopped by the door, trying to quiet his wheezing. Working out in the snow had caught him a cold, so staying silent was no easy task. He slowly opened the door, peering in at the sleeping slave girl. Yes, thankfully she was asleep still. His noisy steps and breath weren't enough to wake her up. He heard the guard rounding the corner, so he quietly slipped into the room and shut the door behind him. There was no turning back now. Akio retrieved his knife and stepped in closer, closer, admiring her sleeping form for a moment. If he hadn't been told to cut her, he probably would have raped her. It sure was tempting, and he had the confidence... but not the guts.

Akio knelt down next to the girl's bed and reached out slowly with a paw, hovering it over her mouth as he readied his knife. Just another moment of preparation. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and his breathing got heavier. Then he saw the girl stir in her sleep, and he panicked. He forced his paw down onto her muzzle to quiet her, and then brought down his knife. It cut into her cheek, the girl awakening instantly and shrieking under the hyena's paw. He struggled to hold onto her as she began to thrash, stabbing and slicing at her face over and over again, growling in the same gravelly way as he breathed, foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog as he soiled the once-perfect visage of the poor slave girl.

Liria thrashed and kicked on her bed, trying so hard to free her muzzle so that she could scream, so she could call out for her master. Tears slid down her cheeks, teeth sunk into Akio's gripping paw. Finally she managed to get a grip on his wrist and wrench his paw away from her muzzle. She took in a deep breath and let it out in the loudest scream she could. That ear-piercing shriek made Akio jump, and his knife came down once again... this time across the girl's eye.

"Hush now, little kitty." he said angrily, not pleased in the least that she'd managed to get a scream out, "It'll be over 'n a sec."

Those words would turn out to be ironically true, as before he managed to stab her again, the door flew open, two guards rushing in with their swords at the ready. When they got a good look at what was happening, they charged forward, one blade sinking into Akio's back and pushing out through his chest, the other buried into his shoulder and nearly severing his head. The hyena gargled as he tried to breathe, blood dripping from the corner of his muzzle and oozing from the two wounds that would soon claim his life. He seemed to try and say something, but all that came out was a guttural growl. After a momentary struggle, Akio's lifeless body slumped to the side, the floor now covered in his blood.

"Milord! Come quickly!" one of the guards shouted, while the other ran to find a doctor. Liria could only lay there in shock, a hand lifting up to try and cover her bleeding eye. She screamed again, and then again, the reality of what had just happened beginning to sink in. She tried to get up, wanting so badly to just run away, but the remaining guard kept her firmly in place, trying his hardest to calm the poor girl down.

Down the hall, Tsuki had been awakened by her initial scream. It had taken her a few minutes to realize what was going on, and when she heard the emperor run down the hall and question his guards, a sadistic grin formed over her muzzle. The vixen went back to sleep with ease that night.


January 11, 1553

It's a risk to even mention this in here, but it's too good to leave out. That big ugly mutt actually did it. He cut Liria's face up just like I told him to... and what's better, the guards killed him when they discovered what was happening! I was afraid that, if they caught him in the act, they might question him... but they can't question a dead man. Oh, this is almost too good to be true, but it's really happening! Now Master will certainly favor me over that goody two-shoes Liria. What good is a slave if she can't be visually pleasing?


"Milord..." a petite little raccoon girl approached the emperor cautiously, bowing in respect.

Emperor Okata spun around and rose to his feet, eyes wide with concern, "Yes, yes-- How is she? Is Liria alright?"


"Please tell me, doctor. You need not fear my reaction."

She was comforted by this, apparently, and spoke a little louder, "Liria is alive. She will recover. However, her face is horribly scarred and will never look the same... and we could not save her left eye. I'm afraid we had to remove it, so that it would not threaten her health further."

The raccoon had been afraid that he would lash out at her, but when she looked into the emperor's eyes, she saw... sadness. Okata approached her and took her hands gratefully, his eyes wandering about aimlessly, "May I see her?"

"O-Of course, milord." she was shocked at his reaction, "Right this way."

