1 Rooftop Rendezvous

Story by serafino on SoFurry

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#1 of As Did the Ancients

The first installment in a series about a fox in a time of vast empires and his adventures in the emperor's harem. All good things start somewhere, and Thales the fox got his when an old friend returns to show off her new tricks on a rooftop during a lunch party.

The baked tiles of the rooftop radiated warmth beneath Thales as the bright sun caressed him from above, almost too hot to handle and certainly too bright. He gazed into the horizon with heavy-lidded eyes, tracing the comely swells of the hills until the summer haze obscured them in the distance. It was the sort of summer day that would collapse you from exhaustion if you dared to move too quickly, so he had resolved not to move at all. Behind him, the sounds of laughter and empty chatter wafted up from the villa courtyard. A tarpaulin shaded the guests from the sun as they dined, and also shielded him from their view as he stole a few moments for himself, away from the bustle of his master's party.

He sighed in satisfaction as a slight breeze ruffled his fur. "This is what it must be like to be a prince of Phraesidia," he said.

"Shirking work to lie about in the sun? I imagine that's about right, yeah," his companion Almene smirked as she rolled onto her stomach. Back when she was still in town, a regular servant like him, they'd snuck onto roofs every chance they had, and when she'd returned as part of the emperor's retinue, they had not even needed to speak about it. A sidelong glance at him across the courtyard and a flick of her tail, and he had known to meet her up here as soon as everyone was occupied with food and politics down below.

"Can't believe the queens let them get away with it," Thales said.

Almene arched her back in a slow stretch until her tail brushed the top of the head. She held the pose a moment before breaking it with an exaggerated sigh of contentment, and then, with a sly grin askance at the fox beside her, "Keeps them out of the way so the queens can do the real work."

"So they foist running the country on their mates while convincing them it's actually a steal for them? They are cleverer than I gave them credit for."

"Or just more short-sighted," Almene laughed, gingerly scooting herself closer to him over the hot terra cotta tiles. She was not a delicate person by nature, but the hot sun made dancers of everyone. Or perhaps her training under the emperor had included lessons in graceful bearing.

Thales lifted his paw from behind his head and wrapped it around the vixen. Against her bright orange fur, his darker red coloration stood out. "I don't know. What good is power if you don't get happiness and pleasure from it?"

"Power can create or demand pleasure; pleasure cannot create power," she responded, bringing her head to his chest.

"Someone's been reading the philosophers," Thales said.

"Yes," Almene said, "but that particular axiom I made up."

"It sounds so wise. Someday I'll be reading you, then," Thales said with a grin, brushing his paw lightly along Almene's shoulder and upper arm. She put her paw on his chest and made a slow circle about his sternum. That was always her way of suggesting playtime.

Almene made a face of mock consideration as she stroked his chest. "I suppose writing my treatise wouldn't be the worst way to spend my idle hours. When we're not accompanying the emperor there's plenty of time for that kind of thing."

"And when it's published and I read it," Thales continued, pausing just a moment, "I will reply that you conflate capacity with destiny. Even if power can create pleasure, if you have to spend so much time scheming and fighting to maintain it, and can thus never enjoy its fruits, my point still stands."

Almene rolled her eyes but smiled. "Maybe power is itself a pleasure."

"Maybe pleasure is itself power."

"Oh, it most certainly is," Almene said. "Why else keep all those princes around? You males have some uses, after all." Her paw suddenly dove lower, skimming over Thales' abdomen to rest just north of his groin. He inhaled, sharply and reflexively, before he could suppress it, and Almene's composed expression cracked open into mischievous glee.

"We might," he conceded. Almene laughed, high and bright and viciously self-satisfied. Thales burrowed his snout against head as his tunic slowly tented away from his legs. Her paw pushed against the mound of fur above his virility, teasing him out until he was fully unsheathed. His member pushed his tunic up until his balls peeked out from beneath it, revealing them to the sun.

"You are delightfully easy to rile," Almene said with an air of victory.

"Yes, and I would prefer you didn't, since I have to return downstairs to the shop in a few minutes."

