Extra Therapy

Story by Kenneth Beltan on SoFurry

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It's a nurse-patient erotica. It contains gays, a great a dilf, huge cocks, some heart, and even has some spiritual shit thrown in towards the end. What more could you want?

"Extra Therapy"

by Kenneth Beltan edited by Nievelion

This is a kind of fanfic of a fanfic, which is why I had initially been unsure about posting it. Nievelion wrote a long Zootopia story called "To Mend a Broken Hart." Yes, "hart" is the correct spelling as it refers to a deer whilst also being word play on "heart." Look it up. Also, his story uses characters from a friend and author named 6-Wing Dragon, namely the two in this story. Anyway, this takes place near the end during a hospital stay. I had ogled the nurse and came up with a silly, clichéd sexual affair because I felt like it. When I went to write it, it turned into something a bit more substantial. I'm proud of that, which is why I chose to post this instead of keeping it in my drawer. You probably don't need to be familiar with Nievelion's story in order to enjoy this. Only a few points will be unclear, but as it's mostly just erotica, most of it can be enjoyed on its own. I still recommend reading "To Mend a Broken Hart" because it is a good story on it's own, and it will give some deeper appreciation to this one.

In short, this is a nurse-patient erotica. It's gay, has a great a dilf, some heart, and even has some spiritual shit thrown in towards the end. Have fun!

This would not have been possible without Papa Nieve's help! He was a rigorous editor, cleaning up not only grammar and spelling but also helping me to polish this into a fair better-crafted story. He suggested changes in perspective, where ideas should go, restructuring paragraphs, and helped the flow. I am seriously indebted to him for that as it allowed me to plow on as the Muse inspired me without having to always stop and clean up after myself.



Buckley Stagmire closed his eyes as he yawned. He took a moment to stretch afterwards, holding his arms out and rotating his shoulders in bed. He had been in the same position for at least two hours as he read, having requested a thick book to help him pass the time. He had never realized how damned boring staying in a hospital could be. He had always been a patient man, but he was growing restless and agitated at being confined as he was. He rued darkly how far the world still was from Star Trek medical technology. Quite recently, the cervine had been finding some relief in his physical therapy. He had torn muscles in his right leg and lower back during his exertions at Gazelle's concert. He could not remember much pain as he had been tranquilized. Upon waking up, he was on strong analgesics that made him perpetually sleepy. He did not like being out so often, his head fuzzy and his mind unfocused. It disturbed him how much he could not recall for so many months of his life -- more in fact than it made him seethe with resentment. If his kidnappers had ever lapsed in their administrations of his tranquilizers while he was in their captivity, he could not honestly tell himself that he would feel terrible if he had attacked and gutted them with his antlers. These dark cogitations, along with his anger and disappointment with the man he loved more than anything in the world, had kept him fairly quiet. He did not want to take it out on Leodore. In fact, he was still trying to work out how to confront the lion about his feelings and the implications of his actions. On top of all that, once he had passed through the period in which he most needed pain relief and had his faculties more or less back under satisfactory control, he had thrown himself into his old job to get the wheels of justice moving properly. If he could not take revenge under the excuse of feral mania, at least he could make sure the scum had so tight a case against them that, were it a box, it would suffocate them. That gave him focus and sufficient distractions from his personal life which were productive. He knew that brooding on things would not do him much good, and only so much insight could be gleaned at a time. He needed the breaks to give his soul and mind a rest, and the return to a routine of purpose was surprisingly helpful to his mental state. Another boost had come in the form of his physical therapy. Moving around after having been largely sedentary for so many months was a blessing. His muscles had atrophied in spite of being given periods of consciousness while locked in a cage so he could have some movement. Cats may have been built for long periods of laziness (and damn them for being able to maintain such exquisite physiques in spite of it!), but he was an animal meant to run -- and frequently. The nurses had strictly forbade him from running, and at first he could entirely understand why. He was not strong enough, and his muscles were still damaged and thus limited his range of motion. It was a ginger process of recovery, but every day got a bit better. Finally, he had gotten to where he could have short walks around the hospital and then in the gardens. Getting the hell outside had been a form of deliverance for him that had made him feel so grateful that he stopped by one of the small temples in the hospital and made an offering at the shrine of the Lord of the Forest. He had achieved a level of genuine devotion that he could never remember having attained before. It had all been going swimmingly until he disobeyed doctor's orders and actually tried sprinting into the grass under the warm sun. The nurse, a Cape buffalo who reminded him remarkably of Chief Bogo, had been shaking her fist and likely cursing him out in Amharic as he suddenly broke away. He had made two circuits around a fountain when suddenly his hip muscle exploded in pain. He cried out and hit the dirt as hot agony seared through him. The nurse was suddenly upon him, and her powerful hooves began working the muscle in his hip to massage it into relaxation. The immediate effect, of course, was more discomfort. "Goddamn it, you old battle axe! That hurts!" he had barked at her, shocked at his own language even under the circumstances. The nurse growled at him and answered severely, again in her own language. Bucky very much suspected she did so, in spite of speaking perfectly serviceable English, so that she could vent her mind without getting in trouble. He rather admired and envied her ability to do it. Soon the worst was over and a few more nurses came over to help him limp back to his room. Bucky wanted nothing better than to swear and mutter darkly under his breath in a language not widely spoken in Zootopia, but lacking one he simply bit his tongue. He was going to take up a foreign language once he got out of here -- maybe Amharic so he could return his nurse's abuse. That schadenfreude was enough to sustain him while he suffered this latest embarrassment. The doctor prescribed five days of bed rest before restarting the physical treatments from the beginning again. It was like being sent back to the start right before the home stretch in a game of Parcheesi. Not only that, but his ability to move around had also reminded him of (and fueled) another renewed need that had long been neglected. It had manifested itself in some embarrassing ways, too. Their ward's other nurse, Lanny Wild, saw to the more sensitive needs of both himself and Leodore. Being such a huge, strapping specimen of a lion was partly why he was selected to do it, being possessed of the physicality to not only minister to them but also deal with any possible outbursts that sometimes could result from exposure to the Night Howler. None had occurred, as their size and metabolism made them thankfully much less susceptible to it than had been predicted, but Bucky's long-term exposure had affected his mind to make him much more irritable and a bit unpredictable in spite of his efforts to control himself. The other reason Lanny had landed the job was his ability to work with people. As a politician, Bucky recognized that quality immediately, and he agreed that the lion was quite adept at it. He found the young lion most affable and pleasant to be around...as well as damned attractive, so attractive, in fact, that it was what caused the reminder that the buck most definitely needed something that he had not been getting in this hospital. It was during his third sponge-bath. Bucky had already been feeling lusty due to a rather vivid dream last night in which he was in a sandwich between both Lanny and Leo. He was surprised that it had not resulted in a nocturnal emission! At the start of the bath, Bucky had not been nervous. He had never had any trouble keeping himself under control when naked around other men. Gang showers had never been a problem, even as a teenager, so he had no reason to think this time would have been any different, especially at his age. His penis had decided to truculently prove him wrong. As he sat moving as the leonine nurse instructed, always in that efficient but gentle tone, Bucky started boning up quickly. He kept a firm lid on his alarm and tried to clear his mind, but it did absolutely no good. He simply kept hardening until he was raging stiff. He finally risked looking at Lanny and received a sympathetic look and a few words that were obviously never meant to be interpreted as casual levity or condescension. Under these circumstances, it was impossible for them not to hit him that way, especially with his pervert of a fiancé sitting only a few meters away. Nurse Lanny must have known how they would register, Bucky thought. Felines were flawless when it came to calculating the impact of their words in intimate situations, and they were prone to layering meanings in clever ways. If it were not happening to him, he would be impressed. Instead, he just wanted to crawl under his sheets and pretend he did not exist. He would also have liked some privacy to rub one out. The only time he had alone presently was defecating, something he was thankfully able to do by himself, more or less. That was not enough cover, and in any event the motions would have really aggravated his back as he was right-hooved. For some reason, he had never managed to masturbate well with his left. This situation had inspired further lusty imaginings, ideas so juvenile and clichéd that he was ashamed of himself. Nevertheless, having that youthful and powerful lion so near to him, leaning over him...with his glorious colours, sandalwood-like musk, his exotic burgundy eyes flecked with pitch, his breath that was always freshened with mukhwas, that sensibly trimmed mane that yet still framed his face so handsomely that he wanted to reach out and run his fingers through it... No doubt about it, he was very much in lust with the man. Every sponge-bath since then had him get hard. Lanny at least managed to make him feel less self-conscious about it, ironic in its way considering how well hung Bucky knew himself to be. In addition to imagining the lion helping him out, the cervine had accidentally stumbled on something else about Lanny that fueled things in a most interesting way. Being a middle-aged man himself, Bucky was not above dropping terms of endearment like "lad" or even "son" with younger men. Lanny was no exception at this point, and Bucky had noticed a certain happy twitch in the lion's tufted tail whenever he was addressed thus. He had begun experimenting a bit as a result, greeting him in the afternoon by calling him "son" and acting a bit more paternal. Just the other day when he needed to use the toilet, he had smiled warmly at the lion and said, "Help me out, son. Papa needs the lavatory." He was sure he had seen a slight flush rush to the nurse's face as his ears perked. Interesting... Bucky was smiling from ear to ear as he lay against the backrest, his book lying open on his stomach. These, too, were pleasant distractions from reality, and it was relaxing presently. He knew he had to take the small moments of joy when they came around. There was still a lot of heavy work to be done, and it was impossible to keep going forward without positive spiritual fuel. His smile turned more to a grin as he thought about acting more casual about his inevitable erection during tonight's bath. He imagined rubbing the lion's shapely ass while sitting in a way that made him stick out more, or letting his imagination cause him to drip profusely and thus frustrate Lanny's efforts to keep his flesh properly cleaned, or simply just pulling him close and kissing him hard and deeply. He allowed himself the conceit of fancying his looks and musk enough to make his nurse more than willing to engage in some bodice-ripper hanky-panky. He finally wondered what the lion was packing downstairs. He had certainly cut his eyes there many times, sometimes catching impressions when his scrubs would bunch around his genitals. Lions were not known for their slightness, thank the gods, and Bucky had already fought the temptation to just reach between the lion's legs and fondle him like a dirty old man. He heard a snort from the other side of the room and looked up casually as he heard shifting. It was just Leodore rolling over in his sleep. He rarely ever snored, only occasionally giving a snort before moving his body into a better position for breathing. He was a very heavy sleeper, too, so Bucky was not worried about being noticed as he reached down and groped himself. He had been stiff for a while under his sheets and needed to feel a hoof on them just a bit. He sighed contentedly as he used his left hoof to tease himself. No doubt about it, he really, really needed to blow off some steam. It was not normal for a buck to go so long without a release, and sex had always been a major way Bucky had relieved stress. Being such a prim, conservative man on the outside very much guaranteed an internal passion than ran very hot and rambunctious. He liked to keep that side of himself secret, not only out of concern for his public image but because it was fun. Maintaining that tension was an amplifier to his pleasure and always had been. Boundaries were, ultimately, a good thing for many things, especially sex. He licked his chops as he imagined being in a leather harness, plowing Leo's ass as he was locked into place over a sawhorse with his paws bound behind his back. He shook his head and chuckled, trying to clear it. He did not want to be so worked up when Lanny arrived. After all, he had to respect that the man might not be interested that way, and even if he was, he was on shift and was a consummate professional. Bucky would not make light of the duty that the lion took very seriously. "Still," he said to himself quietly as he looked down at the tent in his sheets just under his book, "if you don't get some attention, I'm going to have to suffer the embarrassment of wet sheets in the morning." He let his cock go, let his head rest against the wall again, and sighed. "What the hell am I going to do?" He looked over at the clock on the nightstand; it read 20:30. It was getting late, and Lanny should have already arrived. It must have been an unusually busy night, the cervine thought as he went back to his book so he could cool his passion.


