Looda F**ks the World (pt2)

Story by xerox2 on SoFurry

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#2 of Looda F**cks The World

Isabelle and Looda resolve to start their world conquest by corrupting the mountain town of Dill. . . (Vote for the adventure, part 2)

Looda F**cks The World

Chapter 2

By: Xerox2



Where had Isabelle learned to sneak like this?

She moved like a whisper under the cover of the new moon, tiptoeing past Andry's tent, dodging the dried leaves and noisesom pebbles around the wagon. A silent knife slashed the reigns of the Oxen, freeing them to wander and graze. Then it was back to the tent to grab the bag she'd packed full of clothes and more of that 'food' and 'water' she'd been guzzling at dinnertime. With that, they were away.

As the distance between them and the campsite grew, her cautious steps relaxed into a quick trot. They did it! They were free of the Order, free to descend upon the unsuspecting town Isabelle had chosen. Looda giggled with delight, and Isabelle shushed him.

"Are you as excited as I am, human?" Looda churred through her lips.

"No,' she hissed. "We should have gone to the hermit. Corrupting an entire town. . . this plan is insane!"

"But it will be so dellectible, you will see. And perhaps we'll find a metaphysicist there after all."

"That is the only reason I agreed to this."

"How far is this 'Dill?'" he asked impatiently.

"A day's walk at least."

Looda groaned and scowled with Isabelle's face. He extended her tongue, stretching it down her robes to slide slickly across her breast. Oh how wonderful it will be, Looda thought, to plunge its sensitive tip deep into an eager victim, to feel their insides clenching around the muscular length, milking it like a giant wriggling cock.

Isabelle slurped the tongue back into her mouth. "Stop thinking stuff into my brain like that," she snapped. "It's difficult to tell which thoughts are mine and which ones are yours."

"Who's to say they weren't your thoughts?" Looda chuckled. "I can only guess what lewd fantasies you have about that Andry boy."

His mind wandered between lurid fantasies. How delightful would it be to take his dick into their mouth, tasting the fresh musk of his under-appreciated flesh, wrapping their long and sensuous tongue around his length until it was cocooned in a writhing spiral of muscle. He'd wonder at the strange sensations, but he wouldn't scream, only moan--


Isabelle's breath caught in her mouth. She spun around to see Andry standing high above them on the crest of the previous hill.

"Andry!" she gasped. How long had he been following? What had he heard? "Andry, what are you doing here?"

The boy jogged down the hill to meet them. "What am I doing here?" he asked between breaths. "What are you doing here? I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know it sounds crazy, but those things you said to me earlier, the way you looked at me, I couldn't get it out of my head. went to your tent, but you weren't there. I looked up and down the road, over the meadows. You were nowhere to be seen."

"How did you find me?"

"I don't know. Intuition? Smell? Something told me to run in this direction." He lifted his hand to her shoulder, and she froze. "Isabelle. I don't know what's going on, but I want to help you. I want to be with you."

Isabelle caressed the arm that touched her shoulder. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. He returned the kiss, then initiated the next. Their passion made up for their inexperience.

Looda drooled with anticipation as he watched the scene unfold. It wouldn't be long until he was feasting on this one's humanity. He wondered what the boy would become after he'd freed his inner beast. Sluts and thugs never changed much. It was these pious sorts, the ones who made a habit of depriving themselves that got the worst of it. Perhaps he'd make a powerful, demonic steed and they'd be able to ride the rest of the way to Dill on his back.

Isabelle brought her lips to his ear. The stubble of his cheek prickled against her own.

"You can help me," she whispered, nibbling on his ear lobe. Her slender hand slid down his stomach to his belt, then lower, until her fingertips grazed the hardness growing between his legs.

Looda could feel the boy's heartbeat through his trousers. He was so proud of Isabelle for seizing this opportunity. He couldn't have done it better himself.

"I'll do anything for you," he said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Isabelle curled her tongue up behind his ear, slowly, sensually. She opened her lips to whisper, and Looda wondered which seductive words she'd say.


Andry turned to face her. "What?"

"Rrr--" she strained against Looda to form the word. "Rrrut-- Rrrut me-- Run! Get away!"

Andry stepped back, shock and confusion on his face. "Isabelle. What's happening?"