"Aww, and what does that matter?" she teased. "Surely an erection doesn't impede your ability to polish pewter."

"It does make interacting with the other staff a little fraught." His breath caught as she wrapped her paw around his member and gently squeezed through the fabric.

"Making the other servants jealous of your endowment, are you?" Almene talked a good game, but her voice also quavered as Thales brought a paw to her breast. "Well we can't have that."

"Bit late," Thales said, looking down. "I would ask you finished what you started, but-"

"Of course, thought you'd never ask." Almene suddenly leapt up and planted herself kneeling between Thales' calves. She grinned at his shocked expression as she folded his tunic over his stomach to reveal his cock. "What? You didn't think I joined the emperor's harem because I wanted to have less sex, did you?"

"I just didn't think it was allowed."

Her eyes glittered. "I just can't have you cumming between my legs, so you can't impregnate me. But this? This is just homework." She was no longer paying his face any mind, and Thales could she her salivating as she grabbed him by the knot and leaned toward his cock.

"That can't be much fun for you, though," Thales said, thinking wistfully of what his own tongue could be doing as well.

Almene paused in her descent and gave him a mocking chortle. "Sweet, innocent Thales. Power is its own pleasure, remember?"

"So you claim, but I have yet to examine your proof."

"Behold, the proof," she said, as she swallowed his pride to the knot in one fluid motion. Thales put a paw on the back of her head, caressing her bright tawny ear as she bobbed, fingering the fluff on his chest with his other paw. He lay his head back and closed his eyes against the sun.

After a few moments, he felt Almene lift away from him. He reluctantly opened one eye just as she spoke.

"Thrust into me, babe. The Phraesidians may like their layabout princes, but I prefer my men with a little more initiative."

Thales bucked happily as she lowered her head again, looking down lovingly as she worked him over. They had done this a few times before, before she had resolved to join the royal harem, but whatever strange training regimen they put her through had turned her from a casual playmate to a ruthless predator. He felt the pressure building, too soon and not soon enough. "I really can't believe how," he gasped and had to pause to search for the rest of his sentence, "amazing at this you've gotten. It's been what, a few months?"

"Of very intense training," Almene barely lifted her head to speak, running her paw over the shaft as she did so and then returning it to her mouth immediately when she finished speaking.

"Well," Thales said, "I approve of whatever they're teaching you."

"I will convey that to them," she said.

He let her work for a few moments again, letting his tongue loll out absently as he gently thrust into her mouth. His paw left her head for moment in his ecstasy, and she reached out, grabbed it, and replaced it just by her ear.

The demand for affection briefly jolted him out of his libidinous reverie, and realizing himself, he stuttered, "you know, if you flipped around, I could return the favor."

An unseen paw grasped him by the balls and squeezed, not painfully, but with an unmistakable sense of authority. "No time for that," she said. "You need to get back to work, remember? Just focus and cum for me quickly before you're missed."

He groaned in simultaneous thanks and plaintive resistance. "Don't worry," she said evilly, "I have every intention of seeing you return the favor later."

"I wish every creditor were as hot as that threat."

"Heh, me too," she said. The pressure on his nuts increased again, pleasure and discipline commingled in her caress. He moaned, and she took the cue to continue massaging his sack roughly. "Now kindly shut up, darling, and feed your hungry vixen."

Thales closed his eyes and focused on the pressure building inside his balls. Behind and below him, the lunch guests cheered, and for an absurd moment he imagined they were watching, rooting for Almene to deliver the knockout as she and Thales lay sweating in the middle of a raucous crowd, like some kind of sexual gladiator show. Real Almene squeezed his knot and ran her tongue down his length, and imaginary gladiator Almene flashed a victory sign at the crowd in his head, and he tensed and thrust hard and gave the people what they wanted.

He opened his eyes as soon as the stars shooting across his eyelids slowed, gazing down at the beautiful vixen through the heavy blue tint as his eyes readjusted against the sun. She gave his cock a few more long, slow licks as the last of his load trickled from him, and then sat back on her heels, licking her lips in smug satisfaction.

"It's good to see you again, Thales," she said, standing. "Here's hoping we'll have more time alone in the future."