Dungeons & Draining

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A commission for the awesome FA: axelwolf87 featuring his sona, Eyazen, and an OC, Garelth.

A trip to the most dangerous part of the village leads to some unexpected hijinks ...

The lionorse's pattering sent a rhythmic, sickly echo down the claustrophobic catacomb tunnels, the habitual gleam in his eye noticeably absent in the amber flames that consumed the oil-soaked rag of his torch.Don't get cocky. Skulls of deceased creatures of all kinds - wolves, felids, marsupials, rodents, birds - were embedded in a random pattern in the sidewalls of the tunnel. As he inched down the suffocating, foreboding path, the flickering source of light he clutched in his handpaw cast ghastly shadows on the bony denizens of the catacombs, giving them a demonic afterlife. Just keep your cool and keep going. As soon as he finished the thought, two of his massive toes stepped on a cup-shaped beige object with jagged edges. Condensate shot out of his nostrils as he huffed under his breath in mild pain. The felid-ungulate instinctively kicked his paw, sending what was actually a skull fragment flying off to the side.

He stood on one footpaw and turned the sole of the other towards himself. Nothing but the crisscross of fine creases on his leathery black pads could be seen under the sinuous torchlight; no punctures, no blood, not even any indentation where he had felt the mild discomfort. He sighed heavily and rubbed the sides of his muzzle, noting how clammy his handpaws felt on his long face.If you want to be able to do that fancy stuff, this is the way. Dusting off the bottom of his paw with a swift motion and wiggling his toes, he set his foot back down and looked in front of him, torch extended. Can't be that much further ... He padded forward, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his stomach feeling hard as a rock. Not the time to get cold paws. Come on, you're a warrior, for fuck's sake.

He knew better ... He had to stay on guard. Even though he was among the land's most capable swordsmen, it was known that the reputation of the H'galian Catacombs precedes it. Unruly, fussy children would be threatened to go to bed lest the cadaverous residents of the H'galian Catacombs crawled out of their permanent resting places to kidnap them, wrapping their decaying, gnarled hands around young, innocent arms and legs, taking them back with them to the putrid murkiness; the townsfolk would speak in murmurs of the occasional, untoward occurrences in their usually idyllic village - a disappearance, someone falling mysteriously ill and passing away, a murder - and the blame would invariably fall on the secluded, cavernous location situated on the outskirts of town.

Garelth soldiered on, his gaze going from side to side, refusing to make eye contact with the countless crania. Even though he was aware of how calamitous a visit to the gloomy crypt could be, another legend surrounded the final resting place of the now extinct H'galian civilization.

I'll show that Eyazen ... Who does he think he is? It was true that Garelth and Eyazen were close friends, and, as a matter of fact, in their master-slave relationship, Eyazen was the submissive one ... But Garelth would be damned if the canid's arrogance didn't get on his nerves sometimes. It wouldn't be the first time that during a skirmish on one of their extended quests, he'd insist on taking the lead role to use his fire incantations on whatever demonic, otherworldly beings they were squaring off against despite the lionorse's repeated pleas not to, as Garelth was more than capable of dispatching the wraithlike entities on his own. This obstinate move would often "backfire" on the foolish wolf, much to Garelth's chagrin and amusement - "backfire" was, indeed, the lion-horse hybrid's favorite in-joke, often using it to tease the canid into submission during their more erotic moments.

His massive paws continued propelling him forward; even if this was the town's most dreaded area, in a way, the eerie yet relatively uneventful visit had made his confidence gradually return; whereas before his eyes couldn't stop wandering and his posture was ever so slightly slouched, now his gaze was determined and looked straight ahead, his shoulders back, chest jutting out, and his chin at a slight angle, his trademark gleam back in his eye. After a few minutes of powerwalking, his eyes narrowed, and his nostrils flared as ... something ... shone in the distance. His mighty footpaws came to a standstill.No, have to get closer ... His next few steps were tentative, his heel touching the rocky ground first, followed by the sole, and then finally the toes.

