Nightfall - 2. Obsessed

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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That But not satisfying. Not like last week.

I rolled over in my bed, pushing one of the two corpses out of my bed. I'd drained both of them of

every drop of blood in their veins as they gave themselves to me. So trusting silly mortals are... One

would think seven days of blood and sex in the heavy darkness of my bedroom would sate me for a

while. Guess not. Something is missing... Desire still burns within me despite it all. What's missing...

Perhaps it's the one I let go. If that is the case, it's a good thing I didn't let the sun incinerate him. I'd

have to track him again to find out if that is the case. It shouldn't be hard to do. He's plastered all over

the city.

I looked up to the mirror ceiling and put my paws behind my head. I loved to watch my work. I don't

mind admitting it. Narcissus had nothing on me. I was absolutely stunning. I was the size of a bear with

the body of a wolf carved from flawless onyx with long, raven-colored hair and blood red, glowing

eyes beneath the mess that it was after the day. The women who'd shared my bed were beautiful

things. Too bad they meant nothing to me. One thing I've always loved about being a vampire was that

our luring aura didn't allow the mortal mind to feel fear. They'd be hideous if their last expressions

were terror.

Terror was good on Arael. I wonder how he'd look if we'd met under more pleasant circumstances.

What was it about him that made it so hard to forget him? Any other being, mortal or vampire, would

have been just another fuck or meal, maybe even both, but not him. Too bad I won't be able to see

that face of his unmarred by terror.

Or fury...

It's quite possible that the little thing is tracking me as I lie here thinking about him. He'd make finding

him again rather easy. Maybe we could do it properly next time. Perhaps I could bring - lure - him

here just before dawn. He'd have no choice...but to stay...

Brilliant. I'd get him for a full twelve hours to test this theory. I need to make preparations. Fate wasn't

going to lead the fox to me soon enough for my liking. I'd have to give a little push. I pulled the sheets

off me to admire the rest of my body, causing the other cadaver to fall to the floor. I'd burn them

later. I found a damp spot as I ran my paw through my coarse-but-smooth fur. A trophy from the day


The 'dark' room blurred around me, becoming the black marble shower in the bathroom. I turned the

hot water on full blast. The cold knob hadn't been touched since I installed it. There was no need for

cold water. My body temperature was low enough. I appeared as a black blur as I rapidly cleaned the

jizz from my prior activities from my fur, not slowing down until I reached my nether regions. Vampire

or not, a high speed shot to the nuts was a high speed shot to the nuts and I would not waste

moonlight getting over the pain of being hit in the groin with the force of a bullet train.

Carefully, I worked through the fur around my sheath. I looked up and caught my reflection in the

marble. A mortal would barely see himself in the dark stone, but to my eyes, it was like looking in a

mirror. Once more, Narcissus had nothing on me. As had happened many times before from looking at

my reflection, I felt a familiar warmth between my legs. I looked down to see the tip of my deep

purple member peeking out of my sheath. A chuckle escaped me. Why not? No need to waste a hard

on, especially with such a gorgeous reflection to watch me. I gave my sheath a squeeze, slowly coaxing

out my twelve inches, then looked back at my reflection. I was even more stunning erect. I leaned

back against the marble and gripped my shaft. If my paws weren't like baseball mitts, I wouldn't be

able to hold it with just one. I started slowly stroking my shaft, paying more attention to my reflection

than the act itself. The dark wolf there looked back at me with a lustful grin. As my stroking picked up, I

began to buck my hips into my paws, using both now.

My mind began to wander, finally forgetting my reflection, but still looking at it. In my eyes, it was no

longer me that I was watching paw off in the marble. Now there was a silver fox with hair as black as

my own. Arael. Why couldn't I forget him? I closed my eyes tightly to tear myself from his image in the

marble, but that was useless. Now I could see him even more clearly in my mind's eye. I felt myself

buck harder into my paws. The memory of taking him flooded me. My paws tensed and it almost felt

like being inside him once more. My mind added one more ingredient to the vision. An element of

fiction. Along with the sighs and moans already coming from the fox, I could see him turning to look at

me. In my head, he moaned my name.

Just then, I was brought back to reality by the building tension. My breath caught and I opened my

eyes just in time to watch streams of hot wolfcum burst from my cock. It seemed I'd never stop. The

spasms seemed to go on for over two minutes. Two and thirty-nine seconds to be exact. I slid down

the back wall I was leaning on and sat on the floor and shook my head. What was going on with me?