Isabelle dropped to her knees as Looda pumped her full of lust. She would fuck him! She had to! He groped her breasts and pawed at her pussy through her robe, straining and groaning as she fought his influence with all her might.

"Go!" she struggled.

Andry stepped backwards, horror on his face. "I will, Isabelle. If it is what you want, I will." He turned and sprinted back toward the camp.

Looda screamed as their prey disappeared over the hills. This stupid human! What was she thinking!? He plunged her hands into her robe and began to masturbate furiously.


Even as the demon's frustrated roar erupted from her mouth, Isabelle's lips lilted into a smile. She was victorious.

Exhausted, she acquiesced to the demon's will. Her hands danced across her body with a frenzied mind of their own, tweaking her nipples and slicking against her pussy. Her tongue lolled a foot from her mouth. One hand wrapped around its length and started stroking it like a cock.

She wasn't enjoying this shameful display of lust. No, despite the mind-numbing pleasure, despite the sought-after relief, despite the profound fulfillment, she hated it. And if she did feel some tiny inkling of joy, of bliss, of pure unadulterated ecstacy, then surely it was because she had saved Andry, and certainly not because she'd just discovered that, if she curled her back, her elongated tongue could lick her clit.

Isabelle came with a guttural, desperate moan. Whether it was her or the demon that made the sound, it was difficult to tell. The terrible ecstacy inundating her mind began to ebb, leaving her huddled on the ground, panting. She withdrew a shaking hand from her crotch and pulled her femcum-soaked tongue back into her mouth.

Then, with a sudden impulse, her voice rang out. "What was that? Are you trying to blue-ball me to death?"

It was the demon.

"No," she said, speaking as calmly as she could manage. "I wanted to lay with him, but I couldn't."

"What do you mean? He was ready and willing! You felt how hard his cock was. He would have bent us over the stump in a heartbeat!"

Her stomach flipped at the sound of her own voice saying such vile words.

"I couldn't bring myself to taint him. I love him."

"Pft!" Looda spat. "How can you love someone you've never fucked? You humans make no sense.You said you lusted for him back in the tent. Now you pull out at the last second! You better not be going limp on me."

Isabelle gazed back toward the empty path. "Don't worry. I don't love anyone in Dill."

She stood and continued down the moonlit trail. Dill had a reputation for being filled with drunks, swindlers, other disreputable types. She didn't relish the idea of corrupting it further, but what choice did she have? If she outright refused, the demon inside of her would simply corrupt her beyond recognition and do as it liked. The longer she retained her humanity, the more control she had over the creature.

That was the reason she marched down the trail, not because she was excited about this new adventure or the pleasures it promised. She'd had no trouble ignoring the siren's song of her lust in the past. Why should it be any different now that she'd had a bite of the forbidden fruit? Yet the taste, figuratively and literally, was still fresh in her mouth, and the memory of burying her tongue between her legs made her skin flush.

Isabelle rushed down the trail. Was it her own excitement driving her or the demon's? His influence was subtle: an increased libido, a stray invasive thought, an sudden impulse. Sometimes it was difficult for her to tell where Isabelle stopped and Looda began.

It wasn't until the sun's burning rind peered over the mountaintops that she thought to stop for food and sleep. She was not hungry or tired, despite not having eaten since dinner or slept in over a day. Now she was certain it was the demon motivating her legs to keep their aggressive pace.

"We should rest."

Looda was not concerned with hunger or exhaustion. He informed her that she'd abandoned those particular human traits back in her tent. Now her body-- their body-- was fueled by quintessence, hers for now, others' later. Her stomach had been replaced by the furnace of Looda's spirit, and the loaves of bread in her pack could not feed the hunger growing in their loins. The thought made her skin crawl. Was she even human anymore?

Looking at her, the other travelers on the road saw a human girl. None could know that every time she spoke a passing greeting, each time she swallowed nervously under their stares, she felt her snake of a tongue shifting deep inside her throat. They did not see a woman who'd taken a butt-plug so recently her asshole was still swollen and tender. The swelling seemed to be getting worse as time went on. Now she could feel her engorged pucker shifting between her cheeks with each hurried step. Every touch brought a tickling tingle that only stoked her arousal. No, she realized, not arousal. Hunger.