Narrowing his eyes and extending the arm that was holding the torch as much as he could towards the object, his head jerked back, and an eyebrow raised.Well, that's the oddest wall I've ever seen. The H'galian Catacombs were one straight tunnel, and according to official sources, the south end was just a wall. A rectangular slab with serpentine etchings in long-dead languages came into view. "Ho, ho, ho!" As the engravings morphed and danced in the fiery light, Garelth's boisterous, throaty hoots resonated in the squalid tunnel. He couldn't believe it ... His expedition may not have been in vain after all. Strutting towards the ancient inscriptions, he placed his paw flat on the structure. Cold - this is a metal of some sort! The legends said that it'd be made of an alloy of precious metals. All right, time to crack this sucker open.

A dexterous motion placed the burning torch in his other paw and his awe-inspiring, colossal sword materialized in his dominant hand.Hmmm, gotta be somewhere here. He scouted the slab's edges for any gaps between the metal and the uneven, rocky wall and, having found one, wedged his forged blade into it. With a guttural sigh, Garelth supported himself with his mighty footpaw on the rough wall and pushed, his weapon pivoting as a makeshift crowbar - an astonished lionorse fell over, the clangor of his sword hitting the ground making his ears ring, somehow still holding onto the smoldering source of light. He shook his head and reached back, hand frantically patting the gravelly ground, to reclaim his weapon. As soon as his hand happened upon the pommel, his jaw dropped, and his eyes opened wide ... Huh?

Garelth frowned as he used his sword to help him get back on his feet, looking straight ahead, his head tilting to the side.Well, that's something! Where the metal block once stood, now there was a black hole - it had hinged open during his fall. A surge of adrenaline pumped through his system as images of one-upping the conceited wolf raced through his mind. Garelth's chiseled chest heaved in and out as he let out a barely audible whinny-grunt. I'll be damned ... The legends were true after all. With a wide, commanding gait, he sashayed into the darkness in front of him, blade swung over his shoulder, torch in hand.

The chamber couldn't have been bigger than a dungeon cell. Garelth's torch was more than enough to illuminate the dingy, dusty, cobweb-infested room. The lionorse's eyes scouted his surroundings, the tip of his broadsword tapping the dirty ground.Hmmm ... A four-sided silhouette that cast an unusually long shadow caught his attention. Approaching it, he prodded the square object that lay flat on the ground with his weapon - it flapped open. Illuminated by his torch, a swirling pillar of dust emanated from the ground where the flap's edge slammed into the grimy floor. Garelth leaned and noticed a page of sturdy yet discolored paper with the same foreign writing that he had seen before on the metal slab ... This must be it ... He set his sword down and, sticking his tongue out and looking up, reached back to unfasten his knapsack. The skin around his eyes wrinkled ever so slightly as he let out a chuckle and, with pursed lips, slid the artefact into the gaping hole of his rucksack.

Retrieving his sword, his head turned back and, lip curling upwards, locked his gleaming eyes with the menacing darkness that led back to the north exit of the tunnel, back to the safety of his village.

Garelth's voice boomed over the clattering mugs of mead and the raucous laughter of the group of hyenas two tables over. "All right - bottoms up!" Gareth slide his canid comrade a chalice of his favorite drink as the lionorse's well-built backside made itself comfortable on the wooden chair facing Eyazen.

The wolf's bowed head continued staring at the rowdy hyaenids for a second with his fingers intertwined under the table before he nodded at his warrior friend. Eyazen huffed from his nostrils and gave the golden liquid in his goblet a wry smile. About to take his first chug of acerglyn, his head sunk into his shoulders and the fur on his tail stood on end. "Garelth! How many times have I told you? Not here!" said Eyazen through bared teeth. A drop of sweet mead sloshed out of the goblet as he shot the lionorse a death stare, his chastity cage being massaged by the grinning hybrid's warm paw pads.

"But aren't you forgetting something?" Garelth's claws made the cage tintinnabulate, each clink coinciding with a wolfish squirm. "You've been a good pup these past few weeks." Eyazen's handpaws clenched into balls as his features fidgeted and his throat cleared unnecessarily. "You get to cum today ..." The canid's buttocks shuddered a couple of times as invasive images of his unsheathed, knotted cock shooting rich, thick spurts of wolf spunk besieged his mind. "Relax ... Now, just enjoy your drink ..." Garelth raised both eyebrows at him and, taking a sip of ale, caressed his frustrated friend's cock enclosure.