The tigress' entire face was covered in bandages, and her empty eye socket had been stitched shut. She was so pitiful to look at, when she'd once been so beautiful. Her expression was blank as she sat there, staring of into space. She was still in shock, it seemed.

Emperor Okata knelt down by his servant and took one of her hands, bringing it to his lips and whispering, "Oh my darling Liria... What cruelty fate has delivered upon you."

The tigress looked up at him and smiled a weak smile, her voice but a whisper, "Don't be sad Master."

"I promise I will reevaluate all of my staff. Every one of them. I won't let a single suspicious man or woman continue to live under my roof." he cautiously touched her face, fingers brushing over her scarred visage, the fox heaving a helpless sigh, "Your eye... You have such beautiful eyes, and to be robbed of even one..."

"It's ok, Master." she began to tear up, voice starting to shake slightly, "Th-The gods were kind to bless me with two, after all... right? A-And besides... it's only my face. I can always w-wear a... a m... m..." she lost herself in silent sobbing, leaning into her master who embraced her lovingly.

"You will do no such thing, Liria." he whispered to her, the ever-kind fox shaking his head and rubbing her shoulder gently, "You may be scarred, but you are still a valued member of this palace. No one will hurt you again, I promise."

"Tsukitome?" the emperor's voice was much quieter than usual as he called his servant.

Tsuki was still grinning. In fact, she had barely stopped grinning since the night of the attack. Now was the time to stop, though, and play innocent. She could not risk being caught after such a lucky break. She opened her door and put on the most convincing sad face that she could, "Hello Master."

"Hello Tsuki. Come with me, please." Okata led them into his private quarters. Tsuki was caught between being happy and nervous. Had he somehow figured it out? No, he didn't seem angry, and would doubtlessly have just sent his guards to apprehend her if he had. Perhaps he was feeling 'needy'... No, he looked too upset. What exactly did he want with her?

He had her sit down next to him, his arm draped around her shoulders as he let out a heavy sigh, "How are you holding up, Tsuki? Are you alright?"

"Oh..." she fought to keep up the illusion of sadness, "I'll be alright, Master. I was a little scared when I heard what happened, but that mutt is dead, so that fear is gone. But Liria..."

Another sigh escaped the emperor's lips, "Yes... I can't believe I overlooked that hyena's potential for assault. Why would he ever do such a thing?"

"Some people are just born bad, Master."

"I suppose..." he reached up and stroked Tsuki's ears softly, bringing a pleased murr from the vixen's throat, "I am sorry, Tsuki... I don't mean to be such a downer, but surely you understand."

"Of course I do, Master." she nuzzled into the petting hand, "You needn't worry."

He managed a weak smile, true appreciation showing in his eyes, "You are a good girl, Tsukitome. I've always loved you so very much. That's why I'm going to have to apologize for what I'm going to have to ask you next..."

Tsuki's heart skipped a beat. He was apologizing... for what? Now she was scared. What hitch was he unwittingly throwing into her plan? She cleared her throat and hesitated for a moment, making sure to keep her voice level and calm, "What do you mean, Master?"

"Liria is horribly traumatized by what happened. The doctors and nurses have all done a wonderful job in keeping her healthy, but bedside manners can only go so far. She's lost all of her self-esteem, now that her face has been disfigured."

Of course. That was the plan, Tsuki shouted inwardly, trying so very hard not to let her eyes betray that emotion.

"I'm asking you if you can... perhaps, entertain yourself as best as you can for a little while, so that I can focus on mending Liria's confidence."


"It breaks my heart to see her this way... I feel like such a terrible master."


"I am truly sorry to have to ask this of you."

After all she went through, he was still only thinking about Liria?! Tsuki was furious, and it was beginning to show. Even Okata was starting to notice it.

"Tsuki?" he asked, concern laced in his voice, "Tsuki, please don't be upset. I'm sure you can--"

The vixen rolled out from under his shoulder and snarled, scrambling up to her feet and glaring down at him with fire in her eyes, "Why?! Why is it always about her?!"

"Tsuki!" he was shocked, to say the least.