Each fork pitched the road upward into the foothills of the looming mountains. The unkempt rural path soon gave way to a wide, well-traveled highway paved with shale slate gathered from the nearby cliffs.

So, at last, they came to Dill, a wood-walled township tucked into a great canyon at the base of the mountain pass. The setting sun warmed her back as she approached, casting a long shadow onto the town's main gate. The barrier was intimidating but dilapidated, indicating the town's long-forgotten strategic significance. Those days, the gate was used to keep out wild beasts, the undesirable, the dangerous.

They passed through with a grunt and a nod from the gatekeeper.

It didn't often work.

Isabelle crept down streets lined by timber and stone buildings with steeply pitched roofs. She tried not to draw any attention, but Looda was like a wolf in a flock of sheep. He pulled her head this way and that to ogle the breasts and asses of all the people bustling to and fro, cleaning up their market stalls and returning to their homes for the night. He licked her lips, using perhaps a few too many inches of her elongated, demonic tongue. She slurped it back inside.

"Oooh, let's fuck him," he urged, speaking of a middle aged man hauling cart of melons down an alleyway.

Isabelle wrenched her eyes away. "No! We can't just accost a random citizen in the streets. We need privacy."

Looda grumbled, looked about, and swept her over to a nearby candle-lit window. He pressed her face against the glass with all the yearning of a child gazing at a bakery's sweets. "Then, let's go in this building and fuck the people inside!"

The woman inside snapped her head toward the sound of their voice. Isabelle ducked out of view. "No!" she whispered angrily. "Those are just ordinary people going about their lives. If we're going to do this, we have to find someone who deserves it."

Looda clenched her hands into fists. "Grrr. Human, I am beginning to regret keeping you around. Who then, do you think is worthy of our gift?"

An old woman stared wide-eyed from a bench across the street. Isabelle stood, smiled bashfully and waved, then hustled away toward the town square. She looked toward the ground, clasping her hands-- as if in prayer-- and mouthed her words silently.

"Criminals. Prisoners." She glanced toward the guardhouse tower. It stood isolated against the southern cliff, menacingly tall and fortified. "But we could never get to them."

Looda flexed and fluttered her pubic muscles impatiently as she tried to think of another option."Perhaps we need a compromise," whispered the demon.

Isabelle scowled. "The thirty-fourth lesson of the Order: 'the road to the abyss is paved with compromises.'"

"Ha!" The demon snorted. "Shows what they know. It's paved with the skulls of the innocent!"

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Fine. First let's find some privacy, then we'll make a compromise."

The Goat's Hoof Inn was one of the town's largest buildings, serving the needs of the many travelers looking to get a good night's sleep before braving the mountain pass, and it had a reputation for being filled with dangerous, disreputable types. The room cost Isabelle all the coins she'd brought. It had a bed for two, a window, and the Innkeeper, a rather fat, gruff-looking man who hardly said a word, brought up a large wooden bath and filled it with hot water.

Isabelle mentally prepared herself for what was about to come as Looda groomed their body. He scrubbed the dried mud from her legs and brushed the knots from her hair. Instead of a modest bun, he fashioned her hair into a golden braid and draped it forward over her left shoulder. She changed into a new robe, but without her brooch and hood, it left a great deal of her neck and upper chest exposed. She reached for a lace to tie it shut, but Looda stopped her.

Isabelle peered at her reflection in the water of the bath. Her breath caught in her throat. Gone was the modest girl of the Order that didn't demand a second glance. In her place was a young maiden in the prime of her beauty. In fact, she was downright sexy. Her heartbeat quickened. She swished her fingers through the water to destroy the image, took a deep breath, and stepped out of her room.

Back in the Order everyone went to bed the moment it grew dark, but that night the Goat's Hoof parlour was roaring with activity. Oil lamps and a large crackling fire cast a flickering yellow sunrise across the waking night. Men drank and sang and played Khatta, laughing and moaning as the won and lost their day's wages. Hooded travelers smoked water pipes in the shadowed corners of the room as the boozers drank themselves into a stupor and the swindlers made their rounds, searching for a foolish mark to buy their miracles. It was a vile, amoral place. More than one pair of watery, drunken eyes turned her way as she entered the room. They crawled over her exposed skin like a bunch of spiders.

The demon met their gazes head-on, and even gave one a wink. "So who is it going to be?" he moved her lips to whisper.

