Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 6

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#6 of ASS Origins Story 3: Oaky's Story

Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story

By Killenor

Arc 1 - Origins

Chapter 6

Night had fallen hours ago but Oaky showed no signs of tiring. Ermana, on the other hand, was barely finding the energy to keep moving, never mind talking. Somehow, her magical charms had persisted far beyond what she had expected, for the toad-man continued to lead her and even act friendly. Perhaps his loneliness had been a factor, she mused, as she had simply never experimented on a lonely mind before. Maybe... maybe he just needed a friend.

The chill of evening was draining her strength away. Though there was no wind to be had but the dry evening air had, never-the-less, quickly stripped the heat of the day from the forest floor. It wasn't long at all before Ermana was shivering in her robes as she tried to keep pace.

"Oaky," She shivered out, "I-i-i... I need to rest."

For the first time in hours Oaky snapped back to reality. His forward momentum ceased in an instant as he tried to remember just what he was doing. This woman... was she his friend? He was leading her... he knew that. Where was he leading her? ... What was her name?!

Oaky risked a glace back at the strange woman. Ermana! The name suddenly returned to him. So did his conversations over the last day. The only thing he couldn't remember was how in the world she went from flame wielding sorceress to close friend that he could pour his heart out to. As far as he could remember, he had been adamant about driving her out of his forest... and then... for no good reason he was out in the open, talking to her!

He turned on Ermana, looking confused and more than a little angry.

"Alright, Ermana... we can rest," Oaky said a bit too sharply, "and while we are resting, you can tell me exactly why I have felt like you were my friend all day. You can also explain why I've been so easy to help you."

Ermana knew it would come to this. She was almost completely drained. Even if she could ensnare his mind, her spell would break the instant she fell asleep for the night. Perhaps, she thought, if she could just broach the subject peacefully... maybe, just maybe Oaky would understand. He might even find it in himself to forgive her.

"Please Oaky," Ermana said in a firm but pleading voice, "I thought you were one of the fey trying to trick me. I used my magicks upon your mind hoping that I could expose some faerie or nymph who would try to bind me to service or steal my soul. I don't want to do anything to your forest, only pass through it. I got lost. I needed a guide, and when you turned up out of the bushes... I... I didn't know what else to do!"

"You could have released me from your spell and asked," Oaky said sardonically, "Who knows, I may have even accepted."

"No... I couldn't have." Ermana said, "Once my magicks are cast, I lose all control of them. I merely ask the forces about me to do as I ask... I don't truly wield them as one might swing a stick. Once the magicks enamored you to me... I could do no more... and, I mean... you were my friend then and I was desperate to get back to civilization... I... I"

Tears welled in Ermana's eyes. She fought to hold back her sobs, especially knowing that crying now would only make her colder.

"I'm sorry I did that to you Oaky." she said demurely, "Though, I must say, having you as a friend, even for a little while, made me come to appreciate your loneliness more than I could believe."

Oaky was completely taken aback. Nothing in his life had prepared him for an emotional female... indeed the females of his own people were far from succumbing to tears, especially as a great many of them were larger and tougher than most males! Now here was this human woman, nearly twice his size, attempting to hold back sobs! His first instinct was simply to break down and accept her apologies!

"I.... ummm... eeeh... Ermana?" Oaky said, unsure of how to proceed, "Umm.... I mean... I suppose I can understand."

"Oh Oaky," Ermana said, "I'll do anything you ask to try and make it up to you. From now on, there will be no magic between us. You'll either like me or hate me based on your feelings alone."

Oaky rolled his huge golden eyes. Now she sounded like a tail-ling caught in some misdeed. Ardently he wished this whole thing could just pass, for the tension was just brutal to bear for someone used to being alone in the woods.

"Alright, alright!" Oaky said, gaining fervor as he spoke, "If you want to make it up to me... I mean... I brought you here anyways. Might as well just set you on your way. Even if you don't use fire or axes you still work your... eh... human ways... on everything."