Arael is no one of real consequence to me. Just another vampire living among mortals. Why was he

haunting me like this? I'd know as soon as I tracked him again. I hauled myself to my feet and yanked

the retractable showerhead from its holster before turning the pressure up to spray to cum off the


When I was finally dry and had on my favorite tattered shorts, I threw the two corpses on my floor into

the fireplace across from my bed, then tugged the lever next to it. The bottom dropped out of the

fireplace, dropping the bodies into the furnace deep beneath my cabin. Countless victims found their

way there.

Now I could be productive. The next second, I was lying on my bed again. I could feel the sun setting.

Arael would be active soon and I could track him down again. I gathered my memory of his scent. He'd

smelled of honey, cinnamon, and pine. Common scents, but different when combined. That was all I

needed. His trail in the city would do the rest. There shouldn't be too many white limos on the streets.

I took a moment to still myself. I could feel myself quivering slightly with excitement.

The room blurred around me as I moved myself to the window. The light of day had softened to

twilight. Now I could safely step out of the darkness. From darkness to darkness. I threw the curtains

open, then pushed open the glass balcony doors and stepped out. There was a light breeze.

Convenient. I inhaled deeply, picking up each of the three smells that clung to the fox separately. At

times one scent would eclipse the others, letting me know I hadn't found him. Separately they held no

interest to me, but together...

Found him. I climbed up onto the ledge and inhaled deeply once more, filling my lungs with Arael'

sweet scent, before disappearing, speeding off into the growing night.

Atop one of the taller buildings, I sat watching and waiting. The city seemed to glow at night with the

neon lights of brothels disguised as bar rooms. I often dropped in on them for a little 'company' and a

meal from time to time, not that the two were any different. Thinking of the warm blood waiting at

any given establishment made me thirst, but none of it mattered. I had one objective this night.

My sights were set on where I'd tracked Arael's scent to. It had taken a few hours to pull it off. The fox

was busy thing it seemed. I'd followed him to several locations, but he seemed to stop here. He was

inside photography studio. How did he manage to keep his secret under wraps if he couldn't work in

the daytime? Maybe I could ask him in the hours he'd be trapped with me. I chuckled at that. As if

he'd be inclined to chat. Of course I could enthrall him. He seemed quite susceptible when last we

met. Thinking about the encounter just barely made it all replay in my mind. I could feel my shorts

tighten as I remember what had happened, what I'd done then, what I would do in just a little while...

My patience was running thin. I had to speed this up. As I said, fate would not bring the fox to me

without a push. The limo was parked outside the studio. I looked closer. My eyes glowed faintly as my

vision seemed to zero in on the vehicle I'd left him in. There was a gryphon sitting in the driver's seat,

reading a magazine. Already I knew what I'd do. I slipped from the edge of the building I was sitting on,

seeming to disappear as I fell. I'm sure falling twenty-two stories would raise some alarm if I were to

be seen, so I'd accelerated the fall so that no mortal could see me.

The gryphon was more than a little surprised when he saw me sitting in the passenger seat with my

footpaws crossed on the dashboard. He threw his magazine at me and reached for the pistol that was

no doubt strapped to his ankle. He stopped when he felt my claw pressing into his throat.

"Carotid artery. Unless Arael's bitten you, you'll die in five minutes."

"What do you want?" he asked, eyeing me furiously.

"You're going to come with me for a little while. Actually, I'm going to take you to a bar." I took my claw

from his neck. "You're going to stay there all night and have lots of drinks on me. And most

importantly, you're not going to call your boss." I reached into my pocket and took out a wad of

hundreds and stuffed it into his paw. "Call him and I'll kill you. I'm certain you know what I am and

what I'm capable of"

The gryphon looked at the money in his paw then back at me. "What are you playing at?" he asked

me. "I'm not leaving this spot!" he shouted, throwing the money back at me.

In a blinding motion, I caught the money and stuck it back in his paw, then put one of my own around

his neck. "Listen to me. I'm sure you'd like to live long enough for Arael to snap and drain you of your

blood, then turn you out of guilt. You have a choice now. Potentially live forever, or certainly die

tonight." He scowled at me for a minute, but eventually gave in, choosing to live. I jerked my head to

the general area outside the limo. "Let's take a walk."

We didn't go far from the limo, just into an alley where no one would see me pick him up over my

shoulder and speed run him to one of my favorite brothels-disguised-as-bars. I put him down on the

roof. "Remember, stay here all night. Eat, drink, have fun, but do NOT contact your boss. I'll know if

you do, and I will kill you." The gryphon scowled at me once more before jumping from the rooftop,

gliding down on his wings. He looked back to me; perhaps he'd intended to run if I weren't watching.