A soft knock sounded on the door a few minutes later before opening enough to let the huge lion pass through. "Good evening, Mr. Stagmire," Lanny rumbled softly. "Hello, son," Bucky answered with a smile as he set his book down. He was at least flaccid now...well, mostly. That would have to do. "A little late tonight." "Yeah, well, I came to work late," the young man admitted sheepishly as he padded silently over to the deer's bed. "Mind you, it was partly because of a brief power outage in the metro. I hear that a transformer or something blew up near the route and temporarily disrupted the service. They got back-up power online within a few minutes, though. Mr. Lionheart really turned this city's metro system into a modern marvel in a short time. An outage would have taken hours to resolve in the old days." The deer noded. "The tram system wasn't much better, but at least you could alight on the street and walk in the worst case. A lot of us would only only use the trams or buses because of it." "I have a treat for you tonight, sir," the lion said, his tail flicking again. "Oh, have you, boy? What is it?" He smiled warmly, his now well-groomed beard giving his face a very paternal air that he had denied himself in favour of a more clean look as DA. Lanny had suggested he keep it more than once -- and Bucky thought that he would for two cents and damn his image otherwise! "You're healed up enough now that you can actually have a shower. You won't have to endure me groping about anymore." The young lion smirked at his rare naughty line. "I'm disappointed," the cervine answered honestly but with a cover of amusement. "A sponge bath is supposed to be a treat for us old men in the hospital -- and I have an especially attractive nurse that's been performing that duty." He openly looked the lion up and down. Lanny covered his face as he tried to laugh quietly, having noticed his other charge was fast asleep already. "Of course, if you don't feel up to the reaching just yet, I can still offer some assistance or just give you an ordinary sponge bath." He had returned to a more professional tone now but was still smiling and giggling occasionally. The deer decided to drop his flirting at this point, choosing to err on the side of caution so as not to offend Lanny or make him feel uncomfortable. "Well, let me give it a shot. As much as I enjoy your sponge baths, I would very much like to experience a shower again." He pulled the covers off, let the lion help him get his legs over the side, and stood up. He turned around to let the lion untie his gown. Bucky had mentioned early on that he was not self-conscious about his nudity around Leodore and that undressing in the bathroom was not necessary. He wondered now if he was not subconsciously doing it as a way to impress the young man. As skilled as Lanny was at hiding it, Bucky had figured out that the young lion did indeed appreciate the cervine's manliness, and that pleased him just as much as having sussed the information out on his own -- and from a cat no less! Feeling self-satisfied, the deer stretched his arms over his head (something he had wanted to do anyway) and thrust his pelvis forward a bit to show off -- and then just managed to stifle a cry of pain as he moved the same muscle the wrong way again. Clapping a hoof over it and biting his lip to stay quiet, he gingerly sat back down on the edge of the bed, the worried nurse right there to help him down and asking him if he was all right. "Shit!" the deer hissed in irritation. "This goddamned muscle hates my ass, just like that Ethiopian witch of a nurse!" Lanny chuckled. "You know, the rivalry between the two of you has been a great source of amusement." Fighting the urge to give the lion a dark look, he just rolled his eyes ruefully. "Let me know when you're ready to try standing again," Lanny said gently. "I sometimes wonder if I'll ever stand straight again," Bucky growled. The nurse crossed his arms over his broad chest and looked on with an admonishing smile. "Well, maybe next time you'll listen to us and do what we say." "Oh, don't you start! I get enough guff from Nurse Beshadu. I wonder if her name has the same connotations as Brunhilde." "It actually translates as 'helper,'" Lanny explained merrily, shifting his stance to a contrapasto to look less chastising. "Ha!" He dared not say more. "You're quite feisty tonight, sir. Are you feeling all right?" the lion inquired, now more serious. "Oh, I'm fine, son," Bucky answered, softening his tone. He looked up at the lion and sighed, then patted the bed beside him imploringly. "Come and sit with me." "What is it, Dad?" Lanny asked as he sat down, then suddenly went stiff in surprise that he had responded so familiarly. He clearly had not meant that to come out -- it just slipped past his lips! Far from being offended, Bucky simply grinned wide, put a muscular arm around his caretaker, and drew him closer. "You always put a smile on my face, son." He chuckled as he watched the lad blush deeper. "I'm sorry if I'm a bit cranky. I'm getting stir-crazy is all. Being cooped up in here is boring me out of my mind, and not being able to move as freely as I normally could only makes it worse. We deer like to run -- and for a brief time days ago, I got to do just that in the sunshine. When I'm well again and out of here, I'm going to run around naked at the Mystic Oasis." "You're not worried about being seen there?" the lion wondered. "Not anymore. Perhaps it's due to having been naked for the last several months, but I find it quite freeing. I also know what it's like to... Oh, how shall I put it?" The cervine took a few moments to think, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "I was aware, yet my mind wasn't my own either. It was an experience that is difficult to express in words. Coming out of that cloud and having my own thoughts and feeling my body normally was a very grounding experience. As I'm healing and getting closer to being back to myself again -- or as near as I shall ever come again -- all I want to do is feel a unity of mind and body without encumbrances. Running in the nude, I think, would very much fulfill that need. I think I now appreciate, in a way I never did before, how spiritually affirming nudity can be." The lion nodded slowly. "I think I see what you're saying. And you wouldn't be the only animal to enjoy running around in the buff there either." He blushed again, looking away. Bucky's eyes opened wider and he laughed softly, pulling the lion closer and nuzzling him roughly. "Well, it's good to know you're getting plenty of exercise and making friends between your duties here and your studies. Too much work and responsibility can take a very nasty toll on a person, let me tell you." "I actually prefer to sun on a rock and nap," Lanny admitted, still with some embarrassment but also seeming to enjoy sharing these intimate details with Bucky. He had his arm around the deer now as well. "Why doesn't that surprise me? You cats can sleep anywhere." "After the Great Mother created the universe, She rested. It was at least as important as all the other things She did. It wouldn't have been mentioned otherwise, would it?" the lion reasoned breezily. "Yes, yes, I suppose you're right." He smiled down at the lion who had laid his head on the deer's shoulder and nuzzled him gently before resting his own on top. He gently rubbed Lanny's arm, happy just to share a moment of physical tenderness with someone. It occurred to him that not only did he really crave a sexual touch but just some genuine tenderness. It felt good to give it, and it made his pain seem to ebb away. "You know, I think they're right about touch being the best analgesic," Bucky rumbled softly. "It feels good to hug someone, even if it's just with one arm." "Awww, Papa!" Lanny put his other arm around the deer and hugged him fully. His tail was flicking quite happily behind him. Bucky returned the embrace, tensing his face as he held back tears. Once the feeling had passed, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed their moment together, gently petting the cat's head and ears. He could hear Lanny purring deeply, and it just made him smile wider. "You're a good boy, Lanny. You've taken excellent care of us. Thank you." "Sure, Pop." The lion suddenly grimaced with a groan. "Again! Man, what's wrong with me tonight?" It's my fatherly wiles turning you on, young man, the cervine thought lustily. That lust was translating into an erection, too. This was not quite the moment he had wanted it to pop up, but he knew it could not be stopped either. Sighing, he just surrendered and let it happen. It did not take long for Lanny to notice, and he chuckled as Bucky let him sit up finally. "And there it goes again." "Yes, it does, son," the deer answered. He had not removed his arm from around the lion's shoulder. "It's been doing that a lot lately as you can imagine. I'm rather worried about it doing more one night, if you catch my meaning. It's an embarrassment I could do without." "It does happen in hospital, more than you'd think, sir," Lanny explained, trying to soothe the cervine's worries. It never really made any fellow feel better about it, but some platitudes still had to be extended nevertheless. The lion's stare had not left the growing brown flesh -- and Bucky was noticing. "The way you people manage to act unflappable is surprising," Bucky observed. "You have to in this line of work. You have to stay cool when no one else is," Lanny explained. "And you become inured to a lot of things with time." Bucky saw the