"Quit. It." The furry fire mage's ears pressed flat against his skull.

"Oh, Eyazen," he said, the back of his huge head resting against his palms, his arms stretched out in a V-shape as his meaty footpaw withdrew from the chastity cage. "If you're going to get off today, what fun is it if you're not craving it?"

"What's the use?" The canine's arms crossed, and he leaned back in his chair. "You'll just ruin it like you often do ... Some orgasm that is!" He flashed a cold smile at Garelth's playful grin.

"You know why that happened," said Garelth, pausing and closing his eyes briefly to savor the gruit in his ale. "You were a bad pup that time ..." Up went his massive appendage, much to the wolf's chagrin. "But you've been a good boy lately!"

Eyazen's tail straightened out behind him, nearly tripping a jackal. "S--So, I'll get to cum this time?" The canid's muzzle wrinkled, his lower abdomen rippling under the table in an erotic fashion as Garelth worked the metal bars that kept his manhood under remand, the wolf's claws digging into the wooden floor.

"You'll get to shoot your load nice and hard." The lionorse tickled Eyazen's sheathed frenulum with a claw, and the wolf's reaction was comical, prompting Garelth to chuckle-whinny - his fur stood on end and he shook his head in denial, eyes slammed shut.

"Garelth, please!" said Eyazen, his thighs contracting involuntarily. "If you don't stop, I may cum here!" He pulled his pelvic muscles in to prevent his caged member from unsheathing ... That was always excruciating.

Garelth took a sip of his ale, swashing the boozy concoction in his elongated muzzle before washing it down. He crossed his burly legs under the table, giving Eyazen a much-needed respite. "That should be enough for now." He took a whiff of his drink, letting its intoxicating aroma invade his nostrils with gusto. "I mean, I guess you're right - remember a few months ago? Barkeep thought it was milk!"

He belted out an uproarious chortle as Eyazen looked on, unblinking, features flat. He broke eye contact and shook his head, gulping down the mead in one go, the saccharine aftertaste mildly burning his throat - the spur-of-the-moment teasing had made him rather thirsty.

Garelth observed his pup downing the drink and nodded crisply, raising his own cup. "Attaboy!"Yep, that's right ... Drink it as quick as you can. The lionorse stared at Eyazen's bobbing Adam's apple with a flare of his nostrils and a contented flick of his mane.

"Good pup!" Eyazen's characteristic precum odor mingled with Garelth's scrotal musk as a dollop of pre-ejaculate dribbled onto the lionorse's torso and formed a line down the outline of his abdominal muscles. "Lose the shaky arms ..." The wolf clenched his handpaws as he fought to steady his trembling forearms, a drop of sweat detaching itself from his matted forehead fur.

Eyazen's knees rested on either side of the warrior's toned thighs, his handpaws balled up into fists on the ground next to the lionorse's underarms, his hips imperceptibly rocking back and forth as Garelth worked his pink, unsheathed cock with his nimble fingers. The fire mage's bushy tail and the lionorse's fur-tipped extremity intertwisted. "So, pup, how many edges have we done so far?" said the hybrid with a projected voice, raising his eyebrows.

The canine's nostrils clenched and released as he fought the passion building between his legs. "Th--That's 43 edges, sir." His glutes were going haywire under his svelte, black coat, a byproduct of intense sexual frustration and the urge to relax from his posture. His buttocks muscles contracted from the strain and he semi-involuntarily thrust into Garelth's handpaws, covering the lionorse's long muzzle in viscous precum. "No! Bad pup!" His master's large hand swung open and Eyazen's cock bobbed freely in the hut's musky air, deprived of stimulation.

"I'm so--sorry, sir!" The wolf's toes clenched horribly as he used every iota of willpower to not grab his cock and hurl canid seed everywhere. He hyperventilated, his libidinous breath blowing in Garelth's pleased face, prompting the swordsman to give his own exposed, erect phallus a couple of pleasant tugs. "Please, sir ... It won't happen again ..." The mage's eyes were clamped shut and his fingers spread and gnarled as he struggled to rid his mind of desires that would infuriate Garelth if he gave in.