Ermana had to stifle a chuckle at that. She had never heard of "human ways" especially with how many people she had ever known. Still, she fought with herself to remain remorseful and respectful to this clearly exasperated toad-man. With a little more effort, she steeled her voice into a more wounded and inquisitive tone.

"You really don't know much at all about humans do you?" she queried, "But seriously. If all you want is to lead me out of here and have me be gone... so be it. However, let's be fair, you did speak pretty candidly earlier today. I know there are things you want, and I think you just need to learn to admit it and ask for them."

Oaky grumbled a little. "Your people are the reason for all of the civil-folk in the first place. Elves, goblins, and fairies too. In fact, every creature with a mind of their own can be blamed on you. Every strange happening, every unnatural seepage from the otherworlds... humans were the cause." the toad-man heaved a huge sigh, "and beside... what could you possibly offer me? I don't need material things nor do I need your magicks or anything. I am completely self-sufficient."

The shivering sorceress was rocked by this prejudiced outburst. A new wave of heat rose to her cheeks, followed by a flush of choler.

"Now see here toad-man!" she burst out, "That may or may not be, but you can't judge every human by what happened in the past! There are as many kinds of humans as there are breeds of the civil-folk, more even! You know, I've never met any of the toad-folk, but from what you have told me, you are nothing like them! Even knowing that, you sit in judgment of me simply for being human?!"

Ermana swept her arms wildly with this proclamation, and just as suddenly closed her arms tight about herself and resumed her shivering.

"Besides, Oaky, as self-sufficient as you think you are... I still know that one thing you want." Ermana said bitterly, "and if you keep on like this to every female you meet, you'll probably never have it. I could have given it to you, or at least helped you get it."

Despite his anger, Oaky's heart began to ache with the fresh salt poured so liberally onto the wound that was his loneliness. It was only then that he realized how truly cold it had become. He couldn't look at this woman. Between his embarrassment and anger, he just wanted to crawl in a hole somewhere. His toes, he decided, were all that he was worthy to look at right now... his cold, lonely toes.

The toad-folk could not physically cry, but at that moment, Oaky did the best that he could.

But then, to his amazement, warm arms wrapped around him. He didn't understand at first what was happening, but in a moment he knew. Ermana was embracing him! Despite being so warm a being, she was also shivering in the cold.

"I'm sorry Oaky," Ermana sighed, "It can't be easy for you out here. I didn't mean to bring you more pain."

She hugged him closer, his small toad body giving her the impression that he was like a very cold child held in her arms. Her amazement was intensified by the fact that he felt nothing at all like she expected. Where she had assumed he would be rough and slimy, he was in fact rather soft despite his bumpiness, and quite dry.

There was something about her hug... something about her presence that Oaky could not reconcile. While he was strongly prejudiced from his upbringing, this woman HAD BEEN the closest friend he had ever had, if only for a day. Even if it was only magic... something inside him craved her attention. He needed her to be his friend.

He hugged back.

And then, for no reason at all, Ermana kissed Oaky on the end of his nose.

"What was that for?" Oaky wondered.

"For not rejecting me," Ermana whispered, "for not casting me away when I touched you."

She kissed him again.

"For now," Ermana continued, "I don't want you to have to be alone. Not after what you've done for me. After what I did to you, I want you to know that I'll be a friend to you, if that is what you want."

Oaky held the shivering Ermana close and was speechless. Could it be true? Did he really have a friend? After the violated feeling of being duped by her magicks could he really trust her?

But the other side of all this, he told himself, was that she clearly believed him to be something else. It seemed that she was truly apologetic. Furthermore, he found that he craved this newfound attention he was receiving. Attention that was sorely lacking over all his previous years.

And why not, he asked himself. Why not simply enjoy this moment, even if it were not genuine? Why not just bask in friendship as long as it was available?

