Max and David Ch 1

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#1 of Max and David

NOTICE: These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them please ask me first.

Max, Wake up!" Max's mother said, she was about 5'4" she was 36 years old but looked ten years younger. Max who is eightteen took all his looks from his mother with brown head hair, black fur, green eyes, weird sense of humor, but unlike his mother he was well built. Max is your bacic 5'7" fox trying for an emo look, just with the hair and the clothes

"Just two more hours mum" he said into his pillows.

"I made sausage, bacon, and French toast wit lots of syrup! Also it is Monday" she said to the sleepy teenager which she got a good reaction as he nearly killed her when he ran out of his room and unfortunately he didn't wear clothes when he slept. "Okay that was disturbing at all and I should tell him it is Sunday," she said to herself, "you better get a shower and no more sleeping in the nude!"

"Oh, yeah thank you for reminding me and I promise no more freestylin'" He said.

"I hate to want to know what hardcorin' is." She said. Then Max yelled from the bathroom.

"I said freestylin'!" So after his shower he put on a black tee-shirt, black cargo pants, and a dark red belt and got his backpack and was putting the finishing touches on his hair and look out the door.

"Where is the bus?" he asked, "Wait, why didn't we go to church yesterday?"

"Well the preacher is sick and isn't fit to do his job and there isn't," she couldn't stop her self from laughing. Max then realized it was still Sunday, he then got really annoyed

"Not cool, its only seven and its still the weekend. I'm going to my room." Max said dropping his stuff right where he stood and went back to his room.

Then he threw him self on his bed

"I was gonna ask him today, now I'm sure I'll be able to do it tomorrow." Max said to himself. He didn't want to go back to sleep and risk messing up his hair, but he did. When he woke up he had a text from his best friend Ashely who is white and black spotted cat, it was around nine.

Ashley: You up?

Max: Yeah.

Ashley:Sweet. Wanna meet me at the mall in a few hours


Ashley:Sweet, I'll text you when I get there.

So Max had a few hours to kill, so he hopped on his computer and checked his facebook. Only person that was on was David, a 6'2" black wolf, he has light grey rings around both of his eyes and his eyes were a bright beautiful shade of blue and is also eightteen. He is also the one Max has a huge crush on for years. Max was openly gay, he came out about a year ago. No body really messed with him about it because he was either to quick for them or they didn't care, but when he went to messsage David he got off. So he went to catch up on latest episode of House, when he was done he had ten minutes before he was supposed to meet with Ashley. So he got his shoes on and went to his mom.

"I'm sorry about this morning." she said

"Its fine, it was pretty funny. Can you take me to the mall in a bit?" he asked

"Yeah, when?" she asked

"When ever Ashley texts me." he said

"Alright, do you need any money?" she asked

"I'm good, I have money saved from Christmas, birthday, ect." he said

"Okay." she said then she got up to get her shoes. Then Ashely texted him around noon

Ashley:I'll be waiting at the food court and I brought a guest.

Max: Okay, who is it?.

There was no respons, great she was always setting him on bllind dates.

"Ready?" his mom asked. He shook his head and they left for the mall, it was more like a giant shopping area. When he got there he saw Ashley but not the mystery guest.

"Wheres your guest?" he asked

"Coming this, ah. Don't look." she said as she stopped him from turning around. His heart was beating uncontrollably. She always set him uup on good dates but they just weren't right for him. He then smelled somthing, it was amazing, not sure how to describe other than amazing.

"You can turn around now." she said, when he turned around it was David who was wearing a Slipknot shirt, khaki cargo shorts, and and black Nike shoxs.

"Hello."he said then he just smiled at Max who was speechless.

"Hi." was all Max could say. Then he turned around went up to Ashley who just a big smile on her face.

"Love you so much right now." he whispered into her ear

"I know." she responded. He then turned back to David

"How are you?" Max asked

"I'm fine.How are you?" David asked

"Good my self."Max said

"So what do you guys want to do?" David asked

"I don't really care."Ashley said

"Want to see a movie, and then see what happens from there?" Max asked

"Sure, I fine with that." David said

"Same here." Ashley said. Then they went to theater and saw Nightmare on Elmstreet. After to the first person died Ashley left because it was "to gory" for her, Max knew what she was doing. He kept looking at David, once or twice he swore he saw David quickly look at the screen. When it was over it was around two.

"How was the movie boys?" Ashley asked when they found her waiting for them.

"Not to bad, it wasn't as good as the first one, but not bad." David said

"Yeah, it was really good." Max said

"Hey I hate to leave you guys but my mom called and said I had to clean my room or I was grounded."Ashley said

"Thats fine, do you need a ride?" David asked

"Yeah, that would be nice."Ashley said. Then they head to David's car wich was a black 1966 Ford Mustang with light grey racing stripes.

"WOW! Where did you get this sick beast?" Max asked

"Dad got it for me for my birthday, just have to keep good grades." David said as they got in, it had black leather seats with a iPod dock instaled. David then plugged in his iPod and played Save Us by Mushroomhead.

"I love this song." Max said

"Me too, one of the best songs ever." David said. Then the three of them talked about this song until they got to Ashley's house.

"Talk to you later. If you don't get grounded." Max said

"Okay." Ashley said then she got out and Max jumped into the front seat

"So, you just want me to take you home then?" David asked

"Yeah, you should see if you can come over. Mom loves guests." Max said

"Alright, will do." David said then he called his parents, "They said yes." It only took five minutes to get to Max's house. They just sat there for minute.

"I really like you." Max said

"I like you too, you're a cool person." David said

"Thanks, but thats not what I ment. I mean like relationship like you." Max said

"Oh," David said then they sat there. David pulled Max in for a kiss. Then they both looked away blushing, then they got out and went inside holding hands. When he pushed the door open they hit somthing, his bag was still there.

"Mom I'm home and I brought a guest!" Max yelled, David pulled away. "Its fine she knows." Max said taking back David's hand

"Who is this handsome young man?" his mom asked

"This is David." Max said, he face seemed to be glowing. Then his mom saw their hands.

"Nice to meet you David." his mom said.

"Nice to meet you too mam." David said

"Somthing tells me I'll be seeing alot of you around here." his mom said then she and Max both laughed. At first David didn't get it, but when he got it he joined their laughing.

"Whats cooking mom?" Max asked

"Your favorite , Spanish Rice." his mom said

"It smells amazing, so is the mister home?" David asked, Max looked really depressed all of a sudden

"No, Max's father died in a car crash." Max's mom said

"Oh I'm so sorry.I should've asked earlier." David said feeling horriable and then hugging Max, who returned the hug.

"Its fine, you didn't mean to." Max said pushing the bad thoughts out of his mind.

"You boys hungry?" Max's mom asked

"Yes the popcorn wasn't any good plus all the good candy was gone." Max said acting a little kid.

"Yeah, I could use some food." David said. Then Max's mom pulled the food out of the oven and set it on the table.

The End.

This story was given to me by a good friend. Thank you.

Max and David Ch 2

**_NOTICE: These are my characters only I can use them, if you wish to use them please ask._** **_Thanks to every one who has stuck with me this far. For that I'm really thankful. \*hugs for thoose who read or are reading my stories\*_** While they...

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My College Story Ch 3

**Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.** So after what happend last night Adrian convinced me to confront Michael next time we saw him. Which wouldn't be to long because we were about to go meet...

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My College Story Ch 4

**Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.** So these past few weeks have been slow while Adrian is fighting, so one day me and the other guys decide to go see him fight. "KO out victory for...

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