pink of the lion's tongue quickly dart out to lick over his chops. He also noticed the lion's breathing had subtly changed. He knew he was sending out quite a musk now, and Lanny's nose was closer to it than Bucky's. A bead of pre was now leaking out of the top, and his shaft was occasionally twitching in need. He then felt the lion's paw on his side, ever so slightly gripping the buck's body as if to pull closer. Yes, he was definitely interested, and clearly not so inured as he claimed, at least not to this! Bucky gently raised his left hoof, hooking his finger under the lion's jaw and angling his face upward towards his. "You like what you see, don't you, son? Be honest with me." The lion swallowed audibly. He looked clearly torn between his duty and his obviously intense attraction to Bucky. He was putting out a stronger musk of his own as well, and the deer could see that his scrubs were quite tented now -- and still growing. Lanny nodded slowly. "Yes, Papa." Bucky leaned in slowly and was then pressing his lips to Lanny's. The lion was a bit stiff with uncertainty, but he put up no resistance as Bucky intensified the kiss. Slowly, the older man put his other arm around his "son" and was probing his mouth with a meaty tongue. It was a long, deep exchange. For Bucky, it felt absolutely marvelous. He touched his nose to the lion's and gave it a lick. "Well, I know I enjoyed that. Now..." He backed off a bit and looked down at his now-dripping sex proudly. He took it in his left hoof and waggled it lewdly for Lanny's entertainment. "You've seen this quite a few times in various states. Would I be wrong in assuming that you've wanted to really feel Daddy's cock in your paw?" The lion hesitated before nodding again. His youthful timidity was really endearing to Bucky. He knew the lad must have already been fairly experienced in matters of the flesh. He rather liked knowing he could still have this effect on someone. "Well, go ahead, son. You've got Daddy's permission." He breathed that last line into the lion's ear, and it all made the younger man shiver in excitement. His reticence slowly melting away, Lanny moved his right paw forward and down, soon wrapped his fingers around the enormous cervine sex, and started stroking, visibly impressed at its heft and heat. "Oooo, fuck!" Bucky rumbled, still trying not to wake Leo. He did not need that right now. He shivered occasionally as he was stroked. He suddenly winced as a shot of pre actually flew right out in a large arc and splattered onto the floor. "Sorry about that, boy! Daddy's primed like he's never been before. I think we'd better get me to the shower." The nurse nodded eagerly and moved to help Bucky stand up. Together, they quietly made their way into the bathroom and shut the door. Lanny then found himself pressed into the heavy wood as Bucky aggressively kissed him again, his hoof now eagerly groping the lion's bulging pants and quickly pulling them down before he leaked any more into them. From the feline's face, he was waiting in anticipation to hear the deer's assessment. Bucky grinned as he stroked the imposingly fat lion cock, licking over his own lips slowly. "Oh yes, you are a big boy, aren't you, son?" Rather like Leodore, he reflected smugly. He looked up and chuckled as the lion suddenly sprayed an arc of pre all over his charge at those words. He looked mortified, but Bucky loved it all the more. He reached down and used some of the lion's pre to lubricate his own cock, giving it a few strokes. "You like it when I call you son, don't you?" "Yes, yes, I do," Lanny admitted, his eyes closing as Bucky's other hoof stroked him so slowly. "Oh, God, I love older men!" The lawyer was really enjoying seeing this professional's façade crumble under his influence. It was equally fun and hot. The lion seemed unable to hold anything back by this point -- and neither could Bucky. "Son, I'm afraid I can't stroke you too well," he confessed gently even as he continued to move slowly up and down the lion's member. "I'm a righty, and you know my present condition won't let me be very vigorous with it. I'm not good with my left hoof either. God help me, though, I would gladly give you relief!" He looked the lion in the eyes with sudden intensity. "It's been a very long time since I've had any attention, son. I'll understand if you would prefer to not take this any further, nor would I hold it against you. I would request your help, though. Will you help me?" "Oh yes, Daddy! Goddess Almighty, yes!" Bucky smiled and reached up to stroke the young man's face, giving him a soft kiss. "Thank you. Now get out of those things before you really mess them up, and help me in the shower." With that, the deer turned away and stepped carefully into the spacious tiled alcove, still limping as he did so. He turned to watch his boy strip off the last of his garments, turn on the heat lamp and vent, and shut the shower door behind him. Not missing a beat, he sank to his knees and inhaled Bucky right to the hilt, eliciting a load moan from the deer whose hooves quickly came to hold his head as he ground against it. "Goddamn, son! Not wasting any time, are you?" He laughed and gave the lion's ears a lovingly playful rub, watching as Lanny slowly backed off his cock and licked his lips. "You're huge, Dad, and so rich!" The lion buried his face in Bucky's pubic ruff and took the full force of his musk, moaning loudly himself as he surrendered to it all. "I hope you blocked out some extra time for us, because I've got more than a few loads in these," Bucky rumbled, cupping his very large and full balls and resting them on the bridge of Lanny's nose. "I'd like to rut you if possible." "Okay, but I want to swallow a load first," the lion answered playfully. "That's fine, boy. That won't take much effort. Go ahead. It's all yours!" Without another word, Lanny was back on his cock and sucking like the pro he indeed was. Bucky braced his body against the tiles to give him extra support as the lion worked him over so well, making him weak in the knees. His teeth were clenched together, his eyes shut as he rode the very short path to a climax. He let out another moan as he heard the smack of the young cat's paw on his own impressive sex. "Oh, that's it, boy. Yes! Yes! I'm not going to last long, so get ready!" His moans and grunts gradually built to a crescendo, his teeth were gritted even harder together, and he gripped Lanny's ears unconsciously. He finally felt his own semen being pumped from below, his cock like iron, all his nerves on fire in anticipation of the first volley. He was growling continuously as he finally went off violently, his cum surging in long waves into the young lion's very eager maw. Even with his eyes screwed tightly shut, Bucky was seeing stars as he ejaculated with an abundance and vigor that surprised even him. On and on it went, surge after powerful surge, his muscles forcing his seed out until they were sore. Bucky kept Lanny's head absolutely still by the end, his cock quite sensitive to even a little movement. He was momentarily spent and needed a brief cool down. He was panting, trying to recapture his breath. Gradually, he relaxed and let go of his son's head. Lanny looked happy to finally get a good gulp of air. "Gods above, I haven't cum like that in ages! Maybe never. You are a talented boy, Lanny," he complimented as he again started petting the lion's ears affectionately. "Where in the hell did you keep all that?" the lion wondered breathlessly. "You could have filled up a Pyrex measuring cup with that load!" "Mm, what a kinky idea. We'll have to try that sometime, see how many CCs I can produce for you," Bucky joked with a mischievous grin. "It's kind of weird hearing someone like you talk dirty," the lion admitted with a smirk. "Hot, though." "We all need to get our jollies, lad. Speaking of which, I can still do more." He was indeed still very hard, and he was feeling his refractory cycle coming around quickly. Lanny reached up and started slowly masturbating the deer, grinning lustily. "I want you to hose me down, Dad. I want you to just drench me from head to foot!" "You want me to mark you?" Bucky asked, raising his eyebrow in astonishment. "No!" the lion answered with a frown. "I mean...if you want to. I could try that." He smirked and laughed at his papa's reaction. "I just meant that I wanted you to drench me in just as much cum as you can. I want to be covered in it!" "Ah, well, that makes sense. It's been a while since I marked anyone. I can't say it's really my cup of tea." "Well, it's not really supposed to remain yours, is it? It's supposed to go on someone else." Lanny grinned wide. Bucky threw his head back and let out a belly laugh. "You little devil. Get to it, then! My balls are still blue!" "Yes, Dad!" With that, Lanny got back to work, and Bucky kept his back braced against the blue shower tiles, watching it all and enjoying the show. He was quickly slicked, and it was making things feel better than ever. "You like the view?" Lanny asked. "Does it show?" "You sure this'll be okay with Mr. Lionheart?" He had not really wanted to broach that topic (not that his cock would have allowed it for the last several minutes), but it was a pertinent question. "Don't worry about that, son. We've never been exclusive." And if he knew his beloved right, he would be raring to join in as soon as he learned about this. "You just worry about making Papa Bucky come hard and cover you from head to toe like you wanted. Mmmm..." He closed his eyes briefly as he felt himself getting primed again