The hybrid winked at his pet and rubbed his frenulum against Eyazen's. "That will be one more edge before you get to shoot your load, pup." Garelth's voice was matter-of-fact and nearly monotonous, except for the emphasis on "pup" - the canid knew he was being serious; his carnal passion had cost him ... But not that much. Eyazen's features relaxed as he realized that, at the very least, he'd get to enjoy a long, satisfying orgasm at the end of his present ordeal. "So now you'll have to be edged three more times, instead of just twice, before I release all that spunk you've built up." The wolf's face tensed up again, teeth baring and ears pressing against his sweaty head, as the prospect of three more denials finally registered. His sweet spot being teased didn't help matters either ...

"Yes, sir." His ass struggled to maintain its composure as Garelth's spry handjob recommenced. Eyazen tensed every muscle in his arms as his belly inflated with an exaggerated breath. "Good pup," said the burly hybrid, the tips of his agile fingers stroking the musky, damp fur of his furry friend's scrotum, eliciting the most subtle yet agonizing microreactions - his whiskers twitched with each tickle up his ballsack, the muscles in his brows would wiggle every single time his master's paw grazed the sensitive, ticklish sides of his testicles, and his nose's tip would perk up when a claw scritched his taint.

Eyazen's determination slipped for a fraction of a second and his pelvis rocked into the sumptuous handjob, his skin gliding against Garelth's smooth palm, extracting more pleasure than what his master intended. "NO!" The lionorse grasped the disobedient mage's cock by the base, refusing to give him further stimulation, Eyazen's already swollen glans ballooning even further. "Next time, I ruin it and you go back in the cage for another month! Got it, pup?" The lionorse glared up at his puppy. All the unfortunate wolf could do was emit a wretched, miserable whimper of submission, his legs desperate to fuck the hand around his member. "Good boy."

After the longest time, Garelth's hand began its mesmerizing massage, coaxing a long spurt of precum out of Eyazen's shaft. The canid even felt the long rope of pre-ejaculate exiting his piss slit, and for a heart-stopping moment the wolf thought he'd cum - to his infinite relief, he glanced down and saw the clear liquid pooling on his master's stomach. But he wasn't out of the clear yet. He had to manage to find a way to last three more edges. His taint tingled maddeningly ... A few more strokes and he'd graze the point of no return for the 44th time that grueling, three-hour session. His sweaty paw pad slipped on the smooth, timber floor and he managed to hold on by digging his canine claws in.

"Sir ... I--I'm cumming! Please, stop!" As Garelth released his twitching cock, Eyazen's nose picked up the scent of his own musk and desperation - cursed with a sensitive canid nose, this would almost always happen when the lionorse's mighty paw snapped open to cease stimulation. Eyazen's taint throbbed beneath his musky fur, on the verge of pumping seed up his cock.

"Two more and you'll shoot ropes, pup." Revitalized by the desire to release gallons of cruelly confined jizz, Eyazen shook his head and brushed aside any demons of lust he had lingering. His twitching cock stabilized, ready for more stimulation - Garelth readily complied, a master at reading his pup's body language. The warrior's hair-embellished wrist bobbed up and down as the lavish handjob started anew, Eyazen finding it hard to resist the electric friction and letting out an unvocalized, throaty howl but mustering the fortitude to keep his needy body still.

"You're doing great, pup." The two friends frotted, Garelth enjoying the velvety sensation of the back of his cockhead rubbing against the slimy, precum-coated wolf cock. "What will happen if you get carried away?" The hybrid warrior's face was particularly rosy, a twinkle of mischief in both eyes.

Eyazen's nose expelled the whiff of sweat, musk and pre-ejaculate with a canine huff as he readied himself to speak. "Yo--You'll ruin it, sir." As he said the word "ruin", his face contorted grimly as if walking on hot coals. The cartilage in his throat throbbed as another gulp of saliva went past his larynx.