Perhaps these men did not deserve to have their spirits consumed by a demon, but none of them were innocent. Isabelle struggled to make a choice. She tried counting the transgressions against Zin each patron was committing. The sheriff scored highly. He was drunk, gambling, smoking, shouting, and swearing. His arms were thick and strong like Andry's, but the way he ran his fingers along that hatchet on his belt frightened her. Perhaps one of the shadowy figures would be a better choice, but their hidden faces and scarred hands sent alarm bells ringing in her mind. This was the scene she had hoped to find. So why was choosing so difficult?

Then her eyes caught sight of a different sort. A woman. She leaned over a table of foreign merchants, laughing, smiling, and flirting. Her face was done up in pale makeup with ruby lipstick, and her dress left her shoulders and legs completely bare. She wore a tight corset and brassiere to accentuate her generous curves, and her sizable breasts were so prominently displayed, Isabelle thought they might pop free at any moment. She giggled at the thought. The men would try to grope that soft and supple flesh before she could lift it out of their reach, maybe flick her nipple with their rough fingertips. Isabelle pictured her having nipples just like hers but bigger (she had larger breasts after all). Big rubbery nubs that would be lovely to pinch and lick and suck. She wondered if the woman's pussy was larger too, all swollen and puffed up from all the sex she'd had. Would it feel different wrapped around her fingertips? Would it taste different than her own if she pleasured the woman with a tongue that was long and thick enough to put all the cocks in the room to shame?

Isabelle shook her head. "Demon!" she whispered angrily. "I told you to stop putting thoughts into my head."

Her mouth curled into a mischievous grin. "I didn't."

She swallowed, eyes trained on the alluring woman. Surely she was a whore. It was an amoral occupation. She deserved to be her target as much as anyone in this room. "Can it be her?"

The demon gave a sigh of relief. "Finally! Yes, just relax and don't mess things up this time."

She closed her eyes and allowed Looda to spread his influence from her core to her extremities, filling her out like he was wearing an Isabelle suit. He wiggled her fingertips and toes, then readjusted her robe and started toward the whore.

At this moment, she was almost glad to have the demon in her. As much as she hated to admit it, she truly wanted to fuck that woman. But without Looda, she wouldn't have the first clue how to go about doing it. She grew nervous as Looda steered her body through the lurid scene, walking confidently toward the woman. He stood behind her, reached out her hand, and tapped her on the shoulder.

"How can I--?" The whore spun around with a charming smile that quickly soured when she found a young woman and not another drunken patron. "Scram, would you? I'm trying to work."

The demon reached out and touched the woman's hand. There was a tiny snap, like a static shock, and a wave of weariness washed over Isabelle. She faltered, and the woman caught her by the shoulders.

"Woah, are you okay?"

The demon smiled and brushed a hair from their face. "I'm fine. Just a little tired. Can I speak with you for a moment?"

The prostitute nodded slowly. "Sure. . . These guys weren't biting anyway."

They sat at a secluded table and began to talk. Her name was Bunny, or that was the name they gave her at the brothel. She'd been there so long she hardly remembered her old name. Looda said it was a fitting name, given how cute she was.

Looda made conversation easily. He made eye contact, but not like Isabelle did, not gazing down from above in judgement, not peering up from the ground, humbled in worship. He stared straight on, straight in, as equals, as another flawed and despicable creature with similar wants, with similar needs. He introduced Isabelle as a fugitive of the order.

Bunny shook her head knowingly. "Lots of women who leave the Order end up in the brothels." She took Isabelle's hand in her own. Isabelle flinched at the unfamiliar tender touch, surprising the woman.

Looda covered with a giggle. "Your hands are cold."

Isabelle watched the demon spin his trap using words from her own mouth. The brothels seemed like her only option, he said, but she didn't know if she had what it took. After all, she'd never even kissed a man. Perhaps Bunny could tell them, or even show them what it was like? A part of Isabelle wished the whore would stand up and run away, but a larger, growing part, a desperate, depraved, and starving part, wanted to sweep this woman up to her room and plunge her face between her legs until she cried out so loud the entire inn could hear.

Bunny frowned. "I don't know. . ."

"Just a kiss?" the demon begged. "Let's give the men something to talk about."