surprisingly fast. "You're a good lad, Lanny my boy," he continued between occasional moans. "If only all fathers and sons could be so close and help each other out. I'd be proud to have a son like you. You make me believe I could actually be one." Bucky blushed a bit, surprised at himself for having let that last bit slip out. It seemed that they were both opening up to each other about very personal details tonight. Instead of an uncomfortable look, though, he was relieved to see on Lanny's face an expression of pure delight and pride. Bucky was becoming very fond of this young man. He hoped that they could stay in contact after his time here was over. He himself had always wanted cubs, and he had to admit that it would feel good if he could in some small way play a father to this loving young lion. "I mean it, son. This may be a very...unusual position in which to make such a statement, but I think somehow we both of us are digging it." They looked at each other in silence for a moment, smiling, beaming an intense affection for each other. The moment playfully ended with Lanny running his tongue up the full length of Bucky's shaft before he started masturbating it with both paws, watching the large hole for when the first shots would surge out. "Oh yeah, I'm almost there, Lanny boy! Just a bit more! Yes!" A few more grunts and moans was all he got out before his balls offered up the next round. He exploded and began to paint the lion all over. He even had his maw open to take whatever landed onto his greedy tongue. After a few shots, Bucky threw caution to the wind, took his cock into his hoof, and began aiming on his own, giving short but perfectly-timed strokes to make himself cum harder and more regularly. He did not need to move as hard, quickly or often as he would for normal masturbation, so this was a more doable job -- and one he was particularly enjoying. He managed to keep his eyes open as he grunted and kept shooting, covering Lanny's head, his mane, his chest, even his cock in his thick seed. Quite a lot of it also ended up on the shower floor. They would have some cleaning ahead for sure! At long last, Bucky was again spent and slowly lowered himself onto the built-in seat to rest himself. He watched as Lanny inspected himself with amazement. Bucky felt proud of himself to have covered him so well and on his second orgasm. It was a pretty impressive sight! Speaking of impressive sights, he watched the lion's fat rod twitching and constantly dripping in pure excitement. A large puddle had accumulated under him. "You cum yet, son?" he asked as he idly played with himself. Lanny shook his head. "I'm saving it for you, Dad. I thought you might like to watch me cum." "Mmm, that would be hot," he agreed, giving his hard cock a squeeze. He pulled it forward and let it slap back against his belly. Seeing the lion's eyes follow it, he playfully shook his hips to make it wiggle. Chuckling, he crooked a finger to the lion and sat back. "Come here, son." Lanny carefully stood up and came over, turning around and presenting his rump to the deer. "Ooo, this is a nice treat," Bucky almost purred as he felt over those perfect mounds. The feline was in such tremendous shape, far more than he'd expected for a nurse! He leaned in and put his nose just under the lion's tail to take in his scent. "Oh fuck..." He moaned as his eyes rolled back into his head. "I don't think I'll need preparation either," the lion answered in a very definite purr, his tail flicking enticingly. "I like 'em big. I think I can even take you." "Confident, aren't you?" Bucky gave the young man's rump a smack that elicited a startled mewl. "That's not what I had in mind just yet, though be sure I will take you up on that offer. Now turn around, Lanny." He made a circular motion with a down-turned finger. Looking surprised, the lion complied and presented himself to Bucky, raising his arms over his bulky body and striking a pose. "Oh yes..." Bucky moved his hooves up Lanny's toned and healthy physique. "You are a big boy indeed! I've been wondering how big you were." He leaned forward, his maw open, and took the covered head into his mouth, his tongue quickly digging beyond the generous folds of foreskin to get at the lion's sensitive head. He moaned at the wonderful taste of lion, a taste that had always been his favourite. Whereas Leo was more pungent and spicy, Lanny was more mellow and a bit smoky, similar to his natural incense-like scent. It was very pleasant, and his skin tasted vaguely of coconut. Bucky figured the lion must have regularly used coconut oil for his daily beauty regimen. Slowly, patiently, the deer moved up and down on the nurse's shaft, drinking down all the pre it offered up and savouring its heat and flavour. His left hoof was curled around the base of Lanny's tail; his right was gently cupping his billiard-like testes. The young man was heavy with need and feeling it gave the buck a thrill. He totally surrendered himself to his lust, peripherally aware just how starved he truly was for sex. In practice, he had always particularly enjoyed topping, but he never denied just how much he loved the feel of a fat cock in his mouth. There was something about the heft, the feeling of hot, round flesh taking up room in his maw, the feeling of his tongue grazing over a bulbous head or digging under a foreskin to the glans within. He loved handling cocks in his hooves, he loved staring at them in all states of ease and arousal, and he would enjoy jacking them along with his at the same time when his arm was up for it. He did not like the term "cock whore," but it aptly described his obsession and adoration of that part of male anatomy. More than rutting or even getting head, he had especially thought of getting his mouth on one, and he was now enjoying an especially prime specimen. He made a mental note to leave a very generous offering at the shrine tomorrow!? "Daddy! Daddy! I can't hold it anymore. I'm gonna blow soon!" Lanny's voice suddenly shook the buck out of his fog. Bucky realized he had been going gung-ho on the young lion without realizing it, and the strength of his musk indicated just how close he was to climax. He moaned around Lanny's cock and just kept on sucking. Drinking down a hefty load of cum also made him hot -- hot enough, in fact, that his left hoof started working his dripping member again. He grunted encouragingly to his boy, even as he surprised himself by actually managing to please himself far better than normal with his southhoof. He re-doubled his efforts, wondering if he could possibly make himself cum along with Lanny. The deer slowed a bit on the lion so that he could catch up, rotating his head around the lion's member to vary its stimulation. His eyes were closed tightly and his body was tensing as he tried to drive himself home. "It's coming, Dad! I'm going!" As Lanny let out a powerful, resonating roar -- another of his favorite things about lions -- Bucky actually brought himself off and starting spraying under the lad's pelvis just as hot, sweet cum started filling his maw rapidly. Summoning all his concentration, Bucky kept his jaw open enough to not cut off Lanny's flow even as he rode his own climax simultaneously. The sound of the cervine's load splattering back onto the tiled floor was quite audible. He could feel his load raining back onto himself as well, providing extra lubrication and stimulating luridness to the whole moment. Meanwhile, Bucky never let a single bit of his boy's cum drip out of his muzzle. While he had managed to overflow the lion's maw, he demonstrated his prowess and experience by keeping it all inside his mouth...until he decided that getting a cum shower sounded pretty good as well and finally backed off so Lanny could soak him from antler to hoof. "That's it, son, show Daddy how much you can cum! Hit me with your best shot! Come on!!" He brought his other hoof down to his own still streaming member to aid in its stimulation and kept firing at the young lion in kind. He cared not a whit for what it would take to get them clean after this. He wanted to be free, dirty, and without inhibitions but on his own terms. It was one of the most liberating experiences of his life, especially doing it with his nurse in a hospital. He was breaking so many rules and taboos, and he was loving every moment of it -- and every abundant blast of lion seed that coated him all over until he was dripping. Like all climaxes, theirs finally peaked and came down, leaving them both panting and reeking and covered in white. Their rut filled the bathroom. It would be a miracle if it did not seep into the actual room. Thank heaven the windows could open, Bucky thought to himself. "Holy shit!" Lanny exclaimed. "I could say watch your mouth, but I think 'you can say that again' would be more appropriate," the cervine drawled paternally, a playful smirk spread over his satisfied muzzle. "I thought you said you couldn't jack off with your left hoof," the lion accused as he gratefully sat down in their combined puddle. "I said I wasn't good at it," Bucky corrected as he gently squeezed his still hard cock. His brown colour was quite obscured in many places. "Touché." "We've made quite a mess, haven't we?" Bucky looked around, surprised to see a fair amount of cum even on the tiles behind him and going up to the ceiling. "My goodness!" "Totally worth it!" Lanny shucked himself forward so he could lay his head in the deer's lap and get petted. "Don't go to sleep yet, son. Not only have you still got a whole shift ahead of you, but Daddy still wants