After he went in, I reached into my pocket. Unbeknownst to him, I'd taken his cell phone from him

when I carried him here. I dropped it and stepped on it.

In just a few seconds, I was outside the studio again, perched on the building I was watching from

before. My timing was excellent. Arael was stepping out of the building. The photographer kissed him

once on each cheek before waving goodbye and going back inside. Arael got in the car. I could hear

when he tapped the divider, when the divider lowered and he realized his driver and friend was gone.

I watched him slip into the front seat and sniff around. Fury filled his eyes. He'd picked up my scent.

He opened the driver side door and picked up the car phone. I heard the voice on the other end.

"You've reached Maxwell Ashford. My apologies for missing your call. Pleas lea-"

He slammed the phone down and snarled. He was after me now. Time for the chase. I did not doubt

his intelligence. He must have known this was a trap, but I was banking on his fondness of the driver. I

stood and whistled a note that only one with supersensitive hearing could pick up. Arael turned

sharply in my direction in time to see me disappearing over the building.

"You BITCH!"

I could only chuckle. He'd taken the bait so willingly. I ran a little slower than my top speed so that he

could just barely keep up.

"Where is my driver?!"

"Catch me and you might be able to save him!" I called back to the fox. I turned around and leapt

backward from building to building so that I could see him. Arael was stunning. He faded in and out of

vision as he sped after me. He must have been shooting an oriental scene. The fox was wearing pale

blue kimono that hung around his waist since his arms weren't in it and black hakama pants. I chuckled

at the wooden sandals he was wearing, wondering how he ran so fast in them.

I reached the last building in the block and kicked off from its ledge as hard as I could, propelling myself

so quickly that I disappeared from his sight. I wouldn't go too far from him. I was a few buildings away

from him. A breeze carried my scent to him and he chased me some more. It went on like that for a

while to kill time. When dawn was about ten minutes away, I began leading him out of the city.

"Catch me if you can, Arael! You're precious Maxwell is counting on you!" I called to him.

"Bastard! Leave him out of this!"

My cabin wasn't far now. He'd been following me through the woods for a while now. I went on

ahead, slipping through the balcony doors I'd never closed and slamming them behind me to be sure

he heard them. All that was left to do now was wait. Soon I'd know why I couldn't just kill and forget

the fox. Exactly forty-nine seconds later, The balcony doors burst open.

"Bacchus, you bitch! Show yourself!" he shouted into the darkness. His eyes glowed that furious blue

that they had when I first saw him. I stepped behind him and closed the doors and drew the curtains.

He turned around, but I'd already moved.

"Thank you for coming, Arael."

"Where's my driver?!"

I appeared lying on the bed with my paws behind me head, looking up at my reflection again. I was so

taken by it I almost forgot to respond. "You've come all this way, what's your hurry? Your precious

driver is safe and sound in a bar around the corner from where you were working." He turned to open

the doors. "I wouldn't do that. Unless you want to die." I warned with a smile. He looked down and

gasped when he saw the sunlight peeking under the curtains, realizing now what had happened.

" tricked me..."

I was behind him. He tensed when I wrapped my arms around him. "You wouldn't have come here

otherwise." I whispered to him. He pulled away from me, but I didn't let go. I tightened my grip and

ran my paws through the fur on his chest.

"W-what do you want from me?" he asked. He sounded detached. "Why can't you just leave me

alone? Or kill me and go?"

"I was hoping to find that out today." I answered, kissing a line from his ear down his neck. "You're the

only person in nineteen-hundred years who I simply could not kill." I breathed in his honey-cinnamon-

and-pine scent. "Something about you is different from others I've tracked and killed." He tensed

again. I chuckled, licking at his neck. "You know, I'm not going to hurt you here. I'd have to clean up

everything I broke..."

"And whats to keep me from opening these doors and killing us both?" he asked. I hadn't noticed, but

both his paws were still on the latches.

"Mm, because you wouldn't come all this way just to die." I said, running my paws down his arms and

took his paws off the doors, entwining my fingers in his. His knees buckled, but I held him up. He was

trembling. "What are you thinking about?" I asked, stroking the fur on his stomach.

"I knew this was a trap..."

"I knew you knew that." I moved to his ear, nibbling softly on it.

"I came here to kill you, enemy of our kind, and become a hero among vampires."


"I... I don't know how." He said, defeated.