"Why are you shaking?" Oaky inquired, letting himself sink into the friendship he craved so much.

"Hm? Oh, it's just cold out." Ermana said with a shiver in her voice. "I would love a blanket or something right now. This robe... it's rather thin... and the last few nights have been pretty terrible."

"It is?" Oaky remarked, genuinely unaware of the night's chill, "I'm sorry, I don't really notice... I suppose it must be a mammal thing. We toads... slow. It's just what happens. I've been out so long I just haven't really cooled down yet."

"Well, just the closeness is helping for now." Ermana whispered, punctuating her words with another kiss to Oaky's nose.

"Uh... well... if it's really that cold... I could..." Oaky punctuated his staggered response by extending his hand.

Sticks, some as small as a finger and some practically logs, all snaked their way across the ground at Oaky's silent beckon. They stacked themselves beneath his outstretched palm into a tepee, from smallest to largest. Stones rolled themselves around the gathered sticks, forming a ring with which to contain everything. Finally, Oaky made a strong exhalation toward the sticks. Suddenly a spark erupted within the tepee and in very short order, a fire was blazing within the ring of stones.

For a moment, Ermana could only stare at Oaky.

"What was all that stuff you said about humans and sorcerous fire?" came Ermana's shocked reply.

"Fires occur naturally... and besides, I'm not burning the whole forest to clear land for houses and domesticated beasts." Oaky replied reflexively, "It's not the fire that is unnatural... it is how it is used to attempt to replace nature with some lofty ideal of order."

"By the pantheon Oaky," Ermana said giggling, "I was just joking with you. You don't need to be so defensive. It is not like I agree with the rapid and unchecked expansionism that other people seem to relish. Remember, not all us humans use axes and fires."

"Indeed not," Oaky grumbled, "so... I don't think you've ever told me what it is that you do and why someone so... unprepared... is doing so far into the forest. Also, since you don't use axes or fire, just how do you interrupt the natural balances?"

"Well... to be totally honest... I got lost." Ermana admitted, "I was on a road between cities and just looking around for herbal plants to make a few infusions... I didn't want to pay a guide you see. All of a sudden, I saw a strange glow off the path... and then next thing I know I'm by that river you found me on, trying to find my way back to civilization. That's why I was so worried about faeries when I heard your voice coming from the water."

"Alright," Okay admitted, "people do get lost, but that doesn't explain what you did to me. You say you used magicks on my mind. Is that all you do? You couldn't just magick yourself to your home or something?"

"My... my abilities... umm," Ermana stuttered, her blush returning, "my power come from... sex."

"S-sex?" Oaky said with one cocked brow.

"Um... the... the act of mating." she admitted, "there is a lot of energy involved in mating, intercourse... and all the emotions surrounding them. That is what manner of magicks I use."

Oaky's large eyes were wider than ever. Of all the things he had heard, the fact that mating itself was so powerful was enough to rock the very foundations of his world.

"and even if I could just flash myself home, I couldn't now. I'm almost completely drained. I couldn't possibly use any eroticka... until... um... well until I got some more... and there is really only one way to do that."

"How?" Oaky said in a moment of pure interest and embarrassing naivete.

"Well... all I need to do is... cause someone else around me to have some sort of sexual pleasure. I would simply tap into the released bursts of eroticka as they leave your body. Their movement is triggered by pleasure, and it is how you feel sexual enjoyment in the first place." Ermana explained.

"Uuuuhhh, oook." said Oaky in a haze, "buuut... wait... you'd tap into those bursts as they left... my body?!"

"If that is what you want," Ermana said softly, "I don't want to coerce you, however, so if you say no... then it's no. Just know that I would be much better able to cope if I had energy to weave my magicks. It is almost as important to me as sleeping, eating and drinking. Even though I haven't eaten since earlier today... I could still do some interesting things to help us if I had the energy."