to bounce you in his lap once you've had a moment to recover. I hope I'm not wearing you out." The lion grinned slyly up at him, his expression indicating that he interpreted the buck's words exactly as they had been intended: as a challenge. The look on his handsome young face also indicated his acceptance of it. "I'm all right. I just want to make sure not to re-injure you, Dad." For a moment the professional concern of the healthcare worker was back in his grave tone. Bucky gave Lanny's ears a vigorous but affectionate rub. "I appreciate that. I'm feeling good though, so don't worry about me. Right now, this is what I need. I have needed it for a very long time. As you might well imagine, I have a lot of tension to work out, and this is doing me a world of good, I assure you." "I can see that," Lanny said fervently, his eyes tracing up the stiff cervine member just centimeters from his nose. He leaned in and started lapping at the shaft to clean it as much as enjoy himself. "Mmm, I think I'm ready, Papa. You want me to face forward, or do you want to take me from behind?" Bucky extended his hooves to help steady the lion as he stood up on the slickened tiles, hungrily drinking in the young cat's body. "Oh, facing me definitely. I want to kiss you and feel you cum between us. I want to feel you blast me under my chin." "That I can pretty much guarantee," Lanny answered rather cockily as he stood up on the wide and deep bench, then crouched that perfectly irresistible rump down into the cervine's lap. "Just guide me, Dad." "I will, son. Don't worry. Papa will take care of you." Bucky lined his cock up and hissed as the burly nurse began to impale himself slowly until he was sitting in the buck's lap. He drew Lanny close as the lion put his arms and legs around the deer, biting his lips in ecstasy at being so wonderfully filled with such a hot cock. "I've always prided myself on being a good lover, but your enthusiasm is quite frankly a delight to behold," Bucky rumbled, touching his nose to the lion's. "I confess, I've always dug deer. There's just something so...fatherly about your species. You're also really big for yours, and I love that, too." He was blushing under his fur, clearly hoping he had explained himself in a way that would not sound speciesist. Bucky laughed deeply, his hooves patting the lion's rump cheeks in his lap. "Yes, I am. And do you really think we're just naturally daddy material? Maybe you've just seen Bambi one too many times." Lanny blushed even more. "Maybe..." He continued after getting an encouraging smile from his papa. "The Great Prince is one of my favourite daddies from Dis-gnu."? "And who would be your favourite?" the buck wondered coyly, but could likely guess. It felt good to pause, to take the time to truly enjoy having such a warm, tight ass surrounding him, and he was also enjoying this chance to get to know the nurse a bit better while indulging in their common kink. "Who else? Mufasa! Who hasn't wanted him as a father?" Those reddish eyes sparkled with excitement. Bucky laughed again, squeezing the lion to him all the more. "Indeed!" After all, he had to admit that Leodore's strong resemblance for Mufasa was a large part of his attraction to him as they were growing up. "Of course, Dis-gnu has rarely ever included parents at all," he went on, warming up to his subject, "and when they do, it's usually fathers, most of whom haven't exactly been material for erotic fantasies. It would fall to us deer and lions to take up the slack, if I may allow myself that conceit." He elevated his nose proudly. "You may, Father!" The young lion looked simply worshipful. "You want to come home with Leo and me, cub? We can just keep you in a state of perpetual bliss and arousal, and you can sleep between us at night." His heart leaped at the thought, along with that thick dark cock buried under the lad's tail. "Oh, don't tempt me! Or maybe you should." Lanny pushed his nose more firmly into the cervine's, moaning softly. "What I should do, son, is fuck you senseless before that nosy broad comes looking for you." With that, Bucky leaned in and kissed the lion with unbridled lust and passion. "Now, bounce! My hip won't let me do it for you." "Yes, sir!" He unhooked his legs from around the deer's body, planted his feet on either side of his rump, and began to fuck himself on the quite girthy shaft imbedded in him. Bucky kept kissing Lanny as he forced himself to relax and not instinctively buck, practically allowing the lion to masturbate him independently. It was an unusual feeling but one he was rather enjoying. The lion felt quite good around his member, gripping it just right while being wonderfully smooth and stimulating. He especially enjoyed the sensations of the nurse's heavy balls bouncing and rubbing against his abdomen, making a slapping noise against all the accumulated semen in their fur. "Jack yourself off, son. Don't worry about cumming with me. I just want to see you do it," he ordered in a husky voice before taking that mouth and tongue back, working it fiercely as his boy complied eagerly. The breeding was intense, and Bucky was amazed at how long Lanny could keep up his ministrations in such a cramped position. He was pleased when the lion ended up cumming before him, blasting his face just as asked with a load as prolific and musky as the one he had swallowed and been soaked by. And a minute after that he shot off, filling the lion's rump copiously as he growled into Lanny's neck ruff; instinctively he dug into it with his grass-eater's teeth, something that made his cub shiver and groan even deeper. Yet it was not the end with that round, for Lanny kept going without being ordered, and Bucky held him close for minute after minute as he was urgently ridden, spilling another two loads inside of his son, who matched his number sportingly. By the time they finally finished, they were even more of a mess, as was the shower, and both of them were just as damp with musk and sweat. "I hope we won't need a brush to clean all this cum up," Lanny worried, panting softly. Bucky waved it off as the lion gingerly stood up, pulling off the deer's cock. "Ooo, you've got an ass that won't end! Don't worry, we'll make it work. Let's at least get rinsed off first, and then you can grab some washcloths." The lion smiled in appreciation for the cervine's complaint. "So, you are a regular mammal after all." "Don't let anyone else know," Bucky replied with a grin and slowly stood up as well, his cock bouncing and still very plump in front of him. "Man, don't you ever get soft?" Lanny exclaimed, his paws working the faucets to adjust the water temperature. "You'll understand when you get older, son. We fathers only need it more as we age, and when you go without for a long time, well, it takes quite a few rounds to work it out of your system." He came up behind the lion, resting his cock in the cleft of Lanny's ass, and hugged him tightly. The nurse leaned his head back to nuzzle with the deer. "I already looked forward to getting older, but now I'm impatient!" "Don't grow up too fast, son." Bucky slowly moved his hooves up the sculpted sides of the lion's torso, licking and nibbling an ear and eliciting pleasured moans once more from his companion. "Youth is precious, and I like having my young, strapping boy in my arms like this." Lanny finally engaged the diverter, and the water started to pour over them. He turned around in the deer's arms and started kissing under the stream, the water slowly beginning to wash the excess away from their bodies. "You're a great kisser," the lion said softly, running his paws up and down Bucky's broad back in turn. "And your nose is big. I love big noses." With that, he kissed it sweetly. "Aww, you're such a dear thing, Lanny." The buck nuzzled him back, nose to nose. "Hey, how would you like to bang your ol' man, son?" The lion's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You sure?" "Absolutely. I haven't had that in a long time either. I want to feel you fill me up with that fat cock of yours. I want you to cum so hard I feel it and have it spilling down my legs because there's so much." He was again speaking in rough, dirty tones, tones that indicated that this man was definitely in control no matter what position he was in. "You're pretty hard still, so I think you need to dump at least one more load. Come on, son. Fuck me!" "All right, Dad. Just let me know if your hip starts to hurt, though," the feline warned, his professional edge coming back again. "I don't want to answer to Nurse Beshadu or any of the doctors if you mysteriously throw it out again. You'll have given my pretty ass enough of a beating after this is over." "If you get in trouble, you can fuck me again," the deer said nonchalantly. "Now get on with it!" Without further ado, the deer turned and presented, his forearms resting on the tiles in front of him and his forehead on them; the angle matched that of his antlers so that they rested against the wall safely. "Do you want me to loosen you up a bit?" Lanny asked. It was his turn now to feel that incredible rump, his cock resting along its cleft. It was exciting to switch up positions like this. "Hmm. I am pretty experienced, and Papa Leo is quite large, too. Go slow and let's see what happens." "Okay then, Dad."