"And do we enjoy that, pup?" Garelth's devious tone was marked by his felid heritage, accentuated by more happy-go-lucky Clydesdale genes. He squeezed his pet's cock at the base and squeezed out an impossibly long tube of Cowper's fluid, the wolf seemingly peeing it out in a continuous, crystal-clear, sticky stream that impinged upon the lionorse's shapely chest.

"No, sir ... I hate it ..."

Garelth slapped the boy's loaded balls with the pads of his other paw. "That isn't what I asked ... I asked if_we_ enjoyed that, pup." Eyazen's cheeks reddened as he flinched, his knees shuffling on the mercilessly flat floor to ease his discomfort. "Are you blushing because you want to shoot ropes all over me, or because I humiliated you, pup?" Garelth's eyes locked with the frustrated wolf's, his tongue licking his horsey lips, a barely visible puff of condensate emanating from his flaring nostrils. "Because you may not enjoy it, pup. But I love it ..."

"Yes, sir." Eyazen subdued himself lest Garelth decide at the last minute that he wouldn't orgasm today after all. Restraining himself would be easier, however, if the scrumptious handjob wasn't coaxing him closer and closer to the thing he wanted most. Even though they were on fire beneath his sweaty coat, his thighs strained as the tempting desire to ejaculate was upon him again.

"Stop, sir!" This time, Garelth's hand came to rest around Eyazen's knot. He enjoyed savoring his pulsating bulb - it signaled his pet's intense desire to cum, to feel the rhythmic relief of draining his balls. The thought made a spurt of pre exit the lionorse's own manhood with a shudder, the glob hitting Eyazen's unsheathed, sensitive frenulum, the warmth cajoling a shallow breath out of the canid.

"Good pup ... One more edge to go!" He was the wolf's cheerleader and tormentor all-in-one. To his hand, the pulsatile desperation in his pet's knot had waned. "Ready to show me who's a good pup?" His fingertip trailed up the taut, fleshy skin and began scritching at the wolfish sweet spot. He slow-blinked at Eyazen and observed the canid's eyelids quivering with each frenulum stroke.

"Y--Yes, sir. I'm ready." Eyazen's chest had a spotty, irregular rash. Garelth knew he was absolutely desperate to jizz. One more edge would be the ultimate test - it would push the fire mage to his very limit. To Eyazen, it was worth it, as long as he got to indulge in the cumshot of a lifetime. The wolf stretched and bent his aching fingers. His neck twisted and the joints cracked. He had to prepare himself for this final phase. There was no way he could fail - that orgasm was_his_.

As soon as the hybrid paw touched the canine dick, another rope of precum was emitted - this time, it splashed all over Garelth's broad shoulders. "You sure do leak a lot of before cumming," said the warrior as the sloppy handjob started for the umpteenth time that day.

Eyazen's teeth showed as if he were about to maul someone to death, forgetting he had the ability to immolate them instantaneously. The urge to forget Garelth's commands and enjoy what would be the best orgasm of his life was intense. But despite their occasional differences during their habitual skirmishes, he had immense respect for his hybrid sidekick and friend - no, he couldn't betray him. Up and down went the furry paw around his virility. On the very brink of what felt like infinite, everlasting pleasure, he grazed the point of no return.


Summoning felid reflexes, Garelth's paw opened instantaneously. Eyazen diverted every single iota of strength he had left in his achy body to his groin, clamping down every muscle and tendon there with impossible force. His cock dry-heaved in the most gruesome fashion, on the verge of being tipped over the edge. He wanted to relax and let go so badly ... But without stimulation, he knew it would feel soul-shattering and overwhelmingly disappointing. Eyazen's jaw muscles roared in his ears as his teeth gnashed, his eyes clamped shut.

"Good pup ... Almost there." The wolf's whiskers were unnaturally straight as the maddening pressure in his groin faded, his ballsack pulled tight into his body both from grazing the point of ejaculatory inevitability and from his pelvic muscles straining to keep himself in check. A guttural, vibrato-laden groan filled the hut as Eyazen realized just how bad he had cramped his muscles down there. But no matter ... The huge orgasm would set everything right.