I circled around the front of him and tipped his head up to look at me. "Why do you have to kill me?" I

asked before I bent to kiss him. He turned away, but did not fight when I turned him back and kissed


"Because you are the enemy..."

I smirked. "I find it funny how opposite we are. You, with the will to end my life but not the strength.

And me with the strength to do the same to you, but not the will." I kissed him again. "It is said that

opposites attract. Maybe that's why I came after you last night. What about you? Do I attract you?"

"I..." he looked confused. That was the best emotion I'd seen on him yet. Arael was beautiful

regardless, but his face was not made for terror or fury. I loved how his raven hair fell around his face,

almost touching his shoulders. It gave him a sort of feral look despite his manicured style

He surprised me then. The fox tipped his head up to me and kissed me. I put my arms around the fox

and licked at his lips. When they parted, my tongue explored Arael's mouth thoroughly, entwining

with the fox's. My plan had worked beautifully. He was in my house, trapped until dusk, and already

half naked. I had not expected him to kiss me though. Was my aura wearing on him? No, it couldn't be.

Our powers did not work on each other. Then... this was real.

I'd really won Arael over. I seized him around the waist and the next instant we were on my bed.

Hastily, I undid the fabric holding the fox's hakama in place and yanked them off, flinging them across

the room, then did the same with my shorts. The growing tightness in them was getting unbearable. In

another blurred moment, I rolled us over, putting him on top, straddling my stomach. He bent to kiss

me again, running his paws through my hair as I fought the urge to grab him by the hips and impale him

on my already fully erect length. I gasped when he reached back and grabbed it, slowly dragging his

paw up and down.

After a few agonizing strokes, he backed off my stomach and sat up on his knees, raising his tail as he

took aim at the ring beneath it. With the care of a surgeon, he lowered himself onto my cock, wincing

every couple inches. He stopped half way to allow himself to adjust. I gripped the sides of the bed to

keep from forcing him down. I could feel my claws tear through the sides of the mattress. He took a

deep breath and slowly slid down the last six inches. When he was ready, Arael picked himself up

again and sank back down to the base. In a few moments, he was steadily riding my full twelve inches.

I wanted badly to thrust into the fox, and almost did. I stopped myself, noticing that his eyes were

shut tightly and his teeth were clenched. To keep from grabbing his hips, I moved my paws to coax out

the eight inch foxcock I'd seen when last we met, but found that it needed no help from me. I took

the length into my paw and stroked it at the same pace as he rode me, holding onto my fur for


A real pain of being a vampire was that I could register every agonizing moment I wasn't bucking my

hips into Arael's ass. After thirty-nine minutes and seventeen seconds, I could not stand it any longer.

He was riding my cock ad a decent pace now, but it was not enough. I wrapped my arms around him

and tugged the fox down so that he was laying on me. I kissed him firmly on the lips before grabbing

his hips and thrusting madly into him. I knew now why I was relieved to not have killed him. All of the

other's who'd shared my bed were far too fragile. I could not do this with them, lest they break. Now I

understood why sex could be such a bore at times. I turned over, pinning Arael to the bed and slowly

pulled out before thrusting back into the fox. He inhaled sharply and locked his legs around my waist,

urging me to continue. The fox dug his claws into my back as I pistoned in and out of him, getting closer

to the edge. Now I could feel my knot once more pleading for entry.

As I got close to it, he went over, covering us both in hot fox cum. When he came, I felt every muscle

in his body seize up. He seemed to tighten around my length and that did it for me. With one last

thrust, I forced my knot in him. Arael buried his face in my fur. I felt him bite my chest to muffle a

scream, but not one of pain. I locked my arms around him and howled almost loud enough to shake

the pictures off the wall that the knocking of the headboard hadn't as I pumped my seed deep inside

the fox.

Both panting and exhausted, we just lied there bound to each other. Unlike the last time we met,

there was no need for us to quickly part. We were already safely in the dark. I rolled us over again. If

we were going to be there for a while, I was certain he'd me more comfortable without me lying on

him. He retracted his claws, freeing me from his deathgrip on my back and returned to running his

paws through my hair.

I still did not understand why he would willingly share my bed after what I'd done to him before. For

the first time in well over seven hundred years, I felt remorse for something. Maybe he'd forgiven

me. I hoped he had, or we'd be playing this game for many years to come. I was certain now that I was

obsessed with Arael and couldn't be apart from him. It was too much to think about right then,

though. At that moment, all that mattered was that Arael was here with me. He'd fallen asleep in my

arms. I kissed him on the forehead and did the same.