? Bucky made himself relax, not a difficult task considering the night he had been enjoying thus far. He felt the fat, hot head of the lion's dick press slowly into him. He pushed back gently, spreading his anus open to accommodate the golden feline member. If the head proved not to be too much, he knew he would be all right. With plenty of cum serving as ample lubrication, the passage proved relatively easy, with only a bit of discomfort at first. "Oh, good, I can still do this," the cervine muttered gratefully as the last of the minor aches subsided. His mouth hung open, emitting a long moan as he felt each inch of Lanny's shaft sink into him, filling him just as he knew it would. "Oh, son, you've got a cock that won't end, too!" Lanny laughed, pausing midway in. "Man, you are such a fun lover! It's really a scream to see you all crazy and dopey with lust." "I might have been much more reluctant to show it before with someone other than Leo," he chided, though not unkindly, "but like I said, I wanted to feel unencumbered as I reacquaint myself with my body and mind. You put me at ease somehow, and I feel I can trust you."? The lion bent forward and hugged the deer tightly. It was a son's embrace. Bucky could feel that even though he had never reproduced himself. "Definitely, Papa. I guess you can tell I am kind of daddy hungry. I won't deny it, but it's rare to find someone whose affection feels so...genuine." He nuzzled the deer once more, and Bucky was touched by the feline's sweet nature all over again. "I love you, too, son. Now let's have the rest of that cock of yours. I know there's more to it than I'm feeling in me!" "Oh, you bet there is!" Bucky bit his own lip as he felt the lion sinking farther, deeper into him again. He groaned as at last he felt Lanny bump his pelvis against his, pumping gently to rock his balls against the deer's. "How do you like that?" the lion purred seductively, his muzzle right against the deer's ear. Bucky only answered with a moan. He eyes rolled back into his head once more as he felt the lion reach around and wrap his fingers around his dripping cock yet again. "You know, I think you need some more testicular relief before bed," Lanny began in a clinical, lecturing, yet still erotic tone, his bulky body also slowly thrusting with his strokes on the cervine's enormous member. "Sexual release is a good analgesic, a muscle relaxant, and a serviceable soporific. The release of endorphins is also conducive to a positive state of mind which further assists sleep and reduces stress." The deer gave a husky but relaxed laugh, his mind reeling with a lot of endorphins already. "You know, I've played lawyer-client with Leo before, but your medical terminology is much more fun than legal jargon." It was Lanny's turn to laugh again, this time even more heartily. "Just how many kinks in common do we share?" "I hope to find more yet, son," he answered, looking back over his shoulder with a grin. Bucky was swiftly met by an insistent kiss from the lion. It was long and forceful, and Bucky only pulled away when his neck could no longer take the angle, especially with his slowly growing antlers getting in the way. "I want to curl up with you in bed and use your chest as a pillow," the feline confessed with a blush. Bucky's eyebrows arched in delight. "Do you now, boy?" "I swear, I'm not needy!" the lion replied sheepishly. "I know, I know, son, I'm just teasing you," Bucky answered kindly. "I'm just irresistible, and daddies of my quality are in short supply." Lanny stopped grinding and laughed even louder. "Now I know you've been with a cat too long. You brag like one." He paused, then admitted artfully, "Though it's also the honest truth." For his part, the deer was enjoying allowing his guard down and a casual side to emerge. He had tried to maintain his usual public image as much as possible while in hospital, and he was still being distant with Leo. "I'm also occasionally bossy like one. Now fuck me, damn it, and do it like a man!" the burly cervine barked loudly, giving the tiles a loud clack with his antlers. Lanny shivered lustily as he resumed banging the deer eagerly, even as he continued to be cautious of his hip. "I don't usually like being bossed around, as most people don't quite do it the way I like it. You, Mr. Stagmire, are spot on!" Bucky grunted deeply at the lion's first thrusts that were not stingy or half-hearted. "Oh, really? Well, maybe if the doctors insisted on my keeping a nurse around, I could request you. You can give me massages and other assistance in my office. I shall have to act as mayor until an election can be held, after all." He was amazed at himself for taking this fantasy so far, but in the unlikely event he was assigned a nurse, he would make every effort to ensure it was Lanny and be the dirty daddy that always had lurked inside of him. What was even more amazing was how clearly this same fantasy so strongly appealed to the younger feline as well...it was as if he were the nurse's desires brought to life, a thought that made the deer just a tad pleased with himself. "Just make sure I have a small pallet under your desk for my knees," the lion requested in a growl, his tone indicating that he was becoming ever more distracted by the renewed tension in his loins. "Stroke me off, too, son. Oh yes!" Bucky groaned as that strong paw was once more wrapped around him. He opened his eyes to look down and watch himself getting worked over. He wanted to see it when he painted the tiles white again. His shoulder muscles were working harder to keep his body steady, and to make sure he was not smashed into the wall and faucets as the lion ploughed into him. He felt his son's hot breath on his neck and the occasional bumps of his nose. He was suddenly reminded with a pang of all the times it had been Leo doing just that. He wished the other lion could join them before quickly pushing the thought aside. Deep down, he knew he wanted a hot threesome with the two lions, but his morals told him that a reckoning with Leo would first need to take place. He did not want such thoughts to interrupt their exertions, and he grunted in frustration that may as well have sounded like lust. "You can put the bite on my shoulder, boy," he said in a husky but steady voice, his cock spraying splashes of pre that smacked the blue tiles and pure white grouting. "I know you're close. Fill up your ol' man, son! Make me proud! Show me what a man you are!" Lanny picked up speed, the deer's encouragement spurring him on. His growls and snarls were pitching higher as he came to the edge. "I'm going to blow! I love you, Dad!!" Before surprise could register on Bucky's face at what he could tell was an unintentionally deep and personal revelation, he felt the lion's jaw clamp down over his shoulder and bite him good, making him roar out. He started firing off, and he just managed to wrench his eyes open to observe for a while. He then felt a rumbling from his boy's body and knew it was a roar of climax, and suddenly he was lifted off the floor and forced into the wall, his knees bending on themselves as gush after gush of hot lion seed began filling him rapidly, the nurse's muffled roar penetrating his shoulder with sporadic bucks as his enormous balls did his species proud. Bucky's own productions were now pointed up at his face and covering him. He was glad his eyes were clamped shut again! In spite of the amount, only a bit of cum leaked out. It was not the mess Bucky wanted to feel running down his legs -- and it seemed his boy felt the same way, because once he cooled down, he began bucking all over again, bouncing the deer in his lap as he braced his own substantial frame against one of the walls of the shower. At length, two more loads were deposited (and coaxed out from the deer), and both of their lower bodies were thoroughly soaked in seed. Lanny gingerly lowered them onto the bench at last and panted, simply holding onto his papa and purring deeply. They remained quiet as they got their breaths back and rode out the abundance of endorphins still coursing through their blood. "You did good, son," Bucky said, finally breaking the silence. "We're even more of a mess now." Lanny laughed softly. "Which means there is work to do. I need to get you cleaned and groomed and back into bed." "Yes, yes, I suppose you're right. I hope we haven't woken up Leo." "Can I play with Papa Leo if he has?" the young man asked impulsively. It was not a question Bucky really wanted to dwell on at present, and he also did not want to clue in Lanny about the very real tensions between him and the former mayor. On the other hoof, he could not really think of any reason why not, and simply said so before his silence sounded suspicious. "Why not?" he answered with a shrug. "I'm sure he will need it just as much. Mind that you make him work for it, though, son. He's been a naughty lion, and he must approach you, and do it well." He looked over his shoulder with a playful but stern expression on his bearded face. Lanny only looked giddy. He really was an adorable cat -- exactly what Bucky had always wanted in a son. "I will, Dad. I'll make you proud." "I'm sure you will, son." "Can you stand up?" It was the nurse talking this time. Bucky nodded and slowly did. When he felt the lion's member finally come out of him, a flood of cum suddenly splashed down, making him chuckle even as he abruptly felt empty. He watched then as the lion got up and slowly circled him with a critical eye. "We've definitely got some work to do. This really got out of paw," he observed as he reached for the shampoo bottle, which was half-soaked. He used some of its contents to clean it off and then reached for a brush. "Well, I needed extra attention," the deer answered, shrugging again. "Couldn't be helped." "Fair enough! Now let's get cleaned up."