"Why, Master?! I was trained by the best, groomed to perfection, made to be the perfect slave, yet still you..." there were tears in her eyes now, "Still you prefer that feline over me!"

"Tsukitome!" Okata's surprise was quickly melting into anger, "I can understand that you are upset, and I apologize... but you will keep a civilized and respectful tone while you are speaking in this palace."

"No... No, not anymore." she shook her head, those tears now flowing steadily, "Why, Master? I love you so much, but you... you don't even notice me. You're so obsessed with Liria, and you don't even..."

The emperor fox's angry expression mixed with one of sorrow. He never left his seat, though, never gave the impression that he was going to strike her. Tsuki was shocked when he began to shed his own tears, and he delivered the words that would put a hole in the vixen's heart, "Liria is dying, Tsukitome."

"Wh-What?" had Akio really wounded her that badly? She stared ahead at him, her hands beginning to shake, "Were her injuries that bad?"

"No, Tsuki... She's been dying ever since I purchased her."

"I don't..."

"She has a weak heart." he sighed heavily and turned away from the vixen servant, "The doctors only give her another year or two before her weakness wins over."

"M-Master..." Tsuki's entire world came down around her. She didn't feel guilt easily, but this... This was too much. She approached him slowly, reaching out to touch his shoulder, whimpering when he pulled away from her, "Master..?"

"Go." his voice spoke heavily of his sorrow.


"I said go."

"No, Master, I--"

"GO!" he snarled, spinning around and slapping her hand away, "Leave my presence now! I will send you to Cat 'O Nine if you ever speak ill of Liria or raise your voice again!"

Tsuki could hardly believe what she had just heard. Slowly, she stood and turned to the door, looking back over her shoulder to see her master turned away from her, truly angry at her outburst. She went back to her room and collapsed onto her bed, proceeding to cry her eyes out for the remainder of the night.


January 13, 1553

[Translator's note: This page was damaged and wrinkled in spots, where I believe the slave girl's tears had fallen. Thankfully not a lot of the writing was lost.]

Master's still angry at me... He won't even speak to me at dinner time. Why does he still have to love that stupid wretch? Why didn't I just get Akio to kill her?! I should have... I shouldn't have been merciful, shouldn't have been so sadistic! I should have had her killed... but no, I wanted to see the bitch suffer. Now she's loved more than ever. I'll wait this out... Master can't stay mad at me, can he?

January 22, 1553

Haven't written in a while... Master finally started speaking to me again the other day, but he hasn't been affectionate at all. He's so absorbed in Liria these days. I still wish I'd had her killed. Master wouldn't hate me then... He'd be sad, but he wouldn't hate me... I'm going to see if I can find a better way to entertain myself than sitting outside and staring off into space. I've been thinking way too much...

February 13, 1553

The floorboards got jammed, and I haven't been able to get them up until tonight... I'm so relieved. I need to write. I've had so much time to think about everything that's happened.

I watched Liria for a while the other day... watched how she went about things, how she acted... how happy she seemed to be. Even though she's hideously scarred and lost an eye... even though her life could end before she sees her autumn years, she's so happy. For a while I couldn't understand it at all. How could she smile? How could she go on living, with all that's happened to her? I asked her, flat out... and she told me "it's because I make Master happy"...

My life shattered that night. All at once I realized what I'd done to cause the Master grief, to cause Liria such pain. I realized how good of a life I had here before I hurt them. I've thrown it all away with my selfish actions. Master still doesn't smile at me. I think he hates me. Maybe he knows, now, that I coerced Akio into hurting Liria. I don't know... and tonight it won't matter. I can't go on living, knowing what a monster I've become.

All I ever wanted to do was make Master happy... and to be happy in turn. It should have been enough that I could make him smile sometimes, that I lived in this beautiful place, that I was spared from the flogging and torture that other slave owners would have subjected me to. It should have been enough... but it wasn't. I'm a selfish, uncaring harlot... and I've been getting morning sickness. That fucking hyena got me pregnant. There's no way I'm giving birth to an invalid half-breed. No... I won't let a child exist just to suffer. This will be my final entry. Should this journal ever be found, I want people to hear my story... and take it to heart. Never let your greed get to you. Love what you have, for you'll never know how much you'll miss it until it's gone forever.