"That's three edges, pup." The lionorse's voice was sickeningly sweet, the monotonous drone a thing of the past. "Ready to reclaim you reward?" Stupefied beyond belief, still trying to push the discomfort in his crotch out of his mind, Eyazen nodded, taking deep, diaphragmatic breaths.

Garelth's paw wrapped itself around the pup's engorged desperation, the mere touch causing an avalanche of precum to erupt from the tip. "Pup. You've been extremely well-behaved these past few weeks, despite the very occasional slipup." Eyazen's eyes were locked on his master's beady, equine eyes, awaiting permission, his chest rising and falling in anticipation. "You now get to shoot your load." The wolf's body trembled, his eyes closing shut as lifelike images of hot, sticky pleasure shooting out of his crotch at impossible speeds creeped into his mind. "Now, I'm going to start stroking ... Stay as still as you can, and let me know when you're there, all right?" Garelth gave the canid cock a good squeeze - the lionorse always did this when he wanted Eyazen to respond - making the glans and the knot swell, another string of Cowper's fluid spewing forth from the urethral opening to ooze down the sides of the lionorse's massive erection. Eyazen nodded frantically. His thighs were on fire, both from physical exertion and the overwhelming desire to relieve his weekslong sexual frustration ...

Eyazen's eyes rolled into the back of his head and a particularly low-pitched guttural growl was cajoled out of his voice box as the lionorse began stroking. "Still. And do not forget to tell me when you feel it going up your wolf cock for the first time." The wolf's bulb throbbed against the base of Garelth's stroking paw - ejaculation was imminent, the fragrance of Garelth's sweaty musk heightening the wolf's eagerness to coat his friend.

"S--Sir, I--I'm cumming!" Eyazen's body went stiff as a board, welcoming the pleasurable ropes of canine seed that he felt going up past his knot, past the lionorse's massaging hand, and finally reaching his glans. The canine's body clenched, awaiting that eruption of toe-curling ecstasy that would accompany the hearty spurt of spunk shooting out of his precum-dribbling piss slit. He felt the warmth of the seed pooling in the base of his cock, the magnificent rush of it flowing through his urethra, and a urine-like feeling of liquid coming out - but none of the relief he craved.

Eyazen felt the lionorse buck beneath him and his hand shudder around his cock. Confused by the commotion and the lack of sensation, his head angled downwards, and his eyebrow raised. Garelth's hips jolted as if shocked with electricity, his eyes rolled into the back of his head with his tongue flapping out of his barely parted teeth. A sound that could only be described as the whinny of an insane horse going in and out of the deathly roar of a lion came from some place deep within Garelth's throat.

The next few emissions landed on the warrior's face, a couple of droplets even making it past his parted teeth. "Wh--What??" Eyazen couldn't understand - the ropes were thick and hearty and Garelth was pawing him like no tomorrow providing ample stimulation. Why wasn't he feeling it? And what was wrong with Garelth?

Eyazen grimaced and started fucking his master's hand, hoping he'd get to enjoy it, but it only seemed to enhance the lionorse's reaction for some reason. Each shot of spunk made Garelth, and not Eyazen, shudder and rumble in ecstasy, and the wolf noticed that Garelth was pawing him exactly like when the hybrid himself masturbated.

For the longest time, Eyazen's canid thighs propelled him into the lionorse's paw, desperate to fell even a scintilla of pleasure. His cock kept spurting the juiciest, richest strings, each and every one of them coating the seemingly possessed lionorse's mane, face, neck, and torso as he continued shrieking and bellowing, his bucking as frenetic as ever.

With a whimper, Eyazen's head lowered and his shoulders drooped as much as they could while holding the position ... The volume of his seedy eruptions had dwindled. He realized that it was almost over - his chance at relishing that pleasure Garelth rarely allowed him to enjoy ... Nearly gone. As Eyazen's "orgasm" waned, he watched dejectedly, his hips still thrusting, as Garelth's wild grunts turned into softer groans, his paw still draining the flustered pup's cock of the last jets of wolfish semen, the warrior's lurches dying down.