Bucky fixed his tie in the mirror before clipping it into place. Not facing away from it, he moved his gaze so that it caught Lanny's who was standing behind him holding his jacket at the ready. The deer stuck his arms through the sleeves and allowed the lion to place the garment securely over his shoulder. Buttoning it up, he turned to the cat and presented himself. "What do you think, son?" he asked with a loving twinkle in his eyes. "You look like a million bucks, Dad, but my favourite part was watching you put on your underwear," he answered unashamedly Bucky threw his head back and laughed, his hooves on his belly. "I thought that you might! Well, you shall see that again soon enough. You have my personal number and address, and you know to ride the Animalia Line to Savanna Central, then switch to the Inner Loop and get off at the Hill Street station, right?"? The lion nodded. "I know, Dad. I know. I can't wait to see you again." "I'm disappointed that you weren't assigned to be my nurse at work, but at least you've been tasked to make regular house-calls for a few weeks. It makes a good cover if nothing else." He smirked, having very much warmed up to the idea of a torrid affair. Indeed, after spending more than half an hour after their first rut cleaning both each other and the shower, Lanny had given quite regular "assistance" to the deer, though none of them nearly as messy as the first time. Leo had miraculously slept through the entire thing, and while he had started flirting with the nurse, he had not yet been bold enough to get the extra care Bucky enjoyed. The deer wondered if the young lion had managed to glom onto the fact that the two daddies were on stiff terms, and was holding back out of respect for him. It endeared the lion to him even more, especially in light of Lanny's unintended admission in the shower. He knew the lion could not possibly love him quite so soon, but the idea of it touched him in an unexpectedly deep way. In fact, their fondness for each other had grown and strengthened appreciably. If it continued, Bucky had half a mind to propose adopting the young lion. He was without a father, and he fancied he might be able to fulfill the role beyond the bedroom. It was a strange line of thinking for him every time he went over it, and most of the time he backtracked and convinced himself that he was letting his imagination get away with him. Nevertheless, after what he had been through, he felt a real burning for a family of his own. It had always been there, and predictably after such a traumatic and life-threatening several months, it galvanized his desire. He only hoped he was mentally fit enough for it. If he and Leo could mend things, maybe they could adopt cubs, too. Had the lion accepted his first proposal of marriage, Bucky had intended to bring up the topic. He hoped it still might happen. The deer sighed. He put his hooves on Lanny's arms and looked him up and down. "My very overactive libido aside, I still have a lot of healing to do inside as I act as mayor. An election is coming up, and frankly, I intend to run. I think I can still do a lot of good, and I have a lot to give. I do wonder if I'm taking on too much...anyway, I just want to say that you've been a big help, Lanny. You've been good to me since the start, and your recent...methods of assistance have really taken a load off my mind...and balls." He grinned rakishly and gave the lion a goose between his legs. "You've given me friendship...and made me feel like a father. I've always wanted children of my own, and I know you never had parents around growing up. I'm quite sorry for that. I hope that our friendship might continue to build." Lanny's smile was so bright that it almost made Bucky choke up. He reached up and carressed the side of the lion's muzzle. "I've become very fond of you, my boy," he said gently as he stroked the golden muzzle lovingly. "As glad as I will be to get the hell out of this place, I will miss you." "I'll come to see you, Dad. We can talk, too. We can go to the Oasis together. I could even help you learn to meditate and do yoga. I've been taking classes there for a long time now. I think it would help you." The cervine nodded slowly. "I dare say that it would. And I would like that very much. Come here, son." He opened his arms and tightly embraced his boy, nuzzling his head with his muzzle. "You're a good man, a compassionate and soothing nurse, and I think you'll be splendid in your field. We need more like you to balance out the demonesses who walk amongst us." It was Lanny's turn to laugh. "She's not so bad, and you know it. You just like grousing about her." "I do." He finally let the lion go but still held him near. "Thank you for the Amharic phrasebook, by the way. I learned some good insults that I intend to hurl at her as I leave should I meet her." The lion rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Oh good lord." Bucky took Lanny's paws in his hooves and looked him in the eyes seriously. "Take care of my Leo. He has a hard time ahead of him." The lion's ears flattened and his tail drooped. He was well aware that Leo was going to have to go back to jail very soon. "I wish he could be pardoned." "I'm not sure he'd accept it if he was," the deer mused seriously. "There are a lot of things to work through." Although that very fact proved to him the lion had indeed learned his hard lesson. ? "This all should never have happened," Lanny said sadly as he squeezed his papa's hooves. "You two didn't deserve all this after all you've done for this city." The deer felt tired and empty as his eyes just went blank and stared nowhere in particular. "No, we didn't. We were victims of astonishing cruelty. This is what hatred has wrought, son. It did, however, also bring us together." He looked back up, the life and determination back in his gaze, and his voice turned wry. "Mind you, a broken leg or something like that would have been perfectly sufficient to land me here. I would have preferred that." "Me, too." The lion hugged the deer once more, making a strong effort to hold his tears back and nearly failing. "Take care of yourself, Papa. I'll come see you soon." Bucky gently stroked the lion's head and ears. "I will, son." Reluctantly, they pulled apart and regarded each other. There was some dampness in the lion's eyes and around the edges. Wordlessly, Bucky reached up and wiped them away. He felt a swell of love in his heart and fought hard not to voice it and risk making things awkward. He thought for a while what to say, like an author concluding a novel with just the right words. "Be good, son, and look after yourself, too. I'll be seeing you." With a final smile, the deer strode to the door to the bathroom and let himself out. Leo was presently out at physical therapy. They had already exchanged words and goodbyes. Bucky was glad they did not have to have a repeat. He walked out of his room, happy after all these weeks to be discharged, free to walk in the sun again. He made his way to the courtyard where the shrine to the Lord of the Forest was. Immediately outside the doors was a café over a cobbled patio. He looked up at the bright, blue sky, streaked with occasional cirrus clouds. The sun felt so warm on his face, and the breeze carried the scents of the abundant number of flowers in the gardens. He briefly raised his arms quietly in praise of it. He then moved to a manned fruit stall and picked up a mango, a green apple, a pomegranate, and a coconut, before following a tiled path to the small temple set back under an enormous tree and amongst flowers. The stone statue was of a brawny, naked and erect buck who wore the warmest of expressions. His arms were out as if to invite someone into an embrace. He always welcomed his children with the love of a father, a lord, a friend, or even a lover, as He was all these things. It was meant to inspire animals to always meet each other in similar fashion. On the stone dais, a decorated ceramic bowl sat filled with sand and several burnt-down incense sticks. There were also numerous votives burning and a wrought-iron grille-fence surrounding the shrine. Kneeling, Bucky placed his offering before the god and said a prayer. "Father, be pleased with these offerings. May the world share in the bounty." He then picked up a votive, lit it, and held it up reverently with both hooves. "Lord, keep my way lit, and lead us all to higher Truth." He set down the votive and lit a fresh stick of incense, holding it under the statue's nose. "Lord of the Forest, may your musk perfume the world and intoxicate us." He set the incense to stand in the sand and reached over to a spool of small flower garlands. Smiling, he put it over the god's phallus and gave it a good squeeze. "O Potent Father, may I please my lovers and be torrentially productive." He paused and made an amendment to the traditional prayer. "I may not sire in the ordinary way, Father, but please grant me children to love all the same." He sat quietly for a while, simply looking up at the deity, admiring the craftsmanship as much as the Lord's figure. He had always found the Lord of the Forest attractive, and he had made prayers in the past for a measure of His beauty. He was immensely glad to have been granted his desire, even if he now felt a little embarrassed at his youthful request. And it rather seems productivity will not be an issue! The deer stood up, taking the only fruit he had not offered, the coconut, and slowly meandered off towards the shrine of the Mother of the Universe. She danced over a pool of water, also naked and ample-bosomed. Partly emerged from the water was Her reflection come to life as another goddess, the first animal after the creation of the universe and the one who would become the Goddess' lover, helping Her populate the world. As homosexual as the deer was, he could not help but find the two goddesses astonishingly beautiful. A family of lions was on the other side of the small fountain, watching him kindly but curiously. It made Bucky a little nervous even if he knew enough about their rituals to make this simple offering. At least lions were traditionally very welcoming of others into their temples. He knelt down, the coconut gripped firmly in his hoof. He suddenly smacked it against the edge of the fountain and to his joy managed to crack it in one go. He lifted the top half of the coconut off and then poured some of the water from the bottom half into it. He lifted his right hoof up and offered a drink to the Great Mother. "For you, Mother," he intoned softly. He then poured the coconut water into the fountain and set the empty shell to float on the surface. He then drank of the half in his left hoof and also set it onto the gently rippling water. "You brought lions into the world, Mother, two of whom have been especially good to me. Please help Leo through his troubles, and help me to forgive him. Watch over Lanny, too. I'm coming to think of him as a son, and I should like to be as a father figure to him. Help me to be strong for him and bring wholeness to his life. Help him to finish his education and find happiness. And please, O Mother, make us all as brave as lions so we may enjoy a happier and more peaceful world." The deer leaned forward over the water to scoop some into his hoof. A few stray tears fell into the pool as he did. Quickly, he brought the liquid to his head and rubbed it through the space between his antlers in baptism. He put his hooves together reverently and bowed low, touching both them and his forehead to the ground. Never before had he hoped so earnestly that the gods really existed and that they answered prayers.