[The next page was ripped out, and the remainder of the journal is blank]


With tears in her eyes, Tsuki wrote up a note and stuffed it into her pocket. She slipped into her kimono and silently exited her room, shutting the door behind her. She would do this in a place where she could be found quickly. The vixen padded down the hallway and rounded the corner, stopping short when she saw... her.

Liria blinked her single eye a couple times when she spotted her fellow servant, and gave her a sleepy little smile, "What are you doing up?"

Tsuki was heartbroken. Even now, Liria could still smile to her. If only she knew... If only. The vixen stepped forward and gently put her arms around the one she could have once called a friend, sniffling sadly and whispering into her ear, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

"Tsuki..? Sorry for what? Why are you crying?" Liria hugged her nonetheless, rubbing her back soothingly. She was confused, but as sympathetic and gentle as always.

"I-It's nothing, really." Tsuki forced herself to pull away, wiping her eyes quickly and stepping around Liria, "Please tell Master I love him. He won't talk to me anymore."

Liria stood in silence as she watched her go, but before she rounded the corner, she called out, "Tsuki?"


"I..." she hesitated, casting her gaze downward, curling her toes before saying quietly, "I don't hate you. And neither does Master. But he... he thinks you hate him."

Oh, how could things get any worse? She'd had all that time to tell him she loved him, and wasted it drowning herself in her sorrows. Tsuki stifled her desire to break down into tears, whimpering out her reply, "Tell him it couldn't be further from the truth."

And with that, she left. Her stomach was twisting, worsened by the queasiness from her pregnancy. She had to do this quickly, before she roused any more attention. She went to the architect's room and gathered up a length of rope, tying it unto a noose and tying that to the ceiling. She found a small table and dragged over to where she would hang and fixed the noose around her neck, pulling the note she'd written from her pocket and dropping it at her feet. She took a deep breath, wiping away her tears one last time and taking her final commitment. The vixen stepped off the table and let her weight take her down. Death came quickly to the poor, heartbroken woman, and not a soul would know of her demise until morning...

"Milord! Milord, come quickly!"

Emperor Okata dropped to his knees at the sight of his beloved Tsukitome's lifeless body. He'd been so fond of her since the day he purchased her... so fond, yet she addressed him with such hate. Why had she done this? He questioned the gods over and over again as he cried silently, not even comforted by Liria who stood at his side, trying her best to be strong for her Master and keep back her own tears.

"Milord... we found this." the guard said softly as he handed over Tsuki's suicide note. Okata slowly opened it and wiped at his eyes, reading the contents of Tsuki's final words to him:

Beloved Master:

I have been so unkind to you in the past month... more so than you might know. It took me a good long time to consider whether or not I should tell you the full and honest truth, as I believe that ignorance can sometimes really be bliss. However... I feel that you and Liria deserve to know the truth.

Akio didn't hurt Liria simply because he felt like it. He did it because I asked him to. I was jealous, and I was spiteful. I wanted to be your number one, Master... and that desire turned into a twisted obsession that I now take no pride in. I wish beyond the extent of mortal power that I could take it all back... but I can't, and I accept that.

I'm so very sorry if my departure causes you even more pain, Master. Please don't be sad. I'm doing the world a favor by ending my miserable existence. Instead, I want you to be happy with Liria for as long as mortally possible. It would be the only thing that puts my ghost to rest. So please... don't be sad.

Finally... I want to apologize. To you, and to Liria. There are no words in our, or any language that can truly express my feelings... but I want you both to know that I am sorry, and I hope that you can continue to be happy, despite my actions.

I love you Master. I don't know if you really love me anymore, but I never stopped loving you. Even as I write this note, I keep wishing that things could go back to the way they were... but I know that will never happen. And so I say goodbye, and wish you two the best. I go to a place more fitting of my kind, where I can reflect on my selfish actions until the gods see fit to send me elsewhere... if they ever do.

Goodbye Master. I'll never forget the kindness you showed me.

Yours eternally,

Tsukitome Barasume