She smiled and tittered, her breasts jiggling with the motion. "You might just be a natural at this. Alright then."

She leaned forward with an alluring look in her eyes. Isabelle felt something change as he moved to meet her. The now-familiar taste of her own pussy filled her mouth, and a gush of thick, stringy saliva coated her writhing, eager tongue. The moment the whore's warm, painted lips pressed against her own, the demon grasped the back of her head and pulled her close. Isabelle's massive, slickened tongue pushed past the poor woman's lips and filled her mouth. Her eyes shot open in shock, then relaxed into a half-lidded stupor.

Oh how heavenly the inside of the whore's mouth felt wrapped around her tongue! The supple inner cheek was like the touch of a soft fur. The teeth sent little vibrations of pleasure rocketing down into her chest. Looda pressed their tongue deeper, past the delightfully tickling uvula until Isabelle could see Bunny's neck bulging around the length. She swallowed by reflex, the repeated clenching of her throat forming a heavenly massage. Isabelle's pussy spasmed sympathetically, sending a trickle of her fluids running down her inner thigh.

At last, she slurped her tongue back into her mouth, then finished off the kiss with a delicate peck. Bunny stood mouth agape, eyes unfocused. A little string of saliva dripped the corner of her mouth onto the table below.

The men who caught sight of their passionate kiss cheered and whistled. Bunny blinked rapidly as she came to, then leaned in for another kiss, but Isabelle cupped her cheek.

"Not here." They grabbed the dazed hooker by the hand and whisked her through the jeering crowd. One man groped her ass, and she gasped from the thrill. He'd get his soon enough, she thought as she sprinted up the stairs to her room, prize in tow.

She slammed the door behind them and lowered the bar, locking them inside. Bunny pressed her body against Isabelle's, squeezing her breasts against her own. She looked at her with needy eyes and parted lips.

"What are you?" she moaned, as if the very touch of Isabelle's skin brought her untold pleasures.

Looda answered. "Your new master."

The word made Isabelle queasy, but it seemed to please Bunny. She licked Isabelle lustily up the length of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. The two lovers clumsily undressed each other. Isabelle, who had never worn a brassiere before, grew frustrated trying to work the clasps and tore the garment away with unfamiliar strength. The whore's breasts bounced free, even more luscious and perfect than she imagined. Her nipples were indeed large, but they were far darker than she expected, an exotic chocolate to be sampled. Isabelle popped one of the ridgid nubs into her mouth and gave it a suck. The fleshy, sweaty taste made her tongue tingle.

Isabelle reached an eager hand for her crotch, but the demon seized control of the arm and stopped her. Before she knew what was happening, he'd leapt onto the bed and laid on her back, facing Bunny. Isabelle's legs spread open of their own accord, exposing her pussy to their guest. She blushed even as her face twisted into a devilish grin, and her hand extended toward their catch, seductively beckoning her with a single finger.

The entranced whore didn't need another hint. She joined Isabelle on the bed, licking her lips as she crawled on all fours toward her prize. Even as horny as Isabelle was, the prospect of someone burying their face between her legs and making out with her most private parts made her uneasy. But her reservations melted away the moment Bunny planted a kiss on her nether lips.

Isabelle clutched the sheets in her fists and opened her mouth in a silent scream as Bunny started eating her out in earnest. She seemed to be as much an expert in the art of lovemaking as Looda himself. She ran her tongue up and down the frilly folds of Isabelle's vulva, teasing jolts of pleasure from her clit. Then, just when Isabelle was starting to get used to the touch, her tongue moved lower, pressing into Isabelle's vagina and filling it as fully as the meager human length could. This was the first time she'd been penetrated, but Bunny was gentle. There was no pain, only a feeling of profound satisfaction, wholeness, and an overwhelming, toe-curling wave of ecstasy.

An unfamiliar sensation began building in Isabelle's loins. She thought it was her orgasm approaching, but this time it was different. The skin all over her body grew white hot, and every muscle clenched simultaneously. There was a great sensation of energy flowing into her, flooding her, as if her pussy was pulling raw pleasure out of the tongue buried in her depths. She cracked her eyes open to see the skin of her groin, her tummy, her thighs, blushing a bright violet.