Leodore had been sorry to find his room empty when he returned from physical therapy, but he was not surprised either. He was once again alone, alone as he had been in prison, a place he would have to return to after everything he had suffered. It made him feel so tired and dejected. For a few weeks, he had Bucky in the same room again and mostly coherent. Yet there was a stiff, impenetrable distance between them. He wanted to have it out with the deer even if he was afraid what the consequences would be. He wanted to be free of this burden. "Free. O Mother. Mother," he said sadly as he looked out the large window of his room and down to the street. More than anything, he wanted out. He wanted to feel the sun on his body again, to run around, sun on a rock, eat at a café. Oh, why had he done so many foolish things? As selfish as he had been, he had not been wise enough to make sure he was not robbing himself of his own freedom. Though he would get it back eventually, would it come with an empty home? Would Bucky still be part of his life? Would he be run out of Zootopia? When he was finally released from prison and given some money to go where he wanted, would it be better to get on a train, go out west to the oil fields, and start a new life where he might not be recognized? His eyes widened, his train of thought interrupted as he recognized the well-dressed figure of his Bucky walking down the steps of Lions Gate. "Oh, Bucky," he said with tears in his eyes, his paws in fists as he tried to keep himself together. Leodore watched as the animal looked around him, turning around only briefly to look back at the hospital before continuing down the steps. He followed a line of mammals to the nearby metro station, where the proud, cast-iron figures of larger-than-life-sized lions stood regally on guard above the gate, and soon disappeared underground. Tears freely trickled down the former mayor's face as he laid his forehead on the glass. Even as a cub, he had loved riding the metro. It had been a minor obsession of his all his life, a symbol of freedom. Even as a cub, it had allowed him a means of accessing the city all on his own without being chauffeured like the wealthy cub he had been. As mayor, its repair and significant expansion had meant freedom for millions of the city's denizens, access to new opportunities, and greatly improved mobility. Ironically, it would be his own means of getting back into the city once he was let out of prison. All inmates were released with fare for the metro. The station in front of the corrections complex, with its stately and ornate art-deco metalwork and decorative light globes, was well-known as a beacon of hope for those locked up. Some former inmates were even known to get its likeness tattooed after their release. The idea had crossed his mind, too. At least it would serve as a permanent reminder of what he did and suffered on account of it. He had a long way to go before he could call at that station. Leodore wondered what he would find, however, when he finally came out of the one that had been his way home for so many years now. Freedom was a wide open thing, but what it led out to was always uncertain.

The Middle-Age Suburban Blues

The Middle-Age Suburban Blues © Kenneth Beltan, 2019 This is a little different for me. I had not originally thought to post this as it's a story that takes place in a private world I've created with...

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Foundations, Ch. 12 - Epilogue

Foundations, Chapter 12 By Kenneth Beltan Blake, Quentin, and Nieve are all copyrighted and are owned by Nievelion. I have had permission to use them for this story. All other characters are mine. ======================= Epilogue ...

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Foundations, Ch. 11

Foundations, Chapter 11 By Kenneth Beltan Blake, Quentin, and Nieve are all copyrighted and are owned by Nievelion. I have had permission to use them for this story. All other characters are mine. ======================= 11 Quentin was...

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