"B-b-but... but... I mean... I mean... I've never... mated." Oaky said with astonishment, "How could I... um... even begin to... um... help? "

"I would just need you to show me how... I mean... what can you do to make yourself feel good. The rest is quite simple. I just make you feel good. Ideally we would both make each other feel good, but it doesn't have to work that way. I just know I can't do it by myself. "

"Wait!" Oaky blurted, "what about... I mean... you're not a toad!"

"Does that really matter when it comes to feeling good?" Ermana sighed, "Look, I'm not making you do anything. I'm offering you a chance to feel really good for a little while and at the same time a chance to get me out of your hai... um... warts? Um... sooner. If you don't want to, that's fine by me. I'll just try to get to sleep."

Oaky laughed unexpectedly, throwing Ermana just a little off guard.

"Out of my warts?" Oaky laughed, "Is that how you feel?"

"Well... yes." the sorceress admitted, "after how angry you were... I figured you considered me a burden."

"First of all, not a one of these bumps is a wart." Oaky said in a rather condescending tone, "A wart is caused by a skin disease and no disease can prevail upon me. Second, I have an interest in preserving the natural order of things and I had received a tip that a forest-burning human was in my selected stretch of this forest. Also I was very upset when you used your magicks upon me. And finally, we use the term 'out from under my skin' since we don't have hair nor do we think of our bumps in the same way."

Ermana had nothing to say, but Oaky felt his confidence rising within him at being able to openly flaunt his knowledge and feelings.

"Now as for your... erotika did you say? Sex magicks... well, I might have considered if I didn't feel that you were lying to me. I know the forms of the magicks of this world and I have never heard of it. I know torturos, leva, necratia, pantheon, atheiyes, veritimil, descivi, elementia, and my specialty, natura. The magick which encompasses all the world and its ways. Master Grubber never mentioned any such power as erotika and I would have noticed any escaping magicka when I saw my peers mating in the pond that fateful afternoon."

Now it was Ermana's turn to act smug.

"Your 'Master Grubber' never had a mate either did he?" she returned with her own brand of snobbery, "He was alone his whole life, watching the pleasures of the world and never taking them for himself, right up until you became his apprentice I'd wager. Now you're going to do the same thing, ey? Live just like your master and become a powerful child of nature? How about you just stop isolating yourself out here? Quit acting like me being human and you being toad-folk is such a huge boundary."

"Wha... what did you say?!" Oaky exclaimed in shock, "S-s-say... say that again?!"

Ermana feared she had gone too far. Oaky locked his huge golden eyes with hers. His jaw was slightly slack in an expression Ermana knew could only be offense. She should never have spoken ill of his mentor. Now he was sure to cast her away... even possibly get violent.

"Once we stop isolating ourselves, then we can honestly know no boundaries." Oaky recited, "It... it was one of the last things he ever told me."

"O-o-Oaky... I'm sorry! I should have never... I mean." Ermana stammered defensively.

"No... no, you're right." Oaky admitted, "You're right about everything. I came out here to learn. But I stayed because I got used to being alone. Grubber was always alone as well. I was his first apprentice as far as I know. He never showed interest in any of the females. I was probably the closest person to him... and... and when he released me... I worried that we would both be alone forever."

"He must have been very... special," Ermana consoled, wondering inwardly if toads actually could be gay, "But in my experience, there is a big different in being alone by choice and being alone because you don't take the opportunities you get."

"I... I haven't ever had an opportunity," Oaky said defensively.

"Even if that is true." Ermana put bluntly, "You have one now. I can't promise you anything really, but I will say that if you help me, I'll do all I can to help you."

It was nothing like any fantasy Oaky had ever imagined. She knew next to nothing about toad-folk and the anatomies of mammals and amphibians were so different. Even so, this was possibly his only chance. What could it hurt? Who would know? Even if he was alone for his entire life, was it not better to have experienced something, even just once?

"Sure, alright, let's do it." Oaky conceded boldly.

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