Bunny didn't seem to notice any of this, but Isabelle noticed something different about the head buried between her legs. The whore's ears were longer, and they were growing in front of her very eyes. Isabelle was too consumed to do anything but watch as Bunny's ears stretched up through her hair, past the back of her head. They grew so long that they collapsed on their their own weight, flopping down onto Isabelle's thighs and spilling off her legs onto the bed below.

But Bunny's ears weren't the only part of her that was growing. Her ass, raised in the air behind her, was swelling up like a balloon. Her asscheeks jiggled and wobbled heavily as they grew, stopping just shy of inhuman proportions. Then, as if the pressure had been corked and had to be let out somehow, a nub of flesh sprouted from the base of her spine. It twitched wildly, straining to a length of half a foot before stopping. A million tiny hairs floofed the protrusion into the unmistakable teardrop-shape of a rabbit's tail.

"Please don't thtop!" Bunny moaned between licks.

Isabelle wouldn't have stopped even if she knew how. Gone was all fear and hesitation; power and pleasure surged through her, and the only thing she wanted was more, more, more! She sat up, grabbed Bunny by the shoulders and lifted her to face her. The full-grown woman was weightless in her arms. Isabelle clapped a hand around her expanded ass and pulled her groin against her own, and Looda positioned their legs so that they could scissor in earnest. Isabelle humped and ground her pussy against Bunny's plump sex. Each time their clits collided, an explosion of bliss rocked their bodies, leaving Isabelle gasping and growling for more.

Throughout all this, the flow of energy did not abate. Bunny opened her mouth to moan, and Isabelle watched her face change. Her front teeth grew large and flat, as her other teeth receded into the back of her mouth. Or perhaps it was that her front teeth were pushed forward away from the others as her jaw reshaped, lengthening ever so slightly into the start of a muzzle. Her ruby upper lip, already full and plump, swelled even larger, the center pinching upward toward her nose, forming a little cleft that revealed even more of her buck teeth. Her nose twitched and wiggled as it upturned and flattened against her face. When she finally closed her mouth, her upper teeth rested exposed in front of her lower lip.

Isabelle was so absorbed by this bizarre sight and the bliss of scissoring that she hardly noticed a pinching, pulling sensation coming from her own behind. It was only when she felt the touch of the bed behind her, far behind her, that she turned to see a foot long shaft of flesh stretching from her ass. She was growing a tail!

"No!" she half-yelped, half-moaned. "You aren't supposed to change me any more!"

She flicked the length back and forth in frustration, but the motion only served to pull two more vertebrae from the base of her spine. They popped audibly as they formed, sending blissful shivers across her body. Her tail, acting on its own, curled downward and buried itself between her ass cheeks. She tensed as its smooth skin slid against her oversized asshole. It nuzzled against the pliant, eager opening, but then continued forward, wriggling up between her and Bunny's pussies and rising further and further in the air as it grew.

Both women continued grinding against the new length of flesh, too lust-addled to care about the "what" or "how" of it. Not only did the shaft rub delightfully against her clit, but the flesh of Isabelle's new tail was just as sensitive as her tongue's. The slickened folds of their pussies kindled sparks of pleasure that wormed their way up and down her tail like embers under a breeze. Her tail strained upward against Bunny's tummy and slid between her breasts. Bunny squeezed her generous breasts around the new appendage and nibbled playfully on its tip with her new buck teeth. A sharp intake of breath marked the start of her prey's climax. The mind-melting ecstasy made her hips jerk and shudder.

This was enough to send Isabelle hurtling over the edge herself. She bit her lower lip as pulse after pulse of orgasmic bliss flooded from the tip of her tail, down into her pussy, and through her body. As she came, the tip of her tail bulged and swelled. It grew with each clenching spasm until it had reformed into the unmistakable shape of a demon's spade.

Bunny collapsed backward with a sigh, releasing Isabelle's tail and separating their pussies. Isabelle followed suit, falling back against the bed's modest pillows. She was satisfied and content, but not tired. In fact, she felt like she could head downstairs, snag another person, and do the whole thing over again.

But as her lust faded and clarity returned, she groaned. She curled her tail up between her legs until it was staring her in the face. It was thick, covered in smooth, blushing skin, and tipped with a rounded heart-shaped spade that was pliant to the touch. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why? I did what you asked. I found someone!"