Garelth's voice box shook with the final spritz, the dribble sliding down half the length of Eyazen's erection and detaching to pool into the lionorse's navel. "Wow! Thanks, pup! I--I had no clue that's what it feels like to cum with a knot! Phew!" He glanced down at his bodily fluid-coated torso - his entire stomach, chest and shoulders were covered in sweat and precum, and he had just noticed the cooling puddles of cum ... He even tasted some of the wolf's salty seed on his tongue. "Sheesh, you came rivers!"

Eyazen's arms gave out, and he collapsed on his side, whimpering, the lionorse still supine. "I didn't feel anything when it came out." The wolf's voice was barely a mumble. "I mean, it's been a while since I came properly, but I do fucking know it's supposed to feel good!" He sighed and rubbed his eyes with balled up fists.

Garelth turned to his side, elbow resting on the floor, to face the fire mage. "Oh, I'm well aware, pup."

Eyazen's ears perked up. "Wh--What was that?"

"I know you didn't feel any pleasure when you came - I did." The lionorse pursed his lips into a smile and flashed his eyebrows at him.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You did_what_?" Deep down, he knew Garelth was responsible for what had just happened, but he was prepared to let it go and assume his body had become too accustomed to ruined orgasms to even climax properly.

"I mean, I felt what you were supposed to. I felt what you should have felt when you came," Garelth said, flashing the fire mage another smile as the concoction of bodily emissions oozed down the warrior's torso.

"Ho--How? Wh--what?" A blend of anger, confusion and frustration spewed from Eyazen's mouth as he blinked repeatedly.

"Remember that legend of the H'galian Catacombs? The one about the Accursed Book of Spells? It's ... real."

Eyazen's muzzle was ajar.

"Yep. I went there a few days ago. Place is creepy as all Hades - but that tome exists ... I have it!"

The wolf pursed his lips and exhaled from his nose. "The H'galian Catacombs? You realize how dangerous that pla--"

"I actually wanted it to be able to do that fire magic stuff--"

"No! You can't do that!" Eyazen's tempestuous voice startled the hybrid - first he'd robbed him of his orgasm through whatever means, now he was trying to ... become a fire mage?!

"Eyazen, relax. I didn't do any of the fire stuff ... But I did happen across this one spell. Sensation Transfer."

Eyazen sat up and hugged his legs, his forehead resting against his knees. "Sensation Transfer ...?"

Garelth stood on his knees, his large paws behind him, and motioned to his torso with his eyes. "Yeah. With it, you can transfer any sensation - pain, cold, burning, tickling ..." He paused, his chest inflating an inch, gaze still fixed on his canid friend. "... Erotic pleasure."

Eyazen stared back with an eyebrow cocked, ignoring the lionorse's implicit command. "Garelth, get to the point ..."

"Remember that mead back at the tavern?"

The wolf's eyes widened. "Are you serious, Garelth? You spiked my drink? With an ingestion spell?! And you expect me to clean you off now? With my_tongue_?!" Eyazen's lips were parted and pulled back in disgust.

"Eyazen, I wasn't even sure it'd work ... I only knew it did when you started cumming!" Garelth lowered his gaze to try and meet his friend's eyes.

"Whatever ... Look, how long does the spell last?" asked the fire mage, sniffling and massaging his snout.

"That was kinda your decision, pup. Shouldn't have drunk that acerglyn so quickly!"

Eyazen sighed and, adopting a mirrored position in front of the lionorse, proceeded to work the warrior's chest. "Might as well ..."

Sexy Short 10: Triple Snakes Eyes II

"Please, come on!" Lupine toes gnarled as if afflicted with arthritis. "It's been way too long ..." His chest jerked and his whiskers caught a couple of drops of spittle. "I need it so bad!" _Being in a dom-sub relationship as the bottom was...

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Sexy Short 9: The Ruined Female Orgasm

### The Ruined Female Orgasm: A Multiple Case Study In BDSM scenarios, it is frequent to observe males being the recipients of so-called "ruined orgasms": the male is masturbated up to and beyond the point of orgasmic inevitability, at which point...

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Sexy Short 8: Right on Time

_Don't you dare cum._ His stomach quivered as he let out a deep breath, focusing intently on the feelings in his genitals. The pads of his fingers and his palm barely touched the swollen girth of his erect cock. _OK, you can do this._ Sensing that the...

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