Her mouth formed a reply. "You were too difficult to please. This town only has so many whores. Plus you tricked me and didn't fuck the boy. Now we're even."

Isabelle flopped her tail onto the bed. "Fine. But this thing is going to make blending in a lot trickier."

Isabelle heard a gasp near her feet. Bunny was sitting up, padding her fingers over her twisted, beastial face. "My teeth!" She lifted one of her floppy ears into view. "And my ears!"

Isabelle clapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh, Bunny! I'm so, so sorry."

Bunny leapt off the bed, almost losing her balance from the unfamiliar jiggle of her enlarged behind. She pulled a compact mirror from her bag and looked at herself in shock.

Isabelle grimaced. "Now don't panic. I can explain."

Bunny beamed, revealing a great deal of her enormous buck teeth. "I. . . I'm beautiful!" She grabbed her ass. "And sexy. Do I have a tail? I do!"

"Bunny? Do you feel well?"

"I feel," she said, running a hand over her ear, "liberated. Like you unlaced a corset I didn't even know I was wearing." She turned to Isabelle with adoration in her eyes. "Oh master, I love it so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome?"

This wasn't Bunny at all, thought Isabelle. She'd been replaced with a simple, tainted beast. Her very own slave. The thought dropped a stone in her stomach.

"I know how to make it up to you. I'm going to grab one of the men downstairs so we can have a threesome!" Bunny winked and padded over to the room's door, naked ass bouncing behind her.

She lifted the bar and cracked the door before Isabelle shrieked, "stop!"

Bunny froze.

"Close the door." She obeyed then stood expectantly. Isabelle sighed and racked her mind for some way to keep her occupied. Their sweat and cum had soaked a massive dark spot into the sheets, and Isabelle's thighs and tail were caked with drying fluids.

"Ugh what a mess."

Bunny's ears twitched to attention. "Want me to clean you, master?" Before Isabelle could say anything, she hopped onto the bed and started licking Isabelle's legs clean.

"Good pet," the demon rumbled, and Bunny's tail wiggled in delight.

Isabelle grimaced but allowed her to continue. Having a tainted creature this close to her was unsettling, but she herself was something even worse, not to mention less human than ever. It was odd; she still felt like herself. In fact, she felt better than herself! Her muscles buzzed with untrapped strength, and her senses were incredibly sharp. She could count Bunny's whiskers just from their tickle, and she could make out each word of the hushed conversation the people down outside her window were having. They were whispering a very familiar prayer, an Order prayer to Zin.

A burning pain shot through Isabelle's ears, and she hissed in agony, pressing her hands over her ears. The words pushed through her fingers and stabbed into her eardrums. She leapt out of bed and ran to the window Two hooded figures wearing the white robes of the order stood in front of the Inn. They finished their prayer and stepped inside.

"What are they doing here?" Looda spat.

"It was a battle prayer! They're hunting us!"

"Well do something!"

Isabelle's tail flicked nervously behind her. "We must flee. One of these houses will take us in. If we claim it for our own, we'll have time to plan our next move."

Bunny chirped up. "Ooh you could come stay at the brothel. The girls would love to meet you."

"Are you kidding? They'd scream at the sight of us."

"Unless," Looda mused, "unless I put a glamour on us to act as a disguise. They'd never know what we are."

Isabelle furrowed her brow. "If you can make us look human, I might have a plan to throw the Order off our trail."

"Do you think they'd want to fuck?" Bunny asked, ears perking with excitement. "I think I hear them coming up the stairs!"

Due to SoFurry outages, voting for this chapter has concluded before I could post it. Please follow me on twitter for updates in the future, as it is more reliable. You can read the results of the poll here: https://twitter.com/XeroxToo/status/1112467839040937984

(Author's note: thanks for reading! Please leave a comment if you have any thoughts or ideas for future chapters!)

Star Sex: Pilot

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The Convention

There is an electric energy in the air. People joke and laugh as they meet up with old friends, snap group photos, and explore the area. Over a hundred artists transform two vast rooms into a temporary marketplace where visitors can purchase wares...

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Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone By: Xerox2 [https://xerox2.sofurry.com/](https://xerox2.sofurry.com/) Contains: Male / Female -\> anthro fox transformation. 18+ only. "You're sure we're all alone? No one's going to interrupt us?" the woman asks, following you...

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